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EDF 2005 (CANVAS Copy) Florida Standard for Lesson Plan Use this template to type in

the information for your final project. Omit instructions in parenthesis for submission on Canvas.

Kianna Pintado-Adames Section: 002 Date: November 4th, 2018

Lesson Plan Title: Measuring Lengths in Inches

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Subject/Content: Math

Standard: MAFS.1.MD.1.a

Standard description: Understand how to use a ruler to measure length to the nearest
inch and recognize that the units marked on a ruler have equal length intervals that can
be counted to determine the overall length of an object.


The learner will be able to estimate and measure classroom items in inches using a
standard ruler.

Anticipatory Set (HOOK)

“Class, Class!” “I need your help! I have two capsules that will grow an animal and I
want to estimate which two animals would be bigger.”
“Let’s pick two out of the four animals a [blank], [blank], [blank], or a [blank]”
“Great! Now that we have our two, lets watch them grow!”
“Does anyone know a math tool that could help us measure exactly which one is bigger”
“Lets measure how many inches they are with our ruler!”

Description of visual aid, prop, or model or slide you will use in the set:

I will be using water expandable growing capsules that turn into foam animals

Required Materials for Lesson:

2 cups filled with water

Growing Capsules
Elmo to display the final product of the animals to measure
Measurement worksheet

Step-By-Step Plan

1. First I will teach the class how to measure with a ruler at the zero point.
2. Then I will grab items in the classroom to measure and show them under the Elmo
3. I will have the class work on a worksheet in partners to measure items on their
4. Give them their “Exit Ticket” which will be a worksheet that has another person’s
wrong measurement and writing on the sheet if the measurement was correct or not.


I will get the class back all together at their desk and put a toy car under the Elmo with a
ruler measuring it and have the students quietly individually write the measurement in
their math journal. Then call on students for the answer and explain s they are correct or


I will give them an “Exit Ticket” which will be a worksheet that has exampled measurements and
the students will write if that answer was correct or not.

Specific Accommodations:

For a child with ADHD I would provide the same worksheet but without the estimate
chart, so they only have to find the measurements. Instead of having them walk around
looking for the items I would provide the exact items at their desk.

EDF 2005 (CANVAS Copy) Florida Standard for Lesson Plan Use this template to type in the information for your final project. Omit
instructions in parenthesis for submission on Canvas.

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