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Chapter 4

Types of Cancer That Have

Responded Well to Homoeopathy
and Their Most Appropriate

The types of cancer discussed in this chapter are generally presented

in the traditional order of the homoeopathic repertory, beginning from
the head and proceeding down-with the more generalized conditions at
the end.
Numerous types of cancer exist that are not included in this chapter;
to do so would be beyond the scope of this book. In these pages are those
cancers most frequently encountered in Dr. Ramakrishnan's (and in the
average homeopath's) experience. The significant point here is that the
Method holds true, whatever the type.
As the reader will gather from the documentation in italics, every pa-
tient was encouraged to find an oncologist willing to cooperate with and
work in conjunction with a homeopath. Also, throughout the homoeo-
pathic treatment, he or she was regularly and closely monitored with
Western medical tests and follow-up procedures. These last, in fact, are of-
ten of great assistance to the homoeopath in his choice of remedies and
decisions as to the frequency and their potency. At times, however, a pa-
tient refuses to undergo certain tests or recommended procedures, despite
advice to the contrary. These instances, too, are documented. Note that
unless otherwise stated, in each case cited, the patient continues to do well
to date (end of Year 2000).

In thl: ca c t'xamplcs prcsente<.l ill this book, the reader will en-
counter ..:crtain \'ariation and discrepancies within the meth(ldology. The
reasons lor this Jfe as follows:
I. Dr. Ramakrishnan is constantly experimenting with and refining
his prescribing procedures.
2. Some of the cases cited were treated in the days before Dr. Ra.
makrishnan developed and refined his Plussing Method (about 1993 J.
They will be indicated by the symbol [poP] to signify the pre-Plussing
days. These older cases are included either for teaching purposes or to
show that patients are still doing well after a decade or so.
3. For added strength, a potency may have to be changed-usually
raised from the 200e to the 1M potency (see Chapter 7).
4. In more advanced cases, the Plussing Method might not be the
most effective method of treatment and may have to be replaced with a
marc individual method of administering the remedies (see Chapter 6).
5. Since the principal tenet underlying the homoeopathic approach
is individualization, examples of successful results in the different types of
cancer with remedies not listed in this book will inevitably be encoun-
tered. The medicines suggested in these pages are those which Dr. Ra-
makrishnan employs most frequently and with which he has had best re-
sults. They are offered to the reader (and practitioner) as a place to start-
or as fallbacks when no obvious constitutional or other organ-specific
remedy is apparent.
finally, in homoeopathy, nothing is fixed or rigidly formulated.
The prescriber, ever sensitive and adapting to the individual needs of his
patient, must always remain flexible in his approach. That which remains
a constant in the Ramakrishnan method is acquaintance (and a familiar-
ization) wi th a number of the principal remedies in the treatment of this
complex disease.
· '.r oft n:t at t e d of each
~ : . r:a nd h iab e"'on
n ~ - exd de ~ in ",,'hich
~r:ur . 0111)' the numbers of "su([e~sfuf" cases
~'r J .1'.'7!;. e, .rr. -: the c:J!lc..Luted - li.C ess Rate" is based solely on viable cases.
":~ re, n J Ggmg the number, several factor should be La en into
., :n me pos -19 3 s;:atistics, some of the fairly recent cases are co -
.: . e;-e ". cces. fp ," e Ten though the usual span of five-year nonrecUf-
... - (. q ..iliich successful treatment is judged) has not yet elapsed.

Man; of the patients who seek homoeopathic assistance are in the s. -ges of cancer-and have already exhausted traditional \-\Testern
treatment r ro edures.
Poor results can be due to noncompliance: to patients not follow-
ing dIrections, not subjecting themselves to the necessary tests, not chang-
.::It eir pom diet, or unhealthy lifestyle; above all, not following through
'v.1 IDe" om eopathic treatment.

The principal remedies for brain cancer, listed in order of frequency
of their use by Dr. Ramakrishnan, are Plumbum iodatum, * Baryta carbon-
ica, Aethllsa cynapium. Baryta iodata, and Zincum sulphuricum.

CASE 9 November, 1997

Male child, 8 years, was brought in with a recurrence of a glioma

of the parietal lobe, Stage III. He was suffering from headaches
and nausea.
III February, 1997, a glioma was operated on,
followed by six months of chemotherapy. But a
recent CT scan showed a recurrence of the glioma
in the same place. The boy's parents decided to try
homoeopathy this time.

The boy looked and behaved a bit backward in mental develop-

ment, and his parents indicated that he had difficulty with com-
prehension and was a poor student.


Week 1: Baryta carbonica 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed that the tumor had not grown.
Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed that the tumor had shrunk more
than 50%.
Months 7-12: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
CT scan results: almost clear.

AOr Plumbllm metallicum (see p. 12).

cr SCUr! r(':iults: co .... "lttc!dv denr.
to this day, th t-"o rem dl>
te y. alternating m nthly, plit Do Method.

Baryta t."lrbonica was chosen over Aethusa cynapium, PLumbum

i datum, or Zincum sulphLLricwn. because it fit the child's con ·ti-
t tional picture. With the disappearance of the headaches and the
t r, how ver, the chi.ld grew more alert, performed better in
"'-!lIVV.l , and became more articulate. Today he is completely no[-

CA EIO March. 1996

J\lale child, 10 years, wa brought in for homoeopathic treatment

with a recurrence of an astrocytoma. At this time, it was not large
enough for the patient to lmdergo urgery.

History: Headaches and severe vomiting that were

not responding sufficimtly well to homoeopathic
treatment called for an MRI of the brain. which
showed a lesion in the frontal lobe. This was imme-
diately operated on and the postoperative
histopathological report confirmed em astrocytoma,
Stage II. Radiation therapy followed surgery, and
the boy was discharged as perfectly fit. Within a
month his symptoms reappeared, and the MRl
showed a reCllrrence of the growth. The parents
tllrned to homoeopathy.
The boy was lactose intolerant, and whenever he drank milk he
vomited almost to the point of fainting, would sometime regur-
gitate his food an hour after ingesting it, and wa experiencing
headaches again, during which he would cry out in angui h.

• ';cd .: -.... L'¥I'~ • i..~! 2. <.: - d.llly. P[usl1in Method

G;.r~-urt>Sifl.O L - d..ill , P[ussing Method
Samcfa5 W~ [-2
The boy was towJJ.y s.ymptom free.
:r..,!R1sh,*,·er/ th:<l [.e,-ion to be definitely smaller.
•••u......,;j~· 3-4: Same as. \\'ee.ks 1-.

,\rRlsMwed tha.t the lesion was completely gane.

Same as. Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency-
weekly, Split Dose Method
The DOY was in perfect health, attending school
and participating in sports.
l'v1RI carrtinLLed to show everything clea.r.

For another year, the young patient was kept on Aethusa cynapium
lO:~[ and Camnosin 10M, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method.
After that he received only periodic constitutional remedies or a
cancer ll050de and is doing well to date.


Aeth£lStl C)lnapium is one of the most effective remedies for brain

tumors, and the boy's particular symptoms fit the picture well .

I CASEll November, 1996

Maie, 76 years, presented with a recurrence of a glioma that had

been operated on six months earlier.
History: Diplopia titat had corne on overnight
called for a head scan, which revealed a mass
pressing on the right optic nerve. Surgery was
pe'rfomled, but the mass could not be completely
removed without damaging the optic nerve. The

histopathological diagnosis was glioma, Stage IT.

Radiation tllerapy followed the surgery. The pa-
Hem was apparently doing well for six m0111hs, but
at the end of that time, he had a recurrence of the
diplopia, and a CT scan showed a return of the
entire mass in the same place. This is when he
turned to homoeopathy.

The involvement of the optic nerve pointed to a brain cancer rem-

edy with a Plumbum component.


Week 1: Plumbum iodatum 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient experienced much symptomatic
CT scan showed the mass to be slightly smaller.

Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

The patient was free of symptoms. No diplopia
was present.
CT scan showed that the mass had shrunk further.

Months 5-12: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

CT scan showed that the mass had shrunk still


Months 13-28: Same remedies and potency - alternating weekly,

Split Dose Method

The patient refused to undergo any more CT scans.

Thereafter, the patient received only occasional remedies as his

symptoms dictated, and he continues to be well to date.
36 \ Ihl 1\)11)11\1111( 1\1'1'1111 l II 11)(" Ill(

CA~J J2 f1J.'t'1I1/Jrr, J YfJ j

1.1' .4') .lr • I'r ':lIt.:d wIth .1 tllKytWI1.1 "I the InJin. The t
lIlor \"h III th Ir"llt.llidi lohl .•1IId tlll·p.HIl'l1t's l110vement h d
LOllSld 'r,lbh II)IH!d down . ,1\ h,ld hi, thinkillg. I Its hort t rro
III mor} \\.1\ a"o .J!"j~ctl'd.

History: A rear 0".1 a half earizer, putit'lltlllv(!sh·

gatlOlI rev.:aled II SP{/("e-ocCllpyillg lesioll. Stage 11.
Thi5 was operated 011. diagnosed tiS astrocytomC/,
and followed by mdintioll thempy. Tell lIIollths lat-
er, the operation wns repented j'or recurrence of the
til III or, followed by radintion therapy. FOllr 1II0lllhs
later. a CT scan picked lip a secolld recurrence of
tllmor alld the patient turned to homoeopathy.


Week I: Plumbum iodatum 200e - daily, Plussing Method

\,\'eck 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
'Necks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient showed no improvement, so the
remedy was changed.
Months 3-8: Baryta carbonica 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Head CT scans were performed on alternate
months and showed steady shrinking of the tumor.
fter eight months, there was no trace of tumor. The patient con-
tinued to be treated with semimonthly doses of Baryta carbonica
200c for two years, and remains well to this day.


In Month 3, Baryta carbollicn was selected partly because of the

patient's physical and mental symptoms, partly because of the
remedy's important role in brain tumors (see Chapter 2).
ER THAT H VI- RF.SPO f>H) \' Fll r H 7

dJtl nal . amples of successful treatment of thi typ )f

~ ancl 108.


o. of ' o. of
Ca c V'abl (,0 e
Pr Plu ing «1993 150 30 1
P ing(>1913) 250 10 7

( "" ('""Ifl-
, rlllh'l'" I 11\\ It, 1<'1 "lIlul lit lit' 11I.lllil\,lly. 1I"It"It" Ihe
II , I ill "I 1.'1,'1 It ',!lI'lkl "f 1I C, dlC 111111111 mWllltlulI1I .II1U

PclJIIlrlry. 1997

I 'Illill', " ,car', \I hu had in lhe pusl been a heavy smoker, pr~
','lit. I \\ It h J cancerous ulcer in right cheek.

Tht! results of biopsy Ivere positive: squamolls cell

(llrciIlOIll(/, Stage II. One slIlall sttblllandibular

gl,wd was lIffeaed; otherlVise, tile ulcer was loml-

ized. Radiatioll therapy Ivas recoll1l1lended, bllt the
patiwt refused it.

\\ ' l... I: Aurum l1luriatiwnL 200e - daily, Plussing Method

\\ ' 1. Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

\\ ' -,34: Same as Weeks 1-2

The ulcer looked better, with signs of healing.
~[ nths 2-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
The ulcer was 90% healed, and the swelling i.n the
submandibular gland completely vanished.
\lonths:- -6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
The ulcer was totally healed.
\fonths 7-24: Atmall muriatictlllt 1M and Carcinosin 1M -
alternating monthly, Split Dose Method

For an additional year, Aurtln1 7nuriaticum 1M and Carcinosin 1M

were prescribed, alternating quarterly, Split Dose Method.

CASE 14 [p-P] March,1992

Male, 71 years, presented with the symptoms of difficulty swal-
lowing, restricted movement of the tongue, and incoherent
speech. Examination revealed a mass on the posterior third of the
tongue, with a right-sided cervical nodule that was hard and fixed.
Tongue biopsy revealed a squamous cell
carcinoma, Stage III.

The patient was often chilly, disliked drafts of air, and had been an
asthmatic for many years. Attacks were accompanied by thick, vis-
cid, greenish phlegm in his throat, which came out in long, ropy
strands. He also complained of headaches localized in one small
spot on the head. All symptoms pointed to Kali bichromicum.

Weeks 1-3: Kali bichromicum 200e t - daily, Split Dose
No change.

Weeks 4-6: Aurum muriaticum 200e - daily, Split Dose

Tongue movement was better, and speech was
marginally more distinct.

\Neeks 7-10: Same as Week 4

The patient continued all-around improvement.
The mass had shrunk in size; by Week 10, it was
75% cleared.

At one point, there was profuse bleeding from the

mass; Phosphorus 200e controlled it--one dose
every half-hoUT, ten times, to be repeated in the
same manner if bleeding recurred (see Chapter 7).

"ee I J-12: Same as Week 4

The patient showed no improvement.
11/ II " , "1 " AI< I I, '
1 "" h 1 1 ", It, '" "'II II'"~ "HI w Ilf I' ,
III , II ,I, I" I", "11,1/"/ ')0 , w kly '1'111 I". ...,
lI'r I I., I II, ,nih III( III" r III 11/1 t II, I It Lfl , If
I IItl
'" " /I


1/ hI 1/1 '/1/1 /1111W, r 1fI1rt1 "Iled when the progre" "I,teau d
" I! Ih 1(1 I II, the p Itlent" COil IItutlOll,d rcm~Jy
/"" III W r( tllO fnrrnld,lhle; hllt now, h Ivmg
() III r ("'lId 10 hi' UII1 tllulional remedy
II' /, I 'Ill! k r r 'lit, In /{,IfI1.,krJ<;ltn,1Il Wllllid h,lve lI~('d the
I III" I (It 1111 ' ,II
1111' PIli 'lIIg Method, inler~pcrsed wit Ii d
l III I II I lId

Novrmllt'I', 1<)91

wh" w ",,,!r,llllJ chewcr. prc~en'ed with two

I' \ II ,

l II> 10 I III I (III 1/1 It tT''''gill of hl~ trmglle. They w('re in

lUI I I II I rlOlIl In 11111' .Illd h,,11 the tYPK,d everted cdgc~ .ulIl
h IIlI t,l III pIli III I (l hJd Iw" ,wollen node 111 Iii suh

IIr /,,,/, ,{'ort rnct/let! 'II/'"/lnll cdl

" 11/ "",1, f,tl/ ,,' If I I Ill'/'t/llrnl ('I'/frlll' "rglll
,t" II )//1' 'I'lll">

1'1 I l I II I II )
\\ ~ I ' " 1/ m 1/1/1" It II 1/111 Ofl .1I1\,I'lll inS M thuJ
III "lllllt I hWlIl toh ~~" fWIlI d.1\' t'li
\V.I I f "rrlllll III [) It I II ,1'111 illS ,\1 th"d

Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

The lesion had cleared about 90%, but the sub-
mandibular glands were only marginally smaller.
Months 2-3: Same as Weeks 1-2
The tongue lesion entirely cleared, but the glands
remained 60% of their original size.
The glands were removed surgically and the
histopathological report was negative for cancer,
but the site was septic from obviously poor hygiene.
To prevent a recurrence, the patient was kept on the same two
remedies in the 1M potency, alternating monthly, Split Dose
Method, for eighteen months.


Once again, the sovereign role of Aurum muriaticum in the treat-

ment of cancerous affections of the oral cavity is observed.
It is also noteworthy that the homoeopathic "cancer" remedies
could not benefit the noncancerous glands as well as the cancer-
ous ulcers on the tongue. Improved hygiene and one of the Me/,-
curius medicines, like Mercurius solubilis, might have been the
"curatives" for these glands, had they not been removed surgically.

For additional examples of successful treatment of this type of cancer, see

COl e 5 and 106.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cast's \/irll>le Cases SlIccesses Rate

Pre-Plussing «1993) 70 45 31 69%

Plussing (~1993) 150 95 82 86%

Larytu; and Vocal Cord

Th.: pnnupal remelhe, for cancer of the I 'rynx and vucal cord, IJ t-
ed in order of frequenL] of use. are ThuJ'" PhosphortlS, Argentum m-
tric"um, Lac!lt?,is, and Kali bidzromicum.

C 'E 16 'p-PI ,\[ay, 1990

. lale, 70 ye-.u", a heavy smoker, presented with a hoarse voice.

ENT examination with indirect laryngoscopy re-
vealed a growth on the vocal cords, and analysis of
scrapings yielded a diagnosis of infiltrating
squamous cell carcinoma, Stage 1.

The patient was impatient, impuJ ive, and suffered from claustro-
phobia and a fear of heights. Physically, he was heat intolerant,
un~teady in his gait, and prone to tremblings when anxious or
tired-all symptoms pointing to Argentum nitricum.


\\eek 1: Argentum nitriCllm 200c t - once, Split Dose

The patient quit smoking.
ee' _: Cllrnnosin 200e - once, Split Dose Method
\Vee'" 3- arne as Weeks 1-2
The growth was 50% resolved.
~lonth' }-4: "arne as Weeks 1-2
The patient experienced total relief from

LLlrytl,JOSCopy SIIOWt'd that the growth WIlS

Months 5- '; 'am as Week" t-:!
For one ,~'ear, An;t'ntllm
, !lItnel" I L I and Carcillosill 1:-.1 were pre-
cribed, alternating monthly, 'plit Do'e Method.
YPIQll t INUIlI"I! 11\\"1' H!SI'ON!Jl.I>WH! !O IluMOI'(JPA'IIiV 43

I'lw l'alielll Ilvl'd ulltil 1999, when he died of a heart allaLk at age
7Y .

. Irgt'lItlllllllitricrrrrr was prescribed both for the constitutional pic

ture and because it has an affinity with various affections of the
nxal cords, especially in heavy smokers. Also, performers whose
local cords are affected from fear before a performance can be as-
sisted by the remedy.

SE 17
October, 1994

Male, 47 years, a heavy smoker, presented with a sudden hoarse-

nesS. There was no pain or discomfort, and no abnormalities of
lhe glands could be detected on palpation.
b"'NT eXlIlIlillalion slrowed a fint, hard growth on a
vocal cord tlral was still slightly mobile; biopsy of a
scraping revaded squamous cell carcinoma, Stage
11. No detectable secolldary lesions. Radiation ther-
apy lVas advised, but Ihe patiellt refused it.
The patienl was loquacious, had an intolerance of tight clothes
(parlicularly around the neck), and had a history of sleeping into
an aggravation of his symptoms.


Week 1: Lnc/resis 200et - daily, Plussing Method

The patient quit smoking. There was no change in

Week 2: Lachesis 1M - daily, Plussing Method

The hoarseness was substantially reduced.

Week 3: Cllrcillosill 1M - daily, Plussing Method

ENT examinatioll showed the lesion 011 the cord to
be smallcr, less lrard, mrd the vocal cord more freely

Weeks 4-8: Same as Weeks 2-3

I The patient's voice was no longer hoarse.

I Laryngoscopy showed that the lesion was 90%


I Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 2-3

Laryngoscopy revealed total clearance of the vocal
• cord.
! For the next six months, a dose of Carcinosin 1M and Lachesis 1M
• were prescribed, alternating semimonthly, Split Dose Method.
Thereafter, no further treatment except for occasional doses of
Lachesis 1M or Carcinosin 1M.


Lachesis was the remedy chosen because of its affinity with the
throat and vocal cords and because it fit perfectly the patient's
constitutional picture.
The change of potency in Week 2 is an instance of Dr. Ramakrish-
nan's experimentations with the potencies (see Case 107).
Carcinosin was chosen over Scirrhinum, despite the hardness of
the growth, because in Dr. Ramakrishnan's experience it is the
better nosode for all vocal cord lesions.

For an additional example of successful treatment of this type of cancer,

see Case 97.



No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 50 24 11 46%
Plussing (~1993) 100 43 30 70%
Tl,yroid and Parotid Gland
The principal remedies for thyroid Lancer, listed in order of frequen-
cy of use, are Thllja, Spongia, lodl/tII. and LacheSIS. The organ-specific
remedy for cancer of the parotid gland is often Phylolacea.

CA E18 Januory. 1995

Female, 41 years, presented with a cliagno ed adenocarcinoma of
the left lobe of the thyroid, 0.5 cm. in diameter, Stage 1. Fortunate-
ly, the tumor was close to the surface and could be monitored at
each stage by palpation and visualization. Otherwise, the patient
was asymptomatic.
CT scan and radioactive iodine uptake evaluation
had confirmed the cancerolls nature of the tumor;
the treatment advocated was sllrgery followed by
chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The patient
refl/sed all conventional treatment and turned to

The woman was introverted, sensitive, uncompromising in her

principles and sense of rectitude; adclitionally, her self-confidence
wa not commensurate with her abilities. Physically, every small
injury had a tendency to fester, and her body had a tendency to
form cyst and fatty tumors. In short, she was a typical Silica.

\Yeek 1: Spongia 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2

The patient was monitored every month.
The lump had shnmk by 800. 0 •

Months 5-7: Same il Weeks 1-2, but in the 1 I potency

The lump completely clisappeared.
CT scan of the thyroid and surrounding areas
revealed no lesion.
Months R-l' : Same,. Month. 5-7
Months 12-24: Spollgia 1M and CarcUlosin 1M - alternating
monthlY, • rlit Do. Method
Periodic CT scans continued to sholV everything
Thereafter, the patient has been on periodic doses of Silica 1M"'
nnd CarcilLosill 1M.

In the heginning, Spongia was prescribed instead of Silica because
it is a superior organ-specific remedy for cancers of the thyroid.
Recause the woman responded well to the remedy, she was kept
on it until she was out of danger. After that, she was prescribed her

l constitutional remedy together with a cancer nosode to prevent a


CASE 19 September, 1995

.Female, .38 years, reported with abnormal nodular glands in the

Radioactive iodine uptake evaluation led to
suspicion that the glands were malignant. Biopsy
results were positive for adenocarcinoma, Stage lIb.
The hard nodule was on the left thyroid, and two
ahnormallrmph glands were also seen in the left
cert'ical region.

Tbe pressure Df the thyroid was producing changes in the patient's

voice. Other symptoms were not only a natural (in this case) in-
tolera:ru::e to tight clothes around the neck but also a long-stand-
ing intolerance of tight clothes around the waist. The patient also
srr:ffered frOID di~tlITbed sleep and waking up unrefreshed; and, fi-
nally, the nodules were left-sided-all symptoms pointing to

Week I: Lachesis 200c t - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhimlm 200c (because of hardness of nodule)
- daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Marginal improvement was observable.
Weeks 9-16: Same as Weeks 1-2
There was only slight further reduction in the size
of the glands.
Week 17: COllium 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Week 18: Scirrhinum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 19-32: Same as Weeks 17-18

CT scan showed a rapid reduction ill the size of

cervicaillodes; the main nodule was reduced 25%.
Months 9-12: Same as Weeks 17-18
CT scan showed a slight further reduction of
cervical nodes and the main
10nths 13-18: Same as Weeks 17-18, but in the 1M potency

Ollce again, CT scan showed a slight further re-

duction of cervical nodes and the main nodule.
,\lonths 19-24: Same as Weeks 17-18, but in the 10M potency
No observable change.

CT scarl confirmed 110 fllrther reduction ill the size

of the lIodule and nodes.
For more than five years now, the picture has remained the same:
IlO incft'<lse, but also no further reduction of glands. The woman
receives occasional doses of COllium lO~I, ScirriJilllllll 10~1, or
Lachesis lO\1 to prt'vent recurrence.
CT SClIIl ('l'err six //lowJI..' sholl'S 110 metastasis, alld
the condition is stablt'.

1'1 '.tAW'.',
/ttl h' 1 Wd1It1!')tMHt d tn I' rt f{ " he P<1t~ .", (:t,r
11111. I V" " . IN Viti(.I I lilt' remedy ," "rl>flf, af'
wllh (, n ~',U~ aft.:!.. Ion Hf the Ihroat. h t COrl/um. ttl('
~pr I Jm un, ,tit. VI S (1 C1 sly he bet c' remedy t
'- 'I('

SeptemMr. J994
M.l/C. S2 yctIr~. prc!M:1Jled with a lump that had recently appeared
r iJf Ih,. flg"t temporomandibular joint; in one month it had
WflWff III Ihl' \,/e ()f a marble. There was no pain.

The biopsy rcpurt was positive for cancer. No other

K/lmduiar enlargement. CT scan of the head, neck.
and (he;t showed all clear. Diagnosis: Adenocarci-
noma of the parotid gland, Stage T. The patient de-
cided to begin with hlWloeopathic treatment.

"I he lump Wi!' hard, but not stooy hard, and was freely mobile;
II. re Wi!' nil accmve salivation. The only pain the patient expe-
rJerKed Wi! .,{,metimes in the right jaw, when he had been chew-
IIIV It,ltu.

"IU ,l 1'11'110
We J: Phytolacca 200c - daily, Plussing Method
We·k 2. Curcinosin 200<: - daily, Plussing Method
Same as reeks 1- 2
;'0 improvement what~oever, so some change of
prCM:ription was needed.

1I1f'nlh~ 3 4: Same a~ Weeks 1-2, but in the 1..., potency

Th,~ lime, 5()me change was vi!;ibJe.

Month'! 5-0: Same as :"'onths 3-4

Further reduction in size of the tumor, but not as
much as during the previous eight weeks.

Months 7-9: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 10M potency

At the end of this time, the mass had fully cleared.
Tests confirmed patient to be all clear.

Months 10-36: Same two remedies in the 10M potency, but alter-
nating monthly, Split Dose Method
End of treatment.

Phytolacca, as was noted in Chapter 2, is one of the preeminent
remedies for cancers of the glands, especially of the breast and
parotid gland.

For an additional example of successful treatment of thyroid cancer, see

Case 100.



No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 25 12 7 58%
Plussing (~1993 ) 40 17 12 71 %
50 A HO~!llrOPAnll<: AI'I'll<l\<1I II) (' '\ lit

() 'sophaf,w
The plIlhlp.tll(III.JI< fOl" Ctlll~U of lhl.: {I' ophdglJ ," ted In ord r
l)ffrnjlll'n<\ ll"lI~(.,In.· (1l1/'lldlttl, lilti/ll, TYI/IIIIII tII/rttl/II/, SrllCa, nd

• \n'/l/O/III II/bUill,

C\Sfll(p-PI Mllr, 1990

, Llk, 45 prl!~t'ncl!d with an inability to swallow that had

b('ell grJdu,tlly inCT\~,lsing over ,I two-month period,
ElItfOSL'VPY rel't'illcr! an II/cemtion il1 the oesupha-
gus; biopsy "'ported sqllamous cdl carcinoma,
{,lge //, lI'ith surrollnding orgilll5 alld areil all
I hl' pJlit:nt WJs of .1 sociable disposition, ever ready to help out
tho,>c in need. Phrsically. he had warts on the face and fingers. and
,\ slight t:1ci ..d palsy.


Wcd:, 1-4: Causticum 200e t - Split Dose Method, once a

WCt'k ;;: Carcinosin 200e - Split Dose Method. once
\\'tck, 6-1-l: Same as Weeks 1-5
By the end of three and a half months. the patient
could eat normally.
\hlnlhs 3-6: Same as Weeks 1-5

Enduscopy showed the II/cer cOlI/pletely hralrd.

•\llIl1lh' 7 -9: Same a~ Wed"s 1-5
l-orone mOlt.' yeM, ~inglc doses of CIl!lsriCllIII I M and C(/rChlOSil1
1M wer.: prescribed, alt.:rn,lting monthly, plit Dose Method.

CaltsticLim was presnibed because the remedy fit the patient'
constitutional picture, ,Illel because, although it is not, strictly
V"liS 'II <LA:"U!It L'HS1' ~bvl! RJ!Sl'lll'DllD Wl!I.C TO HllMllllllPAI'HY :;1

s!!,l!altin\!, a (;H1ganrspecific remedy, it has a definite affinity with

1 n!;\t III out!, larYllx, al d oesophagus.

November, 199 I

"'llill? 60 years, reported a gradually worsening dysphagia, so

nb.a tlOW he could only swallow liquids and finely mashed rice.
An endoscope could not pass beyond the mid-third
of the oesophagus; biopsy showed squamous cell
carcinoma, Stage HI. CT scan indicated that the
liver, pancreas, and spleerl were not affected, but
x-ray evaluation of the chest showed secondary
lesions in the lungs and the seventh right rib.

The patient was sensitive, soft spoken, and conscientious from

childhood; he would make great efforts to work hard but lacked
stamina. He was never a good eater and always had a poor diges-
tion. He was chilly but liked cold food and drink and was lactose


Weeks 1-2: Silica 200c t - Split Dose Method, once a week

v"eek 3: Conium 200c - Split Dose Method, once

Same as Weeks 1-3

Only slight improvement was reported.
vved<.'; 7-9: Same as Weeks 1-3, but with Silica in the 1M
Marginal improvement continued.
Wt'd<s 10-12: Same as Weeks 7-9
By this time, the patient wa able to eat almost
normally but still needed soft food. Improve-
ment was noticeable but slow.
Weei<s 13-21: Same as Weeks 1-3, but with Silica in the 10M po-
tency (to speed up improvement)

Week 22: The patient developed obstructive symptoms that

looked like a recurrence. But Dr. Ramakrishnan ,
suspecting a stricture due to fibrosis from the
dearing of the oesophageal neoplasms, gave him a
Split Dose of Causticum 200e (see pp. 198-200).
During Week 23, endoscopy confirmed that the
man was 90% cleared and only fibrosis was
present; it was cleared by the endoscope.

Weeks 24-52: Same as Weeks 13-21

For two more years, the patient received periodic doses of Silica
10M. Then all treatment stopped when the patient moved. He still
calls in to report that he remains healthy.

Silica was prescribed not only for the patient's constitutional pic-
ture, but also because the remedy has an affinity with the perios-
teum and bones.
Conium, as noted in Chapter 2, is an excellent remedy for second-
ary lesions in the bones.
Today, Dr. Ramakrishnan would have also employed a cancer


No. of No. of No. of SIICCesS

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing « 1993) 90 58 31 53%
Plussing (~ 1993) 210 ltO 88 80%

The principal remedies for mediastinal cancer, listed in order of fre-
quency of use, are Thuja, Spongia, and Scrophularia nodosa.

CASE 23 October, 1998

Female, 63 years, sought homoeopathic treatment for a cancerous
supraclavicular gland.
A stony-hard gland had been surgically removed
earlier that year; the biopsy report revealed a
squamous cell carcinoma, Stage III. The primary
tumor was not detectable. The gland returned and
the patient then tllrned to homoeopathy.
The patient had a history of asthma, numerous warts, and period-
ic fibroadenosis of the breast.

Week 1: Thuja 200ct - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2

CT scan showed considerable regression of the

Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency.
CT scan showed that the supraclavicular area had
completely cleared.
Month 7: Thuja 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose Method

Month 8: Scirrhinum 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose Method

Months 9-18: Same as Months 7-8.
The intensive treatment ended. Now the patient
receives only periodic doses of Thuja 1M or
Scirrhinum 1M.

The pri I1cipal remedies for mediastinal cancer, listed in order of fre-
quency of lise, are Thuja, Spongia, and Scrophularia nodosa.

CASE 23 October, 1998

Female, 63 years, sought homoeopathic treatment for a cancerous
supraclavicular gland.
A stony-Izard gland had been surgically removed
earlier that year; the biopsy report revealed a
squamous cell carcinoma, Stage Ill. The primary
tumor was 110t detectable. The gland returned and
the patiellt thell turned to homoeopathy.
The patient had a history of asthma, numerous warts, and period-
ic fibroadenosis of the breast.


Week 1: Thuja 200c t - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed considerable regression of the
Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency.
CT scan showed that the supraclavicular area had
completely cleared.

Month 7: Thuja 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose Method

Month 8: Scirrhinum 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose Method

Months 9-18: Same as Months 7-8.
The intensive treatment ended. Now the patient
receives only periodic doses of Thuja 1M or
Scirrhinum 1M.

Tlzuja was prescribed partly on the basis of the woman's sympto-

matic picture (past and present) and partly on the basis of the
remedY', affinity fur affections of the glands in general.
S;i..-hillUI7l was the nosode selected because of the stony hardness
of the original gland.

r CASE24 September, 1995

Male, 52 years, carne to homoeopathy for adenocarcinoma of

I glands in the mediastinum-with an enlargement of the neck, a

bulging left carotid artery, and some varicosity in the veins of the
neck.. His present symptoms were a continuous cough with little

expectoration, which was worse when he was lying down; he had
shortness of breath, eyen when at rest, which was worse after
coughing, talking, drinking hot liquids, and from worry.

I CT scan o.(lungs, cchocardiograph); and other rests

disclosed multiple enlarged glands in the medi-
astinum. Biops)' 0.( a piece of remol'ed gland

I rel'ealed adenocarcinoma, Stage III. Radiation

therap)' was adl'ised, but the patient refused.


Weeks 1-2: Spongia 30e - for relief of cough

To be taken at first more frequently, several times
a day, then on an as-needed basis. Cough was
much relieved.

Week 3: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 4: Spongia 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 5-6: Same as Weeks 3-4
Cough 90% better; only occasional dyspnea.
T f (..u"'U THAT H." RlS?O:--iOW "Vr-.LL TO HOYlo;:oPArHY 55

CT scan showed glands reduced ab(fnLt 2SQo of

original size.
\ 'aks 11-13: Same as Weeks 3-4
CT scan indicated that the glands remained the
same size; a scan of the liver, spleen, and pancreas
and blood workups showed everything clear.

In January, 1996, the patient stopped coming for homoeopathic

treatment. But in December, 1997, after having vanished for al-
most two years, he returned when his cough reappeared.
CT scan showed the glands to be just the same-
neither grown nor shrunk; all other indicators
appeared normal.


Week 1: Spongia 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient reported that he was feeling very hot
and was craving air conditioning (which he never
previously needed) and the blast of a fan.
Week 9: Iodum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Week 10: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 11-12: Same as Weeks 9-10
The patient reported feeling much better ("as if a
big load is off my chest"). Neck swelling was al-
most gone.
Month 4: Same as Weeks 9-10
The patient continued to feel better.
CT scan showed no change.

Mall ths 5- I 0: Same as Weeks 9- I 0

CT scan showed the size and number of glands sig-
Ilificantly reduced. Of eight nodes seen originally,
only three remained-and these were only half the
original size.
At this point, the patient got tired of the Plussing Method and re-
fused to continue it. Thus, for the next year, he was put on lodum
1M and Carcillosill 1M-alternating weekly, Split Dose Method.
The following year, remedies prescribed were the same, but in the
10M potency.

This case exemplifies the necessity of carrying through with a
case, even when there is marked improvement. Otherwise, there is
danger of a recurrence.
fodl/l1J was prescribed because of the patient's unusual tempera-
ture modality (extremely hot) and because it is a prime remedy
for glands.
Spollgia was initially prescribed for its affinity with the patient's
symptoms as well as with the mediastinal area.

For an additional example of successful treatment of "secondary adenitis;'

or canceroLls glands in the general mediastinal area, see Case 113.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre- Plussing ( < (993) 20 9 3 33%
Plussing (;::1993) 40 22 16 73%

The p rincipal remed ies for breast cancer, listed in order of frequency
of use, are Conium, Pulsatilla, SepIa, PhytolClcca. and NlOsphorus.

CASE2S January, 1995

Female, 39 years, presented with a 1 em. lump in the right breast,
lower quadrant, that had been diagnosed as cancerous, Stage II.
One abnormal axillary lymph node was found; no other sign of
metastasis. The woman refused a lumpectomy and turned to
homoeopathy instead.

History: To regulate painflll and irregular

menstTllal periods, the patient had undergone
hormonal treatment several times.

The patient was oven'leight, could eat only a little at a time, but
liked pastries; she was easily chilled but craved fresh air. She was
gentle by nature; easily felt hurt or slighted; and was low-spirited,
mornings and evenings-all symptoms pointing to Pulsatilla.


Week 1: PLllsatilla 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-8: Same as \'\'eeks 1-2

Slight reduction in the size of the lump.

CT scan confirmed that the tumor was reduced by


Months 3-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

By the end of this time, the lump had disappeared
and the lymph node appeared normal.

CT SC/111 S/llllWd el',:rvt!Ji/lR

• c clear.

Months 7-10: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the lOt.I potency-

, eekiy, Split Dose Method
II .. n II. f .H,d I'll the II' f IW<J r'.ll 11 WfJfI II W pr r Jt:d
.11t< ff1.!tlf.g rJ,Ollthly.1. "- uf /'11''<1tll/1.1 lU.' ,lid Cartmo HI 'f) .
'>1'1l! (J". ,1 tll'J<I Ih'f ng tid tflJlt· htr II .. 'rU<Jl IJVIII"d >e
•. ' , cgIJ, I • I P I (I u:

I I ,1, IH'

II I .•. '" l'ul~,ltIlliI St rHd /xlth as an ()rgan ,>p;;.-cih\o and <-'HI 1;

Itl' ,Il.i, I un;;dy

(A126 Manll, 1'J96

!. I. • I. 4 }, .,r,. P cst:l1kd with a 2 em. lump in the right brea~t.

If ,I\< f qu.!dranl. \\hi..:h had been diagnosed as cancerous. Stage II.
I! w t~t:e1y mt)bIle nut .tdherent to pectoral muscles. No axillllr;
1',I.III'/) ,\l Ie palp.lble, but the patient had noticed that the lump
Ihld luwly bell) gruwing for the past six months.
CJ scan revealed all surrounding organs, lungs.
liver, and spleen free of tumors; bones were also
clf!ar. The patient refused to haw a lumpectomy.
I) deal LOmtltutionaJ remedy evolved from the homoeopllthic
\oO! .. J.!.lt.t'UJD. but the tumor wa5 stony hard.

l k l' LOlllum 200( - daily. Plu~sing Method

'>wrhil/L/II/ 200c - daily. Plussing Method

\ 1<,12 .Hne J~ \'\b:k~ 12

( I ~wn leVt'uied u 51)"0 decrease ill siu of tl/rrlor.

l.()lllh 4 6:

, CT ~hl.1v,,'d no JIll'll! ,. reduttioll.
MOllth:. I It)' ~<lll1e a~ \11, ck, 1-2. but in the JM potency

C /' ~fI/I ~11011 ,'clIIU jintlter reduawll.

() it :ta is wa fo! anywhere, the a.'iIlary

tl e ~ ril ary lump remains about SOO4l of i

F.1T a CT scan was repeated c\'cry threc

1'1e yc.ur,
momils t<J watch for signs of metastasis. After t/Ult,
scanning was pcrfon71Cli o71ly occasiollallr

ca - of the patient's food preferences and

- ex: r -i,'e; also her resetyed, self-contained, but
,,,,,.,> ( of which manitested over time) pointed to

",..,.,P."" 0 su -:ful treatment of this type of cancer, ee


X or 'So. vf 1\0. of . . u ~cess

Ca.'i:.< Viahlt- Cases SllCcc.sst.">...'i Rtlt('

Pre-Plu ing (·-.199 ) 190 70 40 57°'0

PI - mg ~1993 ) 3 0 l50 110 Soot>
] he principaJ remedies for lung cancer, listed in order of frequency
of use, are Lycopodium, Kali bichromicum, Argentum nitricum, and Lach-

CASE 27 NO'Vember,1995
Male, 51 years, presented with an incessant cough, which he had
had for the past month. He had been a smoker for twenty years
but had stopped ten years previously.
Bronchoscopy revealed a lesion in the right upper
lobe and four abnormal paratracheallymph nodes;
a subsequent workup revealed squamous cell carci-
noma, Stage III.
The patient was lean, flatulent, with a history of early graying of
his hair. He liked privacy but disliked being alone in the house. He
_was intellectual, with a mind of his own, but respectful of those in

Week 1: Lycopodium 200et - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Scirrhinum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
Cough was considerably reduced.
Weeks 5-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed that the lesion and paratracheal
nodes had shrunk 10%.
Weeks 9-10: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Weeks 11-16: Same as Weeks 9-10
CT scan showed the lesion and nodes had shnmk
to 25% of their original size.
1\1'I,dl ( ,I IIIAIII \I It I I I.W I 1.110 II.loY IIY 61

• lolllh h ~Jllh .1 k '/ III


lit 1'IIIIltWI ()lIIl'ltly ymp'ofl t

( I "III h,~, "til I 1111/ flllIll/o,l( I/(/d I,,/II/k
I 10 , /lh"T ,IrJ ',,/(/1 ,

. l,lflth I~. / }"'I'IIc1111 III 1\1 s(.'milllonthly, ~I'ht In,
I Ihnd
I,mlh 1 ~"" rlllm,,,, 1 l'1ll1t110nlhly, <;plit 1)",e Method

F r 1\\<1 1I10r( v ',If _ the P,ltll.'llt was given "Itanate monthly do\cs
of thc t\\l) rcmedic ,~pltt l)me Method . fk did not want to un
d,'gn .11l} l110re ( ['~Jlh ,Ifler the six month evaluation but is re
port lIlg r,·gul.trlv to the doctor and is doing well.


/ } ((1/," 1111111. ,)" notc:d in (,hapter 2, can be considered an organ-

pc 1ft, r In d\ for lung ,\Jlcer. The remedy also perfcdly fit the
p,ltl~nt P< r on,lltty and constitutional type.

'icptcm[,cr. I WI

1..11., 61 }l<lr • pre cnh:d with a history of thyroid ~,Inccr that hJd
III ta ta iz -J to the right upper lone of the lung.

HI II ry: , hard llllllp 011 the righl SId,' of lirPOlt/

land had wahl/! IX 1II1111tlls gr(ll\'l1 to til. lZl! (If a
IU'IO'I It lias dillS/I() cd ,I wi, II(!WrLIII(ltlla of the
Ih~rn,l /ami /".' Ilia I ht wlllor was ex i ed
1/ ,till}. f"" IH.J I mdullloniherapi nlc pallh
1111 Ill, I Pf't7/QP (If lit lun rell awed tlltlC
it plI' ,llllrultm(1II
"Rg~CI(l"TI( )1-1

Wl!l!k j: LyciljtPdil-itt/ 2m/{, . 4:tilj', f'llJl»itllS !~N!

Wl!dk 2: Caf{in{J~ifi zm'l, • daay, "llJl»illg MlttlJo<i
WI!€kd·I4i: S3nw;.~W"k51,Z

TIM§ §h!IWlld thlt blown in the lung had dK/tred

Mollilw S·I'!: Sanw,;,fi W"k§ l·Z, bllt ill t~ 1M p.otMlq'.
lCo/} §hlJwl!d the leoWrJ in the IUfl£ cnmplet4y
Sina: Mooth 8, and w thifS day. ~ patient has been k~t OJj
Lycop(ldium 1M and CarcifW§in 1M. alternating monthly. Split
J)o.'ie Method,

IJcltpitc the rurdlW§i; pf tnc originaiiump, Cardnosin was mosen
rathcr than &irrhinum, beaQse the original site of th.e can«er W3$
in the thyroid gland, fur whkh condition CarcifWsin has prov;en lie
bc the mm'c !luilabk J10wac,

July, 1995
Male, 85 Y(''an, pre-;entcd with shortness of breath. a cough wit'h
hard, tenacious (ropy), bl()Od~tained expectoration, and 100s of
weight. Thi<; had been going on for six months and had been espe-
cially acute during the past three months,
Te§ts ((jnfirmed a bronchogenic carcinoma in the
left Ibwer lobe of the lung, Siage IlL The aspirat.e.d
epithelial fluid was denoting either a primary or
JWJfuillry lesion, The patient refused all treatment
except 1w11Woopathy.


Week 1: Kali bichromicum 200C - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
Bleeding completely stopped.
Weeks 5-22: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient felt much better.
X-ray evaluations in December, 1995, and
January, 1996, showed steady improvement.

At one point during this time, the patient became

very depressed, irritable, and uncommunicative;
his mood worsened in the late afternoons and
early evenings. Lycopodium 200c, one dose every
hour for ten hours, pulled him out of his low
Months 6-16: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
X-ray evaluation showed the lung almost clear.

Months 17-26: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 10M potency

X-ray evaluation showed the lung entirely clear.

For eighteen months the patient received Kali bichromicum 10M

and Carcinosin 10M, alternating semimonthly, Split Dose Method.
Then intensive treatment ended, and today he receives only an oc-
casional dose of either remedy.

Kali bichromicum was prescribed in part for the patient's type of
expectoration, in part because of the remedy's important role in
I the treatment of lung cancer.

CASE 30 November. 1995

Male, 68 years, a heavy smoker for most of his life, presented with
an incessant cough and unbearable pain in the interscapular re-
X-ray evaluation showed consolidation in the right
lower lobe of the lungs; a scan confirmed this and a
bronchoscopy with brushings of the bronchi
revealed the presence of malignant cells. Diagnosis:
bronchogenic carcinoma. Stage III.

The patient was haughty and reserved by nature, craved sweets,

and was in other respects a typical Lycopodium (see Case 27).


Week 1: Lycopodium 200c t - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Twice during these weeks, the patient developed
hemoptysis and both times Sanguinaria 200c-a
dose every half-hour, ten times, which he repeated
for three successive days-pulled him through
(see p. 183).
CT scan showed the entire patch of consolidation
completely cleared.
Months 5-6: Same as Weeks 1-2
Months 7-12: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

CT scan continued to show everything clear.

Month 13: Lycopodium 1M, semimonthly, Split Dose Method
Month 14: Carcinosin 1M, semimonthly, Split Dose Method
Months 15-26: Same as Months 13-14
. """,'NPIIlWIII II' Ii PMllIOP\I II \' 65
\lIlhi, /illl,' lilt' pel/it'lll lI'e'< ,ymplpm {I/',' (/IV
blood ill _'1'11/11111, ,." ), /'//1 lit' It'fll<t''/ 10 IIIIt/nJ.:o

t/Ill' //lPII' /l1'("lchc's(t)l'il" PI (J/lin /('<1',

F II' Ill"" me It't' )' -'M, IIii' pa Iit'll I I'cu'iVt'd Ihe ~il Illl' Iwo retnl'!! It'" ,II
t 'rn,\tin~ q\l,uterly, Splil lose klhod, and Ih 'rL.. dlef, Ollly on,I
Si\IIl,IUV, II' wntinues well to Ihis day, with no cough or other
:0' nil tvms,
RI'Ct'tlt CT scali shows el'l'rythillg clear.

IU,,\ IA1U.. S

III this ase, arcirlOsin was prescribed, rather than Sci,./,hi1111111 (as
III else 27), be au e there was a fanuly history of cancer, which
(as mentioned ill Chapte,. 2) is a strong indication for Cl1I'cinosill.
It is noteworthy how strongly Lycopodium predominates when the
lung cancer is right-sided.

I 11' an additional e" ample of successful treatment of this type of cancer,

~ , '.IS 107 .


= - -
No. of No. of No. of SlIccess
Cases \fialJ/e Cases Successes Rate
PI' '-Plussing «1993) 40 21 6 29%
Plu '- lug (> 1993) 90 26 15 58%

1 tom ~~ I I t , r
" aLI'/1I111 ulvlll ratlll1l. r ell U1 ("llItllO .a/lll/I/ " u "d (OTi~urr

-all "Ut 'I" aluable.

September, ) <)l)

r va expenenclU:j.1 burning in the stomach, \\ hIe.

ee gn e a adenocarcinoma of the stomach, ~tage \\
h ',t1r : Endoscopl'had revealed a mass 2 illche<
I. dWlIleter slttzng all the great wrvature. Surger}

had bee'l performed to remove the entire stomach.

b! t I CT scan Te\'ea/ed he had multiple cancerous
mcsentcn,' glands and secondary /esiolls in the
spleell. lIver, and Illngs, which cOILid not be re-
mOl'cd surglwlly. Chemotherapy was advised. but
th patient refused.
" )
H rastl 200 - daih, Plussing Methud

;'tIHI'1 200 daily, Plussing i lethod

ro n _00 - daily, Spli. Dose Method

1 patJen fel· oetter.
)J1l1l.l \'vee' 1 1,
,untmunl to feel better. I

OWL( III ies"'I" !.

dail} Plus~ing I lethod

I LJ d il\ !llu.-sing, lethod

/1 1 14
, '<)1111\ , III. I ","", 1, 1 but 111 the L I potenc),
•• ,


Months 13-15: Same as Weeks 13-14, but in the 10M potency (J

Three-month CT scans continued clear.
Months 16-28: Hydrastis 10M and Carcinosin 10M, alternating
monthly, Split Dose Method
Six-month CT scans continued clear.
Since early 1997, the patient, who now takes the two remedies, al-
ternating quarterly, continues to be comfortable and asympto-
matic, is maintaining his weight, and attends to two to three hours
of business every day.

This is a rare instance in which Dr. Ramakrishnan started out
with three remedies.
Hydrastis was chosen because it is a major remedy for stomach
cancer and other abdominal organs.
Conium was chosen because of its affinity for cancers of the
glands, particularly when they are very hard, as they were in this
case; also because the remedy is good for cancers of the stomach
and abdominal organs. But since, according to the patient, Coni-
um offered less symptomatic relief than the other two remedies, it
was dropped after the twelfth week.
Carcinosin was chosen rather than Scirrhinum, because it is the
preferred nosode in cancers of the abdominal organs, except for
the liver.

CA E 32 February, 1991
~ (ale, 7i
years, reported to homoeopathy with loss of appetite a
of weight, ill ·turbed leep, and much weakness from a sto Ill!
cancer. illath
Endoscopic findings were a nodular mass ittvol
tlte an tnlm of the stomach, Stage III. The scope
could not pass beyond the duodenum.

The patient was highly ensitive to the cold, fastidious in all IIIal·
ters, was definitely a "morning" person, and had a critical and
commanding per onality-a typical Arsenicum album type.

Week I: Arsenicum album 200e t - daily, Plussing MethOd
Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Al 0, Omithogaillm 0, for pain or discomfort,
everal times a day.
Week 3-24: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient continued with Ornithogalum 0, as
Twice during this period, the patient received Kali
bichromiclIm 20Dc instead of ArseniCllm albrlm,
when the mucoid material that he threw up was
greenish and stringy.
Endoscopy showed everything normal.
Month 7-15: arne remedies as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M poten-
cy, alternating weekly, Split Dose Method.
(her after, the patient received monthly doses of either ArseniculIl
IIlbum, Ctlrcinosifl, or Kali bichromicum, Split Dose Method, as his
ymptom dictated-and he continues well.
•• •


Ornithogalum 0, taken as an adjunct to the remedies, is invaluable

in the treatment of cancers of the stomach (see Chapter 2).


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 80 23 8 35%
Plussing (> 1993) 130 55 30 55%

The principal remedies for pa ncreatic cancer, listed in order of fre-
quency of use, are Hydrastis, Ceanothus americanus, Arsenicum album,
Cadmium sulphuratum, and Baryta iodata.

CASE 33 February, 1993

Male, 37 years, presented with a 5 cm. cancerous mass at the head
of the pancreas in the periampulJary region, wh ich had been diag-
nosed as Stage II.
Tests showed high biliary dilation, and CT scan
revealed that there was total obstruction of the bil-
iary flow. Total serum bilirubin was 7.2 mg./dL.

Week 1: Hydrastis 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2

The patient felt better. But on subsequent exami-
nation, the splenetic hardness was distinctive.

Week 7: Hydrastis 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Week 8: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method

I Months 3-4:
Bilirubin count was lower.

Same as Weeks 7-8, but in the 1M potency

The patient continued to improve.

Bilirubin count continued to drop. CT scan showed

50% reduction in the mass, and the spleen was
normal in size and texture.

Months 5-12: Same as Weeks 7-8

The patient felt completely well.

Bilirubin count was down to 1.3 mg./dL. at the end

of six months and remained at that level thereafter.
1\ I'rS <W '~);crl\ 1'11,-\'1' HAlT RESP\)Nllln Wm L TO H<lMOliOI'AII 1\ 71

CT Sr"all S/lo\V('d f/l rtll a II/argilllll rCc/l/cliOIl of the

pal/crealic III/I/Or.

t thi' point, tlte patient d.:dan~d thilt he wa tired of the Plus~ing
lkthod and would no longer continue it. He also refused to un-
dergo any tIlore CT scans.
ltonths 13-20: Same two remedies as Weeks 7-8, but in the 10M
potency - daily, Split Dose Method
The patient continued to do well.
After this, intensive treatment was discontinued and the patient
now receives only periodic remedies, as his symptoms dictate.
H),drastis was prescribed because it is the primary organ-specific
remedy for pancreatic cancer.
cirrhil1um replaced Carcinosin, because the enlarged spleen was
rock hard.

CASE 34 September, 1993

Male, SO years, sought homoeopathic assistance for a diagnosed
cancerous mass at the head of the pancreas, in the periampullary
region, Stage III. The patient was jaundiced, with high biliary dila-
tion, was vomiting blood, and was extremely weak and dejected.

Total serum bilirubin 13.2 mg./dL.; hemoglobin

4.5 gm./dL. The patient refused recommended
surgery and tumed to h011loeopathy.
The patient displayed certain constitutional and personality char-
acteristics suggestive of Thuja; an early childhood history of
eczema and asthma (from vaccination?); an original, if somewhat
confused and chaotic mind; and a fear of the out-of-body sensa-
tions he would occasionally experience.
1l1'''/I1''1 20(), <I.lIly, PIli ,jll~ M~lh"d
\\ 'k~: ( 111(;1'0'''' 200, d'lily,l'lm~il1g Ml'lhod
Thc p.lllcnt ICit sOl1u:wh.1t bctt(·1.
\h'<'ks j 2·t: S,lIl1C ,IS Weeks l-~

CT SCIiI/ showed no cl'idcnce oj par/ere",ic /,alhol u-

g)'; tottllsl'rutll bilirubin 2 IIlg./dL. lind hemuglo-
bin 11.2 gm./dL. Scali a/50 showed enlllrgell/em oj
the III'er, which VII pllipatioll WIIS found to be very

Weeks 25-26: For no apparent reason the patient's condition

started to deteriorate; he experienced severe ab-
dominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting. Ar-
scnicum album 200e helped only a little. Then
Thuja 200e t in frequent doses was tried and the
patient rallied.

\\"ek '27: Thuja 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 28: Scirrhillum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
The patient continued to feel better.
Months 8-12: Same as Weeks 27-28
Improvement continued.

t>.lonths 13-22: Same as Weeks 27-28, but in the 1M potency

The patient was back to normal.

Resliits of blood tests and CT Scali were al/ normal.

for two years the patient was on Thllja II>I ancl ScirrhinulII 1~1, al-
ternating monthly, Split Dose Method. Today he is full of vigor
and enthusiasm and is enjoying life.


Scirrhilllllll was selected in Week 28 because of the hardness of the

TH HA,f. R l>O. Df.D" Ell TO H MOWPATf l 73

. t35 November, 1994

Female, 60 years, came for homoeopathic treatment for her loss of

appetite, mwsea; and extreme weakness. She was jaundiced, had a
mild fever; and claimed she had been steadily deteriorating since
Apn1, 1993. Her hemoglobin level was 6.5 gmJdL. and serum
bilirubin 4.2 mg./dL.; the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) at
I hour was 112 mm.
eT scan showed a nodular growth in the head of
the pancreas and an enlarged liver and spleen.
LapaT05copic biopsy of the head of the pancreas
and histopathological evaluation confirmed squa-
mous cell carcinoma, Stage III. The endoscope
went in smoothly up to the second part of the duo-
denum. The ampulla looked norma/, but the scope
could be passed only 5 cm. and no further.
Chemotherapy was advised, but the patient turned
to homoeopathy instead.


Week I: Baryta iodata 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

ESR dropped from 112 mm. to 75 mm.

Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2

Tests and CT scan showed everything normal.

Months 5-12: Same as Weeks 1-2

Tests and CT scan continued to show everything


Months 13-30: Same two remedies as in Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M

potency, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method

Thereafter, the woman received Baryta iodata 1M and Carcinosin

1M, ahernating quarterly, Split Dose Method-and continues the
regimen to this day.

RE lARl\.S
iodata was chosen because of the patient's extreme weak-
ness, her anemia, and the remedy's affinity with the glands and
endocrine organs.

For .ldditional examples of successful treatment of this type of cancer, see

Cases 102, 115, and 117.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 22 10 4 40%
Plussing (>1993) 98 56 42 75%


Liver c:::
The principal remedics for liver cancer, listed in order of frequency
of usc, are Chelidonium, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, and Natrum sulphuricum.
Chelidonium 0 can be used concomitantly with other remedies for pain

CASE 36 March,1995
Female, 47 years, presented with secondary deposits in the liver
(after having had breast cancer), Stage IV.

History: In February, 1994, results of a biopsy of a

lump in the right breast were positive for cancer. A
lumpectomy was performed, and seven of the six-
teen axillary glands removed were positive. Both
ovaries were removed, as was the uterus, which
had large fibroids. Surgery was followed by chemo-
therapy and radiation therapy,
In January, 1995, CT scan identified deposits on
the liver, A CT scan-guided biopsy of the deposit
was performed; the histopathology report was posi-
tive for malignancy. Another round of chemothera-
py was advised, but the patient refused and turned
to homoeopathy.
The patient was a typical Calcarea carbonica: overweight, with
poor muscular tone; emotional and apprehensive; conscientious
in her duties, but a plodder in executing them.

Week 1: Chelidonium 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed deposits abollt the same; maybe
somewhat smaller.
lonth 2: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT SCflIl showed (ollsiderable reduction of deposits.
Month 3: Same as Weeks 1-2
CT semI sholVed deposits had cleared 90%.
Month 4: Calcarea carbonica 200c t - weekly, Split Dose

10nth 5: Carcil/osin 200c - weekly, Split Dose Method

CT scal/ showed deposits cleared.
t-Ionths 6-12: Same as Months 4-5
Thereafter, the woman received Calcarea carbonica 200c and
Carcil/osill 200c , alternating monthly, Split Dose Method-and,
to the present day, continues to do well.
Periodic CT scans show everythillg is still normal.

This is a classic instance of how the constitutional remedy can fol-
Iowan organ-specific remedy, once there is marked improvement

I in the organ affected (see Chapter 7) .

Chelidonium's important role in the treatment of liver cancer is
described in Chapter 2.

CASE 37 March, 1996

Female, 41 years, a severe diabetic, reported with a secondary can-
cer of the liver, which had metastasized from the left breast, Stage
IV. The liver was slightly enlarged, very hard, and tender to the

History: In August, 1994, an infiltrating ductile

carcinoma of the left breast was operated all, fol-
lowed by chemotherapy and mdiation thempy. Ttl
June, 1995, there was a recurrence ill the S(11111'

breast Radiall mastectomy and total hysterectomy

lI'ere performed, followed by chemotherapy and
radiatioll therapy. III Febmary, 1996, CT scan
showed deposits 011 tire liver, and a guided biopsy
was positive for secondary metastatic


\,'eekl: Natrum sulphuricum 200e - daily, Plussing

\,'eek 2: 5cirrll;1111111 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Tenderness of the liver was completely gone.

CT scan showed the deposits smaller, the lil'er

normal size.
110nths 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

CT scan showed that the liver secondaries had

completely disappeared.
~1onths 5-9: Same as Weeks 1-2

Thereafter, the woman was monitored homoeopathically and re-

ceived a dose of Natrum sulphur;cum 200e and 5cirrhil1um 200e,
alternating monthly, Split Dose Method. This regimen continues
to this day.
Periodic follow-up CT scans show the liver nomlal.

atrum sulphuricwn is one of the excellent liver remedies. It was
selected over Chelidonium because it is also an important remedy
for diabetes.
. 1. r H :\ \- t ~ I "DED \\ n L T ) HO~I~)I Ol'.\l\ IV 79

'-'vi n
i .6r

'il lon an er, li,ted in order of frequency
I ~ "'hu.ia rscl1i 'Wl1 album, and Lycopodiu11l.

JUlle, 1995
. ar,\ pr 'ented with a diagnosed cancer of the cecum,
I ~ \\-hi -h had recently been operated on.

History: A 6 cm. mass on the cecum was removed,

together with 23 lymph glands, fifteen of which
were positive for malignancy, and a hemicolectomy
\·v a· performed. Chemotherapy was advised, but
patient refused, tliming to homoeopathy instead.
The ati nt \ a experiencing severe cutting pains across the ab-
men in the region of the transverse colon and was passing
lum . of mucus, at times bloodstained-symptoms pointing to
Aloe ( 'ee Chapter 2).

P <"--'J,.... RIPTI 0 f

\\Teek 1: Aloe 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Carcillosill 200e - daily, Plussing Method
\\Teek 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Bowel movements better; no abdominal pain.
tonths 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2, but Aloe in the 1M potency
The patient gained 6 lb. and continued feeling
Months 5-6: Same as Months 3-4
The patient looked normal, felt well. Started at-
tending to his business.
CT scan showed clear.
. ,'~~
-- .,-~~~~ E ~~- .~("

•f n A.loe hi and 1M • alternating semi .

monthly, plir Dose l\Iethod
For eighteen month longer, the patient recei\'ed a dose of Aloe
10.1 r Carcilwsin 10M, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method.
All rest results continue to be normal.

CASE 39 March,1995

Male, 36 years, reported with a diagnosed cancer of the colon. He

was weak. emaciated. and suffered from extreme exhaustion. For
the past ten years, he had been treated for ulcerative colitis with
\\'estern meclicine and monitoring, until recent severe abdominal
pains and rectal bleeding called for further tests.
Colo/loscopy showed a mass in the descending
colon. Biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma, Stage lIb.
The patient refused surgery and chemotherapy and
turned to homoeopathy instead.


"'eek 1: Thuja 200e - daily, Plu5sing Method

\\reek 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient felt much better symptomatically. He
gained 4 lb. and looked healthier. Rectal bleeding
was only 25% of what it had been.

CT scan showed clear. Colonoscopy showed mass to

be 50% of original size.
Months 5-7: Same as Weeks 1-2

Colonoscopy showed that the mass had remained

at 50% of its original size.
Months 8-11: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
No more rectal bleeding.

CI' S("tlll slwWl'd cleM, but patient refused to un-

dergo allY 1Il0re colonoscopics, which he disliked
MOllths 12- 14: Samt! a~ WCt!ks 1-2, but in the 10M potency
By the end of this time the patient looked the pic-
ture of health and there was no recurrence of rec-
tal bleeding. His energy was normal and he was
leading an active life.
For two more years the patient was prescribed the same two reme-
dies in the 10M potency, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method.
10day he remains in good health.

CASE 40 January, 1996

Male, 63 years, sought homoeopathic assistance for a diagnosed
cancer of the ascending colon, Stage III.

History: The patient had been previously treated

for colon tuberculosis, which turned out to be a
wrong diagnosis. A year later, colon cancer was
diagnosed, and the patient turned to homoeopathy.
The patient's personality picture was typical Lycopodium (see
Case 27), and this remedy is a prime one for colon cancer. Thus
the organ-specific remedy was obvious.


Week 1: Lycopodium 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2

CT scan not done, bllt UpOIl digital examination,

mass showed slight reduction ill size.

Weeks 9-16: Same as Weeks 1-2

CT scan showed the mass to be the same.


Week 17: An abnormal gland showed up in the supraclavic-

ular region.
It was excised and histopathology came out posi- of use,
tive for cancer.
Weeks 20-28: Since the gland was very hard, after the operation
the patient was started on Scirrhinum 200c - daily,
Plussing Method.
He was comfortable and gained 8 lb.
Week 29: The patient suddenly developed a profuse rectal

- He was hospitalized and a hemicolectomy was

performed. At the patient's insistence, no
chemotherapy or radiation therapy was given.
Months 8-16 (after the operation): Same as Weeks 1-2
CT scan showed everything clear.
Months 17-24: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Thereafter, the patient continued to take the two remedies, in the
1M potency, but alternating monthly, Split Dose Method-and
continues to do so to this day.

Scirrhinum replaced Carcinosin during the twentieth to twenty-
eighth weeks because the supraclavicular gland was stony hard.
But in view of subsequent events, it was thought that perhaps this
was an erroneous judgment. So after the operation, Carcinosin
was again resumed.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 190 63 21 33%
PIU5Sing (>1993) 290 70 28 40%
']''''1 _' <l[ CINei R TIIAI J L\\,I HI "'<lNIlI "Will ·1" I JOMOPOl'AlllY 83


Th,' I'rilKip.l1 n:m~di~s for r<'clal <.al1(\:I', listed in ord\:r of frequency

()(us~, .In.' N",.i 11111 acidlllll, Aloe, ih"ja, Lachesis, and Sulphur.

lUlie, 1994

M.lle, 43 years, r~portcd with alternating diarrhea and constipa-

[ion for the last three months, with occasional bleeding from the
rectum and recently, wilh more blood in the stool. He was sent for
a physical examination.

Examillatioll showed a hard mass, which bled on

touch . .t\ biopsy was performed; the report revealed
adellocarcilloma, Stage IIa. CT scan showed no
other spread.


Week 1: Aloe 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Within the first week, bleeding stopped.
Week 2: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2
During this time, there was gradual reduction in
the mass; bowel movements were normal.

Months 5-8: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

Examination showed the mass completely cleared.

For six months longer, the patient received one dose of Aloe 1M
and Scirrhinum 1M, alternating semimonthly, Split Dose Method.


For the selection of Aloe, see Chapter 2.

Scirrhinum, as previously noted, is the preferred nosode in rectal


CASE 42 June. 1995 \ CAS

Male, 36 years, presented with a cancer of the rectum, with

needling, splinter-like pains.
Biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma, Stage II. CT
scan was clear with regard to abdominal organs--
no metastasis.

Over the past twenty years, the patient had been subject to various
lesions in the rectum and several times had been operated on for
hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus. The type of pain, recurrent
episodes of stomatitis, and an intense desire for salt and fatty
foods all pointed to Nitricum acidum.


Week 1: Nitricum acidum 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2

The lesion was examined by his surgeon, who
pronounced it to be significantly reduced in size.

Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2

Lesion had completely healed.

Month 7: Nitricum acidum 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose


Month 8: Scirrhinum 1M - semimonthly, Split Dose Method

Months 9-12: Same as Months 7-8

End of treatment. The patient is monitored and continues per-

fectly healthy.
• •
TVIIJ 'S 01 ( .ANe ta TIIAI II.o\vI I{' . . IIONI"" WI J I Jr' 111,·...11 JI' ,"AI H'f h-5

CAS(l43 [p PI NOYl'",brr. I 'Jill!

Male, 53 yei' .. ", h~<.1 " mas'> in the rectulll all11,,~t ,.1 thc ,lnal m~r
gin, which bh:d at the ~ Ii ghte"t toud,. 'I hcre w~s al", " pricking
pain as if wilh nec<.lle5.

Biopsy revealed (I squamous cell carcinoma,

51C1ge II.
The patient was irritable, headstrong, with a craving for salt and
fried foods, and all symptoms were ameliorated when traveling
(whether in a car, airplane, or train)- in short, a typical Nitricum
ncidurn personality type. There was a family history of tuberculo-


Weeks J-4: Nitricurn acid urn 200ct - weekly, Split Dose

The patient felt only slightly better.
Weeks 5-6: Sulphur 200e - weekly, Split Dose Method
Again, the patient felt only slightly better.
Week 7: TlIberculinum bovinum 200e - weekly, Split Dose
No noticeable marked improvement.
Weeks 8-10: Sulphur 200c - weekly, Split Dose Method
Mass was less than 50% of its original size.
A profuse hemorrhage during this time necessitat-
ed some local allopathic medication and dressing.
Weeks 12-16: Nitricurn acidum 200e - weekly, Sptit Dose
Weeks 17-21: Carcinosin 200e - weekly, Split Dose Method
Another significant reduction in size of the mass.
Weeks 22-72: Nitricurn acid urn 200e and Carcinosin 200e, alter-
nating weekly, Split Dose Method
Improvement continued.

Months 18-30: Same as Weeks 22-72, but in the 1M potency

Upon examination, the mass was seen to be J0% The
of its original size. cy of use,
Thereafter, and to this day, the patient receives periodic doses of
either Nitricum acidum 1M or Carcinosin 1M. The final outcome is
that the mass remains 10% of its original size-a flat ulceration,
slightly raised and about 1/2 inch in diameter. For twelve years now
the patient has been comfortable and leading a normal life. The
lesion is 100% localized, witl1 no spread whatsoever.

Suiph ur was prescribed beca use the desired result was not forth-
coming, and it seemed necessary to shift to another remedy effec- \
tive for rectal cancer. PF
Likewise, Tubercuiin£lm bovinum was prescribed to obtain better
results-and the remedy seemed the most appropriate nosode in
view of the history of tuberculosis in the patient's family. Also, one
recalls that in the earlier days, Dr. Ramakrishnan was not as con-
vinced of the prime importance of Carcinosin and Scirrhillum,
and he was still experimenting with the different nosodes. (See
also Cases 7,62,77, and 95.)
Finally, Nitricum acidllm was reintroduced to give the seemingly
"most similar remedy" another try. Since the patient was stable
and doing well by 1993, Dr. Ramakrishnan judged it best not to
rock the boat, but continue with the same treatment. Hence no
Plussing Method was used.

For an additional example of successful treatment of this type of cancer,

see Case 99.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing « 1993) 50 26 18 69%
Plussing (>1993) 170 66 54 82%

The principal remedies for bladder cancer. listed in order of frequen-
cy of use. are Terebinthil1G, Thuja, and Conhlln.

CASE 44 [p-PJ March. 1990

Male, 24 years, presented with blood in the urine and burning for
the past three weeks.
Cystoscopy revealed a 2.5 cm. ulcer on the bladder
wall. Biopsy report: squamous cell carcinoma,
Stage II. No other glandular or metastatic


Week 1: Terebinthina 200c - daily, Split Dose Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Split Dose Method
Bleeding and burning stopped 10 days after treat-
ment was initiated. The patient was comfortable.
Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2
Cystoscopy showed the lesion healed more than

Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

Cystoscopy showed a further 20% to 25%
reduction in size.

Months 7-9: Same as Months 4-6

Cystoscopy showed that total reduction of lesion

remained at 75%.

Months 10-16: Same as Months 4-6, but in the 10M potency

Thereafter, the patient would periodically receive a constitutional

remedy or Carcinosin 1M, and his condition has remained stable.
N" furthIT Cl'stosc"pies or SCullS haw beell per-
formcd bmllt.5C the patielll, fcclitlg well, refused T
(and still refuses) to go for further tests. HelIce C
there is no mfonnation about funlter reductlOll of tl
the si:;e of the lesion.
For an a
see Case
CASE 45 December, 1994
" 1ale, 53 years, was experiencing repeated blood in the urine.
Cystoscopy and biopsy revealed a cauliflower
growth, which was diagnosed as an adetlo-
carcinoma, Stage II.
The patient was sensitive to cold, disliked raw onions because they
brought on insomnia, had suffered from asthma since childhood, Plu
and had numerous moles on different parts of his body- all typi-
cal of Thuja.

Week 1: Thuja 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Bleeding stopped.
CT scan showed the growth smaller in size. No
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

CT scan showed growth further reduced in size.

Months 5-8: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
CT scan showed mass completely gone.

Months 9-11: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 10M potency

For six months longer, Thuja 10M an d Carcinosin 10M were pre-
scribed, alternating semimonthly, Split Dose Method.


Thuja was prescribed for the patient's constitutional type and be-
cause of its prominent role as an organ-specific remedy in the
treatment of cancers of the genitourinary system.

For an additional example of successful treatment of this type of cancer,

see Case 1OJ.


No. of No. of No. of Success

, Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 46 18 10 56%
Plussing (>1993) 94 36 26 72%
90 A HOl\U.H 01',\1 Hit t\PJlltl)/\(" 10 ( A 'l) H

l',tI remedic, lor Pro,t,ltc C,UlI:cr, listed In (>rd~r ',f fr
The' I'
ljucnq of U'<',,ul! III/1/Ll. c.:Vtl/I/II/, ~(/bcJl ern/lala• •tnd Lycopodill",.

C.ASF. 46
May, /YYf,
.\I,tle. 51! yeM • presented with secondary nodes in the presacral
,lrca .Ind deposits in the liver (picked up by a CT scan). His PSA
was 13.3.

History: latlllaT); 1995, adenocarcinoma of the

tn.-dian lobe of prostate was diagnosed. Stage lIb.
The entire prostate alld testicles were removed.
followed by radiation therapy.
'I he pdtient had deep lines on his face; he was intellectual. with a<,(ic wit, and every day felt sleepy around 5:00 p.m.


Week I: Conium 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhittum 200c - daily, Plussing Method
\\ eeks 3-8: Sa me as Weeks 1-2

No change was seen in scan, but his PSA dropped

to 75.
\\ 'eks 9-16: Same as Weeks 1-2

Test showed presacral nodes 80% redllced; PSA

.s.2. Deposits ill the liver unciulIIged.
\ \h'k 17: Lrcopodiutlt 200e+ - dailv, Plu5sing ,\lethod

""t'k 18: ~nrrhillum 200( - daih, Plussing l--lethod

Weeks 1'.1- 2-1: S;lllll' .h Weeks 17-18

fests 511oll't'.t deposits ill /il''''' decreased bl' 25%.

PSA still tit -I.':.
Months 7-9: Same as Weeks 17-18, but in the j}'1 potency.
( 1 "II/I IIIJII'I'd 1I"tli IIJIII dl /1/1 1/ III I" ,tI//I/, I
"1/1"1'/" >"'",': /". \ dlllVllltI 1 I

For l'i).\ht 'l'll 1111111111 , Ill<' p.II', III , I' IVt.l I )'III/'llt/,/I//, I I If"
Sci,,11I/I11/ll I I ,1111'111,11,11' 1111I1It)lIlldy. "Ill 1/(, M 11111 I I.
dol}' II\' j, ,llIIV,', l~yllq.t'II11,'IJt. 11 .. 1 I!lIIIIIII,I,II Illd III (.f dl
lion h,l\ 11.:111,,1111'<1 l,d,I',

SlIb 11//11'/11 I Il/tlll/hly ( 1 1,,1/ II/It! 1/ I'Y II)

1"1/\ /1'\'1'1 ltc/IV"" ,'WI YIlt/II I 1111' 1,111,'" 1111
M/Jlllit ') I" I /. III/)


~(/rrilill'l/lI, ,I~ W,I' Jlolt.:d e,I/Jill. i, ullell the p,dcrn:d J1o~{Jdl' ill
pn)\lill(' (;IJlU', "l' ,'U'C u\ll,dly Ih ' gl'll1d IS very h.lrd,

/ ,YW/'lItlIUIII WJS selcdl'd bel,Uhl.' It 1\ a promincnt pro~tate I en It.!

dy alld il til Ihe pali '111\ lomtilulJl)ll.d typc,

CASI:47 May. 1'J'J6

Male. 1\9 year,. pre'>l:lIll:d with ,I hl\tory of prostate cancer, whll:h

had "cell ())ler .. t d OJ) (a 1 l:lll, X 7 em. nodule in the pre~aaal re
giIJII .lIld ,I IJ, UII. /. I (.111. Jlodule in the left supraclavicular area
h.ld I)('ell excised). Jollllw,d by radiation therapy. A scan had
IIIJ l'd ~ur f()Ulldillg orgall and bOlles clear. But a later MRJ
howed a rclUl JI of Ihe cancer.
'Ihe jJlItlw/oXY rl'fJurl 0/1 Lltl' )upraduvlwlar ji/aml
wa plJ Illve jur IIltt/IK'IIII1Cy. allli Ihl' upilll£lt/ oj Lh('
Uttw/oXi I. ufll'Y Uti Mu/ oj Ihl' p,.e~aaul (l'Xio",
was Ihal II We/) C/ mel a Imizl''' lymph flod,', SlagI.' 1

1h r wa ... ~tf()ll~ hl~ttJry O/l.1/H"c1 in til, p,lIient\ family.


We'k I: eemlllm 200( J dy. Plu') iug 1ethod

Week 2: CunillcJwl 200, dad)'. Plu sIng .'v1ethod
<} ~ I h '\1< 'I, 'I'.HHIC ApPRO.KH TO CANCER

Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2

MRI showed the metastatic gland in the presacral
region was 50% reduced.

Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2

I CT scan and bone scan of his entire body showed

the presacral lymph node normal and the whole
body clear.

For twelve more months, Conium 1M and Carcinosin 1M, alternat-

ing monthly, Split Dose Method, were given.
Thereafter, no more medication-and the patient continues well.


In this case, Carcinosin was selected rather than Scirrhinum (as in

Cases 46 and 48) because of the family history of cancer (see
Chapters 2 and 9).

CASE 48 May, 1994 (

Male, 58 years, presented with a diagnosed prostate cancer. Symp-

toms were burning during urination and impeded flow.
Biopsy report: Squamous cell carcinoma, Stage II.
The patient had had several bouts with sexually transmitted dis-
eases: herpes, gonorrhea, etc., as well as recurring cystitis and pro-

Week 1: Sabal serrulata 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Scirrhinum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
Urinary symptoms better: no burning and flow
Months 2-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
r H II '~1Ut-' 93

m nat! t 'n r co, 1 n Ion r ~

nd a ('T scan md,cat~d pro tau "as
n~r mil I j =~.

nth - : Jdj:I1C a \ ..'e.~ 1·2, but in the 1M potency

.'\.s ar as cou l i 'arramed fTOm tests alld pal·
pan 11 pr sult~ ... as normal 1'1 see.
[0 h ·20: arne two remedies in the 1 I potenc..-, alternating
monthh, pin Dose Method.
Penodz .. ccart!warions during this time confirmed
no 5' n if tumor.
For ne more year, ,ame.L; . [onths 9-20, but in the 1M potency.
RF'\.r R •
Rt: urrent ,e. ually (fan,mltted diseases suggest Sabal serrlliata.
I 0, lb 1/ ..... as gIven instead of Conium because the gland cUd not
fed hard, it w more nodular and fairly soft.

F r dltl nal' mples of ,u.:ce -ful treatment of this type of cancer, ee

Ld5·es I, III, nd II~.


• '0. of ' '0.of SUCCI'SS

Clie: \ ',able Cas.s uc(t'sses Rate

Pr .p u n_ ~
I 93 0 51 24 47%
Plu- 10_
>1 9' 1.5 90 -~
1- o0

94 A Il oMOI''( WA1III< A I'JlH"t\( II II) C.'\"I. I I

TIlt' prilll..ip.d remedies 1m OVolfl,1I1 ,.IIle; 'I," I Ii ill ("d~r /) frcqu rI
cy of lise, ,I n' AI/rum In III lilli, 11m r/lllrvflLllllln, \'i/l(/rJllIIlI prulII/o/rUII/,
TllI/jll, .'U'I';II, ,1110 l.i/llltII ligmlllltl.

CASF 49 JtllI/mrr. /99(,

h :ma le, 32 years, reported With diagnosed cancerous secondary

glands in the pelvis and abdomen, following in the wake of a pri

mary ov,man cancer.

History: In 1995, a CT scan and laparoscopic biop-

sy confirmed squamous ceLL carcinoma, with fixed
secondaries in pelvic and abdominal areas, Stage
/ II. The patient was operated on, but the glands
cOLlld not be removed. Chemotherapy and radia- RE
tion therapy were advised, but patient refused and
turned to homoeopathy instead.
The woman was active, impulsive (everything had to be done in a
hurry), with increased sexual desire. Physically she was experienc-
ing a hearing-down sensation in the uterine region and some
bloating. Her entire picture fit Lilium tigrinum welL

\Veek 1: Lilium tigrinum 200e t - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: ' arne as Weeks 1-2
Everything was stable.
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

MRI showed significant ret/lIctlOn ill the size of the

gin lids.
Months 5-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, bur in the 1~1 potency P)
TyPES OF CA erR 1'11.\'1 Ii \\ I Rr,l't) PH' Will -Ill lit), 101 tlPAIII\ 95

T ,f<lllllllli orha I,' IS sillCt" Ctlllllll(lIr,'IIII'/It uJ

Ir,'t/lll/t'lIl r"lTcllt'd /1/11111' 5,'com/arl' (/t'pp5iIS It>
Iwl't' 5hmllk cOlIsiclt'rau/l'--II/On' thnll 50%,

l\[onths 7-12: ame <IS lonths 5-6

CT Scali slwweti Ih" ol'tlry cit-/lred of 11I5ioll; IIlId
showed st'collrlary gill/Ids further recluced.
Months 13-] 7: ame as Months 5-6
Further t,'sts sholVed t'l't'rylilillg clenr.
For one year, Lilillm tigrillllm l~l and Cnrcinosill l~l were pre-
scribed, alternating semimonthly, plit Dose l\lethod. Thereafter,
the woman received periodic doses of either Li/illlll tigrilltull 1M
or Carcinosin 1M. She continue to do well symptomatically.


Lilillm tigril1l1m, apart from fitting the patient's symptom picture,

is one of the best remedies for cancer of the female reproductive
organs (sec Chapter 2).

CASE SO JI/ne, 1995

Female, 44 years, presented with a diagnosed malignant cyst of the

right ovary, Stage II.
T/le patiellt harl refl/sed recommcllcleci slIrgery allcl
cllemotlrcmpy alld had opted for IlOtlloeopathy
The woman was weepy, apt to complain, indifferent to her loved
ones, and striving for independence-all typical Sepia mental


Week 1: Sepia 200 t - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carci/lOs;1/ 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2

Tests showed a 50% reduction of the cyst's original
sIze. cy of
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2 pru l1l
Not much observable change.
Months 5-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

Tests showed tl,at the mass was reduced to 10% of

its original size.
Months 7-9: Same as Months 5-6
Tests showed mass unchanged.
At this point the woman refused to continue the Plussing Method,
and for the next year, she received the two remedies in the 1M po-
tency-alternating weekly, Split Dose Method. Thereafter, the
remedies were given only occasionally, as her symptoms and
mood dictated.
The mass remains at 10% of its original size.


Apart from fitting the patient's constitutional picture, Sepia is a

prominent remedy for cancerous affections of the female repro-
ductive system (see Chapter 2) .

For additional examples of successful treatment of this type of cancer, see

Cases 6,109,110,119, and 120.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 65 20 11 55%
Plussing (>1993) 95 35 24 69%

The principal remedies for uterine cancer, listed in order of frequen-
cy of use, are Aurum muriaricum natronatul1!, Thuja, Sepia, Viburnum
prwlifoliu11l, Ladlesis, and Lilium tigrinum.

CASE 51 February, 1996

Female, 52 years, presented v.rith uterine cancer. For many months
she had been experiencing a severe hip pain radiating down to the

History: After three years of no menstrual periods,

the patient experienced periodic vaginal bleeding.
After a year, she visited a gynecologist who per-
fonned a D&C. Tests revealed adenocarcinoma of
the uterus, Stage III. The patient turned down the
insistent advice of an immediate hysterectomy and
chose homoeopathy instead.

Physically, the woman had a history of thick, profuse, greenish

leucorrhea until menopause (four years earlier), and for twenty
years multiple warts in the vulval region. In her personality pic-
ture, she was impressionable, artistic (a born actress), somewhat
flighty by nature and irresponsible, but always well-meaning.


Week 1: Thuja 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhinum 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

The patient felt better overall, but there was not
much change in the bleeding.
Weeks 5-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient bled less. The hip pain was consider-
ably better.

Weeks 9-16: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

The vaginal bleeding stopped completely.

( r Sf,,,, . Itowed fW IIJVO/Vl'fllelll oj tJ('{uiJy lJrgUII

cl , LI,.,)' ftlCld \ (ll I,,: glands.
\\'~('b 17-1 H: Same .I~ Weeks 1 2, but in thc I ~1 potency.
1 he p.Jtient wa~ tot.lll\· symptom frcc.

Weck." 1':1-36: Sdme as Weeks 17-18

the woman receivcd Thu/a IO~l or Scirrhimml 10M, al.
'I hereafter,
ternating monthlv, Split Dose Method. This regimen continues tv
this day. The patient is periodIcally strongly urged to go for a
D&C to ascertain the state of the uterus, but she refuses to do so.
Almost five years later, she is still in good health, and the warts she
had for twenty years have disappeared.


11l11ja is well-known for genital warts and thick, greenish, profuse

mucou~ discharges. It is also, as was noted earlier, one of the pri-
mary remedies for cancers of the male and female reproductive
ScirrhillunI was selected over Carcinosin because of the woman's
highly Phosphorus personality type (see Remarks in Case 4).

CASE 52 January, 1996

I'emall.', 63 years, presented with off-and-on vaginal bleeding for
the last year. Since it was not profuse, she did not bother to see a
~pecialist. When she did, she was diagnosed with an adenocarci-
noma of the uterus.

Internal examillation and ultrasound showed a

mass 4 em. in diameter; CT scan alld biopsy eOIl-
firmed ilIl atiellocarcillollUl, Stage 111.
Seeking to avoid surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, the
woman turned to hOJlloeopathy. She was loquacious, exuded
plentiful vitality, <lnd had always experienced relief of her pre-
menstrual symptoms once the tlow set in-all characteristics
pointing to Lachesis.
a Z

Aurum muriaticum natronaturn 200c daily,

PJussillg Method
W<t~k 2; Scinhinum 200e - daily, Plussing Method
W~~ks 3-20: Same as Weeks 1-2
Internal examination and CT scan showed mass to
be smaller by 15% to 20%.
Months 6-9: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Symptomatically she was free of bleeding, or even
spotting; had gained 8 lb. and looked healthy.
Mass was reduced by another 10%.

Months 10-13: Same as Months 6-9

No change in size of mass.
Months 14-18: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 10M potency
Still no change in mass size.

Months 19-26: Lachesis 10Mi and Scirrhinum 10M, alternating

weekly - daily, Plussing Method
CT scan showed no change and no metastasis.
Thereafter, the woman was put on a maintenance regimen-alter-
natin g monthly doses of Aurum muriaticum natronatum 10M and
Scirrhinum J OM, Split Dose Method. She remains well to date.

Aurum muriaticum natronatum was selected to open the case be-
cause of its preeminent role in uterine cancer. It was returned to
after Lachesis surprisingly brought about no marked improve-
w cn t.

AJ';lJ, lice the last para.graph in Chapter 8.

Tn!., (n CANl,U( TIIAT IIAVI HI ~I'()N"'" W, I II!> I It JW)fCJYII'I IIY 10J

Ce rv ix
The principal remedies ror cervkal cancer, listed In order or frequen-
cy or usc. nre AI/rlml tnl/rialicutn nllironalum, /Ju/salillu, Sepia, and Ulium

ASE53 jllne, 1995

Pcmn le, 39 years, rcported with a leucorrhea of many years stand-
ing, which was now accompanied by severe pulling pains all over
the hypogastrium and lumbosacral region. These would come on
suddcnly, but decrease only gradually-and were more pro-
nounced in the evening.
Examination showed ulcer on cervix and biopsy
report confirmed squamous cell carcinoma,
Stage II.
The patient was gentle, soft spoken, sensitive, affectionate; worse
from rich, fatty foods; better from a breeze and gentle (rather than
vigorous) exercise-in a word, a classic Pulsatilla.


Week I: Pulsatilla 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Leucorrhea stopped.

Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

The ulcer was healing, with less bleeding and pain.

Months 5-6: Same as Months 3-4

Cervical lesion 90% cured.

Months 7-8: Same as Months 3-4

The patient was clear of all symptoms.

All tests alld examinations showed normal.


After this, for twelve months, the woman received Pulsattlla 10",
• and Carcinosin lOM, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method.
End of treatment.

As can be observed from the ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer
cases cited, when prescribing for the female reproductive organs,
one tends to individualize more--employing the classical "fe-
male" constitutional remedies, such as Sepia, Pulsatilla, Lilium
tigrinum, and Lachesis.

CASE 54 November, 1995

Female, 63 years, fifteen years after menopause, was experiencing
vaginal bleeding.
Examination revealed an ulcer on cervix and biop-
sy reported squamous cell carcinoma, Stage lIb.
The woman, Sepia-like, was strong-willed, hardworking; often
feeling injured or depressed and wanting to be left alone. During
her entire married life, she had had little or no inclination for
mari tal relations.

Week 1: Sepia 200 e t - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Ulcer looked only marginally better, but patient
felt much healthier and more cheerful.

Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

Ulcer had shrunk 30% to 40%. No bleeding, no

, I I .htttnlh IMp' II
I It rIll 11 r I 'r I lId, Ion 1 pro 'I III I I
, 11 d mt (.J

:\1irllllh .11 1.1 'nflll h

I I, r 11111\ It ~I I
1 • ,11\ .,r"/·,/,'"II,,,11 ( ", II!'~ (11/1", 1/

I, 11th I . JIIl<.1 ro.. .. "tlh ,/

lit (lJTI II r I t
rllllll" II>

m r m \..Jlse

female. I \ Illt: I IIh

da n n' 11 () Jr} h· h I I

I ,IUlIIIIIII III ,II II I h<,)'"" I t

rVIII rill (' I I . III III

)Ill II \ .1~ l' I t:/ It'/Ilill •• 1 II '.11\11' I), n 'n~Jll)n In uleru

J d J J l!J ~l' u,)1 d '~IJl', ~11l' '\,1'> .i1 II O\Cf 'n IIi I: ilnd e
r high lrung.


Llliumll 'rUll/1II 20 - dJil ,Pill I

,,, 1110 11/ _0 - 11 ,P U 1

I _

Physical palpation indicated that the ovarian mass

had completely disappeared. This was confirmed
by CTscan.
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2 J
Symptoms of bleeding, burning, and bearing-
down sensation were all better.
Ulcer looked better.

Months 5-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

No symptoms whatsoever.
Ulcer had shrunk to 75%.

Months 7-12: Same as Months 5-6

Ulcer had shrunk even further and was down to

Months 13-18: Same as Months 5-6

Ulcer had not changed.

Months 19-24: Same two remedies, but in the 10M potency, alter-
nating semimonthly, Split Dose Method
Ulcer not changed.

Thereafter, although semiyearly gynecological examinations

showed that ulcer had never completely healed, the condition re-
mains stable and the patient healthy and asymptomatic.


See Remarks in Case 53.

For an additional example of successful treatment of this type of cancer,

see Case 3.

IIIP ptlnlipill relm:liies for hone Cdncer (induding rttyebmd, f(f,

Ilia, l1~tt'(1l ht9toma, I.wiJ1g'~ sarcoma, etc.), listed in order (}f freqlle,,<.y I,f
LIS nle I Irkltlltll'o, S)'nlJJ/tylllll/, Ailrlllli melalliwtn, and Ca/cMca carbon

\.Jl1l" J'j 6 November, 19</5

Mnle, 54 yeats, presented with a diagnosed myeloma, Stage If.
There was a swelling over the fourth rib; otherwise patient wa~
CT Scali showed a lytic lesion in fourth rib and
multiple smal/lesions in other ribs and vertebrae.
The patient admitted to anticipatory and other anxieties; he was
fond of people but felt claustrophobic in crowds. Physically, he
had a craving for sweets, which, however, disagreed with him, and
he was subject to occasional sharp, painful spasms in the muscles
or the chest. "Dlcse symptoms pointed to Argentum nitricum.


Weck 1: ArgClllllrn lIitricul1l 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Hekla lava 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
The swelling on the right rib was reduced from its
original size by 25%.
Month 2: Same as Weeks 1-2
Further improvement was visible.
Month 3: Same as Weeks J-2
CT scan showed lytic lesion on rib 75% reduced
rllld other multiple lesions completely cleared.
I {elllalology report showed plasma cells consider-
avly reduced.
Months 4-8: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency

AI/tests showed rius alld vertebrae completely


Month 9: The patient was going on a vacation and sought

permission to take a month's rest from the
Plussing Method. Because he was doing well, per-
mission was granted.
Months 10-13: Same as Month 8
Thereafter, and to date, single doses of Argentum nitricum 1M and
Hekla lava 1."1, alternating monthly, Split Dose Method, were pre-

This is a rare example of a post-1993 case where Dr. Ramakrish-
nan did not use any cancer nosode. Hekla lava obviated this
I necessity.

CASE 57 May, 1995

Male, 62 years, was experiencing intolerable pain in chest; also in

specific pots, all over the body. He had been diagnosed as having
myeloma, Stage III.

Bone scan revealed multiple spots of increased ra-

dio uptake all over skeletal system, but especially
arollnd ribs and vertebrae. Biopsy report was posi-
tive for plasmatic lIlyeloma. Plasma cells 42%,
norllloblasts 12%, paraprotein /JIononuclear cells
(PMN) 16%, IItyelocytes 5%, metamyelocytes 1%,
megakaryocytes 1 %.


Week 1: I-Iekla lavn 200 - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, PIll sing Method
Some relief from pain.

Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks J-2

Great relief from pain.
Months 2-5: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient was now very comfortable.
Blood tests showed improvement.
Months 6-8: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Bone scan showed nearly 50% of the deposits

Months 9-12: Same as Months 6-8

Bone marrow aspiration showed plasma cell 10%,

normoblasts 2%, and no metamyelocytes or

Months 13-18: Same two remedies in the 1M potency, alternating

weekly, Split Dose Method
Thereafter, the patient reported regularly and received a dose of
Hekla lava 1M or Carcinosin 1M, alternating monthly, Split Dose


Hekla lava's extraordinary healing power in cancers of the bone

requires no elaboration.

CASE 58 October, 1995

Male, 68 years, reported to his homoeopath after a recent bone

scan revealed secondary deposits in the pelvic and lower lumbar
region, Stage III. What prompted the scan was excruciating pain
in his right hip: a gnawing sensation, or like driving a screw into
the bone.

History: Prostatic cancer operated 011 and followed For

by radiation therapy in 1993. After the bone sca". Ca.
revealed /lew deposits, radiation therapy was agam

,"ggest...I. The p<lticm ft' IISt'Li <lnd turned to

IlOmocopathy itlSU<ld.


\'"eek I: AUnlm mctallimm 200c - daily, Plussing tl.lethod

Week 2: CardTlosin 200e - daily, Plu sing Method
The patient reported a slight reduction of the
Weeks 3- . arne a \Veeks 1-2
The patient reported further reduction of the
~Ionths 3-4: arne as Weeks 1-2
The patient continued to feel better.
Borre searr showed deposits to be less.
~Ionths 5-8: Sarne as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
The pain wa almost entirely gone.
Scarr revealed 80~o to 90% cleararrce of deposits.

l\Ionths 9-12: arne as Months 5-8

The patient had fully recovered.
Scan revealed clearance of all deposits.

Thereafter, and for the next s1.'( months, the patient received Au-
Tlltrl meta/Jicwn 1M and Carcinosin 1M, alternating semimonthly,

Split Do e Method. Then he stopped treatment on his own. He

continue well to date,


For evere bone pain in cancerou affections, AUTUIII meta/liclIlII

has few equals.

For additional examples of successful treatment of thi type of cancer, see

Cases 95, 96, and 121.

The principdl remedies for leukem ia, listed in order of frequency of
[;,e, are Hekln II/v(/, SYlllphytum, Cear/ofhllS ameriwnus, and Stront ia.

CASE 59 September, J997

Femdle child, 1 Vz years, presented with diagnosed acute lymphoid
leukemia, Stage II.

Cytochemistry showed blast eel/s, black fine

granules seen. Hemoglobin down to 2.5 gm./dL.
Platelet count 6000. Blood transfusion given. After
transfer, hemoglobin 3.4 gm./dL., platelets 20,000.


Week 1: Hekla lava 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 20De - daily, Plussing Method
Child looked healthier and was more cheerful.
Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2
Improvement maintained.
Month 2: Same as Weeks 1-2
Condition further improved.
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Child looked perfectly normal.
Blood smear: No blast cells, no atypical cells,
hemoglobin 10.3 gm./dL., platelets 90,000.
Months 5-9: Same as Months 3-4, but weekly, Split Dose
Thereafter, the child was seen once a month and was (and still is)
prescribed for constitutional1y-usually Pulsatilla or Tuber-
culinum (see Chapter 7). She is perfectly healthy.
I l2 A Ho'fo or me (

Once ag.nn on ob n the verei Vl role of liekla lava If
Ire.! m nt of GInter f the bon .1nd bon marrow

•• B. \ Hh childrm. once heIr u.n er ha, b«n helped. on 1:0

does n t hon"e to contmue long, "ith th Plu"ing or weekly pht [)
!ethod wIth dul 5<!e il.>e'i 9. 10.60,62. and 961.

C £60 May. 1951.1

{ale child 6 ye-Jr-, ... 5 brought in with chronic myelogenou
leukemia. tJ e rI. A large number of glands were affected. which
were unu ualh hard for chronic myelogenous leukemia. The boy
febril". and had an enlarged liver and spleen. He was also
.hlr tl" dnd h.!d an oedematous face.


\\ ek I: Ap'S 200c - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Scirrhi/lLlm 200c - daily. Plussing Method
\\t"e J-.t; ameasWeeks 1-2
Glands were less hard. no new glands appeared to
be affected, and the periodic fevers were much

Hemoglobin count had risen from 6.5 to 8 gm./dL

. 1 nth, .-3: 'amea'Weeks 1-2

Child was afebrile and glands were r..dllCt'd ITI 51:::e

b 25 b. Lner and spleell also IIlllciz redl/ced 1/1
si::e, but t}z~ leukemic /1/otld picture WI15 111/-
.-hut!• fd.

• 1 nth 4- -: "l1nplwfllm 200..:.. and "ClrT/Jinwn 200". aiternat-

in~ \\ elJ) ,Jail} Phb5ing ~Iethod
810 .1 t, ,t r6l1ft· wt'r (ompletd\·llort1/.l1.
:~ f....

, ,', ",ph) /1" ~O(l< .lIld:, ",l1il11l11l 200(, .lltl'rnat

II: n ~ nlhl", 'I lit I 0,', klhod
In /111., ,·,J."".1 'r ~(·.w .,]" IIII' liver IlIId 'pit-CI1 WII5
• ,'I'C C, "till'I <' 11/"111hs. 7h~ [,I>' tll'(I, ;11 1II01ltirS

/1lt (' .wd /1I'd1'<\ ,',W1C Oul complelely norma[-Ilo

:.~' I , (tll/,IIY- '1111'111 o(ll1'l'r or splccII.

h'" .'T'l,', . rIng r, th' child (ontinued to receive the arne

: ..'-1_, b It in th' 1~1 potel1q. fter that, onl} ocea ional
'm.e-dlt::5 ,,'c r gi\en J. n 'eded.

ne of th ' fir t remedies to consider when there is oedema

.I -ture.

irrlli1lU111 WJ. prescribed because of the unusual hardness of the

.l -- -ted gland ..

_1'Il1pll)'tu7l1 wa: prescribed rather than Hekla lava because of the

history of periodic bouts with inflammation of the joints and
arthralgia (:cc Chapter 7).

r CA E61 November, 1995

Female, 37 years, sought homoeopathic assistance for recurrent
mall, hard lumps cropping up around the supraclavicular and
submandibular areas of her body. No fevers.
History: The patient had been operated on for
nOli-Hodgkin's lymphoma, followed by chemother-
ap)~ less than a year earlier. Recent bone marrow
aspiration report cOllfirmed lion-Hodgkin's /ym-
plJOma, Stage IV.
The woman suffered from periodic digestive problems, including
nausea at the sight, smell, or even thought of food; also constipa-
tion. By nature she was independent, hard-working, liked her job
as an interior decorator, and took pride in being unsentimental
and unemotional.
11 4 A lI ,l'IMiI'1I'NIIIIL ApPJ!OA( H ro CANUP

Week J; Hekla lava 200c - dally, Plu&slng Mc1hl)d

Week 2: Scirrhillum 200c - daily, Plossing Method

Weeks 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

A gradual reduction in size of lumps was notice-
MdnLhs 2-3: Same as Weeks 1-2
The gradual but satisfactory reduction in size
Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
Improvement continued-almost no signs of
Once a month the entire blood work was repeated
and it showed steady, all-around improvement.

Months 7-9: Same as Months 4-6

Blood work showed continued improvement.
At this point, Dr. Ramakrishnan judged it time for
the constitutional remedy.

Months 10-12: Sepia 200ct - weekly, Split Dose Method

Lymphomas all disappeared.

Months 13-15: Same as Months 10-12

Thereafter, and to date, the woman has been receiving Hekla lava
1M, Scirrhinum 1M, or Sepia 1M, once a month, Split Dose
Method. There has been no recurrence.

This case exemplifies how, once improvement has clearly set in,
the prescriber can move on to the constitutional remedy if he sees
a distinct picture (see Chapter 7).

O. E62 [p-Pj September, 1989 =

~la1e child, 3 years, was brought in with myelogenous leukemia,
Stage II. He had been having recurrent fevers since April, 1989,
and had been growing disproportionately weak. Spleen slightly
Blood tests showed hemoglobin count to be 8.6
gm./dL.; bOlle marrow study confirmed leukemia.
Blast cells elevated, megakaryocytes 6, platelets
30,000. The patiellt's parents decided to try ho-
moeopathic treatment first, before they would
consider the chemotherapeutic drug suggested by
the hematologist.

The boy had a history of tuberculosis at 11/2 years of age, for which
he was treated for nine months. He was, constitutionally, a Silica:
shy, timid, sensitive; physically delicate, with a milk intolerance
and prone to ear discharges that were watery, bloody, and offen-
siye smelling; and to infections that were slow to heal.


Weeks 1-4: Ceanothus americanus 200c - weekly, Split Dose


"reek 5: Tuberculinum bovinum 200c - weekly, Split Dose

Child looked brighter, less pale.

Hemoglobin rose to 9 gm./dL.

Weeks 6-9: Same as Week 1
Child was clinically better. No fevers.

Platelet count went up from 30,000 to 45,000.

Week 10: Suddenly child took a turn for the worse.

Hemoglobin 4.6 gm./dL., platelets down to 20,000,

blood transfusion given. Steroid medications and
chemotherapy were advised. The patient's parents

Wech I 1-14: Tubercu/inum bovinum 200e - weekly, Split r),)~

Remarkable improvement.
Weeks 15-18: Silica 200e' - weekly, Split Dose Method
Child continued to improve.
Weeks 19-34: Tuberculinum bovinum 200e and Silica 200e - giv-
en weekly, Split Dose Method, alternating reme-
dies every four weeks
Child made a complete recovery. Spleen was back
to normal size.

No blast cells; no megakaryocytes. Yearly blood pic-

tures show everything normal to date.
Thereafter, periodic constitutional remedies have kept the boy

Ceanothus american US, an excellent remedy for anemia, is also one
of the best remedies for leukemia. It was selected over Hekla lava
because of the splenetic enlargement; the remedy is highly specif-
ic to the spleen (see Chapter 2).
Tuberculinum was the preferred nosode because of the child's his-
tory of tuberculosis (see also Remarks in Case 43).


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 115 40 12 30%
Plussing (>1993) 205 65 35 54%
1 JJ7

Hodgkin 's Lymphoma

'I he I'rmcip I rcrn dl for Ii xl"""n
frcqllclll y "f u ,ar Aurum m tallt urn 10 i It!
dO.fI. and '/ hUla,


"clndle, 32 years, had no Iced YolO or three wol n gland 10 t

Icft ccrviCdl region, a temperature nsc e"\eT} OIght, and n t
~wcats. \ ithin another ten da , two more soft, rubber or
spongy gland appeared tn the left inguinal region. The pattent
was !>ent for a biop y.
Biopsy on cervical gland came out as Hodgkin's
l}'mphoma. Since spleen IVas also enlarged. it I,as
assessed as Stage III and chemotherapy lVas
adl'ised. The patient refused and opted for

PIU S( RIP 110. •

Week I: pongia 200c - daily, Plussing .\lethod

Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing .\lethod
Onlr occa~ional fever spikes and temperature less
ele ·ated.
\\'eek~ 3-4: dme a Weeks 1-2
Dunng this time, fever had steadily come down
and become normal. • '0 change in the gland~ or
~pleen enlargement.

~1onlh~ 2-4: arne a, \ 'eeb 1-2

19n1flcant r duction in the size of the "land.
C r :.-,111 shol\ ed reduction ill rhe si=e of rhe;pl ell.

Month' 5-6: amI.' a, Week 1-2, but both remedle raLed to

the I I potenq
Gland' were .lImo ,t nomlal izi' .


CT scan showed spleen and abdominal organs,

illcluding liver, as Ilormal.

Months 7-12: Same as Months 5-6

Glands completely normal and the patient was
doing well all this time.
Months 13-24: Same remedies in the 1M potency, but alternating
monthly, Split Dose Method
Thereafter, the patient occasionally would receive a constitutional
remedy, and today he continues healthy.


Spongia was selected because of the soft, rubbery consistency of

the glands.

CASE 64 [p-P] May, 1990

Male, 43 years, came for homoeopathic treatment because he was

starting to experience low-grade fevers-and abnormal glands
were appeanng in the inguinal, cervical, and supracervical
Biopsy report: Hodgkin's lymphoma, Stage III. CT
scan revealed affected mediastinal glands and en-
largement of the spleen.
The patient was hot, mildly obese and had a long-standing thy-
roid condition, for which he never took thyroid substitutes. He
was by nature reserved, responsible, and took life seriously. Other-
wise, no clear homoeopathic symptoms.

Months 1-3: Aurum iodatum 200c - weekly, Split Dose Method
Also during this time, whenever the fever rose, the
patient took Pyrogenium 200c (as needed) and
Arsenicum iodatum 6x several times a day; this
combination would bring down the fever.
1J)u,lj 'g this time, the condition came under con-
troL. Tne cewical and supraclavicular glands van-
isl-:ecl and the pa lent was almost afebrile.

CT scan showed disappearance of mediastinal
gl,;nds Q11d spleen normal. The only residual symp-
MillS were three inguinal lymph nodes.

;\-[01: !'s 4-6: Same as Months 1-3

The patient was entirely afebrile.
Tests showed no change from previous one.
or rh ee year, patient took occasional doses of Aurum iodatum,
wor . g p from the 200e to the 10M potency; then fodum 6x, two
tlI • es a day, as taken for five years longer. He continues to be
s:rr:pton and works full-time.
Yearly scam show everything normal, but the three
smail inguilral glands still persist.

T e reasoning behind the selection of the principal remedy is

'or.~e ' .at mtricate. A.um171 iodatzmz, like some other metal reme-
Cies .--l.urun i etallicum, Plumbum metallicllm, Selenium) has
p" ven effective for various forms of swollen lymph glands and
nodes ader.itis . The fact that the patient felt hot and that the io-
'i .e wI .j:on.em is e ·tremely useful for thyroid (hence the subse-
.uer.t fodun 6'~ prescription ) prompted the selection of Auru11l
,vdatum ;at. er than the more traditional remedy for Hodgkin's,
~ r II I let..Wcum.

CASE 65 March, J~Y5

Male, 33 years, presented with a recurrence of IIodgkin\ Iym

phoma. The glands on his neck were soft and rubbery.
History: About one year earlier, the pattent had
started having mild fever almost every day. After a
month he visited his doctor, who discovered an
abnormal gland in the right supraclavicular re-
gion, one in the right armpit, and one in the left
inguinal region. An excision biopsy and
histopathological report revealed Hodgkin's lym-
phoma, Stage II. The patient was put on intensive
chemotherapy for six months, then on a long-term
maintenance dose. Within three months, two more
glands appeared on the left side of the cheek-at
which point he turned to homoeopathy.

The patient had a history of tuberculosis diagnosed when he was

age 22. It was treated conven tionally and cured. He was also prone
to skin lesions from time to time, like eczema and contact der-
matitis-all of which fit the picture of Scrophularia nodosa.

Week 1: Scrophularia nodosa 200c t - daily, Plussing
Week 2: Carcinosin 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-12: Same as Weeks 1-2
The glands had resumed normal size. The patient
put on weight and felt absolutely normal.

The chemotherapy was discontinued.

Months 4-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1:'1 potency

Routine visits to the oncologist showed the blood

pictllre normal. The patient refused the advised
maintenance dose of chemotherapy.
TYPES OF CAl "c.ER THAT HA'll Rt· VlJ IJ[1J W, UI{J 1l',MUU,PAU1Y 121

For one year thereafter, the patient received ~ingle doo;e, of Scro-
phuillria I M and Carcinosin 1.01, alternating monthly, Split Do<>e
• 1ethod; then no more medicine5. Almo.,t ~ix year~ later he i~ It ill
doing weU.


Scrophuillria nodosa is u a powerful medicine whenever enlarged

glands are present; for Hodgkin's disease" (Boerickc). The remedy
is especiaUy fitting when there is a patient or family history of tu-
berculosis in the picture and when, as with Spongia, the glands are
:;oft and rubbery.


1Vo. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre- Plussing ~ < 1993) 65 30 15 50%
Plu~~ing >1993 ) 85 47 36 77%
122 A H OMOE(JPAfIll< Al'p~{)Af 1110 ( AN( I

M elanoma
The principal remedje~ for melanomas, listed in order of frequcn
of use, are: Arsenicum album, Arsenicum bromatum, Caustieum, and Cal
carea arsem ca.

I CASE66 itme, 1995

Female, 28 years, presented with a melanomous lesion on right
eyebrow, diagnosed as Stage III.
HIstory: The patient had had four melanomas on
the face excised during the past two year5-tl1/ on -
the right side. CT scan guided biopsy revealed a
malignant spot on the liver.

The woman had a history of a weak bladder: whenever she

coughed, sneezed, or laughed suddenly, urine would spurt out.
She also mentioned another highly Causticum symptom: her spir-
its would lift and she always felt physically better when it rained;
long spells of dry, clear weather would enervate her.


Week 1: CallstiClltn 200et - daily, Plussing Method

Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as Weeks 1-2
Lesion completely disappeared.
Months 3-4: Same as Weeks 1-2

Months 5-8: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the bl potenc),

Months 9-14: CallstiCllm bl and Carcinosin 1M - alternating

semimonthly, Split Dose ~lethod.

CT scan showed that the spot all the lil'a had

completely cleared.
'fVPI'S 01 CANLFI< TIIA1· ff AYI RI ~I'{)NI>lI' WII.I. 10 Jj OMOI W'AIIIY 123

For the next YCllr, the wom,1(1 received the two relOcdie~ In thc IIJM :::
potency, altern.ttillg monthly, Split Dose Method. 'I hen the inten-
sive trea tm ent ended.

Cf scan was performed every six months for two

years, After that, Clnd to date, once a year. All tests
show normal.

Callsl icum was prescribed both because of the constitutional type
and the remedy's affinity with melanomas.

CASE 67 December, 1994

Female, 35 years, reported with fast-appearing lesions on face,

hand, legs-six areas altogether; all had manifested within the last
three months. She experienced intense burning, which lessened
after warm applications.
Biopsy report: malignant melanoma, Stage III.
The woman was immaculately dressed, was neat and well organ-
ized in her life habits, and she felt better from warmth in every

Week 1: Arsenicum album 200e t - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Carcinosin 200e - daily, Plussing Method

Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2

The skin improved substantially.

ROLltine investigation, however, revealed secondary

deposits in the liver and bOlles.

Week 17: Hekla lava 200e - daily, Plussing Method


Week 18: Scirrhinum 200c - daily, Plussing Method

The two remedies were introduced because of this Tl
new development. rn ous),
Weeks 19-28: Same as Weeks 17-18 senicur

Testing showed a great reduction of spots. CA5

Months 8-9: Same as Weeks 17-18
CT scan came out clean with regard to liver and

Months 10-14: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency.

Tests showed everything perfectly normal.

For one year longer, Arsenicum album 1M and Carcinosin 1M were

alternated monthly, Split Dose Method.

The patient's constitutional picture and modalities promoted the
selection of Arsenicum album in both opening and, later, complet-
ing the case.
Carcinosin, rather than Scirrhinum, is the preferred nosode for
melanomas. Scirrhinum was interpolated specifically to combat
the secondary lesions in the liver. That accomplished, the doctor
,, returned to Carcinosil1.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 40 20 12 60%
Plussing (>1993) 52 21 15 71%
r p (

The 1"m p r m f, r
nw J I d In or r of frequern;y r '!:"fIeU''''
nI 1/" ,,{bum. Sulphur. and f.uphorl1lum

f ('male. 29 year. presen cd with acane.:r on the ft (orear

wh. h had been diagnoscd t"o y:ar prevlo 51} as sq mo Ct
C rcmoma. Stage II. 5ymptom~ ... ert: pam an burning. ht: al
h d an enlarged left axillary lymph node.
Hutory: The woman lIVed in the South of FraMe,
where she spent much time sunbathmg. Vanous
allopathic treatments had 1I0t helped.

PHf <,CRwr 10. '

Week I: Arsenicum bromatum 200e - daily, Plussing

Week 2: Carcinosin 20De - daily, Plussing Method
Same as Weeks 1-2
Pain and burning decreased; less serous discharge.
,\10Ilth\ 3-4: Same a~ Weeks 1-2
Lesion looked much better, as if drying up .
•\1(Jnth~ 5-8: arne as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1~1 potency
At end of 32 weeks, the condition had completely
cleared up. Also, the left axillary lymph node wa
no longer palpable.
Months 9-10: Same as Months 5-8, but alternating monthly,

Split Dose Method
Everything continued clear, 0 no fu rther treatment.

For the selection of Arsellicum bromatul1I, see Chapter 2.
, 1"04"

n I • 1
II • 11 II I
II t \ II 111
\ I , I II It U 1111 1I If III

I (t1!T tI I

1'1 I I

(I' JTlU~1I 1UO d.lll\ Piu JIlt. 1~lhod

• 1\1 \
w patl"n a:; rt'~polltltng ",ell. The b.t", \\ a
j~ I III lip k" lIliectlon, le~s burnlllg.

• IIfIlII ) 5.1111' " :2 \\'"el<J; 1

Sugtl' PlUg!t'" only.
~1I1l' d" \\O;!cb ] 2, but ill the ],,1 pOlenC)
\ 'itol. ksiul cleared up completely.
II III" \;,.t 1I,·~nt .lIla 110 :,igl' of any ulcer to dale.

1 LA. emlm: lIN)

.1 t .l"- 1 •\ pll ':'1t • ~I \

Itl d ) m le,ion on the lett t1ugh
')'~l h g,."-""<' I) .. hno. t, ';e,\r ,me ".IS lIOW III ,. falrh

l1U llidu .Ilt: ,\ ~ wltl lllugning rna·

•t t" • I ,\I h illl \\~, IlHI . melling.

. It ..\ ) III I I, sm,tl ilia 'e In the ntullntam .orth-

• 1 H. \ ..... • . l!r, ul u ,\ IJ I er. me II a to e\en in the
,uditH"ut uf g" I Il\ l:! I ll~.

Week I: Sulphur 200c - daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Car~i~osjn 200c - daily, Plussing Method
AdditIOnally. the patient was given Arsenicum
lodatu~ 6x, to be taken twice a day.
The patient showed substantial progress.
Weeks 3-16: Same as Weeks 1-2
The patient continued to show rapid progress; the
ulcer healed more than 50%.
Months 5-6: Same as Weeks 1-2, but in the 1M potency
The skin lesion healed completely without any

No test or biopsy required because of the complete

healing of the skin.

End of treatment.


Sulphur was selected because of the picture of poor hygiene, foul

smell, and because it is preeminent for skin affections in general,
including cancers of the skin.


No. of No. of No. of Success

Cases Viable Cases' Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing «1993) 70 32 18 56%
Plussing (>1993) 45 35 28 80%

"The viable cases were those that had not already metastasized.
Barring a few exceptions, all of the skin cancer cases treated by Dr.
Ramakrishnan have been in Southeast Asia, where patients reported
only at the middle or later stages of the disease.

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