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Shawnee County Courmou:~

Ass1SWJ,C Daectar3
200 5£ 71h. SUll<: 104
Donald Trom. Adult SeM=
Topd<a. Kan= 6660>-3961 r..arr";' Moore. Special Scr'Y1~
COURT SERVICES (785) 233-8200, ~ 4Q04
wmy Leonlwt. ~ 5.m!h D, ~~. IuveaUe Set'V\Cd
Fax (785) 291-4959/4910

To: Judge Anderso!1WlA ~

Fm: ftafiy MooreM"-
Re: Dombrowski vs Richardson
Dtd: 12 October 2000

It has been an event filled couple of weeks for this couple. First, I have been out to Mr.
Richardson's home. Bo~ardson and his daughter, Tiffany, were present, along with
Rikki and Tiffany's mM'•••. i:'!! rather nice modular home located on Shawnee Heights
Road. I was ther~l'Wthe middle ofthem~i.and Rikki was watching TV with Tiffany and
everything appeKed to be perfectly normal in,. house. I spoke with Tiffany about the day care
arrangements or"which she is an integral part ~ ~e informed me that she had no difficulties with

Since late last week, I

grandmother, B.G. Stu
the day care arrangements at all.


been~e recipienUilWvcrai fax's from the maternal

sur. in cari.U the content of these faxes into a few

.? sentences . .consequent~
to have a r..,common
. ~a... I /' phrase Hh~1 "
'I'\'tached copies ~
First, they are r~hostile
for your reading. These letters do seem
and mildly threatening. The word or
untable" appears frequently iDGof thern Second, the content of these faxes
;x.......- l? seems to cov .' :to w 'ch was coveredjJ(pr vious hearings however, she does raise a few
J., ~-
new ones. For e;c~e~l=
and that a firearm is""
that ac 's co in Mr. Richardson's living room
at these items are "very effective in controlling
$~~ child." She ultimately fax.. otograph of this coffin which she claimed she was .1':n.J
~ going to ~elease to Channel 49.', el).I was at the h~use, I did ~ot recognize anythin~ which iyr-{o~~
~ ~!'ny ex enence re m I chil coffin After lookmg at the pIcture and speaking WIth Mr. SICA I !,
~'- Ric ardson, I have come to find out that it is indeed a coffin and that it was an antique which he
,p' purchased in Mexico several years ago and uses as a coffee or end table of sorts. Were you not
~ ~ looking for it, I believe that very few people would recognize it as a child's coffin. Mr .
•~~\.. Richardson has offered to remove the coffin if it is offep<ive. There is also a secured hunting
.•.~ \ weapon hanging on Mr. Richardson's waiL The thing which is striking about this spa;ific issue is
c;:. I. .I L /J that it contains a remarkable leap of logic. For instance, I am the owner of a 7.9 mm Mauser rifle
)l\()lPt/w which was the standard issue fireann for the German soldier in World War n. This weapon was
Aw !( procured by my father who served in Euro~ during the war This weapon also hangs on the wall
/ )A-' in my rec room. Does my ownershIp and dIsplay of this fireann lead one to the conclUSIOnthat I
•..•I I am a Nazi? Probabl¥ n~et this same tTIe oflogic seems to come into full pl!l'i surroundi~ the
. )-1~O. ~~~ .•....
Io~~~~\vS'c"O~ ~.

F9t~tef6S.oitl(l""sd4 I!,~~ oJ-. aJ>;U ~JrJ..y _ A.:1l ~l M.~

tJl! {J1-<.0t
t>~ < rbo,.J,/l5, s;>Ouwl ,4<,=, t~n9fk J K F <;at. P",wyj.Ad/
~ d-1uv1W~( 10.~~bD-Llo:~~~()"'S "i\60~"":''''\\"''\ ~~ C~I:t>I\~

-~~ ~ 'x!?~
~~ •••..•.~ ~~ ,\' ,,~ ••

;?{~ "'Y~'" """- \)tJfS-~ ""tI

issue of the coffin in Mr. Richardson's living room. ~ .,.~

Another issue has arisen concerning a letter which the Court received from a Ms. Quail who is
Rikki's kindergarten teacher in Tecumseh North Elementary. Ms. Quall was the author of a letter
which I believe is in the court file which indicates that Rikki had not eaten lunch prior to coming
to school. Ms. Quall verified that she was indeed the author of this letter and that she had written
..,J /l. it at MS.. Dombrowski's solicitation. Ms. Quall. also informed me that there was another piece to
~ this issue which was not raised in the letter and that there was a follow up question to Rikki by
school staff: that is, if you have not eaten lunch: are you hungry? The child reSponde<f"no" It
was Ms. Quall's impression that Rikki had been eating later in the morning prior to coming to
~ . ~~I ~eni came ttme to e lunc a sc 00 she simply was not hungry. Ms. Quall
~ <~ ~rts Rikki is oing well in class, has mends or a social circle of other children. She further
~~ Q reports that she has had no difficulties with Mr. Richardson or his daughter. Tiffany. Ms QuaIl
. ~y.i \ '\ assured me that if she felt that Rikki were not getting adequate food and that it was effecting her
-;P- .tf' \ school performance, she and the school would have been in contact with Mr. Richardson a long
~.Q~' time ago. As of this writing, it is still too ear\y for 9 weeks grade reports which will probably
.~ come out later in dctOOer. I spoke to Ms. Quall again on October 11th and she again has
, reported that Rikki is doing very well in school, that she is learning and has made mends in the
class room. Ms. Quail stated that she has made it clear to Ms. Dombrowski that she does not
wish to be "filled in" on Rikki's past history or the history ofihe case l\ I /.£, L r
- y'l>~'" ~~ ~\l ~cut.t;h.';(') \0 v'l'IE;..l~• V Th1Dtt s;-IIL~ I I

This past Friday, I received a phone call from Mr. Richardson in which he explained to me that he
~ had received a phone call from an U!!;;!UImE amuaintance ofhis suggesting that he go out an
4,@"efully inspect hiS back. TJiis acquaintance claimed to have heard Ms. Dombrowski's sist~ ~ '
brag in a local bar that Mr. Richardson was going to have legal problems of a drug nature thi~IJ~\l \P.
past week end. After inspecting his vehicle, Mr. Richardson found a small package taped to the l..J,~).,
underside of the rear bumper of his truck. He summoned the Sheriff's department who removect.~ <
the package. According to Mr. Richardson, the Sherifl's Office indicated that this package ~T..-,ley,
contained approximately 1/4 oz of what appeared to be meth, although it has not been formally ~
tested. I spoke to Detective Jack Metz,JJfthe Sheriff's department. DetrM;;U ye~fied Mr~
~char'dsonjs Sldl,H>-eS&ent~~. He claimed that they might -d~ac ~e for prints ~:
and that the contents of the package have not been t~ed. Del. Metz did not anticipate any Lrt I:.'~"
~na1 charges arising from this incident. lrfZitM) C~ ~~
I have received a couple of phone calls from ~browski concerning the visitation schedule.
If I am correct, Ms. Dombrowski presently ~ every other week end and two evenings a
week. During the week day visitation, she picks up Rikki from the school. Furthermore, the
parents have divided the holidays pursuant to the Shawnee Family Law Guidelines. We have not
discussed summer visitation, however, I am certain that at some point, we will get that worked ~ \"-t
out. Ms. Dombrowski is now asking for a third week night visitation and daily phone contactL •••~ ~
Ms. Dombrowski was Quite upset at what she perceIVes was the perfunctory lil!abiieft'f" illdi you "'~ t>o.S!,
gave her motion at thelast court appearance. She likewise wishes to revisit several issues which bl 'illl-l:,
long predate your involvement in the case. ~"1li. A.~ ~\c!L l4Q.O..\::~~~ ~(
I r) 1'\." d~t(Y\ ~'" ~~ ...,..
~"'-.I&~ ~ ~
In an even more novel twist, today (10/12100) I received a phone call from a very perplexed
••• ~
'4.l iG.I
, ...-._---

~~ ~.\c~,~,~ .:.;~~&;~ ,,'-J~ ~

~ ~ ~"-~ \l3'\. ~~ <R% ( ( (
. I

Sheriff Richard Baua. A~cording to Sheriff Barta. late yesterday after he received a phone from a
woman identifying herself as Claudine Dombrowski. Sheriff Barta advised me that Claudine
complained to him at length about your rulings, both in the change of custody hearing and in the
last hearing. She complained to him of being forced to move from Pawnee Rock and of being
forced to lose her job. She complained at length about previous domestic violence between
herself and Mr. Richardson and finally she allegedly informed Sheriff Barta that Mr. Richardson
was involved drug dealing and use Sheriff Barta claimed to have checked with his narcotics staff
and that they had no idea who Hal Richardson is The Sheriff somebonr !eamed....2f.!ny
involvement in this case and called me. He has absolutel no idea wb this woman is calling him
~ informed the Sheriff of Detective etz !fiVOvSIDent in this case up to this ~omt .~9 ~tit.vJ s?
conclusion~ can find ab lut \ nothin at this early sta e afte to indicate
that Mr. Richar son s horne is an;nappropcia1e-placemE;,llt Rikki's teacher reports that she is
doing fine. I have personally seen the child in her father's home and she looks fine and seems to
act normally I have seen her on videotapes with her mother during her mother's parenting time
and she seems to be fine; yet it is as if you had never made a ruling. Ms. Dombrowski and her
other seem to be involved in a rather active campaign of evidence gathering,~ardless of
w~~ere is flV e¥.idence~Mrea. It IS pretty transparently obvious to me that this is ••~~~))
what was beginninito happen at Tecumseh North School until Ms Quail diplomaticany ~~'-JL ~
suggested that she did not need to be "filled in". Ms. Stumpf s references to the casket are, in my
opinion. ludicrous. A quick glance at Ms. Stumpf's letter will also show you that numerous
quotes appear to have been solicited from this child. Considering that Ms. Stumpf resides in
Texas one cannot help but wonder from whence Wese qugles came. I have some concern that Ms.
Stumpf's letter has tri8gered a needless open case with SRS Protective Services. Mr. Richardson
haSTnformed me that he already has reg:iY.ed a ph~ call from a Ms.zeysliigar SRS and will be
having a meeting with her. I have left messages with this person and shehaSiiofcaIIed back. ..
Perhaps most disturbing is the discovery of what may be contraband which may have been planted
on Mr Richardson's vehicle and a subSClWentphone to Sheriff Barta alleging that Mr. Richardson
is involved in drug use and trafficking. I>- ~ \.'-" "'\> ~ ~ (; P'C)C!< ~".
,4,! If-RU~ws ~b LAwS o~ ~A ftb-t6/()
This case seems to defY the laws of gravit>l- 'It is not taking any rational form or shape, but rather
) ~
l£is free wheeling out there bouncing hore, there and. everywhere. fersonally I find Ms.
Do~browski's behavior co~em s of our...l:J:Iltng,)!o~,Ll!!.Il..~~~.are t~ou~a~ no
~~ partIcular y see It t at way U1a legal sense. I do know that Ms. DombrowsKi's attorney has httle~ ~


number of the documents which I have received from Claudine and her mother, but she seemed ~
~, quite unaware ofthe~i ldoubt that she is aw~e of the pJJgne cll!! to Sheriff Barta
J.~SR~ At this po~t, I.would not even consider r recomro .. d an ~rther ~s.!0n
VlsltatlOnbetween Rikki and he:~
knowledge of these events and certainly cannot be held responsible for them. I have faxed her a ~
.~f "
If this pattern of ens,s ~reatm~~-"-t!fill<:'s:fWould ? '5-0 \~
U~i. MoJV
Ril'~1 b~ cOl}tracted;.....M!:. V'-"Q-:- ~ \ \

_(\ recommend that parenting ([lIIe oetween ~:Q9_I1!~()~~l?l\Ild
Richardson hilSasked thlif1fietransfer point of visitation be changed from his residence andJ,... '(V\t>"«::"
~Id,.agree with him. Ms. Dombrowski believes it necessary to bring an $'ntQllrage with her and , 14
~ Mr. Ric=ra;dson finds the Ie menacing. He is tired of the video taping of the :~~ion f ~~
/".~ 'ltt exchanges and sinc s. Dombrowksi has rea y admitt t a (ClU\n me hini' i'5 "'-'\
}t.rl>. or w tIP rem s resl . ve little ou t that given Ms. Stumpf's attitude 1q, 9\~~
t~4f" J ,\ ~ ~ - Ed't"\' ~""'<lIoI--' ! IJO>/:•• "'''''"'1'P".!
~~l.asl-~" ~g'\)~C;.•~. \lM\'U" G~Q.of't'>. ~
••. GJ\.\-t'Scl:l<:l1 ~~i

~ ""UI,~\,-~ 'tx ~'0.~~~y\I.)


this case and particularly toward me and what she perceives as my accountability, I will be .
reported, complained about or accused ofsomethIDg. ~~'''"'''"" ~. 4.~t\f
c(' ~ til ttl 9~ ~ Wltl <lreo>t~
At present I do not believe that there is .lI. motion befo/e the Court Consequently this memo will ~
really not solve much of anything unleSs someone. 8.e~~mething before you. I tJiin1(ihat my
~' k
capacity as a case manager was long ~gQ distorted q~t of any'-sembIance of'wlfat the statute says a
~~ case manager should be. No mattei-what I recommend in this report. it would probably be
~~~ ~ objected to within hours. At this point. I simply see myself,E..a repQf!er ef eye:rt&•••it whal I
.~~ope are useful recommendations. ~~ ~ ...oQ>/oo- ••. ~~. ~::. ~~
3J ~6-
\ v-l~~\<l..~~., ~!l~
~ ~
\;Q.e.\o\'~ r (
~. Donald Hoffinan Kyle Wingfield v, ,
\ \2 W. 7th St 209 E. William, Suite 910
Garden Suite Wichita, Ks 67202
Topeka, Ks 66603


.. ~.
.._-- - --'

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