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Ht Ke FORM TP 2010007 | n 4} arrrx SeAL HERE 4 tesrcope 01218010 JANUARY 2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ENGLISHA Paper 01—General Proficiency 90 minutes 04 JANUARY 2010 (p. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 60 items. You will have 90 minutes to ariswer them, Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers, lettered (A), (B),(C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which answer is best. Onyouranswershect, find thenumber which correspondsto your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample iter below. Sampleltem Choose the word or set of words that best completes-each sentence, The occupahts were. from the building before the firemen arrived. Sample Answer (A) released (B) protected ® e (©) evacuated (D) extinguished The best answer to this item is “evacuate! so answer space (C) has been shaded. Ifyou wantto change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice When youare told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as youcan. Ifyou cannot answer an item, omit itand go ontothenextone. Youmnay return to the omitted item later. ‘Your score will be the total number of correct answers. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright© 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ®. llrightsreserved 01218010/TANUARY 2010 } APFINSEALHERE ¥ auaivasxavy + Instructions: Choose the word or phrase thats most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word or phrase. 1 “The manager decided to inform the staff about 4 In these difficult economic times, many all complaints received from customers, organizations retrench workers only when absohutely necessary. (A) _ suggestions (B) demands (A) dismiss (C) requests (B) promote (D) compliments (©) employ . (D) demote a There was a decline in airplane travel after September 11, 2001 5. While the employers approved of his work pabits, they objected to his radical views. (A) Hise (B) upheaval (A) conventional iC) decease (B) informed qDy! ucniben {C)__ fashionible (D) capitalist 3 “The compassionate man wasknown by many in the crowd. (a) fissy (B) cfuel (C) indifferent - (D) dissatisfied GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE A172 1RMIVIANUARY 2010 ems 6 - 10 instructions: Some of the following sentences are unaceeptable because of inappropriate grammar, idiom tevocabulary, Some sentences are acceptable as they stand. No sentence contains more than one inappropriate element. Select the ONE underlined part that you feel is inappropriate and choose the corresponding letter. Ifthe centence is acceptable as it stands, choose D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet, Ge divided the sweets among you and me, 9. The duties given the newly recruited officer A B 6 A B neo were planning, coordinating, and organising c the activities of the large staff. No error 7 ‘Any disease of the bones and joints which 2 dueto deficiencies in asingle nutritional — eficienciesinasingleavtinone, 3g, “Weil ny'notice thabthe windows of the factor can be prevented. No error. a 5 housenext door,” the man pointed out, “Jooks A B like those of ancient English cottages.” @ 8 Jn““A House for Mr, Biswas”, Naipaul shows + Noeror 4 D that how a maimay struggle against great A B odds to achieve those things that he most & desires. No error D GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0121 8010JANUARY 2010 Items 11-15 Instructions: Each of the sentences options the word which is NEAREST IN MEANING to the uw 12. 01218 “The flowers grow profusely in the garden. 4 (a) wildly (B) healthily (C) _plentifully (D) _colourfully ‘The news story revealed the squalor of the old prison cells. 1s (A) secunty . (B) strength (C) ambiance (D) __ filthiness Although she had visited the site on many occasions, nothing had prepared her for the ggandeur of the sunset on that day. (A) colourfulness (B) splendour ( gaudiness (D) _ hanybny LO) ANUARY 2010 in this section has one underlined word. Choose from the four underlined word, For the first time in a decade the company disclosed a deficit in its accounts. (A) amor (B) defect (C)__ balance (D) shortfall Ttwas impossible to rectify the error made by the computer since inaccurate information pad been fed into it (A) alter (B) erase (©) comect (D) determine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Items 16-2 Instructions: Choose the option A, B, C or D that BEST describes EACH of the sentences 16 Fach option may be used ONCE, more than ONCE or NOT atall. (A) (B) ©) o) 16. 17. 18. The'sentence is too wordy, contains redundancies or is repetitive. ‘The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors ‘The sentence is incorrect grammatically or faulty in diction. ‘The sentence is acceptable as it stands. 1EI were the captain of the Australian cricket team, | will attack the batsmen with my fast bowlers immediately after the luncheon, interval. To attract more business, the store offered free gifts at no expense to the customer. ‘The new disciplinary methods have affected a vast improvement on the behaviour of students. ( 01218010/JANUARY 2010 19. 20. ‘She was a niimblefooted dancer; her graceful body executed delicate movements with incredible poise, ‘The politician harnmered the nail of his argument into the leafy minds ofhis audience ‘who had come to hear him speak on the Gifficult subject of monetary policy. GO ON TO THE NEX s6™ | Read the following poem carefully and then answer Items 21 - 28 on the basis, of what Instr jg stated or implied Beat That Light [think the horses must be laughing, Kicking up their heels and chaffing, ‘Watching, from their green abode ‘The things that drove them off the road, 5 Whinnyingin soft derision Atbreakdown, lowout and collision, Neighing, as they roamn the praines, Motorists’ obituaries. Read the epitaphs' on Monday 10. Of drivers various and Sunday; Beep the hom and how) the klaxon* For Hebrew, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon; Howling klaxon, beepinghom, The funeral dirge on Monday mom, 48 Usher outthe unlucky drivers Without convincing the survivors Hlere’s a curve and here's awuck, Take a chance, and trust to luck, ‘The next one’s practically standing still \ epitaph means a short piece of writing or poem about adead person 2 ‘kdaxon means a type of toudthorn formerly used on moior vehicles 21. Why does the poet feel the horses ore 23, Which of the following words suggests the Jaughing (line 1)? drivers’ destiny? (A) The prairie is all theirs 10 roam, (A) Whinnying (line 5) (8) Hehears them laughing (B) Breakdown (line 6) (C)__ They were replaced with something (©) Obimaries (line 8) which causes harm. (D) Howling (ine 13) (D) They are treated well by their owners. 24, According to the poet, what days seemed to ‘be most prone to fate lities? 22, Whatare “the things” suggested in line ar prone to Prslties (A) Mondays (A) Vehicles (B) Sundays (B) Accidents (©) Festivals (C) Explosions (D) —_Publicholidays (D) Traffic jams GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE SO1LGJANUARY 2010 25. Which ofthe followingmeansNEARLY the 27. What isthe poet's tone in ines 17-18 same as the title of the poem “Beat That Light”? (A) Sarcastic (B) Persuasive (A) Drive faster (C) Indifferent {B) Stroke the light (D) Enthusiastic (©) Aflashing trafficlight (D) Use corporal punishment 28, Whatis the poetreferring to in line 19? 26. The poet is recommending that drivers drive (A) Speed (B) Safety (A) slowly (©) Caution (B) quickly (D) Overtaking (C) recklessly (D) carefully | t i | 0121801 0/JANUARY 2010 Se Te ns 29 - 36 Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items 29-36 on the basis of what js stated or implied. w 10 15 29. 30 34 Haynes looked at Mrs. Rouse and it struck him how much more she had changed during the qonths since the marriage. She still carried hherselfwell; she was made like that, Though she had lost flesh she remained a big woman. Butit was her face which really showed most of the effect of all she had undergone. [twas thinner, so thin that he could see clearly the contours of the cheekbones, the hollows in the jaws, and the long, thin chin. Now that al the flesh had gone it wasa different face. Had he never seen her after that first moming, he might have passed her in the street today. But in the thin face the strong Roman.nose was more prominent than ever, the lips tighter and more firm, especially when she paused during recitals of her woes concerning per marriage. The hair on her forehead and temples was very grey: “Thin and worn she might look, and she might complain at mss, but ifher courage was ever fundamentally shaken, Haynes never saw it. Hour after hour, all through the day and every day she ‘wus on her feet, up and down the yard and kitchen, inand onjof the house, working, directing, exhorting her helpers to increased efforts. Frequently she was unjust. How. she quarrelled! Buthe could forgive er this as did everybody (except Maisie) when he realised how powerfully she was struggling to stem the tide that threatened to overwhelm her. “The changein Mrs. Rouse’s appearance was 32. The words “exhorting her helpers” as used MOST likely a result of in lines 13 - 14 mean the SAME AS (A) oldage (A) _ advising herhelpers (B) overwork (B) urging onherhelpers (Cc) abad marriage (©) quartelling with herhelpers (D) _ lack ofnourishment (D) _ forcing her will on her helpers ‘AlthoughMirs. Kouse’s face was nowsothin 33, The words “straggling to stem the tide” (lines that you could see the contours of the ~ 14 - 15) suggest that Mrs. Rouse was cheekbones, (lines 4-5) she was still a attempting to (A) lean woman (A) cope with her problems (B) kind woman (B) _ make herself look young, (C) beautiful woman (C) control herbad temper (D) __ stongly-builtwoman (D) pretend that she was happily married inthe passage, itis suggested that Haynes 34. According (0 the passage, which of the had following siatements about Mrs, Rouse is FALSE? (A) not seen Mrs. Rouse for a long time (B) _ often passed Mrs, Rouse in the street (A) She was a quarrelsome person (©) _ likely failed to recognise Mrs. Rouse {B) She was a courageous woman. (D) _ met Mrs. Rouse only after her (©) She was always Kind to herhelpers mamage (D) She was physically changed since her marriage. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 801L0JANUARY 2010 38. Inthe passage, Haynes views Mrs. Rouse 36. with (A) sympathy (B) disapproval (C) amazement (D) _ bewilderment 012180104 ANUARY 2010 Haynes was particularly surprised at Mrs Rouse’s (A) quarrelsome nature (B) remarkable courage (C), changed appearance (D) disappointing marriage GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -10- Items 37-43 Instructions: Read the following advertisement carefully and then answer Items 37-43 0m the basis of what is stated or implied BERMUDA. Before you, blue water all the way to Morocco. Behind you, every care you ever had. BERMUDA is the different island Tt basks here in mid-ocean, remote, apart 5 Unlike any other place. ‘What little island do you know with dazzling white roofs tocatch the rain, with pastel houses cut from. coral rocks, set in tropical green? Only BERMUDA. 10 What other island is ringed with such different beaches, come wide and smooth, others with tiny coves hidden in clifls, waiting just for you? “What other island can you roamn on foot, by ferzy, motorbike, or carriage, stopping for a wayside picnic, or to explore a vast cavern 15 underground? Only BERMUDA. Only one island of 21 square miles has 21 golf courses Only one faraway island lets you skin dive in ancient Spanish shipwrecks or snorkel on a coral reef. Fish for Wahoo, Allison tuna, or the wily Bonefish. Or dine on Rockfish 20 Chowder and Syllabub, then dance the night away withthe limbo, calypso, oftwhichever r BERMUDA! Faraway. Long ago. Old World. And 90 jet minutes from New York. Children love BERMUDA and vice versa. Bring the farnily! ‘Ask your travel agent in the U.S. or Canada, Or write BERMUDA, 610, 25 Sth Avenue, New York 10020. No. 6 Michigan Avenue, Chicago 60602, ‘Thereisonlyone BERMUDS. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0121B010/JANUARY 2010 38 39 “The expression “basks here in mid-ocean” (line 4) implies that (A) in Bermuda the sum never sets (B) —_Bermudians live a life of luxurious ease (©) sum bathing is the chief activity of tourists (D) Bermuda's position exposes itto the fall rays of the sun ‘The use of the phrases “BERMUDA! Faraway. Long ago. Old World.” (line 22) in this advertisement attempts to create the impression that Bermuda (A)__ issomewhat backward in spite of its beauty > (B) _ hasremained unchanged and unspoilt by technology (C) _ is difficult to get to because it lies way out in mid-ocean (D) _ isa very distant place inhabited by people ofan ancient civilisation Which of the following statements is an opinion rather than a fact? (A) Bermudais surrounded by different types ef beaches (B) _Bermmufla boasts as many golf courses as its area. (C)_ There is a variety of means of transport offered on the island. (D) The architectural structure of Bermudian houses is attractive. 01218010/JANUARY 2010 40 44 42. 43. From reading the advertisement one can draw ALL of the following conclusions about Bermuda EXCEPT (A) Bermudians are engaged chiefly in fishing and golfing (B) Bermuda is an attractive littleisland nestling inmid-ocean (C) tourists visiting Bermuda are offered avariety of interesting activities (D) _ visitors to Bermuda have no difficulty getting around the island Which of the following techniques of persuasion does the writer use in this extract? (A) Comparison with other places to highlight Bermuda’s attractiveness (B) Appeal to the tourists’ desire for comfort (© Emphasis on Bermuda's tropical climate (D) Specific examples of Bermuda’s attractiveness Which of the following aspects of Bermuda is emphasized? (A) Spaciousness (B) Uniqueness (C) Cleanliness (D) _ Remoteness Which of the following devices is used extensively in the passage? (A) Simile (®) Metaphor (© © Personification (D) _ Repetition GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ems 44-52 Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and then answer Items 44 - 52.on the basis of what is stated or implied. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 American women outlive American men by roughly eight years, and while this disparity may partly be attributed to genes, it se also partly due to differences in lifestyle and behaviour. Lfmen want to live longer, they'd better start behaving more like women ‘They must become ina word, wimps, (1 do potimply that women are wimps, butthatmen who act like women are perceived by other men as wimps.) One of the greatest differences in the mortality rates between thie sexes Sows UP Snthe highways. As the difference in insur- ance premiums formen and women suggests, gen on average are less careful drivers. At age 20, for example, roughly twice as many qnen as women are killed annually in car ac- cidents, Andthe rate of motorcycle fatalities for men is oughly five times as high as for women. For all ages combined, the female death rate from guns is a tiny fraction — one-sixth of the male rate. Some of these differences may go back to childhood: Boys play with toy gunsand toy soldiers, while girls play house angwith dolis. r Homicides and suicides are two other categories of death in which men excel. Men face roughly a five-fold greater chance of eing murder victims than wornen. Andmen are far more likely to blow their own brains out. They are twice as successful as women in their suicide attempts Jn leisure activities, real men are attracted to violence and action ~ boxing, football, hockey, sky diving and mountain climbing, Women and wimps go shopping or to art museums, read beauty and health maga- zines and attend church Men exercise more than women, but women eat better than men. The latest 01218010ANUARY 2010 50 55 60 65 44. research indicates that nutrition may beTmore important than exercise in attaining longevity The problem for real men is that they hate ‘vegetables. Men are not supposed to quit oradmit topain. Many played football and basketball inhigh school, and complaining about pain or injury was a sure sign of weakness and femininity. On the other hand, women are not affraid to visit a doctor and check into a hospital at the first sign ofillness. When men finally goto a doctor, the problem, whatever itis, is likely to be much more advanced. The average man, once in the hospital, stays four days longer than the average woman. Finally, evidence now suggests that the kind of men who are willing to discuss their feelings with their wives suffer lower rates ofheart disease and cancer. But areal ‘man doesn’ treveal his fears to anyone, and henevercries Maybe he'd better start, For men face aterrible trade-off: They can remain real men and die early, or they can become wimps and live as long as women. J. Paul Leigh, "The Advantages of Wimping Out” U.S. News and World Report March 7, 1988. oe Tn paragraph two (lines 11 - 25) the writer links the small number of female deaths by guns tothe (A) __ nonviolentnature of women (B) fact that there are fewer women than men in America (©) non-acceptance of guns in the society (D) different upbringing of girls and boys GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE 46. 47. 48 “Tis ‘According to paragraph three (lines 26-32) it isreasonable to conchide that approximately (A) __ one out of every five men who die has been murdered (B) one woman and five men are killed annually (©) __ five outofevery six people who are murdered are men (D) __ five times more men than women commit suicide 3 In paragraphs four and five (lines 33 - 44), which of the following does the writer suggest most American men need to doto live longer? (A) Gotochurch (B) — Stopdriving (©) Lmprove their diet (D) Take more exercise The phrase CLOSEST in meaning to “longevity” (line 42) is (A) longllife (B) —_goodhealth (©) __ physical fitness (D) _ abalanceddiet ’ The MAIN pomt made by the writer in paragraph six (lines 45 - 55) is that (A) _ men can bear pain better than women can (B) women read health magazines and attend church (©) womenare less likely to suffer injury than men (D) men tend to conceal their illnesses more than women 0121801 0 ANUARY 2010 49 50. 51 ‘According to the passage, “wimps” are men who (A) liveaslongas women (B) _behavelike women (C) ~ donotengage in violent sport (D) enjoy peace and quiet ‘The writer suggests that men who become “wimps” (A) _ learn to appreciate women more (B) give upall their violent activities (C) _ liveaslongas women do (D) _ behavemore like the writer Which of the following does the writer suggest as reasons why women live longer than men? L Women exercise less. J. Women show their emotions more. TU. Women spend more time in hospital TV. Women engage in less demanding leisure activities. (A) IandIV only (B) Hand IV only (©) I, Wand IV only ) LUmLIV ‘Theevidence mentioned in paragraph seven (lines 56 -61) indicates that (A) _ there are merits in sharing one’s feelings (B) _thebealing power of women is now being recognised (C)__ unmarried mensuffer the greatestrisk of heart disease and cancer (D) __ truthis more powerful than deceit GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Items 53 - 60 Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items 53 - 60 on the basis of what is stated or implied. “There is an insidious conspiracy in this island to undermine and overthrow all that Ibave built up by sweat, grit and intelligence’, I shouted. “The Administrator, the Chief of Police, the Kingsland Municipal Board, the Sports Association, have all refused to even reply to letters we wrote them in connection with our rally. When try to see the Administrator, a whole army of 5 clerks and secretaries bar my passage in what appears to be the sacred cornidors of the ‘Administration Building. These clerks and secretaries are black people like us, but they enjoy ‘he role of stooges to the white-man boss. I tell you, Ipromise you that when we take over this island, a lot of these white-men stooges will be swept out like chaff” When the cheers and stamping died down, Joe Pittance got up before I could continue. 10 ‘What exactly is de problem?’ he asked. He deliberately pitched his voice low, soft, cool, reasonable as if to rebuke my loudmouthed hysteria. “The problem? Notproblem. Problems. These conspirators in high places; these stooges ...” ‘Thear you say you want to see de Administrata , Bass, Righ “Yes, Comrade Pittance,’ I said. 1” 15 ‘But Bass,’ said Joe. ‘seeing de Administrata is de easiest ing on earth. Ifyou cid tell me yo" wanted to see de Administrata, you woulda see him already.’ “what do you mean by that?” [ said into deep silence of the Chamber. “Well,’ said Joe, ‘itis a simple matter. You got to know bow de Administration Building isrun ‘Allde clerks and secretaries go off to lunch twelve o’clock, but Mr. Forbes, de Administrata, 20 stays back ih de office till half past twelve, doing overtime, because he seldom comes back to de office after lunch till four o’clock. So all yo” got to do is go see de Administrata between twelve and half past twelve." GC.H. Thomas, Ruler in Hirgona, MacMillan, 2003, p. 53 53. The phrase “army of clerks"(lines 4- S)is_ 54 an example of (A) (A) simile @) (B) hyperbole (©) oxymoron © (D) personification ©) 01218010/JANUARY 2010 ‘What does the word “sacred” (line 5) imply? They were on holy ground “The clerks and secretaries were very religious. ‘The administrator is treated like a god. The administration building was located in an old church GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE oh 56. 59 60. In the passage Joe Pittance is seen as (A) easilyannoyed (B) _ able tocontrol his emotions (©) easily moved by the crowd (D) .. avery gullible person ‘The use of italics for the word “Problems” (line 12) suggests that (A) there were no problems (B) there was one major problem (C) he imagined that there were problems (D) there were multiple problems ‘The incident in the passage is MOST likely a (A) nilly (B) — townmeeting (©) church meeting (D) political meeting {F-YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. Which of the following is NEAREST in meaning to “they enjoy the role of stooges to the white-man boss” (lines 6-7)? (A) They did notmind doing their jobs (B) They were eager to assist the boss. (C) _ Theyhad the privilege of restricting visitors. (D) They took pleasure in being subservient The words “loudmouthed hysteria” (line 11) suggest that the tone of the main speaker is one of (A) frustration (B) betrayal © pity (D) indignation Which of the following reveals the irony of the situation? (A) He “refused to even reply to letters we wrote” (lines 3-4). (B) “These clerks and secretaries are lack people like us” (line 6) (©) “ButBass, ..seeing de Administrata is the easiest ting on earth” Gine 18). (D) _“Alldeglerks and secretaries go off to lunch twelve o'clock” (line 19). 0121801 0JANUARY 2010

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