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This House Would Ban Prostitution

1st Speaker positive team

Good morning leadis and gentleman. We are from affirmative team. My name is diah tri yunita
dewi as the first speaker . the motion today is this house would ban prostitution. The definition of
the motion is, prostitution is the business or practice or engaging in sexual activity in exchange
for payment. our theme line of the motion is: as the affirmative team we strongly support that the
house would ban prostitution. We just talk about the prostitution in indonesia. In indonesia the
activity of prostitution is illegal, it is a social problem that related to moral development. This
condition is very influental on family and young people as well as spread of sexually transmitted
deseases such as AIDS, syphilis and herpes. It is due to the frequency of sexual in change
partners increase the risk of exposed the desease. The imergence of the phenomenon of
prostitution due to the pressure of social, low economic, lack of education etc.


To ban prostitution the goverment should make a firm regulation such as close the nightclub
which is usually used as a place of prostitution, and give strict sanction for prostitutes. based on
data collected by an NGO in collaboration with the ministry of Women impowerment and Child
Protection in 2009. From 40 thousand to 70 thousand prostitution or prostitution in indonesia,
about 30% involved children under the age 18 years old. An currently the research recorded there
were 214 thousand, around 150 thousand are prostitutes under the age of 18 years old. While 50
thousand of them have not reached aged of 16 yars old. It is due to insistence economic. The
practice of the prostitution should be discontinued as soon as possible to decrease negative
impact that will or maybe exposed by the prostitution. In indonesia we can find many nightclub
have prostitution bussines its within that involve women from young to adult. So to decrease the
practice we should give socialize and education about the negative impact to the citizen
especially for women.


The prostitution should be uncontinue because it can cause sexually deseases. It can occur
because of frequent sexual intercourse with change partners causing an increased risk of STD.
There two point of arguments that we have:

First bad impact for health, with change partner in sexual intercourse become the easest means of
transmission of desease, especially in women. We can say cervical cancer. The desease that
threaten these women are more susceptible to transmission through sexual intercourse with many
couple. Fitriyadi obstetrician human papiloma virus (HPV) said, women have the risk of HPV to
develop to be cervical cancer higher than penile cancer. It due to the women are the prostitutet.

Second, most of people in indonesia assume that prostitution is the attitude desease which
assume disgusting. A wowan who work as a prostitutes will be seen as a cheap or abject woman
because they lease and buy and sell their body.

1st Speaker negative team

I dont agree if the prostitution banned, the people that not have enough knowlegde especially for
the prostitution only view without notice the positive impact from prostitution. If the prostitution
legalized so it can make the number of rape. Every day we will always find the rape case which
broadcast in criminal news. It is to be indication that the crime rate against women is high in
indonesia. One of way which reasonable to solve it problem is by legalizing prostitution. In the
foregin country have many study that examined it case and the result is average of the number of
rape decrease. For example in Rhoed Island, AS, the rape decrease up to 32% in several years
after the goverment legalized the prostitution business. Correlation between legality and decline
in the number of rape maybe more because of the individual already have a legal place to vent
their biological needs.

2nd Speaker positive team

I will talking about social point of view. Firstly i would like to make some rebuttal for 1 speaker
of negative team, did you said if an individual who already have a legal place to vent their
biological guarantee will declane prostitution practice? I think you only take side on one side,
that is for those who use the service of prostitutes aren’t you? I think it is not effective to decline
the rates of the protitution even will increase the prostitute users, because between the prostitute
and the prostitute users have a legal place then they feels more save and they will not reluctant to
do it again and again this is for the users and the next negative impact is the prostitute will
increase because it is a legal job for them. Okey that’s all my rebuttal and here is my argument.
In its practice prostitution has involved many underage teenager, A currently the research
recorded there were 214 thousand, around 150 thousand are prostitutes under the age of 18 years
old. While 50 thousand of them have not reached aged of 16 yars old. this point clearly is a
behavior deviation. As the next generation of national aspirations that have an important role,
adolescentsare an important foundation that will determine the progress and development of
society in the future. If the next generation of morality is damage by such case, the nation’s
ideals will be difficult to achieve. So we are affirmative team agree with the motion that the
prostitution should ban.

2nd Speaker Negative Team

You were said for teenagers, but here i say that the prostitution is legal just for adult not
for teenager. The teenager should be there at school and accept the lesson from their teacher. I
think if the prostitution is properly socialized and given by education about prostitution for
teenagers then we can stop the prostitution among teenagers because they already have enough a
knowlagde about it. On the other side if the prostitution legalized then it can give fair income for
local goverment. When the prostitution is legal, then this action will be known by the goverment
and as the business then the business will produce taxes. It means that there will be one
additional income tax. Its amount will be abundant if additional income from the profession is

3rd Speaker Positive Team

If you mean that the prostitution is favorable for the goverment so, do that fear for the
prostitutes? in other words you say that the women as a tool in generating taxes. I strongly
against your argument. In view of society the women is the special figure created by God to
become creatures that worthy of love and respect. Not even traded or used as a tool to generate
taxes. Not only for impact for women right but also causing bad impact for healtiness and
causing social desease or social deviation. From my team’s arguments we can see that there a lot
of negatuve things caused by prostitution which are very detrimental to the state, for women and
threating health.

3rd Speaker Negative Team

The goverment makes women a tool to generate taxes for mutual welfare if the women agree
why not. the goverment, the prostitutes and the users also get the favorable from prostitution,
here they favorable each other.

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