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Spring AOP


-> Aspect oriented Programming

-> It is used to seperate primary logic and secondary logics in project.

Primary Logic : Business logic

Secondary Logic : Supporting logic

public class Bank{

public void deposit(){


public void withdraw(){


In above approach primary and secondary logics are combined which is not
recommended. Both are tightly coupled.

To maintain loosely coupling we have to seperate them into multiple classes.

Using AOP we can achieve loosely coupling between primary and seconday components.

AOP Terminology

Aspect : Secondary Logic Component is called as Aspect. Aspect represents only name
of the component but it doesnot how it is going to execute in runtime.

Ex : Logger, Security, Tx etc...

Advice: Advice is the implementation of Aspect. Advice represents how Aspect should
execute in runtime.

We can use below Advice types in Aspects

1) Before Advice
2) After Returning Advice
3) Around Advice
4) Throws Advice

Target : Target represents business component (primary logic class)

JoinPoint : It represents where target and aspect logics will be combined. (Spring
AOP supports only Method Level JoinPoint).

PointCut: Pointcut defines for which methods of target advice logic should be

Weaving: The process of integrating target and aspect at join point is called as

The Result of weaving is called proxy.

We can work with AOP in below ways


1) Programmatic approach

2) Declarative approach (xml)

3) Annotation approach

Programmatic Approach - Before Advice


1) If we want to execute seconday logic before primary logic then we can go for
Before advice.

2) To work with Before advice, we should create an advice class by implementing

MethodBeforeAdvice interface. In this interface we have below abstract method.

public void before(Method m, Object[] args, Object target)

Method -> represents target class method

Object[] -> represents target class method parameters

Object -> represents target class object

3) We can modify target class method parameter values in before advice. They will
reflect in target cls method execution.
4) If exception occured in before advice then controll will not go to target class

5) Once target cls method execution completed, controll will not come back to
before advice.

Note: in before advice we can't controll target method return value.

SalaryCalculator -----> Logging (As a Before Advice)

After Returning Advice

If we want to execute secondary logic after target method returned the value then
we can go for After Returning Advice.

To work with AfterReturningAdvice we should implement AfterReturningAdvice


public void afterReturning(Object ret,Method m,

Object[] args ,Object t)

1st param ----> Target cls method return value

2nd Param ----> java.lang.reflect.Method (for method info)

3rd param ---> Target cls method parameters

4th param ---> target cls object

-> We can watch target method return value but we can't change it.

-> We can access target method parameters (no use of changing)

-> We don't have any control over target cls method execution because after target
method completed control coming to after-returning-advice.

Around Advice (before and after)

If we want to execute secondary logic before target class method and after target
class method then we can go for Around Advice.

Use cases : logging, method execution time calculation, user session time
calculation etc.

-> To work with AroundAdvice we need to implement MethodInterceptor interface.

-> We need to override invoke() method

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation)

-> Inside invoke() method we should call proceed() method to give control to target
cls method.

Note: If we don't call proceed() then target method will not be executed.

-> proceed method return type is Object which represents target class method return

-> In Around Advice, we can modify target method parameters and return value also.

Throws Advice
To execute seconday logic when exception occurs in target class methods then we can
go for Throws Advice.

Note: Throws Advice not for handling exceptions. It is used to monitor the
exception and perform some secondary operation.

Ex: Global Exception Handling, Sending Exception Emails etc.

public class ExceptionAdvisor implements ThrowsAdvice{

public void afterThrowing(Method m,Object[] args,

Object obj, Exception ex){

//print exception details

//send exception details to email

- Before advice
- After Returning Advice
- Around Advice (proceed())
- Throws Advice

When we apply advice to a target, then it applies for all methods available in
target class.

Target class methods ==> Demo (m1() & m2(int i) & m2 (String) )

If We want to apply advice for only specific methods in target class then we have
to use PointCut.

Def: Pointcut is used to specify for which methods in target class advice logic
should apply.
We can create Pointcut in below 2 ways
1) Static PointCut : We can check methodName, target class Type

-- > NameMatchMethodPointCut (I)

- boolean matches(Method m,Class target)

2) Dynamic PointCut : We can check methodName, targetClassType and methodArgs


-- > DynamicMethodMatcherPointCut
- boolean matches(Method m, Class t, Object... args)

--> To add pointcut to proxyfactory we should use below syntax

Advisor adv = new DefaultPointCutAdvisor(pointCut,Advice advice)


Aspect J Annotations


@Pointcut(value = "execution(**.*(..))")

public void pce() {

"execution(* com.nit.beans.Calculator.*(..))--

"execution(* com.nit.beans.Calculator.add(..))-

* *.*.*(..)

1st star ---> returntype

2nd star ---> package name

3rd star ---> class name

4th start ---> methodName

.. ---> Method parameters

@PointCut(value="execution(* com.nit.beans.ReportGenerator.*(..)))
public void pce(){

public void monitor(JoinPoint jp) {

String methodName = jp.getSignature().getName();

Primary components

Secondary Components (cross-cutting logic)

exception mapping
request processing time calculation etc....

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