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Education is vital to the pace of any nation's social, political, and economic growth, so

efficient education is crucial. That's why effective learning is essential because teaching is based

on helping students to advance from one stage to another in a more sociable interactive setting and

getting the appropriate approach to get students to be independent learners. There are many factors

that can affect effective student accomplishment, but the most critical are learning skills and the

methods of teaching. It is stated that contemporary learning methods (brainstorming, problem-

solving, indirect-consulting, role-playing, science journey, inquiry-based method, computer-based

teaching) have an important impact on the dependent variable of instructional advancement.

Teaching is a significant instrument for teaching.

Using contemporary teaching methods can promote learning. Teachers must therefore use

the most suitable methods based on instructional objectives, teaching material, needs and interests

of learners, accessible materials and facilities to achieve desirable learning. Every educator has his

or her own teaching style. As traditional teaching styles develops with the emergence of

differentiated instruction, more and more educators are changing their teaching methods based on

the learning capabilities of their learners. To facilitate the information transmission process,

educators should apply suitable teaching methods that best match particular goals and exit level

results. Research on teaching and learning also constantly seeks to examine the extent to which

distinct teaching methods to improve development in student learning (Essays, 2018). The mere

problem is thinking and re-thinking about how we deliver teaching and learning.

Education reforms mean learning is taught from a totally distinct angle. Progressive

educational methods concentrate more on the requirements of the individual student rather than

assuming that all learners are at the same stage of comprehension. The modern way of learning is

based on more exercise, using methods of questioning, explaining, demonstrating and

collaborating (Gopikumar, 2018). One modern method of teaching is when students are

encouraged to quickly switch through activities, for example; providing 10 minutes of knowledge

on a subject with a PowerPoint presentation and then having 15 minutes of sport (Unicheck, 2017).

Constant changes in the education system and other fields linked to education always

trigger conversations around this subject. It is evident that modifications are only positive if they

lead to growth and enhancement in the educational field while other modifications do not bring

any advantage (Serroukh, 2015). In relation to that, critical remarks about differences in teaching

methods when talking about teaching techniques. Nevertheless, there are some supporting

arguments as well.

Statement of The Problem

The main problem of this study was to determine the effects of contemporary teaching methods

on the learning process of students. Specifically, it was aimed to answer the following research


1) What are the effects of Contemporary Teaching Methods on the learning process of


2) What are the changes/effects of Contemporary Teaching Methods on the learning process

of students that makes them a competent individual?

3) What is the most effective Contemporary Teaching Method?

Theoretical Framework

Learning is a lasting shift in behavior, or the ability to act in a specified fashion that results

from exercise or other types of knowledge (Chunk, 2012). The most suitable theory for the study

is the pragmatic theory of John Dewey (1938). Simon Fraser University defines the pragmatic

theory as:

“the strategic, active engagement of students in opportunities to learn through doing, and

reflection on those activities, which empowers them to apply their theoretical knowledge to

practical endeavours in a multitude of settings inside and outside of the classroom.”

The focus here is on some of the main ways experiential learning can be designed and delivered,

with particular regard to the use of technology, and in ways that develop the knowledge and skills

needed in the digital age (Moon, 2004). Teaching online is to change the learning environment.

Beginning to move from talking about teaching methods (which can be the same both in class and

online) to design models, where the teaching method is deliberately adapted to the learning

environment (Bates, 2015).

John Dewey (1859-1952) believed that formal education fell short of its potential. He

emphasized facilitating learning by encouraging multiple operations rather than using a traditional

teacher-focused method. He thought that learners learned more from guided experiences than from

authoritarian guidance (Gravells, 2014). He believes interdisciplinary curriculum, or a curriculum

that focuses on linking various topics, where students are permitted to move freely in and out of

schools as they pursue their interests and build their own routes for obtaining and implementing

understanding (Study, 2018). The teacher's function in this environment would be to serve more

as a facilitator than an instructor.

Conceptual Framework

Digital Age Conceptual

Quality & amount
Interest of Teaching Idealism

Learning Humanist
Environment Epistemological



Figure 1.1 Factors affecting the learning process of students

Digital age, interest and learning environment are the intangible major causes of learning.

The quality and amount refers to the teaching methods of teachers and professors. While,

conceptual, idealism, humanist and epistemological all refers to the perception and learnt ability

and knowledge of the students throughout their years of learning. All of the said factors influences

one another (shown as arrows a, b, and c) and they all influence the feedback which is the learnt

knowledge of the student from the teachers and professors using contemporary teaching methods,

practically as the students learns to apply and implement what they have learned, and developing

and improving their rationalistic and critical thinking from the said factors.

The intangible factors in contemporary teaching ought to comprehend the amount and

quality of the teaching methods and instruction that the teachers and professors do. In association

to that, conceptual, idealism, humanist and epistemological could be invoked which results for the

said factors to be simultaneously influence each other. Owing to that, they all induce as the

generated knowledge, practicality and rationalistic of the student.


The effects of contemporary teaching methods will greatly affect and increase the learnt

knowledge of the students. The students will be able to distinguish their preferred teaching method.

The students can also apply their knowledge practically and intellectually.


The researchers hypothesize that (a) many of the contemporary teaching methods would

still include some “traditional features” (b) there will be a positive correlation between the

adequacy of content knowledge and the use of contemporary teaching methods.

Scope and Limitations

Despite serious and honest efforts to perform the present study in accordance to the rules,

this study like other studies has faced problems in the area of human issues that trying to overcome

the limitations of future studies.

1) The main limitation is harmonizing the clock synchronization of students; such

coordination requires a lot of time and energy

2) The research has performed for 16 to 18 years old senior high school students of Perpetual

Help College of Manila

3) In order to study the variables of the research, questionnaire which was filled out by the

researchers, has been used. Completing the questionnaire by the respondents can create

restrictions on research, because the number of students in the class is high and there is a

low probability of accuracy in completing the questionnaire.

4) The biggest obstacle in the way of the researchers is the difficulty of performing tests and

unfamiliarity of the respondents with different teaching methods.

5) Implementing new teaching methods was very difficult due to the large number of students

and the inadequate time provided for the participation of all children in their views and


6) Discussed teachers’ perspective about new methods which was carried out especially for

certain activities in this project and their distrust about the results that can be achieved from

implementing such projects made the study harder.

Significance of The Study

The study aims to improve the co-related topics that are aligned to the said study. It should

also encourage some specified people, groups and departments regarding the topic. Indicated

below are the significant people for the study:

Students. This research can help students to be aware of the different contemporary teaching

methods and how to adapt with it.

Teachers and Professors. The study is a way for teachers and professors to be aware of the

different teaching methods they are using and should be using for a particular activity in their


Schools and Colleges. This study should encourage them to help their teacher and professors in

generating and implementing contemporary teaching methods.

Department of Education. This research should encourage them to create more ways to improve

the current teaching methods of their implementors. This study should apprehend them on the

situation of education today.

Future Researchers. Perform a similar research on students of other grades and levels

investigating the effect of modern teaching methods on other variables such as students' anxiety,


Definition of Terms

Contemporary Teaching Methods. These are the brainstorming, synectics, problem-solving,

indirect-consulting, role-playing, science journey, inquiry-based method, computer-based

teaching methods that teachers and professors use in teaching.

Experiential Learning. It focuses on learners reflecting on their knowledge of doing something

to acquire both conceptual understanding and practical knowledge.

Inquiry-based Method. The learner investigates a subject and selects a subject for studies,

develops a study plan and draws conclusions, although the teacher is generally accessible to

provide assistance and advice when required.

Instructional Advancement. The knowledge and capability of an individual to follow instructions.

Instructional Objectives. It is a declaration describing what the learner will be allowed to do after

finishing the said instructions.

Learning Environment. It is the particular place where the teaching of a teacher to a student

happens, it can be a classroom etc.

Multitude Setting. It is the different places where the teaching of a teacher to a student happens,

it could be outside or inside the classroom.

Pragmatic. It is the sensible and realistic way of applying the learnt knowledge of a student in a

conceptually practical way.

Progressive Educational Methods. It is engagement students with hands--on investigations,

projects and design challenges across the grades and subject areas inspiring greater interest, depth

and understanding. An example of this of this is the problem-based teaching.

Science Journey. It is a scientific trip or experimental activity out of the school is a practical task

performed outside the classroom, laboratory or library and includes direct study of an issue,

collecting information through observation, questionnaire, interview, sampling and other research

techniques and these help hypotheses validation, change recognition and accuracy of conditions

and status.

Teaching Methods. This is the general different ways of a teacher or professor in teaching, this

includes the traditional and contemporary methods of teaching.

Theoretical Knowledge. It is the knowledge of why something is true. A set of true affirmations

does not necessarily explain anything. It is the act of being assertive.

Transmission Process. The process of the explaining and sharing of knowledge from a teacher to

a student.

Variables. The factors that influences other factors.


Review of Related Literature

Education is a very important issue in most of the training and nurturing systems. Although

the term "teaching" is well known in the field of educational science, the majority of teachers and

lecturers are not familiar with its precise orientation and nature. Their different inferences to the

notion of learning may affect, either positively or negatively, their attitude to learners and the

manner they operate. Multiple inferences from the notion may have a range of reasons, the most

significant of which is the weakness of basic knowledge and differences in interpretation and

inaccurate understanding of educators from different instructional methods.

Contemporary Teaching Methods

2.1 Brainstorming

Al-maghrawy (2012) describes brainstorming as a group creative forum for general

thoughts. The term brainstorming has now become an accepted way of referring to group efforts

to address particular issues or to create fresh thoughts by amassing spontaneous, unbridled

contributions from the members. It is noted for phases that must be followed in the brainstorming

session to solve problems. Practicing brainstorming for one or more statements of concern. This

step is very crucial because many ideas have been produced. Al-qarni (2011) noted the need to

conduct a warm-up session, receiving thoughts even though they are nonsense, offering the four

principles of brainstorming to the board in order to be seen by learners, writing and introducing

(proposed alternatives) all thoughts, but frustration and boredom must be prevented.

2.2 Problem Solving

The problem-solving method to learning technology content strongly parallels the way

technologists believe and work on the task of finding alternatives to issues. This strategy gives

learners the opportunity to experience the process of creating a technology product. However,

problem-solving methods are generally aimed at concepts rather than processes in technology

education. Dixon & Brown et. al. (2012)

2.3 Role Play Method

Roleplay is an interesting illustration of an active learning and teaching approach. It can

include drama, simulations, games, and demonstrations of actual life instances linked to any

subject. This approach has been implemented lately (from 2013 to 2015) in a New Zealand tertiary

institution. The learning design method is very helpful in offering educators with an opportunity

to build a constructive alignment between learning operations, assessments and learning results

(Biggs & Tang, 2011). During the learning design phase and the preparation of classes, it is

essential for educators to consider the many variables on which effective teaching depends: for

instance, needing / wanting, doing, digesting, and feedback (Race, 2010). Role play activity should

also not take place immediately before or immediately after the test, as the test may cause stress

to learners and negatively affect the efficiency of this activity (Case & Cheek-O'Donnell, 2015).

In addition, a tiny number of educators have lately begun to play a part in systems analysis

and design classes, in specific. In a wider context, Green and Blaszczynski (2012) proposed that

role-playing is suited to teaching learners and practitioners soft (private and social) abilities.

2.4 Computer Based Method

Iyekkpolar (2011) researched computer-assisted instruction in student accomplishment.

Computer use in education started in the 1960s, when the army and several universities developed

computers and computer systems to share data. Computer-Assisted Instruction (2013)

2.5 Other Methods and Strategies

The primary purpose of teaching at any level of education is to bring a fundamental change

in the learner (Tebabal & Kahssay, 2011). To facilitate the process of knowledge transmission,

teachers should apply appropriate teaching methods that best suit specific objectives and level exit

outcomes. In the traditional epoch, many teaching practitioners widely applied teacher-centered

methods to impart knowledge to learners comparative to student-centered methods.

Teaching involves much more than the importation of knowledge to the children in the

classroom of a teacher. Children need to know beyond book know how to encourage study habit

and academic achievement the habit of studying is as old as the man himself. Studying habit helps

memorization in primary and secondary schools.

The basic role of instructing at any degree of training is to get a basic change the student

(Tebabal and Kahssay, 2011). To encourage the procedure of learning transmission, educators

ought to apply proper instructing techniques that best suit explicit destinations and level leave

results. In the conventional age, many instructing experts broadly connected educator focused

strategies to confer information to students relative to understudy focused techniques. Until today,

inquiries concerning the viability of encouraging techniques on understudy learning have reliably

brought significant enthusiasm up in the topical field of instructive research (Hightower et al.,


Besides, look into on educating and adapting continually try to inspect the degree to which

diverse instructing strategies upgrade development in understudy learning. Remarkably, normal

poor scholarly execution by the lion's share understudies is on a very basic level connected to use

of inadequate showing strategies by instructors to affect information to students (Adunola, 2011).

Significant research on the adequacy of training techniques demonstrates that the nature of

instructing is regularly reflected by the accomplishments of students. As indicated by Ayeni (2011),

instructing is a procedure that includes realizing alluring changes in students in order to accomplish

explicit results. All together for the strategy utilized for instructing to be compelling, Adunola

(2011) keeps up that educators should be familiar with various instructing methodologies that take

acknowledgment of the size of multifaceted nature of the ideas to be secured.

The utilization of instructional materials in educating and learning of social investigations

in auxiliary schools today isn't totally new. What's going on is the mechanical hardware that have

been brought as of late into the instructing and learning process. With the advancing innovation

and the new correspondence media, endeavors are on the expansion in the utilization of

instructional guides to learning; an advancement that has demonstrated to be useful to students.

Numerous instructors are not proficient or think that it’s hard to utilize instructional materials when

educating as a result of absence of preparing on its application for powerful use and scattering of

information. (Sharmin S., 2016).

A few educators don't see the instructional materials for use. Thus, instructors are looked

with the issue of discussing instructional materials without making intense endeavors. It is

basically significant that instructors remember the reason for which instructional materials are

utilized. The attributes and unique requirement for students to be instructed by them and the bases

for choosing the materials undoubtedly use to enable students to accomplish the goal of their

examination. For instance, instructors must realize when to utilize a film to explain significant

ideas instead of clarifying it in a reading material. (Sharmin S., 2016).

At the point when to utilize discourse alone, when to set out on a field trip with the

appearing and exchange of a related film strip, when to dole out outside survey of TV program of

self-investigation of a customized filmstrip or when to have the class produce outlines or wool

sheets representations as a major aspect of condensing oral report on one part of class work. The

advanced technique for educating is known as formal procedure. Along these lines whether in a

formal or casual circumstance, learning are effectively acclimatized. This investigation endeavors

to discover how all around prepared the instructor are to affect learning to their understudies, taking

comprehension of data made accessible from both the electronic and print media.

Learning a foreign language for communication is the most basic feature people can have

in order to easily learn other languages teaching aids become more advanced. Cooperative, useful

and easygoing for the students and teachers. Classrooms is now increasing its learning materials

by using internet, multimedia, projector etc. Besides the traditional blackboard. The use of internet

on education is gently putting impact on educational purposes as it has become an important asset

for education (Sharmin S., 2016).

Teaching methods and paradigm have evolved from time to time and have changed

dramatically over the last century. Development goes hand-in-hand with the massive growth of

culture and therefore has a significant impact on teaching-learning activities in the classroom. The

21st century teaching paradigm emphasizes the productive environment in which teachers play a

role as facilitators to help students develop the skills they need in the workplace. For many years,

teaching-learning styles have been dedicated to a fossilized paradigm that says "students look like

empty glass, and teachers have to fill them with enough water." (Nugroho A., 2017)

The current era is characterized by rapid changes resulting from the advancement of

science and technology, including information technology. Keeping up with these changes is

necessary in the education system to deal with problems that may arise from them, such as a large

amount of information and an increase in the number of learners, coupled with a shortage of


Klimova (2018) analyzed and assessed the BL strategy and its teaching materials in

Business English and discussed its effectiveness in terms of learning results in a wider global

context. The findings of the research showed that the use of the BL strategy in teaching Business

English was not very effective; nevertheless, the learners were satisfied with the blended learning

approach and prefer it to traditional oriented teaching. According to Ayeni (2011), teaching is a

constant method that includes making desirable adjustments to learners through the use of suitable



The present study is an applied research carried out using a quantitative research design.

The random sampling techniques was the basis for the selection of the population that is used in

the study. Surveys and questionnaires were the primary tools used to gather data.

Research Design

This study employs the quantitative non-experimental research design. Survey

questionnaires were used as the primary tool for gathering the data. The study focuses on the

effects of contemporary teaching methods on the learning process of students. Researchers have

identified contemporary teaching methods as the independent variable and the learning process of

the students as the dependent variable of the study.

Population of the Study

The study occurred at the Perpetual Help College of Manila Senior High School

Department on October 2019. The respondents consists of 60 senior high school students that are

in the top 10 of their individual classes were chosen using the purposive sampling technique.

Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling

technique in which the researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of

population to participate in the study Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012). The number

of the sample population of the respondents for the study is enough because the researchers chose

the students whom they think can properly and truthfully answer the survey questionnaires as it

will greatly accumulate the most valid and realiable data for the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the researchers conducted their study, they have undergone several precautions to

make the data gathering procedure legally. First, the researchers coordinated with the Dean

Coordinator, Mrs. Marivic Tanedo and catechize a consent form legitimately conduct the study. In

addition to that, a separate consents forms for the advisers of the respondents were also sought in

order to execute the room-to-room survey. The survey questionnaires are handed over to the

respondents and are collected after they have been answered. The data gathered were deliberately

handled for statistical analysis using the Excel Statistical Feature.

Instrumentation and Validation

The study used survey questionnaires as the primary tool to gather the data. The researchers

formulated questions that is affix to the focus of the study. The survey questionnaires used the

ordinal rating scale as it is the most suitable type of scale for the respondents to represent their

response. This type of scale is usually presented with a statement, or set of statements, and the

participant is asked to rate how much they agree or disagree. The required research data was

collected using the accuracy of the questionnaire determined by collecting experts from Perpetual

Help College of Manila, which are Mr. Nilo Lardizabal Ph.D an expert whose masteries are

Philosophy and Education, as well as Mr. Redentor Abutal an expert who accredited BA English

Language Literature, and lastly, Mr. Edgardo Cayanan RRT. MA. Ed. who mastered Education

and Rad Technology.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

Various methods of descriptive statistics were used to analyze obtained data and test

hypotheses. Moreover, data pertaining to research questions were analyzed by a variety of

inferential statistics methods. Cronbach's Alpha to test questionnaire validity to investigate

research hypotheses were performed using Excel Statistical Feature.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers have put the respondent’s personal information as their priority. The

purpose of the study and survey questionnaire was explained to the respondents and, as part of the

study process, informed consent was obtained from all respondents and the anonymity of their

responses was ensured. Prior to the study, full consent was received from the respondents by the

use of the waiver for the respondents. Any information and data from the respondents will only be

used for the research paper and will be confidentially kept.


Analysis & Interpretation of Data

The study seeks to know the effects of contemporary teaching methods on the learning

process of students. The study used a quantitative descriptive statistical tests research design and

survey questionnaires were used as the primary tool in gathering the data.

Research Question/Hypothesis 1

The student/s became more verbally expressive with their opinions and ideas. Most of the

students significantly agreed that they became more verbally expressive with their opinions and

ideas (M = 46.5, SD = 33.23). While few of the students did not became more verbally expressive

with their opinions and ideas (M = 3.5, SD = 2.12).



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 2

The student/s critically thinks first, before they do or say something. Most of the students
significantly agreed that they do critically thinks first, before they do or say something (M = 44,
SD = 5.65). While some of the students do not critically thinks first, before they do or say
something (M = 6, SD = 8.48).




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 3

The student/s is cooperative in group/class discussions. Most of the students significantly agreed
that they became more cooperative in group/class discussions (M = 42.5, SD = 20.50). While of
few of the students did not became more cooperative in group/class discussions (M = 7.5, SD =




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 4

The student/s asks questions when they do not understand something. Most of the students
significantly agreed that they do asks questions when they do not understand something (M = 42.5,
SD = 6.36). While few of the students have significantly disagreed and that they do not ask
questions when do not understand something (M = 7.5, SD = 10.60).




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 5

The student/s answers questions in class discussions. Most of the students significantly agreed
that they answer questions in class discussions (M = 46.5, SD = 20.50). While few of the students
do not answer questions in class discussions (M= 3.5, SD = 4.94).




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 6

The student/s became more aware of the latest technology which enhances their knowledge.
Most of the students significantly agreed that they became more aware of the latest technology
that enhances their knowledge (M = 48.5, SD = 0.70). While few of the students are not aware of
the latest technology that can enhance their knowledge (M= 3.5, SD = 2,12).



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 7

The student/s can easily grasp information. Most of the students significantly agreed that they
can easily grasp information more (M = 45, SD = 3.11). While few of the students cannot easily
grasp information (M = 5, SD = 7.07).



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 8

The student became more skilled. Most of the students significantly agreed that they became more

skilled (M = 44, SD = 15.55). While few of the students did not became more skilled than before

(M = 6, SD = 5.65).



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 9

The student/s are more open to the thought of being able to innovate (Change & Improvement).
Most of the students significantly agreed that they became more open to the thought of being able
to innovate (M = 46, SD = 25.45). While few of the students are not open to the thought of being
able to innovate (M = 4, SD = 5.65).

8% 0%


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree

Research Question/Hypothesis 10

The student/s are confident with the knowledge that they have acquired. Most of the students
significantly agreed that they are confident with the knowledge that they have acquired (M = 15.83,
SD = 1.18). While few of the students are not confident with the knowledge that they have acquired
(M = 50, SD = 35.35).


55% 15%


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 11

Brainstorming/Group activities is the best way to learn. Most of the students significantly agreed
that brainstorming/Group activities is the best way to learn (M = 42.5, SD = 17.67). While few of
the students do not believe that brainstorming/Group activities is the best way to learn (M = 2.5,
SD = 0.70).




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 12

Inquiry-Based (Problem-Solving & Recitations) activities is the best way to learn. Most of the
students significantly agreed that inquiry-based activities is the best way to learn (M = 44.15, SD
= 29.48). While few of the students do not believe that inquiry-based activities is the best way to
learn (M = 1.3, SD = 0.14).


1.2% 65%


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 13

Technology-Based activities is the best way to learn. Most of the students significantly agreed
that technology-based activities is the best way to learn (M = 37.5, SD = 37.1). While few of the
students do not believe that technology-based activities is the best way to learn (M =12.5, SD =



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 14

Role Playing (Performance Tasks) activities is the best way to learn. Most of the students
significantly agreed that role playing activities is the best way to learn (M = 40.8, SD = 24.74).
While few of the students do not believe that role playing activities is the best way to learn (M =
10.15, SD = 11.52).


18.30% 23.30%


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Research Question/Hypothesis 15

Scientific Trip (Outreach Program & Field Trips) is the best way to learn. Most of the students
significantly agreed that scientific trip is the best way to learn (M = 47.5, SD = 8.20). While few
of the students do not believe that scientific trip is the best way to learn (M = 11, SD = 12.72).



Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


Summary of Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations

The study aims to understand the effects of contemporary teaching methods on students '

learning process. The study used a quantitative descriptive statistical tests research design and

questionnaires were used as the primary tool for data collection.

Summary of Findings

The respondents of the study, which are the senior high school students from the Perpetual

Help College of Manila aged between 15-18 years old that are on the list of their respective classes’

honors list were the main source of data for the study have indicated that


The academic success of students is a key indicator in determining a country's education

system, and all efforts in this process are moving towards achieving this. Generally speaking, the

whole society, and particularly the education system, is interested in and concerned about the

future of children and their positive growth in the community. Teaching is a key tool for learning.

Learning is facilitated by using modern methods of teaching. Of course, no teaching

method is good or bad, per se, but the way they are used weakens or strengthens them. Hence, the

teacher has to choose the best and most proper method based on educational goals, teaching content,

students ' interests, available equipment and facilities, student population, etc. Teachers are

intellectual frontier warriors and must be equipped with the latest scientific weapons, namely

modern and effective methods of teaching. They also know which method is used under which



Indicated below are the enumerated recommendations of the researchers:

1) Performing similar research on other grade level students investigating the

influence of contemporary teaching methods on other variables such as anxiety of

students, etc.




Retrieved From: https://www./

Retrieverd From: https://www./


Klimova, B. “Evaluation of the blended learning approach in the course of business English–A

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Retrieved From:

Retrieved From: https://www/


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