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Before submission of your essay, please complete this check list.

1 The terms in the title are defined
2 Counter claims present
3 Perspectives have been included
4 Contrasts between the areas that are
selected have been drawn
5 Points of similarity across the spectrum of
knowledge has been found
6 WOKs are weaved into answering the
knowledge claims and are not stand alone
7 Element/s of knowledge framework has
been considered when discussing the
8 Personal examples from classroom learning
of curriculum /CAS curriculum/IA/ Group 4
project etc has been included
9 Knowledge questions should have a logical
flow and they must contribute to the overall
answer to the prescribed title. KQs are not
alternatives to the title.
10 The task is to respond to the title exactly as
it has been presented. Do not change the
title in any way
11 Conclusion - Essay should not end abruptly.
Write a conclusion which draws things
together and gives your reader a sense of
closure. Rather than repeating what you
have already said, try to find a new way of
formulating your key insights.
12 Bibliography- Are there bibliographic
entries for all cited materials? Is it properly
13 Spell and grammar check done
14 Word count is done and is <1600 Word
limit should be closer to 1600
15 Font is Times Roman /Ariel
16 Spacing is 1.5/2.0
17 Cover page has the title and number of
18 There is no reference to your name/school
in the essay
19 You have authenticated that it is your own
20 Your file has the complete essay and is a
word document
21 You have read the essay one last time after
all alterations before uploading
22 Confirmed that the essay title is the one
prescribed for May 2018

Examples examiners are bored of…………..

“Well-travelled” examples this session included, just to name a few, van Gogh’s Starry Night,
Howard Zinn’s work on American history, John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, Davson-
Danielli and Singer-Nicholson models of membrane structure, spontaneous generation and Louis
Pasteur, Michael Shermer’s “patternicity” and classification of errors, Marcel Duchamp’s
Fountain, Alexander Fleming and penicillin, other serendipitous discoveries such as the
pacemaker, Edward Jenner and smallpox, and Salem witch trials

(adapted from May 2017 Subject Report)

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