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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Masbate City Division
Masbate City

GAS – 11/ SY: 2019-2020
Name: ________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________________

I. Remembering and Understanding

A. Read and follow the instruction. Underline the letter that best corresponds to the question/statement.

1. This type of academic text offers results of research and development that can either impact the
academic community or provide relevance to nation-building.
A. Articles B. Conference papers C. Theses/Dissertations

2. These are papers presented in scholastic conferences, and maybe revised as articles for possible
publication in scholarly journals.
A. Articles B. Conference papers C. Reviews

3. These provide evaluation or reviews of works published in scholarly journals.

A. Theses/Dissertations B. Reviews C. Articles

4. These are personal researches written by a candidate for a college or university degree.
A. Theses/Dissertations B. Reviews C. Articles

5. It presents or describes the point of an essay. In academic text, it is usually presented in the abstract or
executive summary or found at the last part of the introduction.
A. Topic sentence B. Thesis statement C. Declarative statement

6. It presents or describes the point of the paragraph. It can be located in the beginning, middle, or last part
part of a paragraph.
A. Topic sentence B. Thesis statement C. Declarative statement

7. It is introduced by signal phrases like, “This study examined...”, “This paper examines....” that announce
the scope, or direction of the text as well as its focus.
A. Topic sentence B. Thesis statement C. Purpose statement

8. The thesis statement of a text is in __________________ form.

A. Question B. Declarative C. Argumentative

9. “How well does the source suport your topic?”

A. Relevance B. Authority C. Currency

10. “Is he or she a professor in a reputable university?”

A. Contents B. Relevance C. Authority

11. “What is the tone and style of writing of the author?”

A. Contents B. Location of Sources C. Relevance

12. “Is it a book, an academic journal, or a reputable news source such as or”
A. Contents B. Location of Sources C. Relevance

13. Plagiarism is a serious offense in which someone takes and uses the ideas, information, concepts,
arguments, or information of someone else, intentinally or unitentionally, without proper citations.
A. to promote scholarly writing. B. To give credit to the original author of a work
C. to help your target audience identify your original source

14. It requires the writer to cite the details of the reference used in a certain part of his/her essay.
A. In-text citation B. Citing Sources C. Style guide
15., hotel and restaurant management, business, economics

16. It refers to the complete bibliographic entries of all references used by the writer.
A. In-text citation B. Citing Sources C. Reference citation

17. Benchmarking is a useful strategy that has potential to help public officials improve the performance of local services (Folz,
2004; Ammons, 2001). Once the practice of a particular city is benchmarked, it can be a guidepost and the basis for the other
counterparts to improve its own.

A. Date Heading Format B. Idea Heading Format C. Author Heading Format

As regards literacy, this notionreveals that FB could be used as a tool to aid individuals execute a range of social acts through
social literacy implementation (ibid). Blackstone and Hardwood (2012) suggests the facilitative strength of FB as it elicits
greater engagement on collaboration among students.

A. Date Heading Format B. Idea Heading Format C. Author Heading Format

On the other hand, active participation of the citizens in development contibutes to a sound and reasonable government
19. decisions. In their 2004 study on the impact of participatory development approach, Irvin and Stansbury argue that
participation can be valuable to the participants and the government in terms of the process and outcomes of decision
A. Date Heading Format B. Idea Heading Format C. Author Heading Format

20. They are generally used to incorporate the source to the discussion in the text.
A. Reporting Verbs B. Transitional Devices C. Relevant Ideas

21. ...changes the words or phrasing of a passage, but retains and fully communicates the original meaning.
A. Direct Quoting B. Summarizing C. Paraphrasing

22. ...involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, but including only the main point(s).
A. Direct Quoting B. Summarizing C. Paraphrasing

23. ...cited parts appears between quotation marks.

A. Direct Quoting B. Summarizing C. Paraphrasing

24. ...involves putting a passage from a source into your own words.
A. Direct Quoting B. Summarizing C. Paraphrasing

II. Applying and Analyzing

B. Note the descriptions and differences of academic and non-academic text using the Venn diagram below.


C. Read the texts and locate the main idea by underlining it. Then, rewrite the main idea in your own words.
Terrorists attack civilians to coerce their governments into making political concessions. Does this strategy
work? To empirically assess the effectiveness of terrorism, the author exploits variation in the target selection
of 125 violent substate campaigns. The results show that terrorist campaigns against military targets at inducing
government concessions. The negative political effect of terrorism is evident across legit model specifications
after carefully controlling for tactical confounds. Drawing on political psychology, the author concludes with a
theory to account for why governments resist compliance when their civilians are targeted.

Source: Abrahams, M. (2012). The political effectiveness of terrorism revisited. Action Research, 45 (3), 366-393

Write the main idea here.

With the enactment of the K to 12 program, the basic education cycle is extended to include two additional
years at the secondary level. Enrollment in senior high school (SHS), which will comprise Grades 11 and 12, is
expected to increase to 2.0 million students in public schools and 0.7 million students in private schools in
school year 2017/18. This will have an effect on the availability of classrooms for the SHS program. This Policy
Note does an initial assessment of the K to 12 program’s effects on the supply of classrooms and teachers vis-a-
vis the projected demand. It points to some windows of opportunities that may be considered as possible
solutions, such as allowing higher education institutions to absorb the additional demand for places in SHSs.
Source: Manasan, R..(2015). K to 12 reform: Implications for adding grades 11 and 12 on the higher education subsector. Philippine Institute for
Development Studies Policy Notes Series No. 2015-06

Write the main idea here.

D. Below are two of the criteria in evaluating sources. Give your own interpretation based on how you
understood our discussion.

Evaluation of Web documents How to interpret the basics

29. Accuracy of Web Documents

30. Currency of Web Documents

E. Show how citation is made with three to five authors following the guideline in In-text citation.
Write your answer in the box. Note: You can use any names for the authors and any year for the

 For three to five authors, name all three during the first citation. Then use the primary author
followed by ‘et al.’ (which means ‘and authors’) for subsequent citations.


F. Identify the key ideas and phrases by underlining while reading the following texts.
33. Text 1
Where Have All the Textbooks Gone?
Toward Sustainable Provision of Teaching and Learning Materials in Sub-Haran Africa
Read, Tony

This World Bank report is a rich compilation of information on teaching and learning materials
(TLM) in Africa based on the extensive and multi-faceted experience of the author’s work in the
education sector in Africa. The study examines a wide range of issues around TLM provision including
curriculum, literacy and numeracy, language of instruction policy, procurement and distribution
challenges, TLM development and production and their availability, management and usage in schools.
It also looks at the role of ICT-based TLMs and their availability. The study recognizes that improved
TLM system management is a critical component in achieving affordable and sustainable TLM
provision for all students. This study, which draws from more than 40 Anglophone, Francophone,
Lusophone, and Arabic-speaking countries will be particularly useful for policymakers, development
partners, and other stakeholders attempting to understand the wide range of issues surrounding the
complexity of textbook provision in Sub-Haran Africa.
Source: Read, T. (2015). Where have all the textbooks gone? Toward sustainable provision of teaching and learning materials in sub-haran Africa. Worl Bank.

34. Text 2
Impact Evaluation to Inform and Transform Investments in Transport and ICT
Vandycke, Nancy; Legovini, Arianna; Liaplina, Aleksandra; DiMaro, Vincenzo
34. Text 2

A new World Bank initiative, ‘Impact Evaluation (IE) – connect for impact,’ aims to radically transform
and better inform the way that transport and infromation and communication technology (ICT) projects are
designed and implemented. Although multilateral lending to this key strategic sector comprises 29 percent
of all global assistance,
Only 0.4percent of impact evaluations have had to transport as a subject. This initiative aims to fill the gap
and bring high quality and valuable feedback to projects, improving design, enabling mid-course
corrections, and informing ex-post evaluations. For the first time , this initiative will offer a systematic
sector approach to generating concrete evidence of what works, what does not, where, when and why. It
will greatly increase the impact and value add of investments in transport and ICT projects, which is
especially important given global trends toward increasing urbanization, with 70 percent of the world’s
population expected to livein cities by 2050.

Source: Vandycke, N., Legovini, A., Liaplina, A., Di Maro, V. (2015). Impact evaluation to inform and transform investments in transport and ICT.
World Bank.

G. Compare paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quoting using a Venn diagram. Aim for atleast two
similarities and two differences.

35-36 Paraphrasing Summarizing

Direct Quoting

III – Evaluating and Creating

H. Justify your stand of the following questions/statements. State your answer in the box.
Observe the criteria below.
Grammar and syntax 1 point

Coherence and Cohesion 1 point

37. Which do you find more effective as reading strategy, KWL chart or SQ3R?
38. Why do you find it more effective?

39-40 “One effective way of increasing your speed in reading is by finding the main idea or thesis statement of he
text and the topic sentence of the paragraphs.”

41-42 “Sources found on television or magazine may not be trusted.”

43-44 Citation has two forms, they are the In-text citation and the Reference citation which are governed by
rules and structure. These structures are generally published as style guides or manuals.
Why do you think citations must be governed by these structures?

45-46 “To add more information on Alexa’s summary, she added her analysis and comments to the ideas
of the author.”

47-48 “Direct quotation should bot be used to replace paraphrasing or summarizing.”

Prepared by: Recommending approval :


Teacher I/SHS Assistant Principal II/SHS

Checked and verified by: Approved by:


Master Teacher II/SHS Principal IV/MNCHS

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