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Content 2 Defining Culture and Society : The Perspective of Anthropology and Sociology

Topic 1 Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on Culture and Society

Topic 1: Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on Culture and Society

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:
 explain anthropological and sociological perspectives on culture and society, and
 describe society and culture as a complex whole.

 Why should people use different perspectives in recognizing the existence of culture and society?
 Why is culture said to be a product of society?

Anthropology and Sociology

Humans are interesting subjects to study. The human story has a lot to say from their way of living to the associations
they form. The two interrelated scientific studies of society colloquially known as the twin social sciences are anthropology
and sociology.

 Anthropology is the study of people throughout the world, their evolutionary history, how they behave, adapt to
different environments, communicate, and socialize with one another.
 Anthropology provides us with a big picture of what it means to be human.
 The study of anthropology is concerned with the biological features that make us human (such as physiology,
genetic makeup, nutritional history, and evolution) and their social aspects (such as language, culture, politics,
family, and religion).

 Sociology is the study of human institutions and their relationships. This discipline examines how human actions
in modern societies are shaped by social groups and by wider social, economic, and political pressures.
 Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions
of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in
whole societies.

Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on Culture and Society

In sociology, society is the leading concept while culture is subordinate. In anthropology, on the other hand, culture comes
first as a subject matter followed by society.

Let us put the two concepts this way.

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Page 1

Content 2 Defining Culture and Society : The Perspective of Anthropology and Sociology
Topic 1 Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on Culture and Society

 When talking about culture, we are mostly talking about tangible factors which include language, technology, and
institutions like our churches, schools, or houses.
 However, culture also has intangible aspects such as our values and behaviors. It also includes norms, the
standards or rules of acceptable behavior.
 Culture is what makes society a collective whole. It gives the community its form, shape, and identity.
 A society, in terms of sociology, is a group of people living and interacting with one another to create a culture. Its
population is bound by a shared culture-−beliefs, attitudes, languages, and institutions.

Society and Culture as a Complex Whole

Edward B. Tylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, art, belief, law, morals, custom, and
any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."

 With this premise, it can be said that culture is a product of society. These two exist dependently on each other.
 Culture, just like every person in society, is susceptible to change or death.
 Society is not constant. Its members change from time to time. As a result, culture changes along. New trends
exist. New technologies are invented and new means of interaction have been created.
 People evolve over time as a result of their exposure to renewed or changed laws, values, and standards of

Key Points:
 Anthropology is the study of humans' evolutionary history and how people behave, adjust, communicate,
and socialize in different environments.
 Sociology is the study of human institutions and their interrelationships.
 Culture is a way of life of a group of people. It involves symbols, languages, values, and norms.
 Society is a community or group of people joined together by sustained bonds and interactions.


 Think about the different factors involved in shaping society and culture. How do they affect continuous societal
and cultural changes?
 Identify three societies or groups of people. Write at least three characteristics for each group.

Points for Reflection:

 What is the dividing line between anthropology and sociology? Culture and society?
 Can society exist without culture? Why or why not?

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Page 2

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