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Dr. SK Nag’s Online OET Academy, Dr. Sumon Kumar Nag, sumon5734@gmail.

com, +8801839096737
Basic Grammar exercise
1. Which of the following is correct?

He plays football. He play football.

He will plays football. He will be play football.

Explanation: Present Indefinite Tense এএ subject এএএ third person singular number এএ এএএএএ verb এএ
এএএএ s, es এএএ এএএএ এএএএএএ এএএএ এএএ tense এএ এএএএএএএএ এএএ এএএ

2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: They _______ football.

plays play

playing are play

Explanation: Present Indefinite Tense এএ subject এএএ plural number এএ এএএএএ verb এএ এএএএ s/es
এএএ এএএ এএএ

3. এএ এএ এএএএএএ What will be the English of this sentence?

He do not read books. He is not reading books.

He does not read books. He will not read books.

Explanation: Present Indefinite Tense এএ subject, third person singular number এএএএ এএএএ এএএ
negative sentence এএ এএএএএ does not এএএএএএএ এএএএ এএএ verb এএ এএএএ s/es এএএ এএএএএএ

4. Which of the following is correct?

She wents to school. She go to school.

She went to school. She going to school.

Explanation: Past tense or future tense এএএ verb এএ এএএএ s/es এএএ এএএ এএএ এএএ এএএ tense এএ
structure এএএএএএএ verb এএএএএ

5. What will be the form of verb after Modal Auxiliary verb?

Present form Past form

Participle form Past participle form

Explanation: Modal Auxiliary verb (এএএএ: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need,
dare, have to, must etc.) এএ এএএ verb এএ present form এএএ এএএ verb এএ এএএএ এএএ এএএএ এএএ
এএ এএএ এএএএ: Lisa can do the work.

6. If the sentence is a universal truth or habitual fact, the tense will be________.

Past Indefinite Tense Present Indefinite Tense

Future Indefinite Tense Present Continuous Tense

Explanation: এএএএএএএ এএএ universal truth (এএএএএএএ এএএএ) এএ, habitual fact (এএএএএএএএ
এএএ) এএএএএ এএএএএ present indefinite tense এএএএ এএএএ: The earth moves around the sun.

7. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: It can be_____ by you.

do done

did doing
Explanation: Sentence এএ passive voice এএএ এএএ modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, shall,
should, will, would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.) এএ এএএ be + past participle form of verb এএএএ

8. Which of the following is correct?

Dr. SK Nag’s Online OET Academy, Dr. Sumon Kumar Nag,, +8801839096737
Basic Grammar exercise

I had better go to the market by this time. I had better gone to the market by this time.

I had better went to the market by this time. I had better going to the market by this time.
Explanation: Had, rather, let, would better, had better, need not, do not, does not, did not, did never,
এএএএএএএ এএ এএ present form of verb এএএএ

9. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: They have _________ very well.

perform performed

performing performs
Explanation: এএএএএএ verb- এএ এএএ have/has এএএএএ এএএএ present perfect tense এএএএ

10. I have ________ my work just now. Fill in the blank.

finish finishing

finishes finished
Explanation: Sentence এ yet, just, just now, recently, already, lately, ever এএএএএএএ এএএএএ present
perfect tense এএএএ

11. Which of the following is correct?

I feel very bad that day. I felt very bad that day.

I feels very bad that day. I have felt very bad that day.
Explanation: Sentence এ yesterday, ago, long ago, last year, last week, last month, that day, day before,
এএএএএএএ এএএএএ past indefinite tense এএএএ

12. The boy went to the book shop to_____ his text book. Fill in the blank.

buy bought

buying will buy

Explanation: To এএ এএএ এএএএএ verb এএ present form এএএএ

13. Which of the following is correct?

It has been rain for two hours. It has been rained for two hours.

It has raining for two hours. It has been raining for two hours.
Explanation: Since এএ for এএ এএ এএএএএ এএএএএএ এএএএএ এএএএ present perfect continuous tense

14. Which of the following is correct?

If you work hard, you will succeed in life. If you work hard, you succeeded in life.

If you will work hard, you succeed in life. If you will work hard, you would succeed in life.
Explanation: If এএএএএএ এএএএএ clause এএ এএএ present indefinite tense এএ এএএএএ এএএএ clause
এএ future indefinite tense এএএএ

15. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: I am looking forward to ______ with
Dr. SK Nag’s Online OET Academy, Dr. Sumon Kumar Nag,, +8801839096737
Basic Grammar exercise

work working

worked works
Explanation: With a view to/look forward to এএ এএ verb এএ এএএএ ing এএএ এএএএ

16. The singer expressed her feelings by _____ a song. Fill in the blank.

sing sang

sings singing
Explanation: By এএ এএ verb এএ এএএএ ing এএএ এএএএ

17. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb: Never pass a without________ at all.

laugh laughed

laughing laughs
Explanation: For, of, in, without, with, before, after এএএএএএএ preposition এএ এএএ verb এএ এএএএ ing
এএএ এএএ

18. I cannot help________ her. Fill in the blank.

help helping

helps helped
Explanation: Mind, would you mind, past, worth, could not help, cannot help এএ এএএ verb এএ এএএএ ing
এএএ এএএ

19. Which of the following is correct?

Would that I could meet her. Would that I could meeting her.

Would that I can meet her. Would that I can meeting her.
Explanation: Sentence এএ এএএএএএ এএএ would that এএএএ এএএএএ subject এএ এএ could এএএ এএএ
এএএএ verb এএ present form এএএএ

20. The work is to be ______ immediately. Fill in the blank.

do done

doing did
Explanation: To be/having/got এএএএএ verb এএ past participle form এএএ

21. It (be) two years ago. Which of the following is correct?

It was two years ago. It is two years ago.

It were two years ago. It has been two years ago.

Explanation: এএএএএএএএএএ (be) এএএএএ person, number এএএ tense এএএএএএএ
am/is/are/was/were/been এএএএ

22. The players _________ football now. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb:
Dr. SK Nag’s Online OET Academy, Dr. Sumon Kumar Nag,, +8801839096737
Basic Grammar exercise

played play

have played are playing

Explanation: এএএএএএএ এএএএ এএএএ এএএ এএএ এএএ এএএএএএ present continuous tense এএএ
এএএ এএএএএএএএ এএএএএএএ at present/now/at the moment এএএএএএএ adverb এএএএএএএ এএএ

23. Which of the following is correct?

If he came, I will go to the market. If he come, I will to the market.

If he came, I would go to the market. If he had come, I would go to the market.

Explanation: এএএ had/if এএএএএ clause এএ past indefinite tense এএ এএএএএ এএএএ clause এএ এএ
subject এএ এএ would/could/might এএএ এএএ verb এএ present form এএএ

24. If he had worked hard, he _________the promotion. Fill in the blank with the right
form of verb:

would have got would get

will get would got

Explanation: এএএ had/if এএএএএ clause এএ past perfect tense এএ এএএএএ এএএএ clause এএ এএ
subject এএ এএ would have/could have/might have এএএ এএএ verb এএ past participle form এএএ

25. Which of the following is correct?

It is high time you have changed your bad

habits. It is high time you change your bad habits.

It is high time you will change your bad

It is high time you changed your bad habits. habits.
Explanation: Wish/fancy/it is time/it is high time এএএএএএএ এএএএএ verb এএ past tense এএএএ

26. He behaves as if he ______ the prime minister of the country. Fill in the blank.

is will

would were
Explanation: As if/as though এএএএএ were এএএএ

27. Which of the following is correct?

One of the students are very intelligent. One of the students were very intelligent.

One of the students have been very intelligent. One of the students is very intelligent.
Explanation: Each, every, everyone, any, anyone, many a, everybody, everything, anybody, nobody, no one,
nothing, anything, someone, something, one of, either, neither এএএএএএএ এএএএএ verb এএ singular
number এএএএএএএ এএএ

28. While ______ through the garden, I found a gold ear ring there. Fill in the blank.

walk walking

walked walks
Explanation: While এএ এএ verb এএএএএ এএএএএ এএএএ ing এএএ এএএ

29. Which of the following is correct?

Dr. SK Nag’s Online OET Academy, Dr. Sumon Kumar Nag,, +8801839096737
Basic Grammar exercise

Twenty miles was a long way. Twenty miles were a long way.

Twenty miles are a long way. Twenty miles have been a long way.
Explanation: এএএএ এএএ এএএ এএএএএ, এএএএএএএ এএ এএএএএএ এএএএএএ subject এএএএএ
plural এএএ এএএএ verb এএ singular form এএএ

30. Jim told that he ______home the next week. Fill in the blank.

will go would go

went go
Explanation: Main clause এএ verb এএ past tense এএএ এ এএএএ এএএএ next day, next week, next month,
next year এএএএএএএ এএএএএএ এএএএএ subject এএ এএএ should/would এএএএ

31. Which of the following is correct?

Alice took her lunch before we had reached. Alice had taken her lunch after we reached.

Alice had taken her lunch before we reached. Alice took her lunch before we reached.
Explanation: After এএ এএএএ এএএ before এএ এএএএ clause এএ past perfect tense এএএ এএএ এএএএ
clause এএ past indefinite tense এএএএ

32. English____ spoken all over the world. Fill in the blank.

is are

were will
Explanation: Passive voice এএ এএএ tense এ person এএএএএএএ auxiliary verb এ verb এএ past participle
form এএএএ

33. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb: Rihan was so ill that he _______ not
attend the class.

can will

was could
Explanation: এএএএএএএএএএএএএ এএএএ Principle clause এএ verb এএএ past tense এএ এএএএএ
subordinate clause এএ verb এ past tense এএএ এএএ এএএএ present tense এএএ এএএএএএএ present tense

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