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Transform your life with astrology using the following 7 part guide.

Part One: Self-awareness

Astrology can be a great psychological tool for understanding yourself and of others. In Europe
when training to become a Jungian therapist you need to learn astrology as another method for
exploring the psyche of the client. Knowing your horoscope can illuminate your talents,
strengths, weaknesses and fears. It can provide insight into the overall trajectory of your life and
to shed light onto your destiny. The horoscope will describe your emotional programming that
begins with your early childhood development. The Sun represents how you responded to your
father or even lack of a father and the Moon represents the mother and how you were nurtured or
not. Mercury can represent siblings and your early childhood education whereas Jupiter will
describe your desire for higher education.

The horoscope is broken down into 3 main areas of planets, signs and houses. The planets are
the characters in your play and the signs are the personality of each character and the houses
represent the background scenery. The Sun represents the life force of the horoscope describing
what is important to you. The Moon represents what you need to do to be comfortable
emotionally. Mercury describes how you think and communicate. Venus describes your
relationship patterns and also any creative talents and what you value in life. Mars is the warrior
in mythology and will describe your courage, willpower and physical strength or how to defend
yourself. Jupiter describes your long-term education and your belief systems whether it’s religion
or your own spiritual path. Saturn describes our security and financial needs to feel safe but also
describes our fears and limitations. Uranus is the planet of individuation and the need to be
unique. Neptune describes what may inspire us or denial and what we may avoid. Pluto describes
where we need to transform our lives. Pluto is the darkness and shadow that when confronted
can release many hidden psychological treasures. Chiron is an asteroid discovered in 1976 and is
known as the wounded healer and can indicate how we may feel like a victim but can also
describe how we can heal others through empathy and compassion.
Each planet will have one of 12 different personality trails from the 12 zodiac signs but that is
just the basic foundation as a planet; such as your Sun will also be influenced by any planetary
relationship with other planets. You may have a sensitive Pisces Sun but your Sun may be
influenced or aspected by aggressive Mars, or rebellious Uranus and so forth. But first it’s
important to learn the basic keywords for each sign.

The signs or the personality traits.

Aries: I am
Taurus: I have
Gemini: I think
Cancer: I feel
Leo: I will
Virgo: I analyze
Libra: I balance
Scorpio: I desire
Sagittarius: I perceive
Capricorn: I use
Aquarius: I know
Pisces: I believe

The planets or the characters in your play.

––The Sun "Life Force"

––––Your true-self. 

––––The father, authority, and confidence. 

––––What's important to you?
––The Moon "Inner World"

––––How you relate emotionally. 

––––The mother, family, and habits. 

––––What are your sensitivities?

––Mercury "To The World"

––––How you communicate. 

––––Learning, speaking & thinking. 

––––What's your level of openness?

––Venus "Goddess of Beauty"

––––How you form relationships. 

––––Love, marriage, and creativity. 

––––What attracts you?

––Mars "Warrior"

––––How you take action. 

––––Willful, aggressive, and energetic. 

––––What drives you?

––Jupiter "Seeker of knowledge and wisdom"

––––Larger than life . 

––––Knowledge, wisdom, and education. 

––––Spirituality, travel, and religion. 

––––What makes you lucky?

––Saturn "Boundaries, control and security"


––––Where your insecurities lay. 

––––Controlling tendencies. 

––––What do you fear?

––Uranus "Innovation, liberation and individuation"

––––Unpredictable, rebellion, freedom. 


––Neptune "Inspiration"

––––The dream, the vision. 

––––Disappointment, denial, and confusion.

––Pluto "Transformation"

––––Deep Secrets. 


The houses are the backdrop or the scenery where each character performs.

––1ˢᵗ House "The Beginning"

––––Your body. 

––––Your personality. 

––––Your first impression. 

––––Who are you?

––2ⁿᵈ House "Your Income"

––––Your monetary value. 

––––Your possessions and cash flow. 

––––What do you want?

––3ʳᵈ House "Your Mind"

––––Communications, learning, and ideas. 

––––Travel plans and short trips. 

––––What do you think?

––4ᵗʰ House "Your Home & Family"

––––Your roots. 

––––Your psychological foundation. 

––––Your siblings and loved ones. 

––––Who's close to you?

––5ᵗʰ House "Creative Expression"

––––Children and entertainment. 

––––Games, gambling, and speculation. 

––––Love and romance. 

––––What interests you?

––6ᵗʰ House "Your Work & Health"

––––Your job, work routine, and co-workers. 

––––What we need to work through. 

––––How we serve others. 

––––What do you do?

––7ᵗʰ House "Relationships & Others"

––––Marriage, personal connections, and partnerships. 

––––Your interactions with others. 

––––Who's your tribe?

––8ᵗʰ House "Mystery"


––––Your obligations. 

––––Abandonment, rejection, and isolation. 

––––Who are you inside?

––9ᵗʰ House "Your Education"

––––Higher knowledge. 

––––Seeking powerful information. 

––––What compels you?

––10ᵗʰ House "Your Career & Reputation"

––––The world outside. 

––––Your greater purpose in life. 

––––How the world sees you. 

––––Why are you here?

––11ᵗʰ House "Your Friends & Associates"

––––Team effort and group energy. 

––––Your hopes, dreams and aspirations. 


––12ᵗʰ House "Charity"

––––Compassion and sharing. 

––––Spiritual practices and empathy. 

––––Hiding, retreating, and depression.

Interpreting the chart is much like putting a puzzle together. You first need to examine how each
planet is operating and how they express themselves and the house location would describe the
area of life that each planet is highlighting or most interested in. The Sun position indicates
where you light up or what interests you most and you need to know how the Sun operates by
examining its sign or personality and if any other planet is supporting or hurting the Sun. If you
are not fulfilling the promises of your Sun you would find it difficult to be happy with your life
and finding any type of success would be more challenging. You go through the same analysis
with each planet in your chart as you begin to uncover the life path and purpose in the horoscope.

Part Two: Psychological Tool

I have always been told by clients when I focus mainly on a personality analysis that they should
have had a reading before going into counseling. Many have commented that my personality
profiles are like having a year or more of therapy. Understanding your emotional habits and
patterns starts with the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. The Sun initially represents the father figure
in your early life and your Sun is your perception of him that becomes an ingrained role model
for you adult life. The Moon represents the mother figure and how you were nurtured and cared
for as a child that later in life will shed light on how you care for others. But it all starts with the
Rising Sign which is based on your time of birth. It represents the sign that was rising on the
eastern horizon when you were born and represents how you want to be seen when first meeting
others. The rising sign describes your personality or the mask you put on when interacting with
the world. We tend not to reveal our Sun sign or our true self until we can trust others. The rising
sign is how you initiate new projects. If you have an Aries rising you may jump into any new
situation quickly whereas a Taurus rising likes to take it slow and a Scorpio rising is usually
suspicious of any new encounters and will be more guarded. Sagittarius rising initially is very
outgoing but Capricorn can be reserved and more formal.

If your Sun is in a stressful aspect to your rising sign you may be inclined to hide your true self
at first and if your caring Moon is in a challenging aspect to your rising sign you may find it
difficult to get your emotional needs met or allowing yourself to be more open and vulnerable.
Most horoscopes have either the Sun or Moon in a difficult aspect with the rising sign but the
other in a more positive alignment. Therefore you could shine with confidence with the Sun
favorable with the rising sign but emotionally more shy and uncomfortable if the Moon is in a
difficult aspect to the rising sign. Then there is the situation when the Sun and Rising sign are
the same called a double sign. If you have an Aries rising and an Aries Sun you would be called
a double Aries meaning that you come on strong and can either be a confident leader or someone
more self-involved. If the Moon, Sun and Rising sign are all in the same sign you would be
called a triple sign. These people can be very intense but often very complicated because they
would also be born on the New Moon when the Moon and Sun are aligned and New Moon
people tend to be more reserved but when on the rising sign the personality is strong and
dynamic but at the same time guarded and private.

If you are born of the Full Moon it means your Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other and
Full Moon people can light up a room with their outgoing charisma whereas the New Moon
people are more low key. But Full Moon people have more difficulties with relationships and
usually because in childhood the mother Moon was in opposition to the father Sun meaning that
the child perceived men and women as being very different. Therefore they often find it difficult
to compromise. New Moon people may have felt more ignored in childhood but find it easier to
be alone as an adult whereas Full Moon people find it more uncomfortable when alone.

Part Three: Relationship compatibility.

Astrology can be a very useful tool for understanding your partner and gaining insights into your
strengths and weaknesses with each other and how to best relate to each other. There are two
basic methods for determining compatibility. The first is comparing each of the planets with the
other chart which is called synastry. The other method is casting a separate chart based on the
midpoint of the respective birthdates or taking the midpoints between each planet with each
other. Fortunately computer software can create a relationship chart very quickly. The best
synastry combination is when the Sun in a male chart is in the same sign as the Moon in the
female chart. For same sex relationships the Sun may represent the more dominate partner and
the Moon the more receptive partner. When your assertive and willful Mars is in tension with
the other person’s Mars it can indicate a great deal of physical activity and can also indicate
being competitive or argumentative with each other.

When I began my astrological studies I was seeking insight into my relationships that kept me
motivated as I kept researching all my reference books to determine if a new relationship had any
longevity. What I began to notice in my relationship charts that when exciting but unpredictable
Uranus was in a difficult aspect to the relationship Venus that would indicate the sudden
attraction between us but also here today and gone tomorrow. When rebellious Uranus was also
influencing the Sun or Moon that the same result would occur. But what it did teach me was to
lower my expectations and try to enjoy the moment as the relationship was probably going to be
temporary but at least I was more prepared for the ending.

When examining the synastry between two charts it’s also important to examine Mercury and
how you two would communicate with each other and also learning what is on the mind of the
partner; such as do they take commitment seriously or not. Restrictive Saturn is another
important planet to examine as the rest of the chart could indicate a romantic connection but
Saturn is indicating blocks or delays, which may be because the other person has other
responsibilities that keeps the relationship from developing. A Neptune connection between
charts may indicate secrets. One important point to remember is that two charts could be very
compatible but the timing could be bad for it to develop into a serious relationship. You look to
the transits and your solar return “birthday” chart to see if you are in a positive relationship cycle
or are you focused on other matters; such as career, health or family obligations.

Children is a major consideration for most people especially when married. You can determine if
the female chart promises children or not and can often indicate the potential for alternative
methods to giving birth or adoption. The 5th house of the chart is the sector ruling over children
and you need to examine the condition of any planet located in the 5th but also the ruler of the
sign of the 5th especially if the house is empty of planets which does not mean no children. The
Moon is the planet of mother hood and you need to judge the condition of the Moon to see if the
woman even wants to have children. Transits or progressions to the 5th or the ruler of the 5th or to
the Moon can indicate events with children, conceiving. or giving birth.

Part Four: Solar Return charts

The solar return chart is very important for understanding the overall trends from birthday to
birthday. The SR chart is cast for when your Sun “returns” to its birth or natal position and
casting the chart for where you live and not from where you were born. You may have heard
about spending your birthday in another location to help change the energy of the chart. The
rising sign for the SR chart is important for describing the tone of the year but also for
overlapping the SR chart over your natal chart and seeing which house sector the SR 1st house is
triggering in the natal chart. Your SR rising sign for where you live may overlap your natal 12th
house of secrets or transitions that you may want to avoid. But if you spent your birthday in
another city it could change the rising sign to overlap your 1st house of new beginnings or your
7th of relationships or the 10th of career matters. The position of the Sun and other planets could
also be changed to other house sectors; such as moving the Sun from the 8th of financial
obligations to the 9th of international travel. The general rule of thumb is to arrive the day or two
prior to your birthday and spend a couple of more days in the new location.
I began taking SR birthday trips in the mid-80’s and also began suggesting places for clients to
travel to places that gives a more favorable SR for the year. What I learned over the years is that
it can have an effect but you are still going back home to whatever challenge you were hoping
the SR would mitigate. An example is that you may have been very worried about your business
or finances or perhaps your health or a relationship. Spending several days in another location is
not going to change your circumstances but it could give you a different perspective or giving
you other options that you hadn’t considered so that when you do return home you may have a
better outlook to resolve any challenges.

When combining the general trends indicated in the Solar Return with the transits and
progressions in your chart for the year it can provide you with many insights for the year. If you
know in advance that money is going to be tight you could prepare by budgeting or downsizing
before confronting any financial challenge. If your chart is indicating a possible job change you
could begin looking for a backup plan. And if you hoping to fall in love you could judge from the
chart what the trends are forecasting.

Part Five: Predictions

Events can be predicted by examining the transits and progressions in your chart along with the
Solar Return chart. Planets transit or move around the solar system or around your horoscope.
The cycle of the Sun, Mercury and Venus around the horoscope is one year but 2 years for Mars
and 12 years for Jupiter and 30 years for Saturn. When a transiting planet aspects or triggers a
natal planet in your chart you can begin judging what the effects may occur. One important thing
to remember is that transits cannot bring you anything that wasn’t promised in the natal
horoscope. If you are not destined to be famous a powerful transit to your 10th house of visibility
will not suddenly put you in the national spotlight but you could get more recognition at your job
or in your community. People like to hope that when lucky Jupiter is transiting a financial sector
that they could attract a great deal of money or an inheritance but if your chart wasn’t indicating
the promise for wealth then a great transit of Jupiter will only give you a little extra income. You
have to know your chart and what is promised for you in this lifetime and then judge the transits
and progressions to determine when the promises may manifest.

Progressions are like transits as they slowly move around the horoscope but progressions are
how your natal planets are progressing or maturing. There are two types of progressions named
secondary progressions and solar arc progressions. Secondary progression are determined with
the rule that each day after the day you were born is like a year so that when you are 30 years old
you would look to where all the planets shifted to the 30th day after your birth. Solar arc is
moving every planet approximately one degree for year of life so that when you are 30 you move
every planet 30 degrees. I don’t know why progressions work but they will trigger important life

The Sun progresses through each sign every 30 years and the year is changes signs is a when you
will feel a different energy shift in your life. There is a New Moon and a Full Moon every 28
days but when judging the secondary progressions everyone will experience a progressed New
Moon or Full Moon every 28 years. The New Moon describes a new personal path and I have
found that a person doesn’t begin to find their true calling in life until their first progressed New
Moon after the age of 30 or after your first Saturn Return at 29. The progressed Full Moon is
when important matters in your life come to a head for a successful culmination or for letting go.
The progressions can describe the emotional patterns that are unfolding in your life by checking
out the movement of the progressed Moon that moves through each sign every 2 ½ years. The
secondary progressed Moon describe what you need to experience; such as if your progressed
Moon in the 7th house of marriage and partnerships or the 2nd of income or the 9th of higher
education or international travel.

Part Six: Health

Astrologers cannot diagnosis health conditions and besides it’s illegal. But your horoscope can
judge if your overall health is strong or weak and what are the areas that could be a problem
when triggered by transits or progressions. But again if you have a strong body indicated by the
chart and a potential long life then when a very stressful transit occurs to a planet that could
indicate health matters you would be able to treat your condition successfully. The rising sign or
the first house rules the physical body along with the 6th house of health matters and the Sun, the
planet ruling over the body. If you have several planets in the 6th at birth you may be prone to
health problems but you may also be interested in a job in the medical and healing profession it
just depends on the conditions of the planets in your 6th or the condition of your Sun. Is your
Sun supported by protective energies such as Jupiter or Venus or is your Sun stressed by difficult
aspects from weakening Neptune or restrictive Saturn.

In general you need to judge the condition of each planet and the rising sign to see if they are
supported favorably or not. A weaken planet in your chart when triggered by a major transit of
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto could indicate a health condition. But knowing in advance of
any potential health matters can help you be more proactive and better prepared. The rising sign
rules the physical constitution overall and if a major outer planet of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto is
in a challenging aspect to your rising sign it could indicate stress to the body. The Sun can
represent the heart or the back and the Moon rules the stomach, body fluids and the breasts.
Mercury rules hearing, speaking, breathing and the nervous system. Venus rules the throat,
thyroid and the genitals. Mars can indicate accidents but also blood pressure and Jupiter rules
the liver, hips and thighs. Saturn rules the knees, bones and skin and Uranus rules the ankles,
Neptune rules over hard to diagnosis ailments and Pluto rules over the reproductive and
elimination regions.

Part Seven: Career and Life Purpose

The horoscope can indicate talents and aspirations and can be a great tool for understanding what
career you are best suited for but also when jobs or a career could change or manifest. The 10th
house sector rules the career, visibility, reputation and authority figures. The 2nd house rules your
income, the 6th rules your daily work routine and service and the 8th rules over joint ventures,
investments and settlements. The Sun, Moon and the ruler of the rising sign are the first planets
to judge when determining your career path. The Sun rules leadership, confidence and what you
are most interested so the house position is the first thing to check out and then the sign and any
aspects to your Sun.

As an example in my horoscope the Sun definitely describes my career path and also my life
purpose. My Sun shines in the 9th of media, marketing, teaching and international travel and my
astrology career involves teaching and a lot of marketing and the media as being on Youtube
promoting my forecasts globally. My career took off in the mid-eighties when I moved to Los
Angeles and began producing a weekly public access TV show much like what I do on Youtube
each month. I also have been on many TV and radio shows over the years describing my 9th
house of media. But my first childhood memories was living in Japan as my father was in the
military and ever since my passion outside of astrology is traveling the world. The Moon can
also give clues to your career because its placement describes where you feel most comfortable
and again in my horoscope the Moon occupies my career 10th house which is also the sector of
fame and visibility and I am obviously very comfortable having a public career. Plus the planet
ruling your rising sign is called the chart ruler and its condition and placement will also give
clues to your career and life purpose. The chart ruler is where I start to look when judging the
life purpose of the chart but also examining the North Node position as it describes what you are
drawn to on a deeper level and the opposite South Node can indicate past life or ingrained

If the Sun is your chart ruler you may seek out a position of leadership or the Moon could
indicate working with the public or caretaking and Mercury is the writer, seller or communicator
and Venus gives creative desires or talents and Mars is the fighter and also rules over technical
skills and Jupiter can indicate the teacher, counselor or traveler. Saturn is the responsible one and
Uranus seeks to be innovative and free and Neptune seeks inspiration as well as the healing
professions and Pluto can indicate uncovering secrets that could indicate research, police
detective work or psychological counseling.

In today’s modern age people no longer stay with one job and retire at 65 with a pension. The
chart can indicate the periods when you are inclined to change jobs or even your career. And it
can describe when you may seek out more professional training or when you might attend
college and finally get your advanced degree to secure your career future.

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