Sei sulla pagina 1di 135

Price Rs, 625/=

I ,.... .

Building Schedule. of Rates

. . .

--- lage N.o.
Introductory Notes 1 - a
1. Excavation 9 - 1),
2. Anti termite treatment 13
3. Earthwork 14- 16
4. EsJ.·thwork support ; 17- 19
5. Concrete 20- 46
6. Timber tormwork 47- 53
7. Steel reinforcement -, 53
B. Brickwork- 54- 61 .
9. Hollow .block
masonry 62
10..,Rsndorn Rubble masonry 63
11. Prossed tili:1S 64,
12. WalJ.tll1ng&: !l!errazzo tiles 65- 66
13. Roof:itig 67- 71
14. Roof plum~1ng 72- '{")
15. Cail:t:.1e; 74- 77
,16. })oors & Windows • 78- 83
17.' j.r.i:l~Xl.i817.: 84- 89
1,8. 2:~aste..~ 89- 95
19. l'a1nt1Dg ~ Deoorat1Dg 96-1Q3
20. PJ.umb:'f.n&' (PVC)' 104-116
21. Ext~nc.1dra1Dage (EW pipes) 117'
22~ ,Plumb~g· (0.1 pipes) 118-119
23. Manholes &: GU~~s 120-121·
24. Snn1t~:ry t1.tt1ngs 122..126
25. Gutters &: Downpipes 127-130

,.: :,Jr:.r/L.G.H.& C.

t' , Itevhion ot the BJl~lcl1M ::;c.;ledule ut RAt,.

'rhe Chl11ranftn, ~Gchn1eal COlllll1ttee ot the W1n1atry

of Loelll ~9vornrQ\.mt uppoint.:d 0 ;)ulJ :louIiI1ttcC! 'to .."Ovia.
~-- .

tho Bulld 1118 ';Ci;udule ot Ratua 0 tth~ Dlfpartment or

:, .sulld1naa l i t 1t8 mcot111(; held ~n )0.1.86. The Sub Com-
! mUtee 'Wl\l'CC;"lnsti,.tutecl Ga" rollo\Y8a
.i~ Wr. 1'. Ratnnyake - Enb1neer1ngConsult/Wy.~.O.H&C

T. S.Mut hUl~umlll'n8nr~
S. ~nana8,ekornm
-- En ;1nc.r1ns Con~ult/L,\O..U.& 'C.
O.;".S.Dept or'Uulld1Jl&a
H.D.Obandro8ena - C...... ~./s:;C

wI'. D.l'.S.r.teogodu Doput;)' D1;~.eto,../RJ)Ai

Mr. a.V.K.r.t.Ab~youkor. Deputy D1:'·8e tor/IO'1'AD
(R.placed 1.1t"rby 1Ir. iV~J .k~:~;,': .,
. "'f" . ~~

de Mel, ' A811t. Dtr.ctor/!C'lAD)

'R.J .' Ltel .- A3at.Diroctor/IOTAD
Ii.Caldera - li:n:1noer/• ..i.:t.<l.: C.
(Secreto.rl) .~ "-.
" "I'"
• ;" ,'.t
"~' .... ."'.,4.
. " ," '/"
t •• ' hael.,.;
' •. ' ~

b) And to includo nnyacldltlon 1u 1te:nn '10' D''3'-:

2. 'rhe Comm1t'tee' 1'nv:s.

ted rOpl;QllOlltn Uonll trom Contr.~tor,.
bnl! allied J:',;.miIJRtlu:le o!tile bullc! 1ng t~1l40, n1:
, .. th.-re w,:o, n a l'"npOlIse f:'om any rla.:'tj'.

~; \ "

). 'rh·t ::o!l1:nltt.tO hnd wolltf:ly .Aeot11l,;:~ ;':",>:n :-'"brul\ry, but
, ' ,
it WI.J <)I,ly tlr~u: Jun' 'aG th.,t tHP.I'lt WI,:! rnlr.p:'I.I',~r.nll.
O. COp10D 0 r tj;fO' '. ti.n. r"r;u1rod by tile co~n1t~:~~:'-".fJ~;
not ,rnndo "VI1111\~le O1l\t~ ~ ~",·n. ~


-• 2 -

4. In the process of examination of the ite~s in the

BSR due consideratiori wes given to information
Qvailable ins-

1) The Specification prepared by the C.I.T.P.

2) Tho current Standard method of measurement
QW per Bureau of Standards (Ceylon).
3) Schedule of Rat~s' of the Rlchways Department:
4) 'fh9Schedule 'of Rates ot thct Mabawcl1 Develop-
ment Board.


5 •. '. It ia obaerved that an 'increaBe of 22j; on the

basic rntcs is provided lit presl!nt
. by the
Dep6rtment of buildinGS, forito~s viz ~rellmi-
nbrieo, OVvrheads ~ Profits.

6. :i.'his ;';~lb CO:llmi t tee !'eco:;llftends an increase 0 f

35',; on the basic rates a t the revised BSR.
(Plenso see attached explanatory note)

Two copieD of the revised BSRcolnpllod by the
Sub CO...fni t tee are submitted hersl'li tho

.', .
P. Kntnaynke
Chit i.· ..~.\n
.;;ub ::ommittee.

,.I . • , .1 .. -
I .
. I. " 1.// ;toO
f- 'I
I I " I •

• .;(

!I ~ , . I •t <r» t

. ,. . .. ;I '

t '."' I..
I •
I ....•

, " oj •

1 ,.. . , '

.. .

1&c.r1: u:~ o! 35~; 011 Be:Jic fiates

---~ ...
_-~ _..
\~ _.
... allo\.,ance

The r-a t e s s.n this BSH nn~ly(Jj.a or e the Baud c Rates.

This rate is c ompoundeo into account (1) The market
priee of the materials t hu t muko up the item of work, (2)
the cost of tronaport of such mato~iols to the site. ()
the Vlagos of the labour required in carry1nr; out the work
and (4) t.he cent of ('.!1:r pJ.'!.!lt r-e quf.r-ed ,

In carrying out a ~ork. beeiden thG Dasic Cost. there are

othar costs t~le.t have to b e incurred by the ·Contractor.
whicb COl1tS cunno t be c on~l:\.derod us, d'ir~c t productive work.
, .
These costs c anno t be cu Lcu Laticd in terms of materials and
labour cost a;:n are terf'.'9r.\ an Overheuds on e job and can
be gr-cup ed unde:, t",'tt .:lain sub heudo. Thus,

(1 )
directly to ~he Lnuiv~d~al job

(2) 9..2P~.~. O,-e£l!!:ll.£}l ',',n ieh incJ.ude costs 0 f maintaininc;

an afficu, wO:'k shop und yard in whieh to do business
whether or not there 10 a job under wuy and such expeno-
es axe c orrt Lnuoun u.nd m9.Y b o shared by the job turnover.
I ' ...'

rhu common it~ms that ~~e up these ov~rheads are listed

ill pabe (2) &. (3) of the c-1I!llys1a. 'rhe Ovurhead item 1nvolv-
Old in:41o job io uscesved as a pm-c en t.n.;o 01' t:;c \)l\s1c cost of
till~ job. Thes<1' p~rcen';a,.,es have been arrived at from record.
Qf expenditure in~urred in such ectivities over a ?eriod of

r'rOrn the detuils il1 1''' :.,,; (;.?) ~ 0) it will be seen thnt t~e
.j"b ov e r-h e e d a 13 "bout 25:,: of t ne \),\:tic coat of .the vlorlt.

f~'urlli .. 10~ of the uu s Lc c o s t in n l Lowcd ,',::J profits "nd

',:1\1" ~j;, tvtnl ::\1,:'% up of 1::;' \,,\:;ic c o n t i:: 3', ~ (25.0 tor .j:>b
OV"l'H'~hd + ... :.>.... l'.J:" p ro f Lta ) ,

~' .
~ - 2 -

Thus it Hill be ao e n thnt on th':: belllc c o a t or r\ VlllI'k, R

Contractor is 1l1lowed 't murk ,!:J.llr )').;, of which 25.:~ 1s
the cost of servicing the contruc ~ ,HId 10;. e s COlltractors

It will bu ~een that the 25% ov~r~0ads i3 ~ndc up of 19~

U8 job ,)v,n'henuo ,l1ld 6,; os GClhll'ul QVtlrheo(\s.

The Job ,)vurhen(\s nl''' ov"rholHis illCUl'1'ed rot the oite and
~e u?plicable to all cl~eeeo ol Contrncto~o,

Tho G~neral Overhcllds howevor, will depend qn tho oize ot

tho Contructora;'on Rnd t he facilities maintained
by the OI'ganis!. ~ ion.

i'l:us any reduction in ',;h" <.lve:'hoaua u Ll owane e to n Contrac-

tor could be ,only within thinG;; £.\9 Gellurol Overheads nnd
that any reduction vrl11ub l~t~.':;inal.

1'ili" COlMlittee 1s or the "p1=t1o=t that 1111 ContI'ni;tors
(ll'reopect1ve of sizo of thoil' Ol'gnniuntion) uhould be
ullowed n ml~rk up or J5~ on tho basic coat ao ovorheads
nn'l protit ullowlIllco.

JI'i,·;inf111J this hl1niotry h ad :K.lid ~he lOur\( up nil JO~ (1n
1 '70) nnd on l'epre:Jun tel t :\.on m~vtElI it VlILO i nc rCU13c.d to 35"
(Ill the yem's 1979-1·980) nr:d l'ltflr i t WElD r e duc ed to 25",

',11<1 ".:nin tc '22",. C to. t We bulieve til II t thiu wno'

one of the
-: 1:"':1 o! t hu c!ctCl'iOr{ltion of t h-» "ta,,,!urd or -buildin:i; work,

~:. 'I'cel' to "!nHu:.·e .qu1:11ty t1nt~ n t r-Lc t c'J,n;llinncc VI ith npeC'i-

":' if:':':.i'Jh:i, th.): ~oI(unittec reC(\lr.-mcr.d,CJ 3~.~ 1001';: up on the
.. ilc :'l.I~tes.

Analysis for Basic Rates

The Material and Labour component required for the
various items of work inc;!.ud
. ,
ing the minimal plant .
required for 13I'\iIIe is detailed in thE'! analysis of the
Basio [lutes which have been included in the followiJ1B
page s ,

Basio Rate
The basic ~ate is analysed under the following neadings:

(a) Materials
The quantities of material required for the items
are oomputed from known data and experience.
. . Their
total value is calculated on the basis of c~'rent
oosts of purchase at souro~s of supply. Unless
otherwise stated wastage is allowed in the norms.

(b) Transport f·
. ,.-

This ~~~p~~~nt provides for the oost of trensport

of material from sources ot supply to the sites of
work. This component is us~lly added to the
ma.terial co st,
(c) Labour
The.le-bour wages are as approved by' the Govllrnment
from time to time and on the basis of an 8 hour
working day.

(d) ;J.>lant
This component provides'for the minimum plant re-
qUired for the items of work. The cost of tools
and implements is provided for in the Overr.'3ads
(e) Basic Cost
'rhe Basic Cost is the sum of th,; costs of items
(a),(b),(c) ~ (~) above.

Over~ads and Profit factor

Overhead costs include such costs thRt cannot be
considered us direct productive work on the job.
:rhese may begen~rally .;ruuped as follol'ls:

(a) Job Overhends .,

th~t vary with and are c~used
directly by the indiv1dttnl jobs and,

(b) Genaral Overheads ~1hich' include co e t s at

maintaining an office, workshop and yard in
whd.c h to do business whe ther- or not there is
a job under way. Such expenses are continuous
an~ may be shared by the job turnover.

The common items that make up the overhead costs are

listed below. The cost of the overhead items involved
on a job is assessed as a percentage of the Basic coat
of the job. In the case of the Construction A~encies
executi~ building construction works the overheads
component may be listed as below:

, Job Overheads (Site Overheads) % of Basic Cost

1. ~upervision of work (waJes of work 1.0
2. Supervisi~n of labour (waGes of Gangers) 4.0
3. Temporary works:
(a) Access Hoad and Maintenance 0.2
(b). Site buildings for accomoda tion
of part labour 0.7
(c) Central s t or e s buil<1ing 0.6
(d) l-'encinB and protection 0.3
(e) Provision of water, lights etc. 0.3

(r) Glearin:: ['n" ti'~;tin.; up
<8: <..JOll13Cti0I1 of buildini.~ riinteri:'ls
Lnc Luu i n.j c omen t und at oe I 0.40
4. 'l/utchc!'s for field s t n-as and security
of ai t es , 0.8
·5. 'fools and implements for miscellaneous
\'fork 0.9
6. (0.) ;;ettin::; out nnd !Q\!:,;,sul'emcnts 0.5
(b) ~rovidin~ sample~ for tcsti~~ 0.2
1. Transportation of supervisory a.taff 1.0
8. Job off:ice, furniture ,.,.stationary.,
supplies, vlltter, lights etc.
9. WUBes of j~b office stuff
10. Trertsportation of job office star!
(8) Bonds for ~id performance end
lidelity Guarcntee
(b) Insuranco of work and vror-kman t s
12. (a) Interest in Capital Investment ,
(b) Business Turnover Tax

Head office and rent, li;;hts, tele;>hone,
statlion,u'y supplies, furniture etc.
for same .. 0.6
14. tlo.le.ries of Heaci ufi'ice Lfanager,
EnGineers, Te~hnical Assistants,
Draughtsmen, Clerks, ~tenos, Typists,
~inor staff and Drivers 1.2
15. Transportation anu sUbsiatance of
Head office staff 1.0
16. Inourance,· Interest and Taxes on business 0.4
17. Legal expenses and Consultancy fees 0.2
18. ;Vorkshop & Yard rents, sheds, :.;aruJes «
supplies 2.20
19. Salaries of workshop & Yard storekeepers,
:Drivers, r'oremen, i.;echunicB & ~1orkmen 0.4
Ten pcr-c en t (lOr.) of th" basic .co at s is allowed as
profit to the Contractor.

Overheads and Profit Factor

Combining the factors for Qverheads and the profit~
factor we get 35;; of the Basic Hate as the Overhead
and Profit fac tor Ivhich is also called the ';.Jark-up'
on the vasic he-teo ie the Basic liate 'is multiplied
by the f~ctor 1.35 to oQtain the workinG rate.'

This Basic .hate Analysis does not ,include for the use
of heavy plant and equipment. This analysis provides
for a labour intensive method of work with a minimal
use of machinery. The machinery allowed in this
analysis is the concrete mixer, the vibrator ann a
hoist in the case of a multi-storeyed bUilding for the
lift of materials to the various tloors •

This analysis is applicable to~ a building having a
maximum of fOQ!' storeys - ie ground and three tloors •

If a building has more than four floors or when .the
Contract pe~od in compressed to a few months, .then
it will be necessary to allow tor the use ot heavy
machinery such as.·'tower cranes, mobile cranes, dumpers
loaders, batching plant for the mixingo! concrete,
bins for the storace ot ooncrete material etc. and
also for the employment of contract mmuigers and addi-
tional staff.
The cost of such items of work will not be accommoda-
ted within the 35~ 'Mark-up' and will have to be
provided for in separate items such as preliminaries
to the Contract.

Conversion - Imperial to ~letric

To Convert To Rate Multiply

l\£lte per per by
-------------------------- ---------~------------

Cube 0.353

Square 0.1075


L.ft ).28

Cwt Kg 0.02


'- -,
,',llo;nmceo to CJ m~.tle Ln til'" ::''':-::: 1\>:' .:: ~t ill
r-cunec t 'J! wu:l; on U')j)(.:' ::J.uJr:; -

In tile Hn t.. lysi1: or -'" .. ". ~

rollowin,,; pn.,;co

10 t ae s e i-ace e th~ ;-,crc<.lntt<,;el; (,Of t:~,) 1.J'vunc. r::'.or

r'1.te:; ) in ti:'f' t e b Le telol"/ ~;lJ'_;l" be" t,::;":H:'
to o o t a Ln the rr,tQ3 app Lfc ub Le tu tile 1s t , ::::nd 1l!.C.
3rd floors. ~his ~.~.R. is 11~it8d to wvr~ on t~e

ground ant; J upper floors ,:mly~,

3round to G::,Jund to to

1st tloor 2nd floor Jrd,!loor

ccncr-e t.e (Cube) J<'
I~ 5;; 7:~
9" Br1ckwork (Sqr) 5~~ • 1,,; 9~~
9" Br1ck12ork (Cube) 5~; 7~~ 10.;
41/' Brickwol'k (Sqr) 5~; 7;. 10;,
::lteel l\e1nf I (crlt) Zi:Co 5,; 7,.,;
i'laster1ng (Sqr) 5% 1O,; 15;~
Painti,ng (;:;ar) 3~ 6•• 9"
F~oor tilin.; (Sqr) 20.~- 0 6;;
Jall til1nG (Sqr) 2% 4;. 6:-:;
Roof- Cal-iaut tiles (:.iQr) 3'- Gi; ).,J
, hoo£ Asbestos (:;qr)

3r. 5,:; -.
i. J

Cciline; work J9~ ,.> 7;

-------.... ------------ ... _------------~----_ .... _---------




1. S01ls met with in excavation have been classified

as follows:

1) Soft/Loose soil
2) Ordinary s01l
3) Hard/Ilense so11
4) Il\ud/\~et clay -,
5) Soft ,~Usintearated rock,
(i.rcck not requir1nfj blasting)
6) Hard rock - a) W~ere blasting is approved.
b) Where blasting is prcnibited.

2. The analY,Bis has been prepared for each of tile

above categories a3 shown 1n iteos Nos 3 - 9 •

3. Howe~er. in the preparation of estimates' for
purposes of calling for Tenders. only two B.O.Q
item would be included in the B.O.Q as against
the n.S.R. item Nos.,7,8. & 9. Tne
description of these two B.O.Q. items would be
as follows:

(a) Excavation in any 'material met with except

rock requiring blasting.
(b) Excavation in rock requiring blasting.

4. This class~ficatlon has been adopted (where tenders

are called) to avoid any dispute that may arise as
to the exact nature of the soil that will be met
with when the actual excavation is carried out.

The tenderer is expected to examine the site and
to form his own opinion of the nature 01 the soil
that is met with and rate his tender accordingly.

5. The cl~ssificatidn of th~ soils in Note 1

above and the analysis provided for the
different type of soil will help the esti-
mator in arriving at the actual cost of
excavetion, for which he will have to allow
in his estimate.

6. Under Note 1 (E;i)p Hard Hock, anane.lysis i3

provided for removine liard Rock met with in
foundation excavations where blasting is pro-
hibited or cannot be done, like in built up
areas where blasting can cause damage to ad-
joining buildings.

7. In the excavation items Nos 3 to 9, the'labo~

norm allowed in the items is for an excavation
up to a maximum'depth of 5'0". For excavations
beyond the depth of .'5"0" an additional unskilled
labourer. should be added for every ad6.itional
depth of 5'0" ·or part thereof for each oube of
exoavationbeyond the original 5'0" depth.
Item Description Rate
, .
1. Remov1nc; top a depth
not exceedine 6" & depositinG as
,. within s1~e •

Per Square
Con~ider an area of 10.00 sqrs.
1e 5.00 cubes of excavation
10 days U/Sk labourer

Rate J~r 10.00 square

Rate per square


2. Excavation over site to reduce

level, in any material except
rock requiring blasting including
depositing and: levelling.
.> .. ,
I1S directed
upto a distance not exceedif8 30'0".

·1 5/8 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube


Item Description r":ate Amount
). Excavation in trenches for Y/alls/
column pits in 30ft/loose. soil
from 0'0" to 5'0" deep and deposi-
ting excavated Jn3terinl to a dist.,.
ance not exceeding )0'0" (Earth-
work support to be paid sepal'ately
where .neoessary). .,

Per cub2. •

1 day U!Sk labourer

Rate per cube


4.· Excavation in trenches for walls/

C01UhlIl pits in ordinary soil from
0'0" to 5'0" deep and depositing
exc~vated material not exceeding


Per c~

2% days U/Sk labourer

hate per cube

, '

Item· Description Rate dmount,
. !" . . . •- . . , .

-----------~------------------------------~------------ -- - -- -

5. Excavation in trenches for

walls/column pits in Hardl
dense soIl up to a depth of
5'0" and depositilJG ex<:o.vated
material up to a distance not '
exoeedins 3~0_'O~"~. __

Per cube "

J'I.! days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube

•• w •• f


• . '.

6. Excavation in trenches

for I
wallet column-pits in Mud/wet
soil up to a deptil ot 5'0"
and depositing exoava~ed material
to distanoe not exceeding 30'0".

(Earthwork & dewatering paid tor

separately) •

3 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per oube

-----------_ .. _------~-------------------------------- - - - --- - - --
Item llescription Rate Amount
7. '::xcavation in trenches fOl' walls/
column pits in soft distintegrat~d
rock (not ·requiring blnsting) up
to a depth of 5'0" and depositing
excavated materiol to 6 di~tance
not exceeuing JO'O".

rer cube
2~2 days U/Sk labourer

1'< a te oer cube

----------_ .... _-----------------------.----------------------------

8. Excavation in trenches for walls7

column pits in Hard rock requiring
blasting up to a depth of 5'0" and
depositing excavated material to a
distance not exceeding JO'O".

Per cube.
0.75 lbs blasting powder
10 I f 1. fuse
1 Lb jumper steel
Fuel & forge - 20~ of material cost
1 day Sk labJurer
2 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube

Item Description . Rate Amount
Benchin~ rock in foundation
in 3"-6"steps.
~Bla3t1nH prohibited)

Per 10 souare feet

Drilling, ohippin~ & wedging-
1h day Sk labourer
Steel, fuel & 1'01'ge - 25;~ of labour cost.
Collecting & Disposing,-
. '1% day U!Sk labourer
Per 10 sq •..rt

~Qte per

Anti-termite treatment on •
excavated foundation end compacted.
soil under tloors.
~€. square
16 +bs D.D.T.powder
(8~ in 20 gals of water).
20 gals water

% dlly U/Sk labourer

!!!Ue per square

NOTJ..~ A~U~:;:.~aj;:!,.ve Mixes
\ a) Copper Nephthenate (5% in 4 to
\ 8 gale of fuel oil)
b) Sodium J.rsenate (10% in 12 to
20 gels) of water.
'. c) Dieldrine (O.J~ in 19 gals of
wuter) ,
Item nuscription Rate ,;,mount
---------~-------------------------------------------- - --- ---- --

11. Earthwork- Backfilling &

COlnpec ting

Haclcfillin~to trenches with

selected earth available at site.

l:'er cube

1 day U/Sk labourer-

Rate per cube

- - - -- - - - - -


12. Back filling to trenches with

~o~tod material.

·Per cube
1.00 cube earth delivered at site.
Allow 15,.b compac tion
FillinG & Compacting
- 1;' U/Sk Labour-er-

~ate per cube


. .
----~----------------_._--------------------~--------- - - - - - --- - - -
Item Deocription Rat e Amount
~'illin.~ unde r floors including
levelling, \'latoil.l:'injJ ~< compuc t Lng
in 3" layers with available and
ae Lcc ted earth e. t sit e •.

Per cube.
2 Days U/~k labourer

• Rate per cube


14. FillinJ under flooraincludin~ •

levelling, watering & compaoting
in 3" layers with imported selected
~t:.oh:..:.:..-_. _
, ...

fel' oube

1.00 cube·eurth delivered a.t site.

. .
.Il.lloVl for '15,~ COm!Hl.C tion
2 do.;,<s U/Sk labourer

~te per cube


Ite:a Description i,mount
.. .
17. :::arthl"lorl: suj)Jlort (close /:.'Jll'iIlC)
in trench~D up to 5'0" dGoth.

Conuider trench 15'0" long 3'0"

V/ide and 5' 0" ;1oi:~il t of plt:n;:in~
to OJth f~:ces.

Toti:ll uree .if :->l<':jli,in,;

2/15'0" x 5'0" ia 150 SCI.It'

Per 150 so.It

30.00 cu.It class II tim~ar
(4 uses)
Add 5% . on above for wedges.

Labour •
~ days carpenter
6 days U/Sk·lebouror

Total per 150 sq.ft


------------------------------- .. --------------_._----------------.
Itel.\ iiescriptio!) Rate •.mount
- - - -- - - - - - -

1S. :,:.'<:·th·.. . oz-k :Ju,port (clone "l:nkin;;)

ill C0~P exc..vr.t Icn i.) t:.',:nchc:J up to
15' QIl cienth.

·::o:l~lide:.· t r-cnch of leI: .th 'of 15' 0"

Iiic;ti\ 5'6" at top
)'6" at bottom
.~en urea SU?90r t eQ. 1" ':'/1::;' .. 1::;'
U _ J ~

ie 450 3q.!t.

Per 450

100.00 cu.ft class II tililber
(4 ~ses)
Adu'5% on ~bove for wedges.


8 days cer-perrt er-
<!O day s U/;.;k labou:"er

Total ?er 450 sq.ft

itate pe~' souare


Pre umble


1. hlixing concrete using 8 oonorete mixer 14/10 .

capacity and manual louding are the basis on'which
the norms are worked.

2. A bang of one Skilled and six unSkilled labourers

produce 3.00 cubeso! concre~e per day using-a 14/10
cu.ft capa~1ty concrete mixer. This is as per accep-
tc:' !>ractice.

3. The production ot conorete is at the mixer sitel

transporting mixed concrete and placing same in
position is paid for separately.

4. In concrete items 26 to 39 both lnclusive, placing

of concrete in columns, beams and tloor slabs.on
tho ~round floor the labo~ oomponent allowed is for
the placing of concrete bBtween the ground tloor and
the top ot the 1st floor slab which area is called
the ground floor are&. Similar11.the area between the
~op of the 1st floor slab and the top ot the 2nd floor
l'lub is called the 1st floor area etc.
~~~~~------------------------------------------------- ------
,:';:[,tctm' D~sor1pt1on Rate ;.mount
4 ; , • • • • •, ••

--- ---

19. ~l1xing concrete 1IJ.6.~

Per cube
13 crt (50 kg bagB)CemeDt
0.53 cubes sand
0.92 cubes 1%" metal
1/3 day hire ot m1xer
Water t110 gals)

1 day skilled labourer
6 days U!Sk labourer

Re te l)e1' cube •

a) Water available at site.
b) It, water is Dot avallable
allowances .should
. . be·madotor
transport of 'wo.ter.
c) Sand - includes 15~ tor bulking.

,,_ •..,....... __ ~.;;,; ..... ,;,;" .....1. ..;"
.u,;il;~ ~ ._ ~ • ;.. _
'-1 ,,,.

• _ _ ""..;_ . . _ ....Jt'. . . . ....;w; ,~ .. .. ~ .. _ ..

• Rate -.

i'l3r cube

14 cwt cem~nt (5Q ..kgo'bnU8)

0.60 cubes-sand
o, '·10
cube a 1" metal \
1/ J day hire or . m ixar ' . .
hater (~)O~als)


1 day. skilled labolU'.r . ' / ;

' .. ;. \ . - ./

6 clays UDskilled labow;-f;Ci;



Item' . ,. Deilcription' ltQte Amount
-----~_...._------------------ ..... _-_._... _--------------- ----------
' .

21. Mixing concretl! 1: 2& 4< U:t:l .

Per cube

18 cwt ce~~nt (50 kg bags)

0.50 cubes snnd .
0.88 cubes 3/4" metal
1/3 day hire ot lllixer •
Oater - (120 gals)

1 day skilled labourer
6 daysU/Sk labourer

Rate per cube •

a) Water available at site "

b) It water is no~ a.ailable at

site allowance. must be .made
tor transport o!'wQter~
c) Sand includes 15% tor bUlk1n~.

, . " ...
... . . .'.. . • , ". •.' . c.'.

:l'''~'-~\ - ""'.! "~',
"I~ell1~-:' ·.JJ~~crlpU.on

•• •.

- , ~ .. '

... " .'.~'.'

.,:.';' ••. . ~ :'

: ..

. --.-.' .'
.. ..... -_... "
' ,
." .
i.d\O\U1t .
.. '

------------------------~----~ _-._~-----------------~-------
~. . , ..

22. !'et8 it11UlIU41')

1'81' cube

cemimt <' 51)

2) C\'It \tC; bags)
0.42 cubes sand
0.132 cubes 3/4" tr.Qto.l
1/ J dcy hire ot mixllr
",1utel' ('50 1~l1ls)
, . . .
. LaboUr
, day skilled labourer
6 days U/Sk labourer

.. ;.:.. ..
Mate per cube.. ,_.

NO')!;::. . ,. , '.,
a) water Bva:L1able ··('~t··o1te~:
. ' . . ... _': .. ~ ,. -:1' :._: _,' : ' ..
b) I~
'Ilcter :1:8 noto.vQl1able

allo"ance must .
'.. . (."

lQacl.e..ior .
' . . . ".
.. " " I . , ; : _-:'"('~~.


tl'o,nllport ot: :'lat~l~~ . .

0) ~p.nd- includes 15~ tor bulkin;;.
Itom Description R~to Amount

- -------------------------------------------~---------- - -- - - _._- - - -
. - , ... -. - .-

2). Liixi¥ concrete 1111 2(J/4" ).

;Per cube' ,
)1 c"t ceGal1nt (SO kg beGs)
0.44 ,cubes sand
0.96 cubos 3/4" metal
1/ '3 day ~ of lIl1xer
'1fUer (200 8818)

1 day skilled labourer
6 days U/~k labourer

aato oer cube

a) ~o.ter availnblo o.t site. '
b) If water 1s not o.Tailoble
allowtuloe IllUst bellll4e tor
tl'anapo~t of 'w~ter. '_
c) '::Ituld - iilCludes tor 15"
·_----------------------------------------~----------- - - -- - - - - - - - -
ttem Descrip'tion :o.te "mQunt
~----------------------------------------------------- --.- - - - - - - - - -

24. 2" thick cement conorete screed

in foundation at' depths not exceed-
inB 5'0".

Pel' 39uar~


1/6 cube conci-e te

Add 10";) foI" wustat.:e

1/8 day Sk labourer
1/2 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per square

hOTE~ For laying concrete at
d epths more than 5'0". add
1/6 day unskilled laboure~ tor
each additional 5'0 or purt
thereof per square.
c - --------
. : " •.It'llll' llescript10n ·~'at. Amount
--~--~~--~~-~~------~------~------------------------------ ---.

3" thick o.J:lent

{ . concr.tll
in foundation at depths not
c o!edinlt 5' 0"

Fer square

__1/4 cube concrete

Aud 1~ for wastage

1/8 day ~k lauourllr
, '

3/4 day U/Sk labow'er

Rate per oguGr'

}o'or laying concrete at d.pths
more thun 5'0"~ '.dd
1/4 day .
unskill~d labourer for eaoh
add1tionnl 5'0" or PaL't there-
of pel' equol'e.
·_------- ------------------------------------------------------
Item Descript~~n Rl1te .\mount
._---------------------.------------------------~----- -- - - - -- -- -

26. 6" thick cement conc r e t e tloor

(maGs concrete).

Per square

Materials .
0.50 cubes concreto
Add 5~ tor wactage
liate-r (200 gal• .)

1/2 0:3. Sk Labourel'
1% day U/~k l~b~urer

RAte pel' sg~!

a) ~~ar Bva11aole at sita.
b) If water 1c ~~t nVh11aule
allowance lIlust bu Inlldlt rOI'
tranaport ot wato~
------------------~-------------------------------------- ---
Item D~8cription hate ,\!:lOlmt
---------------_ _---

27. Cemo!nt coJncreto in 4}~">:6" colulRns

1n jt.:.'ound !loor.
ConDide,' 24 l'lo. C01UlIU18 each
4:i"x6"x10'O" ie 0.45', OUb~8.

Per 0.1-5 cube

0.45 cubes cancrete "

Add 10~ for "a.t~e

1 day hire at vibrntor

1 day mnoon
1 d.ny carpenter
3 dnys U/Sk,lRbourer
1 day ~k labourer (Vibrator)


Ju~o Hessian -10 sq.ft

Wat~r - 170 631s
1 day U/Sk laboUrer
Total for 0.45 cubes or
2~0 or columns.

hate per C!Iube

, Or, hate per L.ft
ot colump.
1) cor columns in 1st floor add
3~.· to ground floor rate.'

2) Por colulnnD in 2nd 1'100;- add

5~. to p;rounri floor rate.

Contd •••
'. 30

3) For columna in Jrd floor add

'7), to t:1'ollnd floor rate.

4) 'ilat'3l' avnilable at cite.

5) It wuter ia not aVllllnble
allowanco' t:1uat b~ made for
trRnsport ot wnter •

.. ..0: _

Item Desoription Itate Amount

28. Cement ·oonorote in 6"x6" o·,)lumna

in j.rolUld ..:!:.:l'-=o:.:oo::ro:.~_. _

Conoider 18 No. colulnno -6"x~" el1Ch

10'0" biS'i1 ie 0.45 CUbOB.

rer 0.45 cubes

0.45 cubeB conbrete
Add 1010 'or wasto.e;e ,
1 day hire of v1br~tor

1 day mason
1 day clU"p·mter
1 day Ik ll\bouror (Vib1'ator)
J daya U/Sk labourer •

jute f1esa1an - 60 sq. tt
''Iator -140 gals
1~, daylJ U/~k lc.buul'er
Total for 0.45 cubes
or 160 l.ft o! column

1(l1tO per cube

Or hate per ot col~

1) For columns in 1st tloor ndd
J~ to ~round floor r~~o.

2) For columns in 2nd tloor add

5~ to gro~nd floor ~Bte.

Cpntd ••••

J.) ~")l' columns in Jrd ~loor add

7~~ td ~~round floor rate.

4) Juter uvuiluble at s1te •.

5) If \'Illter ill not availablo
l\llow<:!.nce. must be T1ulIlc for
tr:m';port of wator.



Item Doscription Hate Amount
29. Cement c')norete in 9"x9" columns
!n ground tloor.

Consider a. l~o. 9"x9" coiumns oneil

10'." niGh 1e 0.45 cubes.

Per 0.45 cubes

.i ..

0.45 cubes concrete

...dd 1D:',.for WDst&'6e
1 dRy hire or vibrator

1 doy mllson
1 duy corpanter
1 day .::.ik labourer (1ibrntor)
:3 days U/Sk labourer •

Curine •
Jute llesoian - 60 Bct.ft
;later -100 gala
1/2 day U/Slc Inbour,w
Total pe~ 0.45 oubes
or ~o l.ft of column.

!tate per CUb,!.

Or aate per ot column

,iO't,J:: •
1) Por. colunmsin 1st tlo'lr add
3~ to ~ound tloor rnte.

2) ¥or columns in 2nd tloor odd

·5~ to ground tloor rnte.

Cond •••
J) "'01' colu::uw in )rd floor udd
7/. tOI",I'ound floor rll trl"

4) Water tlvailublc at aite.

S) I! \vo.t~r is not aVllilable'
allowance must be r.llldo for
transport ot water.



IteJn Dellcription I\l1te AIRount

30., Cement concrete in 12"x12" colwnns

in !i1'ound floor

Consider 5 Uo. coluRlDS 1:!IX12" each

1·,)'0" high..

fer 0'50 cubes

0.50 cubes concrste
~dd 5~ tor wastnge
40 SCI. tt -Jute Hetl"ie.n
1 duy hire ot v1brutor
,'inter (100 g0.1:I)

kabo !el1'
1 day. ma.son
1 day carp.:nter •
1 day Sk l8bo~'er (Vibrator)
3 dRyS U/~k labourer

1~ duys U/tik lnbourer (curine)

'J.'o ta.l !,er 0.50 cube or

50 or C01UliUl

Hnte per cube

i.nte ner l.ft or colu!IIP

1) For ·columns in 1st floor add
3" to cround 1'1oor rate.

2) For columns in 2nd floor ndd

5", to; ground floor rate.

Contd ••••
3) Por columns in 3rd floor add
7~ to cround floor rnto.

4) Uatoravallabl~at'site.
5) If wato~ is no~ availabl~
al10\~!lnce must be made to l'
trun~port of ~cter •

.--'----------------------------..._~.-------- ... ""'~~"!!---~- - - - - - -- - - -


----~~----------------------------------------------------- - -
Item Description Rate . Amount
-------------------------,----_.. _---------------------------
31. Cement concrete in 13~"x1Jlilt
cclumns in rxound floor

Consider 4 110. C01UII\ll8

each 10'0" high

1.e. ,0.51 oubes.

Per 0.51 cubes

0.51 cubes concrete
Add 5~ for wastage
1 dny hire of vibrator-

- Labour
1 day maDon I

1 dRY carpenter •
J dBys U!Sk labour
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)

Jute Hessian 45
Water - 100 gals
·112 days U/Sk labourer

Total for 0.51 cubes

Or 40 l.ft ot column

Rate per cube

~ate per l.ft column
a) Water available at site.
b) It water is not available
allowances must be made for
transport of water.

~--------~~~-~------------------------------------------ --- --
Item Deaca-Lp t ion Rate. Amount
-~--------~~~-------------~--------------------------- -------

,32. Cement concrete in 6"x6" beam

unto 11)~ fJ.v..2.Ll_~.Y.£l1.'_'_-"'-__

Consider 180 L.ft of beam

6"x6" i.o 0.45 cubes.

Per 0 •.iL~1'i.

0.45 ~nbes
Ade'. 1 O~; - fcr \·lC.ste.c;e
1 dny of vibrator

1 day mason
1 day carpl'lnter
1 day ck lc~cvrer (vibrator)'
4 deya U/S1~ lclbo:'rer
pur:h " :
Jute 90 aq.ft .
rlater 180 gnln
Hoi dnyu U/.:;" Labour-er-
Tote~ per 0.45 cube
or 180 10ft 0! column.

_. ....
,: -- ~

.... ··.oJ_

a) Water ~veila?le at aite.
b) :i:f -.:0'::':" :l." root available
c.:J..:_c;I;i:nc·J i-rnn·';. ·h'.~ mnde for
t:-e.r~ ..:'r-ort of water.
-------------------~----------------------------------- - - - - - - - - -
Item Description Hate Amount
:33. Cemlmt concreto in 9"x6" beam
upto 1st floor lovel.

Considel' 120 L. ft· 9"x6" beam

i.e 0.45 cubes.
fer 0.4.5 cubes

0.45 cubes conc~ete

Add 1~ of waste.3e
1 day hire of vibrator

1 day raaaon
1 day caz'Pcnter
1 dny Sk lBbourer (vibratJr)
4 dayu U/S~ labourer •
Jute Hessian 75 sq.rt
Water 150 1""119
1% days U/Sk labo~'er
. Total per 0.45 cube -
or 120 L.ft or beam.

Hate per cube

p~__ hate


a) W~tor available at st1e.

b) If w~ter is not (l~al1able
allowance mast be mado for
transpc~t of water.
Item Description Rate Amount
34. Cement concrete in 9"x9" beam
upto 1st floor level.

Consider 80' 0." lene;th of 9"x9"

beam i.~ 0.45 cubes.

Fer 0.45 cube

0.45 cubes concrete
Add 10%"of waBta~e
1 day hire of vibrator.

1 day macon
1 day carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)'
4 days U/Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 60 sq.ft
Water 120 eels
1~ days U/Sk labourer

Total per 0.45 cubes

or 80 l.ft beams

Hate per cube

or Rate per l.ft or beam

a) ~ater avai~able at site,

b) If ~ater in not available
alloV/cnce must be rnade for
tranapo~t of water.
Xtem Description r.n te "mount
---- --
35. 5" thick il.CC floor' slab in
1st floor

Consider 5" 1;h1ck slab 10'0"x12'O"

Volume or conorete 50.00

Per 50.00

50.00'cu.ft coucrete
Add 10i0 for wastage
1 day hii-e of vibrator

1 day _&SOn
1 day oarpenter
1_day.Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U!Sk: labourer •

Jute Hessian 30 sq.rt
Vlater 90 galS
1~ days U!Sk labourer

~otal per 50 au.It

or 120 sq.£t

Ra te per square
a) 'Nater available at site
b) If water is not avo.ilable
all~wEmoe must be made for
trf:U1sport of water.

Item Description Rate AmolU1t

-- - -- ----
36. 6" tjlick H.JC floor slab in
1st floor.

Consider 10'0" x 10'0", panel..

:> 50 cu.ft

50.00 cu.ft concrete
Add 10;~ for wastage -,
1 dey hire of '. vibra.tor

Labour -
1 day mason
1 day carpent e.c
1 day 8k labo~·er(vibrator)
4 days U/Sk lebourer
Jute Hessian ;15 sq.ft

Water 90 gal.. -
1}Z days U/Sk: labourer

Per 50.00 ell. It

or 100.00 Eq.ft

Ra te per square
a) Wator nrailable at site.
b) If water is not available
allowance must be mnde tor of water.
--------~--------------------_._-------~---------------- - - - --- .
Item Description Rate Amount
( ,


37. Cement concrete in 4}llx6" lintels

in oround floor

Consider 240 l.ft i.e 45 cu.!t

45.00 cu.ft concrete
Add 1~~ for wantage
'1 day hire of vibrato!"

1 day mason
1 day ce.rpenter
1 day Sk laboUl'er (vibrator)
4 days U!Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 1d sq.ft
\Va~er 90 gals
1~ day.s U!Sk labourer
per 0.45 cube
or 240 l.ft of lintel

Iffi.t~ l.ft of lintel

B) Wator available at site.
b)' If water is not ave-.llable
allowance must be made for
transport of water.
, 44
Item Description Rata AmO\Ult

_____________________________________ J _

38. Cement concrete in 9"x9" lintels

in ;round floor

Consider 80 L.ft of linto'l i.e

45 cu.ft concrete.
45.00 cu.ft coment concrete
Add 10~ for wastage
1 dey hire of vibrator

1 day mason
1 day carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 60 sq.ft
Water 90 gals
1~ days u/sk labourer

Fer' 0.45 cube

or 80 l.ft of lintel

a) Hater available at site.
b) If water is not available
allowance must be made for
trenr,port of water.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 _

Item Jlescl'iption AlIIOunt

39. Cement, concrete in 9"x1~" li.ntcla
in around tlool'

i.lon.:ider Lon j t h 60'0 1' of -lintel

= 45 cu.ft.

t.ia t. ri..ela
45 c~nc_~te "

Add 10~ fo~ wnstase

1 day hire of vibrator
1 day mason
1 dny carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk l:.':.bourer

Jute Hession 55 13<;. tt
We. t~r 90 s::els
1~ days U/5k labourer

Per 0.45 cube

9r 60 L.ft of" lintel

Rate per·L.ft of lintel

a) \tnt~l' llvuilnble at cite.
b) It water is not available
a~lCWWlce must be made tor
transport of wnter.
----------------------------------------_ ... ----------------.
Description Hate Amount

40. Cer.ierrt c onc rc t o in 12"):15"

lint,]l in i;:'ounu floor

COllGiuel' len;th of. 36'0"

i.e 45 0u,ft

45.00 c onc r-c t e

Add 1Or. for wustaGe·'.
1 day hire of vibr.:.tor

1 dny rna 1:1 on
1 day curpen eer-
1 day Sir Laboui-er' (vibrator)
, 4 ciaYfl U/.:lk Laboua-er-


Jute Hessian 40 s<;.ft
,ie-tel' 90 ~uls
m dU;}'1l U/Sk labourer

Per O.l·5 cube

or 36 l.ft of lintel

nate per l.ft of lintel


a) ','Inter ava.i.Lab Le at site.

b) If water is not available
l1l1o,';(Ulce must be made for
trnnnpor1 of wnter.
. , 47
Item Description Rat c ant .....0
I .
41. Sawn ti:nbc:' ::01'::1":10::,1; , to'!"
. x)"
cement conorete c o Luun in ,;l'ounl1

Pel' souare ft.

Oont;ider column l'm :th of :1 t 0"
Oontact are~ - 15.0 ~~.ft
.11 (a) Io1AKIi,O ;.iIlULD ,
1) Uat\lriuls
18.15 ·sq.ft 1" thick ol~8s
II timber.
11.10 L.ft 2"x2" class !I
timber in 3Q~~O.
16.12 L~rt 2"x1~ olass I!
t:',II1oer battens.
1~ "1b wire l1l:\ils. •

,2) Fatn-icatin6
}~ day carpentor
n day U!Sk Inb;lurer
TotOol cost

';"llowin,: 4 usee C-'8t

of mould ~ar uae -

(b) Assembling (Per use)


12 Nos. 16 mm 18" lo~: bolts

(20 UGOG)
}a litre mould -oil
35L.ft 4"x2" props (10 uses)
% day carptlnter
}4 d~ U!:il: lc.bow·'3l'

Cont of AlIlS~..lbll:1i':
Per use. ..a=aa • • • • • •a • • •
00:1t4 ••
(c) Dismantlin~ cleaninG &
ropairinG (p0r use)

}~ day carpenter
~ dey U/Sk labvurer

Cost of dismantlinG
per use.

Total costpcr use

(~or 15.0 sq.ft) i.e.(a + b + c)
~ ~====c=.=aaa=a.a==

Rate per square

Item Description nate Amount
42. :3nV/n tililLol' rorm\;'~)rk 1'01' concr-o ee
beams in around floor
~ons1der 9"x12" bearno! 20'0 11
lo~. Contact 61'es. 55 sq.ft.

A) tpk i the mould

n .;
(a) 60 sq.1:t 1" tLnber plenks
(b) 24 l.ft 2"x1 11., battens
(0) 45 1. ft 211x2" .~l.edgers '
(d) 30 1.ft 4"x2" beurer s ut·
bottom of mould.
(e) 2 1bs wire nails

(a) 1~ day carpenter
(b) 2 day U/Sk labourers

Total coat of mould
=======c: ..:.1:======
.Asswnil1B 4 uses
Cost per use
~dd 1~~ for repairs
Cost per use
c:======= :======c::==

'B) Assambl100

(a) 110 1. i t 4 1 x 2" verticd pr-op s , (10 U~s)

(b) so i..r e 2"x2" bre.cin~ to
mould and props.
".(c) 50 l.ft 2 11x2" brac1n..:; to a.
set of pl'OpD.
(d) 6.0 sq.ft 1 11 t11nber baae
plate to props.

C;·lltd ••


(e) 22 Nos wedges •

Cost of matorials for a38el~blino'
1.ssurnin,.; an avera'<.;c of p uses.
Coot of rnaterialn per uses.

Ac.ld 10~~ of cost of materials for

Totel cost of materials per use.

0). Labour & Sundries

a } i day carpenter
b)2 day U/Sk labourer
c) 1/2 gal mould oil
d) 1/2 lbs nails

Cost pel' use

D) Dismantling and Cleaning
a) 1/2 day oarpenter
b) 2 day U/Sk le.bourer

Oost of labcur for

dismantlinJ per use. aa=aDa====c::r;===

Total oost for rnaki;;,;;; the mould

assembling aligning dis/Hantling
and cleaninG tor 55 r;q.ft per use.
(A + B +'0 + D)

Cos'l; at formwork per

aquar-e ,

Item D'Jscription Rnte •.mount·
-- - -- ----- - --

43. :>l<wn timbo:- fOl'lnwork for

underside 01 first rlGor slab
Conoidal' a oleb of dismenaions
Contact oren .. 2.0 sqrs.

A) ~ia~dn;, :lanels
1) .,in terials
a) 220 sn.ft 1" thick ton.,"U6
and grooved til:lber plank's.
b) 121 L.ft 4"x2" runners at
2'0" centres.
c) 4 ros. ",ire nails.

2) Labour
a) J days carpc.>nter •
b) J daya U/Sk labourer

Total cost of makin~ panels •

.i;.ssUI:ling 4 uses c os.t pel' use.

Add 20% for repairs.

Totel cost of pnnels pel' use. ==a.=ae===r:.'2aa.

B) ';.ssembliM
a) 690 L.ft 4"x2" ve~'ticp.l
tir.1ber props.C.!c Use.s)
b) 66 L.ft 2"x2" brucine for props.
c) 122 ~o. wadBas
d) JJ sq.ft 1" base plates for

Contd •• ,

. s: z.

Cost of rna tc~'i::ll.~ for a uo omo Ltn: •.

dssumini; -6 u so c CO:Jt Q!" r.t~tl.."'ri~·.lc.

for na:':c~ilblin·_: ~'0A' uc e ,

i.dd 20% of ubovo ro;>;.

'fotal cost of rnnt"J":'illl" for
oasemblh:g pel' uce , ====~==~=======a

c) Labour ,,~ ;;undriqs for

;"S semblini,

a) 1 day carpenter
b) 4 days U/Sk labourer
c) 1 ~ol mould oil for
d) 2 Ibs nire neils.
Total cost per usc
for assembling.

D) Dismantlin~ & CleaniAG

Labour •
a) 1/2 day carpenter
b) 2 days U/~k labourer

Total cost for d Lsman t Lf n :

per use.

'~ote.l c o ut for lls(;el1blin~ ;Jer

use for 200 sq. ft ( A+ihC+D)

Cost of rormwo~k ~er squcre

--------------------------------------~--------------- - - - - - - - - - -
Item D'olscription Rate ..mount

44. 1-1110 steel/ "for steel reinforce-
ment to lintels slab beams .:or
columns bent to shupe laid in
position and tied ~;ith G.I. rlire
us directed.


1 cwt M.~. / Tor steer. rods

includin~ trnnsport to site.

(Allow for wastage 15;)

1}2 lbs 16 B»G binding wire
Add 1.5% of steal cost for space~s
or chairs.

Labour •
1 day bluoksmith
1 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per cwt -

------.. _-----------------------.------------------------------_ ...
Item Description Rate Amount
._- ---------.----------------- ---------'-------------------------

45. Briok work in cement sand

1:5 in foundation upto D.P.C

Per cube
1450 bricks
Add 5Il; wsatsJe
4.00 cwt CelRllnt (50 kg bags)
0.25 cubes sand
;·Iator~ (150 gals)

J days mason
4 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube'

46. Brick work cement & sand
1:8 in foundation up to
Per cube
1450 bricks •
Add 5% wastage
•. 2 1/3 cwt oement(50 kg bags)
3/8 cubes sand
Jater (150 gals)

J days mason
4 days U/Sk labourer

hnte per cube

Item D03cr1;>tion ••mourrt
• c
----------------------------- -------- ------------------_ .... _----.
47. LlI'icln/ork in c emerrt lind armd 115
in 4,,;"-Shiclt \'Iulle in ;roWlIi floor I

;pc.;.' squure
550 bI'ieks
Add 5.J for ',':r\3tn.j;e
1 .30 C\'lt cement (50 kg bHGo)
0.10 cube a sand -,
',,'ater (50 i,;nls)

111 days mason
2 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding ~dd 5~


nate pel' sgu'y,,£,

48., 9" thick brick wall cer,llmt sand
115 in ;jl'ound floor

Per SOUlll'e

Mo. t 131'1111s
1090 'b:L'1c\cs
~ Add 5~ for wastucc
3.00 cwt cc:nent (50 kg begs)
0.20 cubes uund
',~a tel' (115' .:;ols)

2~ dnys mason

/ 3~~ dnys U/~k labourer

;Jcel'folding - ,.
A.dd 3,~

i:nt, p<!l' syuQ1'e.

C:!:o''\s ~",,<> e, '
-----------_._---------~---------------------------_.- - - - - -,- - - .. _-
Item D~scl.'iptiQn
Rate Amount
-------------------- ... _--_....... _------'-_ ... _---------------------------
. ..

49. Brickwork 1);2" t h Lek in cement

sa..d 1:5 in superstructure in
ijr,Jund !loor
Per sgual'e
16)0 bricks
Add 5;''; for \Vaste.~e I

4.50 cwt cement (50 kg bogs)

0.)0 cubes sand
Water (170 6Qls)
J% days mason
5112 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - Add ~~
Total -

Rate per souare

--------------------------------- - ----------- -- --- ----------_ ..--_ ..

50.. 9" brick walls in cement sand
1:8 in superstructure in ground
Per souare (ie 0.75 cubes)
1090 bricks
Add 5%·,for wastage
1.75 cwt cement (50 kg bags)
0.30 cubes sand
nutor (115 gals)
2% days ,mason
3 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - Add 3~
i'otl\l -

Rate per square

--------------------------------~._--~----------------- - -- - -----
Ita:n lJ(Hlcription ..mount;
---------------------------~~------------------------- -- -- --- - - -

~1. 4'/:" tilicl: b~'ick ~mll C~'i:::'e e u t )

in cement and sand 115 in (;;l'ound

(r'c\cin.:; to brlckwvrk ,n,;)nlll1red


E.!ll' square .
550 wirecut bricks ,
Add 2~
for ~astuoe
1.20 cwt c~ment (50 k 0 lJr~s)
o.oa cube sand
Water - 30 guls


11i days mason
2 days U/Sk labow'er
SCbffoldins Add 5~

total ====a===a=========

••ate per sa~

. Itefn DODcription . ".mount

52. 9" thick in ce:"I:1lt llil.i sund

1:5 with wire cut bricks
(iacin.;; to br1c!t\'/o::-k measured

Pe:' :;ouare

;.:n tcr1~ls

-'030~ire cut bricks

l.dd 4~~ for!lc;e
~ .
2.50 C':lt cement (50 lee; DUgS)
0.13 cube s aund
\fa t (~.L' (100 ;;alo)


2Y... dflys mason •

3~ o.GysU/::ik labourer
Scuffolding - ••cid 3~~


:.u te ocr S~'Ul\:'e

--- ._----------- ------ - --:- - ----------------------------------------
Item Detlcript:!oj'J Rate Amount
__________________________ •

53. 1:;;2" i;'JiCk b i Lctc ':1,,1~ (vlire cut)
ill GUln011t end sand 1: 5 in {;round
flooX..:- . _

( ....uc Lng to briel: work meaeur-ed

~epa·~:1.t 01:1')

1,\;::, t (»::i£,!.].;:'!
16:0 ~/:i.recut i;.picl:s
~Qd2% fo~ w~stage
4.50 C7It ~C'tnent (50 lq; b~Gs)
o, 30 cub c e St1.~,0.
":/f:'.te:s.~ 50 gCiH

:-:,a1J C'l~.'r
--_ ......-
3~ d:}~~ys rnaacn
?~ ~UYL U/Sk labourer
Sc~ffoldin5 - Add ~~
Totnl .'
r:§t_~· souare
_ _. ..... a. ... •

54. Extrtl ove.r for facing inc 1ud-

i~'G r('.i~~d !}Qi.ntDlg 1/e"~ thick
in cement end sand 1:1 mixture
',~ro,i::lr'l f ' "01'
• _.=-------
,.., .t '.,

O.~0 c~t ~aD~nt (50 kg bugs)

1.00 et:..ft sand
1/10 Gj,~s f.",~~."l
;in tel' 1 C) ~:::lls

5 tinY3 r.,S,OC':1
1.:; r"uys U/~i: l£!bourer

Rut .. per Gguge

--------------------------------------------------~--------- - -----
Item Description Rn t: i.mount
------------------------_._-~-~---~-------~----------- - -- - - - - - - - -- -

55. 3" th:l.cic floor paved in lime

mortar 2;5 in Bround !loo~
Per square
350 bricks
1.20 Cyt Blaked lime
0.11 cubes sand
~at~r (45 gals) ,

1~ days mason
2}2 days U/Sk labourer

Rate oer souare

--------------------------------------------------------------- ..._-

56. . ~teps 1'-1}2" x 0'6" in brick

in cement and sand 1:5 with
}!all thick cement and sand 1:2
redering including necessary
~a~~ion .•, _

'Per 10 L.ft
120 bricks
0.50 cwt cement( 50 kg bags)
0.05 cubes sand
','/a tor (15. gals)

% dey-meson
}2 day U/Sk labourer

Rute per 10 l.ft

Rn t e oer J._.j:t
------~---------------------_ .. _----------------------------------
Item Doscription Rate Amount
57 • :Urick drains in c omerrt and sand
1:5, 9" wille und 6"-9" uveraGe
depth including coment rendering
1/2" tldck 1: 2 to exposed faces
with 1'6" rump includinc; neces-
sury excuv~tiou.
t!.!!"tq,r 1 rl \ !!
140 b:-ic):s
0.80 cwt cemin t (50 bags)
0.05 c ubu a sene.
.,.t er
..e '''0 f1,a..l.D
\'_ -)

1X ur..\ys Tilt:.son

1;~ duy s U/Si: labourer

kut o per 10 l.ft

--------------------_ _------------------------------------------

~ric:~ drains Lu cement and sand

1: 5, 9" ','Iide and 6"-9" average
depth including cement rendering
1/2" thi ck 1: 2 to e xponed faces
withot\t ramp including necessary
exc8v~ti~u _

Per 10' J.~....f t

110 b1':i.~ks
0.70 cw t c cuor.t (50 kG bags)
0.04 c.ubec nc.r.d
',{ete:' (15 Gr.>J.s)

1 !1ay mrt!Jon
( 1i~ dcyr: U/i)~,: ll~bolt:rer

Hate por ·lc,lt

, .
, <; z.

----------------------~------------------------------- - -- - - - - - -
Item Dcscription Hate i.mount
_________ - L ~------------- _

59-. a" thick lioUori b Lockwo i-k in

cement and sand mOl'tal" 1: 5 in
8round floor(cavitic3 unfilled)
Per SCUD.l'e
10'0"x10'0" ar~o (size of euch
block 16"xU"xS")
112 Hollow cement blocks,
Allow 5% for wastage
0.15 owt ce~ent (50 kg bags)
0.06 cubes sand
1h days mason
Z~ days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - Add 3%
Total - :=s::aa:a=U::I::D:S_==Da

Rate per square

60. 4" thick Hollow block masonry
in cement and sand mortel' 115 with
££Y}ties unfilled.
1'er SCLuare
10'0" x 10'0" area (si:e of each
block 16"x8"x4")
112 Hollow cement blocks .
i,llol'l 5;0 for wn::;tai~e
0.40 cwt cement (50 ke bugs)
0.03 cubes send
;Labour •
1 dll,Y mason
2 days U/::ik lebourer
:;cuffoldine ":' I.dd 5~

Item Desoription' Rate Amount
---------------------------'"'!,----------- .._--------

61". Random Rubble maconry in oement

. !"ortar 1:5 in..Joundation
Per cube (14" thick)
1.30 cubes 6"-9" rubble
5.00 cwt oement (50 kg bags)
0.30 cubes sand
Water 100 gals

4 days masox
6 days U/Sk labourer

Ro. t.~ ner ~.!:!!llt

-------- ...
62. Random Rubble maso~y in cement,
!!l.2£!l'.I' 1 =:2 in suoefatruoture

ler cube (14" thick)

1.30, cU'l>e 6"-9" rubble
5.00 cwt cement (50 kg bags)
0.30 cubes sand
Water 100 gals

4'h days mason
7 days U/S~ ~a~ourer
Scaffoldir~ - Add 3%
Total -

---------------------------- ----------------------------------
Itom Description
____________________________ --------------- Rate --0 Amount
63. Pressed £loor tile bedded
in )Zll cement mort 112 and
pointing in neat c ment in
·-round floor
fer square
225 pressed tiles "x~"
Add ·5%· for wastage
1Y.. cwt cement (50 gbags)

". 0.07 cubes sand

Yo Ib wax polish
.K lb coloured pi nt
2 lbs cotton waste


4 days mason
4 days U/Sk. labo r
% day U/Sk lp-bour for pol1"shing



----------------------_... _---------------.;.-------------------
Item Description Rate Amount
-------------------_.• ..... _._-_._--- ...----------------------------

64. Glezec tilG~ fiX~G to ~~ls

.. _~-

inc~udlll~ bedding in cement

mortar 1: 2 end rak:!.ng in ground
flocr.. (~,ecials ~~usured Depara~
t,~ 1:t..L..........__--'
Pe!' a QURre

-- -
400 gleced til~~ 6"z6"
Add 10;~ "fvr woa t age 0:1 cu t t
2i~ Cl'!t cf>":~mt f;o,nd (50 kc3 bags)
0.11 CUOQZl aand
1 lb r.~it~ ce~but

4 d~y~ meco~ ~
4 days lI/Sk lo,'bour<3l'
Yo day U/Sk l~b~Q~er for ....

...... .
Item Description Rate Amount
':!!errazzo--- floor ._-_.- -. on %" thiok
--- -- .. _- .__
oement and sand 112 in ground

Per square
100 12":x12" terre.:;zo tiles •
Add 5~~
for wastage "
1X cwt cement (50 kg bugs)
0.07 cube e- sand
Coloured pigment (2 lbs)
~ lb wax polish
2 lb cotton waste
4 days mason •
3 days U/Sk lab0u1er
}~ day U/Sk labourr (pol1shins)

Ra te p'e4 square

. b7
Item Description Rate Amount
( .
----------------------------------------~-------------- --- - - ------

66. Timber frumcworl: for cv.licut

pattern tile hip roof in single
storey buildinG consiotinc.of
wall plate.bea~. ridce·plate,
. ,
raft03rn etc. (Preservutive
tl'eu tment to be meunur-ed aepa-

Per 6.00 s9uure~

i,Iat er h\l B
34.00 cu.ft~ti;:tber
Add 10~ for wnatnge
660 l.ft 2"x1" reepern
Add 5(. wantaGe
8 lbs wire wlilu 6" lone
2 Ibs wh'a nad Lc 2" lone;

7 days carpenter
.8 days, U/Sk labourer
Total per 6.00 squares,
Item Description nute Amount
---------------- -----------------------------------------------,
67. i,oof cov er xn.: ~I i th c~licut
pnttern clay tiles in a1n~le
Etureycd bUll dins
(T1mbe~' frame worl, &. ridGe
c,lverint; menaur-e« neperutely)
Per 6.00 sllunre

750 tiles


J dnys curpduter
J days U/:;k laboUl"Jr
Per 6.00 squares

!£E. t c pc r 09 unre

6a. Timber frntneworr: for corruGated
nabu a to s sheet roof in oin.:;le
storeyed buildinG
Per ).60 sqrs.
cu. i t tilnber
1 ~y.
Add 1 O~~ for wastaGe· \

Zn , duys curpe~tcr
J'duYG U/:ik lubourer
rot~l pel' ).60 8quurca.
Item Description ,
Rate Amount
________________________ _
... . . .. _._- J
._. ___

69. Roof covering with corrugate4

aebestos sheets (timber trame
work and ridge cov.~ln~·mORsu-
red ~!ll?g~~t:.:.e::.::l::..l,yu)~ _
, '

ler 3.60 squares

420 sq.ft asbcotos corrugated
. . . - ' ..
72 Nos. roofing screws and

1 day "e,rpenter
2 days U/Sk laboUl'~r
Per 3.60 equare

~t..!!. pe~ square •

·70. One layer halt round cln,Y
tiles over corruGated asbestos ,
!".9:o!."cov~rin~.' _


650 hn.lf r-ound clay tiles

2 daysU/Sk lubourer
,. 70 I

D scriptio.n Rate Amount
------------- --------------~---------------------------~-._----
71. A estos close fittings ridging

f xP. d complete wi h rOOfing Bcrewst.

~)JO It.!!..1..t:.h~oo:::.k~),--...... _

Po len th

4 nirs ridges
. . 3'8" lOll8
16 rcofin~ screws or bolts

Labour ~
}~ Fay~ carpenter
}~ day U/Sk lebourer

P.J 13'4" ridging

Rate oer L.ft

-------------- ---------------------------~-------------------.-_.

~~. R1d,in~ covering ~ith caliout

pat rer:1 ridge t:Ue,1l bedded in
ssm~nt l~.~ mortar; 1,1'4

per] 12 .b ft ridg1nS
!At. r :!§1:!!
9 r dge tiles
1/3 qwt cement (50 kg bags)
'0.0. cubes
. sand.
15 Jbs slaked lime
1/2 lb colouring powder

!lCJl.s: Jr..
X dc~ mU30n
Xd~ U/Sk labou~
Pc!' 112 r., ft ridging
"" 7'
---------------- .~. '"-''' ---- - - --- ------------------------........._--
Item _, DCl;C:-Lp t Lon Rate
73. 1'''x9'' high valance board
fixed with brass screws to
enda or rurters ( for tile

Per 100 L.ft

,. .-
75.00 sq.ft 1" planks
Add 5~{, for wustage -,
70 Nos. 1;.2" brass screws
3 dayF. carpenter


Scaffolding Add
Total per 100 L.ft 'rotal ............. ~

Rate per L.ft •

.------------------------------------------------- ,
74. W'x9" hi;:;h barge. board
fjxed with brass' screws at
2'0" centres to sides of.
~ers~.~ ..... _
~er 100 1•• ft
75.00 sq.ft 1" thick pIanka
Add 5% for w~staBe
50 !loa. 1%" brass screws
3 dayecRrpenter
3 days U/Sk labour~r
Scaffolding- Add 5~
Total -
Total per 100 L.ft
.................... ,
Item Description Rate
.._..__..------...-....-- ..

15 • Rom' PLUMBING
18 B.W.G.(1.2 mm) ealvwl1sed iron
sheet valley Gutter )'0" girth ovor-
all cnce bent with end.laps,.not
, lells
than 9" width includ1n.:,: 3/4" tongued
and Grooved planks laid to slope and
p~oril~£n timber members.

£?-.n5..:!~.2.:.· 1;;' 0" -,

2 G.I sheet. (8'x4' )
1/4 gal wood preservntive
0.10 cwt cement l50 kg bags)
0.05 cwt slaked lime
1.00 sflnd
50.00 aq.ft pLank a

a) Fixine boardinG and a.pplying

wood preservative-
1 dey carpentor •
1 day U/Sk lnbourar
b) j,ja:k""',- ~-" N.h.:: n. I shoet 8_
}2 day tinker
Y. day U/Sk labouror
c) Euiluing sideu-
1< "day maaon
}2 day U/Sk labourer

Total per 16.00 L.ft

Rate per

, 73
Desoription Rate AIIlount

--------------------_. ---~-----------_.-------~~~ .. _-----------

16. 1e ::?~'" !~.2 mm) Glllvc.niaed
iron tlal3hing 1'6" Girth overall
3 times bent with end laps not
less than 6". lead soldero~. turned
and tucked up to not less than 6"
into chase cut in wall nnd pointed
in cement mortar 1.2 lower end
dressed over root oovering , not leaa
-than- 1'0" -->

Consider 1 ~'Otl L.ft
1 G.I sheet 8'0"x4'O"
0.05 cwt cement (50 kg bU6S)
1.00 sand
1 Ib 801derir~ lead
Cutting bendiu0 • sold(ring &
~ day tinker
1/S day mason (cBulking)
3/4 day U/Sk labourer
Total per 15.00 L.ft

Rate par L~f-r


• ----------------------- .... _----------------------------------- .

Item DCDc.riptioll Rate Amount

---------------+------_..----------- ..-------------------------
77. - .... ~r}; .tOl' to 'O":x:4'O"
;flat n ab o a t c o c ,~iIing (nheo t
meauur-o ,; .. _.,cu·at;)ly),
COIn:Jl'is:; Y;,; of 4":>.:2" joist;:; and
2":»:2" beC:l''''l'~ i.r. nl(l.3a I timber

Per 1.95.. G011,'.J:C .- _.j terJ.fI1:::

8.00 cu,i:t·rcr c Lnua 1

1 Ib 2" nuil!:
26 Nos. fiol'c/p1.<lctic pIue,:::
25 Ibs· ccdbnt
2.00 cu s t t: ~:;'1lC.

2)2 days C[,l'l)(;nt,n'

;~ duy macon
1;, days U/Sk lllbou!'~:r
Total per 1.95 zquare
Jcc-Holdin.; ., Add
rotal -
. . 75
. . ----------------- ....---------------------..-----..-----. _.-
Deso'l;'1ption Rate
, ..
sa __....__.-. .-------_-l----..---
; •••••. ____..
Horizontal ceiling lining using
4'O"x4'O" flat asbestos oeMent
sheets fixed with and including
beading ~nd cove mouldlncs on
timber framework. (timber frame- •
work & painting measured separa-

Fer 1.95 square ,

...-,.- --"aterialJ!
210 sq.rt tlat asbeotos sheets
60 l.ft 2"x2" halmillo. cove
mouldin~s '
1'25 l.ft· 1~"~" htUmillo.
l' lb -X" clout nails
8 doz 1¥.!" brass screwll

1~ days carpentel"'
2 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding Add J~
. .
Total -
. 'total for 1.95 squaros

Rate per Ggunre


79. :3/4" thick tongued and groove\!
Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed
hori.2:o11tal on 4"x2" cla88 I timber
~oists at 2'0" centres with 1%"
b:r.-ass nails.
, Consider room 15'O":x1:3'O"
~e 1.95 sgra.

115 l.f·~ 4":.<2" timber j'oists
21,5 8q.ft 6"x3/4" Lu.numidella
ceiling p)p-.ues.
:3 lbE: cement
4 00 cu '.',
• , . :. . . . .
Q-..;o..J. ......

4 kg. '1r," brass

Mak1~ holes. fjX1fb joists &
makin::; good- i
1 day mason
1 day ce.rpenter
:3 days U/Sk labourer

}i'ixinl7. npn1,m~ bOlU"ds.

:3 days curpenter
4 da~'a U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding Add 3%

'Total per 1.95 aqra.

Total -
• • • • • • • • •• • •,

RnJ:e per s~..!:2..

Desoription Rate
eo. 3/4"x6" "ide tonguec1 and
grooved Lunumidelle ceiling
boards fixed to underside of
roof ratters, (exist~na) with
1%" brass nails includ1na level-
ling with timber strips where
Conoider room 15 IO"x12'0" • 1.80
. '
. ttquares.

220.00 sq.!t ceiling planks

40.00 l.!t 2"x1/4" timber otrips
2.00 kg. 3/4"nailo
4.00 kg 1%" brass nails.


J days ca~ponter
6 days U!::lk labourer
30nrrolding - Add J~
Total per 1.80 sqro. Total •••••••••••••••••••

Rate per square:

-_... _---------_._---~
........ _.. --_._---_ .. .. _------------------------------
Item Description " flats Amount
-----------_. __ .. _------------------------------------- ... ------- .

'8'" DoOl' sin~lehung )' 3":;;;7'0" high

overall with frame haviniJ 11'."
thick saah and Y;'''x2'A'' timber
trame. (gl~Z~~~, ir~nmongery &
paintinR measured ~epara.telY)

fer 22.75 sguare_feet f3'J~x7'O")

a) Frame -
1% c u s f t, 4"xJ" tjmbel'
2 No. sPIl! stones
6 No. fibre/plastic plugs
with 4" long bl'(uls acr-ewa,
2 110. 5/S" mild steol dowels
4" long.

b) Sash-

14 sq.ft lii" p Lank s
5 sq. ft 1" plunks,

5 days oarpenter
1~ days U/Sk laboure
. !

total per 22.75 sq.ff,,

Rate onr sduare foot
__.n .• 79
~--------------------- . ..--------
Item Description itnte
82. Door glazed and pe~elled double
hunr; 4'O"X7'O"-high ~verall with
(ramo includin,3 1%" th~ck "llsh
lU1d3~"x21f," frame.(glaz1n6. irOn-
monGery and ptdlltint; measured
setllu'steh) ,
Per 28.00 oqun:"e fef.! (4-'0"x7'O")
hta t c r i n1cJ
a) Frume-
1 2/3 cu.r.t 4"x3" timber
2 ~o. spur qtones
6 No. fibre/plnstic plug with
4" lOll3 3crews
2 Ho:;. !j/8" din mild steel
dowelo 4" leng. •

b) Snshca-
16 fIr:. r ~ 1i/' planks
7 sq. rt 1" planko

6 du.ys cnrpenter
2 days U/tik labourer

RAte n~~ sounretoot


Item Deocr1ption Rate Amount

Plywood·door s1n61e hun03
)' 11i"x6 t 11:'2" overall wi til frwne
hav1n03 1;~" thick sash and 3;~"x2~"
frame. (Iron~r.tonGel·Y and, !)l,1ntin.;
measured sepal'stely)
fer 21.72 sgua..·e feet O'11/'x6' 11%")
0.) lo'rllme -
1.80 cu.~t 4",q" timber
2 Jo. spur stonen
6 IjO fibre/plastic plugs with
4" lon(; bresil screIVs.
1 No 6'9"x2'3" plywood Bush

)/4 day cm'panter
,I. )/8 day U/Sk labourer
. 1/4 day mason (fixinG rrl~'lle)
1/4 day U/Sk labourer C- do - )

Total 'par 21.75 square feei

~ate oe~ souare faot


-------------------~- ----
%~._ D08or~p~1on Rate Amount

------------------------------------------------------------ -----
84. Door ledged. braced and battened
sinBle hung 2'6"x6 16" overall,
with frame having 7/8" thick tongued
& grooved planks and J~"x2i~n frame.
(Ironmonger:r and pe,j.ntinr; measured
} sepnre.tely)

Per 16.25 so.ft (2' 6"x6' 6")

Materials I "

a) Frame.-
1.70 cu.It 4":7.3"
~ . timber
2 No spur stonef!
6 No fibre/plnsti~ plugs
with 4" lone; brqss screws
2 No 5/S" mild f/teel dowels
4" long.
b) Sash- •
21.00 sq.!t 1" thick planks
, doz 1Y. lonu bras" screws.

2'.( days carpenter
1 day.U!Sk. ~nbourer
X day mason (rixin~ Zrame)
% day U/Sk ·labourer (-do-)
~otal per 16% sq.ft

~je per square foot

--------- ---- -_. __ .- -- -., .. - _._- ---- -- .- - -- --- -------------------_ ... _---
Item Description Rate AIDOWlt
--------------------------------------------------------- - -- -- ~~~

85. Wil~dow.glazed 7'O"x4'0" nigh overall

with frame comprising 3 No openable
sashes and Ji!."xa" frame and mullions

(Glazing,iro~~ongery and painting

measured seperatoly)

Per window 7'O"x~IO" (/'lashes)

ie per 28~00 sq.ft


a) Frame-
).20 cu.ft 4"xj" timber
4 fibre/plastic plugs with
4" long brass screws

b) Sashes-

9.25 sq.ft 3"x1%" timber

6 da"- "~-:'':'::-::.-

~n days U/Sk labourer

~ day mason (fixinJ ~reme)
h dey U/S~< labourer (-do-)
Total per 23.00 sq.ft

-----------------------------------------------_ .. _------------
Itol:l Deseription Amount
86. ~n ol~ar sheet 8lau8 pBn~8
oxceed1ng 1 '0" but not 0::008d1tl;.;
4 oquUl'e reet cut an4 :ixo~ w1th
timbor beedln~u to doors and


Cons ider :3' 0" 4' 0" with

)"x1~" atyle ::m!! 4 tloa\, alllcn pan"s.
fer 9.00 S0.rt

9.00 sq.rt glaBs yanes
JO L.1't ~ .. ~" o>eadin£S
4 doz brass punel pins


li day sluder
~ day U/Sk labourer

~otal per 9.00 sq.ft

De~ s9up~e root


-- ~ _ 8 ~ •

Item Description i.ate ':':nount

13tt hil1E;.;>S 5"X2,."

1;2,airs butt hinges.
2 doz 3/4" braDs scr-ews

;.~ 'day cerpen ter
A day U!~k labourer "

Per 1;2 pni:'s

"ate .:er ;luir


1 ruir Tee iI1n,.;,: 0

1i'z doz 3/4" iron SC1.'OY/S
2 hrs carpenter
2 hr-s U!Sk labourer

Item Description Rllte ';"1~lount

-----------------------------~------------------------ - - _ .

an. Rim lock

1 rim lock with screws


2 hrs c m-p e ne c.,-

I 2 hrs" U/Sk labourer

Hn-te oar llo.

- - -- - - - -

:~ortice lock •

1 =no::..'tic·3' Lo c k \"lith scrt"!'o"/:J

n da;y cnr-pun t er-
1- day U/Sk labourer
- - - - - - - -~
Itum Dcucr1ptiun Rate Amount
9\ CtlD·!rR~llt stuys.

i.;at er 1a1s
4 cuuemcn t atl;'ys
16-1/2" b~USD screws

- Labour
;:> hr-s c ar-perrt er-
2 ill'S U/Sk labourer
rotul for"4 no.

hl.1t.f:: per :10.


~2. Door closer (iiydl'RUliC)

:.:a t'J,i°ials
1 door closer
8-3/4" tn':.wu screws


2 hrs U/~k lagourer

o . ---------------------------------------------------------------
Item Description H.ate A:nount
)J, 'rower/S;:cloton br"n:J bolt".

j,hi te.r1u 1s

1 Towcr/~kclcton bolt
10-1/2" brr,lJ:l ocre\"l::

}i hr cllr;>ant'~r
~ ru- U/Sk labourlU'

Rate \!lor ;~o,

------------------------------------------------------ _------

94. ~Qrrel bolt 4"

i'rc1 bo 1 t
8-1/2" bl't,SS serens

I'. }i 'hr carpenter
1(, hI" U/&k ll\.,our~r

Rut", par ;.0.

Item • Deuc rLp t Lon Ilatn Amount
95, Casement fastener:) •

. hlntCl"ieJ fj

6 cu aeme n t funtcnel's
24_1/2" br(lz~ oerewn

Y. dny ee.rpenter
~ OIlY U/ Jk Labour-er'

Totnl per 6 ~os,

ita te pel' j~o.

• -- - '.- -------------
----------- -.-- - - -- - ----- ---- --- - -- - -- - -- ----

36, Sp=in~ Loud en fanIi~ht c a t ch e a ,

i.iu turinl 0
o br,.::;:) fanIiL~ht en tches
2 do%; ;~" brass sere·.vs


'/~ ~ny c ru-pe n t e r

}2 day U/Sl( labourer

'ro tl'. 1 for 6 lias,

1'. a te DeI' No,

. 89

( ----------------------_._-------------------------------------
Item Desc tript ion Amount

6 draw rings
1 doz 1/2" brass screws

1 hr carpenter ,
1 hr. U/Sk labourer

Total fo~ 6 Nos.

Rate per No.


98. 3/4" thick DPC, in cement 8811d
112 finished with 2 coats hot tar
and blinded with sand.
Fer squere
2.25 cwt cement
0.11 cube sand
1}lz°' gals
Firewood (10 lbs)
iVtlter 10 gals

1"- days IMson
2Ya days U/Sk labourer

hate per square

_____________. 7fZ - - ----.
It~m Description Rate Amount
f -------.

99. 'j/8" thick plastering to wall

in 1 ime ant; sand 2: 5 inc luding
fIcf'. tin;:; VI it h lir.le putty.

E;l.l' nrlunre
10 tc..:·i ulr:
1.30 cwt slaked lime
0.07 ct..bes Dand
lVate.' 10 eals

1 d ny rnaeo n •
1~ days U/Sk labourer
ScaffoldinG - Add)%

Total- ==c==c:=========c

r.ute per square

-_ .... _------_ ... ------------------_ .._--------------------------_., .

100. 5/8'" thick plastering to wall
in cernen t sand 1:) including
cement floa~t=i~n~gL- _
~ souare
1.40 cw t c emen t (50 kg bags)
0.06 culJe send
.tater ': 0 gals
1 day rna eon
1ii dUJ:.l U/Sk labourer
Scaffold:ini~ - Add 3',~

Total -

I,ete per sg'lare

---------------------------jU------ .-.------------------_ ...--
Item Doocr1ption
--------------------------------------~--_ .. _------- -._-------
~ 0.. 3/6" tiliclt plnl: tlt..'1nG to BOUlt
alnb in cemvnt und olUld '1) inc1""
1m~ p.ont1p.j \71,1h +l'DO P\lt,tj'
. . .
fer sg"'"
0-.00 Cl;,·t COll\lult (50 ke blISs)
O. l ' CoW," alakod lillie "
0.05 cubeD sand
W&ter 'j Qalll..


2'1. dtIYS I116son
:zh. c\a¥& WSI( 1~oure1'
5ca.ltoldina - Mel ¥ J.'o:'."'\l ...
• • 'S:.:CI,nTGI_rt-1 r.~ tJ''''''-1I! .~.t:=
Ra.te- per ISgr.
-------.-... -........---- . ---..-...-------.....-.--------_ ..• _------_ ..
• J/6- thick p lsslarih3 to o,Ue6
ud eorfi t o~ be_s ~n ceJllent ..:
.an4 'Il inc1u4in. iloattn: wit.
!fM pu.U:t. ._. • _
0.80 cwt c.entent· 'So t9. btl811 )
0.1·6 0\1t sl&~eO lIllie
0.0 S Cw,s aand
""ter 5galB
:a qa.~1J mlloClon
2. 4o.y'8 U/~k 1b.\1oW't!1'
Se8fto1dl~ - Add 3) ...
- ~~~p~~=~:t~~~~q~.a~.

I! (,-
-----------------------------------~------------------ - - - - - - - - - -
Item j)cDc::-iption ,('(n t e .unoun t
-----------_ .. __._-----_ .. _--~_._---------_._~-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - --

10). 5/3" thiel, to \,;,,11 ill lime

c c.nerrt and sand 111 15 1'ini:.;iwd
scmi-roWih with ;'{ooden floHt.

POl' square
Ma teria Is

0.80 c wt c emm t ( ,;0 kg bo,3's)

0.40 cw t olakeu Una
0.07 cubon onna"r
Viutc!' 10 t:ula
1 day InIlDOn

1}~ days U/::lk Lubour-or-

Scuffoldinc - ~dd~;

Itatc per Bgunr,c

104. 5/13" thick pln::tcrilll: to ;'1/,11 ill
lime c omen t and 3' uid 1 J 1 : ') - f 1:11 "ilOd
smooth wit,. lime putt:t iluutill/,.

0.130, cwt e ereon t ( 50 ~g bass )
O. GO C;Tt slakeo. lime
0.07 cubos ound
Wuter (10 gnls)

1i'l dayo maoon
1~ days UISk labourer
cicuffolclinS - .It.<id );;
Item Desoription Rate AllIOunt

- --
- 105. "1/2" 't;.h:Lak: reD4er:l.n.a ::LD a.-.n:to
and land 113 I'1.Dj,ebe4 'pmoe!b
Per .quar.
1.07 owt oement
0.05 cube sand
\'I~er 10 gals

, 487 _SOD .'
1l' days uta labou.rer (cp:d,US)

nate D!£ IS']"re


106. 1/2" thick reDderiDg 1n celll8nt
and sand 1,2 in floors, finished
1er square
1.50 cwt cement (50 kg bags)
0.05 cubes sand
Water. 10 gals.

1 dq mason
1~ d~.U!8k labo~er
% 4a7U/Sk labour_If (curing)

Item Description Rate M10unt
------- .._-------------------------------------------------------
107 3/4" thick r-endru-Ln., in cement
and sH~d 1: 3 f inishea p'U)O tho

Pel' souo.r~

1.75 cwt cement (50 kg bags)
0.08 cube send
~'Intcr 10 cnls

Labour •

1}'. days mason

2 days U/:..Jc labourer
/. dtiy U/Slc Labo ur-er- (c ur Lng )

!!o.te ocr

108 3/4" thick renderia.: in ce:nent
and srrnd 1: 2 in floo~'~ filli:;hr:d
2.25 cwt cement (50 kg baBs)
0.08 cubes sllnd
;IB tel' 10 guls

.••• A
I,. nya mason
2 day U/Sk }e.bourer
:.~ dey U/Sk labouredcl:"'inc)

. cor Bcunre .
----------------_._ ... ---------------------------------------------
Item DeGcription' Rate
- --------.

109. J/ t,," 1;i1i,cl' l't~nde!'inr; in cement and

sall;, ,: 2j,!1 co Lour'ed cement floors
llii:;::~~~m()o::.t,:;h~. _

p~rials I
2.25 cwt cement (5d kg, bags)
0.08 cubes sand.
SIbs pQwdered pigment
\'/ater 10 301.10
1~\ d.~:,rs meson
2 dey U!5k :abourer;
Yo day U!S;; labourer (curing)

r(~.t.fl per sQuare •

1..10 .• W!x6" skirtino in cement and sand
1:3 projected or flush to \~118
finished \'lith float1!1{; including
,fo:·m:l.n:: .;r:,o:.,:;o:.;'lic.:'e~.!._ _

Per 10. 1.ft

J1§.!s.r;', :::l.L
0.10 cwt cement ,(50ke; bagEl)
0.003 cube f.".nd
0.25 Ibs pcwdered pigment
~bour '
3/8 d.ay muscn
5/16 U,' Sk :I?b-ou::-er

p:J!te P~l" souar,:

',;1'1.<":,'2 colourl'd skirting is not
r~~ui~ed, de~ete provision tor
pO\'lccrou piGment.
---- --- -- ---.
Item De uc r-Lp t Lo n Rate Amount
---~~~~----------------------------------~------------ -------------

.11,.. .l.' ·",P:l:'.:' and npply onecont of

preservetivu (oil type) to
GtJ~\lC t nr-a I timber inc ludino:::

t ouch Ln.; up cut endo etc. n.fter

fi:s.:L'l:.. ~ _

I,ill t e d.1l1 5

(oil type)
J" brush (1/10 uc e )

3/4 tel'
1/2 day U/Sk labourer

Hule per oquore

112. .'l·epal·u surface ;Jf steel t r-uac
und apply two co a t e of unti-
corrosivp. primer.

e= in1 E':
2:~ 1'.;1'. IUlti-cOl'l'()oivc p.l.'ilacr
0.15 1 t:,'. ,;;incI'nl turpentine 01'
1 wire bz-uch
2" br-uch ( 1/3 u co )

Lhb 0 11"':,

I,,, da.y puL""1tt;:'

1;2 dny VI:;); ~,.'lbollrcl'

!t:~l£...pCl' nuuur-e

Item D03Cri;:ltion Rate AlllOunt
------------------------------------------------------ ------
113 Apply. one coQt of ant1-coTrosive
primer and two coot o e:l:,lRel p:.,int
on already shop primeu anc erected
Dtoel root truED.

~n~d~r one Dquure

0.20 It~. ~~ti-corro3£vu primer
1 1/1 Itr. enamel pcint
0.20 1 tr.- minerul tUl'pcnt1nu or
2" brush (1/5 use)

2'h pointor
1 d:ly U/;;It labol'rer
Sccrrold1DG - Add ~ •

::otnl -

l·.. ntc pOl'" ~'Junre

-------------------~----------------~------------------ -- - ---.
Item Des.:ripti)n Hate ..mount

114 Pz-e pnz-c end a;>ply ·t.:o coats primer

anti finiDhing ooot of enamel I')aint
to mild steel (aD5le/flnt) Gate.

Consider 50 oo.ft

1}S It::·. anti-'corroDive llrilJler

2/3 1 tr , e nr.iae L puint "

0.20 Itl'. rnil1<:ral tur;Jentine or

1/2 ·\..,i~e br-uuh
2" brush (1/5 use)
1/2 dey pa.inter
3/4 dl~Y U!.;k lu.bol\re:'
rotLl per 50 cQ.ft •

ut '.l.... De:, square

115 PnLnt Ln.; steel on new work with
2 CO[,;:s of c.nti-corrosive ouint


2/3 Itr. anti-currosive paint

2" b ruah (1/5 use)
1}2 duy s painter

",nte per souare

......... _... --.. _- -.... _---------------------------_ ... _--------
-----------._-_ 99
Item Der:c;~::·.")"t:·-'.::r:. Rate Amount
------------ --- ~.- '-- -.. - ... - ----------------------------------------
116.,i_~-~.:; :l~~I'r ·c~rr.~~· work with
+':-:0. SC?.','::' -:' .:' .'!..- Sl_.El.<E.:::"(l,rv?.ti ve

li n ' · ., ..·· ., .

---------------_.. __.- -."--'" .. _-------------------------_._....- _------- .....

117. Pl'(:pr:/':>:;.,,: r.nd p r.Ln r inl~ wood work

Vii t h ;>J'iHl'll' [ll"<1 ? coots enamel
.EE-JE1_. . - ---------

3lt,. H:-. pI'im,-!'

2.50 ltr. &11nr.ld paint (2 coats)
2" hl'llSh (1/10 use)
2 anna jlp.;e:'5


1/2 ~{! ~/SI' Jf~QUrer

'. -.
------------- -,---- - -- ----~._----,- - ------~--.------ --- -- --- -- - --- --
Item Description Rate Amount
118. White or colour W~Sh1ng two coats
in s1-!lf,le R~.:L-i- _

Per 10 IL!l£.¥..!! S
0.50 cwt boiled lime
2 Ibs salt
1/2 Ib yellow ochre
:2 oze blue
6" brush (1/3 use)
Water 10 gals
2}i days painter
2'12 daY'" U/Sl labourers
Scaffolding - Add J%
Total per 10.00 squares

.... t

Rate per square

1hg. White or colourwBshing in

Per 10 I'l!l.!!.~res

(As per abovo)

Add ~ day painter
% day U/Sk labourers
Scaffolding - Add '3~

Total • •D.D• • • • • • • • • • • •,

---------------------_ .. _--------------------------------------
Item DeE'crip'cicll Rate uount
--------------_.. _-_ .._----------------------------------------- ;

120. Frepare and apply one coat ot

Alkali resistent primer and
two coats of emulsion paint to

Primer .~O 1tr. primer
1. "4'0'1 t i , emu loion paint
Watt.!~· 0." C ec.1~
6" brush ('1/10 use)
2 l':e.!"~dp:?,.,er3

-~ ~ .

1}:. da:r pain tC1'

S(luttoJc'!.5,:1G •• Add J%
'~otal •

121. Cement washing to Ylalls of sin8le
.st01"'t""'ICl "ui.] d:l,ns: 2 _

5/8 ewl; eer-£::lt

1.. 6" ('.,:i.r bzunh
Vip. ter ~ C:lJ. 'J

2 de.ys· !!~..:.jntp,!,

2 (1 ('.':f!; U/2!~
SC'.lffold:l.r~i; - Add 3"
Totfll po:" 10.00 sqrs.
Total _IilD • • • • • • • • • . · • • • • •

UP1!-1 per square ...... .:.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~------------ reno

Item DescripUon Rate .AIIIount

-------------~--~-~--~~--------------------------------- e.

122. Painting "alls with emulsion

paiDt (2 ooats)

Per square
1st oost - 1/6 gal emulsion paint
2nd coat 1/7 6al emula10n paint
6" brush -(1/10 uso)
0.10 gals Y/ater
3/4 day painter
Scaffolding - Add Y.'

To to.l - • • •a • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bate per square


12). Prepare and apply one coat alk411
resistant pr1mer and two oouts of
emulsion paint to soUit of slebs.
Consider 1.00 89rs.
.99 ltr. primer
1.50 ltr. olRuloion paint
6~ ij~1sh (1/10 use)


1K days palnter I

Soaffolding - Add 3~
Total -

Rate per square


Item Description Rate Amount
124' Varnishin- two coats with copal
varnish arter sandpaperin6a,.:....__
Per s£lufll:2
0.40 gals (1.80 l+'~") varnish
3" brush (1/3 u se )

1f.2 de.y painter
1/2 day U/Sk labourer

B3.!.9 fle.c' llguare


'25. Wax polishing ~o timher in
panols & floor'!
Per sguflre
3/4 lb. wax polish
.1/2 doz. sheets sandpaper
1/10 rloor brush
112 yards flannel cloth

3 hra. U/Sk l~bourer

!:tate. pe!.'.!'I9uare

'{ Item Description , Rate

~--- __-- -----------~-----------A-----------------------.

126~ lLmlBING -lve ~

1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed
~o walls (speo!§18 paid sepIFatlll>

ler 10 L.ft
L, .( MA"terials
1,) L. ft pipes
3 ol1ps and nails ..... .....
2 grms soJ,.vent oement ,

1,...l.u:.-Plumber...;.... _
1 hr. U/Sk labourer

~otal per 10. 00 L.ft

__ . I. ,_._._._.__._._._.... _
---------- ••

3/4" die meter PVC pipes' to

'I· !!!lls (speol"'. paid UP!£attJ.%)
ler 10 L.f;t
.. .
-.- .... J
13 L.ft pipes
,) cllps .and nails
3.~ms. solvent cement

1 hr. plumber
1 hr. U/Sk labourer
!rotal per 10 L.ft

nate per' L.U.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... • __ r "- _

------------ --.----.- .~._--------------.----------------------

:1.,28. 1" d:l.... m'":t.o"", I'Ve pipes f:Lxed

ir!-,':!~:'':.~.-:?_\!'! i!a:l.d separa!!l.Y).

l?C).;.1:" ·;O~..!.!'.!.

1!~ '!,'Il.~::.Q-,.~
100 7.. :r'0; pSpes
Add 5~ fo~ ~astago
a -~., d:i.c. cocl::ots
32 noJ.vcn't.- oemen:t
c..::,"j(:r" ..,..

3~ ,?1.:t?r.4. e.."'1G. ne.:ll.a

1/2 c.~t.\.~,t IJ:'.nmbcr

1/~ ("l~.:-r n/Sk 1o.bourer

- _0.....

.1/0" ~:i.n ~':-';t)~ PVC f:L:m:d to

:l'r-·... or·· I'" ,-

~~~-='~~-... :.;~.~


6 - cocketo
.. ::. 1

';'0 co:1.·"E':lt Celllant

To~e~ pnr. 100 ~.rt

Rate per L.U

------- ,.. _..!

-------_____________________________________________ d .___ I

Item DesCr1ption Rate



1%",418 meter PVO pipes lald

to walls (specials pald separately)
rer ·100 L. tt
100 L.ft p1pes
Add 5" tor wastage
e - 1%" dia sockets
64- grillS solvent 08lllGn't
35 clips and nails

3/4 day plUJllber
3/4 day U/Sk labourer
Total per 100

Rate per

2 ft 41a lIle~er PVO pipes laid to
.118 (sPElQ..1als paid II!,parat,elz)
. .
Per 100 L.f..~
100 pipes
Add 5'"tor wastage
\. e - 2" die socketo
35 olips and nails
112 grms selvellt cement
3/4 d~ pl~,:)o:'
3/4 day U/Sk labourer
Total per 100 L.ft

Rate per

Item Description Rate
. . .. . -
- . ,.

~,:r. )"
die. meter PVC pipes fixed to
walls (a~~ paid separatelzl
ler 100..J!:.':::..:
100 L.ft
Add 5~ for wastase
8 - :;" aockl;lts
200 grms. solvent cemen~
35 olipa and screws.

1 day pl\lrnber
1 day U/Sk labourer
Total per 100 L.ft

- =---------------------------------------------------------
'."'.. Excavatio.l !cr J.ay.l.Z1g %" to 3"
•' dia m~ter PVC p1pes in ground
not 1ese than 1'-6" dcep,~back

.:81' '100 L4!


2% days UlSlt labouror

Ra.ta "DA:<' L.ft.

...... : ." ...... -.-- _.._-----.,..


. ~

Item Desoription Rate Amount

----~----------~~~~~~--------------------------------- ---------.

134. Chasing brickwork for laying 1/2"

to 1~" dia PVC pipes and making
good average depth 2"- (Pipes and
speoials paid separatelY)
ler 100 L.ft

• Uater:lals
0.10 cwt cement
•. 0.01 cubes sand

Labour ~
3 days mason
) ~ays U/Sk labourer.
Total for ..100 L.ft

Rate per L.ft •

'1J!7. Chasinc; brickwork for laying
,~" to 3" dia PVC pipes ~.
gr~und• or floor and making •
good. Average depth 3". (Pipes
.& spe01als measured separatelY)
Per 100 L.ft
r Ketartals
0.20 C\rt cement
0.03 cubes oo.nd
)~i days mason
)',2 days U/Sk labourer
Total per 100 L.ft

Rllte per L. it
,f Item Descript:i.on Rate Amount
----------------~------------------------~-~---------------- - ----

1·360 n" dia PVC specials viz-elbows/

bendlt sockets.
Per 10 specials
10 - 1/2" elbows/bends/socket
20 grms solvent cemont

2 bra plumber
Total per 10 NO.

Rate per ,10 •

""-----------------------------------------------------------_ ... _-

131 • ~" dia PVC speciuls viz clbo\'lo/

Per 10. specials

1.10. terials
10 - i''' din elbo\'ls/bends/ aocke t n
30 grms solvent Oem6nt

2 brs. plumber
Totai pel' 10 t1Q.

~ate per No.

--------------------------------------------------_..... _- --_....__ .,,-
Item Description Rate
1'38 1to dia PVC specials viZ-elbows/
~10 specialo·
Metol' ,
10 -1" die elbol7s/bends/sockets
40 grms solvent cement

2 hrs plumber

Total per 10 No.

Rate per NQ.


139 1~todin PVC viz-

J!er 10 specials
10.No. 1W' dia elbows/bends/
sockets •

. 60 irma solvent cement


. -. 2 Juos plumber
Total for 10 No.

Rnte per No.

Item Description ~
~ Rate Amount
._~~w~ .•.._
'40.. 1}2" dia PVC specials viz-elbows/

Fer 10-!meci(\ls
10 - 1*" dia elbows/bends/
eo grms solvent ceme~t

.~ dR-V

Total for 10 No. specials

2" dia specials viz elbows/bends/
l!lJ:'__ 10 El9P.C ials.
'10 - 2" dia -elbows/bends/sockets
140 grms -solvent cement

1/2 .day plumber
Total for 10 ~o.Bpeciels

fulJ:..e per ~
Item Description Rate Al1IOunt
- - . _. . . . . . . . . . . ._ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - . " " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ • • >

142. 2i;t" din PVC specials viz. elbows/
Per 10 specials
10 - 2i~1l
dia elbows/bends/sockets
200 grms solvent cement

>!til day plumller
Total for 10 No. spocials.

Rate per l~p.

14j~ JIl dia I'Ve specials viz elbows/
bends/socke t s ,
Per 10 speCials
10 _3" din elbows/benda/aockets
240grma solvent cement

}i day plumber
Total for 10 No. specials

. Rate per !'lo.

Item Description Rate AIIIount
. .
------------------,----------------~------------------------ ---- -

144. >!zll die PVC viz.Tees.


10 - W' ·tees
30 grms solvent cement


>!z dey plumber

Total fo~ 10 No. tees

~te per .'10.


145· ,," dia riC spec illls viz.Tees

Per 10 TeeE!,
10.No. W' diR tee
45 grms solvent cement


}2 da~,. plumber ....

Total for 10 No. Tee

s.~te per lio.

Item Description Rate JLlllount
- -- .

. :146; 1" dia PVC specials .viz-Teos

Per 10 Tees ,,
10 ,_1" dis Tees
60 8rms solvent celDent
h day plumber
Total tor 10 No. Tees

Rate per No.

-----------------------------------------~------~----------- --

147. lW' dia PVC specials viz Tees

;Per 10 'lees

10 - 1%" dia Tees

90 grms solvent cement

%"day plumber
Total for 10 No. Tees

Rate per No.

, -
DeSC1'iption amount
. Rate
- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - , ; ; . ' _ . _s, ;;...:;.-----------;.---~------~;.._ : . '.:. ;;. ,;,;.-- -- - - - - --_.

148. 1%" dill PVC apee 1ala viz Tees

Per 10 Tees
10 - 1}~" din Tees
120 grms solvent oement ,
1 day p1.iIir.ber
Total for 10 No.Tees

Rnte per No.


149. 2" dia PVC specials viz Tens

Per 10 Tees
10 - '2 11 die. Tees
210 Grms solvent cement


1 day plumber
Totel for 10 Ho. Tees

Ra.t..e per :10.

Item Description

Rate Amount

150. 21Q" dia PVC special'a viz Tees

Per 10 Tees
10 - 2'Y2" 0.10. '.fees
300 8rms solvent cement

... _--_. 1}2 days plumber
Total pel' 10 No. Tees

Rate per No.


151. ~ dia PVC Ilpecials viz Toea

Per 10 Tees

10 - 3" die. Tees

360 grms solvent cement


,1% days plumber

Total for 10 No. Tees

Rate oer No.


, ----------------------------------------------------------------
Item Description


,1·5.2. 4" diu i;lazed earthenwlIIre pipes

laid on 6" thickbeddin€, in cement
concrete 1:):6(1%"} including ex-
cuve t Lcn aver-age 2'0" ·!lept~. back-
filling with selected excavated
materials and concrete haunching

Per 1()O L~


50 - 4" ci::'a. EW pipes

0.75 cubes cement concrete-
1 :):6(1:f")
2 lbs Y6.~n
0.50 cwt c einerrt (jointing)
4.00 cubes exc ava't Lon

L~ying concrete bedd~ng ---
1~ day U/Sk labourer
Laying and testing pipes --.
2 da;'r plUMber
2 da;r.; U/Sk la.bourer
. 2}2 c3aY5 U/Sk'rer
Item Description Rate AIIloWlt

15.3. 4" di!'! C.L eoiJ.!vent pipe fixed

vcrticalJ.y to I';alls jointed I'll th

-_._ _ _..-_--
c ernon t caull;L1C. (Specials measur-
ed ..
.. ~ _


6'0" J,.ft 4" d1e C.I. 'P,1pe

T::" .. ""''- _ • :'"
",o.d 1 0"" _.0.. we.s ;,.oee
5/16 Ibo :"-'::'-1'
1 - tj.mb£r ,IuS G"x6":2"
2 - ~'( ~~on e~=eW8

1/4 day plum;,er

1/4 cay U/S;;: labourer
Scaffolding Add 5~
Total for 6 L.ft
Rp.te pe::." L.ft


Item Description Rate Amo.unt
.- . .. . .
'", - '

154. 4" di(\ c,x,pipes fixed fo walle

jointed with lead oaulking.
(Soec:inls measI1red separntety)
Per 6' 0" length
6'0" L.ft 4" dia C.l. pipe
(Add. 10% wastage) ~
. 6 Ibs .lead
5/16 Iba yaxrn
1 ''''ood plug 6"x6 Ilx2"
2 - 3" iron screws
1/16 cwt firewood

1/4 day plumber
1/4 day U/Sk labourer

Add 10% for suntlriea·in eemGnt
and sand.

Scafro:dir~ - Add 5%
_Total -
a • • • • • • • • • • • • • a~ • •

R'3. tc per I,.f t

'( ,
,.~---------------------------------------------------~- - - -----.
Item Descrlpticn Rue Amount
------------_.;;::-.-_...__ ..-------------------;..- -------------------_.
155. 4" din r;'conowC'.:L'(>' gulJ.ey wit.h 6"x6"x6"
gulley box i;lCI:).o.inG excavation, 4"
cement cc naz-e te 1~2:4(J/4")base,
~\\] ,

Burrc\mdcd b~r ~}~.' thic!t' I ,

cement and
aand 1: 5 o;!;tf:n.ded 6" nbove top ot
gull,.,y box inC!l:;.1ing
"'lo '''l. -,/- ,
making connec-
tion, '!/?" c cmorrt and sand.1:2 render-
ing internally ~~d cxpo~draces
tinioned snooth 1'1~~~~cat cement e-.,d pro·... iding G.!. grating
.!UL!:Q.·.Lof J~\t:iJ.!:x..~. _

4.00 c u s r t excavat Lon •

5.50 aq • .ft 4%" bricb~orlc
0.00 cn.""~nt con~rete
112 : 4 ( 3/ 4 '1 )

1.00 1/2" cement rendering 1:2

1 ... i('11 G'.!. grating.

Yz day m,w')'i1
}'i C.lly U!Sk lC\b~1\:>:'er
·- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Description Rate
.- .
Item .' Amount
----------------- -----------------------_ _---------------------

156. Manhole 2'0"x2'0" internally with

invert depth not exceedtna 2'0"
including oxcavation. b~ok!illing
6" cement ooncrete 11214()/4") base
with 3/3" dia meter mild IJteel rods
at 4" centres hothways. forming ohan-
nels an~ benching in similar concrete.
4%" walle in brick in cell\ent 1:5,1/2"
thick ceiiie-nt and sond TI2 rendering, .
internally and exposed surtaces includ-
ing channels. benching and 2" thick RCC
removable cover slab 2'3"x2')" inlet
and outlet connection all complete to
working order.


)5.00 excavation
7.00 ~ement concrete
1: 214 ()/ 4") in bose &: channels
)).00 4~~" brickwork in cement 115
28.00 sq. tt }2" ce:nent renderiJ1G 1: 2
1- RCe cover slab.

1% days' mason
~h dBys U/Sk labourer

Rate per No.

Item Description ~ ~ w.~ Rate
~ i\mount
~ _
22"x16" glazed fireclay "ash basin
with 1/2" diu Chromium pl~ted pillar
tap, waste plug, Chromium plated
waste chain and stay, including fix-
ing wash basin on braokets. <Water
supply and wastewater conneotion'
measured seuarately)

-Per No.

1 wash bas1n complete with brackets

1 ": ,*" te))
Waste plug and chain
4 wooden plUGS
6 - 1}i" brass screws
2 lba cement •

1/2 day mason

, day U/Sk labourer
,,(~ ------------------.:.._----------_ .. -----------------------------
Item Description Rnte Amount

.158 S:Lnk 24"x15"x7" ovora~l. v:LtreoUB
China wi th pl.uS nnd Chromium
p~ated chain waste oarr~ed on iron
braokets painted and tixed to Ym~~B.
(Water BUPP~Y and wa~te ~~er connec-
t~on measured sepgratg~y>

Per No.
1 si.nk 24"x15"x7"
2 L iron brackets
2 cement
2 tapered wooden bJ.ocks 2" thick
8 - 1%" dia brass screws
1/2 day manon •
1/2 day U/Sk 1abourer

Rate per No.

_.~-----_._- -------------------------------------------------
Item Description Rnte Amount

Closet pedestal type with LlL

tlushing cistern, flush pipe
double plastic seut cover,1!2"
dia stop cock, trnp.~upp~ied &

- fixed complete to \'/orkin,1 order

Per II2,.
.. _-~-_.... ---
1 low level sUite complete
1 - 1/2" "dill atop cock
2 lbs cement
1/4 cu.!t sand
2- 1~" brass scre\'o"S


1/4 day mnson •

1 day plumber
1 day U/Sk labourer

Ra.!:.s pot' No.

• ---------------------~._----------------------------------- -- -- ---
:Item Ro.te . AIIIount
• ---....---------------_..._--------_.~--_ ...... ..:._........_=----.;;~------..;...;.-.;~..;.;.;.-:._~';,;"

160. CIOBe+' ~J<;ur,~ting type with trap.

inc lt~(~::.rlg hIt;}t levol ciRtern fixed"
c omp Le t e wi til Zlt:E:h and 1/2"
din ctop Deck, all complete'to

l' []CJ.l:El·::t:'~r-~ r-a~l VI i th tru.p

___-'-_...,._=2 gt'J.:: C."I. cic.:./ilrn rlitJL1¥."rlush,
p Lpe , (.'13;':-,. 0,11 ovorflow pipe

1 cl:i.:)
5 we-o',";;!" F:U~9
1 do~. I~~' b~acs GCrCWD
1 -}2'-: s'~C'i! c o ck
1/4 cw:; cc~c:"):t
1/2 cu.ft r.l3tal
1/4 cu , i t sand •

1/2 dr:>y mason
1 de~' plumocr
1 401 U/Sk laLourer

n···J,. . . ,I'J"L: j:;,?.._

126 •
-------------_ ... _------------------------------------------

Item Rate AmolUl't

-------._-------------------------_ ==------------_. --~- ~-~ -

.i61. Vitreous China bidet SUite

&1xed complete to working order
Per No.
1 b:Ldet

eab o ur
1 day plumber
1 day U/Sk~labourer

!i.q.te par No.


162. 4 No. Bowl type urinal with
trap and 2 Gals capacity auto~
matic flushinG oistern nnd
spreaders complete to Ylorking

4 Urinal Do,.,le
1 - 2 gal. e:l.storn
8 rawl pluG"
1 sJ).x-ead"r
4 woodon plugs ( tor e:l.stern)
4 - 1%" brass acreY/s
4 lbs cement
1/8 sand

1/4 day IM.=~"
1 day plumber
1 day U/Sk labourer
Totol per 4 No.

Rate per ;';0.

1- f.

--------------_ ... ~ .. ------ - ----- --- -----------------------------_.
Item Deocription Rate haunt
163. 6" dia half r-ound PVC eaves gutter
fixed to timber valence board
including gutter jotner and brackets
fixed e.t 18" ccntres.(Other specials
R,.8id aP.p~~m~1;L) _

ConsideU.!~_~9_1,.. ft.

2 - 6" die e cve a gutter len.;tiis---·-·
1 joiner ~
17 gutter hrnckcts
34 - 3/4" brass ec r ewe
20 grms SOb'011t cement

Yz dey plum1?er

}!E day U/Sk labouror

Scaffold inc; Add 5~~

Total per'24,OO L.ft Totul -

-----....---- ... -------_.. __ ... -_ .. _----------------------

Rate ilmount
------------------- ........ _------------------------------- ---------_.
Consider 1 No ° I;uttelo head-

1 PVC CU';:~t!r ho ad
2 ~utter j0i~er3
2 Gut ';01' brc.c];e"C3
. ..
-·---1-2-~ :11~';-·sol~,..or~/.;. cement
4 - ~i~~ b~ecs screws
1/8 dc'y Jl:!...• .n.... (.::-
1/8 1'\0:' U/~k l'iboure:r.
5 ;0

,.---------------~.----_ .. _-_._---------------------------------_.. '

165. 6" a~c PVC m~tl'es

£2r.!?lJ··~1 No .. ~1.~.:£S.
!~~~..'tq~:.L(\-!· ;-~

12 E··.'rr.~ :l<:1...\:c;::.t c ernerrt

4 _3/~'1 b~aD:J :JC~~V~

1/6 (e.:," !;).u!nc·::-r
1/[: d':.:r li/ ;~- -: :u:.t~{,urer

Totnl -

. ' ..
--.. _~~------------_ . _-----------------.... -------------.....-..---.

It~m Description . Rate AlIOUllt

• .' _. ••• ._·0 •• " 0" __ _ _.. _._ _. • •••• _


'66. 6" dia PVC end oaps

Consider 1 No. !lid cop.
1 No. end cap
12 ~ms solvent cement
1/16 day plumber ...
_ ...... ,_" .:J.'1-/16 dayU/Sk labou~er "
SceUo1.diug - ~d 5~
Rate per tf2.
......... ~ .
167. 3Y.l" dia PVC rain water do,", •
pipes fiXed to brick well with
wooden plugs buried in wall. ,
lSpeciRlu measured separftetl~
Conside~ 24 ·~~tt pipe'lenGtb
'2 --;" )'!a" dia pipe ·le~tb.-
1 ... 3l~"jo1ner
4 PVC straps
8 brass screW8 1" long
30.~ms,80~~nt cement

k b05
'1/3 day plumber
1/3 day. U/Sk labourer
Solltrold1ng - J:dd 5;-
Total - .................
Rate per 24~Ot

Rate vB:- L.ft

,. -.
Item Desc!'1pt1on Rate A
168. ]hOI gin :PVC e Lborr :

1 - 60°/30 0 elbow
32 gr:r.s solvent cernont
Labour •
1/16 dny !,lumber
1/1(; de.y~U/SI= lltbourer -,

Scaffold ing

.Add 5%
Total -

----------------------------------------_ •._-------------- .

J}z" d~~C shoe

- ---
1 - 60°/80 0 shOG
l' grma eolv~nt ~ement

1/16 tl~ys plumber

1/1'6 da~r U/Sk l'"nbourer

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