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Describe what Max did at these different ages:

When he was a baby..

On the day Max was born he slept most of the time, and in the first weeks of life he slept like
other babies, but when he began to discover his surroundings he no longer slept so much, he
slept a few hours at night and very few in the day and then left from sleeping during the day,
his hojos were always open

When he was five...

When Max was five years old the doctors said he was an hyperactive child. Every night his
mother tried to sleep at half past eight but was not never sleepy. Samantha was angry, After a
scolding Max went to sleep but cried and cried and never slept until eleven, then woke up
between four and five and wanted to play.

When he was eight...

When he was eight years old he slept about two hours at night. He did many things so that
time would pass and he didn't get bored, he liked the light of the TV and the computer, he was
always in the light, when he was in the dark he became nervous and bored. I could not live
without light.

When he was a teenager...

When Max was a teenager he was awake for most of the day, and at night he went to discos
or watched videos or night movies, listened to music. At school he always liked to learn new
things, read a lot, wanted to know everything about life, thought we wasted too much time

from the page 4 to the page 6 and answer the following questions: 

What did Samantha do?

Max's mother put some sleeping pills on her tea at night, what she achieved was that she got
more sleepy for a while and half an hour she woke up, asking what happened Samantha told
her and Max got very upset, he didn't I wanted to sleep, he thinks that when you are asleep
you cannot speak or listen and that he sees very badly.

Would you do the same if you were her? Why/ why not? Does it work?
I would have done it and even more, since as parents they loved him and wanted the best for
him, knowing that not sleeping would be bad for his health
What did the test, done by Dr, Somaz, reveal?

Brain tests performed by Doctor Somaz sleep specialist, revealed that max brain waves were
different, Max's brain produced very strong Alpha brain waves, which makes Max never

What would you do if you were one of his parents?

It is a difficult situation, but I accompany him throughout the process, respect his decisions,
but teach him the consequences

From 7 to 9 and answer the following questions: 

How did Max react to the news?
In the best way, I knew I didn't want to sleep, I wanted to enjoy your life without wasting time

Describe Max’s life style

before getting married he lived if life without wasting moment, but after his exposition
revealed the secret, he lived tired and his death came at an early age

How was Derek’s attitude towards Max’s condition?

Derek his father always accepted Max's condition, and I help him always make his own

Who was Wendy? How would you describe her?

Wendy was a good expose, but interested in money, which led her to tell Max's secret that led
to her death.

What did she do?

Wendy told the secret to get money, regardless of the consequences in max, since they chased
him everywhere

What effect did it have on Max?

The effect he achieved in Max was to take him to death, the noise and not being able to rest,
he physically and mentally exhausted him and he died before the age of forty as the doctors

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