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Endometrium segmentation on transvaginal ultrasound image using

key-point discriminator
Hyenok Park*, Hong Joo Lee*, Hak Gu Kim, and Yong Man Roa)
School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Dongkuk Shin
Medical Image Development Group, R&D Center, Samsung Medison, Seongnam 13530, Republic of Korea
Sa Ra Lee
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul 07985, Republic of Korea
Sung Hoon Kim
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul 05505, Republic of

Mikyung Kong
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
(Received 25 November 2018; revised 6 June 2019; accepted for publication 6 June 2019;
published 31 July 2019)
Purpose: Transvaginal ultrasound imaging provides useful information for diagnosing endometrial
pathologies and reproductive health. Endometrium segmentation in transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS)
images is very challenging due to ambiguous boundaries and heterogeneous textures. In this study,
we developed a new segmentation framework which provides robust segmentation against ambiguous
boundaries and heterogeneous textures of TVUS images.
Methods: To achieve endometrium segmentation from TVUS images, we propose a new segmenta-
tion framework with a discriminator guided by four key points of the endometrium (namely, the
endometrium cavity tip, the internal os of the cervix, and the two thickest points between the two
basal layers on the anterior and posterior uterine walls). The key points of the endometrium are
defined as meaningful points that are related to the characteristics of the endometrial morphology,
namely the length and thickness of the endometrium. In the proposed segmentation framework, the
key-point discriminator distinguishes a predicted segmentation map from a ground-truth segmenta-
tion map according to the key-point maps. Meanwhile, the endometrium segmentation network pre-
dicts accurate segmentation results that the key-point discriminator cannot discriminate. In this
adversarial way, the key-point information containing endometrial morphology characteristics is
effectively incorporated in the segmentation network. The segmentation network can accurately find
the segmentation boundary while the key-point discriminator learns the shape distribution of the
endometrium. Moreover, the endometrium segmentation can be robust to the heterogeneous texture
of the endometrium. We conducted an experiment on a TVUS dataset that contained 3,372 sagittal
TVUS images and the corresponding key points. The dataset was collected by three hospitals (Ewha
Woman’s University School of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, and Yonsei University College of
Medicine) with the approval of the three hospitals’ Institutional Review Board. For verification, five-
fold cross-validation was performed.
Result: The proposed key-point discriminator improved the performance of the endometrium seg-
mentation, achieving 82.67 % for the Dice coefficient and 70.46% for the Jaccard coefficient. In
comparison, on the TVUS images UNet, showed 58.69 % for the Dice coefficient and 41.59 % for
the Jaccard coefficient. The qualitative performance of the endometrium segmentation was also
improved over the conventional deep learning segmentation networks. Our experimental results indi-
cated robust segmentation by the proposed method on TVUS images with heterogeneous texture and
unclear boundary. In addition, the effect of the key-point discriminator was verified by an ablation
Conclusion: We proposed a key-point discriminator to train a segmentation network for robust seg-
mentation of the endometrium with TVUS images. By utilizing the key-point information, the pro-
posed method showed more reliable and accurate segmentation performance and outperformed the
conventional segmentation networks both in qualitative and quantitative comparisons. © 2019 Ameri-
can Association of Physicists in Medicine []

Key words: adversarial learning, endometrial region, key-point-guided discriminator, medical image
segmentation, transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) image

3974 Med. Phys. 46 (9), September 2019 0094-2405/2019/46(9)/3974/11 © 2019 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 3974
3975 Park et al.: Endometrium segmentation on TVUS image 3975

1. INTRODUCTION image has a heterogeneous texture. Therefore, it is difficult to

get precise segmentation results on the TVUS image.
Ultrasonography is a valuable noninvasive imaging modality. In this paper, we utilize key-point information in order
It provides real-time high-resolution images that can be used to segment precisely. The key points are the points con-
for diagnosis.1–4 In particular, as one type of pelvic ultra- sidered to be meaningful to the endometrial morphology
sound, transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) is widely used characteristics, such as the length and thickness of the
to examine female reproductive organs including the uterus, endometrium. Gynecologists annotate key points to deter-
cervix, and endometrium.2 TVUS images of the uterus pro- mine the thickness and length of the endometrium as
vide gynecologist with useful information such as the length shown in the third column of Fig. 1. To utilize the key-
and thickness of the uterus and endometrium, the texture of point information of the endometrium, we propose a new
the endometrium, the type of uterus position (e.g., flexion, deep learning framework to accurately identify the bound-
versions), and so on. For example, gynecologists can detect ary of the endometrium. The proposed deep learning
uterine myomas or polyps from a texture analysis of the endo- framework consists of a segmentation network and a dis-
metrium and diagnose infertility by considering the thickness criminator network. The proposed discriminator is guided
of the endometrium.4–9 by key-point maps of the endometrium and spatial
To examine the endometrial region, the general exami- encoded features of the ultrasound image to be seg-
nation is based on manual segmentation. It is labor inten- mented. The key-point discriminator determines whether
sive and time-consuming. Moreover, delineating the or not the predicted endometrium region coincides with
borders of the endometrial region might be different from the ground-truth endometrium key points. At the same
doctor to doctor due to unclearness of boundary of the time, the key-point discriminator determines whether the
TVUS image. Thus, automated and consistent guidance in predicted endometrium region corresponds closely to that
identifying the endometrial region is beneficial for gyne- region of the ultrasound image. Through the adversarial
cologists. Moreover, the segmentation needs to automati- learning scheme,25,26 the proposed segmentation network
cally provide pixel-wise annotation of the region of the tries to predict the endometrium region more precisely.
endometrium. Then, the key-point discriminator tries to distinguish the
Recently, deep learning-based approaches have shown predicted region from the ground-truth. This adversarial
great success in image processing and computer-aided learning scheme allows the segmentation network to be
applications.10–13 In particular, many studies on automatic robust to the unclear edges and heterogeneous texture of
segmentation with natural images using deep convolutional the endometrium and generates an improved segmentation
neural networks have achieved outstanding performances. results.
Long et al. applied a fully convolutional network (FCN) to Another challenge in endometrium segmentation is that
powerful existing CNNs (e.g., AlexNet and VGG16) for the endometrium has various sizes. The size of the endome-
object segmentation by replacing fully connected layers trium on TVUS images varies in a large range depending on
with fully convolutional layers.14 The FCN achieved nota- the patients and the menstrual phase. For example, the size of
ble performance in natural image segmentation. U-Net is the endometrium on early-proliferative phase is significantly
an encoder–decoder network in which features on the thinner than in the other phase. To address this issue, we uti-
encoder are transferred to the decoder layers through skip lize atrous convolution to maintain the resolution of the
connections.15 The skip connection maintains the details of encoded feature and, yet enlarge the receptive field.19,27 We
the prediction by concatenating the features of the encoder also incorporate an atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP)
and the decoder.16 SegNet17 and DeconvNet18 also utilize module on the top of the extracted feature to segment various
features from low-level layers of the encoder in a similar size of the endometrial region.20,21
manner. Chen L-C et al. applied atrous convolution to To sum up, in this paper, we propose a new deep learning
increase receptive field without decreasing the resolution framework consisting of a novel discriminator that is guided
of the feature map.19 They also tried to aggregate contex- by key points of the endometrium for the precise and robust
tual information by utilizing atrous convolution or pooling endometrium segmentation in TVUS images. For the design
at different rates.20,21 Some papers reported organ segmen- of the segmentation network, we utilize atrous convolution
tation using medical images.22–24 Sahiner et al.22 investi- and an ASPP module to deal with the various sizes of the
gated the deep learning in medical image segmentation. endometrium.
Dalmısß et al.23 developed an automated segmentation Our experimental results show that the proposed segmen-
method on breast and fibroglandular tissue in MRI vol- tation method provides more accurate endometrium segmen-
ume. They developed two and three consecutive U-nets. tation results than the conventional segmentation networks.
Jin et al.24 proposed a fast segmentation algorithm for kid- The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
neys by combining the random forests and ferns. we explain the details of the proposed endometrium segmen-
The deep learning-based segmentation methods reported tation network and discriminator. Section 3 describes our
good performances in natural image and some organ segmen- experiments and provides the results. In Section 4, we discuss
tation tasks. However, as shown in Fig. 1, the endometrium the results, strength, and limitation of the proposed scheme.
boundaries on the TVUS images are ambiguous and the Section 5 draws conclusions.

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3976 Park et al.: Endometrium segmentation on TVUS image 3976

FIG. 1. TVUS images of uterus. Note that the endometrium region is highlighted on the corresponding image for easier understanding. The key points define the
length and thickness of the endometrium. For simple visualization, the key points are on the same channel.


In the proposed method, the endometrium segmentation We performed experiments to evaluate the proposed endo-
network is trained with the key-point discriminator in an metrium segmentation on a TVUS dataset. The dataset was
adversarial way. Fig. 2 shows an overview of the proposed collected by three hospitals under the approval of the three
deep learning framework for the endometrium segmentation hospitals’ Institutional Review Board. The TVUS dataset
on TVUS images. The endometrium segmentation network is contains endometrium images and the corresponding pixel-
shown in a gray dotted box. The input ultrasound image, I, is level annotations of the endometrium. The TVUS image reso-
fed into the endometrium segmentation network, which con- lution is 256 9 320. The dataset also contains four key
sists of the encoder, ASPP module,20,21 and decoder. The points (the endometrium cavity tip, the internal os of the cer-
encoder extracts features from the input image. The endome- vix, and the two thickest points between the two basal layers
trium segmentation network predicts the region of the endo- on the anterior and posterior uterine walls). The key points
metrium, Y.^ The key-point discriminator takes the predicted are related to endometrial morphology characteristics,
endometrium map, Y, ^ or the ground-truth endometrium map, namely, the length of the endometrial cavity and the endome-
Y, in turns. The key-point discriminator is designed to distin- trial thickness. The dataset was manually annotated by the
guish real or fake segmentation map based on two guidelines. expert gynecologists. The dataset contains 3,372 images. Fur-
The first guideline is the encoded spatial features, fconv3, from thermore, data augmentation is employed to generate a larger
the encoder. The second guideline is the ground-truth key- number of effective images. Each image in the training set is
point map, P, which is fed into the key-point discriminator. flipped horizontally and vertically, scaled by a random ratio
These guidelines are devised to assist the discriminator to from 0.9 to 1.2 and rotated by a random degree between
examine the predicted endometrium region more precisely.

FIG. 2. Overview of the proposed network for endometrium segmentation with the proposed discriminator guided by key-point maps. [Color figure can be viewed

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20° and 20°. In sum, data augmentation generates about TABLE I. The detailed structure of the endometrium segmentation network.
380,000 augmented training images in a fold.
Layer name rate Output shape
2.B. Endometrium segmentation network Input image Input size: 256*320*1 -
The endometrium segmentation network consists of an Encoder Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 128*160*64
encoder, an ASPP module, and a decoder as shown in Fig. 3. Block 1 conv [3, 3]/ 1
max pool[2, 2]/ 2
The detail structure of the endometrium segmentation net-
Encoder Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 64*80*128
work is shown in Fig. 3. Block 2 conv [3, 3]/ 1
The encoder is composed of five convolutional blocks. max pool[2, 2]/ 2
Max-pooling is applied after each convolutional block except Encoder Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 32*40*256
for the last two convolutional blocks. Atrous convolution is Block 3 conv [3, 3]/ 1
applied with a rate of 2 at the fourth convolutional block to max pool[2, 2]/ 2
maintain the resolution of the feature for a thin, small Skip connection Conv [1, 1]/ 1 64*80*256
endometrial region. Therefore, the size of the extracted fea- Encoder Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1/ 32*40*512
ture from the encoder is one-eighth of that of the input image. Block 4 rate = 2
conv [3, 3]/ 1/
To deal with the various sizes of the endometrium, an ASPP rate = 2
module is incorporated on top of the encoded feature to con-
Encoder Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 32*40*512
sider multiscale information effectively.20,21 For the decoder Block 5 conv [3, 3]/ 1
part, the multiscale features from the ASPP module are con- ASPP module Concat[Conv [1, 1], 32*40*256
catenated and fed into an 1 9 1 convolutional layer. The Conv [3, 3]/ 1/
multiscale information is adaptively aggregated through the rate = 8,
1 9 1 convolution layer. The aggregated feature is then Conv [3, 3]/ 1/
rate = 12,
upsampled two times and concatenated with the feature from Conv [3, 3]/ 1/
the third convolutional block to recover the details. Finally, rate = 24,
two convolutional layers are applied, and then, the feature is Image pooling]
upsampled four times to obtain the predicted endometrium Conv [1, 1]/ 1
map, Y.^ The input image I 2 R256932091 is fed to the endo- Decoder Conv Upsample by 2 64*80*256
metrium segmentation network. The network predicts the Block 1
probability map of the endometrium, Y ^ 2 R256932091. It is Decoder Conv Concat[Decoder Conv 64*80*256
Block 2_1 Block 1, Skip
written as connection]
^ ¼ sigmoidðf ðIjhÞÞ;
Y (1) Conv [3, 3]/ 1
Conv [3, 3]/ 1
where f and h are the function of the endometrium segmenta- Decoder Conv Conv [3, 3]/ 1 64*80*1
tion network and corresponding parameters, respectively. Block 2_2
Table I summarizes the detailed structure of the endometrium Decoder Conv Upsample by 4 256*320*256
Block 2_3
segmentation network.

2.C. Discriminator guided by key-points

applied at the last convolutional layer of each block except for
Fig. 4 shows the structure of the proposed discriminator the last layer. The global average pooling and fully connected
guided by the key points of the endometrium. The discrimi- layer are employed to get a score that discriminates the input
nator consists of five convolutional blocks. Stride size = 2 is as real or fake.28

FIG. 3. The structure of the proposed endometrium segmentation network. [Color figure can be viewed at]

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FIG. 4. The structure of the proposed key-point discriminator [Color figure can be viewed at]

The discriminator is guided by the two constraints, the For guiding the discriminator with the key points, the
ground-truth endometrium key-point maps P and the spatial ground-truth key-point maps are concatenated with the input
encoded feature fconv3, from the encoder of the endometrium endometrium segmented map which can be either the pre-
segmentation network. The ground-truth endometrium key- dicted or the ground-truth region of the endometrium. Fur-
point maps P 2 R2563204 has four channels as shown in thermore, the spatial encoded features from the third
Fig. 4. Each channel corresponds to each key point of the convolutional layer, fconv3, whose spatial resolution is one-
endometrium, which is on the boundary of the endometrium fourth of the original input resolution, are fed into the dis-
region and defines the length and thickness of the endome- criminator. The spatial encoded feature helps the discrimina-
trium. As shown in Fig. 4, we put a Gaussian blob on each tor to determine whether the predicted endometrium region
point. The Gaussian blob is defined as follows. Let (xi, yi) corresponds to the input ultrasound image. Table II shows the
denote the coordinates of each key point, where detailed structure of the key-point discriminator.
i 2 f1; 2; 3; 4g. Let r denotes the standard deviation of the
Gaussian blob in a pixel unit. The intensity of the Gaussian
blob on a certain point (x, y) is written as
TABLE II. The detailed structure of the key-point discriminator.
2 2
ðx  xi Þ þ ðy  yi Þ
f ðx; yÞ ¼ expð Þ: (2) Layer name Filter/stride Output shape
Input Input size: 256*320*1
The intensity indicates the probability of each key point. It
Discriminator Conv Concat[Endometrium segmented 128*160*64
is effective to provide localization information of the key block 1 map,
points using Gaussian blobs rather than fixed coordinates as GT endometrium Key-Point
shown in Fig. 5, which could allow boundary ambiguity in map]
the training phase. The ground-truth key-point maps have conv [3, 3]/ 1
four channels, which is the number of key points of the endo- conv [3, 3]/ 1
conv [3, 3]/ 2
Discriminator Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 64*80*128
block 2 conv [3, 3]/ 1
conv [3, 3]/ 2
Discriminator Conv Concat[Discriminator 32*40*256
block 3 Conv block 2, Spatial encoded
conv [3, 3]/ 1
conv [3, 3]/ 1
conv [3, 3]/ 2
Discriminator Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 16*20*512
block 3 conv [3, 3]/ 1
conv [3, 3]/ 2
Discriminator Conv conv [3, 3]/ 1 16*20*512
block 3 conv [3, 3]/ 1
FC Global Average Pooling 1
FIG. 5. Example of a key point (left) and corresponding Gaussian blob (right) Fully Connected Layer
(r = 2).

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training the key-point discriminator, the weights of the seg-

2.D. Objective functions for training proposed
mentation network were fixed. We obtained convergence after
around 44,000 iterations in total with a batch size of 8. We
The objective functions for training the endometrium seg- set r as 2 which was acceptable considering the size of the
mentation network are as follows. The Dice loss is used as endometrium. In the experiments, fivefold cross-validation
the first objective function.29 N denotes the total number of was performed. Each fold contains 672 images. We used each
the pixels of predicted probability map. yi and ^yi denote the fold as a test set and the other folds (4 9 672 = 2688
ground-truth and predicted probability at the ith pixel, respec- images) for the training.
tively. i is 1, 2, . . ., N. The Dice loss is written as To verify the effectiveness of the proposed discrimina-
P tor, we compared the performance of the proposed method
2 Ni¼1 yi  ^y
Ldice ¼  PN PN : (3) with that of conventional deep learning segmentation net-
i¼1 yi þ i¼1 ^
yi works such as UNet15 and FCN8s14 on the same dataset.
The second objective function for training the endome- These baseline networks took the ultrasound images as
trium segmentation network is an adversarial loss derived input, with the same resolution of 256 9 320 and pre-
from the discriminator.25,26,28 It is written as follows. dicted the segmented probability map of the endometrium
as output. For a fair comparison, we used the same aug-
^ f conv3 ÞÞ;
Ldis;seg ¼ E^y  p^y ½logðDðYjP; (4) mentation method, batch size, and optimizer for training
the baseline networks.
where DðÞdenotes the discriminator. By minimizing Ldis,seg,
the endometrium segmentation network tries to predict accu-
rate map that corresponds to key-point map. To sum up, the 3.B. Quantitative performance evaluation
total loss, Lseg for training the endometrium segmentation For the quantitative performance comparison, we com-
network is written as pared our proposed method with conventional deep learning
Lseg ¼ Ldice þ Ldis;seg (5) segmentation network, namely, UNet and FCN8s. Table III
shows the quantitative results on the Dice coefficient and Jac-
For training the discriminator, the objective functions are card coefficient. Note that values in Tables III and IV are
written as. average of results on a fivefold cross-validation test set.
Ldis ¼ Ey  py ½logðDðYjP; f conv3 ÞÞ  E^y  p^y ½logð1 The proposed endometrium segmentation network trained
^ f conv3 ÞÞ:
 DðYjP; (6) with the key-point discriminator achieved 82.67% for the
Dice coefficient and 70.46% for the Jaccard coefficient,
By minimizing Ldis, the discriminator strictly evaluates the exceeding the performance of the FCN8s by 4.28% and
predicted map based on the key-point maps and the spatial 5.99% for the Dice coefficient and for the Jaccard coefficient,
encoded features. To sum up, the discriminator minimizes respectively.
Ldis and the endometrium segmentation network minimizes The effect of the proposed key-point discriminator is
Lseg alternatively. reported in Table IV. We also conducted an experiment on
After the endometrium segmentation network and key- the effect of key-point information to guide the key-point dis-
point discriminator are trained in the training phase, only the criminator. To evaluate this, we first trained the stand-alone
endometrium segmentation network is used for the segmenta- endometrium segmentation network (without discriminator)
tion inferring phase. to obtain the performance without the discriminator. Second,
we trained the endometrium segmentation network using the
discriminator but excluding the key-point maps. Finally, we
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION trained the endometrium segmentation network using the dis-
3.A. Experimental setting criminator guided by the key-point map, which is the pro-
posed method.
During the training, TVUS images were fed into the endo- When we trained the endometrium segmentation using the
metrium segmentation network with a batch size of 8. The discriminator without key-point maps, we found that the per-
endometrium segmentation network was trained with the key- formance marginally improved. In contrast, we found that
point discriminator. We employed the Adam optimizer30 for
training the endometrium segmentation network and the dis-
criminator. Similar to Pezeshk et al., we determined the TABLE III. Performance comparison of endometrium segmentation. Best
parameters of the network, such as the number of iterations results are shown in bold.
and learning rates on a validation set in a single fold. Then,
we fixed the parameters of the network for each fold.31 We Method Dice coefficient (%) Jaccard coefficient (%)
used 0.0001 for the endometrium segmentation network UNet 15
58.69 41.59
learning rate and 0.0005 for the key-point discriminator net- FCN8s14 78.39 64.47
work learning rate. We trained the key-point discriminator Proposed method 82.67 70.46
three times and the segmentation network eight times. For

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TABLE IV. Effect of the key-point map in discriminator. shows the results of the paired t-test which estimates the sta-
tistical significance of using key point maps in the discrimi-
Training way for endometrium Dice Jaccard
nator. The mean difference and 95% confidence interval
segmentation network Coefficient Coefficient
(95% CI) are shown in the Dice coefficient in percentage
Without discriminator 82.38 70.04 units. In the experiment, we calculated the Dice coefficient
With discriminator excluding key-point map 82.41 70.08 for each image on all five test folds. Therefore, the sample
With discriminator including key-point maps 82.67 70.46 size was 3356 images, which is the same size of the entire
(proposed method) dataset. We used this per-image Dice coefficient to estimate
the statistical significance of the difference between the
Bold value indicates the effect of the key-point map in discriminator.
training the endometrium segmentation network with key- First, we estimated the statistical significance of using the
point discriminator improved the performance to 82.67% for proposed discriminator with key-point maps compared to the
the Dice coefficient and 70.46% for the Jaccard coefficient. method without the discriminator. As shown in the second
This shows that key-point information is useful for detailed row, fifth column of Table V, the calculated P-value is less
segmentation of the endometrium. than 0.05 (P-value = 0.0132), which means that the arith-
metic mean of difference is statistically significant. Therefore,
the proposed discriminator including key-point maps
3.C. Statistical analysis improves the performance by a statistically significant differ-
To estimate the statistical significance in the difference of ence compared to the method that does not use the discrimi-
the reported results, we conducted a paired t-test. Table V nator.

TABLE V. Statistical significance of using the key-point maps in the discriminator using paired t-test method. The mean difference, the 95% confidence interval
(CI) of the differences, and the corresponding P-value reported.

Mean difference  standard

Method Compared to error of mean difference 95% CI P-value

With discriminator including key-point maps (proposed method) Without discriminator 0.2278  0.09184 [0.0477, 0.4078] 0.0132
With discriminator excluding key-point maps Without discriminator 0.1176  0.08916 [0.0572, 0.2925] 0.1871

FIG. 6. Qualitative performance evaluation of the endometrium segmentation. Note that the highlighted region on the image is the endometrial region. (a)-(c) are
the cases that UNet and FCN8s are failed. (d) and (c) are the cases that the TVUS image have heterogeneous texture and unclear boundary.

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FIG. 7. Qualitative effect of the proposed discriminator. (a)-(c) are the cases that the TVUS image have heterogeneous texture. (d)-(f) are the cases that the key-
point discriminator helps to predict endometrium region. (g)-(i) are the cases that the TVUS image have unclear boundary.

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3982 Park et al.: Endometrium segmentation on TVUS image 3982

As shown in Figs. 6(a)–6(c), the proposed method predicted

the region of the endometrium more accurately than UNet
and FCN8s. Fig. 6(d) and 6(e) show that more accurate per-
formance of the proposed method where the texture was
heterogeneous and the boundary was unclear.
Fig. 7 shows the qualitative effect of employing the pro-
posed key-point discriminator compared with the performance
of the stand-alone endometrium segmentation network. Fig. 7
also shows the effect of key-point maps for guiding the dis-
criminator. As shown in the results of the stand-alone endome-
trium segmentation network in Fig. 7, it is still challenging to
predict the region of the endometrium in cases where the tex-
ture is heterogeneous and the boundary is unclear. In particu-
lar, in Figs. 7(a)–7(c), the texture of the endometrium is
heterogeneous. Therefore, without the discriminator, it is diffi-
cult to accurately segment the region of the endometrium.
When we trained the endometrium segmentation network
using the discriminator without key-point maps, the results
showed little improvement. The proposed discriminator, how-
ever, obtained more detailed and accurate results. Therefore,
we found that the key-point maps allow the discriminator to
more strictly distinguish a predicted map from a ground-truth
map. We also found that utilizing key-point information was
helpful for detailed and accurate segmentation in other results.
In Figs. 7(d)–7(f), we discovered that the key-point discrimina-
tor helps the endometrium segmentation network to accurately
find the thickness and length of the endometrium. We also
FIG. 8. The examples where the proposed method does not work.
noticed that utilizing the discriminator reduced mis-segmented
Second, we estimated the statistical significance of using pixels caused by the confusing texture of the region as shown
the discriminator without key-point maps compared to the in Figs. 7(g)–7(i). In summary, the key-point discriminator
method without the discriminator. The mean difference was improved the performance of the endometrium segmentation
not significantly different because the performance is margin- even in challenging cases.
ally increased as reported in Table V. The results show that Fig. 8 shows the examples where the proposed method did
the key-point maps played an important role in the proposed not work. The segmentation examples that showed bad results
method. were the cases where the key points and endometrium bound-
aries were hardly seen in the input TVUS images.

3.D. Qualitative performance evaluation

In order to illustrate the importance of the proposed
method, Fig. 6 shows segmentation results of the proposed In the proposed method, we utilized the key points in the
method and those of the conventional segmentation networks. discriminator in the training phase. These points are

FIG. 9. Examples of key-point maps with various standard deviations (r). Note that the key-point maps are in one channel for simple visualization.

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TABLE VI. The performance of the proposed method according to the stan- The strength of our proposed method is that the endome-
dard deviation of the Gaussian blob. trium segmentation network precisely predicts the endome-
trium region thanks to the key-point discriminator used in the
Standard deviation of
Method Gaussian blob r [pixel] Dice coefficient [%] training phase. The proposed network is useful even in TVUS
images that have ambiguous boundary or a heterogeneous
Proposed method 1 83.51 texture. The proposed method requires the discriminator to
2 83.64 train the endometrium segmentation network.
3 83.45
4 83.36
We propose a key-point discriminator to train the seg-
supposed to be placed on the endometrium boundary in the mentation network for more accurate and reliable segmen-
training TVUS dataset. However, to allow the tolerance of tation of the endometrium on the sagittal TVUS images of
their points position in the training phase, we used a Gaussian the uterus. We design the endometrium segmentation net-
blob on each key-point map. Fig. 9 shows examples of the work employing atrous convolution and ASPP module for
key-point maps with various standard deviations. According dealing with the various size of the endometrium. In order
to Fig. 9, with a small size of the Gaussian blob, the key- to utilize key-point information efficiently, we train the
point maps provided more exact localization to the discrimi- endometrium segmentation network with the proposed
nator. In contrast, with a bigger size of the Gaussian blob, it key-point discriminator in an adversarial way. The key-
allowed more tolerance of the position of the points. point discriminator is guided by key-point maps and the
To investigate the effect of the size of the Gaussian blob spatial encoded feature to distinguish predicted map from
on the performance of the proposed method, we performed the ground-truth strictly. By utilizing key-point informa-
experiments according to different sizes of the intensity of tion, the proposed method shows more reliable and accu-
the blobs (i.e., different standard deviations of Gaussian rate segmentation performance and outperformed the
blobs, r). Table VI shows the performance of the proposed conventional segmentation networks in qualitative and
method with different values of r of the Gaussian blob on a quantitative comparisons.
single fold. As seen in Table VI, the segmentation perfor-
mance of ‘r = 2’ is better than those of other sizes of Gaus-
sian blobs. Comparing to a method without a key-point map ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(Dice coefficient = 82.35%), the method with a key-point
This work was supported partly by the Industrial R&D
map improved the performance of the endometrium segmen-
Project (G01170441), and partly by the ICT R&D Program of
tation network. Then, allowing for the tolerance of the posi-
MSIT/IITP (2017-0-01779, A Machine Learning and Statisti-
tion of the points improved the performance of the
cal Inference Framework for Explainable Artificial Intelli-
endometrium segmentation network.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we
compared with other methods. As described in Section 3.B.,
the proposed network achieved 82.67% in Dice coefficient *Both authors contributed equally to this paper
and 70.46% in Jaccard coefficient. The results show that it a)
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
outperforms the FCN8s by 4.28% and 5.99% in Dice coeffi-; Telephone: (+82) 42-350-8094; Fax: (+82) 42-350-
cient and Jaccard coefficient, respectively. Also, our network 7619.
outperformed the UNet by 23.98% and 28.87% in Dice coef-
ficient and Jaccard coefficient, respectively. REFERENCES
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