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Aplicação: 26/02/2012
Duração da prova: 04 (quatro) horas

01 Você está recebendo o seguinte material:
a) Um Caderno com as 30(trinta) questões objetivas e 02(duas) subjetivas referentes às partes de Legislação da
Educação e Conhecimentos Específicos da área, assim distribuídas:
Legislação da Educação/ 1 a 10 2 20
Conhecimento Específico/ 11 a 30 2 40
Conhecimento 31 e 32 20 40

b) Um Caderno de Respostas para as questões subjetivas. As respostas às questões subjetivas deverão ser
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03 Observe no Cartão-resposta as instruções sobre a marcação das respostas às questões objetivas – apenas
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05 Coloque no seu Caderno de Respostas o nome no local especificado da primeira página e o número de
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06 O Caderno de Respostas não deve conter outra identificação do candidato.

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08 É responsabilidade do candidato certificar-se de que o nome do cargo informado neste Caderno de Questões
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10 Você dispõe de 4 quatro horas para fazer essa prova, incluindo a marcação do Cartão-resposta e da escrita
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11 Somente será permitido ao candidato retirar-se da sala de prova após 01 uma hora do seu início.

12 Os 03 (três) últimos candidatos de cada sala somente poderão retirar-se do local simultaneamente.

13 Quando terminar, entregue a um dos fiscais de sala o Cartão-resposta, o Caderno de Respostas e assine a
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Nome do candidato:
Nº Inscrição:

QUESTÕES OBJETIVAS - LEGISLAÇÃO III As normas complementares dos respectivos

sistemas de ensino;
1 O art. 3º do decreto nº 5154/2004 diz: “Os IV As exigências de cada instituição de ensino,
cursos e programas de formação inicial e nos termos de seu projeto pedagógico.
continuada de trabalhadores, referidos no inciso I Em relação às assertivas, estão corretas:
do art. 1o, incluídos a capacitação, o
A) I, III, IV.
aperfeiçoamento, a especialização e a atualização,
em todos os níveis de escolaridade, poderão ser
ofertados segundo itinerários formativos,
objetivando o desenvolvimento de aptidões para a
vida produtiva e social.” De acordo com o artigo
acima, itinerário formativo significa: 3 Os cursos de educação profissional
tecnológica de graduação e pós-graduação serão
A) “O conjunto de cursos de educação geral e
organizados como seguem abaixo:
profissional que juntos compõem o currículo do
estudante ao final da graduação.” A) De forma a suprir as necessidades e
B) As exigências de cada instituição de ensino características de cada região, obedecendo às
nos termos de seu projeto pedagógico diretrizes do Conselho Estadual de Educação
C) A organização por áreas profissionais em B) No que concerne à duração, metodologia e
função da estrutura sócio-ocupacional e avaliação de acordo com as diretrizes do Conselho
tecnológica Estadual de Educação.
D) O conjunto de etapas que compõem a C) De forma estruturada em etapas com
organização da educação profissional em uma terminalidade gradativa e inclusão de saídas
determinada área, possibilitando o aproveitamento intermediárias.
contínuo e articulado dos estudos. D) No que concerne aos objetivos, características
E) Os objetivos contidos nas diretrizes e direção de acordo com as diretrizes curriculares e
curriculares nacionais definidos pelo Conselho prioritárias dos Municípios e Estado,
Nacional de Educação. respectivamente.
E) No que concerne aos objetivos, características
2 A educação profissional técnica de nível
e duração de acordo com as diretrizes curriculares
médio é desenvolvida de forma articulada com o
nacionais, definidas pelo Conselho Nacional de
Ensino Médio, observando-se:
I Os objetivos contidos nas diretrizes
curriculares nacionais definidos pelo Conselho
Nacional de Educação;
II A carência de cada cidade, levando-se em
consideração o ritmo da clientela;

4 No âmbito do Sistema Federal de Ensino, a geral e uma carga horária mínima de 1200 horas
Rede Federal de Educação Profissional Científica e para habilitação profissional e técnica.
Tecnológica, vinculada ao Ministério da Educação, C) Uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para a
é constituída por várias instituições. Assinale a formação geral e no mínimo 1000 horas para a
alternativa em que a instituição citada NÃO é formação profissional, quando se tratar de formação
parte deste sistema inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; e uma carga

A) Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e horária mínima de 1200 horas para a formação

Tecnologia - Institutos Federais. geral e uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para

B) Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – habilitação profissional e técnica.

UTFPR. D) Uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para

C) Centros Federais de Educação Tecnológica a formação geral e no mínimo 400 horas para a

Celso Suckow da Fonseca - CEFET-RJ e de Minas formação profissional, quando se tratar de formação

Gerais - CEFET-MG. inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; e uma carga

D) Centros Técnicos de Capacitação de Recursos horária mínima de 2000 horas para a formação

Humanos com fins lucrativos. geral e uma carga horária mínima de 200 horas

E) Escolas Técnicas Vinculadas às Universidades para habilitação profissional e técnica.

Federais. E) Uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para

a formação geral e no mínimo 800 horas para a
5 O Programa Nacional da Educação formação profissional, quando se tratar de formação
Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; e uma carga
da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA), horária mínima de 1600 horas para a formação
abrange tanto a formação inicial e continuada de geral e uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para
trabalhadores, quanto a educação profissional habilitação profissional e técnica.
técnica de nível médio, que deverão ter:
6 O prazo máximo estabelecido, na lei
A) Uma carga horária mínima de 800 horas para 11.892/2008, para que o Diretor-Geral, nomeado
a formação geral e no mínimo 1200 horas para a para o cargo de Reitor da instituição transformada
formação profissional, quando se tratar de formação ou integrada em Instituto Federal elabore e
inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; e uma carga encaminhe ao Ministério da Educação a proposta de
horária mínima de 1000 horas para a formação estatuto e o plano de desenvolvimento institucional
geral e uma carga horária mínima de 1000 horas do Instituto Federal, assegurando a participação da
para habilitação profissional e técnica. comunidade, é de:
B) Uma carga horária mínima de 1200 horas para
A) 180 dias
a formação geral e no minímo 200 horas para a
B) 120 dias
formação profissional, quando se tratar de formação
C) 90 dias
inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; e uma carga
D) 60 dias
horária mínima de 1200 horas para a formação
E) 30 dias

7 Dentre as alternativas abaixo, a que NÃO D) orientar sua oferta formativa em benefício da
caracteriza forma de extinção do mandato do reitor consolidação e fortalecimento dos arranjos
é: produtivos, sociais e culturais locais, identificados
com base no mapeamento das potencialidades de
A) Decurso do prazo.
desenvolvimento socioeconômico e cultural no
B) Aposentadoria.
âmbito de atuação do Instituto Federal; e
C) Renúncia do cargo.
constituir-se em centro de excelência na oferta do
D) Destituição do cargo.
ensino de ciências, em geral, e de ciências
E) Adiamento da eleição do novo reitor.
aplicadas, em particular, estimulando o
8 Os Institutos Federais tem seus objetivos, desenvolvimento de espírito crítico, voltado à
finalidades e características próprias. A alternativa investigação empírica;
que diz respeito a APENAS os objetivos é: E) realizar e estimular a pesquisa aplicada, a
produção cultural, o empreendedorismo, o
A) realizar pesquisas aplicadas, estimulando o
cooperativismo e o desenvolvimento científico e
desenvolvimento de soluções técnicas e
tecnológico; e desenvolver atividades de extensão
tecnológicas, estendendo seus benefícios à
de acordo com os princípios e finalidades da
comunidade; e estimular e apoiar processos
educação profissional e tecnológica, em articulação
educativos que levem à geração de trabalho e renda
com o mundo do trabalho e os segmentos sociais, e
e à emancipação do cidadão sob a perspectiva do
com ênfase na produção, desenvolvimento e
desenvolvimento socioeconômico local e regional;
difusão de conhecimentos científicos e
B) ministrar cursos de formação inicial e
continuada de trabalhadores, objetivando a
capacitação, o aperfeiçoamento, a especialização e
a atualização de profissionais, em todos os níveis
de escolaridade, nas áreas da educação profissional
e tecnológica; e desenvolver a educação
profissional e tecnológica como processo
educativo e investigativo de geração e adaptação
de soluções técnicas e tecnológicas às demandas
sociais e peculiaridades regionais;
C) ministrar educação profissional técnica de
nível médio, prioritariamente na forma de cursos
integrados, para os concluintes do ensino
fundamental e para o público da educação de
jovens e adultos; e desenvolver programas de
extensão e de divulgação científica e tecnológica;

9 A nomenclatura dos cursos e programas de

Educação Profissional foram atualizadas nos
seguintes termos:

I “Educação Profissional de nível básico” passou a

denominar-se “formação inicial e continuada de
II “Educação Profissional de nível técnico” passou
a denominar-se “Educação Profissional Técnica de
nível médio”;
III “Educação Profissional de nível tecnológico”
passou a denominar-se “Educação Profissional
Tecnológica, de graduação e de pós-graduação”.

A) Apenas I e III estão corretas.

B) Apenas II e III estão corretas.
C) Apenas I e II estão corretas.
D) Apenas III está correta.
E) I, II e III estão corretas.

10 O professor Raimundo queria candidatar-se

ao cargo de Diretor-Geral do Campus, mas sua
candidatura NÃO foi aceita porque:

A) Ele era ocupante de cargo efetivo na carreira

B) Tinha cargo efetivo de nível superior da
carreira dos técnicos administrativos;
C) Tinha exercido dois mandatos consecutivos
neste cargo;
D) Estava na classe de professores associados da
carreira do magistério superior;
E) Já tinha exercido um mandato de quatro anos.




Your answers to the questions from 1 to 8 must be based on the text below. All information you
need is in the passage itself, and what you have learned so far applies.

How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand

By Michael Erard

past 18 months, teams of language police have been _______ Beijing on a mission to wipe out all such traces
of bad English signage before the Olympics come to town in August. They're the type of goofy transgressions
that we in the English homelands love to poke fun at, devoting entire Web sites to so-called Chinglish. (By
the way, that last phrase means "handicapped bathroom.")

But what if these sentences aren't really bad English? What if they are evidence that the English language is
happily leading an alternative lifestyle without us?
Thanks to globalization, the Allied victories in World War II, and American leadership in science and
technology, English has become so successful across the world that it's _______ the boundaries of what we
think it should be. In part, this is because there are fewer of us: By 2020, native speakers will make up only 15
percent of the estimated 2 billion people who will be using or learning the language. Already, most
conversations in English are between nonnative speakers who use it as a lingua franca.
In China, this sort of free-form adoption of English is helped along by a shortage of native English-speaking
teachers, who are hard to keep happy in rural areas for long stretches of time. An estimated 300 million
Chinese — roughly equivalent to the total US population — read and write English but don't get enough
quality spoken practice. The likely consequence of all this? In the future, more and more spoken English will
sound increasingly like Chinese.
It's not merely that English will be salted with Chinese vocabulary for local cuisine, bon mots, and curses or
that speakers will peel off words from local dialects. The Chinese and other Asians already pronounce
English differently — in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. For example, in various parts of the region they
tend not to turn vowels in unstressed syllables into neutral vowels. Instead of "har-muh-nee," it's "har-moh-
nee." And the sounds that begin words like this and thing are often enunciated as the letters f, v, t, or d. In
Singaporean English (known as Singlish), think is pronounced "tink," and theories is "tee-oh-rees."

English will become more like Chinese in other ways, too. Some grammatical appendages unique to English
(such as adding do or did to questions) will drop away, and our practice of not ________ certain nouns into
plurals will be ignored. Expect to be asked: "How many informations can your flash drive hold?" In
Mandarin, Cantonese, and other tongues, sentences don't require subjects, which leads to phrases like this:
"Our goalie not here yet, so give chance, can or not?"
One noted feature of Singlish is the use of words like ah, lah, or wah at the end of a sentence to indicate a
question or get a listener to agree with you. They're each pronounced with tone — the linguistic feature that
gives spoken Mandarin its musical quality — adding a specific pitch to words to alter their meaning. (If you
say "xin" with an even tone, it means "heart"; with a descending tone it means "honest.") According to
linguists, such words may introduce tone into other Asian-English hybrids.
Given the number of people involved, Chinglish is destined to take on a life of its own. Advertisers will play
with it, as they already do in Taiwan. It will be celebrated as a form of cultural identity, as the Hong Kong
Museum of Art did in a Chinglish exhibition last year. It will be used widely online and in movies, music,
games, and books, as it is in Singapore. Someday, it may even be taught in schools. Ultimately, it's not that
speakers will slide along a continuum, with "proper" language at one end and local English dialects on the
other, as in countries where creoles are spoken. Nor will Chinglish replace native languages, as creoles
sometimes do. It's that Chinglish will be just as proper as any other English on the planet.
And it's possible Chinglish will be more efficient than our version, doing away with word endings and the
articles a, an, and the. After all, if you can figure out "Environmental sanitation needs your conserve," maybe
conservation isn't so necessary.
Any language is constantly evolving, so it's not surprising that English, transplanted to new soil, is _________
unusual fruit. Nor is it unique that a language, spread so far from its homelands, would begin to fracture. The
obvious comparison is to Latin, which broke into mutually distinct languages over hundreds of years -
French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian. A less familiar example is Arabic: The speakers of its myriad
dialects are connected through the written language of the Koran and, more recently, through the
homogenized Arabic of Al Jazeera. But what's happening to English may be its own thing: It's mingling with
so many more local languages than Latin ever did, that it's on a path toward a global tongue — what's coming
to be known as Panglish. Soon, when Americans travel abroad, one of the languages they'll have to learn may
be their own.

Source:Internet: (Accessed on

January 1, 2012)

I Getting the message B) English is one of the most analytical

11 Be aware of the verb forms of the languages, with some expressive
piece of writing you´re working with. Read agglutinative characteristics, but it has very
the text and in the context of the passage, complicated script and tones.
check the verbs that best fit in the blanks C) Before the digital era, English was not
respectively: widely spoken.
D) It seems another language, but
A) exploring – scouring – changing – giving
English, could be without a doubt the
B) searched – scoured – changing –
actual universal language.
E) One of the reasons that lead English to
C) exploring – gathered – turning – bearing
the condition of being evolving is that as it
D) scouring – escaping – turning – bearing
becomes more common, it will
E) searching – scouring – changing – given
increasingly fragment into regional
12 The main idea of this article is that: dialects.

A) All over the planet people know a lot

14 Based on the tone of the passage, which
about English words.
of the following words best describes the
B) English can be understood almost author´s attitude toward the “Chinglish”?
A) Awesome
C) English will become one of the
B) Respectful
simplest and easiest natural languages in
C) Pitying
the world. D) Contemptuous
D) English is gradually changing and E) Patronizing
adapting to other languages worldwide in
15 The term “Chinglish”, as well as other
both subtle and not-so-subtle ways.
international hodgepodge variations of English
E) If Chinese were to be written with the
code-switching, is a sign of:
Latin alphabet, it could potentially become
a universal language. A) Elementary expression for non-English
speakers in learning English.
B) Low quality of language skills by the
13 Which of the following inferences can Chinese.
be drawn from the passage?
C) Ignorance of the Chinese.
A) The concept of a Universal Language
D) American cultural identity.
is more significant only now, in the era of
E) Few native English speakers in the world.
world mass communication.
16 We can infer that:

A) Local variants of English are both being C) blockheaded

driven by Britons, Americans or Australians and D) intensify
the growing number of people who speak English E) throw
as a second language.
B) The language of Shakespeare and Dickens is
disappearing to be replaced by a new, contrastive In this set, you will answer the questions

form of English which will be spoken by millions according to what you have learned through your

of people around the world. readings on the ESL (English as a Second

C) A new global tongue called “Panglish” is Language) field.

expected to take over in the decades ahead. 19 Teachers´ professional activities as language
D) The Standard English is used to think and teachers are not carried out in a vacuum and, in
talk in the logic of the Chinese language. Richards´ words, “planning a successful language
E) English used only by Asian countries is program involves considerations of factors that go
engraved with their culture. beyond mere content and presentation of teaching
materials” (1985, p. 11). So, their work can be
II Vocabulary Usage
described along a number of shared and
Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word
generalizable dimensions, such as:
meanings. As Steven Stahl (2005) puts it,
"Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the A) Students´needs; the factors in the teaching

knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, situation itself; complexity of the English

but also implies how that word fits into the language.

world." B) The syllabus types available to us as a

Thinking of this, pay close attention to the profession; the complexity of the English

surrounding context of the words indicated in bold language; the characteristics of learners.

type, and check their synonyms respectively: C) Large classes; heterogeneous classes;
complexity of the English language.
17 “They´re the type of goofy transgressions that
D) The characteristics of learners and their
we in the English homelands love to poke fun at”:
needs; the range of factors in the teaching situation
A) Silly - mock
itself; and the syllabus types available to us as a
B) foolish – prod
C) blithering – crackpot
E) The characteristics of learners; different
D) mock – crackpot
types of syllabus from which a choice will be
E) punch – pitch
made for a specific situation; the teacher´s concept
of being “communicative”.
18 “[…] curses or that speakers will peel off
words from local dialects.”
20 So far experts have looked at the
A) pip
relationship between theories of language and
B) extract

language learning on the one hand, and B) developing their self-confidence in real
teaching procedures and materials on the other. speech situations; repeating vocabulary in
Mark the unfitted proposition on methods and class.
approaches of teaching languages: C) Understanding through drills; training
vocabulary in class.
A) Unlike the direct method, the audio-
lingual method didn´t focus on teaching D) Practicing vocabulary and contextualize

vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drilled students them in classes.

in the use of grammar. E) Being interactive when exposed to oral

B) The communicative approach emphasizes communication; discussing unintelligible

interaction as both the means and the ultimate dialects of languages.

goal of learning a language.

22 Halliday and Hasan (1976) describe
C) Communicative language teaching (CLT)
cohesion as a semantic concept that refers to
advocates learning through drills and focuses
relations of meaning that exist within a text.
on cultural values of L2, as well as it is based
They define two general categories of
on the idea that language learning takes place
cohesion: grammatical cohesion and lexical
when what students hear or read is
cohesion. A type of grammatical cohesion is
comprehensible but just beyond their
substitution. There are three types of it:
production abilities.
nominal, verbal and clausal. Choose the
D) The Direct Method uses only the target
example that best fits to one of those types:
language for instruction and builds up an
arsenal of everyday vocabulary and sentences A) These apples aren´t good. Those are fresh.

quickly without teaching grammar explicitly. B) They liked the first candidate. The last

E) The Classical Method, also known as the was very nervous.

Grammar Translation Method teaches C) Are they still living there? Actually, they

grammar as a means to translate text from one moved to California last year.

language to the other. D) Should any of this cost you anything, send
me the bill.
21 Some “tools” that teachers can provide E) Have you met him yet? Not yet, but I will
for learners to enhance their speaking and do it.
listening abilities include:

A) developing both learners´ confidence and

their listening abilities for different contexts;
their understanding of spoken grammar and
features of spoken language.


23 Which of those statements is not correct C) Book reviews, conference abstracts, grant
on coherence and cohesion? proposals.
D) Undergraduate essays, PhD theses,
A) It has been emphasized since the early
business faxes.
cohesion studies (e.g., in HALLIDAY and
E) Textbooks, direct mail letters, research
HASAN, 1976) that cohesion is sensitive to
the varieties of discourse. However,
contrastive studies have shown that cohesion
varies with the modality of discourse, i.e.,
spoken and written discourse (THOMPSON,
1994; TANSKANEN, 2006).
B) Coherence is a purely lexical property of
discourse, while cohesion is mainly concerned
with morpho-syntactic devices in discourse.
C) Coherence is traditionally described as the
relationships that link the ideas in a text to
create meaning for the readers.
D) Coherence is a clearly pragmatic notion
and it concerns logical thinking while cohesion
is a mix of pragmatic and semantic meanings.
It depends on linguistic expressions.
E) The way that textual cohesion is achieved
is best learned through paying close attention
to the way sentences are linked in texts.

24 ESP genre terminology derives from the

writing needs of particular academic and
professional groups and teachers as well as
researchers look to the naming practices of
these groups. Examples of academic genres
that have been identified and explored by
teachers for use in ESP classrooms are:

A) Letters of recommendation, e-mails

memos, grant proposals.
B) Company annual reports, grant proposals,
reprint requests.


25 The terms genre sets or genre systems have been coined to refer to genres that cluster together
as parts of broader social practices, and that are often sequenced in a particular way. For example:

“When seeking employment a person will search newspapers and the Web for job
advertisements. Before applying for a job, the prospective applicant will first search company
profiles on the Web, or perhaps annual reports. When he/she has decided that it may be a good
prospect, a curriculum vitae is written or updated and attached to a letter of application. If the
person is shortlisted, he/she is invited to a job interview. The successful candidate receives a
job offer, upon which he/she either writes a letter of acceptance or a letter of rejection.”

5.pdf Accessed on Jan 5, 2012.

How many types of genres are there in the fragment above?

A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
E) 9

26 Technology is an ever-increasing part of

Part 3 – GRAMMAR
the English language arts classroom. Today's
Why Does Grammar Matter?
teachers are developing new and exciting
means of integrating language, writing, and
Why Does Grammar Matter?
literature with innovative technologies. One of
those technologies is related to the mobile Grammar is important because it is the
phones that are giving support learning in the language that makes it possible for us to talk
second language classroom. Check the best
about language. Grammar names the types of
compelling argument for using them:
words and word groups that make up sentences
A) Mobile phones come with ever-increasing not only in English but in any language. As
functions that most students are adept at using. human beings, we can put sentences together
B) Mobile phones are social tools that facilitate even as children--we can all do grammar. But
authentic and relevant communication and to be able to talk about how sentences are built,
collaboration among learners. about the types of words and word groups that
C) Learners will be exposed to the target make up sentences--that is knowing about
language. grammar. And knowing about grammar offers a
D) Learners can use them to access relevant window into the human mind and into our
vocabulary and expressions. amazingly complex mental capacity.
E) Mobile phones are relatively cheap and (From:
increasingly practical. /grammarvalue.htm Accessed on Jan 7, 2012)


27 Check the alternative that contains a D) The bank was held up by a group of men,
mistake related to the use of preposition in the three of whom were said to be armed.
groups of sentences below: E) The next Olympics are in three years, by
what time Gary will be 28.
A) He was condemned to the imprisonment. /
He was accused of robbing the bank.
30 In which of the following alternatives a
B) Celia is taking care of Jon´s dog. /
noun is used inappropriately?
The professor translated the poem into Russian.
C) It is wrong to be cruel to other people. / A) The peoples of Central Asia speak many

This organization is trying to end cruelty to the different languages.

animals. B) The United States has appointed a new

D) He was sentenced at nine years in prison. / ambassador to Japan.

This music reminds me of my country. C) Holstein cattle isn´t a beef breed and it is

E) He was dissatisfied with his new stereo, so rarely seen on a ranch.

he returned it to the shop. / D) Billiards is my favorite game.

Betty was astonished by the number of cards E) The odds are not very strongly in favor of

she received. a tax cut.

28 Mark the right sentence in the passive.

Note all grammar aspects involved in the
(Mínimo de 20 linhas e Máximo de 30 linhas)

A) Consideration will be given to the issue at In this section you will develop two

the next week´s meeting. compositions in English. Remember that you

B) Somebody had already reported the will be evaluated through your capacity of

accident before I phoned. summarizing your ideas appropriately as well

C) My office was broken by when I was on as the use of cohesive ties, coherence, grammar

holiday. rules, punctuation and consistent ideas. Use one

D) An order form can be found in page 2. sheet of paper to do it.

E) She is been treated by people.

31 topic: Nominal Group - A focus on its
29 All relative clauses below are right, except importance for the comprehension of written
in: texts.

A) Whichever one of you broke the window

32 topic: ESP: Reading Strategies
will have to pay for it.
B) Can you give a list of who´s been invited?
C) I´m sure I´ll enjoy eating whatever you




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