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1-A manufacturer supplies the rear axle for U.S. postal service mail trucks.

These Axle must be able to

withstand 80000 pounds per square inch. Long experience indicate the standard deviation of axles are
4000 pounds per square inch.

Manufacturer selects a sample size of 100 with mean stress is 79600 pounds per square inch.

2. A hospital uses large quantities of packaged doses of a particular drug. The individual dose of this drug
is 100 cc. The action of the drug is such that the body will harmelessly pass off excessive doses. On other
hand insufficient does do not produce desired medical effect and they interfere with treatment.
Experience says the standard deviation is 2cc. The hospital inspect 50 doses of this drug at random from
a very large shipment and mean does is 99.75 cc.

3. The human resource director tells the president that roughly 80% or0.8 of the employees in the
company are “promotable”. The president assemble a special committees to assess promotability of all
employees. The committee conduct in-depth interviews with 150 employees and finds that 70% of the
sample qualified from promotion.

4. Fewer than 60% of the industrial plants complying air pollution standard. With samples of 60 from
10000 it is found 33 are complying the standard.

5: Interpret the results of the regression when dependent variable is X1 and independent variables are
X2, X3 and X4 X1=(Cash

Regression Analysis: X1 versus X2, X3, X4

The regression equation is

X1 = 0.634 + 1.09 X2 + 0.0611 X3 - 0.186 X4

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF

Constant 0.06338 0.06007 1.06 0.297
X2 1.5886 0.1696 9.37 0.000 10.286
X3 0.06111 0.02111 2.90 0.006 5.314
X4 -0.1860 0.1019 -1.83 0.075 1.025

S = 0.124344 R-Sq = 90.8% R-Sq(adj) = 77.3%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 3 2.41889 0.80630 52.15 0.000
Residual Error 42 0.64938 0.01546
Total 45 3.06827

Durbin-Watson statistic = 3.57888

6. p value called the observed level of significance, p value is a probability, computed using test statistics
that measures the support provided by the sample for null hypothesis. P value less than significance
level is rejected.

7. The Gulf ball average distance of 295 yards. Anything below or over it is rejected . quality control
found population SD=12 and sample size n=50 find the p Value.

8. consider following Hypothesis Testing

Ho: µ=15

Ha : µ is not equal to 15

A sample of 50 provided a sample mean of 14.15, the population standard deviation is 3.

What is p value

Test the hypothesis

9: Ho: µ<=50

Ha: µ>50

A sample of 60 is used and the population SD is 8, test the hypothesis for following sample mean




10: Ho: µ>=80

Ha: µ<80

A sample of 100 is used the sample Standard deviation is 12 use 0.01 significance level to compute p
values and test hypothesis for following sample mean:




11. In 2001 the U.S Department of Labor reported the average hourly earnings for U.S production
workers to be $14.32 per hour. A sample of 75 production workers during 2003 showed a sample mean
of $14.68 Assuming the population standard deviation =$1.45, can we conclude that an increase
happened since 2001? Use 5% significance level.

12. Fowle Marketing Research Inc base charges to client on assumption that telephone can be
completed in a mean time of 15 minutes or less. If a longer mean survey time is necessary, a premium
rate is charged. Suppose a sample of 35 surveys shows sample mean of 17 minutes, use SD of
population= 4 minutes. Is the premium rate is justified.

a. Formulate hypothesis and test the hypothesis test through different method.

13.H0: µ<=12

Ha: µ>12

A sample of 25 provided ample mean =14 and sample standard deviation is 4.32. Test hypothesis
through t test.

14. A manufacturer claims that at least 95% of the equipment which he supplied to factory conformed
specification. An examination of the sample of 200 pieces of equipment revealed that 18 were faulty.
Test the claim of the manufacturer. At 95% confidence level.

15.Suppose a production manager implements a newly developed sealing system for boxes. He takes
random sample of 200 boxes from the daily output and finds that 12 need rework. He is interested to
determine whether new sealing system has increased defective packages below 10%.

16. in 324 throws a sixed faced dice , odd points appeared 180 times. Would you say that the dice is fair
at 5% level of significance.

17. A fertilizer mixing machine is set to give 12 kg of nitrate for every 100kg of fertilizers. Ten bags of
100 kg each are examined. The percentage of nitrate so obtained is: 11,14,13,12,13,12,14,11,and 12. Is
the reason to believe that machine is defective.

18. A random sample of size 16 has the sample mean 53. The sum of the squares of deviation taken
from the mean value is 150. Can this sample be regarded as taken from population having 56 as its
mean? Obtain 95% and 99% confidence limits of the sample mean.
19. An experiment was conducted to compare the mean time in days required to recover from a
common cold for person given daily dose of 4 mg of vitamin c versus those who ere not given a
supplement. Suppose that 35 adults were randomly selected from each treatment category and the
mean recovery times and standard deviation for two groups were as follows:

Statistical Parameters Vitamin C No Vitamin supplement

Sample Size 35 35
Sample Mean 5.8 6.9
Sample Standard 1.2 2.9
Test the hypothesis that the use of vitamins C reduces the mean time required to recover from cold and
its complications at the level of significance 0.05


City Mean Hourly Standard Size of the sample

Earnings from Deviation of
Sample Sample
Apex 8.95 0.4 200
Eden 9.10 0.6 175

20A: The Greystone Department store age study provide the following data on the ages of customers
from independent random samples taken from two store locations:

Inner-City Store Suburban Store

1: n1=36 1: n2=49
2: sample mean =40 2:sample mean =35
3: Standard Deviation= 9 years 3: Standard Deviation =10 years

State the Hypothesis that could be used to detect difference between population mean ages at two

What is the test statistics?

At significance level of ).05 what is your conclusion?

20B: Arnold Palmer and Tiger Wood are two of the best golfers to ever play the game. To show how
these two golfers would compare if both were playing the top of their game. The following sample data
provide the results of 18 hole scores during a PGA tournament competition. Palmer’s score are his 1960
season, while Woods’ scores are from his 1999 season.

Palmer,1960 Woods,1999
Sample size= 112 Sample size 84
Sample mean = 69.95 Sample mean =69.56
Use the sample result to test the hypothesis of no difference between the population mean 18-holes
scores of the two golfers

Assume a population standard deviation of 2.5 for both golfers. What is the value of the test statistics?

Test the hypothesis at significance level= 0.01

21. In a sample of 1000, the mean is 17.5 and standard deviation is 2.5. In another sample of 800, the
mean is 18 and standard deviation is 2.7. Assuming that the samples are independent discuss whether
two samples could have come from a population which have the same standard deviation.

22. The mean production of wheat from a sample of 100 fields is 200lbs per acre with standard
deviation of 10 lbs. Another sample of 150 fields gives the mean at 220 lbs per acre with standard
deviation 12 lbs. assuming the standard deviation of the universe as 11 lbswhether two results are

23. The HRD manager wishes to see if there has been any change in the ability of trainees after a specific
training program. The trainees take an aptitude test before the start of the program and one after they
have completed it. Has any change take place at 5 % significance level.

Trainee A B C D E F G H I
Score 75 70 46 68 68 43 55 68 77
Score 70 77 57 60 79 64 55 77 76

24. 12 students were given intensive coaching and 5 tests were conducted in a month. The scores of
test 1 and 5 are given below.

No of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Marks in 50 42 51 26 35 42 60 41 70 55 62 38
1 Test
Marks in 62 40 61 35 30 52 68 51 84 63 72 56
5 Test
Do the data indicate any improvement in the score.
25. Two randomly selected adults were asked whether TV show are primarily entertaining , educational
or waste of time

Gender Entertaining Educational Waste of time Total

Female 52 28 30 110
Male 28 12 50 90
Total 80 40 80 200
Test the independence of TV shows from gender .

26. A personal manager is interested in trying to determine whether absenteeism is greater on one day
than another. His records for the past year show the following sample distribution:

Day of the Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

No of 66 56 54 48 75
Test whether the absence is uniformly distributed over the week

26A: A sample of parts provided the following contingency table data on part quality by production

Shift Number Good Number Defective

First 368 32
Second 285 15
Third 176 24

At significance level of 0.05 test the hypothesis that part quality is independent of shift what is your

27. 4 coins are tossed 160 times and the following results were obtained

No of heads 0 1 2 3 4
Observed 17 52 54 31 6
Under the assumption that coins are balanced test the goodness of fit.

28. The mean of a binomial distribution is 20 and standard deviation 4. Find out n, p,q.

29. If on an average 8 out of 10 arrive safely at a port , find the mean and standard deviation of the
number of ships arriving safely out of a total 1600 ships.

30 How would you use the normal distribution to find approximately the frequency of exactly 5 success
in 100 trials, the probability of the success in each trial being p=0.1.

a. The mean of the binomial distribution is 15 and standard deviation 5 find n, p, and q.
b. Find the binomial distribution whose mean is 6 and variance is 4. Find n, p, and q.

32. A coin was tossed 400 times and the head turned up 216 times. Test the hypothesis that coin is

33. In a hospital 480 female and 520 male babies were born in a week. Do these figure confirm the
hypothesis that males and females are in equal number.

34. 500 apples are taken at random from a large basket and 50 are found to be bad. Estimate proportion
of bad apples in the basket and assign limits and assign limits within which the percentage most
probably lies.

35. A wholesaler claims that 4% apples are defective and a random sample of 600 apples contained 36
defective apples. Test the claim of wholesaler.

36. A manufacturer of a certain make of electric bulbs claims that his bulbs have a mean life of 25
months with a standard deviation of 5 months. A random sample of 6 such bulbs gave the following
values: 24,26,30,20,20,18,23,26,28,29,30,24,26

37. The life time of mobile handset for a random sample of 10 from a large consignment gave the
following data:

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Life in 4.2 4.6 3.9 4.1 5.2 3.8 3.9 4.3 4.4 5.6
Can we accept the hypothesis the life of the handset is 4 year.

38. Testing the significance of observed correlation:

The following tables given the ages in years of 10 husbands and their wives at marriage. Compute
correlation co-efficient and test the significance.

Husbands’ 23 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 36 39
Wife age 18 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 32

39. Two independent samples of 8 and 7 items gave the following values
Samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sample 9 11 13 11 15 9 12 14
Sample 10 12 10 14 9 8 10

40. 12 IT professionals are given intensive training and 5 test were conducted in a month. The score of
the test 1 and 5 are given below. Does the score ensure significant improvement.

No of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Test 1 50 42 52 26 35 42 60 41 70 55 62 38
Test 5 62 40 61 35 30 52 68 51 84 63 72 50

41 The following data are collected from two cities as regard the starting stipend paid to new
management trainees. Do the data give evidence that stipend paid in city B is significantly more than
that in A. test at 1% significance level.

F test for the variance Ratio Test:

42. The two random sample are drawn from two normal population and their values are:

Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A 66 67 75 76 82 84 88 90 92
B 64 66 74 78 82 85 87 92 93 95 97
Test at 5% level Test are they similar?

43. Two sample are drawn from two normal population. From the following data. Test whether the two
samples have the same variance at 5% level.

Sample1 60 65 71 74 76 82 85 87
Sample2 61 66 67 85 78 63 85 86 88 91
Test at 10% significance level.

44. To assess the significance of possible variation in performance in a certain test between the
grammar schools of a city , a common test was given to a number of students taken at random from the
5th class of each of the four schools concerned. The results are given below. Make a variance analysis.

8 12 18 13
10 11 12 9
12 9 16 12
8 14 6 16
7 4 8 15
45. perform two way Anova on the data given below:
Plots of Land A B C D
I 38 40 41 39
II 45 42 49 36
III 40 38 42 42

46. The following table gives the number of refrigerators sold by 4 sales man in 3 months May, June and

Month A B C D
May 50 40 48 38
June 46 48 50 45
July 39 44 40 39
Is there significance difference made by sales man . Is there significance difference in different months.

47. If the population represent the task completion times for the two methods:

Worker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Method1 10.2 9.6 9.2 10.6 9.9 10.2 10.6 10 11.2 10.7 10.6
Method2 9.5 9.8 8.8 10.1 10.3 9.3 10.5 10 10.6 10.2 9.8
Test the hypothesis

48. Small sample Case :

Garfield Students: Students Class Standing

Fields 8
Clark 52
Jones 112
Tibbs 21

Mulberry Students : Students Class standing

Hart 70
Phipps 202
Kirkwood 144
Abbott 175
Guest 146

50. Prove the Central limit theorem from following Data: Write the relevance of central limit theorem

The population from which samples are to be chosen is : 2,3,4,5,6 and take sample of 2 and find out
sample mean distribution . Find out population parameter and sample statistics.
51. There are five owner of Motor Cycle tires and the life of the tires are mentioned below find out
population parameter and sample statistics from the below by taking a sample size of 3.

Owner Carl Debbie Elizabeth Frank George

The Life in 3 3 7 9 14

52. Prove how addition and subtraction of two normal curve leads to normal curve what about their
changed mean and standard deviation.

53. How Chi-square curves are formed from normal distribution curves.

54. How to form Hypothesis under different test?

55. Find out Standard error and degree of freedom for the different tests?

56: State Central Limit Theorem , justify it by taking two samples from a population dataset of life of 6
different bulbs in months = {101,101,102,103,104,105,106}.

57: a:What are different types of error in hypothesis test? State with examples. B: What is the method
of calculating p value? How to test hypothesis through p value?

58: What are the applications of different types of probability distributions? State with one example in

Hypothesis: Null and Alternative

Generally , the null hypothesis states that “null” condition exists, that is , there is nothing new
happening , the old theory is still true, the old standard is correct and the system is under control.

The alternative Hypothesis: On the other hand , states that the new theory is true, there are new
standards, the system is out of control or something is happening .

As an example suppose flour packages by manufacturer sold by weight and particular size of package is
5 Kg.

Suppose a company has held 18% market share. However because of an increased marketing effort,
company officials believe the company’s market share is now greater than 185 and the officials will like
to prove it.

The new idea or theory that company officials want to prove is state in alternative hypothesis

1: An automobile product research group developed a new fuel injection system designed to increase
the miles –per-gallon rating a particular automobile. With the current model obtaining an average of 24
miles per gallon. Formulate hypothesis.
2:Americans spend an average of 8.6 minutes per day reading newspapers (US Today, April 10, 1995). A
researcher believes that individuals in management positions spend more than the national average
time per day reading newspapers. A data on newspaper-reading will be selected by the researcher.
Formulate the null hypothesis.

3: Suppose a new production method will be implemented if a hypothesis test supports the conclusion
that new method reduces the mean operating cost per hour. State the apropiate null hypothesis if the
mean cost for the current production method is $220 per hour.

4:The label on a 3 quart container of orange juice claims that the orange juice contains an average of 1
gram of fat or less. Answer the following questions for a hypothesis test that could be used to test the
claim on the label.

5:Carpetland salesperson average $8000 per week in sales . Steve Contois, the firm’s vice president,
proposes a compensation plan with new selling incentives . Steves hopes that the results of a trial
selling period will enable him to conclude that compensation plan increases the average slaes per sales

Page 302

1: In most applications, a sample size of n >= 30 is adequate when using expression to develop an
interval estimate of population mean. If the population is not normally distributed but it s roughly
symmetric, a sample size s as small as 15 can be expected to provide good approximation to confidence
interval. With smaller sample sizes population distribution at lease approximately normal.

n>=30 irrespective of population distribution

n>=15 population distribution symmetric

n<=15 Population distribution is approximately normal.

Page No 3039

2: In most application s a sample size of n>=30 is adequate when using expression to develop an
interval estimation of population mean. However if population distribution is highly skewed or contain
outliers most statistician would recommend sample size 50 or more.

If population not normally distributed and symmetric sample size 15 can be expected to provide good
approximation. With smaller sample sizes can work when population distribution is at least
approximately normal.

Page 362:

3: Sample sizes greater than 50 will provide good result in almost all cases. Sample sizes >=50 provide
good result in almost all cases.

If the population approximately normal small sample sizes (n<15) can provide acceptable results.
In situations where the population cannot be approximated by normal distribution, sample sizes of
n>=15 will provide acceptable result. As long as population is not significantly skewed and does not
contain outliers.

If population is significantly skewed or contain outliers sample sizes approaching 50 are good idea.

Page No 378 is having the proof.

Population variance known looking into the distribution of population , sample sizes can be determined
and Z test

Population Variance not known irrespective of sample size t test .

4: Two Sample Test: Page 399 and 402)

In most applications of the interval estimation testing procedure presented in this section, random
sample size with n1>=30 and n2>=30 are adequate. In this case where either or both sample size <=30
the distribution of populations become important consideration.

With smaller sample size at least the distributions of the two populations are at least approximately

Population variance not known t test

5: Two sample test:

In most applications equal or nearly equal sample sizes n1 + n2>=20 can be expected to provide good
result even if population are not normal. If population is free from significantly skewed or contain
outlier. Larger sample sizes are recommended if the distribution of population is highly skewed or
contain outlier means sample sizes >=30 for n1 and n2 required. Smaller sample sizes should only be
used if the analyst is satisfied that the distribution of populations are at least approximately normal.

n1>=30 and n2>=30 for all cases

n1+n2>=20 in non skewed and outlier

n1+n2<=20 Population is normally distributed.

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