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Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

All – Understand that conduction is the process of heat energy moving through solid
 How does heat energy move through solid objects?
Most – Be able to describe the process of conduction
Few – Understand why metals are good conductors

Health and safety and wellbeing

Using candles – danger of burning

Resources checklist
Conduction stars, candles. Stop watches

Time Learning Management Differentiation Assessment for Learning
0-5 mins Class to enter and sit in their seats, Individually, in silence as register is
write title ‘Conduction’ and objective taken
‘how heat energy moves through solid
5-10 Demonstration of conduction, with Students to stand around front of Ask students to repeat back to me
students class. Pick 5 students, all in a line and what is happening during the demo.
standing still. Tell them when the
person next to them starts jiggling,
they have to as well. Start the first
one moving. Repeat but this time
explain in terms of heat energy and
gradient. Heat moves from high
temperature to low temperature.
10-15 Writing a definition of conduction. When an object is heated its atoms Can add to the definition if they feel
Conduction is the process of heat begin to vibrate more, this causes the capable.
energy being transferred through a atoms next to it to vibrate more as
solid object well, therefore ‘passing on’ the
vibrational thermal energy
Say that metals are good conductors
because of their structure, their atoms
have lots of free electrons that can
vibrate very easily.
15-20 Introduce practical. We are going to test which metal is Can modify results table if they want
the best at conducting heat energy. to add any comments to it
We are going to be using a special
piece of equipment called a
conducting star. Each point is made
from a different metal. We will be
heating this in the centre with a
candle and seeing which metal
conducts the best. We can see this by
watching how quickly the wax melts in
each metal and timing it using
stopwatches. We will be drawing our
equipment and writing down our
results, need to draw in a results table
as shown on the board.
20-25 Set up for practical Get in to groups of 3. We are using a
candle so we have to be careful with
the flame. Stand up, chairs away,
blazers off, hair tied back.
25-35 Practical and write up Each group performs the practical Level of participation can vary Observing practical skills.
investigation by lighting a candle
underneath their star. Must draw a
labelled diagram of their equipment
and the conducting star. When
finished must leave all equipment
neatly on the desk to be collected
back in.
35-40 Grouping results Group feedback for how long each
metal took to conduct the heat. Relate
this to which one is the best
conductor. Did everyone get the same
40-45 examples Why might we want to use copper in Group discussion, can ask or answer Answers will indicate their level of
wires? Good conductor. We said that any questions they are comfortable understanding of the topic
metals are good conductors of heat, with
some things are very poor
conductors, like plastic and wood.
Why would it be useful to have a cup
made from plastic instead of metal?
Won’t burn you.
Recap Students to tell me what conduction Clarity of verbal answers will indicate
means whether they have understood or not
45-50 Homework in planners Think about why saucepans are Will show their ability to relate their
usually made of metal and write some findings to everyday situations

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