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Ø Colorless odorless, tasteless gas

Ø Diffuses more rapidly than any other gas
Ø Absorbed by many metals partly through the formation of metal hydride.
H – Protium Natural sources which consist of more than 99.8% Protium.
H – Deuterium - Occurs in nature.
- May be isolated from liquid H2 by fractional distillation or by electrolysis of
deuterium oxide (heavy water).
- Used as a bombarding agent in the form of deuterous to effect certain
nuclear reactions
1 H – Tritium Natural occurrence has not been completely established. Its preparation is
therefore exclusively synthetic.

Water (H2O) Odorless, tasteless, clear liquid, clear in small quantity but greenish blue in
deep layers


1. Mineral water 5. Lithia water

2. Alkaline water 6.Saline water
3. Carbonated water – carbonated salts 7.Sulfur water
4. Chalybeate water - contains iron 8.Siliceous water

Potable Water – Fit to Drink

Temporary Permanent Hardness
Soft Water – (Na, K)
Hard Water – (Ca, Mg)
Temporary Hard – bicarbonate salts of Ca, Mg ; hardness may be removed by boiling
Permanent – Chlorides and sulfate salts of Ca, Mg ; removed by ion exchange

Types of OFFICAL Waters

1. Purified Water - water of choice for extemporaneous compounding of non-parenterals

2. Sterile Purified Water – undergone sterilization
3. Water of Injection - for parenteral preparation ; still subjected for sterilization
4. Bacteriostatic Water for Injections - not given to neonates (gasping syndrome) ; anti-microbial
5. Sterile Water for Injection – Water of choice for extemporaneous compounding of parenterals
6. Sterile Water for Inhalation
7. Sterile Water for Irrigation

Deuterium Oxide D2O=20.03 Heavy Water

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 )= 34.01 Energetic oxidizing agent
Antiseptic, Cleansing effects in wounds
3% - 10 Volume (Antiseptic)
6% - 20 Vol (Antiseptic/Bleaching)
9% - 30 Vol
Group 8-A
- Inert Elements

- Highest Ionization Energy
- Component of artificial air (80% He, 20% O2)
- For hypoxia

- Substitute for Nitrogen gas

Krypton and Xenon

- Anesthetic effect

- Radioactivity

Group 1-A
- Alkali Metals
- Function only with an electropositive valence
- Alkali metal salts of common inorganic and organic acids are colorless
- Increasing with increasing ionic radius
- Found only in combined states

Lithium (Li)
- Most reactive
- Lithium carbonate USP

Sodium (Na)
- Most important sodium mineral is NaCl
- Occurs in solid deposits (rock salt)
- Predominant in extracellular fluid of the body

NaCl Sodium Chloride Table Salt; Rock Salt; Electrolyte Replenisher

Solar Salt
NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate Baking Soda Buffer, Antacid
Most Important
physiological buffer
Na2 B4 O7.10 H2O Sodium Tetraborate Borax Water softener,
Decahydrate antiseptic
Na2 CO3 .10 H20 Sodium Carbonate Washing soda; sal soda Antacid
Ringer’s solution Contains NaCl, CaClⁿ & KCl Electrolyte replenisher
Na₀C₃H₂O₄ Sodium Citrate Buffer, alkalizer,
sequestering agent
NaF Sodium Fluoride Dental prophylactic
NaOH Sodium Hydroxide Caustic soda Lye, saponifying agent
(hard soap)
NaOCl Sodium Hypochlorite Chlorox Bleaching agent
Na3PO4 Sodium Phosphate Saline Cathartic
Na2SO4. 10H2O Sodium Sulfate Glauber’s Salt Cathartic

Na2 S2 O3. 5 H2O Sodium Thiosulfate Hypo antidote for HCN poisoning

Na2 SiO3 Sodium Silicate Water glass

Na2 CO3 Sodium Carbonate Soda ash, soda

NaCH3COO Sodium Acetate Diuretic, Urinary
Alkalizer, systemic
NaBr Sodium Bromide Sedative
NaNO3 Sodium Nitrate Chile salt peter Preservative
NaSCN Sodium thiocyanate Hypotensive agent
Na2C4H4O6 Sodium tartrate Primary std Karl Fisher Rgt.

Potassium (K)
- Predominant in the intracellular fluid.

KHC4 H4 O6 Potassium bitartrate; cream of tartar Cathartic

KBr Potassium Bromide Sedative
KOH Potassium Hydroxide Caustic potash Saponifying agent (soft
KMnO4 Potassium Mineral chameleon oxidizing agent,
Permanganate antiseptic
KNaC4H4O6.4H2O Potassium sodium Rochelle salt, saline laxative
tartrate sal seignette
Sulfurated potash – liver of sulfur; Hepar sulfuris – used for the preparation of white lotion
K2CO3 Potassium Carbonate Potash; salt of tartar preparation of K
KNO3 Potassium Nitrate Salt peter salitre meat
KAl(SO4)2.12H2O / Hydrate potassium Potassium alum astringent
AM(SO4)2.12H2O aluminum sulfate
KClO3 Potassium Chlorate Ingredient of
toothpaste, mouthwash,
KHCO3 Potassium bicarbonate Antacid, carbonating
KCH3COO Potassium Acetate Diuretic, urinary
alkalizer, antacid

Ammonium Ion (NH4)

- Hypothetical metal ion because it behaves very much like an alkali metal ion
Concentrated Ammonia (NH3)
Contains 28% by weight and 10% by volume in diluted form (Household ammonia).

NH4OH Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonia solution Alkalizer

Aromatic Spirit of Spirit of sal volatile Reflex stimulant
(NH4)2 CO3 Ammonium Carbonate Baker’s Ammonia Hartshorn Expectorant
HgNH2Cl Ammoniated Mercury white precipitate anti-infective
NH4Br Ammonium Bromide Sedative; CNS
NH4Cl Ammonium Chloride Sal Ammoniae Expectorant, Systemic
acidifier, Diuretic

Gold (Au)
- King of all metals
- Most malleable and ductile
- Best conductor of electricity
- Dissolved by aqua regia (Royal water – 3 parts HCl and 1 part HNO3) and selenic acid
- Used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, given IV.
- Gold compound is toxic.; Dimecaprol is an effective anti dote. Or BAL
- Radioactive isotope Au is used in the treatment of certain malignancies

Silver (Ag)
- Metal having a metallic luster
- Second best conductor of electricity
- Found in the metallic state as Ag2S (argentite or silver glance) and AgCl (horn-silver).
- Common salts of silver are insoluble EXCEPT Nitrates and fluorides
- Nearly all silver salts are darkened in a greater/lesser degree by sunlight
- Protein precipitant - High germicidal property

AgNO3 Lunar caustic Antiseptic

Mild silver protein Argyrol Antiseptic
Strong silver protein Protagol Germicidal
Colloidal Ag Protein Collargol Germicidal
Colloidal Agl Neosilvol Germicide
Silver picrate Picrotol, Picragol Treatment of vaginitis

Copper (Cu)
- Salts are blue in color, some greenish blue
- 3rd best conductor of electricity
- 3rd most malleable and ductile
- The only reddish colored metal
- Brass = Zn+Cu
- Bronze = Zn+Sn

CuSO4 5H2O Copper Sulfate Blue vitriol, bluestine Preparation of Fehling’s

Pentahydrate and Benedict’s Sol’n:
Copper citrate 8% Ointment -
Copper Aceto Arsenite PAris green. Parrot Insecticide
Basic Copper Acetate Verdigris Paint pigment
Copper Hydrogen ScHeele’s Green
CuSO45H2O.CaO Bordeaux mixture Algaecide and fungicide
for swimming pool

Group 2-A Elements

- Alkaline Earth Metals
- Strictly Metallic
- Do not occur free in nature because of high order of chemical reactivity.
- Hydroxides of Ca, Sr and Ba are relatively insoluble in H2O and strongly basic
- Carbonates, sulfates, phosphates and fluorides are quite insoluble
- Lightest of all structurally useful metal
- Blinding bluish light
- Mg Poisoning – Calcium gluconate is an effective antidote

Mg(OH)2 Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesia magma; milk Antacid and Laxative

of magnesia
MgCO3 Magnesium Carbonate Magnesia
MgO Magnesium Oxide Calcined Magnesia
MgSO4 Magnesium Sulfate Epsom salt -Antidote for Ba
poisoning and
barbiturate poisoning
-Saline cathartic (orally)
-Anti convulsant

Calcium (Ca)
- Primary element in bones
- Essential factor in blood coagulation or blood clotting
- Calcium salts are more soluble in cold than in hot solution

CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate Precipitated chalk Antacid, dentrifice

CaCl2 . H2O Calcium Chloride Muriate of lime Electrolyte Replenisher
Dihydrogen Oxide
Ca (OH) 2 Calcium Hydroxide Milk of lime, liquor Antacid
Calcium lactate Source of Ca Ion
CaO Calcium Oxide Lime, quicklime
CaSO4. ½ H2O Plaster of Paris For preparing
CaCl2 Calcium Chloride Chlorinated Lime Bleaching agent,
disinfecting agent
Ca3 (PO4) 2 Bone ash Most important
constituent of teeth and
CaCO3 . MgCO3 Dolomite Antacid

Barium (Ba)
- “Barus” – Heavy
- Borite, barytesm heavy spar - BaSO4
- Witherite – BaCO3
- Most active of the Ca-Sr-Ba Triad
- Ba(OH)2 is a strong base
- Green signal flare in pyrotechnics
- BaSO4 is a radiopaque substance in diagnostic explorations of the GIT.
- All Ba compounds are poisonous. - MgSO4 in the best antidote

Beryllium (Be)
- Beryl – glucinum – sweet
- Used in fire control apparatus and in fluorescent lighting
- Most toxic metal, can caused lung cancinoma and chronic granuloma

Strontium (Sr)
- Red signal flare in pyrotechnics
- For nuclear bombs

Radium (Ra)
- Radius or ray
- Second radioactive element discovered after uranium.
- Used for making luminous paints for dials of watches and clocks and source of radiation

Group 2-B
- Zinc Family
- All members of this group can serve as the central atom in forming coordination complexes.
- Zinc and cadmium occur only in the combined state.

- Protective coating for galvanized iron
- Alloy – Brass – contains Cu and Zn
- Container for dry cells and batteries
- Zn poisoning, use NaHCO3 as antidote
- Parakeratosis (Zn Deficiency)

ZnCl2 Zinc Chloride For embalming

ZnO Zinc Oxide Zinc White Astringent and
ZnCO3 Smithsonite Astringent and
desensitizer for
dentin; popular
ophthalmic sol’n
ZnSO4 . 7H2O White Vitriol Emetic
ZnSI O4. H2O Calamine Protective for Skin
ZnS (68-70%)BaSO4(28-30%) Lithipone Used in cosmetics
and replaced TiO2

Mercury (Hg)
- Hydrargyrum
- Quicksilver
- Methyl Mercury – most toxic form
- When pure, it does not tarnish in air at ordinary temp.
- Forms amalgams with many metals
- Combines with sulfur at ordinary temperature forming black HgS.
- 4.It is liquid metal (noble metal)
- Hydrargyrism poison - best antidote is sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate
- Minamata poisoning

Hg2Cl2 Mercurous Chloride Calomel Cathartic

Hg bichloride – HgCl2 Mercuric Chloride Corrosive sublimate Disinfectant
HgO Mercuric oxide Yellow mercuric oxide Ophthalmic;
(HgNH2Cl) Ammoniated mercury White precipitate Topical and ophthalmic
Potassium mercuric Ingredient of mayer’s
iodide reageng

- Used in Cd vapor lamps

CdCl2 For ringworm and tinea flava

CdS For dandruff; anti seborrheic
Itai Itai poisoning BAL

Group 3-A
- Exist in trivalent state
- They are not found free in nature
- Boron is nonmetallic, Al amphoteric and Ga. In the TI are decidedly metallic.
- B and Al are the only elements of pharmaceutical interest.

Boron (B)
1. Tincal – Na2B4O7 10H2O 1. H3BO3 – orthoboric acid
2. Boracite – 2 Mg3B8O15 MgCI2 2. H2B4O7 – tetraboric acid
3. Borocalcite – CaB4O7 6H2O

H3BO3 Topical anti-infective and ophthalmic irrigant.

Na2 B4O7.10H2O Sodium Piroborate; Bacteriostatic and ingredient
in cold cream, eye washes and mouth washes.

Na3BO3.4H2O- Sodium perborate oxidizing type of local anti infective

Boric and borate Toxic

Aluminum (Al)
- Al Bitter or Astringent
- Alumen
- Most Abundant of all Metals
- Third most abundant element following O & Si
- Common compounds are white

AI (OH) 3 Creamalin Gastric Antacid

AIPO4 Phosphagel Gastric Antacid
Potassium Aluminum Sulfate Alum Astringent
Hydrated Aluminum Silicate Kaolin Adsorbent and demulcent
AICI3 Antiperspirant, deodorant
Native Hydrated Aluminum Bentonite Suspending Agent
Al Acetate Burrow’s Solution Astringent

Group 3-B
- Scandium Family
- Includes scandium and the lanthanide and actinide series of elements.
- Lanthanide series – is commonly referred to as the rare earth elements.
- No Pharmaceutical Interest

Group 4-A
- Carbon Family
- Oxides of carbon and silicon are acidic while those of the other elements in
the group are amphoteric.

- Found in pure state in the form of diamond, graphite and coal.
- Crystalline – Diamond and Graphite
- Amorphous (Powder) – Coal
o Soft Coal – Bituminous
o Hard Coal – Anthracite

H 2 CO 3 Carbonic Acid Makes our blood acidic

H2 C2 O6 Peroxydicarbonic Acid
HCN Hydrocyanic Acid Toxic compound
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Usual form of gas; Component of
carbonated beverages; respiratory
Carbonates of Ca, Mg Gastric antacid
and AI
CO Carbon Monoxide Toxic Poison
CS2 Solvent
CCI4 Good solvent; good fire extinguisher
Cyanogen Extremely poisonous
(NH4)2 CO3 Reflex stimulant
Bismuth subcarbonate Aromatic spirit of ammonia Astringent and protective
- 2 most abundant element after O
- When united with O 2 it occurs as SiO 2 (silica) in the form of quartz, flint, sand,
agate and opal.
- The gem amethyst, agate, onyx and opal are silica (SiO 2 )

Purified siliceous earth Absorbent, filtering medium

(SiO 2 ) and clarifying agent.
Purified Keiselguhr
Purified Infasorial, Earth
Bentonite Soap clay, mineral soap, Stabilizes emulsion –
native colloidal hydrated bentonite magma
aluminum silicate
Kaolin Native hydrated AI silicate Adsorptive for diarrhea,
externally as dusting
Pumice Distributing agent for slowly
soluble substances
Talc Soapstone Dusting powder, filtering agent
Silicic Acid a) Used in ceramic industry
– manufacture of earthen
vase, bricks, tiles, pottery
b) For glass manufacture
1.) Soda-lime or soft
glass – made by fusing
CaCO 3 , H 2 CO 3 and SiO 2
2.) Pyrex
3.) Hard or Potash
4.) Flint Glass

Silicone Synthetic compounds composed

of Si
Simethicone Polymeric dimethylsiloxane Antifoaming agent,
antiflatulent in gastric
bloating and postoperative
gaseous distention of the
G.I. T.
Kremil S

- a lung disease caused by dust of silica or silicate accumulating in the lungs
- Alumen as antidote

Tin (Sn)
1.Stannic oxide SnO 2 – germicide

2.SnF 2 Adjunct in prevention of dental caries

For the manufacture of tin cans and foils

For the manufacture of alloys: Pewler – Pb & Sn (20:80)
Gunmetal – Cu & Sn
Solder – Pb & Sn (50:50)
Lead (Pb)
- Cumulative poison

SOURCES: Galena (PbS)

Cerusite(PbCO 3 )
Anglesite(PbSO 4 )

Pb acetate Sugar of Pb Astringent

Pb Subacetate Solution Goulard’s Extract
Diluted Lead Subacetate
PbO Litharge Used in preparation of Pb
Subacetate solution
PbCl2 Astringent and dusting

Group 4-B
- Titanium Family
- All elements of this group possess amphoteric
- Characteristics and occur in nature in combined states.

TiO 2
- The only official titanium compound
- Solar ray protectant
- Prevention of undesirable effects from exposure to sunlight

Group 5-A
- Oxides of N & P are acidic, for As and Sb, are amphoteric , for Bi, it is basic

- Azote, without life, mephitic air
- Inert or inactive,
- constitutes 78% of the earth’s atmosphere,
- colorless, tasteless, odorless inert gas,
- nonflammable and does not support combustion.

NH 3 – ammonia alkaline air household NH 3

– refrigerant used in
household as a good
cleaning agent.

Aromatic Spirit of NH 3 Spirit of Sal Volatile Reflex stimulant

Strong NH 4 OH solution Good solvent
Dilute NH 4 OH with AgNO 3 Astringent, caustic,
Ammoniacal AgNO 3 solution Howe’s Solution dental protective mixed
with 10% Formalin or
NH 4 Br Central Depressant,
(NH) 4 CO 3 – NH 4 sesquicarbonate, sal

NH 4 Cl sal ammoniac, Baker’s expectorant and diuretic

ammonia; Hartshor
HgNH 2 Cl Ammoniated Hg; White Local anti-infective
N 2O Nitrous oxide Laughing gas; anesthetic
HNO 3 Nitric Acid; aqua fortis, Nitrates are good fertilizers
strong water Agua regia – (1 part HNO 3
and 3 parts conc HCl) can
dissolve Pt & Au

HNO 2 Reducing agent

NaNO 2 antidote for CN poisoning.
KNO 3 most potent of the
diuretic K compounds

Bi subnitrate astringent, absorbent,


Phosphorous (P)
- phos-light; light carrier,
- St. Elmo’s fire
- occurs in bones and teeth

Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 – apatite
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 .8H 2 O – iron in vivianite
AlPO 4. 2Al(OH) 3 . 9H 2 O - wavelite

White P or Yellow P Poisonous

Has distinct disagreeable
ozone like odor. When
exposed to air, it emits
fumes, which are luminous
in the dark and leaves an
odor resembling garlic.

Red P Matches Non luminous, non

poisonous, non flammable
Elemental P Manufacture of bronze and
alloys. Matches, smoke
bomb mixes, rat poisoning
HPH 2 O 2 Hypophosphorous acid Reducing Agent
H 3 PO 4 Orthophosphoric acid or
phosphoric acid
Tribasic Ca, Mg, Al Gastric Antacids
HP 3 Phosphane, Phosphine
Na 3 PO 4 water softener, added to
powdered soap and
Ca (H 2 PO 4 ) Fertilizer
(NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4

Arsenic (As)
- Poisonous
- Protoplasmic poison
- In poisoning :
o if still in the GIT use Fe (OH) 3 & Mg(OH) 2 mixture;
o if absorbed - use Dimecaprol.

As 2 O 3 White Arsenic Poisonous; anti-leukemic

K Arsenite Fowler’s Solution Tonic
Arsenous acid solution Anti-leukemic
Paris green Weed killer or insecticide
606 – Salvarsan Arsephenamine For syphilis

Antimony (Sn)
- Causes Adam’s stroke
- Potassium Antimony Tartrate
o Tartar emetic
Bismuth (Bi)
- Soluble Bi compounds are poisonous - Dimecaprol given IV is the best antidote.

Bismuth subcarbonate protectant externally for

gastric disorder, internally
for ulcers and diarrhea.
Bi subnitrate non irritant intestinal
astringent with antiseptic

Bi (OH) 3 Milk of Bi, Bi Cream, Bi astringent and antacid

Bi subgallate Dermatol astringent and protective

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