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Dystocia is a characteristic feature of labour in all of the following except:

A. Mento-posterior position.

B. a breech presentation.

C. an android pelvis.

D. Mento-anterior position.

E.cervical fibroid.

02. The mean birth weight at term, all true except:

A. decreased by cigarette smoking in pregnancy.

B. decreased with parity.

C. usually increased in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

D. higher in male as compared with female infants.

E. usually not affected by late onset pre-eclampsia

03. Recognized complications of external cephalic version include all of the

following except:

A. a negative Kleihauer-Betke test.

B. fetal bradycardia.

C. uterine rupture.

D. cord accident

E. fetal death.

F.transiet maternal hypertension

G .premature labour or POROM

04. In the pregnant woman aged 35 years or over there is an increased
incidence of, (all true except):

A. macrosomia.

B. intrauterine growth restriction.

C. Medical complications of pregnancy.

D. postmaturity.

E. chromosomal abnormalities.

05. Oligohydramnios is characteristically associated with (one true):

A. diabetes mellitus.

B. rhesus iso-immunization.

C. fetal renal agenesis.

D. haemangioma of the placenta.

E. fetal duodenal atresia.

06. Drug treatment in pregnancy, all true except:

A. chlorpropamide may cause neonatal hypoglycaemia.

B. propranolol may affect the fetal heart rate.

C. chlorothiazide can cause maternal pancreatitis.

D. warfarin is a recognized cause of fetal abnormality.

E. thyroxine is likely to cause neonatal hyperthyroidism.

07. cholestasis of pregnancy, all true except:

A. characteristically appears in the third trimester.

B. has a racial variation.

C. is characteristically associated with neonatal jaundice.

D. pruritis in the absence of jaundice is the most common symptom.

E. is associated with premature labour.

08. All of the following are normal in pregnancy, except:

A. Haemoglobin concentration is 11 g/dl or more.

B. Blood pressure rises gradually from the first trimester until delivery

C. Iron absorption is increased

D. Increased incidence of constipation

E. Constipation is exacerbated by iron therapy

09 The following drug is contraindicated in the lactating woman:

A. Pencillin

B. Insulin

C. Heparin

D. Methyle dop

E. Tetracyclin.
10. Cardiac output in pregnancy increased by :

A. 5-10%
B. 20-30%
C. 40-60%
D. 80-100%
E. All of the above

.Twin Pregnancy 11
A Has a perinatal mortality rate more than singleton pregnancy
B Is associated with hyperemesis
C Is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformation
.D monochorionic twins are at risk of twin-twin transfusion
E All of the above

12 Beta-HCG in early pregnancy.

A Output doubles every 2 - 3 days in early pregnancy

B levels < 1,000 i.u./l. at 8 weeks suggest healthy pregnancy
C production peaks at 20 weeks
D levels are below normal in hydatidiform mole
E levels are dcreased in multiple pregnancy

13. Regarding Pre-eclampsia , Proteinuria is defined as urinary excretion

A. 100 mg / 24 hours.
B. 200 mg / 24 hours.
C. > 300 mg / 24 hours.
D. 500 mg / 24 hours.
E. 1000 mg/24 hours

14. Eclampsia is least likely to occur :-

A. Ante partum.
B. Intra partum.
C. Immediately post Partum.
D. After 48 hours postpartum .
E. Post ectopic pregnancy.

15. Most common ovarian cyst with pregnancy

A. Dermoid cyst .
B. Papillary cyst adenoma.
C. Mucinous cyst adenoma.
D. Follicular cyst.
E. Chocolate cyst.

16. Appendicitis in pregnancy

A Has an incidence similar to that outside pregnancy

B Has a mortality rate more than non-pregnant women

C Predispose to preterm delivery

D All of the above

E None of the above

Engagement is defined as descent of the biparietal diameter of the head to .17
a level below the
A Pelvic inlet
B Ischial spine
C Symphysis pubis
D Pelvic outlet

All of the following are normal findings in pregnant women except .18
A Leg edema
B Systolic murmur
C Diastolic murmur
D Third heart sound
gravidarum Stria.E

:Syntocinon used in labour may be associated with .19

A Fetal distress
B Uterine rupture
C Fluid overload
D Neonatal jaundice
E All of the above

A bolus injection of oxytocin is contraindicated because of the risk of .20

A Hyperkalemia
B Hypokalemia
C Hyperglycemia
D Hypocalcemia
E Hypotension

21 The infant of diabetic mother has an increased risk of

A. Neonatal jaundice
B. Neonatal hypoglycemia
C. Erbs palsy
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
22. Implantation of the fertilized ovum occurs how many days
after fertilization

A 1 day

B 3 days

C 5 days

D 7 days

E 12 days

23. Renal physiology in pregnancy.

A Renal blood flow increases by > 20 %
B Glomerular filtration rate increase
C Urea levels fall
D Creatinine levels fall
E All of the above

24 induction of labor at term is contraindicated in.

A. breech presentation .

B. gestational diabetes.

C. placenta previa

D. post maturity

E. preeclampsia.
25- All of the following are predisposing factor for breech presentation except:

A. Prematurity.
B. Low parity.
C. Uterine anomalies.
D. Multiple gestation.
E. Previous breech.

26- Contraindications to external cephalic version include all of the following


A. Multiple gestation.
B. Non-reassuring FHR tracing.
C. Polyhydramnious.
D. Placenta previa .
E. Severe preecclampsia..

27- Management of cord prolapse include all of the following except:

A. Elevation of presenting part upward by the hand or by filling the bladder

with saline.
B. Attempting to replace the cord in the uterus.
C. Using forceps or vaccum extraction delivery if the cervix is fully dilated.
D. Quickly assessment of fetal status by monitoring or ultrasound.
E. Performing an emergency C.S delivery if immediate vaginal delivery is not

28. one of following drugs are contraindicated in a lactating woman

A. Pencillin.
B. Insulin.
C. Heparin.
D. Methyledopa.
E. Tetracyclin.
29. All of the following bones are component of the pelvis except:

A. Ilium.
B. Obturator.
C. Pubis.
D. Ischium,
E. None f the above.

30. Which of the following organ is of mesodermal origin:

A. brain.

B. Skin

C. Gonads

D. Liver.

E. Neurons.


01 The most common symptom of acute PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) is

A. vaginal discharge

B. abnormal bleeding

C. nausea and vomiting

D. lower abdominal pain

E. urinary frequency

02 The most accurate method of diagnosing acute PID is

A. history

B. pelvic examination
C. ultrasound

D. leukocytosis

E. diagnostic laparoscopy

03 . In the investigation of a 32 –year old woman presenting with prolonged

menstrual bleeding, Hysteroscopy may help in the diagnosis of the following
conditions except:

A. Submucous fibroid.

B. Subserous fibroid.

C. Endometrial polyp.

D. Uterine septum.

E. Cervical polyp.

04. Post coital bleeding may be a sign of (All true except)

A. atrohpic vaginitis

B. Adenomatous polyp

C. Cervical erosion

D. Dysplasia of the cervix

E. Carcinoma of the cervix

.Endometriosis, one true 05

A Always causes dysmenorrhoea
B Does not occur under the age of eighteen
C Does not usually affect the ovaries
D May cause bowel problems
.E Usually causes early tubal damage

06 The drug of choice for induction of ovulation in polycystic ovarian

disease is:

A. Doxacyclin .
B. Insulin.
C. Clomiphin citrate
D. Prednisone.
E. Gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist.

07. Concerning amenorrhoea

A. Amenorrhoea in poly cystic ovary (PCO) is due to anovulation

B. Gonadotrophins (FSH + LH) will be raised in premature ovarian failure
C. Gonadotrophins (FSH + LH) will be normal in imperforate hymen
presenting with primary amenorrhoea
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above

With regard to endometrial carcinoma 08

A Usually presents with postmenopausal bleeding

B The risk increases with increasing parity
C Polycystic ovary syndrome reduces the risk
D Treatment of early disease is best done by Wertheim’s hysterectomy
E Intracavity radiotherapy is effective in most cases
09. Uternine fibroids all true except

ِِA Are the most common tumours found in women.

B Are more common in the black population.

C Are true encapsulated tumours.

D May be pedunculated.

E Are associated with sarcomatous change in less than 0.5 % of cases.

10 Impaired fertility is associated with:

A previous ectopic pregnancy.

B previous pelvic infection

C reversal of vasectomy.

D All of the above

E None of the above

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