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Design of Free Pot Bearing Page: 1 of 6

Detailed Design of Free Pot Bearing


S.No. Description Units Vertical Longitud. Lateral

Maximum Minimum
1 Normal kN 1500.00 788.00 150.00 1.00
2 Seismic L-L kN 1106.00 791.00 110.00 1.00
T-T kN 1106.00 791.00 1.00 110.00
3 Braking/ Centrifugal kN 1500 150 0
Long Movement Tranxverse
Movement + 10 - 5+ 14
Rotation 0.00390
Grade of Concrete at top M- 45
Grade of Concrete at bottom M- 40
Top dispersion width 700
Bottom dispersion width 700
Total Load MAX
A Without Overstress kN 1500 150 1 150.00333 150
B With Overstress kN 1106 110 110 155.56349 155.563
1 Top Plate
1.1 Length Ltp 353 mm
1.2 Width Wtp 369 mm
1.3 Depth Ttp 18 mm
2 S. S. Plate
2.1 Length Lss 320 mm
2.2 Width Wss 337 mm
2.3 Depth Tss 3 mm
3 P. T. F. E.
3.1 Diameter Dptfe 250 mm
3.2 Thickness Tptfe 4.5 mm
4 Saddle Plate
4.1 Diameter Dsad 300 mm
4.2 Thickness Tsad 12 mm
5 Piston
5.1 Diameter Dp 248 mm
5.2 Thickness Tp 19 mm
H1 5 mm
6 Elastomeric Pad
6.1 Diameter Dpad = Di 250 mm
6.2 Thickness Hpad = He 20 mm
7 Cylender
7.1 Inner Diameter Dci = Di 250 mm
7.2 Outer Diameter Dc 312 mm
7.3 Wall thickness Bp 31 mm
7.4 Bottom thickness Tcb 0 mm
7.5 Height Hc 30 mm
7.6 Minimum wall thickness
8 Bottom Plate
8.1 Diameter Db 354 mm
8.2 Thickness Tb 26 mm
Total thiclness = Tc = Tcb + Tb = 26 mm
9 General
9.1 Gap h4 9 mm
9.2 Total Height HT 100 mm
1 Top Anchor Bolts

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1.1 Diameter 20 mm
1.2 Length 48 mm
1.3 Nos 4 Nos
2 Bottom Anchor Bolts
2.1 Diameter 20 mm
2.2 Length 48 mm
2.3 Nos 4 Nos
3 Collers
3.1 Length 65
3.2 Width 65
3.3 Nos 8
3.4 Thickness 12
4 Sleeve Top Plate
4.1 Length of sleeve 200 mm
4.2 Diameter of sleeve 40 mm
5 Bottom Plate
5.1 Length of sleeve 200 mm
5.2 Diameter of sleeve 50 mm
Permissible Stresses
S.No. Permissible Stresses Units Ultimate Normal Occassional Specifications
1 Top Surface
In bending N/mm2 45 15 18.750 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.1
Direct N/mm2 45 23.72 29.650 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.1
2 Bottom Surface
In bending N/mm2 40 13.333333 16.667 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.1
Direct N/mm2 40 19.77 24.718 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.1
3 Pressure Pad
3.1 Pressure N/mm2 35 40 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.3
3.2 Strain 0.15 0.15 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.3
4 P.T.F.E.
4.1 Av: pressure N/mm2 40 40 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.4
4.2 Max: pressure N/mm2 45 45 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.4
5 Friction bet. SS/ PTFE
6 On Mild Steel Plates Fy = 240 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.2
6.1 In bending 158.4 158.4
6.2 In shear 108.0 108.0
6.3 In bearing 180.0 180.0
6.4 In combined bending & shear 216.0 216.0
7 On Cast Steel Fy = 280 IRC:83 (3) Cl:926.2.2
7.1 In tension 168.0 168.0
7.2 In bending 184.8 184.8
7.3 In shear 126.0 126.0
7.4 In bearing 210.0 210.0
7.5 In combined bending & shear 250.0 250.0
8 On Mild Steel Bolts IRC:83
8.1 In shear 80.0 80.0
8.2 In bearing 180.0 180.0
9 On High Tensile Bolts (8.8 GRADE)
9.1 In shear 190.6 190.6
9.2 In bearing 180.0 180.0
10 Dispersion ratio k 2
Design Of bearing
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Stresses in Top Concrete

Effective diameter of Top plate
d = Dptfe + 2 x( Tssp + Tt )x k = 334 mm
Minimum dispersion width provided = 332
Minimum of above two 332
Area of top plate = p x d ^ 2/ 4= 86569.727 mm2
Section Modulus = p x d ^ 3/ 32 = 3592643.7 mm3
Normal Occasional
Vertical Laod Vr 1500 1106 kN
Horizontal force Hr 150.00333 155.56349 kN
Moment of resistance due to rotation:
Rotation due to dead load qp 0.0020488 0.0020488 52.5333 %
qv 0.0018512 0.0018512 47.4667 %
Ratio di / he 12.5 12.5
For induced moment k1 = 1.8 1.8
k2 58.8 58.8
Induced moment due to rotation Me.d 1758.4125 1758.4125 kN-mm
di3 x ( k1 x qp + k2 x qv )
Moment of resistance due to HF:
Horizontal distance C = 124.99722 88.388348 mm
Resultant HF H = 150.0 155.6 kN
Moment of resistance due to HF: Mr.d 3750 2750 kN-mm
0.2 x C x H
Lever arm LA = 2+tsad+Tp-h2/2 51.5 51.5
Moment due to HF: Mf=HfxLA 7725.1717 8011.5198
Total Moment =Mc.d+Mr.d+Mf Mt 13233.584 12519.932 kN-mm
Direct pressure Vr / a pa 17.327073 12.775829 N/mm2
Bending stress Mr / Z pb 3.6835226 3.4848801 N/mm2
Max. Edge pressure pa + Mr/z pbmax 21.010596 16.260709 N/mm2
Permissible bearing stress 23.71988 29.649849 N/mm2
Permissible bending stress 15 18.75 N/mm2
Sum of ratio of actual to perm stresses 0.9760556 0.6167504
Stresses in Bottom Concrete
Effective diameter of Bottom plate
d = Minimum of [ Dco & Dpad x 2 x Tcb x k
+ 2 x( Tb )x k = 354 mm
Minimum diameter provided = 354 mm
Design dispersion diameter = minimum of above two = 354 mm
Area of top plate = p x d ^ 2/ 4 = 98422.956 mm2
Section Modulus = p x d ^ 3/ 32 = 4355215.8 mm3
Normal Occasional
Vertical Laod Vr 1500 1106 kN
Horizontal force Hr 150.00333 155.56349 kN
Induced moment due to rotation Me.d 1758.4125 1758.4125 kN-mm
Moment of resistance due to HF: Mr.d 3750 2750 kN-mm
Lever Arm ( Tt+Tcb+Tpad+h2/2) 48.5 48.5
Mf = Hf x LA 7275.1617 7544.8294
Total Moment =Mc.d+Mr.d+Mf Mt 12783.574 12053.242 kN-mm
Direct pressure Vr / a pa 15.240347 11.237216 N/mm2
Bending stress Mr / Z pb 2.9352332 2.7675418 N/mm2
Max. Edge pressure pa + Mr/z pbmax 18.17558 14.004758 N/mm2
Permissible bearing stress 19.774011 24.717514 N/mm2
Permissible bending stress 13.333333 16.666667 N/mm2
Sum of ratio of actual to perm stresses 0.9908686 0.6206782
Elastomeric Pad
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Effective diameter of Pad Dpad = 250 mm

Area of top plate = p x d ^ 2/ 4 = 49087.385 mm2
Section Modulus = p x d ^ 3/ 32 = 1533980.8 mm3
Normal Occasional
Vertical Laod Vr 1500 1106 kN
Horizontal force Hr 150.00333 155.6 kN
Induced moment due to rotation Me.d 1758.4125 1758.4125 kN-mm
Moment of resistance due to HF: Mr.d 3750 2750 kN-mm
Moment due to HF: 3375.075 3500.1786
Total Moment =Mc.d+Mr.d+Mf Mt 8883.4875 8008.5911 kN-mm
Direct pressure Vr / a pa 30.557749 22.531247 N/mm2
Bending stress Mr / Z pb 5.7911335 5.2207897 N/mm2
Max. Edge pressure pa 30.557749 22.531247 N/mm2
Permissible bearing stress 35 35 N/mm2
Max. Edge pressure pa + Mr/z pbmax 36.348883 27.752037
Permissible bearing stress 40 40
Maximum Strain 0.0243751 0.0243751
Dpad x Tan(Rotation) / ( 2 * Hpad)
Permissible strain 0.15 0.15
Piston Diameter Dp 248 248 mm
Cylender Inner dia Dci 250 250 mm
Piston height Tp 19 19 mm
Piston contact height h2 5 5 mm
Area of piston A 48305.129 48305.129 mm2
Modulus of section of Piston Z 1497459 1497459 mm3
Normal Occasional
Vertical Laod Vr 1500 1106 kN
Horizontal force/Braking force Hr 150.003 155.563 kN
Horizontal force eccentricity eh 30.5 30.5 mm
(Tpad+2+Tp - h2/2)
BM due to ecc. Hr x eh 4575.1017 4744.6865 kN-mm
Shear stress Hr/A 3.1053293 3.2204343 N/mm2
Vertical stress Vr/A 31.052603 22.89612 N/mm2
Bending stress M/Z 3.0552434 3.1684918 N/mm2
Max actual stress shear+vertical+bending 37.213176 29.285046 N/mm2
Actual bearing stress Hr/(Dp x h2) 120.97043 125.45443 N/mm2
Permissible bearing stress 180.0 180.0 N/mm2
Hence OK Hence OK
Checking Contact width #926.3.1.3 of IRC:83-(PART-3)
Eff. Contact width we = 1.3 x H / (sp x dp )
Horizontal force H 150.003 155.563 kN
Permissible bearing stress sp 180.0 180.0 N/mm2
Diameter of Piston dp 248.0 248.0 mm
Eff. Contact width we = 4.4 4.5 mm
Piston contact height h2 5 5 mm
Hence OK Hence OK
Minimum clearance
Diameter of saddle Dsad 300.0 mm
Rotation q 0.00390 Radians
Depression due to rotation Dc q /2 0.585 mm
Clearance provided 10.0 mm
Balance clearance 10.0 - 0.6 = 9.415 > 5
Hence OK
Pressure on P.T.F.E.
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Effective diameter of Pad Dptfe = 250 mm

Area of top plate = p x d ^ 2/ 4 = 49087.385 mm2
Section Modulus = p x d ^ 3/ 32 = 1533980.8 mm3
Normal Occasional
Vertical Laod Vr 1500 1106 kN
Horizontal force Hr 150.003 155.563 kN
Horizontal lever arm eh 30.5 30.5
[ Tptfe - 2.5 + Tp - h2 / 2]
Moment = Hr x eh Mr 4575.1017 4744.6865 kN-mm
Direct pressure Vr / a pa 30.557749 22.531247 N/mm2
Bending stress Mr / Z pb 2.9825026 3.0930547 N/mm2
Max. Edge pressure pa + Mr/z pbmax 33.540252 25.624302 N/mm2
Permissible bearing stress 45 45 N/mm2
Stresses in Cylender Normal Occasional
Inner diameter dci 250 250 mm
Outer diameter dco 312 312 mm
Vertical load v 1500 1106 kN
Height of Cylender hc 30 30 mm
Wall thickness tcw 31 31 mm
Long. Force Hl 150 110 kN
Lateral Force Ht 1 110 kN
Frictional Force Hf 150 155.56349 kN
Pad Thickness Hpad 20 20 mm
Diameter of Pad Dpad 250 250 mm
Thickness of bottom plate he 26 26 mm
Area of Pad Apad 49087.385 49087.385 mm2
Comp. Stress fce 30.557749 22.531247 N/mm2
Fluid Pressure ft1 82.144487 60.567868 N/mm2
Dpad x Hpad x fce / ( 2 x hc x tcw )
Frictional stress ft2 80.645161 83.636286 N/mm2
Hf x 1000 /( 2 x hc x tcw )
Total stress (ft1 + ft2 ) ft 162.78965 144.20415 N/mm2
Permissible stress 168.0 168.0 N/mm2
b) Shear stress in Cylender & base interface
Fluid Pressure fq1 19.714677 14.536288 N/mm2
Hpad x fce / tcw
Horizontal stress fq2 29.032258 30.109063 N/mm2
1.5 x Hf x 1000 /(Hpad x tcw )
Total stress (ft1 + ft2 ) fq 48.746935 44.645351 N/mm2
Permissible stress 126.0 126.0 N/mm2
c) Bending stress in the interface
Fluid Pressure fbt1 38.157439 28.134752 N/mm2
fce x Hpad x Hpad / 2 * 6 / ( tcw x tcw )
Horizontal stress fbt2 126.4308 116.55121 N/mm2
(1.5 x Hf x 1000 / Hpad) x( Hpad+h2/2) *6 / ( tcw x tcw )
Total stress (ft1 + ft2 ) fbt 164.58824 144.68596 N/mm2
Permissible stress 184.8 184.8 N/mm2
Combined stress in bending & shear
Sqrt( fbt ^ 2 + 3 fq ^ 2 ) 184.9813 164.0538 N/mm2
Permissible stress 250.0 250.0 N/mm2
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Anchor Bolts Top Plate H. T. S. Steel 8.8 class

Diameter of bolt 20
Length of Bolt 48
No. Of Bolts 4
Thickness of collar 12
Faxtor for net area of bolt 0.78
Strength in shear = n x p d^2 / 4 x sbd,perm 176 kN
Strength of Bolt in Bearing
= Area x Perm Stress 201.60 kN

Total strength of Bolts 176 kN

Total Horizontal force 155.56349 kN
Bottom Plate H. T. S. Steel 8.8 class
Diameter of bolt 20
Length of Bolt 48
No. Of Bolts 4
Thickness of collar 12
Faxtor for net area of bolt 0.78
Strength in shear = n x p d^2 / 4 x sbd,perm 176 kN
Strength of Bolt in Bearing
= Area x Perm Stress 201.60 kN
Total strength of Bolts 176 kN
Total Horizontal force 155.56349 kN
Anchor Sleeve Top Plate
Diameter of Sleeve 40
Length of Sleeve 200
No. of sleeves 4
Maximum horizontal force 155.56349 kN
Actual flexural stress= 3 x Ab,eff x t vf /(( D x L)
For each bolt Ab,eff 245.04423 mm2
t vf 190.6 mm2
Peak stress scpk 17.518055
Permissible bearing stress in concrete 18.75 N/mm2

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Anchor Sleeve Bottom Plate

Diameter of Sleeve 50
Length of Sleeve 200
No. of Sleeves 4
Maximum horizontal force 155.56349 kN
Actual flexural stress= 3 x Ab,eff x t vf /(( D x L)
For each bolt Ab,eff 245.04423 mm2
t vf 190.6 mm2
Peak stress scpk 14.014444
Permissible bearing stress in concrete 16.67 N/mm2

CECO DBL AMB - KHL - ch 0+000

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