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Buyer: Julio Orti (jmesias@gmail.

Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b


Game­Changing Tactics  

Of Online Marketing

For Bloggers & Small To Medium Sized Business Owners..
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Introduction is a place where we not only strive to inspire and motivate you to explore
endless opportunities that internet has to offer, but also guide you through various
articles that can help you in getting started and spreading your wings through various

“Exploring Game-Changing Tactics Of Online Marketing” is another such attempt

where 14 highly experienced and knowledgeable marketing experts have come together
to bring you tips, ideas, resources and insights required for you to become an online
marketing guru.

We understand that when it comes to a business owner, he/she has to take a different
approach towards marketing their business online, and when it comes to a blogger, it is
a different ball game all together. Therefore we have divided this book into two

- For Bloggers
- For Small to Medium Sized Business Owners.

We sincerely hope that this book will encourage both aspiring and established business
owners to flourish in the world of eCommerce. And also believe that bloggers will be
able to churn out many creative ideas and expand their reach in the blogosphere
through this eBook.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Table Of Contents

Online Marketing For Bloggers

1. Blogging Relationships - Quality Over Quantity 5-7

2. If Content Is King, Why Does He Need Security Guards 8-15
3. How I Became The Freddy Krueger Of Blogging 16-25
4. How To Dominate Your Niche With Online Marketing 26-29
5. What You Need To Know Before Marketing Your Blog 30-33
6. 7 Convenient Writing Secrets That Create Buzzworthy Online Content 34-38
7. Multiple Streams Of Internet Income 39-41
8. The Art of Transforming Subscribers Into Buyers 42-50

Online Marketing For Business Owners

9. Make Customers Love You 52-56

10. Getting Your Website Foundations Solid 57-59
11. 3 Basic Principles For Building Your Kick-Ass Online Presence 60-63
12. Simple Steps To Maximizing Your Online Marketing Efforts For Your 64-69
13. The 5 Big Myths Of Email Marketing 70-79
14. 8 Ways To Get Business Success With Social Media Networking 80-83
15. Awesome Online (Inbound) Marketing Tips For SBOs 84-88
16. How To Grow Your Small Business By Giving It Away: Practical Thoughts 89-91
On Contests And Giveaways
17. Build A Thriving Online Business With These Five Magic Words 92-97

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Online Marketing For  

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Blogging Relationships ­  
Quality Over Quantity

By Warren Wooden of PLR Internet Marketing

Taking the time to develop relationships with the readers on your blog can make an incredible
difference as to just how profitable your blog can become. It’s important to remember that sales aren’t
something you do to someone, but for someone.

Now, while it can be tempting to head out straight away looking to add 5000 Facebook friends, 50,000
Twitter followers, and invite everyone you can find to join you on LinkedIn that might not be the best
use of your time. I’m not sure if this will result in getting you banned from the various social networks,
or simply annoying thousands of people who might otherwise have been potential customers, but either
way it’s typically not a good idea.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Big numbers can be an important component to the social proof aspect, but unless you’ve taken the
time to build a relationship with each of these people; it’s unlikely that they will bother taking the time
to visit your blog, much less buying anything from you. People generally do business either with big
brands, or with people they know and trust.

In the early stages of blog monetization, when the money coming in seems like nothing more than a
trickle it can be tempting to try flogging your products and services to anyone and everyone who will
listen. It’s important to resist this temptation, and instead focus your efforts on trying to help others
instead with their own goals.

This generosity on your part will stand out in a crowd of marketers who are only in it for themselves.
There are the bloggers and marketers known for helping others, and then there are others we can see
are in only for the money. Which would you rather be associated with?

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the term “the law of reciprocity” which states that when we give
something away to someone, they automatically feel obligated to give something back to us. Have you
ever experienced that feeling when someone gives you a gift at Christmas, and we have nothing to give
them back in return? That is the law of reciprocity at work.

This willingness to help others can even be considered your USP or unique selling proposition. This
can be a powerful method to set you apart from the masses. Choosing to donate your time to help
someone fix an HTML issue which mightn’t seem like work to you (should you have that particular
skill) can seem like a godsend to someone entirely lacking in that particular talent.

Creating relationships over massive numbers isn’t as hard as you might think. Generally speaking
bloggers are highly connected individuals with access to resources they use for their own
blogs/businesses and as such are in a favorable position to help up and comers with their own blogs.
Taking the time to not only help the ones who ask for it, but also to seek them out can carry both your
name, and your business up the blogging ranks.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

One of the first points of contact for a blog owner is the comment section of his site. It’s important to
take the time to respond to everyone who leaves a quality comment, and if you really want to go that
extra mile, leave them one back or send them a personal email. This is done so infrequently by your
competitors that it is a sure way to stand out in an otherwise very large crowd.

Take the time to visit the websites and blogs of your readers and see what they are about. Go the extra
mile and connect with them on their favorite social networks. “Liking” a page might take two seconds
of your time, but to someone with only a handful of “fans” it can sure stand out and make a difference
for them. Even if it’s just a quick note to say hello, and let them know where you’re coming from.

The extra time you devote in the beginning will help establish your online position for the future to
come. Every person you connect with expands your reach exponentially. You never know when a
contact will convert from a loyal reader to a loyal customer, or perhaps even to a joint venture partner.

About the Author: Warren Wooden is the owner and CEO of PLR Internet Marketing. If you’re an
entrepreneur, or would perhaps like to learn how to make money online, through internet marketing,
blogging, or affiliate marketing, please stop in for a visit, or to grab your free copy of his 79 page e-

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

If Content Is King, Why  
Does He Need Security  

By Harrison Li of Blog Lectures

You know, they all say content is king, okay, you've heard it a million times, I'll cut the crap and get
straight to the point. If Mr. Content is king, why does he need armored warriors outside his room on
guard 24/7?

Yes, because he is important.

He controls a near-perfect nation, yet, he himself is just a part of the empire, he cannot defeat his

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

enemies himself alone.

He is exposed to danger at all times. He is being hunted for.

This is why teamwork is needed between Mr. Content and quiet a few other gentlemen to maintain
and sustain a successful thriving nation. Let's call the nation as blogs.

So the few other gentlemen (could be women), are other parts of the empire as well, they themselves
cannot succeed as mavericks but with teamwork with Mr. Content.

So what's the team? (Pssss – this is secret)

Mr. Content works with...

 Mr. Value
 Mr. Design
 Mr. Plan

 Mr. Discipline

They are secret blood-brothers! Don't tell anyone, these five gentlemen work together respectively in
order to build up a successful foundation of an empire, or, your blog.

So you're wondering what and how can you get these five gentlemen, bear in mind that they have to
work with each other altogether to “work”, without a particular gentleman, it might still work for a
second, but not for long and it will eventually backfire, doubt it? ask Rome. They forget about Mr.

How do these five gentlemen work as a team? Let's break it down.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

1. Mr. Content

He is a nice and optimistic person, also a great actor, he can be minimalist today or a professor the next
day, his style can be easily changed.

The downside being him is to getting work done, he works almost full time everyday, yet receives poor
results in the early stages, until the end, his hard work would finally pay off with a few little comments.

He is sluggish and lazy at times, moves like a sloth, too.

He once told me a priest discovered the solution, Mr. Content was injected with a special formula that
caused him to arise to full machine-like working mode. I copied the ingredients:

Motivation + Inspiration + Self-Affirmation + Deadlines + Goal Setting = High Work Ethic

Most important of all, he needs to be looked after by Mr. Discipline, they aren't always friends, but
they still have to work together because Mr. Content just doesn't have the strength for self-control.

2. Mr. Value

Mr. Value likes to have a crystal-clear formatted view of what he does, he doesn't like mess nor misty
minds, he favors straight to the fact key points and not just information, but actionable steps that are
literally “usable” and followable.

Mr. Value likes it simple and direct. Nothing hidden can get pass him. Whenever he finishes his
objective, he will do a nice birds-eye view of what he did, in other words, a summary or a conclusion.

But Mr. Value is a fancy person, he doesn't like boring stuff, he likes to keep things interesting and

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

appealing to read from and cover the point at the same time. For example, he never calls a conclusion a
conclusion, he calls it an Action Plan, or a Blogging Takeaway.
He told me once what his father's last words were:

Innovation + Creativity + Attractiveness + Facts + Uniqueness = Success

Mr. Value has followed his father's last words and had succeed as he wished so far, he always crafts
stories and content that are unique from everyone else, his work is something new and amazing and not
mentioned a million times elsewhere.

His most appealing quote was “write something one would admire, that you would even read it

3. Mr. Design

Mr. Design is a fashionist, he designs all clothes for his brothers, he likes it all colorful and engaging.
But when it comes to content, he likes the font big and comfortable for readability.

He never forgets visualization, he requires all work accompanied by at least one image, it's pretty much
a law. Mr. Design prefers real images.

Mr. Design is best friends with Mr. Value, they both hate mess and blurry things, Mr. Design however,
prefers all blogs to follow the “less is more” concept. When options are not needed, it should be
removed, only essential ones should be displayed.

If you had ever wanted to anger him, all you have to do is simply show your list of categories or a tag
list/cloud on your site. He hates it to guts. Especially things that clutter up and have low value.

However, there is one exception and that is blogrolls, although he says it's industry specific, oh well...

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

You can't forget icons, can you? Mr. Design loves icons. They are small and meaningful, but he said
one should only display Facebook, Twitter, Mail and RSS. The rest are unnecessary, well, industry
specific, it all depends.

4. Mr. Discipline

Oh man, when they hear this man, it becomes nightmare, day becomes night, night becomes midnight,
because this man controls everyone, without him, the overall efficiency of the others would be in
decline, he is the law.Even Mr. Content has to obey to his laws, no one can escape from him, in fact,
everyone loves him and hates him at the same time.

Mr. Discipline sets specific non-generic goals and harsh due dates to his brothers. When the goals get
done, he sets another harder goal, something more challenging than the previous.

He gets rid of the women and comedians from the castle, extremely distraction-free, he has once said
whoever creates noise will be executed.

Mr. Discipline mentioned the critical ingredient here is know how to control thyself when necessary.

Ironically, a dark witch that knew black magic gifted him a special and effective tool, it was the Dark
Room, it is exclusive for Windows OS. For Macs, she said it was called WriteRoom. Ever since the
brothers started using the program, everyone was at their full power mode and had more self-control.

5. Mr. Plan

If it wasn't for Mr. Plan, no one would have advanced and learned from the past, it was all because of
Mr. Plan's strategic plans! He crafts beautiful tactics that the brothers follow to success.

He recommends Mr. Content to use Google Analytics to track what were his best work and to study his
audience, so he'd know what to do in the future.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Everything big that happens were because of Mr. Plan, he was the one who created flawless marketing
campaigns, without him, his brothers would have been clueless the whole time!
Mr. Plan once revealed his secret sauce, he said it was only one thing that was needed:
A/B testing, also called Split Testing.

Without experimentation, how are you supposed to know the results? Don't tell me you can predict the

Mr. Plan often tells Mr. Content that he needs to check carefully and precisely of what he wrote (proof-
read), for at least twice. He likes to be perfect and never fail when it could possibly be avoided.

Check thoroughly, that was the trick. Like Genghis Khan.

6. The Blood Brothers

Mr. Content needs

 Motivation
 Inspiration
 Self-Affirmation
 Deadlines
 Goal Setting

Mr. Value needs

 Simplicity
 Actionable Steps
 Attractiveness

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

 Uniqueness
 Interesting
 Innovation
 Creativity
 Facts

Mr. Design needs

 Readability
 Visualization
 “Less is More” (industry specific)
 Minimalism

Mr. Discipline needs

 Setting Challenging Goals

 Due dates
 Distraction Elimination
 Dark Room/ WriteRoom
 Self-Control

Mr. Plan needs

 Google Analytics
 Data Tracking
 Split Testing
 Checkup
 Research

With the keys to a thriving nation, yup, you got it, they live happily ever after.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

About the Author: Harrison Li is 14 year old blogger who shares exclusive blogging advice and
marketing strategies, grab his latest bonus backdoor marketing eBook and meet him over at Blog

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

How I Became The Freddy  
Krueger Of Blogging

By Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing

“Wow, Danny, you’re like the Freddy Krueger of blogging – wherever I turn, you’re there!”
The consensus seems to be that I’m everywhere. No matter which blog or website you visit, I’m the
cyber-stalker that is there waiting for you.

I don’t mind the comment. In fact, I like it.

I like it because it’s meant as a compliment. When I catch you, I give you something interesting to read
and think about. If I work extra hard, you even learn something useful.

And yes – this has been great for my brand; by virtue of “being everywhere”, Firepole Marketing is
becoming a household name online, and I’m being touted as a blogger and marketer to watch.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Every now and then, the comments go further than just noting my apparent omnipresence – they ask
how I do it. Don’t I sleep? Don’t I have a family? Don’t I have other commitments?

Yes, I do, and yet I’m everywhere – or so it seems.

Okay, I’ll level with you. The truth is that I’m not really everywhere, and I don’t work 24/7 – but it
certainly seems that way.

In this post, I’m going to tell you why – and how you can do the same…(Buckle up – this is a longer
one, but I promise it’ll be worth it!)

In the Beginning, There Was Copyblogger

It started innocently enough – I was writing for the fledgling Firepole Marketing blog, which was still
in its infancy.

We’d get 30 visitors a day – on a really good day.

I was in Jon Morrow’s guest blogging program, and I received the latest lesson in my inbox. It
explained that list posts are the easiest way to break into a big blog, because they tend to perform well,
and they’re so much work to produce.

As luck would have it, I had just developed a curriculum of business books for a client. So I emailed
Jon and asked him if he thought it would be a good fit for Copyblogger.

He said that he couldn’t make any promises, but if I wrote the draft, he’d take a look and pass it along
if appropriate.

I worked my tail off to write the best post that I could, and they ran the post: 38 Critical Books Every
Blogger Needs to Read.

Then I Rode the Wave

The post performed well; 200+ comments, 900+ tweets, and lots of traffic back to Firepole Marketing.
I even got an email from Guy Kawasaki (I had mentioned one of his books on the list) that eventually
turned into an interview, book reviews, and even his participation in an upcoming project of mine.

I figured that since Copyblogger worked so well for me, I’d try my hand at another guest post, and
emailed Problogger to see if they wanted to publish the story of my experience.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

It was a total shot in the dark, and didn’t have any kind of “in” – just emailed through the contact form.
I figured that it was a long shot, but it never hurts to try.

Well, to my great (and pleasant) surprise, they went for it. The result was my first post on Problogger:
How a Tiny Blog Landed Guy Kawasaki (and Copyblogger!)
This led to more notoriety, and a whole bunch more traffic back to Firepole Marketing.

Hmmm… this guest blogging thing works!

I realized that guest blogging was a good idea, and decided that I needed to do more of it.
But where? And how?

I really felt that I had gotten lucky with Copyblogger and Problogger. So where to start? Who would
take my posts? Who would even answer my emails?

I did some research, and made a list of blogs that I wanted to guest post on: The Sales Lion, Kikolani,
Big Girl Branding, Clever Marketer, Metamorphoself, Write Speak Sell, Think Traffic, and the list
goes on.

(Interesting note: Even though my first guest post was on Copyblogger, I was so intimidated by their
size andquality that it took another 14 guest posts before I worked up the courage to pitch them again
with 21 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue.)

Anyway, I spent some time on each of those blogs, looking for an interesting intersection between what
they write about and what I write about – something that their audience would be interested to read.
I took that list, sent them all an email that looks something like this:


I only recently discovered your blog, but as you know, I really like your stuff!
I've been thinking about writing a post about [SUBJECT], and it occurred to me that it would
be a great fit for your audience. Here are a couple of ideas for the headline (which can be
changed, of course):
To get a sense of my writing, you can check out, or my recent guest

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

post on Copyblogger – it got over 200 comments and 900 tweets.

What do you think? Shall I write up a draft?

I must have emailed about a dozen bloggers – I figured that I probably wouldn’t even hear back from
three quarters of them, and most of the rest would be rejections. At best, I was hoping to end up with
one guest post, or maybe two.

“Oh, crap, they all said yes!””

Yup. It turns out that bloggers are a lot easier to reach than I thought they would be, and if you do your
homework and make a solid, concise pitch, they’re likely to respond favorably.

Almost all of them said yes.

My first thought was: “Great!”

My second thought was: “Oh, crap, now I have to write a dozen posts, and I have to do it all in the next
week or two!”

I was under the gun – I knew that this was a great opportunity, and if I blew it, or showed them that I’m
not reliable, then I probably wouldn’t get another chance.

So I buckled down and wrote.

And wrote.

And wrote.

And wrote some more.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Then the posts all started to go live…

The Power of Omnipresence

Having all these guest posts run within a few weeks of each other was a happy accident, but I learned
something very important from the experience:

The value of guest posts increases exponentially with the number of posts that you write.

In other words, two guest posts is worth a lot more than just two individual posts, three are worth a
LOT more than two, and so forth.

The reason why goes back to the truism we’ve all learned about the number of impressions you need to
make in order for people to notice you, coupled with people’s tendency to forget, and get distracted.

Imagine a “meter of attention” – every time people see you, that meter gets bumped up a little higher.
But then, whenever they aren’t seeing you, it’s slowly dropping back down.
If you space your appearances out over a large period of time, you lose a lot of the effect:

But if you do them all together, you get two benefits:

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

1. You don’t lose momentum between posts.

2. People start talking about you, contributing to even more impressions and attention.

Eventually, you get over the threshold of “getting noticed”, and after that it’s just a tiny bit easier – you
need less of an introduction, because people already know who you are.

But I wasn’t really everywhere…

Here’s the second thing I learned: you don’t need to really be everywhere in order to appear

Here’s what I mean: there are billions of people on the planet, and these days, most of them are online.
Now, as much as I’m enjoying my micro-spotlight of fame, I know that hardly any of them have heard
of me.

But you have. And so do a lot of people you follow. Right?

This is because the blogosphere is organized into micro-networks; small groups of blogs that read and
comment on each others’ stuff, interact with each other, and share large portions of their audience.
I didn’t intentionally target a micro-network, but I did go after most of the blogs that I read and
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

followed – which, of course, were part of the same micro-network, the one that I was following.

So I wasn’t everywhere – but I was in most of the places that this pocket of the blogosphere hangs out.
Hence, the appearance of being everywhere.

I stumbled onto this whole idea by accident, but you can do it with intention, and probably do it faster
and better than I did…

How to Legally Stalk Your Audience: Finding your “Everywhere”

Now we’ve arrived at the part of the post where we take the theory, and put it into practice. If you want
to get some exposure by being “everywhere” – read on, and I’ll tell you how to do it!

The first step is to find a micro-network. It takes some work, but it isn’t all that complicated; you can
even have a VA do most of this for you:

1. Find the authority blogs in your space. You may already know what they are, but if you
don’t, you can do a Google search for “[YOUR KEYWORD] blog”, and start from there. You
may not actually find the authority blogs in the results (depending on how good they are at SEO
), but reach out to whoever you do find, and ask them to do an interview for your blog. In the
interview, ask who they look up to in the industry. ;)

2. Read through the blog, and see who they link to. Then follow those links, and see who all of
those blogs link to. Make a list of blogs – keep going until you’ve got at least 10-15 of them.
Take that list of blogs, and plug them into Excel, as column headers (don’t worry, I’ll show you
a screen-shot in a minute).

3. List the people who comment on all the blogs. The commenters should be the row headers in
Excel, and then you can check off which blogs each commenter is commenting on.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

4. Find the blogs that share lots of commenters. The blogs that have a lot of the same people
commenting on all of them are the ones that form the micro-network. Here’s a screenshot of
what the Excel sheet might look like, to make it easier:

If you want to appear everywhere, you need to saturate that micro-network. Now let’s talk about how
to do it…

Plant Seeds by Joining the Conversation

You’ve got to start by reading the blogs, and joining in the conversation.
Don’t force your way in – jump in where you feel you can add some value, and on the posts that you
found valuable.

Remember that no matter how much you may want to penetrate a micro-network, you won’t be able to
do it if you don’t really like the content. So if the content doesn’t resonate, just leave it alone, and go
after the other blogs.

While you’re engaging in the conversation, pay attention to what topics other people are interested in,
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

and what ideas of yours seem to get the best response and most traction.

Don’t rush it, and have realistic expectations about how long it takes to feel that you’re really part of a
community. Truth be told, with most of the communities that I’m a part of online, I still feel like I’m on
the outside looking in – but that’s slowly starting to change.

Make sure you’ve reached the point where the bloggers have all responded to several of your
comments before you move on to the next step…

Guest Post Blitzkrieg

The next step is the guest post blitzkrieg – the act of being “everywhere”.
For each of the blogs that you’ve been following, make a list of a couple of headline ideas for guest
posts that you could write, that would resonate with their audience.

Now you have to make a choice: write first, or pitch first.

If you’re a procrastinator, then pitch first: Once you’ve pitched the bloggers and they’ve asked for a
draft, you’re pretty much committed – you have to write the posts, and the pressure will help you to get
it done. This is the process I followed (accidentally). It’s a lot of pressure, though, so make sure you’re
ready for that.

If you’re a slow writer, then write first: If you don’t have a problem with getting things done, or you
need more time to write, then write the drafts of all the posts before you reach out to the bloggers.
Remember that the key is to have lots of posts go up at the same time, so you have to have enough
content ready for that to happen.

Of course, all the usual advice about guest posting applies – be around to interact with commenters,
have great content waiting for them when they follow links back to your blog, etc. – you know the drill.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

So there you have it – a complete formula for becoming the Freddy Krueger of blogging, just like me.

About The Author: Danny Iny is an author, strategist, serial entrepreneur, and proud co-founder of
Firepole Marketing, the program that teaches expert marketing for non-marketers. Get his free video
course on how to get more money out of your business, website or blog.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

How To Dominate Your  
Niche With Online  

By Jane Sheeba of Find All Answers

Blogging is very much like creating your own space in an established society. Your niche will
obviously be your community in this case. You have to be assertive and create your own identity in a
virtual world that is literally packed with creative blogs. Of course, the community has its own levels
and each blog falls under some hierarchy. To dominate your niche, you have to set your blog apart
from the usual hierarchical levels. Online marketing can help you showcase your blog’s uniqueness and
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

thus take definite steps towards niche domination. It all depends on how effectively you harness the
power of online marketing.

Here are some tips to get you going in the process.

Do not choose isolated niches:

When aiming for niche domination you cannot start by selecting a completely obscure niche for your
blog. Isolated niches are that way for a reason. Mostly these types of niches do not amass much traffic
or revenue. Dominating niches like this will not be profitable to you in any way. Rather, pick a highly
competitive niche for your blog and then attempt to take steps towards creating a dominating blog

Explore mature niches from fresh angles:

When you launch a blog based on a niche that is well established, you run the risk of getting stuck with
dwindling readers’ interest right from the beginning of your blog launch. To battle this dilemma, come
up with newer topics and research to find the exact information that might hook your reader to your
posts. Exploring the same topics from newer angles is a guaranteed attraction for bored traffic to attack
your blog posts with renewed interest.

Position your blog to get peak attention:

Blog positioning is a unique concept. Yet, it is the most vital online marketing strategy which becomes
the deciding factor for your blog’s unique voice and your target audience. So, explore your niche and
take notice of the existing big players in the field. However you shape your blog’s personality, you will
have to take in to account these major blogs. You now have two options regarding your blog
positioning. You can either shape your blogging voice to focus on anti-niche or create a blog which is
not a competitor but a necessary complement to the major blogs in the niche. Both these approaches
will focus the spotlight on your blog and the traffic generally follows.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Guest posting and Commentluv:

How will these common aspects gain your blog the much craved individuality? Well, networking with
the major players of your niche will establish you as at least a trusted authority in your niche. That is
the start-up plan. Follow it through with amazing content for your guest posts and always encourage
return guest posts. Linking with already established blogs can get more readers curious about your
quality and start checking your blog out. Commentluv is the tool to network not only with the
established blogs but with your readers as well. A credible and interactive relation with your target
audience hints at a greater repeat traffic.

Keep up with the latest social media trends:

Nothing says stale like ignorance about the hottest social media tricks and trends. Readers expect
expert blogs to be consistent in their social media networking. Updating your profile and marketing
strategies, with regards to various social media sites, is absolutely vital. Viral campaigns will be more
effective if the style and the tone is up to date. So, keep yourself informed about the latest social media
networking technologies, to use them when they are hot.

Nothing beats great content:

This fact cannot be ignored. To dominate your niche, your blog requires a strong foundation. Amazing
content and fresh topics for your blog posts is a must. Also, you have to be regular with your posts.
Keep the rate of posting steady. If you started the blog with one post per week, do not suddenly lag
with zero posts for over a month, without notice. To beat your competitions in your niche you need to
cultivate trust as well as interest for your blog among your readers.

If your content is great it will market itself in the blogosphere, if promoted correctly. You don’t have to
yell at people.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Rank Vs. territory:

If you want to dominate your niche, you have to think beyond the hierarchy in your niche. Page
ranking, in popular search engines and social media sites, is essential but should be secondary. Your
first priority should always be to carve out your blog’s territory in your niche. Do not senselessly
follow trends. If you want to lead the race, you will have to carefully focus your marketing strategies to
create awareness about your individual blog territory.
Create awareness amongst your traffic, so that they learn to identify your blogging style and look to
you for advice on particular niche areas. This is proof positive of your blog’s increasing dominance in
your chosen niche.

About the author: Jane Sheeba teaches the elements of pro-blogging at her blog Find All Answers.
She wants to tell you that you absolutely need a blogging action plan.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

What You Need To Know  
Before Marketing Your  

By Onibalusi Bamidele of Young Pre Pro

There are a total of 152 million blogs in the blogosphere as of 2010 and this number keeps on
increasing significantly every day. Is it a work at home mom looking for a way to build an online
business or a powerful company looking for a way to expand its reach? Blogging is easily accessible to
all and sundry and as a result more and more people are starting to create a blog every day.

The fact that there are 152 million blogs is quite impressive, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of
new blogs are created everyday is stunning! The problem however is that a very large percentage of

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

these blogs are abandoned a few months after they are started and that can be attributed to the failure of
the blogger to achieve his/her expectations.

One of the major reasons why many people blog is to gain exposure and build a business and they
believe it is as simple as writing great content, submitting a few guest posts and expecting the money to
come – it would have been that easy if you were doing it in 2004 but things have changed a lot and
there is now so much competition that marketing needs a new approach.

The Importance of Customer Retention

If you ask many people why they think their blog will succeed they will tell you it is because they write
great content and know how to drive traffic.

I had to realize this the hard way, but building a successful blog isn’t only about writing great content
and marketing your blog, it is about learning to retain a large percentage of those who come by your

For example if your main approach for marketing your blog is guest blogging, if you get an average of
100 'unique' visitors from every single guest post you write and you decide to write 30 guest posts – at
the end of the day that will be 3,000 visitors. If your visitor retention rate is 50% you will be able to
retain around 1500 of those 3,000 visitors, but if your customer retention rate is 5% you will only be
able to retain 150 of those visitors. If you calculate that you will easily realize that effectively
marketing a blog isn’t about trying to get a lot of traffic, but about retaining a large percentage of those
who discover your blog.

The important marketing question now isn’t how do I get a lot of people to visit my blog? It is how do I
retain a large percentage of those who come by my blog?

Below are a few things you can tweak on your blog to help you retain more of those people who come
by your blog.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Your USP:

Just like you noticed in the stats I used to open this article, there is way too much competition for
people to give the heck about your blog so you need to ask yourself, why would I want to read my blog
instead of that of my competitors? You need to provide a unique and sincere answer to this question,
and if possible you should get the help of an expert to help you figure this out.

Your Design:

Content no doubt really is king but your design is just as important as your content. A good design
makes it very easy for people to visit your blog and come back to read it again by making it easy for
first time readers to subscribe, by making it easy for the search engines to understand the structure of
your site and by making it easy for readers to share your content. A good design also makes it easy for
you to incorporate your brand into your blog and that is why it is very important for you to step out
from using free themes and hire a designer to code something better for you. The more unique and
different your blog looks to readers, the more likely you will be able to get them to stay.

Your Content:

Since you’ve figured out, and made clear, why your blog is different from that of others and since
you’ve invested into a good design so as to ensure your blog stands out for readers another important
thing you should focus your efforts on is your content. The more you write based on your personal
experience and results the more readers are likely to connect and stay with you. Your content is a very
important aspect of your blog and it is what will make the difference in readers staying or not as soon
as they are able to connect with your brand it is very important for you to invest more efforts into
giving the best of your content. Don’t obsess over updating your blog with filler content consistently;
instead, focus your energy into writing epic content your readers can relate to.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

About the author: Onibalusi Bamidele is a 17 year old blogger who teaches people how to write for
traffic and money. Make sure you read his article on how to make quick cash.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

7 Convenient Writing  
Secrets That Create  
Buzzworthy Online  

By Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy


Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

You’ve finally thought of that brilliant, game-changing idea for your Web site, blog, or ebook.

The problem is: you don’t think of yourself as a prolific writer, blogger, or online content creator.
You’ve got something great to say; you’re just not sure how to say it.

How can you transform your concept into words that others will want to read and share?
When taking a walk won’t cut it, here are seven writing secrets to help you complete the online content
that will take your small business to the next level.

1. Get Angry

We’ve all encountered someone or something that angers us. Instead of putting the anger in perspective
and moving on, use it to fuel your writing.

Forget about your business writing idea for a moment, and concentrate solely on a source of agitation.
Don’t get carried away with self-destructive rage, but enter a mindset that will enable you to
unapologetically make a flawless argument.

Write a rant that passionately expresses your point of view, and then return to your business writing

You can use the momentum from the angry rant to craft a specific structure for your text and create
substantial supporting ideas.

2. Interpretive Dishwashing

Similar to interpretive dance, I use interpretive dishwashing to complete a chore and produce
something more than squeaky-clean flatware.

What is the message that you need to communicate to your readers?

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Get artistic as you pour your heart and soul into running water, bubbly detergent, and tough food stains.

Rather than staring at the wall because you don’t know what you want to say or how to say it, you’re
completing a necessary task and letting your idea marinate in your brain.

Since the pressure of writing is off (after all, your hands are likely wet and you’re away from your
keyboard), you can think more clearly and develop your online content.

Try the same technique with any other household chores on your to-do list, such as cleaning a bathtub
or sink.

3. Rock It Out

Listen to your favorite song, and think about why it’s special to you.

Most of our “favorite” things—songs, movies, television characters—are our favorites because they
strike an emotional chord with us.

Provide the same type of value for your readers. What can you write to make potential customers love
what you offer?

Use your emotions to connect with the emotions of your readers.

4. What’s Shakin’, Joe?

Since you are excited about your new online content idea, pretend that you’re telling a trustworthy
friend about it in an email.

At this point, you’re not concerned about making each sentence perfect or even completely coherent.
You can wear your proofreader hat later. You just need to convey your thoughts in a genuine way.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Authentically tell your confidant about the awesome details of your project.

5. Cut Out Comparisons

Don’t dedicate a full day, or even a half day, to writing.

Having too much time on your hands to write can be as overwhelming as the pressure of having too
little. You may not know where to start, or you may put off writing because you have the entire day
ahead of you.

Then it’s bedtime, and you haven’t accomplished anything.

Instead, write a little bit at a time.

Writing isn’t like showing up to a salaried position for an employer. Don’t equate eight hours of
writing to working an eight-hour job.

It’s not that you can’t write for the majority of an eight-hour period—some full-time writers certainly
can do that—but if you’re struggling to express your ideas, initially leaving that much time will be

6. Blogpost Revisited

Edit an old blog post or article.

Think of new ideas to complement the text, or examine how you could have written it more succinctly.

Get energized about the possibilities of your new and improved online content.

7. Focused Word Doodle

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Ever pat yourself on the back because you love a sentence that you wrote? It captures your intentions
so perfectly!

If you’re thrilled about that one sentence but are now stuck, type or handwrite the perfect sentence
repeatedly until you think of supporting points. Expand on your idea from that one great line.

If you have nothing, do a twist on tip #3 and write your favorite song lyric over and over again until
your project blossoms.

Once you’ve written a draft, if you need a freelance proofreader to refine your text, please feel free to
contact me. I’m always happy to help—unless I forced myself to Get Angry (see tip #1) to facilitate the
online content writing process.

About the Author: Stefanie Flaxman corrects business, marketing, and educational documents in 24
hours. She’s a writing consultant and the founder of Revision Fairy® Small Business Proofreading
Services. Become a Revision Fairy® Premium Member to get 50% off online proofreading services.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Multiple Streams Of  
Internet Income

By Warren Wooden of PLR Internet Marketing

Earning a living online and building a business of substance is no different from building one in the
offline world insofar as it still requires actual work on your part to build it up into something profitable.
The one aspect that does set it apart from your more traditional jobs and businesses however, is the fact
that building up multiple streams of income is not only much easier to accomplish online, but also
almost expected of you by your fellow internet marketers.

Diversifying the income that comes into your business via your blog, website or through other means
protects you in the event that something happens to one of your sources of income. Hot topics that you
currently rely on for part of your income can become obsolete, and dry up in which case it’s a nice

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

feeling to know that you have several others to carry you through while you look for something new to
replace it.

It’s usually easier to develop ten income streams to the point where they are producing a few hundred
dollars each monthly versus trying to develop a single stream to the point where it is bringing in three
thousand monthly. And losing one or two of those streams won’t mean a catastrophic loss to your
business as it would if you lost your only source.

As a group, bloggers have positioned themselves in a setting where they are able to not only share
information, and help others, but also to build a certain degree of trust and rapport with thousands upon
thousands of their readers.

It’s interesting to watch as these relationships unfold, because often you’ll meet people through the
comments section after they’ve come to your defence following someone’s inflammatory comment that
didn’t sit well with the majority of your readers.

This type of audience that you have built, or are building is exactly the type of customer you should be
looking to attract. You already know what their needs are based on the niche you’ve chosen or the
topics you cover. It’s a simple matter to create a product that fills those needs, and solves certain
problems that are common among them.

Selling digital products is nothing new for internet marketers, but finding quality products can be a bit
of a challenge. If you take the time to build a high quality product that delivers on any and all promises
you make while trying to sell it, you’ll definitely have a winner on your hands.

Another great way to leverage all those loyal readers that visit your blog is to implement an advertising
program. If you screen your advertisers you can even ensure that the only ads being served on your
blog are for products or services that will actually benefit your readers.

Another great way to diversify the income you’re able to earn through your blogging efforts is the ever
popular affiliate marketing. Depending on the topic your blog covers, you’ll find yourself discussing
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

the various programs, products, and services that are developed for the industry you’re in. As you
discuss these it’s a simple matter to include a referral link that when followed to a successful sale earns
you a nice commission.

If your blog is established, and you’ve been investing in a link building campaign then chances are
you’re noticing the page rank updates that are taking place every few months. Other website and blog
owners are only too happy to pay you for a direct link to their site. Generally speaking it’s easier to go
through a broker to handle the acquisition of links as they have a larger pool of resources to pull from,
and for a nominal fee can usually get you both a better price, as well as more potential link sponsors.

Probably the quickest and easiest way to make money online is through the offer of a service. Each of
us has our own unique skills that we can choose to offer up in the marketplace. It can be as simple as an
article writing service, or something that requires greater skill like graphic, or web design.

Selling a service through your website adds one more revenue stream, but also helps to set you apart as
an expert in your industry. After all, not everyone can do what you do!

Earning a living with your blog is an enriching, and rewarding experience both in the security that it
can provide for you and your family, but also for the connections you’ll make along the way!

About the Author: Warren Wooden is the owner and CEO of PLR Internet Marketing. If you’re an
entrepreneur, or would perhaps like to learn how to make money online, through internet marketing,
blogging, or affiliate marketing, please stop in for a visit, or to grab your free copy of his 79 page e-

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

The Art Of Transforming  
Subscribers Into Buyers

By Barrie Davenport of The Daily Brainstorm

Imagine this situation . . .

You are in your house when the doorbell rings. When you answer the door, there stands a man you
don’t know and have never seen before.

Without any introduction, this man holds up an Acme Hamburger Patty Maker and proceeds with a
loud explanation about his amazing product, its features, and how it’s the best patty maker on the

At the conclusion of his diatribe, he eagerly tells you it’s on sale today only. You must purchase right

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

now or it goes away forever.

As you ease the door closed, saying “no thank you,” the guy continues to pitch you, looking surprised
and sad that you didn’t purchase. After all, he arrived at your door with a great product and presented
his best pitch. As you watch him head to your neighbor’s house, you’re left feeling a bit sorry for this
poor guy – but also irritated at the interruption of your day.

Little did this salesman know, you are a vegetarian. You don’t eat hamburgers. In fact, you don’t do
much cooking at all. And even if you did, why would you buy from someone you don’t know, whose
products you’ve never tried, and who shows up at your door uninvited?

Selling is a hard business.

No one likes to be sold or asked to part with their money for something that really isn’t useful to them.

People are inundated with offers and opportunities, particularly on the Internet where they have no idea
who they are dealing with.

Is it a scam?

Will the product be worth it?

Can I trust this person?

It’s confusing and irritating and much easier to just hit the “delete” button.

So how can a blogger successfully sell his/her products or services and begin to make any income?
How can you stand out from the crowd of other bloggers, all offering great products, courses, books,
and programs and attract your readers for the first dance of purchasing from you?

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Here’s the Secret . . .

You don’t sell. You make a friend.

Most bloggers already know the importance of building your subscribers and creating an email list.
You are writing guest posts, commenting on other blogs, and have a great free opt-in product to entice
new subscribers. Maybe you’ve got a thousand or more already.
Great, so it’s time start pitching your new eBook, right?

But wait a minute . . . who is your subscriber? Can you see them as real people, as friends? If you view
your subscribers as an indistinct mass of unknown bodies, you will never make much money as a

Before you ask someone to dance, you need to get to know them.

Let’s go back to our poor Ronco salesman for a moment. Had he been smart, he would have never
come by your house to begin with. You didn’t need what he was offering. He didn’t really know you,
and you certainly didn’t know him. There was no rapport, no connection, no level of trust. He asked
you to dance before the music ever started playing.

Turning your subscribers into buyers is a courtship, and you have to do all the wooing. You have to
know them, understand what they need, and give them most of what they want before you can win that
first dance. They aren’t going to give it up that easily.

Getting to Know You

If you have thousands of subscribers, there is no way to personally know each and every one of them.
But you can know enough about them to have an idea of your “typical” subscriber.

Here are some ideas on how to get to know your subscribers:

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Do some research

You can learn some basic demographic info from Alexa is a company that measures web
traffic on almost every website on the internet through their popular toolbar plug-in. Alexa rankings are
an important element in leveraging your blog’s status to advertisers, sponsors, buyers, and readers.

Quantcast is another free ranking service highly respected by media agencies, publishers, and
marketers. If you use Wordpress for your blog, you can also download a Blog Demographics plug-in
that will tell you exactly the age and gender of your readers.

Create a reader profile.

A great way to get personal with your readers is to create a reader profile. Basically you are writing a
character study of your readers -- either of those who are clearly part of your demographic or of those
you want to become your demographic.

This helps you have a clear portrait of the people you are writing for so that your writing can be
tailored to your audience. Darren Rowse of Problogger has written a great article on how to create a
reader profile.

Survey your readers.

The best way to learn about your readers is to ask them directly. You can do this by creating your own
survey and writing a post on your blog telling readers you want to learn more about them.

Let your readers know that you want to provide solutions to their specific problems and needs and
would like their feedback. You can ask open-ended questions in your post and ask for comments, but a
more thorough approach is to use a survey tool like Survey Gizmo. They offer a 14 day free trial, so
you can set up your first survey at no cost and learn enough about your readers to give you valuable
information for many months.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Be responsive and genuine.

In all of your interactions with your readers, treat them like friends. Respond to every comment on your
blog. Answer emails sent to you by readers in a timely way. Use friendly, personal language rather that
professional jargon or “sales speak.” Keep your cool and remain kind, even if a reader is rude. Issue
timely refunds on purchases if you’ve promised a money-back guarantee. Be trustworthy. Give more
than they might expect.

In general, treat every person who makes a connection with you the way you would treat a
valued friend.

Hopefully you are blogging because you enjoy connecting with people and want to help them. Let your
genuine passion for what you are doing shine through in your interactions with your readers.

Here are the three phases of connecting with your reader so they will evolve into future buyers:

Phase I: Building Trust

If your blog is built around something you feel passionate about, and you know the topic has a broad
enough potential audience (at least 100,000 through an SEO search), then you have a good foundation
for building your readers’ trust. And you win that trust by providing consistently good
information/products and being a consistently authentic, trustworthy person.

 The most basic element of creating trust is your content. Provide interesting, well-written, and
useful posts on a regular basis (at least twice weekly). These posts should address the specific
interests, problems, and needs of your reader.

 Any products or services you offer on your blog - whether they are free or not - need to be of
outstanding quality. You need to offer more value than the reader or customer would expect.

 When you offer another person’s product or service, know exactly what you are promoting so

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

you can recommend it without reservation. (It’s amazing how many people will promote
products they’ve never reviewed themselves.)

 If you make a money back guarantee, promise a refund, offer a freebie, or make any kind of
promise to your readers, by all means, follow through with your commitment.

 If you make a mistake, your blog goes down, your product implodes -- own up to it, apologize,
and do your best to make it right. Your readers will respect you for it. They understand that
mistakes happen.

 Your readers want to know you are a real person. Hiding behind your blog or cloaking yourself
in the aura of an untouchable expert leaves the reader feeling disengaged. The more disengaged,
the less likely they are to trust you and buy from you.

 Let your readers get to know you as a real human being. You can do this with personal stories
or anecdotes in your posts, on your “about” page with an engaging and sincere bio, and with
sincere responses to comments and emails.

 More than anything, don’t preach or teach one thing on your blog and practice something
entirely different in your life. If your reader catches you at this, you will lose all credibility.

As much as your readers trust and like you, they expect to get a lot of great information from you -- for
free. If you don’t give it to them, they will lose interest and go elsewhere.

But if you do give it to them often enough, they will stick around and eventually feel confident enough
in you and your products to purchase from you. To get your readers to that point, your job is twofold.
You serve them, and you educate them.

Phase II: Serve and Educate

You can serve the reader in many ways. Here are a few ideas:

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

 Inquire about their needs and interests and then respond to those in your posts, emails, and

 Give away 80-90% of your intellectual property and charge for 10-20%.

 Be responsive, communicative, friendly, and caring toward them.

 Always remember they are the bread and butter of your business and can’t be taken for granted.

Of course, it helps you a lot if you see the inherent value of service. If you feel you have something
great to offer that will help people in some way, then you recognize the “good karma” in sharing that.

Bloggers in particular need to educate readers about what to expect from you and the business you are

Here are some ways to educate your readers:

 Inform your readers on your “about” page that from time to time, you will be offering them
useful, valuable products through your posts and emails.

 When they subscribe (hopefully through an opt-in freebie), inform them on the landing page
that they will receive regular email articles and occasional information about great
products/services that you recommend.

 When you do write a post or send out an email promoting a product or service, remind your
readers again with language like this: “As I mentioned when you subscribed, I will occasionally
recommend great products to you. Well, I have one today that I want to share with you . . .”

 Send out an email asking your readers if they want to receive information about your products
and services. This will cull your list of buyers and non-buyers. Create a separate email list of
those interested in receiving promotional emails.

 Write a post that provides information about your blog, how it is your business, and how you
make money from it. Complete transparency about it clears things up for the reader..

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Expect that you will have people unsubscribe when you post or email about a promotion or product.
There are plenty of people who will purchase from you and enjoy hearing about great products and
services. But there are some who just don’t want to be solicited in any way. Don’t take it personally!

Phase III: Timing Is Everything

There are a lot of marketing philosophies and opinions about how often to ask a reader to purchase,
what day of the week is best, what kind of copy is most enticing, and how to ease them into the
purchase and maybe even an upsell. Here are a few things to remember about the timing of a sales

 For every piece of sales content you send out (by post or email), follow up with three pieces of
pure, informational content. For example, if you pitch a product on Friday, then on Monday,
Wednesday, and the following Friday, send out a post or email with free information.

 If you’ve recently conducted a big launch with lots of hoopla and fanfare, wait 2-3 months
before you launch something big again. Fill in by promoting smaller products or affiliate

 Keep your email copy short and easy to read (in column format), with the product links pasted
in several times. Add a P.S. to your emails to encourage the sale, as people almost always read
the postscript.

 Remember to keep it real. There is an art to writing copy that converts readers into buyers, but
you can still write like you are writing to a friend. Don’t blast people with salesy copy and
unbelievable claims.

Turning your subscribers into buyers requires some finesse, marketing savvy, and good timing. But
more than anything, it requires common sense.

Just treat your subscribers the way you’d want to be treated.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

 Present them with something insanely useful and invite them to try it.
 Be real and trustworthy.
 Treat them like a friend.

Before you know it, you’ll be rewarded with buyers who view you as an invaluable resource when they
are ready to part with their money!

About the author: Barrie Davenport is a personal and career coach, a writer, and a blogger. She
blogs at A-List Blog Marketing, Live Bold and Bloom, and she's the editor in chief for The Daily

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Online Marketing For

Small To Medium Sized  

Business Owners

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Make Customers Love You  
With The 3­Step Flawless  
Writing System

By Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy

The foundation of any online writing is a clear message. If readers do not immediately understand the
purpose of your text, they are not going to remain on your Web site, blog, or social media profile.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Since the aim of your marketing campaign is to make a potential customer purchase your product or
service, it is crucial that you perfect your writing. Everything that you write should inform potential
customers that what you offer is the best possible solution for their problem.

Upon finding out that I’m a writer, someone recently asked me, “Do you have a process?” That
question made me realize that I have developed a routine that I apply to anything that I need to write.

While every writer discovers her own techniques, if you’re having trouble producing persuasive
content, here are three simple writing principles that can be divided into general habits and specific

You must stay vigilant of useful ideas and express them in a straightforward way that accurately
communicates your intentions.

Build It Up

Writing Habits:

• Constantly craft your writing like a sculpture or painting. Any great work of art is not
accomplished in one sitting. Leave time to work on your copy and build it little by little, even
when you’re doing other activities. Expand and revise your ideas until every word fits perfectly.

• Think about both main points and supporting details. Clear writing is concise, but you also need
well-rounded explanations. Brainstorm in a word processor and on paper. Extract your best
ideas from each outlet.

• Write to individuals who already need what you offer. For example, don’t convince someone
who hates socks to buy your socks; speak to the customer who is already looking to buy socks
and convince him to buy the socks that you sell.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Writing Mechanics:

• Write multiple drafts, and save each version. A tangent that you may initially want to erase can
often be a relevant point later in your text.

• Before you form cohesive sentences with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, it’s
important to simply express ideas or examples.

• Don’t take any of your writing for granted. Instead of skimming text that you consider “solid,”
review and evolve your established content.

Break It Down

Writing Habits:

• Take breaks. Don’t be afraid of downtime. Breaks from your writing help you produce more
ideas, and focusing on other activities can even help you discover how to structure your copy.

• It’s easy to get consumed by your writing, but you need perspective to avoid running out of
ideas. Listen to music, take a walk, read about news in your industry, or watch television. Even
a brief nap can help you regain your focus and drive.

• Open yourself up to finding inspiration everywhere. Study other copy and examine qualities of
effective writing.

Writing Mechanics:

• The most important concept that you can learn about writing online is to create short, simple
sentences and paragraphs. Reading on a computer screen is different than a printed book or
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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

• Write focused blog posts and articles. If you find yourself addressing multiple topics, turn each
one into a separate piece of writing. Write for short attention spans by producing content that
can be easily scanned.

• It’s effortless to click away from your Web site or blog. Make everything that you write 100%
user-friendly. Divide your content into easily accessible sections, just as you divide your Web
site into different pages.

Review from the Customer’s Perspective

Writing Habits:

• Online marketing boils down to presenting your product or service as the most efficient and
effective option. Influence customers to choose you over your competition.

• Focus on ideas that intrigue your readers. You have to offer potential customers something for
free to demonstrate that they can’t live without the paid product or service that you offer.

• Your points need to be direct and compelling. If someone has to read a sentence twice, you have
failed. Don’t waste your readers’ time with redundancies and convoluted rants.

Writing Mechanics:

• After you write a complete draft, edit your copy to ensure that every sentence is easy to
comprehend and speaks in a meaningful way to your target audience.

• Drafts are essential because they allow you to fine-tune your ideas. Even if you’re confident
about your grammar and spelling abilities, you don’t necessarily implement correct spelling,
grammar, and syntax every time that you write.
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• Proofread your text to make sure each word is transcribed properly. It’s critical that you correct
mistakes that you make in the early stages of your writing.

About the Author: Stefanie Flaxman corrects business, marketing, and educational documents in 24
hours. She’s a writing consultant and the founder of Revision Fairy® Small Business Proofreading
Services. Become a Revision Fairy® Premium Member to get 50% off online proofreading services.

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Getting Your Website  
Foundations Solid

By David Edwards of A Sitting Duck

Many business owners lose their business heads when they start on-line. Why do people think that it is
a quicker route to success on the internet?. It could be because the media are publishing stories every
day about the next “dotcom” millionaire.

Here’s a tip, next time you read about an online success story, Google how long the website has been
around for. At a guess I would say it’s probably over 5 years!, not exactly over night but there are
certain strategies that you can do to make sure that each year your website is more successful than the
previous year.

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Here’s some of the strategies I use on a monthly basis:

Link Building

Everyone thinks link building is tough and there are lots of companies ready to agree with you and take
your money. Don’t let them!... Why not schedule 1 article a month, search your industry for blogs that
accept guest posts. Then over the next year keep a log of all the sites you have featured on. What I’ve
done is saved the best 5 and linked them on my home page. This shows a new visitor that I’m respected
in my field.


Don’t shy away from events. You should be attending 4 a year, at least one every financial quarter to
get to know other business owners. It’s such a fast way of building contacts. But keep in touch with
them, offer your email address and even your Skype username so you can build the relationship over
the next few years.

Viral Seeding

Get this right and a seed can grow into an oak tree!. 3 years ago I registered “asittingducktv” on
YouTube, in 2009 I was accepted on the partner programme and I have received lots of perks since.
With YouTube a quality video can be viewed thousands of times, even millions if you get the timing
right. Start slow and work your way around the top channels, I have a strategy where I add friends from
around the world. Over time your friends can grow into the thousands and lots of them are keen to
share new videos.

There really is only a few simple strategies that you can do online to become successful. Overall I
would say that you need to be creative and remarkable to inspire people to share your content. This by
far will take your business on the fast track more than you could on your own.

Be a producer not a dreamer!...

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

About the Author: David Edwards is the founder of and the original creator
of Candy The Magic Dinosaur. The animation series has been viewed over 1 million times on-line.

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

3 Basic Principles For  
Building Your Kick­Ass  
Online Presence

By Mars Dorian of Mars Dorian – The World Needs You

I believe the basics are the most important things in life and business. You can take massive action,
know the right people and create crazy products, but if you don't get the basics right, your business will
not be sustainable in the long run.

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

When I started out, I didn't worry about the basics, and that's why I screwed up epically. Only after
months of refinement and reflection was I able to build a solid foundation for my online business.

There are 3 principles specifically that I consider as a rock solid foundation, and I want to share them
with YOU.

Ready ? Buckle up.

1.1 - Crystallize your core

I don't want to admit it, but it almost took me 6 months (!) to get this one. Finding the purpose of your
small business is the first, MOST important step you HAVE to take.

Earth's most successful companies have a strong purpose – Apple for example stand for "challenging
the status quo and thinking differently". Steve Jobs even said that he wants to make a dent in the
universe with his company – now that's what I call a strong purpose.

How do you do it ?

Easy peasy. First, ask yourself: What's your mission in (business) life ? What is the driving force
behind your entrepreneurial venture ?

Don't say "I just want the goddamn money" – no way, that's a result. Go beyond that and think – what
do you hope to change for the better with your business ? Do you want to inspire people ? Improve
their productivity ? Help them build better businesses ? Improve their success ?

Figure it out, then turn that thought into a concise and inspiring mission statement and make it
part of your kick-ass online presence:

Make it a part of your tag line

Show it on your social media profiles
Mention it in comments and tweets

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Just shout it out so that the whole wide world knows what YOU stand for – over and over again.

I promise you – you will attract the "right" people for your business who think like you.

2.2 - OWN your visuals.

Too many small business owners screw this one up, but it's SOOO essential.

You don't need to be a graphic designer to get the basics right:

Have a logo. And yes, you need one. Don't go the cheap way and just slam some ok letters on your
banner – either create your own, unique logo or pay a designer to do it for you. Remember, your logo is
the visual connector between you and your customer – the better it is the BIGGER your impression will

Use few colors. Don't go overboard with your brand colors – use 2-3 MAX and use 'em everywhere
you present your business – your site, social media, business cards and products.

Always stay consistent. Some people use different colors on different platforms, and these peeps are
BREAKING their brand recognition value – SNAP – just like that.

If your brand colors are red and yellow, then use these colors EVERYWHER .
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn profiles – DROWN them in red and yellow. The goal is to burn your brand
visually into the minds of your customers, so be UTTERLY consistent with it.

3.3 - Put the "You" into everything you do.

Everyone – especially small digital business owners – worries about competition. Let me say this – if
you worry about competition, you know something's bad – REALLY bad. I say to hell with
competition – leave that for average people and businesses. Instead of worrying what everyone else is
doing, worry about how YOU can make your online presence more personal, more "YOU".

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

And that includes everything: your products, customer service, comments, tweets, webinars, etc. ALL
MUST have that personal "YOU" factor.

If you get that right, you will attract like-minded people and bond them emotionally to your brand. And
instead of customers, you will create true fans that LUV to do business with you. Remember, no
competitor can copy the "YOU" in your business!

Apply these 3 principles of creating your online brand, and build your digital empire from there. :)

About the Author: Check out Mars Dorian's blog if you want to build a powerful online presence,
and follow him on Twitter.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Simple Steps To  
Maximizing Your Online  
Marketing Efforts For  
Your Business

By Michele Welch of NewBiz Blogger

Online Marketing has been an integral part for many small business owners to market their products
and services. Regardless if you have a brick and mortar venue or your business is solely located online,
online marketing will expedite the process of promoting your business.

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

There are a whole host of ideas on ‘how to’ market your business online, some which I will discuss
here. The important thing to remember right off the bat is that there is no one method; and not all
methods will work for your business. It will take a bit of trial and error to see what sticks.

Web Design

One of the first key elements that are often overlooked is web design. I don’t speak of having to spend
thousands (or even hundreds) of dollars creating flashy, unique, one-of-a-kind sites. I speak more in the
context of a site that is pleasant on the eye but more importantly, user-friendly.

Ease of navigation is an important part of the web user’s experience. If they don’t know where to go to
access your products or services, you will lose them quickly. If they have to click more than three times
just to reach a product page or have to search profusely to get to it, it’s a good chance they will jump
ship and go elsewhere.

Same goes for making important pages such as your Contact page easily accessible. This may seem
like a small thing to you, but to the person looking for help or wanting to ask a question about your
products and services, ease of access is extremely important.

Search Engine Optimization (on-site)

SEO, although not as heavily weighed as before, is still an important element to your online marketing
efforts. Of course depending on your industry and your needs, this may weigh more heavily for some
more than others.

The ultimate goal of optimizing for search engines is to get found. To do this you need to strategically
add keywords throughout your website to “tell” the search engines what your site is all about. Simple
enough? Well not always so simple.

Unfortunately if you are in a saturated industry, using very competitive keywords in your sites title tag
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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

or description, just may not be enough to get you to the first page of Google. You may have to resort to
long-tail keywords that are less competitive to give you the results you want.

Research and trial and error are going to be necessary steps for you to see what is going to work for
you. The key is to be patient. I would be weary of anyone telling you they can get you on the first page
of Google within 24 hours. This is rarely the case and often involves optimizing for keywords that
won’t bring you the results you want; that is, you may get traffic from those keywords, but not the
“right” traffic.

And the end of the day, you can have a thousand people visiting your site each day, but if they don’t do
what you intend them to do, such as buying your products and services, it won’t matter much to your
bottom line.

Search Engine Optimization (off-site)

Off-site optimization is just as it states – optimizing for your website using tactics that do not directly
involve your site. Some examples of this would be backlinking, guest posting and advertising. Since
these three tactics are very important in respect to off-site SEO, I will discuss each of them in more


Backlinking is the process by which you create links (preferably those containing your keywords) on
sites other than yours, directing web users back to your website. For example, if you are in the real
estate business and are optimizing for the keyword North Dakota Real Estate, than using this clickable
keyword on other sites can be very beneficial in your SEO efforts.

Each backlink being directed back to your site is a form of “voting”. The more votes you get, the more
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

the search engines see your site as relevant for those keywords that you are optimizing for; the more the
chance you will be place well in search engine results pages.

Now getting backlinks is another story; not impossible of course, but takes a bit of work on your end.
You may want to participant in link exchanges (although this is not the preferred method). One way
links to your site would always be the best course of action.

You can search out .edu, .gov or forum sites that are do follow sites (give your links link juice) and
cautiously place your links on these site. I say cautiously because if site owners see you are creating
profiles and links in these sites just for the backlink, you can possibly get banned from these sites.
It’s going to take a bit of research on your part to see which sites are relevant that you can place your
keyword-rich links in.

Hint: check out who is currently linking to your competitors to give you ideas on where to place your

I also would stay clear from link farms. Most of them will place your links in non-related sites or even
worse place your links in thousands of sites all at once. This may set off red flags to search engines that
you may be spamming and risk the chance of you getting banned. Not worth it, I promise you!
One very effective way of backlinking is our next topic… guest posting.

Guest Posting

There are various reasons why guest posting can be such a powerful form of off-site SEO. The two
most important advantages is the ability to use your primary keyword on relevant sites that are pointing
back to your website. Secondly, the opportunities to get more traffic to your site due to the fact that you
are exposing your content knowledge to more people.

It just boils down to simple math. If you currently are only get 1000 visits to your site per month, your

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

opportunity to convert those 1000 visitors to customers/clients is limited to that number. If you were to
guestpost on a related site that gets 10,000 visits per month, your exposure now becomes 11,000! ;-)

Note: the important thing to remember when doing guest posting is to ALWAYS put your best foot
forward. Give them all you have because first impressions matter!


Lastly I want to briefly discuss advertising. Advertising if used correctly can be an extremely effective
tool for your online marketing efforts. The key term here is “used correctly”. You can easily lose a
small fortune if you don’t know what you are doing or advertising by the seat of your pants (which I
don’t recommend).

There are various effective sources to use to advertise your business online. However the two that I’ve
found to be most effective is Google Adwords and Facebook Advertising. If you intend to advertise
online, I would start here.

I won’t get too much into depth on how to do each as there are hundreds (if not thousands) of resources
out there to show you how. Facebook may the simplest (and more cost effective) way to start, slightly
cheaper to advertise and you can laser-target your ads.

Google Adwords can be extremely effective as well but more costly depending on your industry. The
first course of action I would recommend before doing anything is to research and learn how to use this
tactic. I recommend getting the book, Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords: How to Access 100
Million People in 10 Minutes by Bryan Todd. It’s a great read and very informative. The few dollars
you spend on it can ultimately save you hundreds if not thousands in the long run.

The online marketing tactics I’ve discussed here are just a few of the ways you can market your
business. There are some many more tactic s that I have not mentioned; I can literally can write a book
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

on it. We haven’t even touched on such areas as:

 Article marking
 Webinars
 Teleseminars
 Creating free reports
 Joint ventures
 Social media marketing
 Etc.

However, if you just focus on these basis tactics, you will be on the right track to effective online
marketing for your business.

About the Author: Michele Welch is the founder of NewBiz Media, a full service online business
solutions company. She is an Online Business Trainer and Social Media Marketer helping small
business owners and entrepreneurs create an online business presence… one step at a time. She does
this with the help of her blog where she share tips on how to start your online business and grow it
using SEO, Social Media Marketing and various other techniques. She is also the founder of the Online
Business Head Start Blueprint: The 10 Step System to Boosting Your Online Business Efforts™. post
on a related site that gets 10,000 visits per month, your exposure now becomes 11,000! ;-)

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

The 5 Big Myths Of Email  


By Jon McCulloch of Jon McCulloch

(or... when did you last get an email from your local butcher?)

Email marketing is probably the most effective and profitable marketing strategy available to small
business owners, regardless of whether they're a traditional “online business” or a bricks 'n' mortar

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

business using the Internet as a sales medium.

This might come as a surprise to most people because if you receive the common wisdom, you'll be
thinking email marketing is boring, old fashioned, ineffective and just one big waste of time.
And so it is for some people.

But the reason for that is... they're doing it the wrong way.

Because when you do it the right way you'll find your conversion rates can be 10 to 14 times higher
than the more traditional model of selling “off the page”. And yes, you read those numbers correctly:
using email marketing correctly can increase your sales by a factor of 10, 14 and probably even more.

So if it's so easy and effective, why don't more business owners do it?

Simple: fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Because the truth is there are 5 big myths about regular and frequent emailing that simply stop business
owners in their tracks and lead them into the bizarre situation where they're building a list they then
dare not email for fear of losing it.

But not emailing your list because you are afraid of losing subscribers is a bit like not breathing to
conserve oxygen.

Fundamental truth: the purpose of building a list is NOT to have a list. The purpose of building a list is
to realize the assets within it!

Or, to put it otherwise... if you don't market to your list, then you might as well not have one.

Busting the Myths – Why Your List WANTS to Hear from You

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

So long as you're growing your list with properly qualified subscribers and training them in what to
expect, they want to hear from you because you're delivering interesting, informative and useful

Better yet: because so few people know how to do it properly... few people do it at all. They try and
then stop. Which means if you do it right, then you'll be the only game in town. Ask yourself: when
was the last time you had an email from your local butcher?

My guess is never.

But what a wasted opportunity for the local butcher who has the wherewithal to collect his customers'
email addresses and then send them regular and frequent offers by email (how about eggs, bacon and
sausages delivered late on Saturday fresh for Sunday breakfast, for example?).

OK, so how often do you have to email to make email marketing work for you?

It depends, and you'll have to test. But I bet it's vastly more frequently than you are doing, and much
more frequently than you'd believe.

For example, I email 5 days a week; my wife, Sarah, emails her list 7 days a week; others I know,
colleagues and clients, email with much the same frequency.

And we all get pretty good results.

OK, so I'm a pro copywriter, so you'd expect me to get good results.

But none of the others are. They're just regular business owners working in their regular businesses to
make a profit. They're no different from the average butcher, baker or candlestick maker.

My point is this: anyone can do this. Meaning... you can do this.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

It's at this point I can almost hear your screams of protest. I mean, emailing every day? Everyone's
going to hate that – and you – right?


There are no reasons or excuses not to email your list every single day, until they buy, die or tell you to

So let's look at those 5 big myths that stop people emailing more frequently, and bust them wide open
once and for all.

Myth No: 1 is no one wants to receive sales emails and they're old-fashioned and ineffective

We mentioned this briefly at the beginning, and, like many myths, this one has a grain of truth hidden
in it. In this case the grain of truth is most people don't make any money with their emails – and the
erroneous conclusion is email selling is ineffective, and it's ineffective because it's old-fashioned and
no one wants to receive it.

Fact is, your emails cannot be too frequent: they can only be too boring. One old client of mine used to
email twice a day to his list of 14,000 or so and would regularly make sales of a $500+ boot-camp.

When email doesn't work it's usually because the emails themselves are boring, so-called professional
and otherwise something no one cares about reading.

And this last one itself can be down to the way they're written or even the quality of the list. This is
why I stress how important it is to have highly qualified list members.

So what should you write?

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Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Almost anything. Seriously. You can write about anything from current events to what your dog did in
the kitchen last night.

But let's make this easy: here's a superb blog post titled, "21 Things You Could Blog About Right

And you could hop over there right now, squint a bit and pretend it's called 21 Things You Could Email
About Right Now.

If you followed this recipe from beginning to end on every weekday, you'd have enough emails for the
next month. And you could then go back to No. 1 again the next month. If you're smart, you'll realise
this post has just put a sock in your "I can't think of anything to write about" whine forever.

Use this post as a guide, then make your emails friendly, conversational and about YOU rather than the
business all the time, and you won't go far wrong.

Myth No 2: emailing every day will cause people to unsubscribe

Well, yes, again, there's a grain of truth in this.

But while it's true, it's not the whole truth.

If you haven't been emailing frequently before now, then when you start mailing daily you can expect a
rash of unsubscribes.

But that's OK.

Because, for one thing after about 4 or 5 days, it'll stop.


Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

And then, so long as you make it plain on your optin form you do actually mail daily, they'll know
what they're getting into, won't they?

What about the ones who unsubscribe? Haven't you lost a potential customer or client?

Perhaps, but probably not. See, those people who don't like hearing from you were probably never,
ever going to buy from you anyway (and if they did, they'd be such a pain to deal with you'd begin to
wish they hadn't bothered).

Myth No 3: you'll get labeled as a spammer

This is a bit like the second Myth above.

But the truth is, if you get a rash of complaints they'll soon stop because these people are removed from
your list automatically if you're using something like Aweber.
And just bear in mind some people think the way to unsubscribe is to click the SPAM button.

If you're mailing daily then they come to expect it, even if they don't read it.

And some of them love it – if you're late or you miss a day, you'll find you get emails asking you if
you're OK and where's my “daily dose”?

Spam on the other hand, is unsolicited commercial email. In other words, the less often you email, the
more likely it is the recipient is going to forget he or she ever signed up to your list in the first place.

Myth No 4: Your list is different or too sophisticated or whatever

While I'll never say never – and I do know one lady who didn't get results from this – demographic
groups where this won't work are vanishingly rare.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

And because of that, the chances the demographic group representing your list is one of them is small.
But you won't know this unless you give it a try.

Although experience has shown me and my clients over and over and over again if you're writing the
kind of relationship-building emails you should be writing you're going to be fine. You see, the
problem with most emails businesses send out is they're all the same: prettily formatted entreaties to
“buy my stuff”.

A better way is to write friendly, personal emails from one individual to another (from “me” to “you”)
and to talk about pretty much anything that comes to mind. Because this is how humans interact: we
talk about “stuff” to do with us as people.

I do make it a rule always to have an action I want them to take usually it's to go to a page to sign up
for a sublist where I'm soon going to ask them to buy something; or I'll send them to a page, almost as
an aside, where they can buy something that's relevant to the point I've just made in the email they've
read. Simple, effective low-key selling.

Oh, and while I remember: avoid the fancy formatted email templates.
For reasons too complex to go into here, they're a waste of time (you can read more about HTML email
marketing on my blog).

Plain text is better, and best of all is simple HTML that lets you use bold, underline, italics and
hyperlinks. That's all you need. And avoid images – they almost never show up at the other end and
your email looks like a dog's dinner.

Myth No 5: It's hard work

OK, I'll admit this one is subjective and I'm somewhat predisposed to write because I'm a writer.

Or, perhaps more accurately I'm a writer because I'm predisposed to write.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

But the point I really want to make is you're not trying to be a Shakespeare or a Steinbeck.

A 250-word email written in a conversational tone is what you're looking for. And if you can stand at
the checkout of your local supermarket and chat up the young lady (or gent) on the cash register, you
can write a sales email. Just sit down and write like you speak. It's that easy.
And while it might be hard at first – and scary – the more you do it, the easier it gets.

Even better, as you start to get the results coming in... the more motivated you are to do it. When Sarah
first started emailing daily, and she was as resistant to the idea as anyone I've met, her sales increased
by 114% in the first 30 days.

I can't promise you the same kind of mega-boost, but I'd be astounded if you didn't get a substantial
boost in your sales almost instantly.

Some Real World Results

To make this article complete I want to give you some real results I and others have achieved, just to
prove to you I'm not making this all up as I go along.

My wife, Sarah, has a blog. The sales page for her ebook converts at about 1% to a cold visitor – and
that's one written by me, a veteran pro-copywriter who\s worked both sides of the Pond and with more
than a few big-name marketers you'd probably recognise.

I could probably improve on that, but as you'll see, there's no point.

Because our experience has shown that by changing her focus to gathering email addresses and then
emailing the subscribers over time, her conversion rate enormously greater. In fact, in the first 10
months of trading, she sold 1046 copies of her ebook to a list of 7,755 people – which is a conversion
rate of 13.49%.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

My own list from my own website does even better, because while my conversion rate is lower, my
transaction sizes are much bigger.

For example, my list as whole has converted at 2% on a $795 sale. That was an Affiliate product, too,
and sales conversions for those are notoriously low. My list for a training course converted at 9.25% on
a $1,997 purchase; and yet another list for a kind of time/energy management course converted at just
under 5% on a €297 purchase. These are pretty good numbers and on the whole, and my list is worth
$36 per subscriber on average, maybe 5 times the industry norm for my niche.
Some pretty impressive results from an “ineffective” marketing strategy, aren't they?

Think we're somehow “different” or “special” because of my profession?

Well, here are some other examples of email marketing from my clients: Angie M. got 5 new clients in
15 days back in December 2010; Aaron E., in domestic PC repair, got one new client and one probable
within a few days – and he can directly attribute these to the emails because they told him so. Hitherto,
he'd been struggling to get any clients at all.

In Conclusion

I hope you're now at least convinced enough to at least give regular and frequent email marketing a try.

No guarantees, but my guess is you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly and easily your profits
increase almost immediately.

And the best part of all is... if it doesn't work, you can simply stop.

Because list-building and marketing is a dynamic process, and unless you do something really
offensive, you are not going to destroy your list simply by emailing them daily on a 30-day test.

Yes, you will lose some of them, but they're no great loss.
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

The emotional reaction to unsubscribes, spam reports and the odd snarky email is understandable but
just that – an emotional reaction. Look at the numbers. Sarah's blog has made her $29,357.01 in 10
months with negligible refunds (under 2%).

Why would she care about a few whiners and a fairly high unsubscribe rate?
Remember: the important number is your ROI. Nothing else matters.

About the Author: Jon McCulloch is Ireland's leading authority on email marketing, and a veteran
direct marketer of both online and offline businesses on both sides of the Pond. Help yourself to a heap
of his free email marketing resources from

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

8 Ways To Get Business  
Success With Social Media  

By Jane Sheeba of Find All Answers

There is so much of gaga these days about social media advertising for business success. Well this is as
a result of more and more people moving towards social networking which has shrunk the entire world
into a global platform. Now given this phenomenon businesses are not ones that should be left out in
the aforesaid process of globalization.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

If you are in business whether big or small you need to take advantage of the growing demands of
people in terms of getting connected on social media websites. It actually proffers a lot of benefits for
the success of online businesses as detailed below:

Global Branding Of Business

Social media sites do help in bringing about awareness about the presence of your business and you can
certainly create a great image for it on such a global platform.

If you are consistently providing value and good at interacting with people, building a brand for
yourself and your business is not a big deal.

Get More Customers

There is no doubt that with the kind of visibility that ones business gets in the eyes of a customer, it
will surely create a very good customer base and repeat sales as well.

Since millions of people are aboard on social media, the exposure and reach is really huge. This makes
it easy to get more and more valuable customers.

Get Customer Feedback

This is one of the best and cheapest ways to get feedback from the customers and also be responsive to
their individual needs which in turn will be beneficial for overall business success.

Whether you like it or not, people in social media shout out everything. And they usually shout about
your plus and minus. I am sure that every business person can get a lot of useful feedback from those
social shouts.

Build Online Customer Service Forums

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

One can initiate a good supportive customer service forum on these social networking sites that help in
staying in touch with everyone associated with ones business apart from customers.

Run Advertising Campaigns And Market Research Activities

One can make use of the social media sites to launch any new products or services which have global
viewer ship making it achieve success very soon. Apart from this one can also this platform to obtain
opinion of the customers about the products or services offered by ones business.

Establish Business Deals

Along with keeping better customer relations, these can also help businesses in striking winning deals
with other business partners as well.

Induce Business Reliability

When a business is listed and active on the social media sites it gives the customers and all other
business partners a sense of trust and reliability on business deals that may be in the offing.

In addition if the business manages to gain more fans and customers, that number acts as a social proof,
thus speaking on part of reliability of the business.

Global Sharing

Above all being connected to the social media sites lets one share all the information about business in
the form of article, videos or pod casts that will trigger a positive effect on the success of business
You can easily reach a customer on the other side of the globe, when you are on social media.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Thus it is advised that all the businesses of today should be tagged to the social media sites in order to
get success in the long run and that too in the most affordable easy way possible. It is definitely going
to benefit your business in some form as everyone other person is present on these social media sites. If
you are not part of this social networking revolution then you are surely going to miss the biggest
opportunity that can get great results for your business.

About the author: Jane Sheeba teaches the elements of pro-blogging at her blog Find All Answers.
She wants to tell you that you absolutely need a blogging action plan.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Awesome Online
(Inbound) Marketing Tips 
For SBOs

By Pattie Simone of Women Centric

Supporting Video Links:

Laura Fitton Twitter Tips:

Jessica’s Daily Affirmation:

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Despite the jittery economy, this is the absolute BEST time to be a small business owner – and it’s all
because of the tremendous opportunities you can access and leverage on the web.

As a consultative sales person with a guerrilla marketing heart, I especially love the cheap community-
development capabilities of social networks, because sales happen when someone feels comfortable
with you, your brand and your products and/or services. Online marketing allows you to build a
network of online billboards pointing back in to your main sales machine – your website. Social
networks also allow you to build a strong community of fans using smart, geo-targeted campaigns - and
everything you do online is measurable and trackable too!

Here are 10 of my absolute favorite online marketing spaces/activities …

1. Twitter – once you get the hang of it, Twitter it is an awesome community building, customer
service and sales tool. Laura Fitton, one of the first people to accrue a 20,000+ fan base, has a simple
best practices list. Per Fitton, be authentic to who you are and don’t overtly sell whatever you may want
to sell. Instead, be helpful. Listen to what’s being said. Share valuable article links on a variety of
topics, as well as the obvious one – your area of expertise & industry. Stuff that’s funny, inspirational
and frustrating works as well, and helps to establish a natural human dialogue & connection. For
example, we stumbled upon a cute video of a young girl voicing a bunch of daily affirmations. She’s
funny, cute and saying positive stuff we can all benefit from, so we shared that link (see it here). We
had a (very unusual) minor earthquake this week and we’re expecting our first hurricane this weekend.
I’ve just sent out a small chirp about hoping we don’t get hit as hard as they’re predicting. Next it’ll
probably be a RT (retweet) of a link to a business marketing story. You get the gist – I’m not talking
about me or what I do about 80% of the time.

2. Facebook – another space that more and more people are using as their main info and
communications channel. We love to keep up with our community’s doings, see what they are sharing
and opining about, as well as posting our own pix, videos, sprinkled with a bit of news, article & video
links. Soon we’ll be posting links to the business, career and lifestyle posts our 25 new bloggers will
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

be adding to our revamped site, once it launches in September. Make sure you secure your company
name and start interacting via in their Company Pages section if for no other reason than your target
markets expect you to be there.

3. Google+ - click here to see a demo. I know, I know – another social networking community. One
part of me wants to run screaming for the hills, but the marketer in me says MAJOR WOOT – another
audience to interact with, ask questions of, mine research from, share info & pix with – or as Google+
calls them – your circles. And you can’t argue with the numbers – after 2 weeks they had over 20
million users worldwide. Currently the male to female ratio of users is 86.2% to 12.6% (who’s
surprised??) but an intrepid woman entrepreneur named Lynette Young has created a community for
early female adopters, called Women of Google+ ( She’s already
been featured by Mashable ( websites/). So no matter
what gender you are, it pays to get your profile up and your circles expanding, especially if you’re
starting or growing a business.

4. LinkedIn – love this online marketing space for the ability to look up inner networks of people
within your own connections, request introductions to those new contacts and the system of suggested
new contacts. Also love the ability to create invites and groups, so you can interact with your fans,
friends and followers via a branded group (using your company’s name or in our case, the
names of two of our top primary target markets, ExpertsnAuthors).

5. Blogging – this remains one of the best ways to get your message in front of vast audiences,
including your target markets and members of the media. Whether you blog on your own site or opine
as a guest blogger on other people’s sites – blogging allows you to create valuable content with lovely
search engine optimized links back to your website or your own blog, whether you want to entertain,
educate or inspire.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

6. Online ads in niche market newsletters and sites - Whether you have a well branded ad linked to
a special landing page, or take a text ad in someone’s e-newsletter – there are a variety of online
advertising options to suit every budget. Choose the space that connects you with your prime markets,
keeping in mind your geographic footprint and goals.

7. Article Posting sites - Yes, you may need to submit samples of published writing for some sites,
like, but there are many other spaces you can post articles about your area(s) of
expertise, hobbies, interests. From cooking to traveling, parenting to gardening, any well-written article
in another online space creates another opportunity to expertize yourself while adding more valuable
Google Juice back to your site (via the hyperlink you should be able to post, that leads back to your
blog or site.) Several great article submission spaces worth looking into are:
(, (,
( and (

8. – this is one of the best marketing measurement tools you’ll ever find. Custom bitly links
(versus your standard URL link) can tell you in real time how many people have clicked on the link,
what time they clicked on it, the country etc. etc.

9. Hootsuite – the more online marketing spaces you want to play in the more you need a content
distribution system like Hootsuite, a Twitter & social networking management tool that allows you post
in multiple spaces with one click.

10. Twitter – the easiest way to pre-schedule tweets, especially if you create an editorial calendar in
advance so you are sharing interesting and helpful tips, insights, event or conference news, etc.

So even if you have a small marketing budget, you can create strong inbound marketing channels
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

leading back to your website. You can reach local, regional or global audiences using just a few of
these platforms and tools. Don’t delay. Decide on your goals and strategy. Make an action plan and
pick several outlets to focus on, so you can start growing your brand reach, clout and sales too!

About the Author: Pattie Simone is a Viral Activist & Small Business Expert. She is the founder of, an online directory & self-promotion source for professional women

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

How To Grow Your Small 
Business By Giving It 
Away: Practical Thoughts 
On Contests And 

By John Saddington of Tent Blogger

The challenge of the small business from an online perspective has never been about having quality
products and services to offer - it's always been about finding ways for the right customers to walk
through those "digital" doors!
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Sure, sprucing up your website, spending time and energy around SEO practices, and even hiring
digital marketers can help but perhaps you already have everything you need to bring a fresh group of
eyes to your amazing business!

Why not try a contest or giveaway around one of your products and services? What do you think the
result might be?

As a small business owner to another I can tell you that providing giveaways and digital contests is a
foundational part of what I do online as not only a marketing strategy but also as a way to develop a
much richer and deeper connection with the existing community.

What's nice is that my small business, 8BIT, which sells Premium WordPress Themes, is able to offer
this product free via a contest with very little loss to our bottom line. In fact, here are three things that
we get in return that is much more valuable than selling the one (or two) themes that we give away in
each contest:

1. We get tons of free publicity and website traffic! This free marketing is priceless and provides new
eyes to our fantastic product.

2. We sell product! Without fail more than a few people who see the "prize" are simply too impatient to
wait for the chance to win and they have the finances to simply buy it instantly. We have always sold
more product than the number that we were giving away!

3. We get increased customer loyalty within our community since our brand becomes more associated
with giving. It implicitly suggests that we're for the community and not about profiting from it.

There are even more benefits but these are some of the largest.

Now, how does one go about creating a simple digital contest for your own small business? The easiest
way is to simply follow these few steps:

1. Use a social network or blog to communicate the giveaway. I almost always opt for a business blog
to promote the giveaway. If you feel you have a "small" network then feel free to ping friends and
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

people within your existing network to promote it for you. It might feel shameless the first time but that
goes away really quickly!

2. Provide explicit instructions on how to enter and the time-line of when the prize(s) are being given

3. Push social media big time by asking the contestant to not only comment on the blog announcement
post as an entry but also to share it on Twitter, Facebook, and any other points of contact with their
own network. Don't forget to collect these tweets and shares on Facebook if they count toward an

4. Publish the winners and thank them graciously as well as everyone else who entered.

5. Experience the awesomeness of increased traffic, free marketing, and possibly increased sales!

From one small business to another I hope you experience a rich return on your investment and
leverage social media and web technology for your business growth!

Best of luck and let me know how your first giveaway goes!

About the Author: John Saddington is a Professional Blogger at who makes a full
time income writing blog posts on the internet. He aims to share his experiences and let other people
know how one can earn a living through a blog.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Build A Thriving Online  
Business With These Five  
Magic Words

By Mary Jaksch of A-List Blog Marketing

Yep. It’s true.

There are five magic words that can help you build your online business. But you won’t find them in
any marketing textbook.

In fact, a lot of stuff you read in textbooks about marketing doesn’t apply to the Internet. That’s

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

because there’s a fundamental difference between offline and online business.

Offline business is competitive – online business is cooperative.

Think about setting up an offline business. Let’s say you plan to set up a café in your neighborhood. As
you develop your business plan, one of your first tasks would be to research your competition. What
other cafés are nearby? What do they offer? How could you lure their customers to your café?

Now imagine this scenario: a few days before opening your café, you visit your closest competitor, and
say, “Hey, I’m opening a café just down the road. Would you like to send me some of your

Would you get a friendly reception? I don’t think so …

The great thing is that this strategy works really well online.

How cooperation works online

Let’s take the example above and see how a similar scenario would work online. Imagine that you are
about to launch a new blog or new product. You could struggle to build an audience on your own, or
you could ask leading bloggers in your field to help you get off to a good start.

Which would you rather?

Of course you’d choose to get a helping hand from big bloggers, right?

But how to get big bloggers to help you?

That’s where the five magic words come in.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

If you want to be successful online, you need to build strong, warm relationships with other bloggers in
your field. And before you ever ask for support, you need to form connections and be helpful to other

The five magic words are: How can I help you?

Let me give you two case studies of how these magic words work.

Example 1: How I built a six-figure business

In my own case, I can attribute my success of building a six-figure online business directly to using
these magic words. Here’s what happened…

When I started my blog Goodlife ZEN, I was a bewildered, newbie blogger. After a while, I began to
look around to see who else had blogs in a similar topic area and I chanced upon Leo Babauta’s blog
Zen Habits. At that time his blog was already huge, whereas I was still struggling to cobble together a
dozen subscribers.

After a little while, I saw that Leo Babauta had started an exciting blog for writers, called Write to
Done. I immediately became an enthusiastic supporter and wrote regular comments. Then I noticed that
Leo was struggling to support two blogs and was posting less and less content on Write to Done. That’s
when I first used the five magic words. I emailed Leo and asked, “How can I help you?”

I wanted to help him because I really loved what he was doing. Little did I know that my offer of help
was going to be the key to online success.

Leo invited me to write guest posts and then, a few months down the track, he actually gave me a half-
share in Write to Done.

And it didn’t end there. A short while later, I suggested to Leo that we create a training program for
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

bloggers. This was the birth of our six-figure enterprise, the A-List Blogging Bootcamps and the A-List
Blogger Club.

And it all started with the five magic words, “How can I help you?”

Example 2: How a newbie blogger managed to create a livable income within a year.

A year ago, a member of the A-List Blogger Club, Barrie Davenport, came to my attention. She was
active on the forum, put all our suggestions into action and, as a consequence, her blog Live Bold and
Bloom started to grow like crazy. Barrie used to email me every couple of weeks to say how much she
was enjoying being part of the A-List Blogger Club, and how she was putting what she learned into
practice. Her emails would always end in the same way. She would ask, “How can I help you?”

I would usually answer with something like, “Thanks for your offer of help. I’ll let you know if there’s
something you can do for us.” But one day, reading Barrie’s latest offer of help, I answered, “How
about sending me your CV so that I can get a sense of your background. Then I can see if there is
something you could help us with.”

When I read Barrie’s CV, I got excited because she has a strong professional background in PR and
marketing. At that time, I had just started an aggregator site, The Daily Brainstorm which gathers the
best stuff on Net. You can imagine Barrie’s amazement and delight when I asked her to become the
Chief Editor. Later, she even became a shareholder of The Daily Brainstorm.

The effect of the five magic words didn’t stop there. Early in 2011, Barrie approached me with the idea
of starting a joint venture, called A-List Blog Marketing. I said ‘yes’ – although I regularly turn down
other joint venture offers.

So why did I say ‘yes’?

I said ‘yes’ because I loved the concept, and – more importantly - Barrie had a track record of being
Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

helpful, generous, friendly, willing, and talented. In effect, I agreed to become her business partner
because she uses the five magic words. Actually, I’m not the only one to partner with Barrie: Leo
Babauta has recently created a new joint venture together with Barrie, the Habits Course.

Yes, Barrie Davenport has gone from newbie blogger to being a joint venture partner of big bloggers
within little more than a year. Her success is built upon the five magic words:
How can I help you?

A question of integrity

These five words only work their magic when they are used with integrity. That is, when you have a
genuine desire to be helpful without thought of future gain. If you give support freely to those who are
already successful - as well as to those who are starting out - your online business will thrive.

How to offer help

The first thing you need to do before you offer help is to create a connection with the blogger you
admire. Start by writing regular comments. Buy the blogger’s products. Write a short rave about one of
the products and offer it as a possible testimonial. Contact the blogger regularly, expressing your
appreciation for specific posts or products.

Once you’ve done all that and the blogger has come to know and trust you, then it’s time to use the five
magic words:

How can I help you?

The key point is: if you focus on supporting others, your online business will thrive.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

About the Author: Get insanely useful advice by Mary Jaksch on how to create an online income at
A-List Blog Marketing and check out the the A-List Blogger Club if you want to skyrocket your
subscriber count.

Buyer: Julio Orti (
Transaction ID: jg-maxgb307721495b

Thank You Note
We are thankful to all these phenomenal online marketing experts for making this project possible.
Kudos to all of them for contributing such insightful and practical articles. If you wish to be called an
'expert online marketer' someday and reach unexpected heights through your business or blog, then we
highly recommend you to visit these blogs. We promise that you will not be disappointed.

Warren Wooden:

Harrison Li:
Danny Iny:
Jane Sheeba:
Onibalusi Bamidele:
Stefanie Flaxman:
Barrie Davenport:
David Edwards:
Mars Dorain:
Michele Welch:
Jon McCulloch:
Pattie Simone:
John Saddington:
Mary Jaksch:

Our special thanks to Stock.xchng for being an excellent image resource for this E-book.
Thank You for downloading this E-book.


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