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correlation 0.

1 2

Pancakes and sausage

x y Similarities Ham eggs a
Ham eggs and 3.35 8.45 1 Ham eggs and home fries 0 2
Pancakes and 3.99 8.35 2 Pancakes and sausage 2 0
Instant break 2.94 0.94 3 Instant breakfast 45 43
Pastry and or 5.07 2.83 4 Pastry and or toast 30 32
Hot cereal 1.80 6.41 5 Hot cereal 16 18
Eggs 3.46 8.46 6 Eggs 5 6
Lox and bage 5.88 6.26 7 Lox and bagels 21 24
Bacon and eg 2.74 9.14 8 Bacon and eggs 1 3
Cold cereal 3.06 4.25 9 Cold cereal 31 28
Fruit dish 4.01 2.07 10 Fruit dish 40 42
ideal point 0 7.104767

1 2
0.42811724 Distance Matrix Ham eggs aPancakes a
1 Ham eggs and home fries 0 0.428117
2 Pancakes and sausage 0.428117 0
3 Instant breakfast 56.5464 56.00328
4 Pastry and or toast 34.49233 31.57177
5 Hot cereal 6.557195 8.577014
6 Eggs 0.013255 0.295798
7 Lox and bagels 11.19543 7.912545
8 Bacon and eggs 0.850727 2.207954
9 Cold cereal 17.73468 17.69275
10 Fruit dish 41.12173 39.41785

1 2
Ranking Ham eggs aPancakes a
1 Ham eggs and home fries 0 15
2 Pancakes and sausage 15 0
3 Instant breakfast 95 93
4 Pastry and or toast 79 75
5 Hot cereal 33 43
6 Eggs 11 13
7 Lox and bagels 49 37
8 Bacon and eggs 17 23
9 Cold cereal 59 57
10 Fruit dish 85 83

Ham eggs aPancakes a

Ham eggs and home fries 0 0.428117
Pancakes and sausage 0.428117 0
Instant breakfast 56.5464 56.00328
Pastry and or toast 34.49233 31.57177
Hot cereal 6.557195 8.577014
Eggs 0.013255 0.295798
Lox and bagels 11.19543 7.912545
Bacon and eggs 0.850727 2.207954
Cold cereal 17.73468 17.69275
Fruit dish 41.12173 39.41785
Chart Title
3 4 5 6 7
10.00 8 9 9.14
10 8.46 8.35

Preparaton Time
6.41 6.26
Pastry and or toast

6.00 4.25
Instant breakfast

Bacon and eggs

4.00 2.83

Lox and bagels

2.00 0.94

Cold cereal
Hot cereal

Fruit dish
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00
Eggs Cold Vs Hot
45 30 16 5 21 1 31 40
43 32 18 6 24 3 28 42
0 17 22 33 35 41 8 9
17 0 25 38 14 44 10 15
22 25 0 7 29 11 13 27
33 38 7 0 20 4 19 36
35 14 29 20 0 26 23 37
41 44 11 4 26 0 34 39
8 10 13 19 23 34 0 12
9 15 27 36 37 39 12 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Instant brePastry andHot cerealEggs Lox and baBacon andCold cereaFruit dish
56.5464 34.49233 6.557195 0.013255 11.19543 0.850727 17.73468 41.12173
56.00328 31.57177 8.577014 0.295798 7.912545 2.207954 17.69275 39.41785
0 8.126554 31.18483 56.83842 36.9555 67.26236 10.95176 2.427253
8.126554 0 23.45079 34.24984 12.3996 45.20132 6.027698 1.703481
31.18483 23.45079 0 6.974735 16.64802 8.334133 6.255668 23.69025
56.83842 34.24984 6.974735 0 10.6831 0.98702 17.91692 41.14043
36.9555 12.3996 16.64802 10.6831 0 18.16405 11.99057 21.04895
67.26236 45.20132 8.334133 0.98702 18.16405 0 24.03619 51.58907
10.95176 6.027698 6.255668 17.91692 11.99057 24.03619 0 5.638162
2.427253 1.703481 23.69025 41.14043 21.04895 51.58907 5.638162 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Instant brePastry andHot cerealEggs Lox and baBacon andCold cereaFruit dish
95 79 33 11 49 17 59 85
93 75 43 13 37 23 57 83
0 39 73 97 81 99 47 25
39 0 67 77 53 89 29 21
73 67 0 35 55 41 31 69
97 77 35 0 45 19 61 87
81 53 55 45 0 63 51 65
99 89 41 19 63 0 71 91
47 29 31 61 51 71 0 27
25 21 69 87 65 91 27 0

Instant brePastry andHot cerealEggs Lox and baBacon andCold cereaFruit dish
56.5464 34.49233 6.557195 0.013255 11.19543 0.850727 17.73468 41.12173
56.00328 31.57177 8.577014 0.295798 7.912545 2.207954 17.69275 39.41785
0 8.126554 31.18483 56.83842 36.9555 67.26236 10.95176 2.427253
8.126554 0 23.45079 34.24984 12.3996 45.20132 6.027698 1.703481
31.18483 23.45079 0 6.974735 16.64802 8.334133 6.255668 23.69025
56.83842 34.24984 6.974735 0 10.6831 0.98702 17.91692 41.14043
36.9555 12.3996 16.64802 10.6831 0 18.16405 11.99057 21.04895
67.26236 45.20132 8.334133 0.98702 18.16405 0 24.03619 51.58907
10.95176 6.027698 6.255668 17.91692 11.99057 24.03619 0 5.638162
2.427253 1.703481 23.69025 41.14043 21.04895 51.58907 5.638162 0


0 5.00 6.00 7.00

Minimium PenaltyIdeal point X
2 0

Penalty Difference rank based on disDistance X

0 0 3 13.0124488695877 3.35
0 0 5 17.5015510025511 3.99
0 0 10 46.6418073589051 2.94
0 0 9 43.9436590169267 5.07
0 0 1 3.7322308702348 1.80
0 0 4 13.8252280443875 3.46
1 -1 7 35.2769004184245 5.88
0 0 2 11.6220675648208 2.74
0 0 6 17.5434127553938 3.06
1 1 8 41.4333775832588 4.01

Penalty Difference Rank based

4 4 7
4 4 9
7 -7 3
5 -5 4
4 4 5
4 4 8
2 -2 6
8 8 10
5 -5 1
5 -5 2
0 0

7.104767 2 3

Y Products and their ranks

8.45 3 Ham eggs and home fries
8.35 5 Pancakes and sausage
0.94 10 Instant breakfast 3
2.83 9 Pastry and or toast
6.41 1 Hot cereal
8.46 4 Eggs
6.26 8 Lox and bagels
9.14 2 Bacon and eggs
4.25 6 Cold cereal
2.07 7 Fruit dish

Ideal PointX Y
2 3

Distance X Y Products and their ranks

31.48679 3.35 8.45 3 Ham eggs and home fries
32.56697 3.99 8.35 5 Pancakes and sausage
5.125517 2.94 0.94 10 Instant breakfast
9.438404 5.07 2.83 9 Pastry and or toast
11.64287 1.80 6.41 1 Hot cereal
31.94246 3.46 8.46 4 Eggs
25.65772 5.88 6.26 8 Lox and bagels
38.21125 2.74 9.14 2 Bacon and eggs
2.676354 3.06 4.25 6 Cold cereal
4.902012 4.01 2.07 7 Fruit dish

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