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Endophytic Bacteria in Agricultural Crops

Article  in  Canadian Journal of Microbiology · February 2011

DOI: 10.1139/m97-131


1,110 8,845

4 authors:

Johannes Hallmann Albrecht von Quadt

Julius Kühn-Institut ETH Zurich


Walter F Mahaffee Joseph Kloepper

USDA - Agricultural Research Service Corvallis, OR Auburn University


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Bacterial endophytes in agricultural crops
J. Hallmann, A. Quadt-Hallmann, W.F. Mahaffee, and J.W. Kloepper
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

Abstract: Endophytic bacteria are ubiquitous in most plant species, residing latently or actively colonizing plant tissues
locally as well as systemically. Several definitions have been proposed for endophytic bacteria; in this review endophytes
will be defined as those bacteria that can be isolated from surface-disinfested plant tissue or extracted from within the
plant, and that do not visibly harm the plant. While this definition does not include nonextractable endophytic bacteria,
it is a practical definition based on experimental limitations and is inclusive of bacterial symbionts, as well as internal
plant-colonizing nonpathogenic bacteria with no known beneficial or detrimental effects on colonized plants. Historically,
endophytic bacteria have been thought to be weakly virulent plant pathogens but have recently been discovered to have
several beneficial effects on host plants, such as plant growth promotion and increased resistance against plant pathogens
and parasites. In general, endophytic bacteria originate from the epiphytic bacterial communities of the rhizosphere and
phylloplane, as well as from endophyte-infested seeds or planting materials. Besides gaining entrance to plants through
natural openings or wounds, endophytic bacteria appear to actively penetrate plant tissues using hydrolytic enzymes like
cellulase and pectinase. Since these enzymes are also produced by pathogens, more knowledge on their regulation and
expression is needed to distinguish endophytic bacteria from plant pathogens. In general, endophytic bacteria occur at
lower population densities than pathogens, and at least some of them do not induce a hypersensitive response in the
For personal use only.

plant, indicating that they are not recognized by the plant as pathogens. Evolutionarily, endophytes appear to be
intermediate between saprophytic bacteria and plant pathogens, but it can only be speculated as to whether they are
saprophytes evolving toward pathogens, or are more highly evolved than plant pathogens and conserve protective shelter
and nutrient supplies by not killing their host. Overall, the endophytic microfloral community is of dynamic structure
and is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors, with the plant itself constituting one of the major influencing factors.
Since endophytic bacteria rely on the nutritional supply offered by the plant, any parameter affecting the nutritional
status of the plant could consequently affect the endophytic community. This review summarizes part of the work being
done on endophytic bacteria, including their methodology, colonization, and establishment in the host plant, as well as
their role in plant-microbe interactions. In addition, speculative conclusions are raised on some points to stimulate
thought and research on endophytic bacteria.
Key words: endophytic bacteria, methods, localization, diversity, biological control.

Resume : Les bactCries endophytes sont omniprCsentes chez la plupart des espkces vCgCtales soit de faqon latente soit
colonisant activement, localement ou de faqon gCnCralisC les tissus des vCgCtaux. Plusieurs dCfinitions ont CtC propostes
pour les bactCries endophytes. Dans la prtsente revue, les endophytes vont Stre dCfinies comme ces bactCries qui peuvent
&tre isolCes de la surface de tissus vCgttaux dCsinfectCs, ou extraites de I'intCrieur des plantes mais sans dommage
visible pour ces dernibres. Bien que cette dCfinition n'englobe pas les bacttries endophytes non extractibles, c'est une
dkfinition pratique qui s'appuie sur les limitations expCrimentales et qui inclut les symbiotes bactkriens aussi bien que
les bactkries non pathogknes qui colonisent I'intCrieur des plantes, mais sans effet prkjudiciable ou bCnCfique pour les
plantes colonisees. Historiquement, les bacttries endophytes ont CtC considCrees comme des phytopathogbnes peu
virulents mais rCcemment, il leur a CtC reconnu plusieurs effets bCnCfiques pour les plantes-h6tes, en tant qu'agents qui
favorisent la croissance des plantes et augmentent la rCsistance aux phytopathogknes et autres parasites. En gCnCral, les
bactCries endophytes proviennent de communautCs bactCriennes Cpiphytes de rhizosphkres ou de phyllosphbres, aussi
bien que de graines ou de matCriels de propagation infest& d'endophytes. En plus de pCnCtrer dans les plantes par des
ouvertures naturelles ou par des blessures, les bactCries endophytes semblent utiliser activement des enzymes hydrolytiques,

Received March 26, 1997. Revision received July 14, 1997. Accepted July 15, 1997.
J. Hallmann,' A. Quadt-Hallmann,' W.F. Mahaffee,2 and J.W. K l ~ e p p e r Department
.~ of Plant Pathology, Biological Control
Institute, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, AL 36849-5409, U.S.A.
' Present address: Institut f i r Pflanzenkrankheiten, Phytomedizin in Bodenokosystemen, NuBallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, Germany.
Present address: United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service, Horticulture Crops Research
Laboratories, Biological Control Institute, Corvallis, OR 97330, U.S.A.
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed (e-mail:
Can. J. Microbial. 43: 895 -914 (1997) O 1997 NRC Canada
896 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

telles la cellulase et la pectinase, pour atteindre l'intkrieur des plantes. Du fait que ces enzymes soient aussi produites
par les phytopathogbnes, les connaissances sur leur rCgulation et leur expression devront Ctre accrues afin de distinguer
les bactkries endophytes des phytopathogknes. GCnCralement, les densitCs des populations des bactkries endophytes sont
moindres que celles des pathogbnes et, d'autre part, certaines d'entre elles n'induisent pas une rCponse d'hypersensibilitk
chez les plantes, ce qui indique qu'elles ne sont pas reconnues par leur h8te comme pathogbnes. Sur un plan kvolutif,
les endophytes semblent Ctre intermkdiaires entre les bactCries saprophytes et les phytopathogbnes, mais on ne saurait
que spkculer a savoir si les saprophytes kvoluent vers la pathogCnicitk ou si elles sont plus hautement Cvolukes que les
phytopathogbnes du fait qu'elles conservent un abri protecteur et une source d'C1Cments nutritifs en ne tuant pas leur
h8te. De surplus, la microflore endophyte est une structure dynamique influencke par des facteurs biotiques et
abiotiques; les plantes sont l'un des facteurs majeurs d'influence. Puisque les bactkries endophytes dependent de
nutriments offerts par les plantes, tout parambtre affectant le statut nutritionnel des plantes peut par conskquent affecter
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

une communautk endophyte. Cette revue rtsume une partie des travaux dkja faits sur les bactkries endophytes, incluant
leur mkthodologie, la colonisation et 1'Ctablissement chez les plantes-hetes, ainsi que leur r8le dans les interactions
plante-microbe. De plus, des conclusions spCculatives sont avanckes sur certains points pour stimuler la penske et la
recherche sur les bactCries endophytes.
Mots elks : bactkries endophytes, mkthodes, localisation, diversitk, contr6le biologique.
[Traduit par la rkdaction]

Introduction the 1870s with work by Pasteur and others (reviewed by

Methods for examining bacterial endophytes Smith 1911; Hollis 1949). Since 1940 there have been
Isolation numerous reports on indigenous endophytic bacteria in vari-
Trituration and surface disinfestation ous plant tissues, including seeds and ovules (Mundt and
Vacuum and pressure extraction Hinkle 1976), tubers (Trevet and Hollis 1948), roots (Philip-
Centrifugation son and Blair 1957), stems and leaves (Henning and Villforth
For personal use only.

Recognition, localization, and enumeration 1940), and fruits (Samish et al. 1961; Sharrock et al. 1991).
Media Bacteria isolated from the internal plant tissue of healthy
Viable staining plants comprise over 129 species representing over 54 genera
Electron microscopy (Gardner et al. 1982; Hallmann et al. 1 9 9 7 ~ Mahaffee
; and
Immunological staining and quantification by Kloepper 1997; McInroy and Kloepper 1995a; Mundt and
ELISA Hinkel 1976; Sturz 1995), with Pseudomonas, Bacillus,
Nucleic acid hybridization Enterobacter, and Agrobacterium being the most commonly
Autoradiography isolated bacterial genera. Early reports regarded endophytic
Ecology bacteria as contaminants resulting from incomplete surface
Source of endophytic bacteria disinfestation or latent pathogens (Hollis 1949; Smith 191 1;
Mode of entry Thomas and Graham 1952). However, recent research has
Movement demonstrated that bacterial endophytes can improve plant
Localization growth and reduce disease symptoms caused by several plant
Population dynamics pathogens (Chen et al. 1995; Frommel et al. 1991; Kloepper
Indigenous endophytes et al. 1992b; Pleban et al. 1995; Van Peer and Schippers
Introduced endophytes 1989). Similarly, the low stress tolerance of axenic plants is
Membership and community structure commonly believed to result partly from the absence of
Influencing factors endophytic microorganisms. Recent research with endophytic
Biotic factors bacteria has primarily focused on these benefical effects
Plant-associated microorganisms (Chen et al. 1994; Frommel et al. 1991 ; Gardner et al. 1982;
Plant-parasitic nematodes Kempe and Sequeria 1983; Kloepper et al. 1992b; Lalande
Plant genotype et al. 1989; Scheffer 1983) and their ecology (Hallmann
Abiotic factors et al. 1 9 9 7 ~Mahaffee
; et al. 1997b; Mahaffee and Kloepper
Beneficial effects 1997; Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990; Musson 1994) to
Biological control of plant pathogens better understand how bacterial endophytes interact with
Plant growth promotion their hosts plants. The primary goal of this review is to dis-
Application cuss the theoretical and controversial aspects of bacterial
Future endophytes by summarizing at least part of the large but dis-
Acknowledgements persed literature published on endophytic bacteria since the
References 1920s.
Before beginning a discussion on bacterial endophytes,
Introduction the term endophyte must be defined. There are several defi-
The theory that nonpathogenic bacteria reside in plant tissues nitions of endophytes, which in general include fungi and
dates to Perotti (1926), but research on bacteria residing in bacteria (Chanway 1996). Fungal endophytes have been
the internal tissues of nonsymptomatic plants dates back to intensively reviewed in the last 10 years (Carroll 1988; Clay

@ 1997 NRC Canada

Review I Synthese

1988; Siege1 et al. 1987), and this review focuses on the bac- Researchers should select the specific technique that best
terial perspective. Conceptually, bacterial endophytes have matches the objectives of the specific research question.
been defined by Kado (1992) as "bacteria that reside within
living plant tissues without doing substantive harm or gaining Tn'turation and surface disinfestation
benefit other than securing residency. " We consider this The most common procedures for the isolation of endophytic
definition to be too restrictive, in that it excludes the possibil- bacteria were based on trituration of surface-disinfested plant
ity that endophytes could, and probably do, form symbiotic tissue using various disinfectants, including sodium hypo-
relationships with their host. Quispel (1992) considered chlorite (Fisher et al. 1992; Gardner et al. 1982; Hinton and
endophytes only as bacteria that establish an endosymbiosis Bacon 1995; Quadt-Hallmann et al. 1997a, 1997b), ethanol
with the plant, whereby the plant receives an ecological (Dong et al. 1994; Fisher et al. 1992; GagnC et al. 1987),
benefit from the presence of the symbiont, such as increased hydrogen peroxide (McInroy and Kloepper 1994; Misaghi
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

stress tolerance or plant growth promotion. Again, this defi- and Donndelinger 1990), mercuric chloride (Gagnt et al.
nition is restrictive, in that only those bacteria that impart a 1987; Hollis 1951; Sriskandarajah et al. 1993), or a combi-
benefit to plants are considered endophytes, excluding those nation of two or more of these (Caetano-Anollts et al. 1990;
that have a neutral or negligible effect on the plant. With Pleban et al. 1995), followed by several washes in sterile
bacteria associated with the phylloplane, Beattie and Lindow water or buffer solutions. Because of the high toxicity and
(1995) viewed the terms epiphytic and endophytic as two persistence of mercuric chloride, this disinfectant should be
ends of one spectrum reflecting the growth patterns of leaf restricted to plant tissues that cannot be disinfested by other
bacteria, rather than as two distinct g o u p s of organisms. procedures. Surface detergents like Tween 20 (Mahaffee and
These authors suggest that an active exchange occurs between Kloepper 1997; Pleban et al. 1995), Tween 80 (Sturz 1995),
the internal and external populations of one bacterial strain. or Triton X-100 (Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990; Musson
While this is an intriguing theory, there are most likely bac- et al. 1995) can be added to reduce surface tension of the
teria that are only capable of being either epiphytes or endo- solvent, thereby allowing the disinfestant to reach protected
- . To focus on plant-endophyte interactions in this sites and grooves beyond collapsed epidermal cells on the
review, we consider any bacterium as an endophyte if it can plant surface. Depending on plant species, age, and plant
be isolated from surface-disinfested plant tissue or extracted parts (roots, stems, leaves, or seeds), concentrations of the
For personal use only.

from inside the plant, and if it does not visibly harm the disinfectant being used vary and need to be optimized for
plant. This definition includes internal colonists with appar- each situation. Another adaptation of the surface disinfestion
ently neutral behavior, as well as symbionts. It would also be technique involves dipping plant tissue into ethanol and flam-
inclusive of bacteria that, during their endophytic phase, ing the surface (Dong et al. 1994).
fluctuate between endophytic and epiphytic colonization. We Following surface disinfestation, the plant tissue is
feel more confident with this functional definition, since it triturated with a mortar and pestle or mechanical device
includes the broad spectrum of work being done on the (e.g ., blender, KLECO tissue pulverizer (Mahaffee and
occurrence, population dynamics, and effect of nonpatho- Kloepper 1997) in sterile water, buffer solutions, or liquid
genic colonizers of internal plant tissue, and because it media. The triturate is then processed for bacterial enumera-
reflects the experimental reality of sampling endophytes. tion (discussed below).
The trituration technique is dependent on complete sur-
Methods for examining bacterial face disinfestation, which is not always easy to achieve. In
endophytes theory, any contaminant on the surface should be killed or
rendered noncultureable without affecting any microorgan-
Methodology is extremely important and limiting in investi- isms from within the plant tissue. Practically speaking, this
gations of bacterial endophytes. Because of their small size is not possible since disinfectants will also penetrate plant
and the laborious nature of most methods, knowledge of tissue. The applied concentration necessary to kill the last
bacterial endophytes is slow to progress. However, as more bacterial cells on the plant surface is most likely detrimental
and more researchers become involved with this group of to some bacteria inside the plant tissue, especially those in
remarkable bacteria, we are beginning to realize the tremen- the outer root cortex, thus leading to a biased sample and
dous potential for bacterial endophytes in agricultural pro- reduction in total numbers of the indigenous endophytic com-
duction systems. munity.
The extent of surface disinfestants penetrating into plant
Isolation tissues can be visually demonstrated by staining the root with
The isolation procedure for endophytic bacteria is of key a tetrazolium-phosphate buffer solution (Patriquin and
importance for research with endophytes and is, therefore, Dobereiner 1978) and observing color development in bac-
part of the proposed definition of endophyte (see above). terial cells. Since only actively metabolizing cells reduce
Theoretically, any isolation procedure should recover the tetrazolium, bacterial cells killed by the surface disinfectant
complete internal population and only the internal popula- would not have any color development. Another option
tion; however, this is unlikely as a result of incomplete sur- would be to use apoplastic dyes, such as disodium 4,4'-
face disinfestation, the adsorption of bacterial cells to plant bis(2-sulfostyryl) biphenyl or trisodium 3-hydroxy-5,8,10-
cell structures, or penetration of the sterilant into plant tis- pyrenetrisulfonate (PTS), to monitor the relative progression
sues resulting in the loss of some endophytes. Several tech- of the applied disinfectant (Peterson et al. 1981).
niques have been employed for the isolation of endophytic Because of these experimental limitations, one must often
bacteria with each having advantages and disadvantages. compromise between an optimal surface disinfestation pro-
O 1997 NRC Canada
Can. J . Microbial. Vol. 43, 1997

cedure and a procedure that reduces the penetration of the endophytes are recovered by the pressure bomb technique.
surface disinfestant into the plant tissues. The extent of this Bacillus spp., shown to be a predominant group of the soil,
compromise will depend on the objectives of the research rhizosphere, and endorhiza communities of cucumber
and the amount of resources available (e.g., labor and plant (Mahaffee and Kloepper 1997), were only recovered by the
material). trituration technique, whereas Pseudomoms spp., commonly
To decrease the possibility of recovery of surface con- reported as endophytes, dominated the bacterial community
taminants, sterility checks should be included to monitor the recovered with the pressure bomb technique by Hallmann
efficiency of the disinfestation procedure for each sample. et al. (1997~).Besides these qualitative differences, quanti-
Only if no bacterial growth occurs in the sterility check after tative differences in the total population size recovered by
a certain time should the recovered bacteria be considered as these two approaches were also observed. The trituration
endophytes. The following sterility checks have been suc- technique consistently gave higher numbers of endophytic
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

cessfully applied: dipping roots in nutrient broth (GagnC bacteria compared with either the pressure bomb (Hallmann
et al. 1987), transferring 0.1 mL of the final washing solu- et al. 1997a) or vacuum extraction technique (Bell et al.
tion to a test tube with bacterial growth medium ( ~ c 1 n r o ~ 1995), which might be explained by the greater portion of the
and Kloepper 1994), or imprinting the surface-disinfested physical niches in internal plant tissues being sampled com-
plant tissue on nutrient medium (Pleban et al. 1995; Shishido pared with the more selective isolation of vascular and inter-
et al. 1995). A comparison of the above-mentioned three cellular space colonists by the vacuum or pressure extraction
methods resulted in similar contamination percentages for all techniques.
three techniques (Musson et al. 1995). Although these steril- Several controls, e.g., roots dipped in a bacterial suspen-
ity checks can help to detect insufficient surface disinfes- sion prior to extraction, should be included in experiments
tation, single bacterial cells or spores may still survive in using the pressure and vacuum extraction techniques to con-
protected spaces under collapsed epidermal and cortical firm that surface contaminants will not be forced from the
cells, as demonstrated by ~ u a d t - ~ a l l m a nand
n Kloepper surface through the vascular system by the applied pressure
(1996~)using electron microscopy. and vacuum, thus resulting in external tissue contaminants
The advantage of the trituration technique is that it can appearing as endophytes (Gardner et al. 1982; Hallmann
be used for almost any plant tissue, including flowers, fruits, et al. 1997~).To further eliminate the possibility of disrup-
For personal use only.

and seeds. Heterotrophic bacteria are recoverable from the tion of the plant cellular structure, the applied vacuum or
total internal plant tissue, and it is only minimally affected pressure should be released slowly and should not exceed
by bacterial adsorption to plant parts, since the triturated tis- the permanent wilting point of the specific plant species.
sue is actually plated. However, this technique is not useful ~lthou~ theh pressure~andvacuum techniques likely estimate
for examining bacteria from certain physical niches (e.g., lower total numbers of endophytic bacteria than does the
intercellular versus intracellular colonization. cortical versus trituration procedure, they provide the benefit of selectively
vascular tissue). In addition, sterility checks must be employed isolating endophytes from the conductive elements which are
for each sample; complete surface disinfestation is still diffi- assumed to be systemic colonizers. The pressure and vacuum
cult to assure, and hence, some surface colonizers might be techniques require robust plant material that can be held in
recovered as well. Although the KLECO tissue pulverizer the required gasket and withstand the applied pressure or
(Kinetic Laboratory Equipment Co., Visaila, Calif.) has vacuum. Soft tissues of herbaceous species or seedlings
been effectively used for stem sections of cotton (Mahaffee might not withstand such treatment, thus limiting the practi-
and Kloepper 1996) and cucumber (Mahaffee and Kloepper cal use of these techniques to certain plant species or tissues.
1997) 2-3 cm in diameter, the trituration of woody tissue is
still problematic with most mechanical devices. In conclu- Centrifugation
sion.the trituration and surface disinfestation techniaues are A third approach for recovery of endophytic bacteria from
useful for describing the broad spectrum of endophytes plant tissue is centrifugation. This technique is commonly
occurring in the total plant tissue. used to collect the intercellular fluid of plant tissue (De Wit
and Spikrnan 1982), but would also extract endophytic bac-
Vacuum and pressure extraction teria from intercellular and vascular fluid similar to the
To bypass the above-mentioned problems concerning surface vacuum or pressure methods. Dong et al. (1994) used the
disinfestation, alternative methods lacking any surface disin- centrifugation technique to remove aseptic intercellular fluid
festation have been developed. A vacuum technique was from sugarcane (Saccharum oflcinarum L.) stems. The
successfully used to extract xylem sap from the roots of authors report that this fluid yielded pure cultures of an acid-
perennial plants like grapevine (Bell et al. 1995) and citrus producing bacterium (approximately lo4 CFUImL) identical
(Gardner et al. 1982), and the Scholander pressure bomb was to the type culture of Acetobacter diazotrophicus. Using the
used for extracting root sap from cotton and other agricul- centrifugation technique, the authors dipped stem sections of
tural crops (Hallmann et al. 1 9 9 7 ~ ) .Common to both 3 -4 cm in length in ethanol and flamed the sections to kill
techniques is that the collected plant sap mainly consists of surface contaminants. Depending on the size of the sections,
fluid from the conducting elements and adjacent intercellular they were centrifuged in Eppendorf tubes or larger glass
spaces, representing two physical niches often considered tubes. At centrifugation up to 3000 x g, most of the solution
favorable for systemic colonizing bacteria. of the apoplast could be removed. By applying cryo-scanning
A comparison of the bacterial community recovered from electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) of the stem sections follow-
cotton roots by the trituration and pressure bomb techniques ing centrifugation, it could be shown that the cells were still
appears to indicate that only a subset of the bacterial intact and no fluid from the symplast was displaced. How-
@ 1997 NRC Canada
Review I Synthese

ever, this technique also required surface disinfestation of the of the introduced strain (Kluepfel 1993; Mahaffee et al.
plant material, since the plant tissue will come into contact 1 9 9 7 ~ ) Alternatively,
. heavy metal resistance or metabolic
with the extracted fluid during the centrifugation procedure. markers can be used. Nevertheless, one must consider that
Unlike the pressure and vacuum methods, the centrifugation bacterial isolation based on artificial media only considers
technique is suitable for soft plant tissue. Although the cen- viable microorganisms able to utilize nutrients of the selected
trifugation method requires time-consuming surface disin- medium. The isolated microorganisms might represent only
festation, several samples can be centrifuged at the same a small fraction of the total endophytic population, a pheno-
time, though the overall time requirement might be less than menon commonly known for rhizosphere microorganisms
for the above mentioned techniques. isolated on media (Kluepfel 1993).
In summary, the decision as to which isolation method is
best for specific research objectives is influenced by criteria Viable staining
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

such as the physical niche of interest and plant-dependent Viable staining procedures overcome the problems associ-
factors (species, age, and tissue), as well as available ated with nonculturable microorganisms and can also be
resources and total number of samples being processed. The applied for bacterial detection in situ. Therefore, vital stains
application and comparison of different techniques offers the might provide a more realistic tool for enumeration and
advantage of examining endophytic colonization and locali- localization of microbial communities. Bacterial conversion
zation from different perspectives, thus enhancing our under- of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazoliumdichloride to red-colored fro-
standing of the potential function endophytic bacteria have in mazans has been successfully applied to detect bacteria in
their hosts. surface-disinfested corn roots (Patriquin and Dobereiner
1978). Based on an intense red color development, root areas
Recognition, localization, and enumeration can be visually selected for further sectioning. However,
The isolation procedures for endophytic bacteria are simple reduction of tetrazolium has also been considered as a mea-
ways to demonstrate internal colonization and give a rough sure of respiratory electron transport (Zimmermann et d .
estimate of the bacterial population density. However, 1978), and plant particles of similar size to the bacteria, i.e.,
detailed studies on the occurrence of endophytic bacteria starch grains, might be stained too (Patriquin and Dobereiner
within plant tissues require techniques that facilitate observa- 1978). Nevertheless, tetrazolium reduction by nontreated
For personal use only.

tion of bacteria on a very small spatial scale and differen- plants usually takes more than 24 h and can, therefore, be
tiation of the bacterium of interest from the indigenous differentiated from bacteria-treated plants in which tetra-
microflora. The fact that some bacteria are attached to one zolium reduction occurs within 3 -4 h (Bashan and Holguin
another or to the plant surface, thus bearing the risk of 1995). Alteratively, Bell et al. (1995) used acridine orange
underestimating total internal populations (Neyra et al. to estimate the total number of bacteria extracted from grape-
1995), also needs to be considered. vine xylem; however, the possible use of this technique for
In general, there are two types of investigations on the in planta detection of bacteria was not assessed. In general,
population dynamics of bacterial endophytes: those that are viable staining procedures in combination with light micro-
concerned with the indigenous populations and those that scopy provide a rapid method to detect bacteria within plant
monitor the colonization of an introduced endophyte. Both tissue and quantify total numbers of endophytic bacteria,
types of investigations use similar methods and are generally including nonculturable species in extracted plant sap.
centered around plating techniques on selective or non-
selective media. However, immunological and nucleic acid Electron microscopy
probes are evolving into powerful tools for examining bac- Electron microscopy is a powerful tool to recognize and
terial populations. localize endophytic bacteria in plant tissue. Conventional
scanning electron microscopy and cryo-SEM have been suc-
Media cessfully used to detect endophytic bacteria in various plants,
Probably the simplest technique for monitoring populations including corn (Turner et al. 1993), wheat (Gantar et al.
of bacterial endophytes is their culturing on artificial media. 1991), fern (Van Doorn et al. 1991), and tomato (Sardi et al.
This technique is rapid, inexpensive, and sensitive. In general, 1992). Nevertheless, during the preparation of internal plant
plant samples are processed, diluted, inoculated on assorted tissues for SEM, the samples need to be cut, and thus bear
microbiological media, and incubated under various environ- the risk of introducing bacterial contaminants from tissue
mental conditions (Bell et al. 1995; Dobereiner et al. 1993; surfaces. Transmission electron microscopy reduces these
Fisher et al 1992; GagnC et al. 1987; Jacobs et al. 1985; concerns, since the plant tissue with the bacterial endophytes
McInroy and Kloepper 1 9 9 5 ~ Misaghi
; and Donndelinger is first fixed and then sectioned. Within cross-sections, endo-
1990; Sturz 1995). The final population can then be esti- phytic bacteria can be distinguished from plant organelles
mated by counting the colonies grown on the media after and plant-associated structures by a skilled electron micro-
considering the dilution factor or by applying the most proba- scopist. This technique has been widely used to detect endo-
ble number (MPN) technique (Sriskandarajah et al. 1993). phytic bacteria in several plant species such as corn (Hinton
Several markers are available (reviewed by Kloepper and and Bacon 1995), wheat (Levanony et al. 1989; Ruppel et al.
Beauchamp 1992; Kluepfel 1993) to differentiate the intro- 1992), sugarcane (Dong et al. 1994), lupin (Wiehe et al.
duced microorganism from the indigenous microflora. A 1994), rice and Kallar grass (Hurek et al. 1994), potato
common marker has been the selection of spontaneous (Frommel et al. 1991), bean (Mahaffee et al. 1997a, 1997b),
antibiotic-resistant derivatives of the wild-type strain, but cotton (Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1996a), and pea
this approach might underestimate the actual population size (Benhamou et al. 1996).
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Can. J. Microbial. Vol. 43. 1997

Overall, the small size of the bacteria, their heterogeneous specific, epitopes bind antibodies. This results in overall
distribution in plant tissue, and the similarity in appearance lower levels of bound indicators, such as conjugate enzymes,
with cell organelles, as well as the low thickness of ultrathin FITC , or coupled-gold particles. The sensitivity of immuno-
sections ( 60 nm), render endophytic bacteria difficult to fluorescence techniques can be improved by amplifying the
detect by conventional electron microscopy. Furthermore, antibody reaction (Van Vuurde 1991), increasing the effi-
the detection limit for endophytic bacteria is considered to be ciency of the light emission by the bacterium, or modifying
around 1 x lo5 CFUIcm root ( - 1 x lo6 CFUIg root) the photographic system. By incorporation of the avidin-
(Wiehe et al. 1996), which is usually beyond average popula- biotin complex into either indirect or competitive enzyme-
tion densities of 1 x lo4 - 1 x lo5 log CFUIg root. linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), quantitative detection
Problems occurring during tissue preparation for microscopy, and enumeration of the bacteria can also be improved
such as access of fixatives or resins to uncut intercellular
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

(Levanony and Bashan 1990). Under optimal conditions the

spaces due to heavily suberized and lignified parenchyma visualization of single bacterial cells seems to be possible.
cells or leakage of bacteria from the apoplast fluid of cut
spaces (Dong et al. 1994), increase the difficulties of detect-
ing endophytic bacteria within plant tissues. Nevertheless, Nucleic acid hybridization
the resolving power of the electron microscopy make such Endophytic bacteria can also be detected and identified
studies worth the effort. The newly introduced laser scanning within plant tissue by in situ hybridization, a technique that
confocal microscopy technology also provides a promising detects specific bacterial DNA or RNA sequences in plant
tool for in planta studies of endophytic bacteria (Sriskanda- tissue. Nucleic acid probes are labeled by the attachment of
rajah et al. 1993). a hapten (i.e., biotin or digoxygenin), which is then recog-
nized by an antibody coupled to a visual marker, i.e., col-
loidal gold (McFadden 1991). Besides being useful for
Immunological staining and quant$cation by ELISA
bacterial localization, molecular techniques are sensitive
Some of the difficulties associated with conventional light
tools to detect endophytic bacteria in plant sap. Hurek et al.
and electron microscopy can be overcome by combining
(1994) used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to confirm
microscopy with immunology. Immunological techniques
the presence of bacteria in the root and shoot tissues of rice
have been used for a long time to detect plant-associated
For personal use only.

inoculated with Azoarcus sp. By selecting primers that

microorganisms. Antibodies can be raised against proteinous
specifically amplify a characteristic DNA fragment of the
components of bacteria (e.g., fimbriae; Korhonen et al.
bacterial isolate, the PCR technique can distinguish between
1986) or whole bacterial cells by injecting them into rabbits
subspecies of certain bacteria (De Boer and Ward 1995).
or mice. For visualization, the antibodies themselves or
However, plant compounds can interfere with the detection
secondary antibodies raised against primary antibodies are
of bacterial endophytes by inhibiting the PCR. Precision can
coupled with fluorochrome such as fluorescein isothio-
be increased by exposure of the sample to microwaves to
cyanate (FITC) (Mahaffee et al. 1997b; Schank et al. 1979;
promote cell lysis, followed by purification of the DNA by
Allan and Kelman 1977) or colloidal gold (Fig. 36) (Hurek
et al. 1994; Levanony et al. 1989; Quadt-Hallmann and ion-exchange chromatography (Eastwell et al. 1995).
Kloepper 1996a; Sigee 1990). Immunofluorescence can then Fusions of reporter genes such as lacZ (0-galactosidase)
with promoters derived from Azospirillum have also been
be combined with light and electron microscopy, with pour
used to study internal root colonization (Katupitiya et al.
plate isolation (immunofluorescent colony staining (IFC))
1995). Azospirillum bearing lacZ fusions were visualized by
(Mahaffee et al. 1997b; Van Vuurde and Van Henten 1983;
staining plant tissue with the chromogenic @-galactosidase
Van Vuurde and Roozen 1990) or with tissue printing
enzyme substrate 5-brome-4-chloro-3-indolyl-0-galactoside
(Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1 9 9 6 ~ )The. latter technique
involves sectioning of plant material and absorbing the cut
surface to a substrate (e.g., agar media, nitrocellulose The use of rRNA for the analysis of specific endophytic
microorganisms is another powerful tool because nucleic
membranes) prior to antibody treatment. Tissue printing is
suitable for localizing bacterial endophytes in specific plant acids possess highly conserved and unique regions (Kluepfel
1993). By combining rRNA hybridization with epifluores-
tissues (e.g., cortical versus vascular tissue), but lacks the
cence microscopy, even single cells are detectable (Amann
resolving power to localize bacteria in intercellular spaces or
other detailed physical niches. et al. 1990a, 1990b; Hahn et al. 1992). The main advantage
of all molecular techniques is their ability to detect both cul-
Depending on antibody sensitivity, single isolates or groups
turable and nonculturable microorganisms.
of closely related microorganisms can be recognized using
immunological techniques. In some cases, antibody cross-
reactions are negligible (Levanony and Bashan 1989; Autoradiography
Levanonv et al. 1987, 1989: Schank et al. 1979). ,* whereas in Autoradiography has also been used to study the dynamics of
other cases, antibody specificity is limited and needs to be endophytic bacteria in planta, since uptake of labeled pre-
characterized when analyzing samples (Quadt-Hallmann and cursor occurs only in molecules that are being actively syn-
Kloepper 1996~).~ ~ ~ r o a c to h kenhance
s the specificity of thesized (Sigee 1990). Endophytic bacteria are labeled by
antibodies include the selection of specific bacterial cell wall culturing on standard growth media containing (I5NH4)$O4
components as epitopes through extensive screening or the (You et al. 1995) or ['4C(U)]glucose (Pleban et al. 1995).
adsorption of antiserum with cross-reactive antigens by Following several washing steps to remove unincorporated
affinity chromatography (Hurek et al. 1994). Although label, these bacteria can be inoculated into plants. The radio-
enhanced specificity of antibodies is usually desirable, it can active labeled bacteria can finally be monitored using mass
result in reduced sensitivity because fewer, but more spectrometry or autoradiography .
O 1997 NRC Canada
Review I Synthese 901

Figs. 1-3. Electron transmission micrograph of cotton root cross sections with immunogold labeling of the bacterial endophyte
Pseudomonas jluorescens 89B-61. 89B-61 was applied as a seed treatment at 1 x 10' CFUIseed. Primary antibodies against 89B-61
were used at a dilution of 1:500 and secondary antibodies coupled with colloidal gold were used at a dilution of 1:40. Fig. 1. Bacterial
cells of 89B-61 located on the root surface and inside intercellular spaces close to the root epidermis. RS, root surface; EC, epidermal
cell. Bacteria are indicated by arrows. Scale bar = 10 pm. Fig. 2. Cross section of a cotton radicle after germination on water agar
and dipping in a suspension of JM22 (1 x lo7 CFUImL). Single cell of JM22 (arrow) located inside an intact root cortical cell (RC).
Scale bar = 10 pm. Fig. 3. Transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections of the root from a cotton plant seed-treated with
JM22 (1.0 x 109 CFUIseed). High numbers of JM22 cells are located in the intercellular spaces of the inner root cortex. (a) Root
cortex cell (RC). Scale bar = 10 pm. (b) Higher magnification of a ; gold label identifies bacteria as JM22. IS, intercellular space.
Scale bar = 1 pm. (Figure 1, from Quadt-Hallmann et al. 19976; Fig. 2, from Quadt-Hallmann et al. 1997a; Fig. 3, from Quadt-
Hallmann and Kloepper 1996. Reproduced with permission of Can. J. Microbial. O National Research Council of Canada.)
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13
For personal use only.

Ecology tective environment for microorganisms than plant surfaces,

where exposure to extreme environmental conditions such as
The capacity of bacteria to colonize the internal tissues of temperature, osmotic potentials, ultraviolet radiation, and
plants could confer an ecological advantage over bacteria microbial competition are major factors limiting long-term
that can only colonize plants epiphytically. The internal tis- bacterial survival. However, there are probably other limit-
sues of plants are thought to provide a more uniform and pro- ing factors that must be overcome when establishing popula-
@ 1997 NRC Canada
Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

tions in the internal tissues of plants. Thus, establishing and Besides seeds and spermosphere, several observations
maintaining an introduced bacterial population would still be favor the rhizosphere soil as the primary source for endo-
limited and influenced by the same factors that affect plant phytic colonization. Axenic potatoes planted into field soil
health. mainly harbored genera commonly found as soil saprophytes
To further explore the potential use of endophytic bacteria, (De Boer and Copeman 1974). Comparing the internal and
a quantum leap in our understanding of how these bacteria external bacterial communities of cucumber (Mahaffee and
interact, colonize, and survive in plants is needed. The fol- Kloepper 1997), cotton (Hallmann et al. 1997c), and potato
lowing are some of the ecological issues that have been (Sturz 1995), almost all endophytic bacteria were also found
examined with speculation on what the results may mean and in the rhizosphere, thus supporting the hypothesis that there
ideas for future-research areas. is a continuum of root-associated microorganisms from the
rhizosphere to rhizoplane to epidermis and cortex (Kloepper
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

Source of endophytic bacteria et al. 1 9 9 2 ~ )Statistical

. analysis of bacterial diversity from
Two of the most frequently raised questions in connection rhizosphere and endorhiza indicated that the initial compo-
with endophytic bacteria are what is the origin of endophytes sition of the endorhiza was dependent on the rhizosphere
and how do they enter plant tissues in nature? To answer the community (Mahaffee and Kloepper 1997). However, the
first question, endophytic bacteria appear to originate from endorhiza community quickly differentiated from that of
seeds (Adams and Kloepper 1996; McInroy and Kloepper the rhizosphere with fewer genera present, suggesting that
1995b; Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990; Mundt and Hinkle the endorhiza (root interior) is a distinct habitat from the
1976; Pleban et al. 1995), vegetative planting material (Dong rhizosphere (zone outside roots).
et al. 1994; Sturz 1995), rhizosphere soil (Hallmann et al.
1997c; Mahaffee and Kloepper 1997; Patriquin et al. 1983), Mode of entry
and the phylloplane (Beattie and Lindow 1995). With the exception of seed-transmitted bacteria, which are
The importance of seeds as a source of endophytic bac- already present in the plant, potential endophytes must first
teria is still controversial. Although endophytic bacteria have colonize the root surface prior to entering the plant. Potential
been microscopically detected within seeds (Mukhopadhyay internal colonists find their host by chemotaxis, electrotaxis,
et al. 1996), Mundt and Hinkle (1976) obtained endophytes or accidental encounter. Motility of beneficial associative
For personal use only.

only from damaged seeds. Since seed endophytes are mainly rhizosphere bacteria has been described for several bacteria
associated with protected sites near the seed coat, they might such as Alcaligenes faecalis, Azospirillum brasilense, and
have colonized this area through fine openings in the seed Pseudomonasjluorescens (Bashan 1986a; You et al. 1995).
coat. This hypothesis is generated by the observed differ- By using Tn5-induced mutants of Alcaligenes faecalis lack-
ences in the total number of endophytic bacteria isolated ing any response to attractants and mutants with a deficient
from surface-disinfested seeds of cotton ranging from synthesis or overproduction of exopolysaccharides (EPSs),
1 x lo3 to 1 x lo5 CFUIg, while in sweet corn populations attachment of Alcaligenes faecalis to rice roots could be
were below 1 x. 10 CFUIg (McInroy and Kloepper 19956). differentiated in three steps: bacterial adsorption onto the
The authors explain these differences by referring to the seed rice root surface (rapid but weak interaction between bacteria
coat, which in the case of cotton is rough with deep grooves and host plant), anchoring on the root surface (strong inter-
and commonly damaged by the ginning process, thus repre- action), and colonization of the root surface with some cells
senting a discontinuous protection barrier for the ovule. In entering into the rice root (You et al. 1995). A similar mode
contrast, the seed coat of corn is smooth and normally intact, of attachment is reported for Azospirillum brasilense to
providing a complete enclosure for the entire ovule. It still wheat roots (Bashan and Holguin 1993; Michiels et al. 1991).
remains possible that extremely low population densities of In general, entry into plant tissue can be via stomata,
endophytes are present in some seeds inside deeper regions lenticels, wounds (including broken trichomes), areas of
of the seed. This might explain the common observation that emergence of lateral roots, and germinating radicles (Huang
endophyte populations increase from nondetectable levels in 1986). However, the main entry for endophytic bacteria
seeds to detectable levels in radicles 48 h after placing appears to be through wounds that naturally occur as a result
surface-disinfested seeds on water agar. Such bacterial endo- of plant growth, or through root hairs and at epidermal con-
phyte populations were either below detection limits or junctions (Sprent and de Faria 1988). Several authors have
in a physiological state that was nonculturable (Adams and reported extensive colonization of the secondary root emer-
Kloepper 1996). Extensive cytological work is still necessary gence zone (sites of root branches) by bacterial endophytes
to elucidate if endophytes are seed transmissible and to deter- (Agarwhal and Shende 1987; Jacobs et al. 1985; Lamb et al.
mine more closely the specific sites of colonization within 1996; Mahaffee et al. 1997b; Patriquin and Dobereiner
seeds. 1978; Reinhold and Hurek 1988; Wiehe et al. 1994).
The role of the spermosphere as a source of bacterial Because of breaks in the endodermis at these points, bacteria
endophytes is also evident by observations that bacterial colonizing the cortex can be observed to extend to and across
endophytes introduced as seed treatments colonized the inter- the endodermis into the vascular tissue (Mahaffee et al.
nal tissues of root radicles newly emerged from the seed coat 1997b; Patriquin and Dobereiner 1978; Reinhold and Hurek
(Mahaffee et al. 1997b; Musson et al. 1995). In detail, 1988). The importance of lateral root formation for bacterial
endophytic colonization appeared to begin with migration of entry is underlined by the observation that Bacillus polymyxa
bacteria through the germination slit and into the starchy was recovered from inside pine seedlings only after lateral
endosperm, from which these bacteria colonized the radicle roots had developed (Shishido et al. 1995). Plant wounding
and coleoptile and finally spread systemically through the in general, induced either by biotic (fungi, plant-parasitic
plant (Hinton and Bacon 1995). nematodes, insects) or abiotic factors (tillage, extreme tem-
@ 1997 NRC Canada
Review I Synthese

perature fluctuations, grafting, root pruning) is ubiquitous in Patriquin and Dobereiner 1978). Bacterial movement has
any agroecosystem and is probably a major factor for bac- been reported for intercellular spaces from 15 cells (Hurek
terial entrance. For example, wounds artificially induced by et al. 1994; Patriquin and Dobereiner 1978) to distances
either adding nematodes to the soil (Hallmann et al. 1997b) representing 1-4 cm (Mahaffee et al. 19976). Systemic
or carborundum to the bacterial inoculum suspension prior to spread of endophytic bacteria has been demonstrated for
leaf inoculation (Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1996a) Erwinia sp., which was recovered from cotton roots, stems,
increased internal population densities of applied endophytic and unopened flowers, as well as mesocarp and endocarp of
bacteria. Besides providing entry avenues, wounds also bolls (Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990), and for Pseudo-
create favorable conditions for the approaching bacteria by monas aureofaciens, which has been shown to invade aerial
allowing leakage of plant exudates, which serve as a food tissues of corn via internal movement from the roots (Lamb
source for the bacteria. et al. 1996).
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Wounds and lateral roots are not, however, absolutely The prevailing thought that systemic colonization of the
required for entrance of endophytic bacteria. Seedlings grown vascular system from cortical tissue is limited appears to be
with minimal disturbance in liquid media or on water agar due to the belief that the endodermis represents a physical
were penetrated by endophytic bacteria long before lateral barrier to the apoplastic movement of bacterial endophytes
root emergence (Levanony et al. 1989; Quadt-Hallmann into the vascular tissue (Kloepper et al. 1992~).This theory
et al. 1997~).Since untreated control plants were endophyte is based upon research demonstrating that the root endo-
free, the observed bacterial behavior might indicate active dermis functions physiologically to regulate chemical flow to
penetration. This hypothesis is supported by the presence of the vascular region and that casparian strips, when intact,
cellulytic and pectinolytic enzymes produced by numerous limit apoplastic movement of solutes from the cortex to the
endophytic bacteria such as Azoarcus sp. (Hurek et al. 1994), stele. Therefore, it was believed that endophytes present in
Azospirillum irakense (Khammas and Kaiser 199I), and the root cortex could not traverse the endodermis to enter the
Pseudomonas jluorescens (Benhamou et al. 1996; Quadt- vascular system. However, as discussed above, the endoder-
Hallmann et al. 1997~).Enzymatic degradation of plant cell mis is not an unbroken barrier since epidermal disrupture
walls by these bacteria was only observed when they colo- occurs at the sites of secondary root formation, providing an
nized the root epidermis but never after colonizing intercellu- apoplastic route to the root stele, which can be visualized by
For personal use only.

lar spaces of the root cortex. These results suggest that the fluorescent dyes (Peterson et al. 1981). Bacterial endophytes
endophyte induced production of cellulase and pectinase only may also follow this same path to colonize the vascular tis-
for penetration into the host plant. Although these observa- sue. The endodermal barrier can also be surpassed by bac-
tions demonstrate the possibility of active penetration mech- terial entrance via the undifferentiated cells of the root tip
anisms for some endophytic bacteria, very little is known (Mahaffee et al. 19976).
about the origin and regulation of these enzymes. Neverthe- Nevertheless, systemic bacterial colonization of internal
less, active penetration is still controversial and the fact that plant tissues seems to be affected by the plant part. Although
soil bacteria show a higher frequency of hydrolytic enzymes both bacterial endophytes Pseudomonas jluorescens 89B-27
than xylem-inhabiting bacteria suggests that it is unlikely for and Enterobacter asburiae JM22 colonized the cortical and
systemic endophytic bacteria to gain plant entry primarily via vascular root tissue of common bean, only JM22 colonized
production of hydrolytic enzymes (Bell et al. 1995). How- the stem tissue following seed application (Mahaffee et al.
ever, hydrolytic enzymes might only be produced by endo- 1997b). The authors postulated that limited spread of 89B-27
phytes during the early invasion phase and not after residing could be due to host recognition at the zone of differentiation
in the plant tissue, as indicated by Benhamou et al. (1996). between root and stem tissue. A similar phenomenon was
In addition, one must differentiate between bacterial enzyme observed by Quadt-Hallmann et al. (1997b) on cotton. While
production in vitro and in planta. Neither Enterobacter JM22 colonized the total plant systemically, 89B-61 was
asburiae JM22 nor Pseudomonas jluorescens 89B-61 pro- limited to endophytic colonization of the root cortex. Inter-
duced cellulase when cultured on cellulose medium, although estingly, both 89B-27 and 89B-61 are known biological con-
cellulytic activity was observed in cross-sections of bacteria- trols agents (Liu et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Mahaffee et al.
colonized cotton roots (Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1996b). 1997a; Quadt-Hallmann et al. 1997a, 1997b), while for
However, constitutive release of plant cell wall degrading JM22 no beneficial effects have been observed.
enzymes by endophytic bacteria is undesirable since this When considering systemic colonization of plants, the
would confer plant pathogenicity (Collmer et al. 1982). question arises, is systemic colonization due to internal
Therefore, endophytic bacteria must have some regulatory movement by the bacterium or might bacteria be translocated
mechanism to specifically regulate their enzyme production by capillary forces on the plant surface, from which they
in terms of quantity and time of expression, fact well reenter the plant tissue? For corn grown in a hydroponic
known for Xanthomonas campestris where virulent and solution, inoculated Pseudomonas aureofaciens was found
avirulent strains differ in their cellulase activity (Knosel and on roots and seeds above the hydroponic solution, suggesting
Garber 1967). capillary transport of Pseudomonas aureofaciens on the root
surface to the seeds but not further (Lamb et al. 1996). Since
Movement the shoot surface was not contaminated with Pseudomonas
Once inside plant tissue, endophytic bacteria either remain aureofaciens, any internal invasion of the aerial tissues
localized in a specific plant tissue like the root cortex or should have resulted from internal movement.
colonize the plant systemically by transport through the con- Once established within the plant tissue, endophytic bac-
ducting elements or apoplast (Hurek et al. 1994; James et al. teria can be transmitted vegetatively, such as reported for
1994; Mahaffee et al. 1997b; Quadt-Hallmann et al. 1997b; Acetobacter diazotrophicus for two successive cuttings of
@ 1997 NRC Canada
Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

sugarcane (Dong et al. 1994). The potential for seed or if bacteria actually multiply within the vascular system.
transmission of applied endophytes is still questionable, as Considering the latter scenario, high numbers of bacteria
discussed before. However, endophytic bacteria are occa- within the vessels might lead to plugging and, therefore,
sionally isolated from surface-disinfested seeds, suggesting could induce plant pathogenicity. This might explain why
that this question needs further research. endophytic bacteria are usually found in relatively low
numbers within the vascular system (Ruppel et al. 1992).
Localization Similarly, Vasse et al. (1995) never observed nonpathogenic
Bacterial preferences for colonization of specific plant areas isolates of endophytic Ralstonia solanacearum in the vascular
seem to be strain and species specific. In general, endophytic system, whereas pathogenic isolates colonized xylem vessels
bacteria colonize intercellular spaces (Figs. 1, 3a, and 3b) consistently. For Ralstonia solanacearum it is known that
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

(Dong et al. 1994; Hinton and Bacon 1995; Quadt-Hallmann colonization of 25% of the vascular vessels is sufficient to
and Kloepper 1 9 9 6 ~ Mahaffee
; et al. 19976; Patriquin and cause partial wilting of tomato plants (Vasse et al. 1995).
Dobereiner 1978; Reinhold and Hurek 1988; Ruppel et al. Furthermore, the slow growth and limited spread of an
1992; Wiehe et al. 1994), with only a few reports demonstrat- EPS-deficient strain of Erwinia stewartii resulted in its con-
ing intracellular colonization (Frommel et al. 199 1; Gantar version from virulent to avirulent, indicating the importance
et al. 1991; Hurek et al. 1994; Jacobs et al. 1985; Mahaffee of bacterial growth and movement to induce symptoms and
et al. 19976; Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1 9 9 6 ~ )Entero-
. the involvement of EPS in this phenomenon (Braun 1990).
bacter cloacea, for example, was observed in the intercellu- These studies suggest that spatially limited colonization is
lar spaces of corn roots, where it resided in the root cortex characteristic of endophytic bacteria and probably a major
and the stele just within the endodermis (Hinton and Bacon factor in differentiating endophytic bacteria from plant
1995). The diazotrophic endophyte Azoarcus sp. strain BH72 pathogens.
proliferated in the intercellular spaces of Kaller grass, moved Although multiplication of endophytic bacteria in plant
between cells of stele tissue, and finally entered parenchyma tissue is difficult to demonstrate, results on long-term sur-
cells (Hurek at al. 1994). The authors suggest that xylem vival of several pseudomonads in citrus suggests a compati-
vessels and adjacent fibers might be colonized via penetra- ble and dynamic association of the bacteria with the host
tion through pits. A similar colonization pattern was reported (Gardner et al. 1982). Hurek et al. (1994) reported inter- and
For personal use only.

for Azospirillum spp. by Patriquin et al. (1983). However, intra-cellular multiplication of Azoarcus sp. in the root cortex
based on observations by Schank et al. (1979) and Levanony of rice and Kaller grass as shown by electron microscopy. In
et al. (1989) on grasses and wheat, Azospirillum brasilense contrast, Pseudomonas aureofaciens did not remain viable in
was only found in intercellular spaces of the root cortex and stems of hydroponically grown corn, indicating an active
never in the endodermal layer or the vascular system. Fur- defense response of the plant, and the observed persistence
thermore, Azospirillum brasilense colonized the root tip, of Pseudomonas aureofaciens in soil-grown plants might be
elongation, and root-hair zone externally but was only due to continual invasion of the bacterium through newly
located within the cortex of the latter two zones (Levanony formed lateral and crown roots (Lamb et al. 1996). How-
et al. 1989). The lack of intercellular spaces in the interior ever, the fact that several endophytes approach and maintain
of the root tip and the meristematic zones seemed to be certain plateau population densities indicates bacterial multi-
responsible for the observed distribution pattern of Azospiril- plication. For example, Pseudomonas corruguta CC-471, intro-
lum brasilense. duced at concentrations of 1.0 x lo3 and 1.0 x lo6 CFUI
Besides residing in the intercellular space, some endophy- mL into cotton stems, first increased within 3 days to
tic bacteria also colonize plant cells intracellularly. While 1.8 x lo6 and 4.3 x lo6 CFUIg stem tissue, respectively,
this is not as common as intercellular colonization, intra- before the population finally decreased to 1.0 x lo3 CFUIg
cellular colonization might be functionally important. Jacobs at day 28, regardless of the inoculum densities (Chen et al.
et al. (1985) observed nonpathogenic bacteria within paren- 1995). Similarly, bacterization of potato plantlets with
chyma cells of sugar beet roots where the bacteria especially Pseudomonas sp. strain PsJN at 3.7 x lo5, 9.3 x lo6, and
occupied the large storage vacuoles of the cells. Bacteria 2.8 x lo8 log CFUImL all resulted in a mean final root
have also been detected intracellularly in grasses (Hurek population of 1.1 x lo5 - 1.0 x 106 CFUIcm root tissue
et al. 1994), wheat (Gantar et al. 1991), rice (You and Zhou 23 days later (Frommel et al. 1991). These results indicate
1989), bean (Mahaffee et al. 1997b), potato (Frommel et al. some optimum carrying capacity of endophytic populations
1991), sugarcane (James et al. 1994), and cotton (Fig. 2) by the host plant, which fluctuates depending on plant age
(Quadt-Hallmann et al. 1 9 9 7 ~ )Confirmation
. of intracellular and environmental factors. As with root colonization by
colonization is often rendered by the thinness of the cross- rhizobacteria, internal plant colonization by endophytes will
sections viewed, but these only represent a fraction of the likely prove to be strain specific. Considerably more work is
total plant cell. In the future, confocal laser microscopy needed to answer the question, do endophytes multiply inside
might overcome these limitations since this allows focusing plants?
through entire intact plant cells. Bacterial endophyte growth and establishment within the
Bacterial colonization of the vascular system has been plant tissue requires nutrients, which leads to the question of
especially widely reported (Bell et al. 1995; GagnC et al. what type of nutrient source they utilize? Foster et al. (1983)
1987; Gardner et al. 1982; Hurek et al. 1994; Lamb et al. suggested that endophytes used exudates that enter the inter-
1996; Mahaffee et al. 19976; Ruppel et al. 1992; Samish cellular spaces rather than break down the more complex cell
et al. 1961). However, it is still unknown if the vascular tis- wall materials as the major food source. Cryo-analytical
sue only serves as a transport channel for endophytic bacteria SEM of corn roots indicated wet and dry intercellular spaces

O 1997 NRC Canada

Review I Synthese

which both contained K and Ca, and occasionally small populations found in different crops ranged from 104 to
amounts of S, P, and C1 (Canny and Huang 1993). Concen- lo6 CFUIg fresh weight for cotton and sweet corn roots
trations of the inorganic ions in the wet intercellular spaces and stems (McInroy and Kloepper 1994), 6.0 x lo3 to
varied considerably from one intercellular space to the other, 4.3 x 104/gxylem of alfalfa (GagnC et al. 1987), 1.O X lo2
which might explain the heterogeneous distribution of endo- to 7.0 x 102/g xylem of citrus twigs, lo3 to lo6 CFUIg for
phytic bacteria often observed within plant tissue (Mahaffee sugar beet roots (Jacobs et al. 1985), 0.4 x lo3 to 1.16 x
et al. 1997b; Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1996~).The lo4 CFU/g cotton roots (Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990),
distribution of ions is probably no artifact, because even lo3 to 104 CFUIg roots for cotton (Hallmann et al. 1997a),
roots grown for 19 h in distilled water mist did not show any and to lo5 CFUIg root tissue of pine seedlings (Shishido
change in concentration and the contents of the spaces did not et al. 1995).
correlate with time of collection or distance from the root The total amount of endophytic bacteria that invade the
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

tip (Canny and Huang 1993). For sugarcane it has been plant tissue is probably controlled by the plant and environ-
shown that the intercellular space is filled with fluid rich in mental conditions, since not all potential endophytes (i.e.,
sucrose (12%), and that this fluid yielded pure cultures of an bacteria isolated from the internal tissues of plants) colonize
endophytic bacterium identical with the type culture of Aceto- the internal tissues upon reintroduction (Musson 1994) and
bacter diazotrophicus (Dong et al. 1994). In general, research both biotic and abiotic factors have strong influences on the
regarding nutritional status of the apoplast and availability of level of colonization (discussed below). For Alcaligenes
these nutrients for endophyte metabolism has been neglected faecalis, an endophyte of rice, it has been estimated that only
for a long time and should, therefore, be of increasing interest 10% of the bacterial population on the root surface entered
in future studies on endophyte-plant interactions. the root tissue (You and Zhou 1989).

Population dynamics Introduced endophytes

An appropriate estimation of the total number of endophytic In general, average population densities of introduced endo-
bacteria is often difficult as a result of the heterogeneous phytic bacteria varied between 1 x lo3 and 1 x lo5 CFUIg
distribution of bacteria within plant tissues and the fact that plant tissue for most investigated plants species (Dong et al.
some bacteria clump together in their secreted mucilage 1994; Frornmel et al. 1991; Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper
For personal use only.

(Dong et al. 1994) or tend to adsorb to particles of any kind 1996a; Pleban et al. 1995). Similar to indigenous endo-
including plant cell wall components (Fisher et al. 1992). phytes, the highest bacterial densities are usually observed in
Evidence obtained by electron microscopy indicates that the roots and decrease from the stem to the leaves (Quadt-
most bacteria do not exist freely within xylem vessels, but Hallmann and Kloepper 1996a; Lamb et al. 1996). Overall,
become entrapped in fibrous occlusions along border pits and population densities of endophytic bacteria are far below
vessel walls (Gardner et al. 1982). This likely explains why threshold levels known for pathogenic bacteria, which can
trituration of homogenized tissue results in 10- to 1000-fold range from 1 x lo7 CFUIg fresh weight, e.g., for Clavi-
higher bacterial counts than vacuum or pressure extraction bacter michigunensis subsp. sepedonicus on tomato (Tsiantos
(Gardner et al. 1982; Hallmann et al. 1997~).Additionally, and Stevens 1986), to 1 x lo9 - 1 x 101° CFUIg fresh
any enumeration technique based on bacterial cultivation on weight under severe disease pressure, as reported for Pseudo-
solid nutrient media is &ought automatically to select for the monas solanacearum on tomato, eggplant, and aubergine
fraction of the total population that can grow on the chosen (Grimault and Prior 1994). Nevertheless, single reports also
medium under the chosen environmental conditions (Fisher mention that endophytic bacteria can approach population
et al. 1992). Bell et al. (1995) compared bacterial popula- densities up to 1 x lo9 - 1 x 101° CFUIg fresh weight
tions estimated from vacuum-extracted xylem sap plated on under certain conditions without affecting plant growth
tryptic soy agar (TSA), direct staining with acridine orange, (Dimock et al. 1988; McInroy and Kloepper 1994). Inde-
and isolations of homogenized tissue of surface-disinfested pendent of the initial inoculum size, endophytic popula-
roots. Direct staining detected the highest number of endo- tions tend to approach optimal densities depending on the
phytic bacteria (6.10 x I@), followed by homogenized root plant tissue. For potatoes inoculated with Pseudomonas sp.,
tissue (6.89 x lo3), and xylem sap plated on TSA (1.19 X the root population increased to a final population density of
lo3). However, direct counting of acridine orange stained 1 x 106CFUIcm whereas the stem population decreased from
cells by epifluorescence microscopy does not differentiate an initial concentration of 3.3 x lo5 - 1.9 x lo3 CFUIcm
between living and dead cells (Bell et al. 1995). Molecular (Frommel et al. 1991).
techniques also have their short comings, including ineffi- In terms of biocontrol activity, the importance of high
cient lysis, inability to distinguish between living and dead or endophytic populations to guarantee plant benefits is uncer-
inactive cells, and the absence of formation chimers that can tain, because strain-specific factors, as well as different
result in the detection of bacteria that do not exist. Again, the modes of action (direct antagonism, release of plant growth
choice of techniques will depend largely on the objectives of regulators, induced resistance), need to be considered.
the experiments and facilities and expertise available. Frommel et al. (1993) recorded a positive correlation of
potato growth stimulation and yield increase with the occur-
Indigenous endophytes rence of high population densities of Pseudomonas sp. strain
Population densities of bacterial endophytes seem to be PsJN on and in the potato roots. However, high populations
highest in the root and lower stem and decrease acropetally of Clavibacter xyli subsp. cynodontis, genetically modified
(McInroy and Kloepper 1995b; Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper to express the delta-endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in
1996~).Common population sizes of indigenous endophytic corn, were associated with yield loss when the target pest
O 1997 NRC Canada
Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

was absent (Tomasino et al. 1995). There is little question, Biotic factors
though, that an understanding of the population dynamics of
bacterial endophytes will enhance our ability to take advan- Plant-associated microorganisms: Endophytic bacteria coexist
tage of their beneficial characteristics. with other plant-colonizing microorganisms, such as viruses,
other bacteria, and fungi. Since space and nutrients provided
by the plant probably represent limiting factors for which
Membership and community structure endophytic and pathogenic microbes must compete, several
Bacterial characterization by analysis of fatty acid methyl interactive scenarios between microorganisms are imagina-
esters (FAMEs) of total cellular fatty acids (Sasser 1990) has ble where competition, antibiosis, niche exclusion, symbio-
replaced time-consuming identification methods based on sis, and mutualism affect the attainable populations of a
utilizing carbon sources for studies on bacterial ecology, particular bacterial endophyte.
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

since it allows processing of high numbers of bacteria in a Root infection with Rhizoctonia solani promoted coloni-
relatively short time. This technique is very useful in describ- zation of two endophytes Enterobacter asburiae JM22 and
ing microbial communities. However, since the software Pseudomonas fluorescens 89B-27, which extensively colo-
gives a similarity index of how the fatty acid spectrum of one nized the necrotic tissue and extended 2 -4 cm into healthy
bacterium matches with the spectrum found in the library, tissue (Mahaffee et al. 1997b). Analysis of the combined
the number of bacterial entries in the library is of key impor- incidence of bacterial and fungal endophytes in corn stems
tance. Using rarefraction analysis, Mahaffee and Kloepper revealed that areas of low fungal infection yielded the highest
(1997) recommended sample sizes of at least 35 bacterial bacterial counts (Fisher et al. 1992). In addition, endophytic
isolates per sample for studies on bacterial community to bacteria were more abundant in the root and lower stem
allow statistical processing of the data at the genus level. To parts, whereas endophytic fungi dominated in the middle
compare or characterize endophytic populations of different stem. This antagonistic association of endophytic bacteria
plants or treatments, several diversity indices are available and fungi in plant tissue might be of practical use for devel-
(Ludwig and Reynolds 1988). Commonly used indices include oping combinations of biological control agents covering
bacterial richness (number of species present), evenness (dis- root and vascular pathogens.
tribution of each species within a sample), or a combination Similar relationships have been observed for bacteria-
For personal use only.

of richness and evenness defined as Hill's diversity numbers bacteria associations. Quadt-Hallmann et al. (19976) demon-
N 1 or N2, representing the number of very abundant species. strated that coapplication of the systemic endophyte
In general, Gram-negative species are found to be domi- Enterobacter asburiae JM22 with a rhizosphere colonist
nant compared with Gram-positive strains, accounting for (Arthrobacter agilis) did not affect internal population
78 % of the strains isolated from grapevine xylem (Bell et al. density of JM22 when compared with a single application of
1995), 84% from xylem of citrus roots (Gardner et al. 1982), JM22. However, when JM22 was applied together with
94% from alfalfa roots (GagnC et al. 1987), 75% from corn another endophyte (Paenibacillus macerans), the coexistence
and cotton tissue (McInroy and Kloepper 1994), and 100% of both endophytes resulted in reduced population densities
from cotton roots (Hallmann et al. 1997~).These results are of both endophytes compared with their single application.
contradictory to Lalande et al. (1989), who found 88% The reduction in colonization was attributed to competition
Gram-positive bacteria in 2-month-old roots of corn, and for limited resources or physical space within the plant tis-
Leifert et al. (1989), who reported an average of 70% Gram- sue.
positive bacteria from nine micropropagated plant species Very little is known about interactions between endophytic
after 12 months. bacteria and plant virus infection. For potatoes it has been
Table 1 lists the most common taxa of endophytic bacteria reported that potato virus X did not appear to affect the
recovered from internal plant tissue. The main taxa belong endophytic bacterial flora in either stems or tubers (De Boer
to the former Pseudomonas group (Pseudomonas, Burk- and Copeman 1974). Direct antagonism between endophytic
holderia, Phyllobacterium) and Enterobacterceae (Entero- bacteria and viruses seems to be negligible as a result of the
bacter, Erwinia, Klebsiella) (Gardner et al. 1982; McInroy different habitats that they primarily colonize (bacteria, inter-
and Kloepper 199%; Bell et al. 1995; Jacobs et al. 1985; cellular space of roots and lower plant parts; virus, intracel-
Hallmann et al. 1997~). lular in aerial plant parts). However, both organisms depend
A comparison of the bacterial spectrum of a monocotyle- on active plant metabolism and might compete for plant-
donous (Zea mays L.) and a dicotyledonous (Gossypium derived energy.
hirsutum L.) host yielded several endophytic species in cot-
ton that did not occur in corn and vice versa (McInroy and Plant-parasitic nematodes: The presence of plant-parasitic
Kloepper 1995a, 1995b). In addition, the bacterial spectrum nematodes was shown to increase total numbers of endo-
isolated from corn stems and roots was similar with only a phytic bacteria (Hallmann et al. 1997b). Nematodes pene-
few exceptions, whereas for cotton, 14 taxonomic groups trate roots in the zone of elongation and differentiation
present in roots were not found in stems. (Grundler and Wyss 1995), a region also preferably colo-
nized by saprophytic bacteria. Wounds created by the nema-
Influencing factors tode serve as avenues of entry for the bacteria, and in
The colonization patterns of bacterial endophytes in plant addition, leakage of plant nutrients support a higher external
tissues is strongly dependent on numerous biotic and abiotic population of bacteria, thus representing a bigger potential
factors that often interact. The effects of some of these fac- source of endophytic colonizers. Some bacteria might also be
tors have been investigated, as discussed below. attached to the juvenile cuticle and will be actively trans-

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Review I Synthese 907

Table 1. Summary of indigenous endophytic bacterial genera most commonly isolated from various plant parts of different crops.

Plant part Bacterial taxaa Plant species Ref.

Seed Bacillus, Erwinia, Flavobacterium, Species (27), including cereal, Mundt and Hinkle 1976
Pseudomonas vegetables, and woody plants
Root Pseudomonas, Erwinia-like bacteria Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) GagnC et al. 1987
Root Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Corn (Zea mays L . ) Lalande et al. 1989
Root, radicle, stem,
unopened flowers,
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

boll Erwinia, Bacillus, Clavibacter, Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Misaghi and Donndelinger 1990
Root Agrobacterium, Burkholderia, Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) McInroy and Kloepper 1995a
Root Burkholderia, Enterobacter Corn (Gossypium hirsutum L.) McInroy and Kloepper 1995a
Root Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Cucumber (Cucumis sativis L . ) Mahaffee and Kloepper 1997
Enterobacter, Agrobacterium,
Chryseobacterium, Burkholderia,
Arthrobacter, Stenotrophomonas
Root Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) Gardner et al. 1982
Bacillus, Corynebacterium, and
other Gram-positive bacteria (e.g.,
Root Bacillus, Erwinia, Pseudomonas, Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Jacobs et al. 1985
Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus,
For personal use only.

Tuber Bacillus Potato Hollis 1951

Tuber Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) de Boer and Copeman 1974
Bacillus, Flavobacterium,
Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium,
Stem Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Corn (Zea mays L.) Fisher et al. 1992
Stem Bacillus Corn (Zea mays L.) McInroy and Kloepper 1995a
Stem Bacillus Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) McInroy and Kloepper 1995a
Stem Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, Grapevine Bell et al. 1995
Pantoea, Rhodococcus
Fruit Pseudomonadaceae, Tomato Samish et al. 1961, 1963
Enterobacteriaceae, Cucumber
aGenera are listed in order of reported abundance.

ported into the root tissue (Hallmann et al. 19976). Changes pathogen resistance is not only due to the genetically con-
in plant physiology following infestation of root-knot and trolled plant characters but also to resistance conferred by an
cyst nematodes might create favorable conditions for endo- altered endophytic community associated with plant resis-
phytic bacteria as well. The endophytic bacterial spectrum tance, as reported for the multiadversity resistance cultivars
changes as early as 7 days following nematode infestation of cotton (Bird et al. 1980; Bird 1982).
(Hallmann et al. 19976). Changes in plant physiology can lead to the development
of a distinct endophytic population (Hallmann et al. 1997c),
Plant genotype: The broad use of cultivars with resistance which raises the question of whether the plant itself controls
against bacterial pathogens raises the question, does host bacterial invasion by favoring some species and excluding
genetics affect endophytic bacteria? Bell et al. (1995) com- others. From the bacterial viewpoint, the transformation
pared two grapevine cultivars differentiating in the degree of from rhizosphere to endophytic colonization might be asso-
resistance to crown gall to demonstrate that the plant geno- ciated with changes in the bacterial physiology. Van Peer
type did not selectively affect endophytic bacteria within the et al. (1990) found differences in several biochemical charac-
xylem. In contrast, differences in total endophytic popu- teristics between external and internal Pseudomonas species.
lations are reported for tomato fruits of various cultivars To the authors this indicated that bacterial penetration was
(Samish et al. 1961). It is also conceptionally possible that not just random and some form of selection occurred.

@ 1997 NRC Canada

Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

However, it is possible that these biochemical differences raises the possibility that targeted changes in crop endo-
were a response to establishment in the new environment. phytes can contribute toward sustainable agriculture goals
The complexity of various interactions between bacterial such as biological disease control.
endophytes and other microorganisms, parasites, and the
host plant are just beginning to be examined. An understand-
ing of these interactions will be the foundation on which the Beneficial effects
successful application of these beneficial microorganisms Biological control of plant pathogens
will be built. Endophytic bacteria colonize an ecological niche similar to
that of plant pathogens, especially vascular wilt pathogens,
Abiotic factors which might favor them as candidates for biocontrol agents.
The internal plant tissues provide a protective environment In addition, intensive work on rhizosphere biocontrol agents
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

for endophytic bacteria. However, several factors (e.g., tem- has recentlv shown that five of six rhizobacteria, which
perature, rainfall, edaphic factors, UV radiation) that affect induced systemic resistance in cucumber, exhibitkd both
the colonization of bacteria in the phylloplane and rhizo- external and internal root colonization (Kloepper et al.
sphere will also likely influence the colonization and survival 1992b). Exploiting an additional microbial habitat for
of bacterial endophytes, though indirectly, since these biocontrol purposes might enhance overall disease control
factors have a direct effect on the endophyte's host. and increase control consistency, since the control agent
Nutrients appear to be more consistently available in could avoid unfavorable conditions in one habitat by escap-
internal plant tissues, and competition among organisms may ing into the other habitat.
be relatively low because of the presence of fewer types and In targeting fungal diseases, endophytic bacteria have
numbers of organisms. Nevertheless, the physical space for shown significant control in model systems of Fusarium
colonization could be more limiting in the internal tissues of oxysporu~f.sp. vasinfectum on cotton (Chen et al. 1995),
plants. Soil physical and chemical factors, including pH, Verticillium albo-atrum and Rhizoctonia solani on potato
salinity, and soil texture, are likely to affect endophytic (Nowak et al. 1995), Rhizoctonia solani on cotton (Pleban
bacteria indirectly by altering the saprophytic bacterial com- et al. 1995), and Sclerotium rolfsii on bean (Pleban et al.
munity in the rhizosphere and, therefore, preselecting the 1995). Similarly, several endophytic bacteria isolated from
For personal use only.

source of potential endophytes. The type of planting sub- rice seeds exhibited strong anti-fungal activity against Rhiz-
strate may also play an important role in initial endophytic octonia solani, Pythium myriotylum, Gaeumannomyces
colonization, since chemical composition and adsorption graminis, and Heterobasidium annosum (Mukhopadhyay
capacity of the substrate can affect bacterial fitness and et al. 1996), and Hinton and Bacon (1995) reported that
motility (Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1 9 9 6 ~ ) Following
. Enterobacter cloacae, an endophyte isolated from corn,
a drench with Enterobacter asburiae JM22, bacterial recov- exhibited in vitro antibiosis against Fusarium moniliforme.
ery measured by ELISA was higher for siliceous sand, loamy Whereas the latter case indicates bacterial metabolites being
sand, or ground clay than for sandy loam and a peat-based involved in the biological control of F. moniliforme, Chen
soil-less substrate (Quadt-Hallmann and Kloepper 1 9 9 6 ~ ) . et al. (1994) suggested that the biocontrol affect of their
Mahaffee and Kloepper (1996) observed that colonization of strains mainly resulted from enhanced host defense rather
Pseudomonas jluorescens 89B-27 and JM22 in the common than from bacterial metabolites. Duijff et al. (1997) refer to
bean was greater in sandy soils than in soils with low sand the 0-antigenic side chain of the outer membrane lipopoly-
content. This difference could be due to wounding of the root saccharides of Pseudomonas jluorescens WCS417r involved
as it grows through the coarse quartz crystals of sand. Under in the induction of Fusarium wilt resistance in tomato.
field conditions. Samish et al. (1963) observed that for Despite the numerous reports of greenhouse studies, only
different crops and different cultivars, endophytic bacteria limited field reports have confirmed that endophytes inocu-
may appear abundantly in one field and rarely in others. lated onto plants confer biological control (Wei et al. 1996).
However, Bell et al. (1995) found no difference in endophy- ~ n t a ~ o n i s tactivity
ic of endophytic bacteria against bac-
tic populations of grapevines grown at different vineyards. terial pathogens has been reported for Clavibacter michigan-
Additionally, organic amendments have been shown to ensis subsp. sepedonicum, the causal agent of bacterial ring
influence endophytic populations. The incorporation of 1% rot on potato (Van Buren et al. 1993). In addition, Pseudo-
chitin to soil modified not only the bacterial spectrum in the monas jluorescens 89B-27 and Serratia marcescens 90-166
rhizosphere but also the endophytic community structure of were observed to induce resistance in cucumber to Pseudo-
cotton roots (Hallmann et al. 1997~).Burkholderia cepacia monas syringae pv. lachrymans, as well as to the fungal
dominated the internal population (73%) of cotton roots pathogens Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerium and Col-
grown in chitin-amended soil but was rarely detected in letrotrichurn orbiculare (Liu et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1 9 9 5 ~ ) .
cotton grown in nonamended soil. Interestingly, Phyllobac- Bacterial endophytes are also thought to play a role in the
terium rubiacearum, which showed slightly higher popu- resistance observed in the multiple adversity resistant (MAR)
lation densities in chitin-amended soil, occurred only at low cotton lines (Bird et al. 1980; Bird 1982).
numbers internally in cotton grown in chitin-amended soil There is some evidence that endophytes may contribute to
but was commonly (61 %) isolated from control plants. The the control of plant-parasitic nematodes (Hallmann et al.
organic amendment may have altered the plant's physiology, 1995) and insects (Dimock et al. 1988). However, control of
which would explain the observed shifts in the endophytic these parasites seems to be more complex and difficult than
bacterial community. The finding that organic amendments for fungal or bacterial pathogens, since damage from nema-
are associated with modifications of endophytic communities todes and insects occurs as a result of their feeding habit and

@ 1997 NRC Canada

Review I Synthese

internal migration, thus limiting the efficacy of bacterial tomato seedlings inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. strain
antagonism. Nevertheless, sedentary plant-parasitic nema- WCS417r showed increased plant growth accompanied by
todes might be an interesting target for antagonistic endo- dense colonization of the applied strain in internal root
phytes, since they stay localized within the plant for several tissues and a consequent displacement of indigenous endo-
weeks and feed from a single feeding site. phytic pseudomonads that were deleterious to plant growth
A novel approach for the use of endophytic bacteria is the (Van Peer and Schippers 1989).
manipulation of plant-associated microorganisms by molecu- The beneficial effects of bacterial endophytes vary but
lar means (Dimock et al. 1988; Turner et al. 1993). Once appear to operate through similar mechanisms, as described
established, endophytic bacteria are strategically located for for plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Kloepper et al.
delivering specific chemicals or signals manipulating plant 1991; Hoflich et al. 1994). However, because of the differ-
defense. Genetic engineering of selected endophytes offers ent habitats colonized, endophytes offer another tool for
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by Oregon State University on 06/17/13

several advantages: (i) interspecific gene movement, which developing biological control strategies. By combining the
bypasses the limitations of traditional breeding; (ii) applying use of bacterial endophytes with rhizosphere and foliar
the technology of engineering prokaryotes, which is still antagonists, a holistic biological control system may be
more advanced than for eukaryotic organisms; (iii) engineer- developed that works against multiple pathogens of both root
ing of bacteria, which may be more rapid than that required and foliar tissue.
to produce transgenic plants; (iv) potentially broad practical
use, since some endophytic bacteria can be applied to differ-
ent crop cultivars and species; and (v) possibility of addi- Application
tional bacterial applications after seeding depending on disease To use endophytic bacteria in practical agronomic produc-
pressure and plant development. Strategically, endophytes tion, reliable and practical methods of inoculum delivery
should be viewed as potential vectors of foreign genes, must be developed. In general, methods developed for appli-
although considerably more research is necessary before the cation of microbial inoculants in the rhizosphere and phyl-
practicality of this approach can be assessed. losphere are also valid for endophytic bacteria (Andrews
1992; Baker and Henis 1990; McIntyre and Press 1991;
Plant growth promotion Stack et al. 1988). For the application of endophytic bacteria,
For personal use only.

Endophytic bacteria have been associated with the growth numerous methods have been used at the experimental level,
promotion of several crops, including tomato, lettuce ranging from several variations of seed treatments and soil
(Bashan et al. 1989; Nowak et al. 1995; Van Peer and Schip- drenches, to stem injections and foliar sprays of bacterial
pers 1989), potato (Frommel et al. 1991; Sturz 1995; Van suspensions (Fahey et al. 1991; Musson et al. 1995). Intense
Peer and Schippers 1989), corn (Hinton and Bacon 1995; testing of different delivery systems, including stab inocu-
Lalande et al. 1989), cucumber (Van Peer and Schippers lation into stems, soaking seeds in bacterial suspensions,
1989; Kloepper et al. 1992b; Nowak et al. 1995), rice coating seeds with methyl cellulose, foliar spraying, vacuum
(Hurek et al. 1994), and cotton (Bashan et al. 1989). Accord- infiltration, and dipping pruned roots with different endo-
ing to Sturz (1995), approximately 10% of bacterial isolates phytic bacteria indicated that the application method for
recovered from within potato tubers were shown to promote introducing endophytic bacteria into plant tissue is strain
plant growth. The nonfluorescent Pseudomonas sp. strain specific (Musson et al. 1995). Crop Genetics International
PsJN induced significant increases in potato root numbers Ltd. developed a seed inoculation technique by applying a
(24 - 196%), root dry weight (44 -201 %), and stem length pressure differential to infuse the bacterial suspension into
(26-28%), as well as enhanced leaf hair formation (55- imbibed seeds and redrying the seeds (Fahey et al. 1991;
1lo%), secondary root branching, and total plant lignin con- Turner et al. 1993). The inoculated seeds met the requested
tent (43%) (Frommel et al. 1991). shelf-life requirements of several months, and application
Inoculation of rice with the diazotrophic endophyte of commonly used fungicides had no adverse impact on
Azoarcus sp. strain BH72 significantly promoted plant bacterial survival or efficacy of the bacterial inoculation.
growth (Hurek et al. 1994). In this particular case, growth Several commercially oriented studies favor bacterial appli-
promotion also occurred with Nif- mutants, indicating that cation via alginate beads (Bashan 1986b). This has the advan-
N2 fixation by Azoarcus sp. was apparently not involved in tage of adding bacteria-specific nutrients like skim milk to
plant growth promotion. Therefore, the authors speculated the alginate to improve bacterial survival rates. Bacterial
that the observed plant growth promotion might have been inoculation into plant cell suspensions and regenerated
caused by enhanced plant mineral uptake and improved plant embryos might be another possibility to guarantee early plant
water relationship associated with the colonization by colonization by the endophyte (Bashan and Holguin 1997).
Azoarcus. Some strains of Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Application of biocontrol agents to foliage and flowers
Staphylococcus, Azotobacter, and Azospirillum produce can be achieved by spraying bacterial suspensions or dust
plant growth regulators such as ethylene, auxins, or cyto- formulations of lyophilized bacteria (Knudsen and Spurr
kinins and have, therefore, been considered as casual agents 1987). However, little is known about optimal droplet sizes,
for altering plant growth and development (Arshad and application pressures, and other technicalities (Sutton and
Frankenberger 1991; Bashan and Holguin 1997; Leifert Peng 1993).
et al. 1994). In addition to a direct mechanism for growth The advantage of seed treatment and soil drench is the
promotion, plant growth promotion is also thought to be due immediate protection of the seedling, while bacterial deliv-
to the suppression of a deleterious microflora by the intro- ery via foliar sprays is an attractive method when applied in
duced endophyte (Kloepper et al. 1991). For example, combination with fungicides and insecticides. By combining
@ 1997 NRC Canada
Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43, 1997

different delivery techniques, endophytes can be applied Foundation, and the National Research Initiative of the
depending on need and growth stage of the crop of interest. United States Department of Agriculture.
Overall, seed treatment with bacterial endophytes appears
to be an inexpensive, rapid, economically practical, and References
reliable method for introducing endophytic bacteria. Never-
theless, the combination of seed treatment with soil drench Adams, P.D., and Kloepper, J. W. 1996. Seed-borne bacterial
or leaf application may increase endophytic bacterial coloni- endophytes in different cotton cultivars. Phytopathology, 86:
zation within the plant and might enhance overall consistency S97 (abstr.).
Agarwhal, S., and Shende, S.T. 1987. Tetrazolium reducing
of beneficial effects. However, our knowledge of how microorganisms inside the root of Brassica species. Curr. Sci.
bacterial endophytes enter and colonize plants is limited and 56: 187-188.
development of successful application technologies will
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Allan, E., and Kelman, A. 1977. Immunofluorescent strain pro-

depend on improving our understanding of endophyte ecology. cedures for detection and identification of Erwinia carotovora
var. atroseptica. Phytopathology, 67: 1305 - 1312.
Future Amann, R.I., Binder, J.B., Olsen, R. J., Chisholm, S.W.,
Devereux, R., 1990a. Combination of 16s rRNA-targeted
As our understanding of endophytic bacteria continues to oligonucleotide probes with flow cytometry for analyzing mixed
grow, the potential to capitalize on the unique characteristics microbial populations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56: 1919 -
and close association with plants also grows. A variety of 1925.
possibilities are currently being explored, including the hard- Amann, R.I., Krumholz, L., and Stahl, D.A. 1990b. Fluorescent-
ening off and growth stimulation of axenic plants before oligonucleotide probing of whole cells for determinative,
transplanting (Frommel et al. 1993; Nowak et al. 1995), phylogenetic, and environmental studies in microbiology.
supply of additional nitrogen for the plant by diazotrophic J. Bacteriol. 172: 162 -770.
Andrews, J.H. 1992. Biological control in the phyllosphere. Annu.
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et al. 1994), induction of systemic resistance against a broad Arshad, M., and Frankenberger, W .T. 1991. Microbial production
spectrum of pathogens (Kloepper et al. 1991; Liu et al. of plant hormones. In The rhizosphere and plant growth. Edited
1995a, 19956, 1995c), and the use of endophytes as delivery by D.L. Keister and P.B Cregan. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
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vehicles for crop protection agents, such as the toxin from Dordrecht, the Netherlands. pp. 327-334.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Dimock et al. 1988). There are proba- Baker, C .A., and Henis, J .M .S. 1990. Commercial production and
bly many more uses for endophytic bacteria not yet envi- formulation of microbial biocontrol agents. In New directions in
sioned. In addition, plant benefits can also be enhanced by biological control: alternatives for suppressing agricultural pests
the combined application of beneficial microorganisms, such and diseases. Edited by R.R. Baker and P.E. Dunn. A.R. Liss,
as endophytic colonizers of different ecological niches within New York. pp. 334-344.
Bashan, Y. 1986a. Migration of the rhizosphere bacteria Azospiril-
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cellular colonization), the combined application of endophy- roots in the soil. J. Gen. Microbiol. 132: 3407-3414.
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teria as biocontrol agents and increase our ability to utilize Bashan, Y., and Holguin, G. 1993. Anchoring of Azospirillum
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@ 1997 NRC Canada

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