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1=Cimetidine with sucralfate interaction causes

A. Cimetidine decreases sucralfate metabolism n causes its toxicity

B. Sucralfate doesn’t let cimetidine get absorbed
C. Cimetidine inhibits sucralfate mechanism of actio.

2=Bitemporal hemianopia, lesion is at?

A. Optic Radiation
B. Chiasma<<<
C. Optic tract

3=During hypertrophy?
A. Increase in DNA content.
B. Inc in no of cells

4=Polyarteritis nodosa diagnosis by

A. Coagulative necrosis
B. Fibrinoid necrosis<<
C. Caseous necrosis

5=Hyaline cartilage on articular surfaces..

A.. Synovial joints <<<<

6= Rectal biopsy done. How to diagnose amoeba infection?

A. Electron microscopy

7=.Patient feels his heart sinking down. On ECG, there is decreased amplitude of T waves followed by U
wave Cause is?
A. Hypokalemia<<
B. Hyperkalemia

8= Young surgeon not allowed to operate on right adrenal gland due to fear of damage to
A. IVC<<<
B. Aorta

9=Halothane??? Anesthesia given to patient before surgery. His temp risess and other symptoms. What was the
cause ?
A.Skeletal muscles heat production <<<<<<
10= A PT with Hb 15. Oxygen content of Hb 20ml. Alveolar PO2 45. Arterial PO2 40. Venous O2
15. What type of hypoxia is this? A.
Hypoxic hypoxia<<<<<<<
B. Anemic hypoxia B.
Histotoxic hypoxia D.
Diffusion hypoxia

11= A Pt who is indulged in Demolition of Old buildings develops dyspnea recently. CXR showed diffuse interstitial
Fibrosis of Lungs bilaterally. On histology, iron staining of the cells was positive. Most likely diagnosis?
A. Silicosis
B. Asbestosis <<<<<<

12=Conducting System of Heart lies in?

A. Sub-endocardium <<<<
B. Sub-Epicardium
C. Endocardium

13=After exercise a person lost fluids by Sweating. He drinks 2 liters of water. What will happen? A. Inc ECf
B. Inc ICF????
C. Hyper-osmolality of ECF
D. Hyper-osmolality of ICF

14= Which is STD?

A. Typhoid
B. Hep B <<<<<<

15= Most important Body buffer?

P. Protein

16=Which of the following drug is distributed mostly in body?

A Mannitol<<<<<<
B Chloroquine

17=Which of the following decreases neuronal excitability by change in RMP?

A. Hyperkalemia
B. Hypokalemia<<<<<<
C. Hypocalcemia
D.Hyponatremia mene ye mark kya

18=Scenario of pt with raised MCV 107fl..

A. Anemia of chronic disease
C. Sickle cell Anemia
D. Pernicious anemia<<<<

19= Snenario...100cm ileal recetion...which of the following will occur?

A. Inc Bile salt absorbtion
B. Dec amount of Bile absorbtion<<<<<

20= To check GFR in a CRF patient, which of the following are used?
A. Inulin
C. Creatinine clearance<<<<

21= To measure Renal plasma Flow ?..

A. Inulin
B. C. Clearance
C. PAH<<<<

22= Alpha motor neurons are.

A. Myelinated<<<<
B. Unmyelinated

23= Middle rectal Artery is branch of

A. Internal iliac artery<<<<

24= which is Content of Anterior mediastinum

A. Esophagus
B. Thymus<<<

25= Hyaline membrane diseases ...

A. inc Maternal age
B. Prematurity<<<<

26= 10 years boy came in opd with injury to Anatomical Snuff box..lesion? A. Ulnar
B. Radial Artery<<
27= Diff b.w primary n 2ndry wound healing..
A. Wound Contraction<<<
B. Granuloma

28= Itching in scabies is caused by..

A. Mites moving on the surface of skin...
B. Mites moving by sheading tha<<

29= Aspirin mechanism of action.

A. Inhibits cyclooxygenase<<<<
B. Changes platelets morphology
C. IIb llla inhibits

30= Nucleolus contains..

A. Large amount of DNA
B. Inc amount of RNA <<<
C. Dec amount of RNA

31= Percntage of Fat in caloric diet is..

A. 15-25%
B. 25-30%<<
C. 40-51

32= 5yrs child fall frm bed..developed hx of maternal uncle death due to
excessive bleeding...what workup will you done before his circumsin.....
A. Platelets studies
B. Coagulative profile<<<
C.cloting factor

33= Projecting fibers are found in..

A. Internal Capsule <<<<
B. Corpus callosum

34= Snerio..Wound Greenish Pus causative organism..

A. Aureus
B. Pseudomonas<<<

35= To block Pudendal nerve will inject at...

A. Ishcial Spine<<<
B. Ilial Crest
C. Ishcial tuberosity
36=Characteristic about intracellular fluid?
A. Increased k<<<<<
B. Inc Na
C. Inc Cl

37= Which is common b.w TB and Sarcoidosis A.

Restrictive Lung disese<<<<?? B. Hepatic granuloma
C. Caseous necrosis
D.fibrionous pericarditis

38= Creatine will be Significantly raised in which... A.

Paracetamol poisoning B. End stage Renal Disease C.
Hepatorenal syndrome

39=Diabetic patient n hypertensive presented with Bp 180/100 drug of choice..

A. Captopril<<>>

40=A pt with hemiplegia,CT scan shows ischemia of brain...type necrosis?

A.Coagulative necrosis
B.Liquefactive necrosis<<<
C.Caseating necrosis

41= Which one causes Respiratory Symtoms..

A. Ascariasis<<<

42= Pt presnted with acute left sided pain reffered to back 4th-5th/5th-6th intercostal site
tenderness...with Normal Cardiac Enzymes.
A.Acute MI
B.Chostocondritis I mark this

43= Rx of choice for Upper GI bleeding.

A. Iv Octreotide<<<

44= Thenar muscled spared other small muscles of hand wasting..

A.Ulnar <<?

45= CSF and plasma differs in..

A. Dec PH...?
B. Inc protein
C. Inc Osmolarity.

46= Patient with HBsAg +ve,Hbs ab-ve..AFP 107...hepatic Nodule on U/S.

B.Hepatocellular Carcinoma
C.Hepatic Adenoma

47= Right Kidney Anterior relation.

B. 2nd part of Deodenum
C.hepatic flexure
D. Supra renal gland

48= Internal Juglar vein after leaving juglar foramena has immediate relatiin with..
A. Carotid sheath
B. Accesrory..

49= Calcitonin tumor marker is related with carcinoma of..


50=Diabetic patient presented with dec visual acquity...Dr performed retinal laser
photocoagulatiin..lesiin at?

51= Drug of choice for travellrs diarrhea


52= Person With Hemorrhage will have

A.Tachycardia-Hypotension-Inc CVP
B. Tachycardia-Hypotension-dec CVP<
C.Bradycardia-Hypotension-dec CVP
D. Bradycardia-Hyptension-inc CVP

53= Receptors Receivig Sense Of Vibration..

A. Pacinian<<
B. Meissn
54= Peripheral Vasodilation with Hypotension...
A. Septic Shock
B. Hypovolumic Shock¿
C. Cardiogenic SHock

55= Artial Blood Sampling is sent that questiin A. Whole

Arterial blood in Heprazined Tube<<<< B. Venous blood in
hepranized syringe

56= Cataract in newborn is caused by which infection during pregnancy.

A. Rubella <<<

57=In which Age there is low concentration of Hb in infants.

A. 12months
B. 2 months
C. 6 months¿ (as weaning started)??

58= Patient with Cough,fever,lymphadenopathy..non healing ulcer on tongue..Caseous Necrosis..Hilar

lymph sign on xray rest Xray normal.
A. Tb...
B. Histoplasmosis I mark this

59=ADH acts on
A. Collecting Ducts...

60= Patient undergoing Chemotheraphy develoved ExcessiveVomiting..

A. Ondasteron...<<<
B. Metaclopromide

61=Organism responsible for sudden death due to food poisoning

A. Shigellia
B. BOtullin
C. Aureus..

62= First Indicator will watch Immediately after ressucitation in Shock patient for Compensatiin is.. A.Inc Urine Output

63= Old lady On Antihypertensive drugs admitted in ER with Semiconciouss status..Potasdium 6.1..cause of her
A. Diuretic drugs

64=Which has wide wigth..120 days life...


65=Pactus ductus arteriosus associated with.

A.Maternal age

66= 15yrs old bod presented with dec appetite,fatige .Jaundice.investigatiin..

A. Hep A and B profile
B. Bilirubin and ALT

67=Function of Estrogen in adults

A. Secondary sexually characteristics<<<

68= Patiend after trauma presents with urinary incontinence lesion at..
A. S2,3,4<<<
B. S1,2,3

69= Person works in Air Craft jet ...what kind of deafness would he have.
A. Dec frequency for Low Sounds
B. Inc Frequency for high

70=Mental retardatiin associated with chromosome...


71=Vertebrae is derived from

A. Sclerotime....<<<

72. Patient presented with excessive diarrhea and vomiting..Dx Metabolic Alkalosis...will have.. A. PH <7.4 (as
pH <7.4 shows Acidotic cause)×
B.Hco3 >25 <<<<<

73=Lady gave birth to baby in village..came with easiy brusibility..bleeding...Blla bllaa A.DIC..<<>>
74= Eyes closed cant maintain balance on eye opening maintain balance ..also loss of vibration
..two point discrimination
A. Dorsal colum <<<<
B. Corticobulbar

75= Viral disease transmitted by Mosquito bite

A. Dengue
B. Yellow Fever

76= Which Blood group contains Anti h Antibodies.

A. Oh<<<
B. O
C. A

77=Which nerve is Motor and Sensory

A. Facial<<<
Rest options were of Single motor/senosry

78=Plateau of action potential is due to:

A. Na influx
B. Ca+influx<<<

79= Therapeutic Index

Mene efficacy mark kya
80=Foot Drop is caused by.
A.Tibialis anterior
B.Common Peroneal Nerve<<

81=Strongest Muscles Arcitecture..

A.uni penate
B.Bi penate
C. Multipenate<<

82=Superimposed bacterial infection in ischemic tisssue occurs in.

A. Dry gangrene
B. Coagulative
C. Gangrenous Necrosis<<<

83=Aortic Insufficency causes

A.Rhematoid Arthritis
B.Ankylosing Spondilitis<<

84= Medin 20,20,30,25,40,45


85=Raw and Undercooked meat..

A.Tape worm....<<<

86=Thoracic duct block causes


87=In urea cycle one ammino group is given by glutamate other one by?

88= Which is part of Portal system.

A. Hepatic Vein
B. Superior rectal vein

89=Patient Diagnosed with Ca Gall bladder on with Cholilithiasis cause of his Cancer is. A. Chronic

90=Which Structure passes thro aortic Opening..

A.Azygous Vein<<<<

91=Pulomanry Artery Supplies?

B.Tertiary bronchioles
C.primary bronchioles

92=Respiratory Rate is Controlled by

A.Pneumotatic Centre<<

93=Variation Among individual data elements

A.Standard Deviation<
94=Femle came in OpD with HB 6.7mg/dl retured to Home with Iron Supplements on followup her
Hb was 10.1mg/dl what furter test will you ask to Confirm....
B.Serrum Ferritin....<<<<

95=Childhood tumor with gene amplification


96=Which Structure is lateral to trachea


97=In Alcoholic liver microscopic finding..

A.Mallory Bodies...<<<

98=Lady...dificulty coming down stairs...head tilt to left with Eye Upward..

A.Right Superior Oblique
B.Left Inferior Oblique
C.Right Inferior Oblique

99=Which Drug Increases Heart Rate

A.Isosorbide dinitrate....

100= Cardiopulmonary transplant patient taking Immunosuppresants developed cerebral

edema..Halo around organism.

101= K is higher in concentration in which fluid...

A. Saliva B.Gastric
juice C.

102=Girl with Recurrent rhinitis..urticaria..Rashes ....

A.Type 1 hypersenstivity reaction<<<
B.Type 2 hypersenstivity reaction

103=Which is Seen in parasytic infectiin

A. IgA
B. Eosinophills
C. IgE
104=Final stage of puberty..
A. Axillary hairs
B. Mensturation<<>
C. Pubic hair growth

105=Justice in Ethics
A. Do not harm
B. Do benifit to patient in any circumstances
C. Pt right to accept or refuse treatment
D. Equality...
Option kuch or b the equality direct nae tha
106= Dr patient raport is maintained by..
A. Open endended questins
B. Using Patients own words
C. Using stressfull enviroment

107= Somatic and Lactogenic secretion is function of

A. Thyroid
B. Pitituary<<<<

108= Corneal Opacities caused by..

A. Chloroquine <<<<

109= Spinal Nerved are called mixed nerves bcoz.

A. It contains both motor and sensory fibers<<<

110= Alpha Motor neurons

A. Final pathway of corticospinal tract<<<

111= Max pressure dissociatiin occur at.

A. Artero-Areteriorar junction
B. Arterioles to Capillary junction.<<<

112= Patient presented with central chest pain O/E resting sound heared on inspiration structure involved is.
A. Myocardium
B. Pericardium<<
C. Endocardium

113=Left Umblical Artery remanant is

A. Median ligament
B. Medial ligament<<
C. Ligamentum teres

114= Musculoskeletal growth changes are seen in which disease A.


115= Which epileptic drug increases concentration of other drugs.

A. Diazepam
B. Valporic acid<<<
C. Carbamezipine
D. Phenytoin

116=Drug which increases heart rate on normal dosages.

A. Propanolol
B. Diltiazem
C. Isosorbide dinitrate<<<
D. Verapamil

117= Patient with ischemic stroke had repeated cycles of breathing with inc tidal volume which decreases
progressively in subsequent breath.. patren of breathing is.
A. Tachypnoea
B. Chyne chain stroke<<
C. Kassumal

118=Hypercalcemia is secondry to..

A. Hyperparathyroidism
B. 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol

119= Tissue trauma causes activation of coagulation due to A.

Activation of factor Xl
B. Activation of factor Xll

C. Exposure of collagen to blood

D. Activation of thromboplastin..

120= Lady came with dysphagia on liquids..Layngoscopy done....Biopsy reveiled Normal histology
A.Glossopharangeal nerve paralysis
B. Neuromuscular Co.ordination..

121= Spliting of S2 ...

A. Early Closure of Pulmonary value.
B. Delayed closure of Aortic valve
C. Early closure of Aortic valve<<

122= Patient came with left atrial hypertrophy mid diastolic murmur .loud S1 what is to be expected.
A. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
B. Both Right and left ventricular hypertrophy
C. Decreased end diastolic volume
D RVH I marked this
123=In Amebic liver disease investigation of choice is..
A. CT scan
B. Serology

124=In Horizontal Conjugate gaze affected lesion is at.

A. Occipital cortex
B. Frontal Cortex
C. Pre Frontal Eye field<

125=Increase in stroke volume with unchanged peripheral resistance and capitance results in..
A. Dec in pulse pressure with inc Mean arterial pressure.
B. Inc in pulse pressure with decrease in Mean arterial pressure.
C. Inc in pulse pressure with Increase in Mean Arterial pressure<<<<

126= Decrease in Complement levels occur in..

A. Rheumatoid arthritis
B. Ankylosing spondilitis
C. Systemic lupus erythematous<<

127= Pt had sharp knife injury ..posterior triangle of neck..Damage to..

A. Sternoclenomastoid
B. Serratius anterior
C. Trapezius<

128=Smoker working in tyre factory developed Ca bladdar which is causative agent. A. Aryl Amine
B. Radiation
C. Tobaco smoking..

129=There is increased risk of carcinoma of bladdar exposure to...

A. Ultraviolet radiation
B. Aryl Amines<
130=Treatment of choice for Cryptococcus Neoformans.
A. Amphotericin B

131=In 10 years old boy Thymus.

A. Remains as Single Lobe
B. Extends from inferior border of thyroid to 4thCervial..
C. Supplied by superior thyroid artery

132= Female with hemorrhage while standing Heart rate increases due to A. Inc
peripheral resistance
B. Decrease in Venous Return.

133=Hemibllimus is lesion due to

A. Subthalamus...

134= Patient came with tacchycardia.. hx of ishchemic heart disease..Bp b/w 180-200 irregular QRS
complex..Drug if choice.
A. Amipdarone
B. Verapamil
C. Lidocaine

135=During Exercise Respiratory rate is increased due to..

A. Due to respiratory stretch reflex...
B. Central chemireceptors
C. Perioheral chemireceptors
D. Baroreceptors

136=Differentiation of tumor is done by..

A. Metastasis
B. Grading...
C. Invasion

137= Patient had Punched out cystic lesions with Renal stones.
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hyperparathyroidism<

138=Cancer Staging ...

A. Inc N/C ratio
B. Pleomorphism
C. Invasion<<

139= Hypertrophy ...

A. Inc N/C ratio
B. Inc in DNA content<<
C. Pleomorphism

140= Patient with increase prolactin bitemporal hemianopia..pituitary adenoma must be
A. Optic nerve
B. Optic chiasma<<<

141= Patient presented with Glucose 500mg/dl expected change will be seen... A. Inc blood
B. Inc Arterial PCO2
C. Inc in urine volume

142= Cremester muscle supply.

A. Genital branch of genitifemoral nerve

143= Prozone phenomenna

A. Decrease in Antibody titre
B. Increase in Antibody titre.

144= Lesion of dominant hemisphere in brocas area..type of aphasia

A. Fluent
B. Anomia<
C. Global

145= Phospholipid cardiolipin characteristically present in.

A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
B. Golgi appratus
C. Mitochondria<

146=Which is X-linked disease

A.Duchene Muscular Dystrophy<

147= Purpilish Basophila.. Cell

A. Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum<
C. Mitochondria
D. Golgi apparatus

148= Patient is Smoker on biopsy of alveoli there will be..

A. Dec no of Goblets cell
B. Squamous metaplasia<

149= Patient with Squamous cell carcinoma on Histology..

A. Epithelial nest cells

150=Ipraþropium is prefered on B2 agonist in which..

A. Status Asthamaticus
B. Chronic Asthma
C. Chronic bronchitis<
D. Acute Asthma

151= Pt known case of Lumbago..Came with B.lateral lung infiltrations..few neutrophils and Recovered
spontaneously after 2 weeks ..
B. Streptococcus Pneumonia
C. Influenza A

152=Pt presented with G.weakness EAsy brusibility.?.Hb 6..Plt 50..Tlc 3.5... ?

B. Aplastic anemia..
C. Dengue

153=Which is True about pseudostratified epithelium A. Have

micro vili
B. All cells reach at basement membrane...

154=Lyphocytes from blood enters LN by..

A. Afferent subcapsular sinus<
B. Pericapillary venules and medulla

155=Child collapsed in school autospy ...Coronary artery aneurism..Dx?

A. Kawasaki disease<

156=Child presented with edema and urticaria after Bee sting .

A. Type 1 hypersenstivity reaction<<
B. Type ll Hypersenstivity reaction

157=Propylthiouracil given in hyperthyroidism decreases oxidation of

A. Thyroxin
B. Iodide

158= Right Shunt before reversal occurs in...

A. Eisenmenger...
B. Truncus arteriosus
C. Ebstein Anomaly

159= Cervical Sympathetic ganglion damage is.

A. Pupil constriction

160= Neurosecretory hormones are released from

A. Anterior pituatry
B. Posterior pituatry
C. Hypothalamus..

161= Transient Adhesion by

A. Selectin...
B. Cadherin
C. Integrin

162=Regarding Function of lymphatics

A. Have few valves
B. Take plasma fluid back to body

163= Muscles of Back are supplied by

A. Dorsal ramus..
B. Ventral ramus
C. Dorsal Root
D. Ventral root

164= Supplied by phrenic nerve.....

A. Mediastinal pleura

165= In pregnancy there is

A. Increase peripheral resistance
B. Dec vital capacity..

166= Pendular knee jerk is sign of

A. Upper motor neuron lesion
B. Cerebellar lesion~

167=Smoothing and cordination of movement by

A. Cerebellum...
B. Basal ganglia
168= Gastric acid secretion is mediated by
A. H1
B. H2...
C. Pepsin
D. Presence of food in stomach mene ye mark Kya

169= Histamine action is inhibited by..

A. Cimitedine...

170= Patients ...20 cigrates per day what will be change in his lungs..
A. Metaplasia

171= Extracelomic derived...

A. Hypoblast<
B. Eipblast I mark epi

172= MCV is > 110..

A. Microcytic anemia
B. Megaloblastic anemia<<

173= 25 yrs female presented with gum bleeding petechie..fever 101'f best test to dx.
B. Bone marrow biopsy
C. Coagulation profile

174= Nor epinephrine acts on

A. Adrenergic
B. Beta
C. Beta 2..

175= A women was being examined a single 2cm long mass which was covered by normal
intestinal mucosa at base..
A. Adenomatous polyp...
B. Hyperplastic polyp

176= Asthma ....

A. IgE...

177= Pt on ATT developed swelling of big toe...

A. Ethambutol
B. Pyrazinamide<<<
178= ADH acts on
C. Nephron

179= Blood loss in Hemorrhage


180= Aldosterone acts on

A. Nucleus

181= Regarding Cardiac cycle..

A. S2 at start of T.wave
B. P wave is followed by T.wave
C. Ist heart sound in isovolumic ventricular contraction.

182=Lady diagnosed to have Mitral stenosis on ECG there will be.

A. Variable R-R interval
B. Irregular P-R
C. Irregular R-R ...

183= Dec Na+ oncentration...macula Densa will cause release of..

A. Aldosterone
B. Renin <
C. Angiotensin

184= Focal segmental Glomerulosclerosis

A. Subepithelial Humps...

185= Head of Femur in adults is supplied by

A. Medial and laterl circumflex artery<

186= Short ventricle muscle length

A. Increase intrapericardial pressure....
B. Inc skeletal muscle contractions

187= In CKD Patients

A. Inc PCO2
B. Fluid should be restricted upto 0.5 litre per day C.
Anemia is due to Erythropoietin defi
188= Increase in V/Q occurs ....
A. Increase in dead space
B. Shunt

189= Which is Agonist of Dopamine

A. Bromocriptine

190= Oxygen is taken up to lungs through

A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Passive diffusion..

191= Parasympathetic to parotid is supplied by

A. Facial
B. Glossopharngeal

192= Definative diagnosis of TB by

A. Caseous necrosis

193= Metastasis
A. Down regulation of E.Cadergin

194= Pt had colon..Dx

A. CEA<<

195= Rete Ridges feature of..

A. Verricous Carcinoma

196= Highest conduction velocity in purkinje fibers due to:

A. Low refractory period
B. Less gape junctions
C. Less myofibrils
I marked scanty gap junction
197= 1st rib damage...which artery will be injured A.

198= Aldosterone deficiency leads to

A. Low sodium

1) Final packing of carbohydrates occur in

a) Golgi apparatus (answer)

2) Regarding cell cycling G2 phase is between

a) S-M (answer)

b) G1-S

3) Miosis one is characterized by

a) Longest phase is Prophase (answer)

4) Drug causing thrombocytopenia

a) Thiazide diuretics (1st aid) (answer)

5) Vagal stimulation causes

a) Decreased heart rate(answer)

6) Diffusion of a gas is directly propotional to

a) Thickness of membrane

b) Surface area of membrane

7) Stored blood after two weeks contains

a) RBCs only (answer)

b) Platelets only

c) All cell lines

8) Vitelline duct remnant

a) Meckel diverticulum (answer)

9) Potent stimulus of gastric secretion is

a) Proteins (amino acids ) (answer)

10) Before starting warfarin therapy what must be tested

a) PT (answer)

11) Endocervix epithelium is changed into stratified squamous type..

a) Metaplasia (answer)

b) Dysplasia (occurs in HPV so incorrect)

12) Which of them causes constriction of VASCULAR smooth muscles by acting through IP3/DAG

a) ADH ( answer) (v2 acts by cAMP, v1 acts by IP3/DAG to constrict muscle)

b) Aldosterone (acta by steroid mechanism)

c) Oxytocin (acts by IP3 DAG but not on VASCULAR)

13) Grading of a tumour means

a) Differntiaion (answer)

14) EBV causes

a) Burkit lymphoma (answer)

15) SUPERFICIAL epigastric artery is branch of

a) Femoral artery (answer)

REMEBER(superior epigastric by internal thoracic and inferior epigastric by external iliac)

16) Brocas area damage along with near structures blood supply by

a) Middle cerebral artery (answer)

17) Most carcinomas have

a) Keratin (answer)

b) Desmin

18) Pulsation of femoral artery is felt at

a) Min inguinal point (answer)

b) Mid point of inguinal ligament (tricky remember its point where femoral NERVE passes)

19) Which change makes possible for mother to lactate for whole year

a) Lobular hyperplasia (answer)

20) Trauma to visual area in which peripheral vision loss bilaterally central intact

a) PCA (answer) (occipital lobe lesion causes macular sparing)

b) ICA

c) ACA

21) Adrenergic stimulation occurs by BETA receptors in which of following

a) Vessels

b) Mydriasis

c) Heart (answer) (M1 receptors are in heart others two have alpha control)

22) Left shift of Hb dissociation curve

a) Acidosis

b) Hypothermia (answer)
23) Endocarditis after 3 weeks of fever scenario hepatospleenomegally splinter haemorge murmur,
which investigation appropriate

a) Blood culture (answer)

b) Serology (its done for rheumatic fever to detect ASO titre)

c) Stool culture

24) Man with heaviness in abdomen total scenario of CML which change

a) 9:22 translocation (answer)

25) UMN type lesion involves

a) Corticospinal and corticobulbar (answer)

b) Rubrospinal

c) Vesticulospinal

26) Meningitis attack, Rx given after few weeks morning headache papillidema

a) Hydrocephalus (answer)

27) Long scenario showing alkalosis, hypertension increased aldosterone

a) CONN syndrome (answer) (it causes hypokalemia and alkalosis)

28) Head injury man hyperventilating values were given

a) Respiratory alkalosis (answer)

29) Bacterial meningitis drug of choice

a) Cetriaxone (answer)

30) ARGYL ROBERTSON pupil with accomdation but no light reflex lesion at

a) Pretectal area (Answer)

b) Optic nerve ( its damage in afferent defect)

c) Edinger westphal… (it is for accommodation)

31) Outflow of basal ganglia neurotransmitter

a) GABA (Answer)

b) Glutamate

32) Phrenic nerve near its origin passes anterior to which muscle

a) Scaleini anterior (Answer)

b) Scalenie medius

c) SCmastoid

33) IgM Feature

a) Monomer

b) Crosses placenta

c) Activates complement (Answer)

34) Lungs are in expanded position in chest due to

a) Negative intrapleural pressure (Answer)

b) Increased surface tension

35) Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis were given and asked which test to be done

a) Hetrophile antibody (Answer)

36) Scenario of iron def anemia in female

a) Iron is absorbed in ferric form

b) Iron requires intrinsic factor for absorption

c) Dietry iron is absorbed readily (Answer past paper bcq)

37) Cause of squamous cell carcinoma

a) RADON most common cause ((Answer) big robbins)

38) Which one of these is carcinogenic

a) Asbestos (Answer)

b) Beryllium

39) Hydrocarbons exposure in plastic factory

a) Bronchogenic carcinoma (ANSWER)

b) Bladder cancer

40) Cranial nerve 3 originates from

a) Midbrain (ANSWER)

b) Pons

c) Medulla

41) Which of these vaccines is conjugated to protein etc

a) Meningococcal (ANSWER)

b) TAB vaccine

c) Tetanus

42) Plasma cells form

a) Gamma globulins (ANSWER)

b) Alpha globulins

c) Beta microglobulin

43) Autoimmune disease which classically involves single organ

a) Hashimoto thyroiditis (ANSWER)

b) SLE

44) Hemophilia scenario bleeding from umbilical scar history test


b) BT

c) PT

45) Slowest growing thyroid cancer is

a) Papillary (ANSWER robbins…slowly growing, pasmoma bodies, radiosensitive, lymphatic spread)

b) Medullary

c) Follicular

46) Opsonization is caused by C3b and which of the antibody

b) IgM

47) Defeciency of niacin and riboflavin

a) Wet beri beri

b) Pallegra (ANSWER)

48) Vitamin A Defeciency causes

a) Hyperkeratosis (ANSWER)

49) Gastropathy of diabetes

a) Metoclopramide (ANSWER)

b) Domperidone

50) Loss of index finger flexion and loss of sensation on palmer aspect

a) Median nerve (ANSWER)

b) Radial

51) Cyclosporine acts by

a) Blocking its entry into tissues

b) Stopping T cell differentiation (ANSWER)

52) Lymph from lower lymph nodes

a) Submental and submandubular (ANSWER)

b) Parotid

c) Infraclavicular

53) Antero-posterior and transverse diameter of chest during QUIET RESpiration is increased by:

a) Diaphram ( becoz it only increases VERTICAL diameter)

b) External intercostals (ANSWER.. they increase AP+transver… pump+ bucket)

54) Forced expiration mainly through

a) Abdominal muscles (only good option (ANSWER)

55) Ondansetron reduces nausea vomiting in cancer by:

a) Direcly acting at chemoreceptor trigger zone

b) 5HT3 blocker (ANSWER)

56) Glossophrngeal nerve supplies

a) Stylophyrngeus muscle (ANSWER)

57) Glosophyrenageal nerve damaged, loss of which taste occurs:

a) Bitter

b) Sour ((ANSWER) I think its sour.. becoz bitter is MOST posterior and it may be by vagus.. internet
says BOTH… but that was not in options)

c) None

58) Dorsal nucleus of vagus is present in:

a) Medulla (ANSWER)

b) Pons

59) Trachea span

a) C6 to T4… (ANSWER only best option)

60) Parasympathetic nerve acts on S.A node by

a) Activating K channel ( reduce activity…. (ANSWER))

61) Liver activates glycogen phosphorylase in defeciency of what

a) Insulin (ANSWER)

b) Decreased glucagon

62) Longest spine

a) C7 vertbra(ANSWER)

b) Atlas

63) Turner syndrome

a) 45X0 (ANSWER)

64) Absent bicep reflex.. and some sensory loss on lateral side

a) C5-C6 (ANSWER)

65) Difficulty rising from standing position

a) Damage to glueus maximus (ANSWER) (inferior gluteal nerve)

66) Air for embolism

a) 100cc (ANSWER)

67) Dopamine inhibits

a) Prolactin (ANSWER) (dopamine is also called prolactin inhib factor)

68) Optic nerve passes to skull by opning in

a) Sphenoid (ANSWER) optical canal is in it…

b) Ethmoid
69) Estrogen progesterone in last 7 months of pregnancy by

a) Placenta (ANSWER)

b) Fetus

70) Digitalis toxicity is increased by

a) Thiazides (ANSWER) ( they cause hypokalemia)

b) Hyperkalemia

71) Interventicular septum major supply by

a) LAD (ANSWER) (as it supplies anterior 2/3rd)

b) Posterior interventicular (*it supplies posterios 1/3rd)

72) Hematemesis CLD… vein involved

a) Left azygous vein (ANSWER as its portal tributary in esophageal varices)

73) Infectious mononucleosis test (repeated again with diff words)

a) Hetrophile antibody (ANSWER)

74) Foecoral route transmission

75) Repeated same question in paper 2…


76) PATIENT taking k-sparing diuretic its effects and tall talented t waves were given wih lethargy

a) Hyperkalemia (ANSWER its side effects of thiazides)

77) U-wave is due to

a) Papiilary muscle repolarization (ANSWER)

78) Acute toxicity of oral anticoagulant is immediately reversed by

a) FFP (ANSWER immediate)

b) Vitamin K ( if late… it takes long time for factors)

79) If factor 8 is not available, what can be given

a) FFP

b) Cryoprecipitate (ANSWER.. it contains factor VIII and VWF)

80) HLA :

a) Are responsible for graft rejection by antibodies (ANSWER)

81) Alcoholic with pneumonia, copious amount and all symptoms of klebshiela
a) Klebshiela pneumonia (ANSWER)

82) Biostats

a) Analysis and interpretation of data (ANSWER)

83) Amyloidosis dye

a) Congo-red stain

84) Pshychiatry mcq, to keep secret of patient treatment is

a) Confidentiality (ANSWER)

85) Flexion reflex stimulus

a) Painful stimulus ( noxious stimuli)

b) Stretch in muscle… (*it occurs due to golgi tendon)

86) Doctor can do better for patient by

a) Active listening (ANSWER people say A Due to past paper)

b) Keeping clinical knowledge upto date..

87) Achondroplasia scenario.. small arm feet, body normal..

a) Autosomal dominant (ANSWER)

88) Autosomal recessive feature is:

a) Transfer disease to ¼ offspring… (ANSWER)

89) Action potential is :

a) First generated at axon hillock (ANSWER)

b) At axon

c) At dendrite

90) Most Potent antioxidant is

a) Glutathione (ANSWER)

b) Vitamin c

91) Respiratory burst is used for

a) Killing bactericidal effect (ANSWER)

92) Most radiosensitive tumour

a) Lymph node (ANSWER it was best option there)

93) Pulse weak, nerve paralysis,( REPEAT SCENARIO )

a) Cervical rib (ANSWER)

b) 2nd rib

94) Patient has right side pain, cordotomy done, which is cut

a) Left Lateral spinothalamic (ANSWER it carries pain and temp)

b) Left anterior spinothalamic (*it carries crude touch)

c) Right spinothalamic

95) Sinking heart and other weakness symptoms..

a) Hypokalemia (ANSWER)

b) Hyponatremia

96) Mean stroke volume by:

a) CO/heart rate (ANSWER) As CO= stoke volume * HR

97) BURN patient sepsis fever, bleeding diathesis


98) CHILD with constipation and on exam no neurons were present in colon


99) Spinal cord suspended into dura matter by

a) Filum terminale

b) Cauda equine

c) Denticulate ligament (ANSWER)

d) Alar ligament

100) Benzo and barbiturate act by

a) GABA channels (ANSWER)

101) Glucose absorption on luminal side by

a) Co transport (ANSWER *with Na)

b) Counter transport

102) Epithelium was given and cilia beat in whip like movement at..

a) Fallopian tube (ANSWER)

b) Organ of corti

103) Diabetic patient 360mg/dl NEWLY DIAGNOSED he is advised to improve diet and exercise along

a) Bigunide (ANSWER metformin is given always)

b) Insulin
c) Sulfonyurea

104) Left kidney has

a) PCT is lined with simple cubiodal with brush border (ANSWER it was best option only)

105) Patient profusely sweating, temp 103*F.. UNCONCIOUS…

a) Heat stroke (ANSWER when unconscious its stroke)

b) Heat exhaustion

106) Nutmeg liver feature:

a) Centrilobar congestion (best option as past paper bcq) (ANSWER)

107) Tyrosine derivative

a) Noepinephrine (ANSWER)

108) Long standing HTN… now shortness of breath, edema is due to

a) Inc oncotic pressure

b) Increased hyrostatic pressure (ANSWER)

109) Ischemia scenario patient took almost 8 hours to reach hospital, which of these organs will
survive effects of such ischemia
a) Heart

b) hippocampus

c) Retina

d) Skeletal muscle (ANSWER guys I have seen sepsis patients after few minutes even go to AKI,
they get transient blindness, get ischemic stroke… so there muscles are good after many hours)

110) CVP is increased by

a) Increased peripheral cascular resistance (ANSWER)

111) Which of them is deficient in minerals,

a) Roots

b) Tubers (ANSWER past paper bcq)

c) Leaves

112) Regarding platelets

a) Number changes after splenectomy

b) Are produced in bone marrow from larger (megakaryocytes) cells as fragments.. (ANSWER)
113) 1st mechanim after injury

a) Vasoconstriction (ANSWER)
114) Rennin is secreted by

a) JG cells (ANSWER)

115) S1Q3T3 pattern, pulm embolism scenario…

a) Gallium scan (ANSWER to check v/q)

b) X ray chest (I ticked this, but it was I think for pulm edema )

116) Feature of slow wave sleep

a) Beta waves

b) Duration is longer than REM sleep.. (ANSWER this is sure)

c) Loss of muscle tone… (*it is a feature of REM…. Sleep paralysis you know)

117) Synovial joint

a) Periosteum enlarges to produce disk

b) Both surfaces are covered by HYALINE cartilage (ANSWER)..

118) Atrophy of muscle occurs due to

a) Denervation (ANSWER)

119) Hypothyroidism causes increase in level of

a) Cholesterol (ANSWER past paper bcq, by down regulation of LDL receptors)

120) Kidney dye normal on right, but on left it is at near pelvis,

a) Left pelvic kidney (ANSWER)

b) Horse shoe kidney (* it is when both kidney are down..)

121) Treating old man care to be taken of

a) Threapeautic dose can lead to side effects (ANSWER..)

122) Active immunity is by

a) BCG (ANSWER… wrong stem by cpsp.. all 3 options were of active..)

b) Sabine polio

c) Salk polio

d) Tetanus

123) Partial thyroidectomy is done to

a) Save the parathyroid glands (ANSWER)

124) Hyperthyroid patient was in thyroid storm, drug to be used

a) Propranolol (ANSWER)
125) Na and H20 both absorption is increased by

a) Aldosterone (ANSWER)

b) AngiotensionII

126) Appendicitis scenario, neutrophills 10,000… this is due to

a) Cytokines (ANSWER only best option)

127) Elastic cartilage

a) Lyrnx

b) Pinna (ANSWER best..)

c) Alla of nose

d) Trachea

128) An 17 year girl with breathing problems.. hilar lymphdenopathy, 1cm nodule, normal gram
staining, no organism seen..RETICULO NODULAR PATTERN on histology…

a) Pneumonia

b) T.B

c) HYPERSENSITIVTY PNEMONITIS (ANSWER these ALL features are peculiar to this.. REF

129) Thrombin convert fibrinogen to fibrin fragment released during this is

a) Fibrinopeptide (ANSWER ref google)

130) Cross matching of blood is done as..

a) Antigen of donour should match with the recipients serum (ANSWER)

131) Ectopic thyroid is produced by

a) Squamous cell carcinoma larynx (ANSWER past paper bcq by PTHrp peptide.. brs physio)

132) Blurring on seeing left side, with right sided hemiplegia lesion at:

a) Mid brain (ANSWER it was answer in ASIM AND SOHAIB, and MEDCOFFEE.. becoz its on
LOOKING LEFT SIDE,,,, NOT LOOKING LATERALLY… so seems occulomotor involment)

b) Left internal capsule

c) Right internal capsule

133) Clonidine acts by

a) Centrally acting alpha2 receptors (ANSWER)

134) True about Pituotory gland:

a) Is extradural ((ANSWER… as all other options were shuffled with up AND DOWN)

b) Lies above diaphrgma sella *(pitutory lies BELOW DIAPHR SILLA)

c) Lateral to cavernous sinus *(it lies medial to cavernous sinus)

135) Patient is with AB+ve blood,, he has to be given platelets… which will be given

a) O-ve (universal donor??? Not sure abt it not getting logic)

b) AB –VE

136) Carotid SINUS respond to

a) Changes in blood pressure ( sinus to pressure… body to chemicals)

137) Aortic dissection scenario:

a) Medial necrosis (ANSWER)

138) Immune reactions are suppressed in

a) ACTH (SK says this… but it seems weak… its not even CORTISOL!!!!!)

b) CLD (it is copy paste ASIM SOHAIB MCQ… immunoglobulins and carriers etc are more realted to

139) Vessel along phrenic nerve which passes between mediastinal and costal pleura is

a) Musculophrenic artery (it pierces diaphragm)

b) Pericardio phrenic artery (ANSWER)

140) Delayed active hyperemia by

a) Ischemia (ANSWER…. Past paper bcq)

141) Normal distribution curve

a) Mean median and mode co incide at a point (ANSWER… best answer.. other values were

142) Burn patient left to heal without graft, which factor makes sure healing will take place..

a) Skin appendages (ANSWER people say its past paper question)

b) Presence of granulation tissue

c) Presence of connective tissue at site (???)

143) Amnorhea in lactation is due to

a) Decreased secretion of GnRH ((ANSWER)…..(DUE to negative inhibition by prolactin* )

144) 2L fluid is loss by sweating.. took 2L of water…

a) DEC ICF fluid volume (* INC ICF fluid volume….this option was not present in our paper)

b) Inc ECF osmolarity (ANSWER ???)

c) Inc ECF volume

145) Visual fibres after crsossing chiasma passed

a) Lateral geniculate body to optical radiation (ANSWER)

b) MGB..

146) RIGHT main bronchus as compared to left:

a) More wider (ANSWER)

b) More prone to obstruction by foriegn body

c) Oblique

147) Vital capacity:

a) Decrease with old age

b) It is the volume from forceful inspiration to end of forceful expiration (ANSWER) this was correct

148) Multiple myeloma test

a) IgG 15 IGA 3 IgM1% (ANSWER) THIS was correct as M.M have M-spike (immunoglobulins spike)
but antibody IgG Is increased most…

149) Newborn with recurrent infection and Diarhea which antibody is deficient…

a) IgG

b) IgA (ANSWER it was typical scenario of IgA Defeciency which is most common
immunodeficiency… FIRST AID TABLE)
150) Water proofing of skin is done by

a) Keratin (ANSWER)

151) Standing from supine position which is most imp compensatory mechanism

a) Dec venous return (past papers say this!!!!)

b) Inc heart rate.. (ANSWER)I think this is correct sompensation is by increasing heart rate…

152) Again this question was repeated in B paper too… ( wrong two time)

153) Drug used for both shistosomiasis and Tania together is:

a) Albendazole

b) Prazequental (ANSWER for sure…. 1st aid table)

154) Total number of vertebra in spinal cord

a) 33 (ANSWER)

b) 31

155) Implantation occurs after how many days of fertilization

a) Sixth day (ANSWER langman embryo)

b) 10th day
c) 3rd day

d) 15th day

e) None

156) Muscle weakness causes instability of knee joint:

a) Vastus lateralis (ANSWER… locker of kneeee joint … past papers)

b) Rectus femoris

c) Semi tendinosus

157) Heart rate 72 in man, this normal pacemaking occurs in:

a) S.A node (ANSWER)

158) First defense against tumour are

a) Natural killer cells (ANSWER past papers… ref robins)

159) Rigor mortis is due to deficiency of

a) ATP

b) ATP + PHOSPOcreate (ANSWER searched from google…)

160) Low level of estrogen with high level of FSH:

a) Primary hypogonadism( it was PRIMARY… (ANSWER) as in TERtiary… GNRH ↓ and in secondry

b) Secondary hypogonadism

c) Tertiary hypogonadism

161) Secondary cartilaginous joint is :

a) Presence of fibrocatilage disk between two bones…(ANSWER…. Vertebral discs etc etc…Sk pearls
joints table )

162) Which of them is needed to be broken down before digestion

a) Tripeptides

b) Dipeptides

c) Monopeptides

d) Sucrose (ANSWER …. Only MONOSACHRIDES CAN BE absorbed… biochem mushtaq)

e) Fructose

163) Primary metabolic function of insulin is…

a) Causes to glucose shift intracellular in skeletol and some tissues (ANSWER) this was correct I

b) Glycogenesis…
164) A scenario with all cell lines decreased… test to confirm

a) Bone marrow biopsy.. (ANSWER)

165) One scenario breathing difficulty on lying down….

a) Retrosternal goiter.. (ANSWER)

166) Fish tape worm eating, ANEMIA… cause:

a) Diphylobothrium latum… (ANSWER it cause megaloblastic anemia in fishermen)

167) Drug contraindicated in CLD

a) Pentazocin ((ANSWER) past paper bcq… its metabolized by glucornization by liver primarily)

b) Paracetamol

c) Lorazepam

168) A person with 2 moth history of FOUL smelling stools, bloating and pain.. investigation was

a) Stool culture

b) Stool complete examination… (ANSWER this was correct people say)

169) Epicardium is supplied by:

a) Coronary arteries (ANSWER)..These pierce heart to supply Epicardium which is outer heart

b) Percardiophrenic arteries.. … (*these supply PERICARIUM WHICH IS SAC)

170) Theophlline dose should be kept low in children because of:

a) LOW metabolism capacity of children (ANSWER.. )

171) Brain type of necrosis :

a) Liquefective necrosis (ANSWER)

172) Decrease lymph flow occurs :

a) Due to haemorhage ( past paper bcq) (ANSWER)

173) Maximum blood is present in

a) Venous system (ANSWER past paper bcq)

174) Graft TRANSPALNT of heart was done and rejection occurred, in first 24 hour cells present will

a) INCREASED neutrophills..

b) Lymphocytes (ANSWER) it was trick.. acute rejection is by CD 8 LYMPHOCYTES… neutrophils are

in MI)

175) PAH is used to measure plasma flow because

a) Its reabsorbed

b) Its filtered and secreted (ANSWER (BRS PHYSIO lines…)

176) Abdominal angina occurs due to:

a) Superior mesenteric artery… (ANSWER… common in clinical setting)

177) Somatostatin role in pancreatic fistula:

a) Decreases hormones

b) Decreases secretion (ANSWER)

178) One more from ALDOSTERONE causes…SODIUM absorption..

179) Long scenario weight loss, fever, alcoholic, normal gram staining etc negative what is seen on


180) Azygous vein blocked causes dilatation of…

a) Right asending lumber and subcostal (ANSWER)..

181) Plasma proteins are normalized after haemorage, in

a) 1-3 days (ANSWER …. Not sure…!)

b) 3-7 days
c) 7-10 days..

d) LONG SCENARIO in which there were ASPERGILLOSIS features, farmer, and answer was
(branched hyphe on histolgy??!!

182) Which of them increased most in hepatocyte damage:

a) SGPT(ANSWER) (also called ALT) raised upto 10 times.. specific to liver.. in acute hepatitis..
c) GGT ( it is raised in cholestasis)

183)Dopamine to norepinephrine final conversion enzyme…

a)Dopamine beta hydroxylase (ANSWER confirmed..)

b) dopa decarboxylase…

184)which liberates fatty acids for oxidation something like it)..

a) LIPASE..??

185) physostigmine is anticholinesrtrse inhibitor it acts by:

a) crosses blood brain barrier to cause increased ACH release (ANSWER… as it crosses


186) sensorineural deafness was present:

a) webber laterized to normal ear ( ANSWER??.. ) b)rennie +ve

c) absolute bone conduction zero..

187)granulomas are characterized by:

a)epithiliod and giant cells… (ANSWER confirmed)

188) HIV positive at serology what will you do:

1) do further tests to confirm ((ANSWER)???

2) follow up and let him go

3) isolate him

189)keratin and vimentin are found in cancers are

a) intermediate filaments.. (ANSWER) b)microfilaments..

190 vagotomy above esophagus causes:

1) loss of acid

2)loss of movement at antrum

3)loss of antrum motility (ANSWER distal motility reduced)

191: HLA are:

a)Conatin MHC and cause immune reactions.. (ANSWER)

192) NH4 acts as a buffer at renal becoz: a) it cannot be secreted

b) absorbs a hydrogen ion for each bicarb (ANSWER) ??

193) lonngitudenal strations on light microsocopy are in: a)collagen

b)reticular (ANSWER)?? c)elastic.. ??

194) Posterior column medial lemnisucal carries:

a) vibration?
b) ASTERognosia..? (ANSWER).. its carried by this tract.. function of two point discrimination…

195) what is the role of HCG in pregnancy:

a) corpus albicans ( its degenrrated luteum if fertilization does not occur. So irrelevant.
b) testosterone in fetus (ANSWER)…

196):INSPIRATION causes….

a) increase in heart rate.. (ANSWER normal physio..)

b) decrease in heart rate..

197) difference of PO2 in alveolar vs arterial is: a) due to some area lacking perfusion

b) due to some area lacking ventilation

c)this pressure gradient is necessary for the diffusion of oxygen.. (ANSWER BRS PHYSIO LINES…)

198) keeping the End diastolic length constant, how can be CO increased:
1) by increasing the heart rate ((ANSWER best answer it was)

Resting tremors, stooped posture, shuffling gate
a) cerebrum
b) cerebellum
c) midbrain
i marked A as basal ganglias are present in cerebrum
2. rib fracture >>> angle
3. long scenario... knee jerk gone sensory supply on inner thigh gone and weak inversion ....>>L3 L4
4. chronic nephritis ,anemia what to give as treatment >>>> erythropoietin
5. AFP raised >>> embryonal carcinoma
swallowing needs >>> raising of larynx
7. loss of plantar flexion and decreased cutaneous sensation on medial side of calf >>> tibial nerve
8. In heart stem was end of arterial depolarition and start of venterical reploratizion which
electrocardiograph show time interval
Option were
a)PR segment
b)PR interval
c)QT segment
d)QT interval
e)ST interval
ans: ST segment
9. female taking HRT risk of developing
a) endometrial CA
b) thromboembolism
Ans B
azygous block >> Right ascending lumber and right subcostal
11. in primary dehydration ecf becomes >> hypertonic
12. testes descent >>> regression of gubernaculum
13. serotonin produced by
b) agraffian cells of intestine
14. about monocytes
a) develop from same precursor with neutrophils
b) move from blood stream to tissues and back to blood stream
15. RTA , loss of phonation and can't speak which area damaged
a) sub frontal
b) posterolateral part of inferior frontal gyrus
16. on CT L1 level >>> SMA
17. female urethra >>> more prone to infection
18. pyogenic lung abscess >>> staphylococcus aureus
19. tumor supressor gene >> p53
20. 5years old boy unilateral blindness tumor on CT with blue cells and rossett gene involved
a) retinoblastoma gene
b) myc
ans A
21. portosystemic shunt
a)lower esophagus
b) lower anal canal
ans : A
22. superfacial external pudendal emerge from???
a)saphenous opening
b)deep inguinal ring
ans : B
23. mcc of fatty liver in our country
a) obesity
b) starvation
d)hepatitus b and c
ans : B
24. Left limb paralysed + homonymous hemianopia
A. Occipital lobe
B. Internl capsule
Confirm ds
25. bone fracture+cerebral white mater patechiae >>>>Fat embolism
26. leiomyoma increased endometrial stroma and few gland
ans: B
27. hysterectomty ovarian artery damge at
a)pelvic brim
b)sacroilliac joint
ans : A
Endoceevix with squamous epithethium >>>Metaplasia
29. part of levator ani >>>puborectalis
30. loss of water by evaporation and insensible loss from body
a)controled by hypothalamus
b)thermal gradient
c) remains constant
d)depends on core body temperature
31. Pt having pernious anemia and gastric ulcer how will treat??
a)oral iron tablets
b)iv vitb12
c)oral vit b12 and iron
ans : B
Thick sliva involvd
alpha 1
b)alpha 1 beta 1
ans : A
33. alveolar ventilation formula >> dead space minus from tidal volume times breathing rate
34. pyelonephritis wbcs 25 K what to do
a)urine culture
b)urine and blood culture
ans : A
35. prevalance of o blood group in causcacian population
ans : A
cranial nerves in floor of 4th ventricle >>> 6,8,12
37. carpal tunnel syndrome >>> flattened thenar
38. gfr increases d/t>>> decreased oncotic pressure
39. branch of subclavian involved in shoulder joint anastomosis >>> suprascapular
40. lateral blow to knee, injured >>> tibial collateral
41. thoracic duct opens into >>> union of left internal thoracic and subclavian
42. itching direct bilirubin raised ALP raised >>> extra hepatic cholestasis
female with amenorrhea of 5weeks presented with right sided iliac pain wbcs raised and patient
a)acute appendicitis
b)ectopic pregnancy
ans : A
45. alcoholic liver >>> mallory bodies
46. spinal anesthesia ideal site >>> below L2
47. wound strength >>> type 1 collagen
48. bicuspid aortic valve associated with >>> coarctation of aorta
49. child with periorbital edema d/t >>> decreased albumin
epithelial tumor immunohistostaining
a )desmin
d ) s100
ans : C
51. heart surgery ,vein accompanying the artery in anterior interventricular groove >>> Great cardiac
52. venous drainage of heart mainly by >>> coronary sinus
52. pulsatile mass in abdomen, site >>> L1 to L3
53. protein requirement >>>1g/kg
54. which is not supplied by SMA
a)sigmoid and descending colon
b)transverse and descending colon
ans : A
celiac and mesenteric lymph node supplies
a)duodenum ans
lymph drainage of kidney(no para aortic mentioned) >>>lumber nodes
57. winging of scapula>>> long thoracic
58. self replicative >>> mitochondria
59. jaundice after 2 days of birth ,baby was breast fed indirect bilirubin 10
a)physiological jaundice
b)breast milk jaundice
c)gilbert atresia
ans : B
60. terminal branch of aorta >>> median sacral artery
61. lobe involved in prostatic carcinoma >>> posterior lobe
62. structure passing through foramen rotandum >>> maxillary nerve
decreased sensations and foot ulcers in diabetic >>> neuropathy and vasculopathy
65. pregnant lady should sleep on left lateral position and not to right due to >>> compression of
inferior vena cava
66. test used to differentitate the type of jaundice
b) GGt
c)total bilirubin

66. in primary syphilis culture taken from >>> genital sores

67. the stage in genesis of RBCs >>> pro erythroblast ( other options were about wbcs and platelets
68. nerve involved in cremastaric reflex >>> ilioinguinal nerve
69. last to come to normal after hemorrhage >>> RBCs
70. dead space not changed >>> shallow breathing
71. derivative of neural crest cell >>> endocardial cushion
72. muscles that elevate palate originate from >>> 4,6 arch
73. which decrease height of action potential
Ans C?
dont remember other option
74. hyponatremia caused by
a)increased body water
b)abscence of ADH
Ans A
75 . One was about allergic rhinitis which is responsible c3b or histamine >> i marked histamine
76. Pacianian corpuscles detect
a) Crude touch
b)Low freq vibration
c)high frequency vibration
ans : C
77. medial lemiscus pathway >>> nucleus gracilis n cueatus
78. integral part of RBC membrane >> spectrin
79. Cells involved in repair of neurons after injury
80. which type of joint intervertebral disc is >>> symphysis
81. drug volume of distribution 8L what is correct
a) distributed in whole body water
b)distributed in ecf
c)concentration is high in blood
d)decrease protein binding
82. structure between T12 ans L1
b) jejunum
c) pancreas
ans : C
83. time taken by food to reach large intestine from pylorus
b)8 hrz
c) 12 hrz
ans : B
84. Cyntoic spells were mentioned in a 10 years old boy
ans : D
85. most specific marker of myocardial infarction?
a) Trop T
b) mayoglobin
c ) CKMb
ans : A
neuro muscular junction sympathic and parasympathetic nerves reaching heart??
a)preganglionic auntonomic
b)desmosomes b/w fibres
dont remember other options it was confusing qs i marked A
87. ligament which is formed from deep part of parotid fascia>> stylomandibular ligament
88. pregnancy resp capacities?
a)Co2 inc
b)TLC inc
c)Vital capacity inc
d)Residual vol inc
ans : C
89. calcitonin in which carcinoma >>> medullary thyroid
90. Lung segments contain >>>Tertiary bronchus
91. aldosterone function >>> Na absorbtion
92. exopthalamus d/t
a) increased TSH
b) increased T3 T4
c) increased thyroid stimulating substance
Ans C
93. Medial palpebral ligament attachment >>>Anterior posterior lacrimal ridges
94. type A personality develop cardiac problem due to >> stress of social environment
95. branch of intercostal nerve >>> peritoneal sensory
96. Comom feature of normal kidney..
a).Podocyte in visceral layer of bowmen capsule
b).slit like membrane b/w macula densa n Jg apparatus
97. glans and corpora lymph drainage >>>deep inguinal
98. roof of ischiorectal fossa >>> levator ani
99. xiphoid level >>> T9(vertebral level)
100. gall bladder pain over neck >>> sensory supply from mid cervical dermatome
101. which divide occipital triangle >> inferior belly of omohyoid
102. growth harmone main secretion in
ans b
103. insulin secretion increased mainly by
a) increased glucose level
b) increased glucagon
ans A
104. lateral cord of brachial plexus damaged muscles involved >> pectoralis major
105. female with fatigue and morning stiffness in mcp joints of hand >>> rheumatoid arthritis
106. hypokalemia due to gatroenteritis u gave IV potassium ..moa asked
a) H K ATPase
b)leaky channels
c) Na K pump
ans : A?
107. proximal part of small intestine removed what will b decreased
a)basal acid secretion
b)emptying of solid food
c)emptying of liquid food
d)option regarding pancreatic secretions (poor recall)
108. active thyroid harmone
a) T3
b)unbound form
ans :B
109. pancreatica magna branch of >>> splenic artery
110. movement across membrane through carriers >>> facilitated diffusion
111. lumber hernia protrude from
a)superior lumber triangle
b)inferior lumber triangle
c) medial to internal intercostal
112. at which level SMA supply converted to IMA supplye >>> transverse colon
113. functional unit of liver>>> hepatic acinus
114. liver formed from >>> foregut
115. sternocleidomastoid function>>> movement of neck to opposite side
116. child didnot pass meconium and constipation >>> hirshprung disease
117. long thoracic cut which muscle affected >>> serratus anterior
118. parasympthetic nucleus of 10th cranial nerve >>> dorsal nucleus
119. vagus nerve relation with trachea on right side while entering in thorax
a)separated by phrenic nerve
b)separated by brachiocephalic trunk
c)in close contact
ans: C
120. ambigous nucleus present in >> medulla
121. left gastric vein opens into >>> portal vein
122. while eating foreign body lodged in>>> right lower lobe
123. if perineal body cut what will be affected >>> deep transverse perinei
124. internal urethral sphincter nerve supply >>> hypogastric nerves
125. external anal sphincter supply >>> pudendal nerve
126. in avasculat necrosis of head of femur which artery is involved
a) obturator artery
b)medial circumflex
c) descending branch of lateral circumflex
d)another branch of lateral circumflex was mentioned dont remember its name
ans : i marked B
128. appendicis epiploicae in >>sigmoid colon (rest of the options were regarding small intestine)
129. pain and temperature transmitted by
a)lateral spinothalamic
b)anterior spinothalamic
c)dorsal column
ans : A
130. thrombosis of artery supplying occipital lobe >> posterior cerebral artery
131. 3years child immunization not done presented with fever neck rigidity gram negative
coccobacilli organism on culture
a) streptococci
b) hemophilus influenzae
c) meningococci
ans : B
134. pleurocentesis shd be done idealy in >>> at lower part of 9th ICS at mid axillary line
135. qs about doctor and pharmacist interaction
a)health promotion through interaction with pharmaceuticals
b)for betterment of institution
136. superior layer of superficial perineal pouch >> perineal membrane
137. microscopic features of TB granuloma >> caseation
138. on posterior surface of prostate from latrl to medial
ans USA
*breast lymphatic draing divide into
A.ant post
B.medial latrl
Ans B
140. on standing suddenly what will increase
a)pulse pressure
b)coronary blood flow
c)renal blood flow
d)venous compliance
ans D
141. in 2nd degree heart block >> atrial rate is more than ventricular rate
142. reticular connective tissues present in
ans A
143. for inflammation T cells bind to >> MHC
144. the angle formed between the longitudinal axis of the head, neck, and greater trochanter of the
femur proximally and the transverse axis of the femoral condyles distally >>> 15 (angle of torsion)
145. after surgery low bp >> hypovolemic shock
146. in neurogenic shock
a)loss of vasomotor tone
b)loss of vagal tone
ans A
147. increased ICP >> cushing reflex
148. rational drug design
d)gene therapy
ans A... i marked A other options are poor recall
149. submental and submandibular lymph nodes are involved in which carcinoma
a )lower lip
b)upper lip
ans i marked C although A is also true
150. in pregnancy less than 10 days what is used
a)serum bHCG
b) urine bHCG
c)transvaginal U/S
ans A
151. paracetamol antidot >>> N acetylcysteine
152. in PKU phenylalanine is not converted to >>> tyrosine
153. pregnant lady with jaundice what is diagnostic >>> GGT
154. mcq about tracheoesophageal fistula ,which structure separate them
a)bronchial bud
b)laryngotracheal groove
c)laryngeal fold
d) dont remember
ans b
155. one was about hepatitus pathological feature were mentioned of chronic active hepatitis
156. facial spaces contain
a) loose connective tissues
b) loose adipose tissues
c) nerves vessels
ans A
157. malignancy feature
b)inc n/c ratio
(no metastatis or invasion was mentioned)ans A
158. hypothalamus connected through hypophyseal capillaries to
ans A
159. glucose maximum absorption in >>> PCT
160. lucid interval ,talk and die
a)extra dural
b)sub dural
ans b
common congenital abnormality
b)chromosomal abnormalities
i marked A dont remember other options
162. hepatoma causes compression of >>> IVC
163. surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament structure to b injured first >>> bile duct
164. surgery of uterus and after that patient has lumber pain >> ureter ligated
165. carpal tunnel syndrome >> flattened thenar
166. nasopharyngeal CA >>> EBV
167. structure between celiac and superior mesenteric artery >>> pancreas
168. in femoral hernia structure related to neck of hernia
a)femoral nerve
b)inferior epigastric artery
c)pubic tubercle
d)inguinal ligament
169. male with fracture on X ray osteoporosis, cause of osteoporosis in 60 years of age
a)nutritional deficiency
b)endocrinological disturbance/harmonal insufficiency
c)disuse atrophy
d)diminished blood supply
ans B
170. mother of 12 children with progressive dizziness and fatigue with angular stomatitis since
3months with low mcv >>> iron deficiency anemia
171. child with hepatosplenomegaly and pallor his brother has also the same problem and gone
through multiple transfusions investigation of choice
a) bone marrow biopsy
b) HB electrophoresis
Ans b
172. during oophorectomy artery damaged >>> internal iliac
173. pyogenic peritonitis >>> bacteroids
174. moa of gangrene caused by clotridium perfringens
a)local hypoxia
b)release of phospholipase
c) decreased ATP
175. one about regression analysis
176. one about stratified random sampling
177. enterokinase activate >>> trypsinogen
178. muscle arising from 3rd pharyngeal arch >>> stylopharyngeus
179. extracoelomic cavity >>>>
180. adrenal gland >>> preganglionic sympathetic nerves
181. congenital adrenal hyperplasia >> 46XX with ambiguous genitalia
182. in trauma damage to right side of linea alba leading to profuse bleeding >>> IVC
183. in old age purplish patches on body no family history >>> thrombocytopenia
184. 1st line defense >>> skin
184. vasodilation and hypotension is a feature of >>> septic shock
185. scenario heinz body bite cells were mentioned >>> G6PD deficiency
186. kajal cells in grey matter with projections somewhat like that >>> protoplasmic astrocytes
187. spinal nerves >>> motor and sensory
188. vagus nerve pass through >>> esophageal opening
Surg.4th sep.night
01. Anti H antibody present in which blood group: AB O B OH
Ans. Oh
02. Knife attack neck superficial structure damage. Trpapezius muscle
03. Overhead abduction is lost , muscle most likely involved?
a. Serratous anterior
b. Trapezius
c. Deltoid
d. Supraspinatus
Ans. A
04. Ulnar damage at elbow which of the following is most likely?
a. Hypothenar wasting
b. Claw hand
Ans. A
05. A boy hit by car got injury to lateral aspect of knee painful medially and posteriorly which of the
following knee ligament is injured?
a. Ant cruciate ligament
b. Post cruciate ligament
c. Patellar ligament
d. Tibial collateral ligament
Ans. D
Ref. snell
06. Surgeon not letting adrenelctomy bec of. IVC

07. Post wall bleeding artery. Gastroduodenal artery

08. Left gastric vein drains to. Portal vein

09. Above flexor sheath damage is to. Ulnar artery and ulnar nerve
10. Important portosystamic anastomosis lower GE junction

11. TB glarunolma what next to do AFB

12. TB granuloma most characteristics cell is/are ?
Multinucleated giant cells
Epitheloid cells

1. Internal jugular vein when emerges from foremen is related to Accessory nerve

2. Scrotum lymphatic drainage superficial inguinal lymph node

3. Superficial inguinal ring is traversed by which nerve ilioinguinl nerve

4. Scenario diagnosis ITP

5. Heart valve replacement now bleeding reason Drug induced bleeding

6. DVT what’s investigation more relevant to it D Dimers

7. Kidney in response to decrease Na Releases Renin

8. Spherocytes Heriditeray spherocytosis

9. Iron deficient anemia scenario Increase TIBC

10. Middle meninigeal rupture blood accumulate between Dura and Calvaria
11. Lateral tongue from anterior 2/3 lymphatic drainage submandibular Lymphatics
12. CA prostrate spread via Vertebral Plexus
13. Smoker in tire factory CA reason Smoking

14. CA kidney scenario asked about Polycythemia

15. Glucose absorbed in PCT

16. HCO3 absorbed in PCT + CT

17. U waves Hypokalemia

18. Tall T waves Hyperkalemia

19. Middle meningeal rupture Extradural hematoma

20. Nerve which is both Afferent and Efferent Facial Nerve

21. Which muscle supplied by fascial nerve Buccinator muscle

22. Cuboid bones in foot related to 4 and 5 metatarsal bones

23. ADH acts on smooth muscle : forgot remaining:

24. Amoebic liver abscess investigation. Serology

25. Entamoeba location Cecum

26. Food poisoning and death occurs reason Botulinum

27. Internal laryngeal nerve passes through Thyroid and Hyoid

28. Ketamine in burn patient significance it’s also analgesic

29. Acid Base disorder Ans: Compensated metabolic acidosis

30. Muscles of back supplied by Dorsal Rami

31. Lateral to trachea is Vagus nerve

32. Scenario of Renal TB

33. Oestrogen secondary sexual characteristic

34. Lumbar triangle relegation iliac crest

35. Mosquito borne Filariasis

36. Surfactant secreted by Type II pneumocystes

37. Intestine has Microvilli

38. Sentinel lymph node dissection helpful Confirm ultimate prognosis of disease

39. Histopathologic grade of poorly differentiated tumour is >75% undifferentiated

40. Straight vessels in kidney Vasa recta

41. Umbilical artery becomes Medial umbilical ligament

42. Vertebrae develops from Sclerotome

43. Heart conducting system location Subendocardium

44. Purkinji fast conducting because of Less no of myofibril
45. CA colon CEA

46. Radiosensitive tumour is Seminoma

47. Foreign body mc location Right lower lobe

48. Osteosarcoma location Metaphysis

49. Irritation of diaphragm pain to Shoulder and Neck (only option with shoulder)

50. Mallory bodies Alcoholic liver disease

51. Type 1 hypersensitivity IGE

52. Eczema urticaria Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction

53. Basophilic in cytoplasm RER

54. Same as above

55. Brain infarcts Liquefactive necrosis

56. Hypertrophy Increase DNA

57. Pain radiating to back and rustling sound Pericarditis

58. Diarrhoea scenario other symptoms but no fever which Investigation Stool D/R

59. Median 27.5

60. Stamdard deviation Variance ?
61. Heart apex location 8-9cm from mid sternum 5 ICS

62. Scenario of Hirshprungs disease

63. HLA 27 Ankylsing spondylitis

64. HIV ptn infection Pn carini or cryptococcus ?

65. Pregnant lady visit to village Hep E

66. Blood transfusion Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction

67. Articular cartilage located in joints

68. HBA @2B2

69. Successful resuscitation in hypo olemic shock increase urine output

70. Cushing reflex increase intracranial pressure

71. Maternal Rx of thyroid what crosses placenta and affect Fetus PTU

72. Posteromedial Carotid sheath

73. Increase Ca is due to Hyperparathyroidism

74. Optic chasm Pituitary
75. Pituitary adenoma scenario asked

76. Neurosecretory hormones released by Post pituitary (No hypothalamus in option)

77. GH, Prolactin secreted by Adenohypoohysis

78. DM infection Mucormycosis

79. Temporal arteritis Biopsy Of vessel

80. Temporal arteritis scenario Dx

81. Coronary artery involvement in 10 year child Kawasaki disease

82. Gastrin inhibited by Somatostatin

83. Hep B transmission Sexually

84. Urea cycle amino acid source one is glutamate and other is ?

85. Insulin secretion increased by Beta Blocker, secretin, K sparing diuretic ?

86. Therapeutic index Safety

87. Sickle cell Sequestration crisis

88. UMN lesion Increase Tone

89. Pudendal nerve block landmark Ischial spine

90. Renal plasma flow PAH

91. Scenario stating K increased ARF

92. Greenish discharge from wound few days after surgery Pseudomonas infection
93. Similar green color in other scenario Pseudomonas infection
94. Least Hb in newborne. 1 mo, 3 mo, 6mo, 1 year ?

95. Asked about K increase intracellularly

96. Aldosterone acts where Collecting tubules

97. Aldosterone receptors Intracellular

98. After Halothane increased temperature, increased HR. Cause is Skeletal muscle
99. MC heart anaomlay VSD

100. Scenario hepatitis I guess asked about investigation Bil/ALT

101. Gallbladder chronic irritation leads to Metaplasia

102. Aspirin acts on Prostaglandins

103. Meningitis Rx Ceftriaxone

104. Cardiolipin Mitochondria

105. Extra embryonic mesoderm or extra embryonic coelom “I forgot” derived from I marked Epiblast

106. Regarding nucleolus contains More RNA

107. Oxygen in alveoli Passive diffusion

108. Fat 25-30%

109. Drug only distributed in ECF Mannitol

110. Multiple myeloma Protein electrophoresis (Note other option was immune electrophoresis)

111. Old age common fracture Femur Neck

112. Rubella Cataract

113. RBC life 120 days

114. Common peroneal damage Eversion lost

115. Metastasis loss of E-Cadberins

116. Unencapsulated nerve fibres Puccinian ?

117. Smoking related with Beurgers disease

118. PE DVT

119. Paramedian approach is via Ligamentum flavum

120. Right kidney anterior Liver

121. Musculoskeletal problem Achondroplasia

122. All stats normal age young only O2 decrease Hypoxic hypoxia

123. Lingual nerve lateral is Submandubular gland or submandibular duct ?

124. MCV increased Pernicious anemia

125. ABGs Heparinized arterial blood
126. Brachial plexus: Anterior division of two trunks form Lateral Cord

127. Urine leakage scenario reason Patent Allantois

128. Quadrangular space artery Scapular artery

129. Tamoxifiene Endometrial hyperplasia

130. Pulmonary artery supply Alveoli

131. Hot sauce sensation Nociceptor, Salt buds, Chemoreceptors?

132. Bullete damage and respiration is affected what’s damaged Diaphragm

133. Popliteal artery relation Anterior to popliteal vein

134. Epinephrine action increase HR , increase contractility?

135. Adrenal medulla nerves Nicotinic muscarininc

136. Left vocal cord deviated damage is to Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

137. Difference between 1 and 2 intention wound healing Wound contracture

138. Upper esophagus blood supply inferior thyroid artery

139. Increased PT and APTT CLD

140. Ethics question answer was Equity

141. Hyaline membrane disease reason Prematurity

142. Gangrene which become infected Gangrenous necrosis (No option of wet gangrene)

143. Juxtaglomerular nephron important function Counter current mechanism

144. Scenario of CF Sweat Cl- test

145. Clotting occurs because of interaction with collagen

146. Strongest is Fusiform, multipennate, unipennate, bipenate ?

147. Small child had exchange transfusion as HB was decreased after that slowly hand become red
then trunk and then whole body also he had diarrhoea graft vs host disease, Normal ? (Poor recall)
148. Bladder posterior relation USA

149. Main plasma buffer HCO3-

150. Respiratory depression after surgery in recovery room Pancurium, Diazepam, Halothane?

151. Sinusoids kuppfer cells

152. Lymphatic Drains tissues

153. Pseudostratified epithelium All cells attached to BM

154. Corneal deposits Chloroquine

155. Medial 1/3 clavicle raised after accident fracture because of SCM
156. Tb initial test ZN stain

157. Bicycle accident no urine 2 days Urethra fracture

158. Seminiferous tubules contain Undifferentiated germ cells

159. Superior laryngeal artery location ?

160. Aldosterone release increased by increased K

161. Respiratory volumes given Ans 3500

162. CSF PH decrease

163. Follicular CA thyroid Vascular invasion

164. Shock, affected area in kidney PCT

165. Ptn Diabetic, Ono AntiHTN comatosed, cause of very increased creatinine CRF, severe
dehydration ?
166. Wrist extension lost Radial nerve

167. Symphatetic chain damage ipsilaterls pinpoint pupil

168. Projection fibres Internal capsule

169. 2 litres sweat 2 litre water drank increase ICF volume

170. Postural hypotension raise patient from supine HR increase or VR decrease ans?

171. Lymphatic enters lymph node through Afferent subcapsular lymphatics

172. Diabetic patient with glucose 500 mg/dl condition worsened what will be there Increased urine
volume (only reasonable option)
173. Plateaue in Cardiac AP due to Ca+2

174. Which of the following decrease Neuronal excitability by change in resting membrane potential

175. Staging is Invasion

176. Spinal nerve mix because Both motor + Sensory

177. Yellow fever mosquitoes borne

178. Systemic anti fungal Amphotericin B

179. Renal vein anterior to Aorta

180. MAP depends upon CO and TPR

181. Hypotension and Vasodilation Septic Shock

Gynae. 4th sep. mor

1-Pregnant women hb 9.8 MCV 58 MCH 15 ferritin 150 she probably has ? A. Iron deficiency
B. Thalassemia major
c. Anemia of chronic disease
Ans C

2-Cervical cancer is associated with

Hpv 16
Hpv 6
Hpv 20
Hpv 10
Ans A

3-which of the following has highest chances of developing endometrial cancer

simple hyperplasia
complex hyperplasia with atypia
complex hyperplasia without atypia
squamous metaplasia
chronic endometritis

ans B

4-Vasoconstriction is caused by..


b renin?? Ans A

5-Immediate effect after injury to a vessel is Vasoconstriction

Vasodilation Shock
Loss of vasomotor tone

Ans A

6-Na regulation through?

Renin angiotension sytem
Ans C
7-Half life of dopamine is 2 min.after hw much time it's constant level is achieved in

Ans D

8-Q. A young man presented with absent stretch reflex, atrophy of calf muscles, loss of pain and
temperature on the lateral aspect of leg and foot. The most likely lesion is

A. Upper motor neuron lesion

B. Lower motor neuron lesion with anterior horn damage
C. Lower motor neuron lesion
D. Peripheral nerve lesion
I marked D

9-Most important enzyme secreted in gastric juice?


Ans B

10-In Expiration which muscle help?

Abdominal wall muscle

Ext intercostals
Ans A

11-Phrenic nrve evulsion near origion wot vl hapen??

Los of respiratry stimulus
Loss of sensation in central tendon diaphragm

I marked B

12- third left intercostal space which area?


Ans B

13- upper outer quadrant CA lymph drainage to?

Anterior axillary lymph nodes

14-A 55 years old woman taking HRT, her sister had Breast CA. She is at risk of?
A. Ovarian cancer
B. Breat CA
C. Endometrial CA
Ans B

15-When a patient asked to raise his right leg above the ground,his left side of hio sinks
down which muscle affected?
A)left gluteus medius
B)right gluteus medius
Ans A

16-Regarding split of S2. Split can be enhanced by ??

A. Early closure of aortic valve
B. Delayed closure of aortic valve
C. Early closure of pulm valve
Ans A

17- Pars distalis is supplied by?

Superior hypophysial artery

18- Carcinoma with rete ridges?

Verrocious Carcinoma

19-Hb dissociation curve shift to right?


Ans B

20- metabolic acidosis

Cause curve to shift to right

21-of 20 women with neonates getting tetnus 19 had not taken tetnus toxoid vaccine nd of 40 whose
babies did not have tetnus 30 has taken two tetnus toxoid shots during pregnancy .the odd ratio will b?

ans E

22- DPT vaccine

A. Artifical active
B. Artifical passive.
C. natural active
Ans A

23- Extent of invasion

Ans B

24-Man given hyperbaric oxygen for 24 hours. Liable to?

A ) Pulmonary edema
B ) Tension pneumothorax
C ) Spontaneous pneumothorax (ans)
D ) Pulmonary embolism

25- Virchows triad

Endothelial injury
26-The most likely mechanism of action of cyclosporin following organ transplantation is?

A. Blocks tissue responses to inflammatory mediators

B.Increases production of NK cells

C.Inhibits differentiation of T cells
D.Interferes with antigen recognition
E.Stimulates production of NK cells
Ans C

27- Pentmeric Immunoglobin


28- Most abundant Immunoglobin


29- Immunoglobulins secreted by?

Plasma cells

30- toxic Shock syndrom

Dicrete papular rash
It’s a misnomer
Ans A

31- moa of Aspirin

Block Pg synthesis

32- Turner syndrome

Ans A

33- Mifepristone
Progesterone antagonist

34-baby wd sex chromatin nd enlarged clitoris

b.androgenital syndrome
Ans B

35- pituitary tumor


36-The most common acquired difiency causing thrombosis??

anti phospholipid antibody syndrome

,antithrombin3 defiency
Ans A

37- In pregnancy prolactin but no milk due to Estrogen

38- in Lactation no pregnancy due to

Inhibition of gnrh

39- lactating mother with viral infection on upper lip Acyclovir

40- Grasp reflex

At term
By end of 2nd month
By end of third month

41- what is resolving power of lens?

ability to differentiate two lines or points in an object

42- Intermittent pain of small intestine is felt at

Epigastric region
Ans B

43- internal oblique form

Conjoint tendon

44- premalignant lesion

Kraus vulvae

45- painful genital ulcer


46- IB fibers
Golgi tendon organs
Muscle spindles
Ans A

47- intermediate mesoderm form

urogenital system
bones and connective tissue
ans A
48- lateral plate mesoderm
Intraembryonic coelom

49- cerebellum is connected to midbrain by

Superior cerebelar peduncle

50-abnormally raised BHCG

Hydatid form mole

51-boundries of lumbar triangle

Ishial spine
Inguinal ligament
Ans A

52-liver regenerates after partial hepatectomy

1.1 -2 wks
2. 7 wks

3. 5 wks

4. 12 wks Ans (not sure)

53- cause of azospermia

Sartoli cells
54-between sternocleidomastoid, posterior belly of digastric and superior belly of

omohyoid which
Ans C

55- cervical ectopy

Normal in pregnancy

56- plasma protien bound drugs

Are transiently inactive

57- thrombus formation

Rate of vessel occulusion

58- Dementia, Diarrhoea and dermatitis


59-a girl buys medicine to improve her health, develops bone pain and skin related
Hypervitaminosis A

60- Drug detoxification

Ans A
61-supply to adrenal medulla
Greater thoracic splanchnic

62- all parasympathetic preganglionic


63- All sympathetic post ganglion

Adrenergic with few exceptions

64- Neuronal excitement


Ans A
65- Digitalis toxcity

66- Baro receptor respond to


67- myogenic reflex

Can’t remember option exactly but it was easy

68- exophthalmos
Usually bilateral
Injury to optic nerve
Injury to optic chiasma
Injury to eye muscles
Ans D
69– Component of cell membranes

Lipid breakdown product

Ans B
70- first branch of external carotid artery
Superior thyroid
Inferior thyroid
Ans A
71- surface epithelium of ovary
Simple squamous
Simple cuboidal
Ans B

72- sperm life span

( I marked A but correct ans is B)

73-A pt after CVA has loss of appetite to food and drink and tendency to throw.cause of

his decrease thirst?

B.stimulation of lateral hypothalmus
74-epicardium is covered by
Viceral serous pericardium
visceral layer of serous pericardium
ans B

75- Prevalance
Old plus new cases

76-vitamin A given to children

Specific protection
Secondry prevention
Ans A

77- to test a new hypertensive medicine

Double blind study

( I marked this, don’t remember other option)

78- Sub acute endocarditis


79- adrenal gland

Enclosed with respective kidneys

80- after mastectomy most common complication Lymphoedema

81- child with unilateral hydronephrosis
Obstruction at puj

82- colicky pain after hysterectomy

Ureter ligated

83- eosinophils in sputum


84- which cell line dec after steroid use

Ans A

85- Regarding randomization??

Don’t remember any option

86- positive feedback mechanism


87- pt with fine tremors


Ans A

89- hypothyroidism
Inc cholecterol

90-choley from streetvendor, HepA

91- HepB with HepD

92- acth level highest in

in venous blood from anterior pituitary

93- pseudomembranous colitis

C dificile

94-type 2 pneumocytes

95- growth hormone

Amino acid uptake ( I marked this)

96- injury to dominant hemishere


97- Regarding SA node

Fastest rate of firing

98-) wht is the landmark for bishop scoring:

a) Ishial Spine

b) Ishial Tuberosity Ans A

98- amniotic fluid infection IL-6

99- Side effect of ocp


100- 11 year old child humerus

Ossification lateral epicondyl

101- cervical os at introitus injury to which ligament?

Ans Uterosacral ligament

102- maternal mortality

per 100
per 1000
per 100,000
ans C

103- Baby prefer bottle feed

Cleft hard palate
Cleft hard plus soft palate

Cleft soft palate

Ans C
104- Prenatal diagnosis of Thalasemia
Chorionic villus sampling

105- Taste Fibers

Tactus Solitarius

106- Patient lying naked at 21C temp, heat loss through?

Ans C

107- highest lipoprotein in


108—Internal oblique aponeurosis

Forms conjoint tendon

109- Gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by

H. pylori

110- Breast lies on

Pectoralis mucle
Pectoralis facsia

Ans B
111- O2 saturation at sea level
Ans B
112- which of the following are permenant cells??

113- small growth in cervix initial investigation??

Pap smear
Ans B

114- Limbs are formed

At the end of 4th month
At the end of 5th month
Ans A

115- oocyte surrounded by zona pellicuda and graffian follicle?

Secondry oocyte

116- female with 21-23 days cycle when is ovulation?

Ans 7-9 day

117- Touch and pressure fibers

A beta fibers

118- dyspnea on lying down?

Ans Retrosternal goiter

119-.on a study about diabetes between 2 groups it was found

Women with mean 200±50
Men with mean 205±10, this means’
Ans Women with low mean and high standard deviation

120- Mild Dyskariosis

Carcinoma in situ
Ans A

121- swelling on posterior 2/3rd of vulva

Bulbourethral gland
Greater vestibular gland
Ans B

122- exposure to radiation cause CA after

Ans 10 years

123- Pop applied. After removal wasting of muscle oberved it is due to

Disuse atrophy
Ans A

124- cobalt half life

Ans Five years

125- Lichen planus changes to malignancy

Ans A

126- platelets given at room temp

Ans To optimize their function

127- dec lymph flow in

Ans Hemorrhage

128- Bulk of acid in body due to

Anaerobic respiration

129- immovable joints

Ans A

130- Buffer important in Kidney but not in plasma

Ans I marked B

131- Scenario of biliary cirhosis and hepatomegaly diagnostic?

Anti mitochondrial antibodies

132- alcoholic liver disease oedema

Ans due to dec plasma colloid osmostic pressure

133- oedema in nephrotic syndrom

Ans due to salt and water retention

134- Lymphatic drainage of cervix

Internel iliac lymph nodes
External iliac lymph nodes
Ans A

135-Iron stores in adult female

Ans C

136-intermittent pain of small intestine

At umblicus
At epigastric region
Ans A

137-umblical artery doppler can be done as early as

5 week
6 week
7 week
8 week
Ans I’m not sure kindly confirm.

138- which of the following is part of portal venous system

Inferior rectal vein
Hepatic vein
Superior epigastric
Ans not sure

139- Superficial epigastric artery is a branch of Ans Femoral artery

140- Regarding carina

At the bifurcation of Trachea

141-short acting hypoglycaemic

I don’t remember options

142-Blockage of Na channels will cause?

Ans Complete absence of Action potential

143- Hematocrit in neonates

Ans A

144- drug of choice in enteric fever

Ans Ciprofloaxacin

145- scenario of bells palsy

Facial nerve

146- Regarding smooth muscles

Ans mononucleated
147- in emergency which of the following blood groups can be given without cross matching Ans O

148- Thirst is due to

Inc Ecf osmolarity
Inc ICF osmolarity
Ans A

149- During tubal ligation which of the followinh artery damage Uterine

Common iliac
Ans A

150- left gastric branch of

Hepatic artery
Celiac artery
Ans B

Radio. 5th sep. mor

1. resting tremors, stooped posture ,shuffling gate a) cerebrum

b) cerebellum c) midbrain

i marked A as basal ganglias are present in cerebrum

2. rib fracture >>> angle

3. long scenario... knee jerk gone sensory supply on inner thigh gone and weak inversion ....>>L3 L4
4. chronic nephritis ,anemia what to give as treatment >>>> erythropoietin

5. AFP raised >>> embryonal carcinoma

6. swallowing needs >>> raising of larynx

7. loss of plantar flexion and decreased cutaneous sensation on medial side of calf >>> tibial nerve

8. In heart stem was end of arterial depolarition and start of venterical reploratizion which
electrocardiograph show time interval

Option were a)PR segment b)PR interval c)QT segment d)QT interval e)ST interval ans: ST segment
9. female taking HRT risk of developing

a) endometrial CA

b) thromboembolism ans B

10. azygous block >> Right ascending lumber and right subcostal

11. in primary dehydration ecf becomes >> hypertonic

12. testes descent >>> regression of gubernaculum

13. serotonin produced by a)platelets

b) agraffian cells of intestine ans

14. about monocytes

a) develop from same precursor with neutrophils

b) move from blood stream to tissues and back to blood stream ans

15. RTA , loss of phonation and can't speak which area damaged

a) sub frontal

b) posterolateral part of inferior frontal gyrus ans

16. on CT L1 level >>> SMA

17. female urethra >>> more prone to infection

18. pyogenic lung abscess >>> staphylococcus aureus

19. tumor supressor gene >> p53

20. 5years old boy unilateral blindness tumor on CT with blue cells and rossett gene involved a)
retinoblastoma gene

b) myc c) ans A

21. portosystemic shunt

a)lower esophagus

b) lower anal canal ans : A

22. superfacial external pudendal emerge from??? a)saphenous opening

b)deep inguinal ring ans : B

23. mcc of fatty liver in our country

a) obesity

b) starvation c)alcohol d)hepatitus b and c ans : B

24. Left limb paralysed + homonymous hemianopia A. Occipital lobe

B. Internl capsule

25. bone fracture+cerebral white mater patechiae >>>>Fat embolism

26. leiomyoma increased endometrial stroma and few gland a)atrophy



d)metaplasia ans: B

27. hysterectomty ovarian artery damge at a)pelvic brim

b)sacroilliac joint ans : A

28. Endoceevix with squamous epithethium >>>Metaplasia

29. part of levator ani >>>puborectalis

30. loss of water by evaporation and insensible loss from body a)controled by hypothalamus

b)thermal gradient

c) remains constant

d)depends on core body temperature


31. Pt having pernious anemia and gastric ulcer how will treat?? a)oral iron tablets

b)iv vitb12

c)oral vit b12 and iron ans : B

32. thick saliva receptors involved

a)alpha 1

b)alpha 1 beta 1

ans : A

33. alveolar ventilation formula >> dead space minus from tidal volume times breathing rate

34. pyelonephritis wbcs 25 K what to do

a)urine culture
b)urine and blood culture

ans : A

35. prevalance of o blood group in causcacian population a)47%


c)43% ans : A

36. cranial nerves in floor of 4th ventricle >>> 6,8,12

37. carpal tunnel syndrome >>> flattened thenar

38. gfr increases d/t>>> decreased oncotic pressure

39. branch of subclavian involved in shoulder joint anastomosis >>> suprascapular

40. lateral blow to knee, injured >>> tibial collateral

41. thoracic duct opens into >>> union of left internal thoracic and subclavian

42. itching direct bilirubin raised ALP raised >>> extra hepatic cholestasis

43. rapidly adapting receptors >> pacinian

44. female with amenorrhea of 5weeks presented with right sided iliac pain wbcs raised and patient
a)acute appendicitis b)ectopic pregnancy ans : A

45. alcoholic liver >>> mallory bodies

46. spinal anesthesia ideal site >>> below L2

47. wound strength >>> type 1 collagen

48. bicuspid aortic valve associated with >>> coarctation of aorta

49. child with periorbital edema d/t >>> decreased albumin

50. epithelial tumor immunohistostaining

a )desmin


C)cytokeratin d ) s100 ans : C

51. heart surgery ,vein accompanying the artery in anterior interventricular groove >>> Great cardiac

52. venous drainage of heart mainly by >>> coronary sinus

52. pulsatile mass in abdomen, site >>> L1 to L3

53. protein requirement >>>1g/kg

54. which is not supplied by SMA a)sigmoid and descending colon b)transverse and descending colon
ans : A
55. celiac and mesenteric lymph node supplies a)duodenum


ans : A

56. lymph drainage of kidney(no para aortic mentioned) >>>lumber nodes

57. winging of scapula>>> long thoracic

58. self replicative >>> mitochondria

59. jaundice after 2 days of birth ,baby was breast fed indirect bilirubin 10 a)physiological jaundice

b)breast milk jaundice c)gilbert atresia

ans : B

60. terminal branch of aorta >>> median sacral artery

61. lobe involved in prostatic carcinoma >>> posterior lobe

62. structure passing through foramen rotandum >>> maxillary nerve

64. decreased sensations and foot ulcers in diabetic >>> neuropathy and vasculopathy

65. pregnant lady should sleep on left lateral position and not to right due to >>> compression of
inferior vena cava

66. test used to differentitate the type of jaundice


b) GGt

c)total bilirubin


66. in primary syphilis culture taken from >>> genital sores

67. the stage in genesis of RBCs >>> pro erythroblast ( other options were about wbcs and platelets

68. nerve involved in cremastaric reflex >>> ilioinguinal nerve

69. last to come to normal after hemorrhage >>> RBCs

70. dead space not changed >>> shallow breathing

71. derivative of neural crest cell >>> endocardial cushion

72. muscles that elevate palate originate from >>> 4,6 arch

73. which decrease height of action potential




dont remember other option

74. hyponatremia caused by a)increased body water b)abscence of ADH

ans : A

75 . One was about allergic rhinitis which is responsible c3b or histamine >> i marked histamine

76. Pacianian corpuscles detect a) Crude touch

b)Low freq vibration c)high frequency vibration ans : C

77. medial lemiscus pathway >>> nucleus gracilis n cueatus

78. integral part of RBC membrane >> spectrin

79. Cells involved in repair of neurons after injury

a) astrocytes b)microglial

80. which type of joint intervertebral disc is >>> symphysis

81. drug volume of distribution 8L what is correct

a) distributed in whole body water b)distributed in ecf c)concentration is high in blood d)decrease
protein binding

may b some options are not the same as were mentioned in paper 82. structure between T12 ans L1


b) jejunum

c) pancreas

ans : C

83. time taken by food to reach large intestine from pylorus a)4hrz

b)8 hrz c) 12 hrz ans : B

84. Cyntoic spells were mentioned in a 10 years old boy a)Asd



d)Tof ans : D
85. most specific marker of myocardial infarction?

a) Trop T

b) mayoglobin c ) CKMb ans : A

86. neuro muscular junction sympathic and parasympathetic nerves reaching heart?? a)preganglionic

b)desmosomes b/w fibres

dont remember other options it was confusing qs i marked A

87. ligament which is formed from deep part of parotid fascia>> stylomandibular ligament

88. pregnancy resp capacities? a)Co2 inc

b)TLC inc

c)Vital capacity inc d)Residual vol inc ans : C

89. calcitonin in which carcinoma >>> medullary thyroid

90. Lung segments contain >>>Tertiary bronchus

91. aldosterone function >>> Na absorbtion

92. exopthalamus d/t

a) increased TSH

b) increased T3 T4

c) increased thyroid stimulating substance

ans : C
93. Medial palpebral ligament attachment >>>Anterior posterior lacrimal ridges

94. type A personality develop cardiac problem due to >> stress of social environment

95. branch of intercostal nerve >>> peritoneal sensory

96. Comom feature of normal kidney..

a).Podocyte in visceral layer of bowmen capsule

b).slit like membrane b/w macula densa n Jg apparatus ans

97. glans and corpora lymph drainage >>>deep inguinal

98. roof of ischiorectal fossa >>> levator ani

99. xiphoid level >>> T9(vertebral level)

100. gall bladder pain over neck >>> sensory supply from mid cervical dermatome

101. which divide occipital triangle >> inferior belly of omohyoid

102. growth harmone main secretion in



ans b
103. insulin secretion increased mainly by a) increased glucose level

b) increased glucagon ans A

104. lateral cord of brachial plexus damaged muscles involved >> pectoralis major

105. female with fatigue and morning stiffness in mcp joints of hand >>> rheumatoid arthritis

106. hypokalemia due to gatroenteritis u gave IV potassium ..moa asked

a) H K ATPase b)leaky channels

c) Na K pump ans :

107. proximal part of small intestine removed what will b decreased a)basal acid secretion

b)emptying of solid food c)emptying of liquid food

d)option regarding pancreatic secretions (poor recall)

108. active thyroid harmone

a) T3 b)unbound form ans :B

109. pancreatica magna branch of >>> splenic artery

110. movement across membrane through carriers >>> facilitated diffusion

111. lumber hernia protrude from a)superior lumber triangle b)inferior lumber triangle

c) medial to internal intercostal ans B

112. at which level SMA supply converted to IMA supplye >>> transverse colon

113. functional unit of liver>>> hepatic acinus

114. liver formed from >>> foregut

115. sternocleidomastoid function>>> movement of neck to opposite side

116. child didnot pass meconium and constipation >>> hirshprung disease

117. long thoracic cut which muscle affected >>> serratus anterior

118. parasympthetic nucleus of 10th cranial nerve >>> dorsal nucleus

119. vagus nerve relation with trachea on right side while entering in thorax a)separated by phrenic

b)separated by brachiocephalic trunk c)in close contact

ans: C

120. ambigous nucleus present in >> medulla

121. left gastric vein opens into >>> portal vein

122. while eating foreign body lodged in>>> right lower lobe

123. if perineal body cut what will be affected >>> deep transverse perinei
124. internal urethral sphincter nerve supply >>> hypogastric nerves

125. external anal sphincter supply >>> pudendal nerve

126. in avasculat necrosis of head of femur which artery is involved

a) obturator artery b)medial circumflex

c) descending branch of lateral circumflex

d)another branch of lateral circumflex was mentioned dont remember its name ans : i marked B

127. vein involved in portosystemic anastomosis >>> inferior rectal vein

128. appendicis epiploicae in >>sigmoid colon (rest of the options were regarding small intestine)

129. pain and temperature transmitted by a)lateral spinothalamic

b)anterior spinothalamic c)dorsal column

ans : A

130. thrombosis of artery supplying occipital lobe >> posterior cerebral artery

131. 3years child immunization not done presented with fever neck rigidity gram negative coccobacilli
organism on culture

a) streptococci

b) hemophilus influenzae

c) meningococci
ans : B

132. food posioning ,gram negative organism (alot of pathological features reagarding organism were

i marked e coli

133. hemoptysis ,duodenal ulcer ,artery responsible for it >>>gastroduodenal

134. pleurocentesis shd be done idealy in >>> at lower part of 9th ICS at mid axillary line

135. qs about doctor and pharmacist interaction

a)health promotion through interaction with pharmaceuticals b)for betterment of institution


136. superior layer of superficial perineal pouch >> perineal membrane

137. microscopic features of TB granuloma >> caseation

138. on posterior surface of prostate from lateral to medial >>> USA (ureter > seminal vesicle >
ampulla )

139. breast lymphatics divided into

a)anterior posterior

b)medial lateral
ans B

140. on standing suddenly what will increase a)pulse pressure

b)coronary blood flow c)renal blood flow d)venous compliance ans D

141. in 2nd degree heart block >> atrial rate is more than ventricular rate

142. reticular connective tissues present in



ans A

143. for inflammation T cells bind to >> MHC

144. the angle formed between the longitudinal axis of the head, neck, and greater trochanter of the
femur proximally and the transverse axis of the femoral condyles distally >>> 15 (angle of torsion)

145. after surgery low bp >> hypovolemic shock

146. in neurogenic shock

a)loss of vasomotor tone

b)loss of vagal tone

ans A
147. increased ICP >> cushing reflex

148. rational drug design a)alteplase


c)acetazolamide d)gene therapy

ans A... i marked A other options are poor recall

149. submental and submandibular lymph nodes are involved in which carcinoma a )lower lip

b)upper lip c)tongue

ans i marked C although A is also true

150. in pregnancy less than 10 days what is used

a)serum bHCG

b) urine bHCG c)transvaginal U/S ans A

151. paracetamol antidot >>> N acetylcysteine

152. in PKU phenylalanine is not converted to >>> tyrosine

153. pregnant lady with jaundice what is diagnostic >>> GGT

154. mcq about tracheoesophageal fistula ,which structure separate them a)bronchial bud
b)laryngotracheal groove c)laryngeal fold

d) dont remember ans b

155. one was about hepatitus pathological feature were mentioned of chronic active hepatitis

156. facial spaces contain

a) loose connective tissues

b) loose adipose tissues

c) nerves vessels

ans A

157. malignancy feature a)pleomorphism b)inc n/c ratio

(no metastatis or invasion was mentioned)ans A

158. hypothalamus connected through hypophyseal capillaries to a)adenohypophysis

b)neurohypophysis ans A

159. glucose maximum absorption in >>> PCT

160. lucid interval ,talk and die

a)extra dural
b)sub dural


ans b

161. common congenital abnormality a)multifactorial

b)chromosomal abnormalities

i marked A dont remember other options

162. hepatoma causes compression of >>> IVC

163. surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament structure to b injured first >>> bile duct

164. surgery of uterus and after that patient has lumber pain >> ureter ligated

165. carpal tunnel syndrome >> flattened thenar

166. nasopharyngeal CA >>> EBV

167. structure between celiac and superior mesenteric artery >>> pancreas

168. in femoral hernia structure related to neck of hernia

a)femoral nerve

b)inferior epigastric artery

c)pubic tubercle

d)inguinal ligament


169. male with fracture on X ray osteoporosis, cause of osteoporosis in 60 years of age a)nutritional

b)endocrinological disturbance/harmonal insufficiency c)disuse atrophy

d)diminished blood supply ans B

170. mother of 12 children with progressive dizziness and fatigue with angular stomatitis since
3months with low mcv >>> iron deficiency anemia

171. child with hepatosplenomegaly and pallor his brother has also the same problem and gone
through multiple transfusions investigation of choice

a) bone marrow biopsy b) HB electrophoresis

c) cbc ans B

172. during oophorectomy artery damaged >>> internal iliac

173. pyogenic peritonitis >>> bacteroids

174. moa of gangrene caused by clotridium perfringens a)local hypoxia

b)release of phospholipase
c) decreased ATP



175. one about regression analysis

176. one about stratified random sampling

177. enterokinase activate >>> trypsinogen

178. muscle arising from 3rd pharyngeal arch >>> stylopharyngeus

179. extracoelomic cavity >>>>

180. adrenal gland >>> preganglionic sympathetic nerves

181. congenital adrenal hyperplasia >> 46XX with ambiguous genitalia

182. in trauma damage to right side of linea alba leading to profuse bleeding >>> IVC

183. in old age purplish patches on body no family history >>> thrombocytopenia

184. 1st line defense >>> skin

184. vasodilation and hypotension is a feature of >>> septic shock

185. scenario heinz body bite cells were mentioned >>> G6PD deficiency
186. kajal cells in grey matter with projections somewhat like that >>> protoplasmic astrocytes

187. spinal nerves >>> motor and sensory

188. vagus nerve pass through >>> esphageal opening

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