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i Harry Moore. SpeC!'al .><0>


Shawnee County Court Services

I 200 SE 71h Suite 104
Topeka, Ks
Faxt: 785~291-495Q

: Re'Respon<;;: to your Letter to Judge Anderson doted October 12,2000

CC Judge Anderson
O,e\( Barte
, Dear Mr. Moore:

: I have juS! received a copy of your letter from my attorney and I wish to addr""" each ,soue you mentioned However
i belare that J wanllO say that it is nol my lll1ention 10 cause anyone any trouble r amr~st trying to get the "C(}-parenting
I and counseling" as ordered from the "original" order of Judge Buchcle's which Judge Ander>On used in making rus
I ruling. I am very conccmcd aboul my daughter and a need for counseling So many things have ocwred in her life
irrcgardless ofwhot I might think ahout Hal', relaTionship The changes alone ,houldencourage counseli 3 ~0110
1\ mention the chonges noted by her day care renter director's letter 'These are changes not only noted by me lUIdmy
I mother but bv others that knew Rikki before h", relocation. Changes lhat could cawc "memaJ injury" If left untreated.
i Now to rcsPOnd to the issues you mentioned in your letter I am concerned that you didn~ ,ecognize s cbild's cotlin. TIle
I photo shows qurte well what il is You can put fiower" on It and call it a coffee table but it is still very much a child" .•
I cofin It". mmbid 10 say the lcoot
i As for Ihe "leap in logic". You do,,'t in addition to your 7 Quun Mauscr bave a coffin and then tell your child NOT to lell
anyone what is happening at home. The comhinalion of thc gun, the child's coffin and the admonishment to keep secrets
does nOl require a "ieap in logic"
I You stale Ms
Quall docs nol want to t>ecome involved f'lid you know that prior to Hal callio!,>bet on the telephone and
! che'A1Dgber out she very much wanted to become involved Her attitude twk a complete tum after being intimadaled
! by H.I llhoultelting on the not eating event Hal can so cosily intimidate a teacher, just think how much easier it is lor
I him (0 intimidate a live yeur old. Both Ms. Quail & Rikki werc chewed out about the not <:lltingissue l> it no wonder
I that they both now don't want to address the issuc?
\ You ;'1ate \hllt Friday, October 6 you received a call trom Hal saying an "unknown pel son" intormed him that drugs were
: on his car. You further stale thal you spoke with Vet Metz about this Were you aware oflbe hiotory "ith Del Meu
that Hal has. He is nollleW to him, one oflU. mends Perhaps the "unknown informant" should be questioned. As to
\ the sheriffs calli tirst convcrsi"l! with him five months ago and shared my C(lncems with hun as when Hal and ,
I were 10llmer Hal was involved 'with drull-'. When I called him recently it was 'pbi a follow up .. A.. for hi'll beinl!:
"perpl""ed" , would like 10 bear from him personally on that. I don't think you are quallified to 61ate that he was
PCllllexedfive months ago Sherrif Barta mentioned to me ooncems about Hal being possibtcy involved in drugs. He
, knew 10 call you because I med him to call you. This co~ was originally started five months ago.

!Is lor visitation several facts need to be remembered When l'Uid fl"Iidentilll custody Hal presented 10 tile courts a
Parontillg Phln which requested daily visits in addition to going to her school activities.To assure 'co-parenting" was a
, faclor in ro.ybeing forced to relocate Is that no longer a filC10r!lOWthat Hal has residential cu.stody'!

IIYou are riot in • position to know what I " pen;eive os ~mctory treatmern" !Is JBr as issues lhat "predate Judge
, Andersons involvernerrt", read hi. rulingstaling the "import of Judge Buchelc"s ruli"l! as foundastion for Ins
I memorandum decision ThaI "predated" him 01110 yet it was used in funning a decision It Wll3my untlerstarlding that
the "import of Judge Uuchclcs ruling" stres.,ed Ihe noed for co-palYllting & c••••lJMliR&" making it necessary for me to

I relOCllleback 10 T opcka. Okay, now I have relocated, let's start the co-parcnting and counseling including the prior
order that Hal finish lUIger maruogement and alcohol rehab. Everything "predal~••" Judge And""",ns involvement". How
can }'ou take only part of the p.edaled material and selectively tossing away the rcst of it" Mer all J am not really asking
for the moon Only things thal are is the bc:Il interest of RikIri. Isn"t lhat what this is aU about? How can any of this not
" be m ber interest? I think Judge Anderson is quite capable of making up his own mind •• to rather he considers my
concerns "conternpou. of his ruling".

I You speak of Rikl<.i"s tclIcher only. Did you not 5peak with the sdJool counsclor wbo bod visited wrtlJ Rik~ and
I revi~-wed her past work as compared 10 her preoent work?
It is NOT "active evidence gathering" as mudl 88 expressing very real and Iegiwbate <:oncilms fur my daugnrer and
WHY I have tbese concerns. You previously stated as !be last bearing that you wou1d not rec 0lIllJJeII:Icuunscling.
however, you made this SUltementwithout i:ven hearing my concems and these issues. It IIJlIl"lIlS that you only lnI1dea
study after I complained (pet1imctmy7?).

I The quotes made by Rikki that her grandmother wentiooed were NOT solicited. I too was there and hea:.d them. My
mother bas IJl8de severallrips to Kansas to visit. She didn"t just make these quotes up.

As for video taping at !be ""cl1anges you had a1ready bee!! infUlDIedby me that J WlL' making a pbotolvidco of fimUlyfu<
I a album fur Rikki. I not only irmnediately tezminated dJi.obot sent you !be tapes ~ thai 8bI;ohIlely nothing €I.",
! was 00 them. By tbe way I can find no court order prohillrting any !aping as you suggested.

Many times I have gone to the cxclmDges a1~ The times when eOllltJODewas with me it was never more !hem one
pcn;on, no! an "entourage

As for "CGfIlnlcted"parenting time for "criBiscreating". are you SlJll8eotilll!Ib8t I should be puoished by n:tl1OWJg Rikki
ITom her mot1Jer? lrregardIess ofwbat this would do to Rikki. Talk about threats!!! Yes, we all need 10be ll<OOUD1Dbk:
for our ac:tiom or our fiIilure to act. Being made accountable is not a tbn:llL

In conclusion, I iespectfully request that co-pa.etlting and counseling be Sl8rted as wa.. ordered.

Respectfully submitted

Claudine Dombw ••-ski

October 23.2000


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