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Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171

Modelling non-functional requirements of business processes

Faisal Aburub ¤, Mohammed Odeh, Ian Beeson
Faculty of Computing, Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences, University of the West of England (UWE), Coldharbour Lane,
Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY, United Kingdom

Received 2 December 2005; received in revised form 15 December 2006; accepted 19 December 2006
Available online 29 December 2006


This paper presents an approach to the identiWcation and inclusion of ‘non-functional’ aspects of a business process in modelling for
business improvement. The notion of non-functional requirements (NFRs) is borrowed from software engineering, and a method devel-
oped in that Weld for linking NFRs to conceptual models is adapted and applied to business process modelling. Translated into this
domain, NFRs are equated with the general or overall quality attributes of a business process, which, though essential aspects of any
eVective process, are not well captured in a functionally oriented process model. Using an example of a healthcare process (cancer regis-
tration in Jordan). We show how an analysis and evaluation of NFRs can be applied to a process model developed with role activity dia-
gramming (RAD) to operationalise desirable quality features more explicitly in the model. This gives a useful extension to RAD and
similar modelling methods, as well as providing a basis for business improvement.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Non-functional requirements; Business process modelling; Role activity diagramming; Business process improvement

1. Introduction ing, these methodologies have a functional emphasis, and

concentrate on showing the detail of how activities are car-
Organisations exert great eVorts to carry out their busi- ried out or tasks executed. There has been little attempt to
ness processes in a way which meets functional require- model properties which apply to a process as a whole rather
ments but also produces good overall or general quality of than to elements of it.
service. Borrowing terminology from software engineering, This paper presents an approach to applying the concept
it might be appropriate to term these general quality attri- of non-functional requirements (NFRs) to business process
butes ‘non-functional requirements’. It would be useful to modelling, developing in particular an extension to role
have a method of representing these attributes, so that they activity diagramming.
are modelled more explicitly. Such a method might assist According to Kotonya and Sommerville [9] non-func-
organisations to improve the quality of their business tional requirements can be deWned (from the system point
processes. of view) as “restrictions or constraints placed on a system
Many methodologies [4,7,8,10,15,17] have been devel- service”. Adapting this idea to business processes, and cast-
oped to improve business processes and to investigate how ing it in a more positive formulation, we can regard an
well current business processes have achieved their goals. NFR for a business process as a desirable general property
Techniques used to model business processes have included or quality attribute of a process. Two dimensions of NFRs
IDEF, Petri Nets, role activity diagrams (RADs), Role for business processes can be identiWed. First, direct-service
Interaction Diagrams, and Gantt Charts. Generally speak- qualities represent qualities introduced directly to the cus-
tomers, as for example, service-time, responsiveness, or
empathy. Second, indirect-service qualities represent general
Corresponding author. Tel: +44 117 328 3343; fax: +44 117 328 2587. qualities that enable staV members perform their responsi-
E-mail address: (F. Aburub). bilities eYciently and eVectively, such as system users satis-

0950-5849/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171 1163

faction and information availability. The latter do not shows an example. Vertical lines linking activities and inter-
produce value for customers directly but enable delivery of actions within a role represent states of the role. Concurrent
direct-service qualities. activities in a role can be represented using up-pointing tri-
A method is developed below for representing NFRs angles, and alternative activities shown using down-point-
and linking them to a RAD model, using a speciWc business ing triangles. Interactions are represented by horizontal
process in healthcare, namely cancer registration in Jordan, lines linking boxes in diVerent roles; a shaded box shows
for illustration. The application of role activity diagram- where the interaction is initiated, and a white box shows the
ming to the cancer registration process is shown method, receiving end.
followed by the method for developing and linking NFRs.
3. A RAD model of the process of cancer registration
2. Process modelling using role activity diagrams (RADs)
We will use the process of cancer registration as an illus-
According to Ould [13] a process is “a coherent set of trative example. The Wrst author studied the administration
actions carried out by a collaborating set of roles to achieve of cancer care in Jordan as part of his Ph.D. research, under
a goal”. Pidd [14] deWnes a model as “an external and the supervision of the other two authors.
explicit representation of part of reality as seen by the peo- Cancer registration (CR) is the systematic collection and
ple who wish to use that model to understand, to change, to classiWcation of data on all types of cancers and persons
manage and to control that part of reality”. Therefore, the diagnosed with cancer. Cancer registries aim to determine
main purpose for modelling is to express, represent, under- the distribution of cancer, monitor the growth of cancer per
stand, or manage a certain process. According to Lin et al. cancer type, evaluate the current treatment process, and
[11], one of the most important objectives of process model- monitor patient survival rates. Cancer registration is part of
ling is to capture existing processes by structurally repre- a wider process of cancer care. Cancer control needs a high
senting their activities and related elements. Process degree of collaboration between cancer centres and cancer
modelling should facilitate comprehensive understanding registries.
of organisational processes. Because business processes are The cancer registration process in Jordan is managed by
usually complex, as for example in banking or healthcare the Jordan cancer registry (JCR) which tracks malignant
processes, techniques to express, specify, understand, and and some benign cancer cases [12]. The JCR is the oYcial
model characteristics of these processes need to be suY- (and only) cancer registry in Jordan. The CR process, in
ciently powerful and Xexible, while retaining comprehensi- Jordan as elsewhere, involves activities and high levels of
bility. interaction among many individuals and groups within sev-
RADs [13] are diagrammatic notations to represent eral organisations.
and model coordinated behaviour and interactions within The CR process in Jordan was studied as part of a
a process. According to Ould [13], “RAD shows the roles wider modelling of cancer care and registration which
that play a part in the process, and their component focused on activities and interactions within hospitals and
actions and interactions, together with external events between hospitals and the JCR. Cancer registration (CR)
and the logic that determines which actions are carried is chosen here as a self-contained subprocess within the
out when. So, it shows the activity of roles in the process more general context of cancer care, which provides suY-
and how they collaborate”. RADs can be used to give a cient illustration for the purposes of the present paper.
visual representation of the roles of all players in a busi- The investigation at the JCR included observation and
ness process, and of the interactions between the roles. some participation in its work, as well as interviews with
According to Giaglis [5], the adoption of role as a primary managers and staV.
unit of analysis makes RADs particularly suitable for The main roles involved in the CR process in Jordan are:
modelling organisational contexts. Saven [16] adds that (1) JCR (Jordan cancer registry); (2) Laboratories; (3) Reg-
the depiction of interactions brings communication istrars; (4) Health Sector. The laboratories and registrars
aspects of a process to the fore and makes RAD models are located in individual hospitals. Table 1 brieXy describes
easy to read and understand. In comparison with UML the roles, activities and interactions involved in this process.
Activity Diagrams, we see RADs as at the same time con- A RAD model of the process of cancer registration is
ceptually simpler, and more strongly oriented towards shown as Fig. 1.
business, as distinct from software, processes.
In a RAD, a role involves a sequence of activities which 4. NFRs in business processes
are carried out together within a particular responsibility.
“Roles are abstract notations of behaviour describing a Non-functional requirements (NFRs), sometimes
desired behaviour within the organisation. They can also termed quality, or quality of service, attributes or require-
include software systems, customers and suppliers”, [16]. ments, have been a topic of interest within systems engi-
Each role is represented in a RAD as a named bounded neering, software engineering, and requirements
area containing activities, interactions, and logical ele- engineering for a considerable period of time [1,3,6,9].
ments. Activities are represented as black boxes. Fig. 1 Gilb’s inXuential treatment of them [6] dates back
1164 F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171

(Medical Records) Laboratory

Send form to JCR Send different forms to JCR

Change laboratory’s
form into JCR form
Check forms

Compare primary cancer site with its

ICD -O code
Mismatch ?
Return the form to hospital Return the form to laboratory

Check if patient exists in the JCR DB

Does patient exist in JCR database?

Check if the primary cancer Add patient to

site exists in the JCR DB JCR database

Does primary cancer site
exist in JCR database? Add primary cancer
site to JCR database

Add primary cancer site to JCR database

Is there additional
data ?

Modified patient’s file

Save form in JCR

At end of year

Analyse the JCR DB which

is collected in the last year

Generate statistical
Healthcare Sector

Send reports to all Healthcare Sectors

Comparing the report on the

regional level

Fig. 1. RAD model of the cancer registration process.

20 years. NFRs are those general qualities of a software problematic to specify, and also to measure. Nevertheless,
(or other engineered) system, such as reliability, perfor- much eVort has been expended in incorporating NFRs in
mance, or scalability, which refer to the system as a whole modern software development methods, including those
rather than to speciWc functional capabilities. They are using UML modelling [19].
F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171 1165

Table 1
The cancer registration process: roles, activities and interactions
Goal: collection and classiWcation of cancer control data
Role Activities Interactions
JCR Checking forms, checking if patient and primary cancer site exist in JCR database, saving Registrar (Medical Records),
new cases and new primary cancer sites, generating annual reports, and comparing these Laboratory, Health Sectors
reports regionally
Laboratory Sending JCR form JCR
Registrar Sending JCR form JCR
Health Sector Receive reports JCR

Functional View

Activities Interactions Roles

Business Creating, Creating,
Business modifying, modifying, modifying,
Process and/or
Process removing
and/or and/or
Model removing removing
activities interactions roles

Analysis of NFR

NFR Graph
Non-Functional View

Fig. 2. Linking the non-functional to the functional view.

While these methods are particularly associated with representing them as a set of interacting roles. Fig. 2 illus-
software or systems engineering, related ideas in the Weld trates the general approach. The RAD and NFR modelling
of quality function deployment (QFD) are capable of are independent of one another; by bringing them together,
broader application in systematically mapping customer activity- and goal-focused views of the business can be inte-
needs into the Wnal engineering speciWcation of a product grated, to provide a basis for the critique and improvement
or service. of the business processes. Systematic matching of the NFRs
Learning from these approaches to NFRs, and using against the functional process model might reveal omis-
them analogically, we suggest it will be useful to identify sions or superXuities in the processes which could indicate
and model desirable qualities or properties of business where improvements might be made.
processes in general. The objective is not so much to The method will be explored in detail in the next section,
design a technical system, or a product, but to under- and applied to the cancer registration process, so see if it
stand and model the quality attributes of the business can be improved.
itself. If this can be done eVectively, it might point the
way to improvements which could be made in the busi- 4.1. A Method for modelling business process NFRs
ness processes.
We have developed an approach which models business We have adapted a software engineering approach
process NFRs and links them to RAD models of the pro- derived from Cysneiros and Chung and their respective col-
cesses. Our way of proceeding is to model the NFRs of a leagues [3,1,2] as an immediate model for representing and
process and map the NFR model to the functional process decomposing NFRs and resolving conXicts between goals.
model represented by the RADs. EVectively, the NFR Applying their approach to the present purpose of analys-
model is applied to the functional model by using it to iden- ing and improving a business process, we propose a six-step
tify activities, interactions, and roles in the functional method:
model which could usefully be modiWed to deliver or serve
the NFRs better. (1) Elicit NFRs and decompose them into subgoals.
The production of NFRs is essentially a top-down pro- (2) DeWne relationships between goals and subgoals.
cess which starts from consideration of general qualities or (3) Identify actors who will achieve NFRs (goals).
desirable attributes of the business as a whole. These are (4) Operationalise goals.
seen as ‘goals’ for the business, from which sub-goals can (5) Analyse positive and negative interactions between
be methodically derived. Modelling the business via RADs, goals.
by contrast, proceeds in a bottom-up direction, identifying (6) Select which NFRs to address to achieve process
activities and interactions taking place in the business and improvement.
1166 F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171

4.1.1. Elicit NFRs and decompose them into subgoals of reporting, and (3) accuracy of interpretation. Satisfying
Elicitation of NFRs can proceed through examination the completeness and accuracy goals will depend on Wnding
of academic literature or business documents, but the most measures for satisfying their respective subgoals.
fruitful approach is likely to be observing or interviewing
people involved in the business process under investigation. 4.1.2. DeWne relationships between goals and subgoals
In the CR process, one non-functional requirement which The relationship between a parent NFR and its oVspring
appears critical is “quality of information”. (subgoals) can be represented as AND- or OR-relation-
NFRs can be thought of as goals, and an NFR can often ships. In an AND-relationship, depicted by a single arc
be decomposed into sub-goals, whose satisfaction will lead across the parent-child connecting lines, the parent will be
to satisfying the ultimate goal ([2,9], and see Fig. 3). And/or satisWed if only if all its oVspring are satisWed (Fig. 5).
trees can be used to represent a decomposition into subgo- In an OR-relationship, depicted by a double arc across
als. The root of the tree represents the original NFR (par- the parent-child connecting lines, the parent goal is satisWed
ent goal). if one of its oVspring is satisWed (Fig. 6).
The NFR “quality of information” might be decom-
posed into (1) completeness of clinical information and (2) 4.1.3. Identify actors who will achieve NFRs (goals)
accuracy of information (Fig. 4). To determine when a goal Identifying actor(s) who should be responsible to
or subgoal is satisWed requires identiWcation of measures of achieve the identiWed NFRs will help to link the non-func-
satisfaction for each. What the appropriate measure of sat- tional view with the functional view, since at the end we
isfaction is will depend on the type of goal and the context. need to relate the NFR model with the functional process
For example, to satisfy a ‘quality of information’ NFR in model. We simply annotate the NFR graph with the name
cancer registration will require a diVerent measure from a of the responsible actor (Fig. 7).
similarly deWned NFR in banking.
In the CR context, Skeet [18] states completeness of 4.1.4. Operationalise goals
information can be accomplished in two ways: (1) com- In order for goals to be satisWed, some operation needs
pleteness of cover, and (2) completeness of detail. He fur- to be put in place. Goals can be operationalised in two
ther suggests that accuracy of information can be ways, statically or dynamically [3]. Static operationalisation
accomplished through: (1) accuracy of detail, (2) accuracy refers to the provision of data to satisfy an NFR, while
dynamic operationalisation refers to the carrying out of
actions to satisfy an NFR. In modelling NFRs, static oper-
NFR1 ationalisation can be represented using a dotted circle, and

Cancer Registration

Quality of Information

Sub-goal1 ………………….. Sub-goal n

Completeness Accuracy of
of Information Information
Fig. 3. Goal approach for NFRs.

Fig. 5. Completeness AND accuracy.

Cancer Registration

Quality of Information

Completeness Accuracy of
of Information Information

Fig. 4. Subgoals of ‘quality of information’. Fig. 6. OR-relationship.

F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171 1167

Process: Cancer Registration population and (2) by avoiding the inadvertent dupli-
cation of patients [18],
Actor: Cancer Registry
(b) to ensure completeness of details, both personal and
clinical information should be complete; and incom-
plete forms need to be returned to source.
Quality of Information
These operationalisations are shown in Fig. 8.

4.1.5. Analyse positive and negative interactions between

When qualities (NFRs) are collected for a business pro-
cess, some of them may be found to conXict with each other
while others appear to complement or strengthen one
Completeness Accuracy of another.
of Information Information For example, validation of information in cancer registries
Fig. 7. An actor for ‘quality of information’. may conXict with conWdentiality of access to information.
But validation of information is likely to complement accu-
dynamic operationalisation using a bold circle. An arrow is racy of information. On the NFR diagrams, dotted lines
used to show that satisfaction of a subgoal leads to satisfac- marked by a plus or minus sign are used to represent positive
tion of the parent goal. and negative interactions. An example is shown in Fig. 9.
For example, completeness of information might be one Process redesigners can use the model to identify the
of the subgoals of a ‘quality of information’ NFR. The sub- most beneWcial operationalised goals with least conXict.
goal can be further reWned into (1) completeness of cover They can use the diagrams as a basis for performing a
and (2) completeness of detail subgoals. These second level trade-oV analysis, which will indirectly reXect on the func-
subgoals can be operationalised as follows: tional view of the overall business process.
Cysneiros et al. [3] propose a procedure for linking an
(a) completeness of cover can be achieved in two ways: NFR network to a conceptual model. We can adapt this to
(1) by registering every cancer case within a deWned business process modelling as follows:

Process: Cancer Registration

Actor: Cancer Registry

Quality of Information

Completeness of Accuracy of
Information Information

Completeness of Completeness of
cover details

Register every Avoid duplications Complete Complete Return incomplete

cancer case of patients personal clinical form to its source
information information

Fig. 8. Dynamic and static operationalisations.

1168 F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171

Process : Cancer Registration

Actor : Cancer Registry

Quality of Information Confidentiality

Validation of +
- Security ( access
Accuracy of
Information to information)

Consistency Compare own Give laboratories

check data with data & hospitals access
from hospitals & to information

Fig. 9. Positive and negative interactions between goals.

Process : Cancer Registration

Actor : Cancer Registry

Quality of Information Confidentiality


Validation of

Accuracy of Security ( access

Information to information)


Consistency Compare own Give laboratories

check data with data & hospitals access
from hospitals & to information

Fig. 10. Evaluation of an NFR graph.

(a) Compare and adjust NFR graphs for the same actor (c) Perform a pair-wise comparison and adjustment on
within a process to Wnd and remove conXicting NFRs. graphs within the same process that have not already
For example, compare ‘information validation’ been compared under (a) or (b).
against ‘conWdentiality’ for the cancer registry within (d) Broaden the checking and adjustment procedure
the CR process. across processes within the overall business process.
(b) Compare and adjust NFR graphs for the same pro-
cess to Wnd and remove conXicting NFRs. For exam- 4.1.6. Select which NFRs to address to achieve process
ple, compare ‘information validation’ for the cancer improvement
registry actor with ‘information validation’ for the When interactions among NFR graphs have been identi-
hospital actor. Wed, an evaluation can be performed to determine which
F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171 1169

Process : Cancer Registration

Actor : Cancer Registry

Quality of Information

Validation of


Consistency Compare own Give laboratories &

check data with data hospitals access to
from hospitals & information

Fig. 11. Part of NFR graph to be linked.

NFRs should be addressed by the process improvement (b) Within that set of graphs, Wnd those that refer to par-
team. As a Wrst step, labels can be assigned to each goal in ticular roles in the RAD model, and proceed to exam-
the NFR graphs, as follows: ine each role in turn.
(c) Relate the activities and interactions included in the
(a) S if the goal is satisWed. role to the roots (goals) of the NFRs which corre-
(b) D if the goal is not satisWed (is denied). spond to that role.
(c) P if the goal is partially satisWed. (d) If the role in the RAD model does not cover the
nodes in the NFR graphs, the possibility is raised that
This evaluation helps the process improvement team analyse this part of the RAD model is deWcient, and should be
the impact of selecting a particular goal on other goals. It would updated by adding or modifying activities or interac-
be counter-productive to select achievement of a speciWc goal tions that belong to that role.
for inclusion in process redesign if satisfying that goal led to a (e) If there are actors identiWed in the NFR graphs which do
more important goal being denied or only partially satisWed. not correspond to roles in the current RAD model, this
By repeating this process, the improvement team can select indicates that it might be necessary to add a new role to
most beneWcial goals which involve the least sacriWce. For the model to satisfy the unmatched NFR(s).
instance, conWdentiality makes a negative impact on quality of
information in the cancer registration process shown in Fig. 9. If adjustments are made to the RAD models, it implies that
If conWdentiality is judged to have less priority than quality of corresponding changes should be made to the actual processes
information NFR, it may be acceptable to have conWdentiality (that is, to the activities, interactions and roles in them).
partially satisWed in order to achieve satisfaction of the quality At present, the procedure presented is informal. There
of information NFR, as shown in Fig. 10. might be beneWts, as we develop it, to use a formal represen-

4.2. Linking the non-functional view to the functional view Table 2

Actions for ‘Quality of Information’
We now sketch a general procedure for linking the NFR Process: Cancer registration
graphs to the RAD models. Goal: Quality of information
Role: Jordan cancer registry (JCR)
(a) Find all the NFR graphs that refer to a particular Action1: Consistency check, AND
process in the RAD model (i.e., in the example case, Action2: Compare own data with data from hospital & laboratories, AND
Action3: Give laboratories & hospitals access to information
the CR process).
1170 F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171

JCR Laboratory
(Medical Records)

Send form to JCR Send different forms to JCR

Change lab oratory ’s

form into JCR form

Check forms

Compare primary cancer site

with its ICD-O code

Return the form to hospital Return the form to lab oratory

Check if patient exists in the JCR DB

Does patient exist in JCR database?

Check if the primary cancer Add patient to

site exists in the JCR DB JCR database

Does primary cancer site Add primary
exist in JCR database? cancer site
to JCR
Add primary cancer site to JCR database
Is there additional

Modified patient’s file

Save form in JCR archive

Check hospital data by accessing JCR information Check laboratory data by access to JCR information

Compare JCR information with hospital information Compare JCR information with laboratories information

At end of year

Analyse the JCR DB which is collected in the

last year
Healthcare Sector
Generate statistical reports
Send reports to all Healthcare Sectors

Comparing the report on the

regional level

Fig. 12. RAD model after linking with NFR graph.

tation of the improvement steps, perhaps using something To illustrate the process of linking, we will show how
similar to the ECA (event-condition-action) notation famil- part of the Quality of Information NFR graph shown in
iar in database contexts. Fig. 11, can be applied to the RAD model of the CR
F. Aburub et al. / Information and Software Technology 49 (2007) 1162–1171 1171

process in Jordan (shown in Fig. 1), to produce the modi- of a business process and linking it to a corresponding
Wed RAD model for CR shown in Fig. 12. functional model in the service of business improvement.
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developed in software engineering for linking non-func- [13] M. Ould, Business Process, Management a Rigorous Approach, The
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an analogy between non-functional requirements in soft- [14] M. Pidd, Tools for Thinking: Modelling in Management Science,
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[15] B. Povey, The development of a best practice business process
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‘role’ in RAD and that of ‘actor’ in NFR graphing facilitates [18] R.G. Skeet, Quality and quality control, in: O.M. Jensen, D.M. Parkin,
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[19] S.A. Tonu, L. Tahvildari, Towards a framework to incorporate NFRs
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In future research, we intend to develop and test further Reverse Engineering to Requirements (RETR’05), held at Carnegie
the procedures outlined here for producing a NFR model Mellon University, November 7, 2005, pp. 13–18.

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