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What IF? Pages 7-9
“So I Can...” Pages 9-12
Coming Up  Pages 12-13


Results Require Hard Work Pages 15-16
Unhealthy Mindsets Pages 16-17
Two Trains Pages 17-18
Side Hustle Page 19
What are Your Obstacles? Pages 19-20
“But I Don’t Have Enough Time” Pages 20-21
Negative People Pages 21-22
Modify Your Schedule Pages 22-24
Conclusion Page 24


Future Projecting Pages 26-27
Putting It into Action Pages 27-34
Dark Reign Pages 34-38

You have that little spark of curiosity
to see if you could actually be doing
what you’re truly passionate about —
and get that fulfillment and happiness
of getting to be a creative artist.

For many of us, we’ve got a great job and a great Here’s the thing:
career — but it’s not the right career. And that
thing we ultimately want to do — whether it’s What I’ve seen time and time again is that if
design, games, tv or film — we feel that ship has you have something you love — something
sailed. It’s very easy to get caught up in life and you’re passionate about, something that you
think about the what if’s. But the most common were born to do — and you’re not doing it,
thing I get asked is: “I’m past 30, but I’ve always that’s when you start to use it as your escape.
wanted to be an artist. Is it too late?” You start to carve out time in your day once
you come home from work, once the kids are
It’s easy in your 20’s to try new things, to pursue asleep, once you have a few days off, or on a
a career and just “wing it”. But many of us in our vacation. You start to fill that time with the thing
30’s, 40’s and 50’s have responsibilities, depen- you truly love. Because you aren’t getting that
dents; and we have enough invested in our fulfillment in your day job, you’re not nurturing
current path that even if it wasn’t too late, it’s that burning fire inside of you. Instead, you’re
probably just too big of a risk to consider. Those just passing time.
“what if’s” start to become “What if it doesn’t
work out? What if I throw away everything I If you aren’t doing what you love, you will find
have? What if we can’t pay our mortgage?” some way to still do it. It’s natural to catch your-
self doing exactly this. But I will always go back
There are many very genuine reasons why to “what if” because that’s where it starts:
changing careers — especially to a creative one
— later in life feels like a young man’s game. And ► “What if” you actually do this for a living?
we start to think about not being able to lower ► “What if” that were your career?
our salary to start in a new career and all of the
► “What if” you were fulfilling your
other obstacles. Our fears start to boil to the
surface. That’s where most of us start to snap
back to reality and think, “Well, I can always do What then? What would you do with your
it as a hobby”. spare time? Because obviously you’re getting
2 Introduction

that fulfillment, you’re embracing your calling, career in any of these creative spaces, whether
you’re getting to wake up every day and do it’s design, games, tv or film! I have lost count
what you love. And the best part is: You would of how many artists I’ve helped change their
be getting paid to do it. careers and actually go after their true calling.
I’ve also met many artists who I had no idea
Not many people can be lucky enough to say they hadn’t always been an artist; that they
they are GENUINELY doing what they truly love. only “just started doing this” a year or two ago.
Because most of us are scared to go after it. Most (Before that, they were a lawyer, an accoun-
of us think it’s not possible, most of us think it’s tant, an architect, or so many other diverse and
too late. If you’re reading this, you’re not like non-creative roles.) Whether they started in
most of us: You have that little spark of curi- their 50’s or they hit their 40’s, they decided to
osity to see if it isn’t too late, if there still is try something new.
a chance, if you could actually be doing what
you’re truly passionate about — and get that It really comes down to how badly you want it,
fulfillment and happiness of getting to be a but also if you’re able to embrace the fears that
creative artist, and do what it is you truly love. we have because they are there for a reason.
It’s not naive to have concerns. What this book
I’M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS POSSIBLE! will teach you is to address these concerns,
That it’s never too late! That you CAN start a and to set yourself up for success; to limit


Introduction 3

What this book will teach you

is to address these concerns,
and to set yourself up for success; to
limit the actual fears you have
by creating a rock-solid plan
and many contingencies around it.

the actual fears you have by creating a rock- ►► By understanding how to communi-
solid plan and many contingencies around cate your strengths and sell yourself
it. To put yourself in a fail-proof situation when the right way;
changing careers and do it in an intelligent way
►► By focusing on how to get the experi-
that will allow you to test the waters in a new
ence and build connections;
career without necessarily jumping ship just
yet. ►► By even starting to moonlight in one
career, while still safely knowing you
have your old career to fall back on.
This book is going to help you navigate through
the minefield of changing careers later in life You can look back at your old career as a stepping
and to pursue your true calling: stone and confidently move forward not just pur-
suing your dreams — but actually living them!
►► By doing it sensibly;
Are you ready?
►► By leveraging the experience and
talents you already have; Allan




On a scale of 1 to 10, how passionate are you But I would ask a lot of my friends who were
about your career? Or let’s just call it your “job”. all close to graduating high school what they
wanted to be — what they wanted to do for a
I know not all of us are living our Dream Job. living — and it seemed like nobody had a clue.
I know most of us aren’t waking up every day It always baffled me how most of my friends
excited and fulfilled, actually wanting to go to didn’t have even a vague direction where they
work each morning. Most of us have just gone wanted to go. So they’d go to college and study
with the flow and this is where we ended up. psychology or e-commerce, or whatever “safe”
There are things we want to do that just don’t career path that made sense to them. Naturally
seem realistic or achievable. things would just fall into place — but then
what would happen? They ended up in Sales,
It’s too big of a risk to actually do what we
Architecture, IT, whatever. These are all great
really want to do, or we just don’t really
professions, but with something as important
know where to even start.
as your career, I didn’t want to just see where I
would eventually end up.
And it’s easier now to tell ourselves that we’ve
made our bed. “I’m too old”, “I don’t have
experience”, “I have too many bills and respon- So I want you to take action and go after
sibilities”. The list is endless. I want you to what you truly desire. When you have a cre-
realize, it’s not too late. It’s never too late! ative personality — you seek creativity! You
And I’m going to show you exactly how you seek to be creative, to be around other cre-
could be pursuing your Dream Job, without atives; and if you don’t fulfill those passions,
risking everything in the process. it leaves a big hole that needs to be filled.

I remember when I was younger, I had a pretty As for me, I wanted to blow shit up. I wanted to
clear path of what I wanted and I went after it. move to the U.S. and “work in Hollywood on



blockbuster movies”. Not that I knew what that

actually meant. It was more a gut feeling. It’s
where I wanted to be: to live near the beach in
LA, make money doing what I love (and drink
lots of beer). But naturally, the more people
discouraged me and told me to be realistic, the
more it made me think “Why can’t that be real-
istic? There’ve got to be others who have done
this, no?” So I made this my goal when I was 14,
and within 4 years I did start getting offers to
relocate to the U.S. which eventually I did.

So much for an impossible goal of chasing my

Dream Job! What if I had listened to everyone
who told me to be more “realistic”? Or worse,
what if I listened to myself and all the inner
doubts and thoughts racing through my head
justifying why I should just “play it safe” and not
have such grandiose dreams?

As I write this I’m sitting on my balcony in

Santa Monica not too far from the beach. Daily
new film projects land in my lap, and I feel
very fortunate that I get to pick and choose
what I want to work on. I don’t say this to brag
or to impress you, but to leave an impression
ON you. Because yes, it does take hard work,
dedication, discipline and so much more to
get us to our goals; but it also takes having
a plan in place and taking calculated risks
every step of the way. That’s what’s going to
get you there. Knowing whom to listen to and
whom not to.



What IF? This is what’s instinctually been embedded in

us, passed down from generation to generation:
Whether you’re still in school and those dreams
seem so far away, or whether you’re on your “NEW = RISK”
third career, 39 years old and have a family
to support and it’s just too much of a risk to “I don’t understand it, therefore it is risky.”
change careers now, so “that ship has sailed”...
It’s also what others project onto us. They proj-
These are the voices in our heads that keep us
ect their own fears. You might had already heard
docile, that hold us back and stop us from going
those voices from your parents when you told
after the big prize, the things we really want in
them of your passion to be an artist, or a circus
our lives. So, fuck that voice! Reset expecta-
performer, or whatever. “That sounds risky!”
tions and let’s start with “what if”.
they said. Because, their brain thought: “I don’t
know it — therefore it sounds risky.” And worse,
►► What are your goals?
it’s usually those fears pushed onto us by others
►► You want a beach house? that actually are the reason we never pursued
►► You want a million bucks? our Dream Job in the first place. Instead we
played it safe and did what others told us would
►► You want to work in Hollywood?
be a smart career choice.

When you say “I want to work in film”, “I want But when we’re rolling the dice, betting our life
that beach house”, and your brain pushes back and our finite time on this earth on doing some-
— it’s communicating “No, that’s unrealistic”, thing that is unfulfilling — while knowing there’s
“No, you’re not good enough”, “You’re going to a deep inner calling to do something that we
fail”. Most of us, don’t like change. It’s because are truly passionate about but may be scared to
change is something that’s unfamiliar and not do, or feel it’s too late to do, or whatever other
part of your day-to-day life. The unfamiliar or rationale our lizard brain tells us to keep us
“new” experiences draw out unfamiliar results. “playing it safe” and therefore not risking death
Our brain is wired from 10,000 years ago simply (Let’s face it, it’s 2018! Gone are the days of wor-
to survive. We have a pyramid of priorities that rying about getting bitten by a snake or walking
effect our decision making, and at the top of that off a cliff, or getting caught in a blizzard with no
pyramid — is survival. The fact that we’re alive one for miles to find you!) — we’re essentially
right now means we’re doing something right. bubble wrapped in safeness and more con-
Therefore our brain says, “Stay the course!” cerned about whether it’s safe to eat wheat, or if



you should or shouldn’t get a stand-up desk for it was entertaining and really spoke to me.
work these days, than any of the concerns that But one thing in particular that stood out
are hardwired into us to keep us alive. But yet, was when Tim mentioned his “Life Calendar”
we are still having to fight those instincts, those which demonstrated the chart estimate of the
fears, those things that are meant to be there to amount of days of his life he’s used up and
help us. Because these are actually the instincts how many days were left. Each day used was
that are holding us back. marked off. This for some reason really reso-
nated with me, and I started looking around
So let’s say it together: “No more playing it irratio- for a Life Calendar Generator to generate my
nally safe”. Safe is boring. What if whatever your own. Because, it simply puts everything in con-
brain is telling you wasn’t the case? “Yeah, you text: You only live once, and life is running out
COULD go do that, Allan — but you’ll probably one day at a time.
fail and then you’ll be out of a job, and people
will laugh at you, and everything will go to shit.” So naturally, like anything on the internet, I then
got distracted by something else that showed
Well, what if you couldn’t fail:
up in my Google search.

►► What if you carefully took steps to

A Death Clock.
ensure success, as you planned ahead?
►► What if you weren’t putting your fam- This resonated even more. I now have a timer
ily at risk? which — after putting in some vague charac-
►► What if you sought out others as a teristics like my age, weight, exercise, do I drink
safety net to ensure things wouldn’t alcohol (Yeppp!) — estimates roughly the likely
go to shit. age of my death. As a result, I literally have a
timer counting down to how long I have to live.
►► What if that brain of yours — that you
Second. By. Second.
use every day and need more than
anything else — was actually the thing Yes it’s not going to predict that I will get run
holding you back? What if it were over by a self-driving Uber in 2057. But this does
protecting you by saying “Play it safe make things so, so clear! Life is valuable, and
Allan, play it safe!”? we already waste so much of it doing things we
don’t want to do. We all want a legacy, we all
Recently I watched a TED talk about procrasti- want to be passionate about our purpose; find-
nation by Tim Urban. I loved the presentation, ing our mate, starting our family. These are the



things embedded in us throughout time. This is ►► If you want to travel the world and not
what all species do. pay a cent, even bringing your family
with you, I’ve seen this happen many
It’s what we do with the rest of our time that times!
is important. Do you want to look back at
►► If you want to work remotely from
a life of regret, or do you want to look back
Hawaii or a Micronesian island in the
satisfied? More importantly, do you want to
Southern Hemisphere, as long as
live in the now, waking up every morning and
there’s good internet, I have seen this
looking forward to your day? Some of the most
all time and time again!
grueling deadlines were also some of the funnest
bonding experiences of my life, with the other
artists, the ups and downs, the crazy drunken “So I Can...”
nights out. Carpe diem! Seize life by the balls!
It all comes down to knowing what you want,
I know so many people who have successful and more importantly, to understanding WHY
careers that came from their deciding one day you want it. Because it’s easy to say “I want a
what they wanted to do and setting themselves million bucks”, but it actually takes work to get
on their own pursuit of happiness. And these to the heart of what you truly want and why
days, you literally can have it all: you want it. There’s a fun exercise I like to play
from time to time. I suggest you do this, even if it
►► If you want to work at a big studio on
might sound silly. You’ll be surprised how effec-
cool projects — DONE!
tive it is. It’s called: “So I Can”.
►► If you want to be a name brand and
never actually have to look for work Simply, say what you want: “I want a million
again, it’s very doable! bucks so I can…” Without thinking, you’ll start

It all comes down to knowing

what you want,
and more importantly,
to understanding WHY you want it.



to respond and justify why you want this mate- It tricks you out of the surface level responses. I
rialistic thing. After doing it a few times, you’ll asked a friend recently what her goals are as a
start to get to what really matters, not some designer, and she said, “I want to be respected
B.S. number that really isn’t going to make you through my art work and get great clients to
happy. For example: I don’t have a license. I work with.” I knew asking her this way was only
moved out of my family home at 16 and trav- going to get surface level answers. But when I
eled my whole life for work, so I never got one. asked her slightly differently and tricked her to
But this exercise makes it clear to me WHY I now not give the triggered “acceptable responses”,
want to get my license. “I need my driver license suddenly she was saying: “There’s this guy,
so I can drive a car; so I can go on road trips; everyone sees him as the best — I want to beat
so I can go on road trips by myself. So I’m not him! I want everyone to come to me instead of
relying on others when there are things I want him. He always steals all my jobs! If I could build
to do. So I can do photography shoots in many a bigger name than him and beat him, that
different locations I’ve never been to. So I can would really make me happy!”
have freedom to do something that’s not part
of my regular city day-to-day life. So I can feel Woah! Okay. So in that one moment of true
happy and fulfilled being out in nature away honesty, we got to the core of what is really
from everything, doing something I’m passion- motivating her right now in her career (without
ate about without relying on others.” her even realizing it). It’s not that she wishes ill
will on anybody. It’s simply the honest truth. If
Whatever the situation is: “I want a million she could get recognition over this other person
bucks so I can quit my job. So I can find a job and be seen as the best designer — that would
more fulfilling to me, that I actually enjoy, with- be a major accomplishment for her.
out worrying about money and security. So I
can pursue a job that is more creative, so I can The funny thing is, she didn’t even know it.
wake up happy every day. So I can make my I’m sure she felt it but probably suppressed
own short films. So I can tell my stories.” It might it because who talks like that? It’s not socially
take a few times doing it, the whole idea is to acceptable “to be the best”. But it is honest! And
not think, just keep saying it over and over, and having that realization, changed EVERYTHING
eventually you will start to have one of those for her. Because she now had an honest answer
“aha moments” where everything just clicks about what she really wanted in her career
and you zero in on what you’re really passion- right now. She is at the top, but there are other
ate about. people beating her. If she can just get ahead



of them, she knows everything will change. what she wanted to do, the thing that most of
Having now said the words, it was no longer us are too scared to say out loud.
a feeling: It became a mission statement!
Obviously, it’s not something she would share So back to my goal:
at the top of her resume, but having that clarity
and knowing truly and honestly what her drive I learned very quickly that the reason I wanted
was — changed everything. It’s not the surface a driver license was actually because I wanted
level stuff that she says to everyone because it to go on trips to shoot nature or test camera
sounds acceptable. What is it REALLY? When gear out in the desert or the mountains, which
you are able to get underneath those surface I couldn’t do easily otherwise. But on so many
level excuses and have it really click, then levels, it’s helped me do a gut check on why I
you just know, “This is what I have to do”. really want to do something, rather than just
seeing what was on the surface.
My friend and I still joke when we meet up: “So
have you crushed all your friends yet?” It’s all I want to do X — so I can do Y.
in good fun, but her whole life and goals have
changed, now having that gut feeling bubble to Knowing where you really want to be, what
the surface, and the knowledge what she really your true calling is — is so important. But you
needs to do. She couldn’t get there without can’t start a journey without at least having
being caught off guard. Being asked the same a direction in mind. And sometimes that is
questions in a different way got to the core of the hardest part.

Knowing where you really want to be,

what your true calling is —
is so important.
But you can’t start a journey
without at least having a direction in mind.
And sometimes that is the hardest part.



Coming Up strategy to safely reach our target goal

without immediately disrupting our current
But it’s also not enough. In this Guide, I’m going occupation or putting anything at risk.
to share with you some actual tools, tactics and
III. We have to learn to build up a strong
actionable steps that we all should be doing,
network of connections, build our brand
whether we already work in our Dream Job or
and gain visibility; learn how to present
we’re still on the outside looking in. I want to
ourselves and how to answer some of the
show you:
tougher questions; learn to navigate situ-
►► What expectations you need to set; ations when it comes to lacking previous
experience in the industry, and more impor-
►► What ways you can protect yourself tantly, to leverage the experience we DO
from failure; have.

►► How you can safely transition from How can we seamlessly transition from our
your old career to the new, without old career to our new career without skipping
pulling a Jerry Maguire. a beat, or having any risks? Why is it important
to squash those inner mindsets that are hold-
I. First we need to build our game plan, work
ing us back, telling us to stick to the norm, or
out where our weaknesses are and what our
convincing us we’re “too old’” or that “there’s
real obstacles are.
too many people already looking for work, how
II. From there, we can start to focus on the would I stand out?” Whatever it is — it really just
areas we aren’t as strong in: build that comes down to strategy. Building a plan. And
irresistible portfolio or reel, build a powerful executing it.

Make your time count.

Make every minute count.
Just think: This could be the year
you find your Dream Job —
and everything else falls into place!



The only thing to realize is that anything worth to step up. Make your time count. Make every
pursuing requires work, hard discipline and minute count. Just think: This could be the
focus. If you aren’t willing to do the work, noth- year you find your Dream Job — and every-
ing is going to change. You need to be ready thing else falls into place!




All of us have bigger goals we’re afraid to pursue. foolproof your plan becomes. Whether they’re
Even those of us in the industry at high profile logical excuses or silly made up ones, if you’re
game and film studios have obstacles we need able to listen and logically eliminate them, then
to crush. We all feel we don’t have enough time you’re essentially giving yourself permission to
and some of us feel we don’t know where to start.
start. We all lack confidence. We all fear of fail-
ure. It is natural to be cautious and worry about
the what if’s. Results Require Hard Work

The biggest obstacle for a lot of us is changing Growing up, it was just me and my mom. We
our mindset from “One day...” to “Six months didn’t have much money. If there was some-
from now, it’s going to happen!” It’s about thing I wanted, I had to figure out a way to
building a “take action” mindset and having earn the money myself and go out and get it.
accountability. Every time I hear someone say, I remember one time we didn’t have enough
“One day, I would like to start my own food money to afford to pay the rent, let alone food
business / public speaking / app / studio”, I or anything else. That was the time — and the
can’t help but say, “Why can’t you do this now?” only time! — that my mom got food stamps
Because instantly, they start to build excuses from the government so she could put dinner
why they can’t start now and why now is not a on the table. At the time, I was over the moon.
good time or [insert whatever obstacle we use When we went to the grocery store, they handed
for reason here]. us more food than I’d ever seen in my life. I felt
like we hit a jackpot! I was 9 years old, and I
However, these obstacles that come up are remember asking my mom, “Why can’t just do
actually good because the more you learn to lis- this every week?” I had Froot Loops, eggs, des-
ten, identify and then squash them — the more sert and all these groceries I’d never even tried



before (rather than simply fruit or oatmeal for and by now, all we need to do is go through the
breakfast and a couple of items in our home). motions every single day, for the rest of our lives.
Back then, if we bought milk, we would keep it But this is the moment for accountability. By
in a bowl of water to try to keep it from going setting real goals, a realtime line and making
bad overnight since we didn’t even own a refrig- the commitment to yourself to really do this,
erator in our home. So when we received over you could very well be waking up not long
$100 of groceries from food stamps, it literally from now with a new fire in your belly, ful-
was more food than I’d ever seen. filled, excited and driven to go to work each
day; fired up to see what challenges you’re
Even then, I could tell she wasn’t proud of this going to face that day. You could be feeding
moment, of our situation and being desperate your creative outlet and making art, better yet,
for help. She simply explained that this was the art that millions are going to get to enjoy, be it
last resort. I get it now: in games, tv, film, whatever your Dream Job is.

Just because it’s takes minimal effort to go Do you want that? Or do you want to go to work
with the flow and accept the easy path laid every day and ride it out, and then cash in your
out in front of you, there’s PRIDE in taking the paycheck at the end of each week?
RIGHT path. Even if it takes more work and
it’s not easy — it’s the path you’ve chosen!
Unhealthy Mindsets
My mother decided we weren’t going to live on
food stamps. She was going to provide. And So check it out:
when I entered my teens, I started to provide
as well. I started working at 14 years old and we Most of us don’t know where to start. We have
both paid the rent together. It would have been self doubt about being good enough. We fear
so easy to keep accepting food stamps and say, the “what if’s” that come up, like throwing away
“This is our life now” — and just take the easy a perfectly good career to try something we
street. Maybe I wouldn’t have learned to pro- might fail at. And that’s not the worst part. What
vide for myself because of that decision and if we have people that rely on us? Then we’re
instead expected handouts. not just failing ourselves — we’re failing those
we love. That’s a big burden to bear. But it’s also
It’s easy to accept where we are now and just something that we can easily use as an excuse
continue down the same path. Because we to never try in the first place because we have
already put in the time, it’s too late to change; too much responsibility. (Which can also affect



the relationship with those you care about

because you see them as the reason you can’t
try.) Neither is a healthy mindset to be in.

What if:

►► We removed the risk?

►► We had failsafes in place so all the
barriers we set up for ourselves
weren’t really there?

So all it is going to take — is DOING the actual

work to get there!

Two Trains

A few years back I was approached by Neil

Strauss, a 7-times New York Times Bestselling
Author who’s written books ranging from The
Game to co-writing biographies with bands and
personalities like Motley Crue, Marilyn Manson,
Jenna Jameson, Dave Navarro. He is also a
writer for Rolling Stone. I was asked to give a
talk to his mastermind group about some of the
recent successes I’ve had in the business world,
as well as on pursuing goals, breaking bad

Nothing worth having comes easy.

Whether it be your career, relationships,
money, security, faith.



mindsets and self-branding. Neil’s mastermind It’s also the reason why a lot of us are afraid to
has had speakers ranging from Tim Ferriss to change careers. While waiting and hoping that
Joe Polish, as well as writers like Robert Greene the new career or that new train takes off, we
who wrote the book 48 Laws of Power, among still have bills and responsibilities. So the reality
many other bestsellers. These might not be creeps up on us very fast and so does the exter-
familiar to you names, but in the business and nal pressure to stay afloat.
marketing world, they are leaders in their field.
The metaphor of the Two Trains is that you
Since then, I came back multiple times for tele-
can stay safely on one train until the other has
conferences with Neil as well as other speaking
caught up and is overtaking the train you’re
gigs with his group in Los Angeles. It was pretty
on. Only then do you jump trains: once one is
cool and I met many interesting people through
moving faster and more steady than the previ-
that connection. During that time, I learned
ous. This is called your “side hustle”. The way to
about the Two Trains metaphor from Neil. This
be where you want to be 6 months from now
is something I’ve always believed and talked
— is to put in the hard work today. Otherwise
about, but I liked his analogy better.
6 months from now, you’re going to be exactly
where you are today, if not further away from
Picture two trains side by side. One of them is
that goal.
your current train: It’s your career. It’s already
moving and it’s easy just to stay on it because
it’s heading somewhere, even though it may Nothing worth having comes easy. Whether
not be particularly where you want to end it be your career, relationships, money, secu-
up. Meanwhile, there’s another train. This rity, faith. Just like food stamps, there are
other train is going where you ultimately temporary solutions. But putting in the hard
want your career to be but it’s stationary. It’s work now — with clear focus on your end goal
not moving. — is the only way you’re going to GET to that
end goal. And there is nothing more reward-
When most people decide they want to change ing than to say 6 months from now, “I fucking
careers, or make big changes in their life, their did it!” I’ve had many celebration dinners with
natural instinct is to take a leap of faith and friends I’ve helped go through this exact pro-
jump onto that other train, and just hope it cess. I got to enjoy witnessing the journey and
eventually starts moving. There’s so much risk the moments of doubt and anxiety — but to see
in that! We know that but we’re willing to gam- it all pay off in the end! There’s nothing more
ble it all away. This is such a common practice! bitter-sweet!



Side Hustle now, whether it’s in architecture, accounting or

managing a Best Buy store, it’s a job and it’s the
With your Two Trains, the real focus must be on source of your income. Right now, it’s going to
having the side hustle. It’s important to put in be your number one financial backer — your
the time now to move the pieces around and safety net — while you strategically make your
line things up, so that there is no gambling to do passion a reality. So thank Best Buy, or what-
— but rather very calculated moves. You don’t ever firm you work for, for bank rolling this
just quit your job and go after your dreams. You venture!
have to be tactical. If you have another job right
now, that is your safety net. It’s a good thing. Of What are Your Obstacles?
course, it is! Would you rather be chasing your
passion — your Dream Job — without a job or One of the toughest things to really do, is to fig-
anything to keep your bills paid, your electricity ure out where you want to be. The other part is
on, and your rent taken care of? figuring out what your obstacles are:

Time is the biggest factor. Money is another. ►► What are the roadblocks that are
But as we’ve established: If you have a job right standing in your way?



►► Are they purely mental (i.e. fear of as he signed up to partake in my year-long

failure) or are they real obstacles, such Course. Time is a huge factor for all of us. How
as needing to build a reel / a portfolio? do we find time to learn, better ourselves and
make time for growth? Zsolt was working
Taking a brutally honest look at yourself is one demanding hours; he was married and he was
of the hardest things to do. It’s like having a vec- commuting long distance from Pasadena to
tor. But it’s only a vector once you have an origin Hollywood each day, in the infamous LA traffic.
point. It’s similar to a map where you see your That should’ve meant it was hard to find time
goal and also a big red dot that says “YOU ARE for anything BUT work. What did Zsolt do? He
HERE”. You need to really figure out where you simply got up an hour earlier each morning!
are and the big walls that you need to navigate Instead of getting up at 8:00 a.m., he’d get up
around on that map. Do you know what those at 7:00!
obstacles are? Because between now and 6
months (or however long this may take), you’re Wait, that’s too simple, right? It is, but it’s log-
going to need to focus on squashing each of ical. If you’re simply able to devote one hour
these walls. It’s the only way to move forward. per day to learning a new craft, to sitting and
watching some high-end training that’s focused
I did this at the beginning of my career. I realized on teaching you what you need to know to gain
where I wanted to be, and I realized that I knew industry-level knowledge — then that’s 5 hours
nobody, and I had zero experience. I needed to per week you’re able to dedicate to improving
grow as an artist and get my skills up, build a your skills. Let’s assume you’re not working
reel, figure out how the hell I’m going to get a crazy deadlines and you have a relatively nor-
Work Visa to work in the U.S. By being able to mal schedule. You get home at 6:00 or 7:00
identify these things as problems, it meant I every night. Would it be too demanding to work
could then write plans and a timeline to tackle an hour later, once everyone else has gone to
each of these, one by one. bed? There, that’s another 5 hours per week!

Later on, I’ll touch on how you can accelerate

“But I Don’t Have Enough your learning by retaining more information,
Time!” with different learning techniques. (In the mean-
time, please listen to my Podcast on Learning
I remember one of the students in my FXTD and Retaining Information here: www.allan-
Mentorship — whose name is Zsolt — was work- Eliminating 99% of the
ing on the movie Independence Day: Resurgence, learning resources on the internet is essential to



true focus when learning a new skill (paralysis to be conscious of this so that you can identify
by analysis). I will also explain why “just in time” when these unhealthy things happen.
learning with a desired goal in mind — is much
more effective than learning something for the
sake of learning. Negative People
Those who want results have to put in the Making big changes in your life requires the right
effort. You have to make sacrifices. If your people and a support system in place. I love
first response is “OH HEY, THAT SOUNDS LIKE my friends but I have to identify those who are
A LOT OF WORK” — of course, it is! You need to healthy for me and those who are not. It doesn’t
get out of your comfort zone and take action. mean I cut out the ones that aren’t good for me,
Without putting the hard work in now, how are but it does mean that I limit my interactions and
you going to make a change? And would it be so what I share with them.
fulfilling? Would you have really earned some-
thing without all that hard work? Or would it be When I was 18 years old, I had friends who, when
easier to go back to the food stamps example? it came time to buy a round of beers, would
It’s the real challenges we accept that are the say, “Allan makes way more money than us, he
opportunities for our growth. should pay for the drinks”. I was always happy to
provide for my friends; but it was as if my hard
This isn’t forever. If you’re able to commit to 6 work and late nights meant that everyone else
months, tell your loved ones and your friends should have been rewarded. If you mention to
that you’re doing something important and that a friend that you want to apply for a job at a
you want their support. Explain that you need big studio in another city or country and they
their understanding and patience for the dura- discourage you, it’s because they selfishly don’t
tion of that time. That means asking them to be want their social circle to change. And a lot of
supportive, not negative; and asking them to the time, we don’t even see these as what they
push you when you feel lazy or feel like giving up. are: insecurities of other people that in the long
run are holding us back.
I can talk from experience that there are some
people in your life that you might call friends Instead, imagine that you have people in your
who, at the sight of change, might surprise you life who encourage you to better yourself. To
with their reaction. Not everyone likes change. this day, I have accountability partners that
It can bring up other people’s fears and inse- help me with my goals. We meet once a month
curities. This is why it’s also important for you over Skype to talk about our goals from the



each month, where we’re at, why we might have

failed or where we succeeded. We offer advice on
how to succeed and we push each other. I also
have a friend at Activision I used to meet regu-
larly for lunch to help him launch his business.
It’s the reason I do my Live Career Intensives on
Facebook Live and inside my FXTD Mentorship.
That way, we have accountability and we have a
support systems. We’re not in this alone.

This all might sound a bit heavy but I know from

experience that change can cause unexpected
reactions in others. Again, we don’t welcome
change in ourselves or others. Our mind likes to
tell us to stick to what’s normal, safe and famil-
iar. That’s our reptile brain pushing back on
change. There’s a thing called a pattern inter-
rupt. A pattern interrupt is a juxtaposition that
breaks a habit and resets someone’s attention.
This is what we want to do with all the bad hab-
its, bad mindsets, laziness and obstacles that
are stopping us from having that kick-ass career
and life. Our Dream Job.

Modify Your Schedule

By simply modifying your schedule, even

just those two hours per day, you’ve already
CREATED another 10 hours per week for your-
self and for this new mission. What about your
lunches? Do you really need to go to lunch with
your buddies every day of the week? Earlier in



my career, I would put my headphones on and don’t have distractions going on every night
go for a walk every lunch or read a book, or line of the week, instead you can consolidate them
up meetings at other studios close by so I could all into one. And it’s even more fun bringing all
talk about future work possibilities. those people together. Plus you get the bonus
of being the organizer, the person taking action,
People don’t like change. It’s easy to have peo- the leader who’s banding everyone together. In
ple retaliate when you aren’t doing your usual reality, you’re just limiting distractions so you
routine of spending your lunch by talking about can stay focused on the commitment you made
“how much money people at work all earn and to yourself to make more time so you can better
if they just fired those 3 big dogs, you all could your life long term. And you’re able to Kung-Fu
get pay raises”. It’s also easy to feel pressured those people who don’t like change, so every-
when people come by your desk asking what one is still satisfied.
you’re doing for lunch, “Dude, you never hang
out anymore, what the hell?”
What if you spent 5 hours on Saturdays getting
up early and investing some time in your Second
Time is your most valuable commodity. Of
Train? You still have most of your Saturday and
course, you still need to be social and have a
all of your Sunday to be social and to relax. But
life. So I batch my interactions. Anytime I’m
now, that’s 20 more hours you’ve made in your
focused and need to make more time, I use
week! And from what? From getting up an hour
those one-hour lunch breaks to focus on what
early, going to sleep an hour later, eating lunch
I need to do. If people complain, I simply say,
at your desk or in the park, while you focus on
“Let’s all go to lunch on Friday”. Sacrificing one
your goal. That isn’t much! During this period of
hour per week isn’t a big deal. Anytime people
change, while you go after your Dream Job, you
bug me for lunch, I’ll say it again, “Hey, I have
spend half a Saturday focused on doing some-
shit to do today — but Friday, I’m going to grab
thing you’re passionate about. What can you
everyone and go get lunch around the corner”.
do with 20 hours of spare time per week? How
Same goes outside of work: To all the Friday
much impact can you make?
night texts to go party or grab a beer after work,
I’ll say, “Hey, I can’t this week, I’m busy. But next
Saturday, I’m going to arrange a night out. Let’s Again this is only for 6 months. It has an expira-
all go to the pub!” tion date. It’s not forever. I call this the butterfly
effect. We’re not going to cause a hurricane on
I do this a lot when I’m busy. I pool all my friends the other side of the world. We’re going to
into one dinner or one event. Suddenly, you become beautiful butterflies. We’re going to



go into that cocoon for 6 months, cut out ►► Utilizing our time;
distractions, nail ourselves down and focus ►► And total-immersion.
on transformation. Focus on success. At all
fucking costs. And when we come out the of The next chapter will be on actionable steps:
that cocoon, those 6 months of sacrifice will
►► We will take everything I’ve talked
make the world of difference in our lives and
about and roll it into a step-by-step
our careers, for the rest of our lives.
plan of action.
►► You’ll now have passion, you’ll wake ►► We will look at those obstacles and
up with a breath of fresh air. how to crush them.
►► You’ll have built powerful practices in ►► We will build canned responses for
place. what to say and how to handle sit-
►► You’ll have conquered so much! uations where we feel our biggest
►► You’ll have a new set of tools and a
method to transform your career. ►► We will discuss how to leverage your pre-
vious work experience (that you might
think isn’t relatable to your new career).

Conclusion ►► We will learn how to reach out to stu-

dios even if it means working for free at
And now you’re probably thinking, “What else night or working remotely from home.
can I do?!” ►► We will learn how to get experience.

I want to get into this more later, but all the ►► We will discuss how to build connec-
things that are going to get us there are: tions, including online.
►► We will move all our pieces into
►► Knowing where we want to go; position.
►► Setting a timeline;
Remember: Your job right now is bankrolling this.
►► Taking action;
It’s about that 6 months of focus. Just like the tv
►► Having a strategic plan in place, show Lost, it will all make sense in the end... Or
►► Having accountability of others; unlike Lost, it will all make sense in the end?




I promised that my advice would be actionable. and other things I want to share are able to res-
Before we start, I want to say what the goal here onate directly with you, so that you can directly
is: To give you the tools to build yourself into put them into action. We’ve covered so much
a strong successful artist. already.

► To define and own your niche, so you Earlier we talked about the importance of
land work without even needing to knowing where we wanted to be. I wanted you
seek it, and so that you can pick and to take a good, hard look at where you currently
choose the projects you want; are. “YOU ARE HERE.” This is important because
► To have the freedom to do the projects this is how we create our vector. It’s simply a
you are the most passionate about; point of origin and a direction. It is also about
being honest with ourselves and what obsta-
► To negotiate the money and perks you
cles we really face, as we head to where we
want to be.
► To never have to worry about finding
work again; Let’s just use an example that you want to work
► To build a name in the industry and in 3D, in feature films. (You could want to be a
choose whether you want to lead a designer, animator, selling physical artwork,
team, what city to work in or to sim- whatever your goals may be. But for the sake of
ply work from home in your pj’s and focusing in, let’s assume this is your goal.) Let’s
Finding Nemo slippers. also assume you work in architecture in New
York. It doesn’t matter where you are or even
But before we can get to this point, we need to if you don’t have a career yet. I want to get as
do the groundwork, so that all the subjects on practical as I can here. In this example, you are
advanced branding, negotiating, email scripts in architecture and you want to be a 3D artist



You are going to get laser focused

on EXACTLY where you want to be.

in feature films. Let’s set a timeline of 6 months on the map — is the most critical part before we
from right now to achieve your total career begin.

Simply, the biggest question we have is: Where Future Projecting

are you? We talked about in the previous chap-
ter. Be open and honest, put that ego aside and I want to tell you more about future projecting
dig deep. and how this has become the number one way I
problem solve almost any scenario. In this case,
►► Are your skills really up to par? Are I just want to dive right into its application.
they enough to quit your job today I came up with this about 8 years ago and it’s
and start working in feature films helped me resolve any and every problem, and
tomorrow? see my results clear.
►► Do you have contacts in the industry
You know where you are and you know where
you can leverage?
you want to be. But you are going to need to dig
►► Do you have a reel or a portfolio to get deeper. You are going to get laser focused on
that job? One that really qualifies you EXACTLY where you want to be. It’s probably
and you know is going to leave every- best to bust out the pen and paper, a glass of
one else for dead? wine, scotch or brew some tea here. The devil
►► Do you know where you are going to is in the details, and knowing the general direc-
send it? (i.e. Do you have contacts in tion isn’t as actionable as knowing EXACTLY
the industry, like I mentioned before?) who and where you want to be. “3D in film” is
too vague.
There are so many roadblocks we might need to
get through, but we first need to identify them. ►► WHAT in 3D do you want to be doing?
So this is why our vector — our “YOU ARE HERE” What’s your specialty?



►► What do people know you for? Putting It into Action

►► What city are you working in?
Let’s role play for a moment. I hope you pay
►► How much money are you earning?
attention here because what we’re doing is
►► At which studio are you working? figuring out where we want to be — but we’re
►► What type of work do you do? also starting to apply a lot of what we’ve
learned already and engineering our process
This is where we need to build our future ava- backwards.
tar. Define our future self in a way that’s clear in
every single way in terms of where we want to I. Three years from now: What if we were to
be. It has to be so clear that you can almost pic- bump into an old friend “Bob” at an airport
ture the day-to-day lifestyle. or on our lunch break on the street and
strike up a conversation him? Bob and you
Typically, when we’re thinking ahead on how to exchange a few sentences and Bob simply
resolve something, we’re in the trenches. Trying asks you what you do. What is your life like
to plan forward and problem solve situations now?
without a clear picture makes it almost impos-
What would you say?
sible. By reverse engineering a scenario as if we
were in a think tank, we’re able to connect the
II. Three years from now: If you were to give a
dots more easily and come up with solutions
talk on stage at an event, how would you
backwards, which actually allows us to get
introduce yourself? What have you accom-
there (rather than planning forward with infinite
plished? THIS is where we need to get
possibilities, which stops us dead in our tracks).

I use this technique almost daily and not just for

Let me just be clear: This isn’t a fun filled exer-
career strategy. I use it for everything: Resolving
cise to help us get clarity on where we want
other people’s issues, 3D technical issues or to
to be so that we have a clear idea of where we
figure out “How the hell are we going to pull
want to go.
off this shot!?” I want you to do this exercise,
knowing already what we have covered. We’ve We already did that!
covered the WHY, and we’ve covered a lot of the
roadblocks we worry about. This is a chance to We do this exercise because saying “I want to be
start experimenting with free thinking, to form a 3D artist in feature films” is completely vague.
a plan. That’s something you tell yourself so that you



don’t need to get specific. But for you to do constantly get the gigs by sharing between the 3
this, you’re going to NEED to get specific. More of us, rather than having HR look outside of our
so, this is going to shave so much time off your circle for other talent.
career transformation! If I were to build you a
roadmap of breaking into 3D in feature films, “It’s kind of cool too because we regularly hang
it would be so general that you would end up out every Friday after work so we know what’s
wasting your time doing so many more things going on at each studio ahead of time. So I’m
than you really need. By being laser focused, able to let them know when my contracts are
you can cut so much of the fat and utilize ending, and they can mention my availability to
your time in the most efficient way possi- their Supervisors. So I always have more work
ble, to get to where you want to be so much lined up!
faster. Be ultra-specific!
“Besides that, everything’s great. I work in
So back to it: Yaletown, I live in Kitsilano right near the water.
I’m making good money, but I can always be
What do you say to Bob? doing better. Occasionally, I do freelance work
on the side, so I’ve invested in the right hard-
BOB: “It’s so great to see you! How’ve I been?” ware to be able to work from home.

YOU: “OH, MAN! Life’s great! I work as an FX “But I owe all of this to the fact that I was able to
Technical Director currently at Sony Imageworks switch careers a couple of years ago. I wanted to
in Vancouver! I actually freelance mostly. take the plunge and change from architecture,
Typically, I land on a lot of high-end feature which I always did and it was enjoyable but it
films that require water simulations and that wasn’t really my passion. So rather than throw-
sort of thing. I guess I’ve carved a bit of a niche ing caution to the wind, I was able to build a
in this area, working in Houdini and Realflow really smart strategy around this and carefully
mostly. I do a little bit of scripting, but mostly start building up my skills, my experience, while
I’m involved in simulations; and I work regularly checking everything off my list to get myself to
with the same studios, and the same people. the point where I was able to start moving into
my new career.
“Generally, there’s only a few of us in this area
in Vancouver, so when one of us is booked, the “That was the biggest challenge! Rather than
other gets the call. So I’m typically busy and I quitting my job, I started working toward a
also get to recommend my friends. This way we career change while keeping my day job, which



paid my bills and meant nothing really drasti- “The coolest thing was that I pretty much knew
cally changed right away. I still had the security exactly what I wanted to do — which was water
and I didn’t have external pressure of finding simulations. So I worked backwards, focusing
work or paying bills while I worked on a new on tutorials and courses, learning specifically
career path and set my plans into action. that one skill inside out. That allowed me to nar-
row my focus in terms of what I needed to learn,
“I instead put in the time on weekends and as well as get there much faster.
nights, getting up early. I basically started net-
working in my spare time in my local city, so I “So I set aside 6 months during which I did noth-
could start finding others who already worked ing but live and breathe FX while I learned fluid
in the industry. I also started getting active simulations. The people I met on Facebook
on forums and finding others in Facebook, (which was easy because I started adding
LinkedIn; people who lived in Vancouver so I people who were in the same related fields,
could begin to build a small network in that city as well as joined Facebook groups related to
before I ever moved there. that industry and software, talked to people



on forums), suddenly I had a network of peo- their Supervisors. That was a big breaking point
ple to stay in contact with and I was able to ask for me because they knew I wanted to work
questions I needed to learn about. There is so in that industry and I was eager, hard working
much information out there! Between that and and determined. They were willing to help me
just simply looking on job boards, I was able to out. I don’t think it would have been that way
see what software was best for my laser focused if I hadn’t built those relationships early on. I
niche. I realized Realflow is typically the tool also offered to help where I could, whenever
of choice for water simulations at more bou- I could. One of the artists I knew was working
tique commercial houses; whereas in feature on a short film and I offered to do some work
films, it’s kind of split between Bifrost (Maya) on it for free — which was great exposure for
and Houdini’s FLIP solver. But because I asked me and it meant I got some work on my reel.
everyone in Vancouver, it was clear Houdini was That was a group collaboration rather than
the choice in that specific city, whereas in New just some stand-alone stuff (which never really
York where I’m from, Maya is more the popular looked as polished). All of these collaborations
choice. Go figure?! really helped me while I focused on improving
my skills.
“So knowing I wanted to be in Vancouver, I
chose Houdini and started learning it. Again
being on Facebook groups and having friends I “The best part was that I was still working my
had made, I was able to post my work regularly, day job which paid the bills and kept my fam-
as well as email a few select people occasion- ily afloat, while I focused on this bigger goal.
ally with their permission, to get their feedback. There’s no way I could have done it without
I think it was because I was so determined and getting the support of my friends and family. I
was able to apply the feedback I was given, that had set a goal and a timeline and I shared this
everyone was so willing to help. I know I’ve seen with those closest to me; so they knew that I
some people who keep sending their stuff out was going to make some big changes in my
but don’t actually listen when people are will- life and that it would be the better for all of us,
ing to give their time to give feedback. So I think in the long run. But more importantly, it was
that’s what made me stand out. something important to me so I had their sup-
port. There were some people who shocked me
“The cool thing was: I was constantly pushing a little. They acted negatively or just seemed
myself, making cool work and showing it regu- to not really like the fact that I was doing this.
larly to these people, so that eventually some I expected that some people might react this
of them started offering to show my work to way, and it made it easy for me to realize that



while I went through this career and life change,

I might have to distance myself from them for a
bit and focus on getting the support from those
who really had my best interest at heart. I still
made time where I could to be with everyone
and to make my day job my highest priority;
but it meant getting up an hour early each day,
working late at night a couple of nights a week
and putting in the time on Saturdays. I felt like I
had a whole week to myself to learn new skills
and really fill in the holes in the areas I needed
to improve on, to get my Dream Job. The rest
of the time, I listened to podcasts, watched vid-
eos, and talked with other artists already in the
industry so I felt fully immersed in this. It wasn’t
a hobby. I felt like I was already living it. It was
kind of like training for a marathon: I was work-
ing hard and seeing my progress.

“I think the biggest part of all of this was that I

had a timeline. I think some of the people clos-
est to me always had my back even through
the toughest times when I was stressed or
overwhelmed or tired, because they knew this
was temporary and it was important to me. If
I hadn’t had a timeline, I’m not sure how they
would’ve felt, and I probably would have given
up too. But I had mini goals along the way and
a set date in mind. So it meant I could measure
my success and most importantly track it. But
it also meant that my friends and family knew
that this massive lifestyle change wasn’t going
to be forever.



“Probably the biggest part for me was when I see whether it would work out. The best part is
had lined everything up: my reel, my contacts, it DID work out! I was able to feel much more
my cover letter, an easily accessible website secure when I returned home and resigned
and portfolios on every big site from Art Station from my job, having lined up work at the studio
to CG Society, you name it, all pointing back to I worked for during my vacation. I also made
my main site. You know, all the things I had set great connections at some of the surround-
out to do at the beginning! I had been work- ing studios that I met up with during my lunch
ing such crazy hours, putting in the work but breaks. All of this, plus meeting up with recruit-
being so passionate about it all, and not just ers and going out for drinks with my friends
focusing on one thing but all of these areas at and meeting their friends, I felt like by the end
once. Structure was important. But when it was of the project, despite it being just a few weeks,
time to take the plunge, I started reaching out I had been living there for months. I knew that
to studios on my own, as well as through job although this was just an early stepping stone, I
boards, LinkedIn, etc. But really it was the con- had pretty much lined myself up for success. All
nections I had made early on and the fact that of that hard work was finally paying off!
they had seen me grow so quickly and with so
“The coolest part is that we all get to enjoy
much determination — that it really impressed
the success now. My friends constantly come
them, as well as the higher-ups at their studio.
up and visit, we go to Whistler and Vancouver
A few really great opportunities had trickled in
Island, eat at amazing restaurants. My family
over time and when I was ready, instead of just
and I are really happy with the lifestyle change.
throwing everything away and taking the job
They see such massive changes in me, that I feel
with such risk, what I did was use my vacation
fulfilled in my day job and my life. We get to see
time from my job to go Vancouver for a couple
my work on the big screen, and there’s been
of weeks. Of course, my family came with me
nothing more fulfilling than seeing my name
and we were able to check out Vancouver on
in the credits, having been a part of a team of
weekends, while I worked during the week.
people working hard toward the same goal.
Everything is so great!
“This meant I was actually paid twice during
that time, both by my employer as well as by the “I think in the end, if I had just set my goal to
studio I worked for, although I could have easily work in the industry and not really built this
negotiated unpaid leave as an option as well. So whole strategy around it, I wouldn’t have suc-
this meant I could go and try working for a cou- ceeded. I wouldn’t be earning the money I am
ple of weeks and also get a feel for the city and now, working on the projects I’m working on.



I would have put myself and my family at risk I. By being so ultra-specific it means we’ve
and probably not even gotten nearly as close. needed to really picture our day-to-day of
Looking back, it was by setting actionable goals where we are going.
that I was able to do all of this. By doing the work
II. By going through this process, it meant that
up front, getting out of my comfort zone, build-
we are now listing actual cities and actual
ing the foundations ahead of time, it meant I
companies. This alone is going to allow us
was able to almost seamlessly move to my new
to start narrowing down and focusing on
career from my old career, like jumping off of
more specific goals. Like I said earlier, “3D
one train onto another. All of this happened in
in film” is too vague. By doing this, we are
2017, and I haven’t looked back since!
going to have to do our research and figure
So Bob, what about you? How have you been?” out the requirements for that studio, look at
their website and see what they seek. We’ll
Do you think Bob is going to get to say the same? have to look for specific contacts that can
help us, narrow our research to what soft-
Let’s just break down some of what we just ware is used in THAT city — not worldwide
talked about. — more importantly at THAT studio.



We don’t want to waste time,

we don’t have time to waste.
Time is our most valuable commodity,
and we’re already wasting it not doing
what we’re passionate about.

III. If our goal in this situation was as little as became an epic goal, and I would face rejection
6 months — which is very very little — it after rejection in the beginning.
means we don’t have time to be vague and
generalized. We want to laser focus on a But it meant that I had a clear goal and a clear
niche — and learn that and only that niche. focus. I was able to jump on the official Dark
Later we can expand and broaden our Reign Chat Room, knowing that during the
skills, but for now we need a sole focus. last few weeks some of the developers would
begin to hang out there. That meant I would
IV. By choosing a studio, a discipline (job title / have a chance to talk to some of them. I knew
department), it means we can start to look at there was an event coming up presented by the
others who work there. What are their skills developers. I would then go and talk my way
like? What’s their background like? What are into meeting the CEO of the company. One of
their reels like? Can you reach out to these the biggest hurdles I faced was so many people
artists and build a connection with them? telling me my age would be an issue, to give up,
“no one was going to hire a kid”. So meeting the
Dark Reign CEO and hearing directly from him that age was
not a factor, I remember literally running home
When I was just 14, there was a local studio in out of breath to jump back on my computer and
my home city that had just launched. They were to keep working more determined than ever on
making a game called Dark Reign, published getting a job at the company. I researched and
through Activision. It was a big deal seeing found the person in charge of hiring and began
a company in my tiny little city working on a to reach out to him. I practically stalked the
AAA game. I was determined to work there. It company from afar to figure out ways I could



build connections and get in. Because I had an ►► Can find staff that already works there
actual goal that I could block out in-depth, it — or have in the past — and see what
meant I could build practical steps and plans to skills, software, etc. they all have in
get in there (rather than just saying “I want to common;
work in 3D in games” where I wouldn’t really be ►► Can research the software and tools
able to put any plan into action). they use so you don’t waste time
learning tools that aren’t used;
The more in-depth we go with this goal the
more we are able to plan it out. Do you think ►► Can start making connections with HR
planning a heist to rob a bank, with “any bank and other people there who may be
in the world” in mind is going to allow you to able to help you later.
build and execute a plan successfully? Probably
By having a clearer idea about what
We don’t want to waste time, we don’t have city you want to work in, you can:
time to waste. Time is our most valuable com-
modity, and we’re already wasting it not doing ►► Find out what software is used in that
what we’re passionate about. It’s about getting city;
what we want as fast as we can by putting in ►► Get a better understanding of the cost of
work and time but in a way where we limit our living and build a budget to live there;
risk — and increase our chance of success! ►► Look at whether you need visas, work
other additional roadblocks you
By being so ultra-specific and by working in
might need to work on;
past-tense, we’re now able to do this free form
►► Realize whether there is actually
writing and come up with solutions to a lot of
enough sustainable work there in the
our problems. I want you to re-read through the
first place, to make the move;
above conversation and the strategies that YOU
told BOB. ►► Research what the average salary of
artists is in that city;

You identified a studio and city, ►► Build contacts in that city, see what
meaning you: contacts you might already have
in there (you’d be surprised). Even
►► Can research what they specifically if they’re in unrelated industries, it
look for in their new hires; might mean a couch to crash on.



By keeping your day job (which we ►► We can research what areas are in the
discussed previously): highest demand — whether it’s crowd
simulations, character animation — and
►► It will take the pressure off while which ones are regularly needed. Even if
you’re growing your skills and cross this is just a stepping stone, we want to
over to your new career path; find something that is heavily requested
►► You will not cut your plans short by and potentially a specialist position.
running out of money / funds; ►► This means we can focus on one thing
►► It will finance your journey, allowing we want to show and focus on 2-3
you to buy the premium training examples on our reel or portfolio that
you might need that is much more are ultra-specific to just this niche.
focused, mentorships or other more
hands-on experiences; By setting a timeline of 6 months,
it means:
►► You can utilize paid vacations to travel
and work in other cities while still hav- ►► We can set a desired date and start to
ing the opportunity to return to your put things into action;
current job, with zero risk if it turns
►► We can measure our results as we go
out it’s too soon and you need to work
and what we have left to do;
more on your skills or portfolio, to
get work — in your new field — more ►► We have the support of others, know-
consistently. ing that the radical changes we are
making to our career are temporary.
Knowing that your absence, stress
By realizing that we need to niche down:
or other things that come up are all
►► By choosing in this example to be a just temporary can sometimes be the
water specialist, we cut out the need most critical part.
to learn a broad spectrum of skills and ►► It keeps you accountable and pushes
focus on one area — and then really you to work faster as time runs out.
stand out in that area. This is the only way we are able to get
►► It also means we can focus more spe- any task done, big or small.
cifically on that and really make our ►► We set deadlines and milestones /
work stand out. mini deadlines.



Becoming fully-immersive means: is going to be like sets expectations

and keeps you focused on the goal
►► The key to learning anything is to (rather than it being a fuzzy unclear
learn it when you actually need to situation that makes it difficult to
rather than “just in case”. You are able stay motivated, especially in those
to learn something much faster moments of self doubt).
when there’s a deadline involved
and a specific situation you plan to This is not your roadmap, this is an example
apply it to. More importantly you’ll of a roadmap. One simply generated by think-
know exactly what your plans are. ing in past tense, by being ultra-specific and
(In this case perhaps, by focusing on building your future avatar of yourself, the life-
your reel, it means that everything you style you want. By removing limitation, your
learn is typically going toward this end brain can connect the dots and come up with
result rather than just learning it for a solution.
the sake of learning it.)
Also, by deconstructing this conversation it will
►► To live and breathe something, by
become clearer where some of the areas you
reading articles, watching other
might need to focus are:
people’s reels, listening to podcasts
on your way to and from work or at YOU: “Because I worked at a local printer busi-
the gym, looking at movies and tv ness as a store clerk, I needed to gain more
in a different light — everything you experience in 3D. So I started learning on the
do should be keeping you mentally side in my spare time. But I then offered to cre-
involved in moving forward. Total ate ads, brochures, branding and print gear and
immersion is the best way to stay other items for the business. It didn’t give me
accountable and to stick to achiev- direct experience in film of course, but it gave
ing results. me a chance to deal with clients, add real proj-
ects to my resume and get some experience in
Clarity is important because: a similar field. It allowed me to see that I could
make my job a reality. Just the fact that I was
►► Having a clear idea of what the results now able to get paid work, even for something
look like helps it be more attainable. small in the field I was passionate about, made
Knowing exactly what you want, it all that much more of a reality that I could
where you want to live, what your life actually do this for a living.”



Whatever the scenario, the future projecting In our example with Bob, we were able to start
tool allows us to openly connect the dots to addressing many of our concerns and realize
how we can overcome barriers we might have, by choosing a niche to own, we are able to fast
how to at least start getting small wins with track our career and focus on one solid area to
getting some applicable industry experience stand out, rather than being a jack-of-all-trades
on our resume. and a master-of-none. Instead, we become a
fluids specialist.



Later I will talk about high demand and low

supply. By doing our research, by making those
contacts, by checking job boards, we can start
to see:

► What software studios are using and

hiring for?
► What are the jobs or specialist posi-
tions that are in the highest demand,
that might be so special that they are
in low supply, indirectly increasing the
demand for them in that city?
backward from the bottom back to the top of
I won’t go and learn Maya for FX if Vancouver is the list, to map out a lot of the steps needed.
only hiring 3DS Max or Houdini artists. The more
The more we can clearly see our goal, the
due diligence we do up front, the more we can
more we can start to connect those dots and
build a plan around this.
start to formalize an actionable plan, address
our concerns or the things we were worried
By doing this, I’m able to outline step-by-step
about. I want you to write your story and see
all the goals needed to turn this into an action-
how everything connects together for you. The
able roadmap for your career. Now, it’s your
more in-depth you go, the clearer it is likely to
turn to design your own custom roadmap.
become — and the more you’ll start to realize
Use the same future projection process to write
the steps you might need to take.
freeform about your end result and work back-
wards, applying all of the information you’ve Now, do this exercise and send me your plan!
learned in this Guide to create a roadmap to I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
your goals. You will then be able to dissect this
into step-by-step actionable goals, working Allan

This article and Podcast are all about making The third group is usually in the age group of 33
the switch into a creative career. Say, you’re 33 years old and older. We all have responsibilities
years old and you want to move into the creative by then, families that we’re responsible for, bills,
field while having little experience. I want to talk mortgages, etc. So it’s easy to make excuses for
about the obstacles that can come up when why we can’t make that move int our Dream
you’re first breaking into the industry: When you Job. The hesitation comes in because we don’t
try to switch to a career later in life, you have know the outcome. To make that change and to
grown-up responsibilities like paying bills and take that risk — is a very scary thing to do. But
supporting a family. You can’t just Jerry Maguire there is no reason to think we can’t do it!
it — and start working at MPC the very next day!
One of the key things about switching
This came from sending a survey email to my careers at that point is that we have to do it
Inner Circle (for which you can sign up as well, strategically. We have to move safely from
at It helped me one career to another. Having your current
get a real insight into what people were strug- job means that you can actually bankroll
gling with the most. Interestingly enough, the your new career.
three biggest audiences I have are:

► Students who want to break into the Your Two Trains

One of the subjects I’ve mentioned before is the
► Artists who have 15+ years in the VFX Two Train metaphor by Neil Strauss. I’ve had
industry; my own metaphor for this, but I really like Neil’s
► And people who are in different fields, theory: You’re on one train that’s heading in one
who want to move into a creative direction. The second train is heading toward
career. your Dream Job. The first train is moving, while



the second one is stationary. A lot of people ►► “I don’t know where to start.”
want to jump onto that other career path — that
►► “I’m too lazy.” (Good on you for being
second train — that’s not moving. You have to
honest with yourself, with this one!)
stay on the train you’re on. You can make that
jump onto the second train once it has gotten ►► “I’m too old.” (By the way, age is never
enough momentum to catch up and pass the an issue!)
first train.
Once you find out what your roadblocks are,
It’s so scary to watch people risk everything. If or you can start thinking about how to over-
when you fail, it will prevent you from taking a come them.
risk ever again. When the foundation is rocked,
it will affect you long term. I’ve experienced that Leverage Your Skills
in my life. When I was 17, I was homeless for a
few days; and I had nightmares for a long time A new career isn’t necessarily starting from
after that. Risking and losing everything affects scratch. You can often leverage what you’ve
the things that are most important to our sur- been doing in your first career, to be qualified
vival: shelter and food. This is a vital bit. for the new career. There seems to have been a
huge migration of architects into visual effects.
Spend some time thinking about the things that (I know at least 3, 4 people!) They can leverage
scare you. We feel warm and fuzzy talking about modeling and lighting, rendering techniques
our goals. It’s a lot easier think and wish we can and easily move into doing car commercials or
do something. This is a really big move for all working on environments. Those moves are just
of us. The best part is to listen to yourself as stepping stones on the way to working in VFX.
you speak about WHY you aren’t pursuing your
Dream Job: Look at your skills and figure out how to lever-
age them. Thinking about your end goal, how
►► “My partner relies on my income.” can you angle those skills? Then think about

Figure out the obstacles

you’re going to encounter —
and Kung Fu that shit!



where the holes in your skills are — and create Learning New Skills
sound bites to address those holes: “I haven’t
worked in feature films, but I’ve worked on large You need to learn the skills you’re lacking. One
projects, with teams of people. I’ve worked with of the key thing is eliminating the noise that
lighting and compositing. I’ve worked on large happens on the internet by eliminating the
pipelines similar to that of a feature film.” sources that can do more damage than actually
help you learn. I was recently looking up how to
Figure out the obstacles you’re going to
do camera tracking for Nuke. I’ve seen videos
encounter — and Kung Fu that shit!
that were contradicting each other. Go to one
When you do present your work that was done or two sources that you can invest yourself in!
with a team, make sure to point out what your Find that one dedicated course for yourself! It
specific tasks were. Even if you’ve worked on is vital to find the right sources, especially when
a job that had no relation to your Dream Job, you’re starting out. (Listen to my Episode on
list your people or managerial skills. It’s all Self-Investment:
about leveraging those things that won’t quite
Building Your Network

Tackle the Obstacles On top of that, you have to start building

connections with people. (Here is another
The other big thing to consider when switch- Podcast on building Your Social Capital:
ing careers — is obstacles. If you’re switching Who you know is
careers, you won’t have all the skills. You won’t a lot more critical than how good you are. I
have the connections or the network yet. I know people are aren’t the best artists but they
know plenty of people who switch careers. know enough people out there, to get jobs. It’s
What you want to do is show the end result. fascinating to watch!
People need to feel confident that you can
do the work. The people who do the hiring Networking plays a critical part in all of that.
just need to fill the positions, so that they can Build friendships, look people up from film
move onto the next task. If you can show that credits, research your connections on LinkedIn.
you’ve taken a project from start to finish, There is so much stuff you can do, and so much
you can prove that you can do the work. If of it is fun! You can do paid ads for your work
all the understanding is there — that makes on Facebook, for example. There are so many
you hirable! creative ways to leverage your influence! Find



You have to live and breathe your Dream Job!

Or, as I always say:
You have to be in it — to win it!

Facebook Groups, Forums, etc. There is plenty Set a Time Limit

of resources out there, especially these days!
Having an actionable time constraint can be
pretty valuable. You can set a time limit: “Six
Building Canned Responses months from now, I’m going to be in a new job”.
It’s way more effective than saying, “One day...”
The more you can help people not think that
Getting out of your comfort zone is the key
much about how to place you — the more you’ll
stand out. That goes for your social circles and
communicating with HR. Keep stoking the fire
You will have to find more time by getting up an
by speaking about your skills. All it takes is one
hour early or staying up later for an hour. You
contact to give you the break that can make all
can use your lunch breaks to get to know peo-
the difference!
ple, to network, to organize industry mixers. You
can make it happen by making the extra time
I remember showing my reel to my former col-
and making those changes now!
league. He said, “Man, can I show this to my
boss?” Weeks later, I got an invitation to move
to Sydney to work for a large studio. Although I Conclusion
didn’t take the job at the time, I kept that con-
nection going. Eventually, I was ready to make ►► Figure out what you want to do — and
the move and start working at that studio. It why you want to do that;
was all because I kept that connection going. I ►► Find out what’s standing in your way;
look at that job as the one that kickstarted my
►► Start by setting actionable goals;
career. And it all came from that one connec-
tion with my friend. ►► Start building your network;



►► Start building a solid reel; You have to live and breathe your Dream Job!
►► Think about leveraging your skills Or, as I always say: You have to be in it — to
win it!
►► Build canned responses.



Episode 67: Changing Careers: How to Carefully Episode 137: The Ultimate Guide to Demo Reels
Switch to a Creative Career Later in Life
Episode 154: Q & A with Allan McKay
Episode 94: Interview with Productivity Expert
and Bestselling Author David Allen
The Productive Artist by Allan McKay

Episode 132: Kat Evans - Exiting the Industry Setting Yourself Up for YOUR BEST YEAR YET! by Allan McKay


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