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Department of Physical Education and Athletics

Mapua shall be among the best universities in the world.
a. The University shall provide a learning environment in order for its
students to acquire the attributes that will make them globally

b. The University shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable

research, development, and innovation.
c. The University shall provide state-of-the-art solutions to problems of
industries and communities.


1. Course Code FW02

PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Fitness
2. Course Title (PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
3. Pre – Requisite None

4. Co – Requisite None
5. Credit/Class 2
6. Course Description This course builds on the foundation of motor skills achieved through core
training. It will provide experiences in a variety of exercise programs for
the purpose of maintaining and enhancing cardiorespiratory and
musculoskeletal fitness (i.e., core stability, muscle strength, endurance and
power). It includes speed and agility training with a focus on body
coordination and balance. In conjunction with fitness concepts, exercise and
healthy eating principles, learners will be able to enhance their fitness
through goal setting and application of the exercise principles (i.e.,
frequency, intensity, time, type, progression, and volume); adapt their
movement competencies to independent physical activity (PA) pursuits and
periodically evaluate their PA and eating patterns to monitor their progress
and achievement of personal fitness and dietary goals.

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 1 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
Department of Physical Education and Athletics

7. Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Student Outcomes
1 2 3
Active and Healthy Living
Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) in accordance with
1 national and global recommendations on physical activities for health.   

Adapt movement competencies to independent physical activity pursuits that are   

health-enhancing and personally rewarding.
Monitor progress and evaluate achievement of personal fitness and dietary goals.
3   

Practice empathy, fair play; show respect for differing abilities (i.e., diversity) through   
interpersonal communication skills and emotional regulation during PA participation.
5 For sports, apply basic tactics (e.g. defense, offense, transition) in game situations.   
Advocacy and Action
Devise, apply and assess a range of strategies (i.e., exercise program design; goal-
6 setting; periodic evaluation) to improve one’s physical activity performances and those   
of others.
Enhance and advocate for one’s personal and others’ fitness, safety and well-being   
through physical activity participation and/or leadership.
Promote practical and creative interventions that will create community connection and   
contribute to the health and well-being of the school and/or larger community.

8. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Student Outcomes

Course Outcomes Student Outcomes*

After completing the course, the student must be able to: 1 2 3 4 5

1. Identify and explain key components of skill related

fitness and its relation to different types of sports and R R I I
2. Determine personal skill related fitness components R
3. Develop and improve personal components of skill R R R R
related fitness

* Legend: I – Introduced, R – Reinforced, D – Demonstrated

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 2 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
Department of Physical Education and Athletics

9. Course Coverage


Face to Face
1. Discussion of Mapua University Mission Lecture /Discussions/
and Vision, Core Values, Program Collaborative Tasks
Outcomes, and Course Outcomes,
1 CO1 2. Course Orientation and Policies
3. Skill Components of Physical Fitness
4. Definition of Skill Related Component Online (Self-Paced)
and benefits Reading tasks

Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
5. Power Collaborative Tasks
 Long Jump Practical
CO2  Vertical Jump Test 1
 Medicine Ball Throw
 Baseball Throw Online (Self-Paced)
 1rm Bench Press Reading tasks
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks
6. Speed Practical
CO2  30m Sprint Test 2
 10x5m Shuttle Run
Online (Self-Paced)
Reading tasks
Experiential Learning
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks
7. Agility Practical
CO2  T – Test Test 3
 Hexagon
 3 – Cone Online (Self-Paced)
Reading tasks
Experiential Learning
Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:
Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 3 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
Department of Physical Education and Athletics

Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
8. Coordination Collaborative Tasks
 Alternate Hand Wall Toss Practical
 Agility Ladder Test 4
9. Balance Online (Self-Paced)
 Star Excursion Reading tasks
 Stork Stand Self-assessment
Experiential Learning
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks
10. Reaction Time Test 5
6  Ruler Test
 Tennis Ball Test Online (Self-Paced)
Reading tasks
Experiential Learning
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks
CO3 Test 6
7 11. Movement Analysis in Sports
Online (Self-Paced)
Reading tasks
Experiential Learning
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks
Assign 2
8 CO3 12. Culminating Activity
Online (Self-Paced)
Reading tasks
Experiential Learning
Face to Face
Lecture /Discussions/
Collaborative Tasks Practical
9 CO3 13. Synthesis Test 7

Online (Self-Paced)

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 4 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
Department of Physical Education and Athletics

Reading tasks
10 CO3 Final Assessment

10. Prescribed TLA Materials (Textbook): Physical Activities toward Health and Fitness 2
Module. C&E Publishing, Inc. Philippines.

11. References and Course Materials: Provided in BB Account for FW02

 PPTs
 Video
 Lecture Handouts for the Students
 Manual on Physical Education 11, Pituk, M.S.

12. Course Evaluation

Student performance will be evaluated based on the following:

Course Outcomes Assessments

After completing the course, the student must be Foundation Practical Culminating
able to: (20%) (50%) (30%)
1. Identify and explain key components of skill
related fitness and its relation to different
types of sports and activities Practical
Module Analysis
2. Determine personal skill related fitness Exam
components (Rubric)
3. Develop and improve personal components
of skill related fitness

The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below:

Average Grade

Below 69 Failed

70 – 100 Passed

No Attendance ABS

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 5 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities
Department of Physical Education and Athletics

12.1. Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be
more than 20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hrs. for a three-unit-course.
Students incurring more than 9 hours of unexcused absences automatically gets a
failing grade regardless of class standing.

b. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedules with the Professor are posted inside the SSSE Faculty room.
It is recommended that the student first set an appointment to confirm the
instructor’s availability.

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised: Andrian Comla
PE 2: Physical Activities Towards Health and Rodelio Kalaw Melchor P. Divina
Fitness Nov 2019 Sept 2019 Marc Conrad C. Reyes Athletics Director Page 6 of 6
Edgar D. Sandil
(PATHFit 2): Exercise-based Fitness Activities

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