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AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr.

Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 1 <SOLUTIONS>
1. v-t Graph. Since the equation for the v-t relation is given, the graph is plotted below:
From the graph, it can be seem that v = 0 when t = t1 v (m/s)
and t2. t1 and t2 can be obtained by letting and solving 200
v = 20 t 2 − 100t + 50 = 0. We have 150
100 ± 100 2 − 4(20)(50)
t1, 2 = 50
0 t (s)
= 0.546 s and 4.436 s
-50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
a-t Graph. Since a = dv dt , the a-t relation can be -100
determined by differentiating the equation of v-t
relation. This yields a (m/s2 )
a = dv dt = 40t − 100 m/s2 150
The result is plotted. 100
When t = t3 , a = 0. We let and solve
0 t (s)
a = 40t3 − 100 = 0. This yields -50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

t3 = 2.5 s -100
Hence, the corresponding velocity when a = 0 is
v |t =t3 = 20 (2.5) 2 − 100(2.5) + 50 = −75 m/s Ans.

2. Velocity. Since the position s is a function of time t, i.e., s = f (t ) , the particle’s velocity as a
function of time may be found by differentiating v = ds dt . Therefore
v = ds dt = (2t 2 − 8t + 6) = (4t − 8) m/s
The time when the velocity is zero can be determined by setting v = 0. Thus
v = (4t − 8) = 0 , t = 2 s Ans.
Coordinate System. The straight path of the particle can be presented as shown in the figure,
extended from the fixed origin O, positive to the right.


s (m)
-2 O 2 4 6


Distance Traveled. Since the particle’s velocity is negative when t = 0, the direction of the particle’s
motion is to the left. At the instant when t = 2 s the velocity is zero, therefore, the direction of the
particle’s motion is reversed. Consequently, it is necessary to determine the particle’s position when t =
0, t = 2 s, and t = 3 s. This yields
s t =0 = 6 m s t =2 s = −2 m s t =3 s = 0

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Hence the net displacement ∆s during the considered interval is
∆s = s t =3 s − s t =0 = 0 − 6 = −6 m Ans.
The total distance traveled is
D = 6 + |−2| + 2 = 10 m Ans.

3. Position. Since v = f (t ) , the car’s position can be determined from v = ds dt , since this equation
relates v, s, and t. Noting that s0 = 3 m when t = 0, we have
v = ds dt ⇒ ∫ ds = ∫ vdt
s 3
∫ ds = ∫ (2 − 4t + 5t 3 2 ) dt ⇒ s 3 = (2t − 2t 2 + 2t 5 2 )
s t

3 0 0

s − 3 = 2t − 2t 2 + 2t 5 2 or s = 3 + 2t − 2t 2 + 2t 5 2
When t = 3 s,
s = 3 + 2(3) − 2(3) 2 + 2(3) 5 2 , s = 22.2 m/s Ans.
Acceleration. Since v = f (t ) , the acceleration is determined from a = dv dt , since this equation
relates a, v, and t.
dv 1
a= = (2 − 4t + 5t 3 2 )
dt dt
= −4 + 152 t 1 2
When t = 3 s,
a = −4 + 152 (3)1 2 = 8.99 m/s2 Ans.

4. Coordinate System. The origin of coordinates is established at the initial position of the rocket,
positive upward.
Time and Velocity. Since the rocket is traveling upward from rest, s0 = 0 and v0 = 0 when t = 0.
For the entire motion, the acceleration is ac = 1.5g. The time t required to reach the altitude s = 30 km
can be found from
+↑ s = s0 + v0 t + 12 ac t 2
30000 m = 0 + 0 + [1.5(9.81 m/s 2 )] t 2 , t = 63.9 s Ans.
To obtain the velocity at that position, we apply
+↑ v = v0 + ac t
v = 0 + [1.5(9.81 m/s 2 )](63.9 s) = 939.6 m/s Ans.

5. Coordinate System. The origin of coordinates is established at the initial position of the balls,
positive upward.
Time and Velocity. Since the balls are traveling upward, the acceleration is constant ac = −32.2 ft/s2
for the entire motion. The time t1 required for ball 1 to collide with ball 2 at an altitude of 300 ft can be
obtain from

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+↑ s = s0 + v0 t + 12 ac t 2
300 = 0 + 160 t 1 + 12 (−32.2) t 12 , t1 = 2.507 s and 7.430 s
Since the ball 2 launched three seconds later, t1 = 2.507 s is not a valid solution. Therefore, t1 = 7.430 s
and t2 = t1 − 3 = 4.430 s. The initial velocity of ball 2 is
+↑ s = s0 + v0 t + 12 ac t 2
300 = 0 + v2 (4.430) + 12 (−32.2) (4.430) 2 , v2 = 139 ft/s Ans.
It should be realized that the collision occurs at the instant the ball 1 is descending (why?).

6. Here the positive motion is to the right, measured from the initial position 0, see figure below.
0 1 2
200 ft 400 ft
s0 s1 s2
v0 v1 v2
a1 a2
t1 t2

The car’s position and associated velocity when t = 0, t = t1, and t = t1 + t2 are
s0 = 0, v0 = 0
s1 = 200 ft, v1 = 60 mi/hr = 60 (
) = 88 ft/sec
s2 = (200 + 400) = 600 ft, v2 = 30 mi/hr = 30 ( ) = 44 ft/sec
From initial position 0 to position 1, the constant acceleration a1 can be obtained by
+↑ v12 = v02 + 2 a1 ( s1 − s 0 )
(88) 2 = 0 + 2a1 (200 − 0) , a1 = 19.36 ft/sec²
The time t1 for the car to travel in this range is
+↑ v1 = v0 + a1 t1
88 2 = 0 + (19.36) t1 , t1 = 4.55 sec
From position 1 to position 2, the constant deceleration a2 can be obtained by
+↑ v 22 = v12 + 2 a 2 ( s 2 − s1 )
(44) 2 = (88) 2 + 2a 2 (600 − 400) , a2 = –7.26 ft/sec²
The time t2 for the car to travel in this range is
+↑ v 2 = v1 + a 2 t 2
44 = 88 + (−7.26) t 2 , t2 = 6.06 sec
The total time t for the car to travel 600 ft is
t = t1 + t2 = 4.55 + 6.06 = 10.61 sec Ans.

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7. Coordinate System. Here the positive motion is to
the right, measured from the initial position A.
Maximum Speed. From initial position A to
position B, the sprinter runs in this range with a
constant acceleration a1, his speed v B and position s B
at B can be obtained by A B C
Orig. +
+→ v B = v A + a1 t1
vB = vmax = 0 + a1 (2.5) = 2.5a1 ft/s
+→ s B = s A + v At1 + 12 a1t12
s B = 0 + 0 + 12 a1 ( 2.5 ) 2 = 3.125 a1 ft
Since the sprinter maintains his speed within BC region and the 100-yd overall run took 9.60 seconds,
we have
+→ sC = s B + v B t 2 + 12 a2 t 22
300 ft = 3.125a1 + 2.5a1 (9.6 − 2.5) + 0 , a1 = 14.37 ft/s2
vmax = 2.5a1 = 35.9 ft/s Ans.

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AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 2 <SOLUTIONS>
1. Velocity. The velocity component in the x-direction is found by integrating a x = dv x dt with t = 0,
vx = 4 in./sec.
vx t t
dv x = a x dt = (12t ) dt , ∫4
dv x = ∫ a x dt = ∫ (12t ) dt , v x − 4 = 6 t 2 or v x = 6 t 2 + 4 in./sec
0 0

The velocity component in the y-direction is

v y = y& = dy
dt = d
dt (4 t 3 − 3 t ) = 12 t 2 − 3 in./sec
When t = 1 sec, we have
vx t =1
= 6 (1) 2 + 4 = 10 in./sec, v y = 12(1) 2 − 3 = 9 in./sec,
t =1

v = 10iˆ + 9 ˆj in./sec Ans.
The magnitude of velocity is therefore
v = (10) 2 + (9) 2 = 13.454 in./sec Ans.
Acceleration. The acceleration component in the y-direction is
a y = v& y = d
dt vy = d
dt (12 t 3 − 3) = 24 t in./sec2
When t = 1 sec, we have
a x t =1 = 12 (1) = 12 in./sec2, a y = 24(1) = 24 in./sec2
t =1
a = 12iˆ + 24 ˆj in./sec2 Ans.
The magnitude of acceleration is therefore
a = (12) 2 + (24) 2 = 26.834 in./sec2 Ans.

2. Coordinate System. The origin of coordinates is

established at the initial position A. The initial velocity x
of a tool has components vAx = v0 and vAy = 0.
The vertical distance from A to B is known, and
therefore we can obtain a direct solution for tAB by
using the equation
+↑ y B = y A + v A y t AB − 12 g t AB

− 2.1 m = 0 + 0 − 12 (9.81 m/s 2 )t AB

, tAB = 0.654 s
Since tAB has been calculated, v0 is determined as
+→ x B = x A + v A x t AB
2.4 m = 0 + v0 (0.654 s) , v0 = 3.668 m/s Ans.
With the result and the known vertical distance from A to C, we can obtain a direct solution for tAC,
and, then, d is determined.

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+↑ yC = y A + v A y t AC − 12 g t AC

− 5.1 m = 0 + 0 − 12 (9.81 m/s 2 )t AC

, tAC = 1.020 s
+→ xC = x A + v A x t AC
(2.4 + d ) m = 0 + (3.668 m/s)(1.020 s) , d = 1.340 m Ans.

3. Coordinate System. The origin of 4°
coordinates is established at the initial position
O. At A, the x and y components of the initial B
velocity are v A x = 120 cos 4° ft/s ←and v A y = h
C 3 ft
120 sin 4° ft/s ↓. x
From point A to B, 40 ft

+← x B = x A + v A x t AB
(40 ft ) = 0 + (120 cos 4° ft/s) t AB
Solving, we get the time t AB = 0.334 s to travel from A to B. Therefore,
+↑ y B = y A + v A y t AB − 12 g t AB

(3 + 0.5 ft ) = h + (−120 sin 4° ft/s) (0.334 s) − 12 (32.2 ft/s 2 ) (0.334 s) 2

h = 8.092 ft Ans.
From point A to C,
+↑ yC = y A + v A y t AC − 12 g t AC

0 = 8.092 + (−120 sin 4° ft/s) t AC − 12 (32.2 ft/s 2 ) t AC


Solving, we get the time t AC = 0.495 s to travel from A to C. Therefore,

+← xC = x A + v A x t AC
(40 + s ft ) = 0 + (120 cos 4° ft/s) (0.495 s)
s = 19.27 ft Ans.

4. Coordinate System. The origin of coordinates is
established at the quarterback’s position Q. as shown.
The initial velocity of the football has components vQx =
v0cosθ and vQy = v0sinθ. R’ x
The receiver runs with a constant velocity 10 yd/sec d
and catches the ball 2.5 sec after the launch instant, and
therefore we can obtain the receiver and ball’s final position R’ by
+→ x R′ = x R + v R x t
(30 + d ) yd = 30 yd + (10 yd/sec) (2.5 sec) , d = 25 yd

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In order to find the initial speed v0 and angle θ we will consider the ball’s path QR’. Since the time
of flight tQR’ = t is known, we have
+→ x R′ = xQ + vQ x t
55 yd = 165 ft = 0 + v0 cos θ (2.5 sec) (1)
+↑ y R′ = yQ + vQ y t − 12 g t 2
6 ft = 7 ft + v0 sin θ (2.5 sec) − 12 (32.2 ft/sec 2 )(2.5 sec) 2 (2)
The angle θ can be solved first by
(2) sin θ 99.625
= 0.604 , θ = tan (0.604) = 31.1°
⇒ = tan θ = Ans.
(1) cosθ 165
Substituting into Eq. (1) yields
165 ft = 0 + v0 cos 31.1°(2.5 sec) , v0 = 77.1 ft/sec Ans.

5. Assume that the initial velocity at A is v0 . y

Hence, its x and y components are
v A x = v0 cos 18° ft/s
A α
v A y = v0 sin 18° ft/s β
Considering the path between points A and B,
+→ x B = x A + v A x t R
R cos 25° ft = 0 + (v0 cos 18° ft/s)(3 s) (1)
+↑ y B = y A + v A y t AB − 12 g t AB

− R sin 25° ft = 0 + (v0 sin 18° ft/s)(3 s) − 12 (32.2 ft/s 2 )(3 s) 2 (2)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously, we get
v0 = 64.2 ft/s
R = 202.1 ft Ans.
Using these results, we have
+→ v Bx = v A x
v Bx = (64.2 ft/s) cos 18° = 61.1 ft/s Ans.
+↑ v By = v Ay − gt
v By = (64.2 ft/s) sin 18° − (32.2 ft/s 2 )(3 s) = −76.8 ft/s Ans.
Therefore, v Bx

v B = v Bx2 + v By2 = 98.1 ft/s Ans. θ

⎛ v By ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 51.1º Ans.
⎝ v Bx ⎠ vBy vB

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6. The x and y components of the initial velocity are v A x = 120 cos 40° m/s and v A y = 120 sin 40° m/s.
At point B,
+→ x B = x A + v A x t AB
(800 + s cos 20° m) = 0 + (120 cos 40° m/s) t (1)
1 2
+↑ y B = y A + v A y t AB − g t AB
− ( s sin 20° m) = 0 + (120 sin 40° m/s) t − (9.81 m/s 2 ) t 2 (2)
From Eq. (1), we can write
(120 cos 40°) t − 800
s= = 97.825 t − 851.342 (3)
cos 20°
Substituting Eq. (3) in to Eq. (2), so that
− (97.825 t − 851.342) sin 20° = 0 + (120 sin 40°) t − (9.81) t 2
4.905 t 2 − 110.593 t + 291.176 = 0
t = 3.044 s or t = 19.503 s
Then using Eq. (3), we have
s = –553.6 m or s = 1056.5 m
The first set of the results t = 3.044 s and s = –553.6 m is not valid, so that
s = 1056.5 m and t = 19.50 s Ans.

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AM 316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao/Spring 2014

Homework # 3 Due: Feb. 13, 2014 (TuTh) / Feb. 17, 2014 (MW)
Normal-Tangent Coordinates (n-t )
3. The car is traveling at a speed of 60 mi/hr as it
1. The car passes through a dip in the road at A approaches point A. Beginning at A, the car
with a constant speed which gives its mass decelerates at a constant 7 ft/sec2 until it gets to
center G an acceleration equal to 0.5g. If the point B, after which its constant rate of decrease
radius of curvature of the road at A is 100 m, of speed is 3 ft/sec2 as it rounds the interchange
and if the distance from the road to the mass ramp. Determine the magnitude of the total car
center G of the car is 0.6 m, determine the acceleration (a) just before it gets to B, (b) just
speed v of the car. after it passes B, and (c) at point C.
Ans. 22.08 m/s Ans. 7 ft/sec2, 17.97 ft/sec2, 8.82 ft/sec2

2. A car travels along the level curved road with a

speed that is decreasing at the constant rate of
0.6 m/s each second. The speed of the car as it
passes point A is 16 m/s. Calculate the
magnitude of the acceleration of the car as it
passes point B which 120 m along the road
from A. The radius of curvature of the road at 4. At a certain point in the re-entry of the space
B is 60 m. shuttle into the earth’s atmosphere, the total
Ans. 1.961 m/s2 acceleration of the shuttle may be represented by
two components. One component is the
120 m
gravitational acceleration g = 9.66 m/s2 at this
A altitude. The second component equals to
12.90 m/s due to atmospheric resistance and its
B directed opposite to the velocity. The shuttle is at
an altitude of 48.2 km and has reduced its orbital
velocity of 28,300 km/h to 15,450 km/h in the
direction θ = 1.50º. For this instant, calculate the
radius of curvature ρ of the path and the rate v& at
which the speed is changing.
Ans. 1907 km, −12.647 m/s2

HW #3 Page 1 of 2
AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 3 <SOLUTIONS>

1. The magnitude of acceleration can be related to its components using a = a n2 + at2 . Since the car
travels with a constant speed, then at = 0 , i.e., a = an . At A is a = 0.5 g , so that the speed of the car can
be determined as follows:
a = 0 .5 g = a n = , v = (0.5 g )( ρ *)
Note here ρ* is the effective radius of curvature, which is the distance from the center of curvature of
the road to the mass center G of the driver. Hence,
v = [0.5(9.81)](100 − 0.6) = 22.08 m/s Ans.

2. The position of the car at any instant is defined from the fixed point A using the position or path
coordinate s. The acceleration is to be determined at B, so the origin of the n, t axes is at this point.
Since the car travels from A to B with a speed
that decreasing at the constant rate, i.e., s = 120 m
at = constant = a At = a B t = –0.6 m/s², so that the A
speed of the car at B can be obtained from at

v B2 = v A2 + 2at s
v B2 = (16) 2 + 2(−0.6)(120) , v B = 10.583 m/s
At B, ρ B = 60 m, so that n

v B2 (10.583 m/s) 2
aBn = = = 1.867 m/s²
ρB 60 m
The magnitude of the acceleration at point B is
a B = a B2 n + a B2 t = (1.867) 2 + (−0.6) 2 = 1.961 m/s² Ans.

3. The origin of the n and t axes is coincident with the car

at the instant considered. The t axis is in the direction of t
motion, and the positive n axis is directed toward the center
of curvature. This coordinate system is selected since the
path is known. n
(a) The magnitude of acceleration can be related to its
components using a = a 2n + a 2t . Since the car travels in a t

straight line path between A and B with a constant

acceleration, therefore an = 0 and at = −7 ft/sec2. So that
the magnitude of the total car acceleration just before it gets
to B is
a = 7 ft/sec2 Ans.

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(b) Since an = v 2 ρ , the car’s velocity at this instant must be determined by considering path AB.
+→ v B2 = v A2 + 2(at ) AB ( s B − s A )
mi 5280 ft 1 hr
v B2 = (60 ) 2 + 2(−7 ft/sec 2 )(300 ft ) , vB = 59.532 ft/sec
hr 1 mi 3600 sec
a n = v 2 ρ = (59.532 ft/sec) 2 200 ft = 17.720 ft/sec2
The magnitude of acceleration is
a = a n2 + at2 = (17.720 ft/sec 2 ) 2 + (−3 ft/sec 2 ) 2 = 17.972 ft/sec2 Ans.
(c) In the similar manner, the car velocity at point C must be determined by considering path BC.
+→ vC2 = v B2 + 2(at ) BC ( sC − s B )
vC2 = (59.532 ft/sec) 2 + 2(−3 ft/sec 2 )[ 14 π (2)(200 ft )] , vC = 40.732 ft/sec
an = v 2 ρ = (40.732 ft/sec) 2 200 ft = 8.296 ft/sec2
The magnitude of acceleration is
a = an2 + at2 = (8.296 ft/sec 2 ) 2 + (−3 ft/sec 2 ) 2 = 8.821 ft/sec2 Ans.

4. The origin of the n and t axes is coincident with the shuttle

at the instant considered. Since the direction of velocity
depends on the direction of motion, the positive t axis is in the
direction of velocity. The positive n axis is directed toward the
center of curvature, as shown. From the figure, the 12.90 m/s2
acceleration of the shuttle has components
1.5º =
an = 9.66cos1.5º = 9.657 m/s2 and
at = 9.66sin1.5º − 12.90 = −12.647 m/s2. t

We may calculate the radius of curvature from an = v 2 ρ n

9.66 m/s2
v 2 [(15450 km/h )(1 h / 3600 s)(1000 m / 1 km)]2
ρ= =
an 9.657 m/s 2
ρ = 1907320 m = 1907 km Ans.
The rate v& at which the speed is decreasing is simply the t-component of acceleration.
at = v& = −12.647 m/s2 Ans.

5. Coordinate System. Since the angular motion of the slotted arm is reported, polar coordinates are
chosen for the solution. To find the necessary time derivatives it is first necessary to establish the time-
parameter equation of r. Thus
r = 1. 6 − 0 . 2 t m
Velocity and Acceleration. Determining the time derivatives and evaluating them when t = 4 s, we

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Polar Coordinates (r-θ )
7. The ladder of a fire truck is designed to extended
5. The slider P can be moved inward by means of
the string S, while the slotted arm rotates about at the constant rate l& = 6 in/s and to be elevated
point O. The angular position of the arm is given at the constant rate θ& = 2 deg/s. As the position
t2 θ = 50º and l = 15 ft is reached, calculate the
by θ = 0.8 t − , where θ is in radians and t is in velocity v and acceleration a of the fireman at A.
seconds. The slider is at r = 1.6 m when t = 0 and Ans. v = 1.320 ft/s, a = 0.055 ft/s2
thereafter is drawn inward at the constant rate of
0.2 m/s. Determine the magnitude and direction
(expressed by the angle relative to the positive x-
axis) of the velocity and acceleration of the slider
when t = 4 s.
Ans. 0.377 m/s, 259.5º; 0.272 m/s2, 19.4º

Review Problems
8. For the instant shown the particle has a velocity
6. A rocket is tracked by radar from its launching
v = 6 ft/sec in the direction shown and has
point A. When it is 10 seconds into its flight, the
following radar measurements are recorded: r = acceleration components a x = 15 ft/sec2 and
2200 m, r& = 500 m/s, &r& = 4.66 m/s2, θ = 22º, aθ = −15 ft/sec2. If the particle is 3 ft from the
θ& = 0.0788 rad/s, and θ&& = −0.0341 rad/s2. For tracking station O, determine ar , a y , at , an ,
this instant determine the angle β between the and radius of curvature ρ of the path for this
horizontal and the direction of the trajectory of
position. (Midterm #1, Spring 2013.) (Hint:
the rocket and find the magnitudes of its velocity
v v Draw the related acceleration components of the
v and acceleration a . total acceleration of the particle and take
Ans. 48.9º, 529.2 m/s, 9.762 m/s2 advantage of the simplified geometry for your
Ans. ρ = 2.078 ft

y v = 6 ft/sec
30 o


O θ = 30 o

HW #3 Page 2 of 2
(b) Since an = v 2 ρ , the car’s velocity at this instant must be determined by considering path AB.
+→ v B2 = v A2 + 2(at ) AB ( s B − s A )
mi 5280 ft 1 hr
v B2 = (60 ) 2 + 2(−7 ft/sec 2 )(300 ft ) , vB = 59.532 ft/sec
hr 1 mi 3600 sec
a n = v 2 ρ = (59.532 ft/sec) 2 200 ft = 17.720 ft/sec2
The magnitude of acceleration is
a = a n2 + at2 = (17.720 ft/sec 2 ) 2 + (−3 ft/sec 2 ) 2 = 17.972 ft/sec2 Ans.
(c) In the similar manner, the car velocity at point C must be determined by considering path BC.
+→ vC2 = v B2 + 2(at ) BC ( sC − s B )
vC2 = (59.532 ft/sec) 2 + 2(−3 ft/sec 2 )[ 14 π (2)(200 ft )] , vC = 40.732 ft/sec
an = v 2 ρ = (40.732 ft/sec) 2 200 ft = 8.296 ft/sec2
The magnitude of acceleration is
a = an2 + at2 = (8.296 ft/sec 2 ) 2 + (−3 ft/sec 2 ) 2 = 8.821 ft/sec2 Ans.

4. The origin of the n and t axes is coincident with the shuttle

at the instant considered. Since the direction of velocity
depends on the direction of motion, the positive t axis is in the
direction of velocity. The positive n axis is directed toward the
center of curvature, as shown. From the figure, the 12.90 m/s2
acceleration of the shuttle has components
1.5º =
an = 9.66cos1.5º = 9.657 m/s2 and
at = 9.66sin1.5º − 12.90 = −12.647 m/s2. t

We may calculate the radius of curvature from an = v 2 ρ n

9.66 m/s2
v 2 [(15450 km/h )(1 h / 3600 s)(1000 m / 1 km)]2
ρ= =
an 9.657 m/s 2
ρ = 1907320 m = 1907 km Ans.
The rate v& at which the speed is decreasing is simply the t-component of acceleration.
at = v& = −12.647 m/s2 Ans.

5. Coordinate System. Since the angular motion of the slotted arm is reported, polar coordinates are
chosen for the solution. To find the necessary time derivatives it is first necessary to establish the time-
parameter equation of r. Thus
r = 1. 6 − 0 . 2 t m
Velocity and Acceleration. Determining the time derivatives and evaluating them when t = 4 s, we

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r = (1.6 − 0.2 t ) t =4 s = 0.8 m , θ = (0.8 t − ) = 2.4 rad = 137.5°
20 t =4 s
r& = (−0.2) t = 4 s = −0.2 m/s , θ& = (0.8 − 0.1t ) t = 4 s = 0.4 rad/s
&r& = 0 , θ&& = (−0.1) t = 4 s = −0.1 rad/s 2
As shown in Fig. (a), r
v = r& eˆr + rθ& eˆθ = −0.2 eˆr + 0.8(0.4) eˆθ = −0.2 eˆr + 0.32 eˆθ m/s P

v = (−0.2) + (0.32) = 0.377 m/s
2 2
Ans. θ δ

⎛ 0.2 ⎞ v
δ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ = 32° , α v = δ + θ + 90° = 259.5° Ans.
⎝ 0.32 ⎠
θ = 137.5 o
As shown in Fig. (b), O
v Fig. (a)
a = (&r& − rθ& 2 ) eˆ + (rθ&& + 2r&θ&) eˆ
r θ r aθ
= [0 − 0.8(0.4) 2 ] eˆr + [0.8(−0.1) + 2(−0.2)(0.4)] eˆθ φ
a αa
P x
= −0.128 eˆr − 0.24 eˆθ m/s 2
θ ar
a = (−0.128) + (−0.24) = 0.272 m/s
2 2
⎛ 0.128 ⎞
φ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ = 28° , α a = θ − φ − 90° = 19.4° Ans. θ = 137.5 o
⎝ 0.24 ⎠ O
Fig. (b)

6. Coordinate System. Polar coordinates will be used to solve this

Velocity and Acceleration. From the figure,
v = r& eˆ + rθ& eˆ
r θ

= 500 eˆr + 2200 (0.0788) eˆθ = 500 eˆr + 173.36 eˆθ m/s r
The magnitude of v is v vr

v = (500) 2 + (173.36) 2 = 529.2 m/s Ans.

⎛ 500 ⎞
δ = tan ⎜ −1
⎟ = 70.9° , β = δ − θ = 48.9° Ans. vθ δ
⎝ 173.36 ⎠ θ

The acceleration is
a = (&r& − rθ& 2 ) eˆ + (rθ&& + 2r&θ&) eˆ
r θ

= [ 4.66 − 2200 (0.0788) ] eˆr + [2200 (−0.0341) + 2(500)(0.0788)] eˆθ = −9.00 eˆr + 3.78 eˆθ m/s 2

The magnitude of a is
a = (−9) 2 + (3.78) 2 = 9.762 m/s2 Ans.

7. The coordinate r of arm OA from figure can be expressed as

r = 20 + l = 20 + 15 = 35 ft

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 3 of 4

r& = l& = 6 in/sec = 0.5 ft/sec
The components of velocity are
v r = r& , v r = 0.5 ft/sec
vθ = rθ& , vθ = (35)[(2)( )] = 1.222 ft/sec
v = v r2 + vθ2 , v = (0.5) 2 + (1.222) 2 = 1.320 ft/sec Ans.
Since r& and θ& are constants, we find &r& = θ&& = 0. Thus, the components of acceleration are
a r = &r& − rθ& 2 , a r = 0 − (35)[(2)( )]2 = −0.043 ft/sec²
aθ = rθ&& + 2r&θ& , aθ = 0 + 2(0.5)[(2)( )] = 0.035 ft/sec²
a = a r2 + aθ2 , a = (−0.043) 2 + (0.035) 2 = 0.055 ft/sec² Ans.

8. Polar Coordinates vs. Cartesian Coordinates. y

From the figure, θ

ax = aθ cos60º + ar cos30º Ans. ar


ar = (ax − aθ cos60º)/cos30º = 8.66 ft/s2 Ans. P 30 o

a x = 15 ft/s 2 x
ay a
aθ = ay cos30º + ax cos60º Ans.
a θ = 15 ft/s 2
ay = (aθ − a x cos60º)/cos30º = 8.66 ft/s2 Ans.
Hence, the magnitude and direction of the acceleration are
a = a x2 + a y2 = ar2 + aθ2 = 17.32 ft/s2
θ = tan −1 = 30º θ
Cartesian Coordinates vs. Normal-Tangential Coordinates. Since the y
velocity is always tangent of the path and its direction depends on the
direction of motion, the positive t axis is in the direction of velocity. The
positive n axis is normal to the t axis and depends on the direction of P 60 o
acceleration. Therefore, we have a x = 15 ft/s 2 x

at = 0 Ans. a
an = a = 17.32 ft/s Ans.
Since a n = v 2 ρ , the radius of curvature of the path at this instant can
be determined by
ρ = v 2 an = (6) 2 17.32 = 2.078 ft Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 4 of 4

AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 4 <SOLUTIONS>
1. Position-Coordinate Equation. Since there are two cables in this system
having segments which change length, the motion of block A cannot be datum
related directly to point B. As shown, the position of block A is defined by
s A , and the position of pulley C is defined by sC , each measured from a sC
fixed point D. The position of point B is defined by s B with respect to the sB
same datum. We can now express the length of one cable in terms of s A and h
sC , and the length of the other cable in terms of s B and sC .
2 s A + sC + constant = L1 (1) B

(h − sC ) + ( s B − sC ) + constant = L2 (2) E
Time Derivative. Taking the time derivative of Eqs. (1) and (2) gives
2v A + v C = 0 and v B − 2vC = 0
2 a A + aC = 0 and a B − 2 aC = 0

Eliminating vC and aC , we have

2v A + 12 v B = 0 and 2a A + 12 a B = 0

so that when v B = 4 ft/s (downward) and a B = −2 ft/s2 (deceleration),

v A = − 14 v B = −1 ft/s or 1 ft/s ↑ Ans.
a A = − 14 a B = 0.5 ft/s2 ↓ Ans.

d = 3 ft d = 3 ft
2. Position-Coordinate Equation. As shown, s A and s B
define the positions of A and B since they must be
measured from a fixed datum and directed along the l
paths of motion of the particles, respectively. l l
The length l of slanted segment can be obtained using
the Pythagorean theorem. We have
l = s A2 + d 2 A

The total length of the cable, which is fixed at all B

times, is
2 s B + 3l + constant = L or 2 s B + 3 s A2 + d 2 + constant = L (1)
Time Derivative. Taking the time derivative of Eq. (1) gives

⎡ 1
2 − 2 ⎤ 2 s A2 + d 2
2 s&B + 3 2 ( s A + d ) (2s A s& A ) = 0 or s& A = −
1 2
s&B (2)
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 3s A
Since the velocity of cylinder B is vB upward, substituting this condition and d = 3ft into Eq. (2) yields

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2 s A2 + 9 2 s A2 + 9
vA = − ( −v B ) = v B downward Ans.
3s A 3s A

3. Free-Body Diagram. The block is constrained to move

along a straight-line path. The free-body diagram and kinetic FBD KD
diagram of the block are shown. Since Ff = µkNc, there are two y
unknowns, Nc and a.
Equations of Motion.
+N ΣFy = ma y ; N c − mg cosθ = 0 , N c = mg cosθ θ x
Nc ma
+P ΣFx = ma x ; − µ k N c + mg sin θ = ma x

g sin θ − a
a = − µ k g cosθ + g sin θ or µ k =
g cosθ
Kinematics. Here the acceleration is constant, since all forces acting on the block are constant. We
can relate a to position and velocity using
+P v 2 = v02 + 2ac ( s − s0 ) ; (10 ft/s)2 = (20 ft/s)2 + 2 ac (30 ft − 0), ac = −5 ft/s2
(32.2 ft/s 2 ) sin15° − (−5 ft/s 2 )
µk = = 0.429 Ans.
(32.2 ft/s 2 ) cos15°

4. Coordinate System. The block moves along a known curved

path, normal and tangential coordinates will be used for the FBD KD
analysis since the acceleration components can be readily n
obtained. θ
n t ma n
Free-Body Diagram. The free-body diagram and kinetic ma t
diagram of the block are shown. The angle θ = 0º as the block
passes point A, and θ = 30º as it passes point B. Nc

Equations of Motion.
+N ΣFn = man ; N c − 0.6(9.81) cosθ = 0.6 kg (v 2 ρ )
N c = 0.6 kg (v 2 ρ ) + 0.6(9.81) cosθ
At point A (θ = 0º), we have
N c = 0.6 kg [(5 m/s) 2 3 m] + 0.6(9.81) = 10.886 N Ans.
At point B (θ = 30º), we have
N c = 0.6 kg [(4 m/s) 2 3 m] + 0.6(9.81) cos 30° = 8.297 N Ans.

5. Coordinate System. The polar coordinates are suitable for the analysis of this problem since the
motion of the block regards the angular motion of the radial line r.

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Free-Body Diagram. The free-body diagram of the block shows its weight mg, the normal force Nc,
and the frictional force µsNc exerted by the member on the block. The frictional force acts in the
positive r-direction to oppose the slipping.
FBD mg r KD r
θ θ
ma θ ma r
µ sN c

50o 50o

Equations of Motion. Using the data shown in figures, we have

+N ΣF = ma ; µsNc – mg sinθ = m (&r& − rθ& 2 )
r r (1)
+M ΣFθ = maθ ; Nc – mg cosθ = m (rθ&& + 2r&θ&) (2)
Since r =18 in = 1.5 ft and θ& = 3 rad/sec are constants, so that r& = &r& = 0 and θ&& = 0 . Substituting
these values into Eqs. (1) and (2) with θ = 50º and solving yields
µs = 0.540 Ans.

6. Coordinate System. We will consider using r, θ, y

coordinates. θ&
Free-Body Diagram. Using the r, y axes shown, the
free-body diagram of the particle shows its weight mg,
and the tension T of the cables. β

ma r


Equations of Motion. Since the swings are to assume an angle β = 35º with the vertical, the radial
distance r remains constant. Therefore, r& = &r& = 0 .
r = 3.2 m + 5sin35º m = 6.068 m
+↑ ΣFy = ma y ; T cosβ − mg = 0 or T = mg cosθ (1)

+→ ΣFr = ma r ; –T sinβ = m (&r& − rθ& 2 ) = m(0 − 6.068θ& 2 ) (2)

Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (2) yields
−g tan35º = − 6.068θ& 2 , θ& = 1.064 rad/s Ans.

7. From geometry, law of cosines gives

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CP = (0.3 m) 2 + (0.6 m) 2 − 2(0.3 m)(0.6 m) cos 30°
= 0.372 m r = 0.6 m β
Then, law of sines gives,
0.3 m 0.372 m
= , β = 23.8º
sin β sin 30° O
30 o

Free-Body Diagram. The tension T in the cable, the contact 0.3 m

force N exerted on the slider by the sides of the smooth slot, and the
weight of the slider C are shown in the free-body diagram. Here we
assume that the slider contacts side B.
θ θ
mg ma θ r
30 o ma r


Equations of Motion. Using the data shown in figures, we have

+N ΣF = ma ; − T cos 23.8° − mg sin 30° = m(&r& − rθ& 2 )
r r (1)
+M ΣFθ = maθ ; N − T sin 23.8° − mg cos 30° = m(rθ&& + 2r&θ&) (2)
The time derivatives of r and θ are
r = 0.6 m
r& = –1.06 m/s θ& = 4.8 rad/s
&r& = –6.90 m/s² θ&& = –15.5 rad/s²
Substituting these values into Eqs. (1) and (2) and solving yields
T = 3.458 N Ans.
N = –0.8 N Ans.
Since a negative contact force is impossible to obtain, the contact force N is pound from side A.

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AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 5 <SOLUTIONS>
1. First, no external force applied on the crate, the normal force of the path on the crate is always
normal to the motion and does no work. Hence, U = Uf done by friction. Second, no spring is attached
to the system, i.e., ∆Ve = 0.
At initial position A (the datum is chosen to be at this
level), datum

T1 = 12 mv12 = 12 3264.2.4ft/slb2 (3 ft/s) 2 = 9 lb·ft

Vg1 = mgh1 = 0
At final position B,
T2 = 12 mv 22 = 12 3264.2.4ft/slb2 (25 ft/s) 2 = 625 lb·ft
Vg2 = mgh2 = (64.4 lb)(−20 ft) = −1288 lb·ft
Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
U = ∆T + ∆Ve + ∆Vg
or U = (T2 − T1 ) + (Ve 2 − Ve1 ) + (Vg 2 − Vg1 )
or U + T1 + Ve1 + V g 1 = T2 + Ve 2 + V g 2
UFriction = (625 lb·ft − 9 lb·ft)+(0)+(−1288 lb·ft − 0) = −672 lb·ft Ans.

2. First, no external force applied on the system, U = 0. Second, no spring is attached to the system, i.e.,
∆Ve = 0.
At position A (initial position): For convenience, the datum has been chosen at point O.
TA = 1
2 mv A2 = 12 m(3 m/s) 2 = 4.5m N·m O
VgA = mghA = m(9.81 m/s )(−1.2cos60º m) = −5.886m N·m
At position C,
TC = 1
2 mvC2
VgC = mghC = m(9.81 m/s2)(−0.8 m) = −7.848m N·m
Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
U = ∆T + ∆Ve +∆Vg, 0 = ( 12 mvC2 − 4.5m) + 0 + [−7.848m − (−5.886m)]
vC = 3.595 m/s Ans.

3. For convenience, the datum has been chosen at collar’s initial position. There is no load applied on
the system. The normal force of the rod on the collar is normal to the motion and does no work. The
friction between the collar and the rod is the only force external to this system which does work on the
system. Hence,

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 1 of 6

+N ΣFx ' = 0 ; N c − (2 kg)(9.81 m/s )cos60° = 0 ;
N c = 9.81 N
F f = 0.4 N c = 3.924 N Nc
60 o
2(9.81) N

Position A: Position B: Position C:


0.5 m 0.5 m


At position A (initial position),

TA = 1
2 mv A2 = 0
VeA = 1
2 kδ A2 = 0
VgA = mghA = 0
At position B,
TB = 1
2 mvB2 = 12 (2 kg)v B2 = v22 N·m
VeB = 1
2 kδ B2 = 0
VgB = mghB = (2 kg)(9.81 m/s²)(−0.5sin60º m) = −8.496 N·m
When the collar moves from A to B, the friction does work on the system and moves a distance of 0.5 m.
UA→B = −(3.924 N)(0.5 m) = −1.962 N·m
Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
UA→B = ∆T + ∆Ve +∆Vg; −1.962 N·m = ( v22 N·m − 0) + (0 − 0) + (−8.496 N·m − 0)
v B = 2.556 m/s Ans.
At position C,
TC = 1
2 mvC2 = 0
VeC = 1
2 kδ C2 = 12 (1.6 kN/m)δ max
= 800δ max
VgC = mghC = (2 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )[−(0.5 + δ max ) sin 60° m] = (−8.496 − 16.991δ max ) N·m
When we consider the motion of the collar from A to C, the friction does work on the system and moves
a distance of (0.5 + δ max ) m. Therefore
UA→C = −(3.924 N) (0.5 + δ max ) m = (−1.962 − 3.924δ max ) N·m

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Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
UA→C = ∆T + ∆Ve +∆Vg or UA→C = (TC − TA) + (VeC − VeA) + (VgC − VgA)
(−1.962 − 3.924δ max ) = (0 − 0) + ( 800δ max
− 0) + ( − 8.496 − 16.991δ max − 0)
800δ max
− 13.067δ max − 6.534 = 0
δ max = 0.0989 m = 98.9 mm Ans.

4. No external load applied onto the system, therefore U = 0.

At position A (initial position): The datum has been chosen at A as shown.
TA = 0
VeA = 12 kδ A2 = 12 [1.60 lb/ft (1 ft/12 in )]( (18 in ) 2 + (30 in ) 2 − 15 in ) 2
= 26.629 lb·in
VgA = 0
At position B,
T2 = 12 mvB2 = 12 3862.4lbin/s2 v 2 = 0.002588v2 lb·in

VeB = 12 kδ B2 = 12 [1.60 lb/ft(1 ft/12 in )](20 in − 15 in ) 2 = 1.667 lb·in datum

VgB = mghB = 2 lb(10 in.) = 20 lb·in

Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
U = ∆T + ∆Ve +∆Vg, 0 = (0.002588v2 – 0) + (1.667 – 26.629) + (20 – 0) lb·in
Solving yields
v = 43.789 in/s = 3.649 ft/s Ans.

5. First, no spring is attached to the system, i.e., ∆Ve = 0. The work done by the constant 110-lb force
applied at the end of the cable is the force times the horizontal the displacement d. This displacement d
is the amount which the end of the cable displaced. Since the length of the cable in the system remains
constant, we can write
2 s A + s P + constant = Lcable = 2( s A − 10 ft ) + ( s P + d ) + constant
d = 20 ft
Position A: Position B:
sA - 10 ft sP + d 110 lb
110 lb
sA vB
9 ft/se lb
v A= 300
t t
10 f B 10 f B

5 A 5 A
12 12

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Hence, U = 110 lb(20 ft) = 2200 lb·ft
At position A (initial position): For convenience, the datum has been chosen at this position.
TA = 1
2 mv A2 = 12 ( 32300 lb
.2 ft/s2
)(9 ft/s) 2 = 377.329 lb·ft

VgA = mghA = 0
At position B,
TB = 1
2 mvB2 = 12 ( 32300 lb
.2 ft/s
) v 2 = 4.658v

VgB = mghB = 300 lb[ 135 (10 ft)]= 1153.846 lb·ft

Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
U = ∆T + ∆Ve +∆Vg; 2200 = (4.658v2 − 377.329) + 0 + (1153.846 − 0) lb·ft
v = 17.48 ft/s Ans.
Since the kinetic energy is proportional to the velocity square, the velocity at B is independent of
whether the initial velocity of the carriage at A was up or down the incline; i.e., TA = 12 m(±9 ft/s) 2 .

6. Since no external force applied on the system, U = 0. For

convenience, the datum has been established at the level of point O.
At initial position A: m1
12 "
TA = Σ mv = 0
A θ O
2 B

VeA = kδ = 0

VgA = Σ mghA = (10 lb)(12sin60º in)+(5 lb)(–18sin60º in) 18 "

2 m2
= 25.981 lb-in = 2.165 lb-ft A

(a) At position B (just before m2 hits the spring):

For motion in a circular path with constant radius r, the θ-component velocity is vθ = rθ& . Therefore,
v1B r θ& 12 in 1 1
= 1 = = . If v 2 B = v then v1B = v . So that,
v2 B r2θ& 18 in 1.5 1 .5
1 10 lb 1 1 5 lb
TB = Σ 12 mvB2 = ( 2
)( v) 2 + ( 2
)v 2
2 2 32.2 ft/s 1.5 2 32.2 ft/s
= 0.147v lb-ft
VeB = 12 kδ B2 = 0
VgB = Σ mghB = 0

Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,

UA→B = ∆T + ∆Ve + ∆Vg ; 0 = ( 0.147v 2 lb-ft – 0)+(0 – 0)+(0 – 2.165 lb-ft)
v = 3.84 ft/sec Ans.
(b) At final position C, the motion of the system is stopped by the resistance of the spring.

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TC = Σ 12 mvC2 = 0

VeC = 12 kδ C2 = 12 [(200 lb/in)(12 in/ft )]x 2 = 1200x2 lb-ft

12 "
Since x is small, hC is small. Thus x
θ O
VgC = Σ mghC ≈ 0 lb-ft C

Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,

18 "
UA→C = ∆T + ∆Ve + ∆Vg ; m2

0 = (0 – 0)+(1200x2 lb-ft – 0)+(0 – 2.165 lb-ft) A

x = 0.0424 ft = 0.510 in Ans

[Remark] The exact VgC can be calculated as follows.
VgC = Σ mghC = (10 lb)(– 23 x )+(5 lb) x = –1.667x lb-ft

Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,

UA→C = ∆T + ∆Ve + ∆Vg ;
0 = (0 – 0)+(1200x2 lb-ft – 0)+( 13x – 2.165 lb-ft)
x = 0.0432 ft = 0.518 in Ans.

7. First, the work done by the constant 40-N load is determined as

U = 40 N(0.2165 − 0.125 m) = 3.660 N·m
At position 1 (initial position): For convenience, the datum has been chosen as shown.
T1 = Σ 12 mv12 = 12 (2 kg)(2.5 m/s) 2 + 12 (3 kg)(1.44 m/s) 2
= 9.360 N·m
Ve1 = 1
2 kδ 12 = 12 (250 N/m)(0.1 m) 2 = 1.250 N·m
Vg1 = Σ mgh1 = 3 kg(9.81 m/s2)(0.433 m) = 12.743 N·m

Position 1 Position 2

0.25 m
30 o B
1.44 m/s
0.433 m P = 40 N
0.25 m
60 o
0.25 m 0.25 m P = 40 N
0.25 m
2.5 m/s
0.125 m 0.125 m 0.2165 m 0.2165 m

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 5 of 6

At position 2: As shown, the position of slider A is defined by s A , and the position of slider B is
defined by s B , each measured from a fixed datum. We have s A2 + s B2 = (0.5 m) 2 . Therefore,
s A v A + s B v B = 0 , i.e., v A = − B v B . For θ = 60º, v A = −0.577v B .
T2 = Σ 12 mv22 = 12 m Av A2 + 12 mB vB2 = 1
2 (2 kg)(−0.577vB ) 2 + 12 (3 kg) vB2 = 1.833 vB2
Ve2 = 1
2 kδ 22 = 1
2 ( 250 N/m )( −0.183 m + 0.1 m ) 2 = 0.861 N·m
Vg2 = Σ mgh2 = 3 kg(9.81 m/s2)(0.25 m) = 7.358 N·m
Substitution into the work-energy equation gives,
U = (T2 − T1 ) + (Ve 2 − Ve1 ) + (Vg 2 − Vg1 )

3.660 N·m = ( 1.833 vB2 – 9.360) + (0.861 – 1.250) + (7.358 – 12.743) N·m
vA = 1.848 m/s → vB = 3.202 m/s ↓ Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 6 of 6

AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 6 <SOLUTIONS>

1. Applying the principle of linear impulse and momentum we have

r r t2 r r r 4 r r r r r r r
I = ∆G or ∫ Fdt = m(v 2 − v1 ) , ∫ [(5 + 3t )i + (2 − t 2 ) j + 3k ] dt = m[v 2 − (i + j + 2k )]
t1 1

r r r 4 v r r r
[(5t + 32 t 2 ) i + (2t − 13 t 3 ) j + 3t k ] = 0.5[v2 − (i + j + 2k )]
r r r r
v 2 = 76 i − 29 j + 20k m/s Ans.

2. Free-Body Diagram & Kinetic Diagram. Since the magnitude of the tension force in the cable T =
(300 + 120 t ) varies with time, the impulse it creates must be determined by integrating over the 2-s
time interval.
Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Applying the principle of impulse y v1 = 2 m/s
and momentum in the x-direction, we have v2 = ? x
t2 t2
+N ∫ t1
ΣFx dt = m(v2 − v1 ) ; ∫ t1
(T − mg sin 30° − µ k N C )dt = m(v2 − v1 ) 30

∫ 0
[(300 + 120 t N) − 50(9.81) sin 30° N − 0.4 N C )dt = 50 kg(v2 − 2 m/s) µk NC 30

435.774 − 0.8 N C = 50v2 mg
Since the block is restricted to move along the incline, the equation of equilibrium can be applied in
the y-direction. Thus
+M ΣFy = 0 ; N C − mg cos 30° = 0
N C = mg cos 30° = 50 kg(9.81 m/s 2 ) cos 30° = 424.79 N
v2 = 1.92 m/s Ans.
NOTE: We can also solve this problem using the equation of motion. Using the result N C = 424.79 N
+N ΣFx = ma x ; T − mg sin 30° − µ k N C = ma x

a x = 2.4 t − 2.30 m/s2

Using kinematics
v2 2s 3 2s
+N a= dv
dt or dv = adt ; ∫ 2 m/s
dv = ∫
(2.4 t − 2.30)dt or v2 − 2 m/s = (1.6t 2 − 2.3t )
= −0.08 m/s

v2 = 1.92 m/s Ans.

3. Free-Body Diagram. The normal force N C the rough ground exerts on the ball and the associated
friction force Ff are shown on the free-body diagram during the collision. Note that N C and Ff may
not be constant.

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Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Applying the principle of impulse and y
momentum in the x- and y-direction, respectively, we have
+→ I x = ∆G x ; I x = m(v2 x − v1x ) = 0.5 kg(10 cos 30° − 25 cos 45°) = −4.509 N·s
0.5(9.81) N
+↑ I y = ∆G y ; I y = m(v2 y − v1 y ) = 0.5 kg[10 sin 30° − (−25 sin 45°)] = 11.339 N·s
Therefore, Ff
I = I + I = (−4.509) + (11.339) = 12.2 N·s
2 2
Ans. Nc

4. Here we have considered both cars as a single system. By inspection, momentum is conserved in
both x- and y-directions since the weights of the cars are not on the x-y plane, and the colliding force is
internal to the system and will therefore cancel out.

Conservation of Linear Momentum. Applying the principle of y

impulse and momentum in the x-direction, we have 50 km/h

+→ m A (v Ax )1 + mB (vBx )1 = (m A + mB )(v x ) 2 30 o

(2 Mg)(vA cos45º km/h) + (1.5 Mg)(−vB km/h) = vB

(2 + 1.5 Mg)(50 sin30º km/h) (1)
In the y-direction, we have 45 o
+↑ m A (v Ay )1 + mB (vBy )1 = (m A + mB )(v y ) 2 ;
(2 Mg)(vA sin45º km/h) + 0 =
(2 + 1.5 Mg)(50 cos30º km/h) (2)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) yields
vA = 107.2 km/h Ans.
vB = 42.7 km/h Ans.

5. Conservation of Linear Momentum. First we consider the truck and log as a single system, since the
impulsive forces between the truck and log are internal to the system and will therefore cancel from the
analysis. Hence it can be concluded that momentum for the system is conserved in the horizontal
+→ m A (v A )1 + mB (v B )1 = (m A + mB ) (v AB ) 2 ;
80,000 lb W 80,000 lb WB
(70 mph ) + B (−12 mph ) = ( + ) (70 − 2 mph )
g g g g
WB = 2000 lb
Then we consider the car and log as a single system. It can be concluded that momentum for the
system is conserved in the horizontal direction as well.
+→ mC (vC )1 + mB (vB )1 = (mC + mB ) (vCB ) 2 ;
3000 lb 2000 lb 3000 lb 2000 lb
(70 mph ) + (−12 mph ) = ( + ) (vCB ) 2
g g g g

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 2 of 3

(vCB ) 2 = 37.2 mph
Hence, if the log hits the car C, it will slow down by 70 − 37.2 = 32.8 mph Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 3 of 3

AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 7 <SOLUTIONS>

1. By inspection, the particles are subjected to direct central impact. In order to solve this problem, we
start the kinetic analysis with cylinders 1 and 2. After impact we will assume cylinders 1 and 2 travel
to the right with velocities v1′ and v′2 , respectively. Applying the conservation of momentum to the
system, we have
+→ ∑ m i v i1 = ∑ m i v i 2 ; mv1 + 0 = mv1′ + mv′2 or v1 = v1′ + v ′2 (1)
v B 2 − v A2 v′2 − v1′
+→ e = ; e= or ev1 = v2′ − v1′ (2)
v A1 − v B1 v1 − 0

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) yields v2′ = 21 (1 + e) . This is the velocity of cylinder 2 as it approaches

cylinder 3. Then, we continue the kinetic analysis with cylinders 2 and 3. We assume cylinders 2 and
3 travel to the right with velocities v2′′ and v3 , respectively, immediately after impact. Hence

+→ ∑ m i v i1 = ∑ m i v i 2 ; m[ 21 (1 + e)] + 0 = mv2′′ + mv 3 or (1 + e) = v2′′ + v 3

v v1
2 (3)
v B 2 − v A2 v 3 − v′2′
+→ e = ; e= (1 + e) = v 3 − v2′′
ev 1
or 2 (4)
v A1 − v B1 v1
2 (1 + e) − 0
Solving Eqs. (3) and (4) yields
v3 = (1 + e) 2
4 Ans.

2. The interaction of the ball (B) with the wall (A) will be considered using the principles of impact. By
inspection, the balls are subjected to oblique impact. Since an unknown mass of the wall is involved in
the impact, the conservation of momentum for the ball-wall system will not be written. The velocity of
wall is zero since it is assumed to remain at rest both before and after impact.
Coefficient of Restitution (x-dir.). y

(v ) − ( v A 2 ) x v ′ sin 30° − 0
+← e = B 2 x ; e= (1)
(v A1 ) x − (v B1 ) x 0 − (−v sin 60°)
Conservation of y-dir. Momentum. The momentum of the ball is conserved in the x
y direction (plane of contact), since the contact between the ball and wall is smooth
and therefore no external impulse acts in this direction. Hence,
+↑ mB (vB1 ) y = mB (v B 2 ) y ; v cos 60° = v ′ cos 30° or v ′ = 0.577 v (2)
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) yields
e = 0.333 Ans.

3. First we must obtain the velocity of the ball just before it hits the incline using kinematic analysis,
then consider the impulse and momentum between the ball and incline, and finally use projectile motion
to determine the range R.
Kinematics (A to B).
+↓ v 2 = v02 + 2ac ( s − s0 ) ; v B21 = 0 + 2(9.81 m/s 2 )(0.75 m − 0)
vB1 = 3.836 m/s
© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 1 of 6
Coefficient of Restitution (x’-dir.). During the impact at B, x'

( v ) − ( v A 2 ) x′ v B 2 sin θ − 0

of im e
+N e = B 2 x′ ; 0.85 =

(v A1 ) x′ − (v B1 ) x′ 0 − (−3.836 sin 70° m/s) 70 o vB2
v B 2 sin θ = 3.064 m/s (1)
20 o y'
Conservation of y’-dir. Momentum. The momentum of the ball is conserved
in the y’ direction (plane of contact). Therefore,
+P mB (v B1 ) y′ = mB (v B 2 ) y′ ; v B 2 cosθ = 3.836 cos 70° = 1.323 m/s (2)
Eq. (1)
Equating yields
Eq. (2)
3.064 m/s
θ = tan −1 = 66.65º and vB2 = 3.337 m/s
1.323 m/s
Kinematics – Projectile Motion (B to C). The origin of coordinates is established at the position B.
The initial velocity of the ball has components vBx = vB2 cos(66.65º − 20º) = 2.291 m/s and vBy = vB2
sin(66.65º − 20º) = 2.426 m/s.
+→ xC = x B + v B x t
R cos 20°
R cos 20° m = 0 + 2.291 m/s(t ) , t = = 0.410 R s
+↑ yC = y B + v B y t − 12 g t 2

− R sin 20° m = 0 + 2.426 m/s(0.410R s) − 12 (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.410R s) 2 , R = 1.62 m Ans.

4. This problem involves oblique impact. In order to solve it, we have to identify the line of impact and
the plane of contact, then establish the x and y axes.
Resolving each of the initial velocities into xy-components, we have
(vAx)1 = 6 m/s (vAy)1 = 0
(vBx)1 = –10 cos30º = –8.660 m/s (vBy)1 = 10 sin30º = 5 m/s
Just before impact Just after impact
y y
(v Ay )2 (v By )2

6 m/s A
(v Ax )2 A B
(v Bx )2 line
B line x x
30 of impact of impact
10 m/s

Four unknown velocity components after collision are assumed to act in the positive directions,
shown in figure. Since the impact occurs in the x-direction (line of impact), the conservation of
momentum for both pucks can be applied in this direction. With mA = mB = m
+→ m A (v Ax ) 1 + m B (v Bx ) 1 = m A (v Ax ) 2 + m B (v Bx ) 2 ;
m(6) + m(−8.660) = m(v Ax ) 2 + m(v Bx ) 2 , − 2.660 = (v Ax ) 2 + (v Bx ) 2 (1)

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 2 of 6

The coefficient-of-restitution relationship is
(v Bx ) 2 − (v Ax ) 2 (v Bx ) 2 − (v Ax ) 2
+→ e = ; 0.75 = , 10.995 = (v Bx ) 2 − (v Ax ) 2 (2)
(v Ax ) 1 − (v Bx ) 1 6 − (−8.660)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously for (vAx)2 and (vBx)2 yields
(vAx)2 = –6.828 m/s = 6.828 m/s ←
(vBx)2 = 4.167 m/s →
The momentum of each puck is conserved in the y-direction (plane of contact), since no external
impulse acts in this direction. We have
+↑ m A (v Ay ) 1 = m A (v Ay ) 2 ; (vAy)2 = (vAy)1 = 0
+↑ m B (v By ) 1 = m B (v By ) 2 ; (vBy)2 = (vBy)1 = 5 m/s ↑
The magnitudes and angles (with respect to the positive x-axis) of the velocities of pucks just after
impact are
v A 2 = (v Ax ) 2 + (v Ay ) 2 = 6.828 m/s Ans.
(v Ay ) 2
θ A2 = tan −1 = 180º Ans.
6.509 m/s
(v Ax ) 2

v B 2 = (v Bx ) 22 + (v By ) 22 = 6.509 m/s Ans.

50.2 o
6.828 m/s A B line x (v By ) 2
of impact θ B 2 = tan −1 = 50.2º Ans.
(v Bx ) 2
The kinetic energies just before and just after impact, with mA = mB = m, are
T1 = 12 m A v A21 + 12 mB v B21 = 12 m(6 2 + 10 2 ) = 68m
T2 = 12 m A v A2 2 + 12 mB v B2 2 = 12 m(6.828 2 + 6.509 2 ) = 44.5m
The percentage energy loss is then
T1 − T2 68m − 44.5m
(100) = (100) = 34.56% Ans.
T1 68m

5. This problem involves oblique impact. In order to solve it, we have α

to establish the x’ and y’ axes along the line of impact and the plane of A
contact, respectively. The geometry at impact indicates that the x’ axis 75 mm = rA
makes an angle α with the horizontal, as shown in the figure, where B
r lin
rA + rB of
α = sin −1 A = 36.87° im e
rA + rB ct

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 3 of 6

Just before impact Just after impact
y y
y' (vAy' )2 y'
(vAx' )2
(vBy' )2
4 m/s A A
x x
12 m/s
α (vBx' )2 α
lin lin
e of eo
im f im
pa pa
c t c t
x' x'

Resolving each of the initial velocities into x’y’-components, we have

(vAx’)1 = 4 cosα = 3.2 m/s (vAy’)1 = 4 sinα = 2.4 m/s
(vBx’)1 = –12 cosα = –9.6 m/s (vBy’)1 = –12 sinα = –7.2 m/s
Four unknown velocity components after collision are assumed to act in the positive directions
shown in figure. Since the impact occurs in the x’-direction (line of impact), the conservation of
momentum for both spheres can be applied in this direction. Thus
+P mA (vAx’)1 + mB (vBx’)1 = mA (vAx’)2 + mB (vBx’)2;
(23 kg)(3.2 m/s) + (4 kg)(– 9.6 m/s) = (23 kg)(vAx’)2 + (4 kg)(vBx’)2
23(vAx’)2 + 4(vBx’)2 = 35.2 (1)
The coefficient-of-restitution relationship is
(v ) − (v Ax ' ) 2 (v Bx ' ) 2 − (v Ax ' ) 2
+P e = Bx ' 2 ; 0.4 = , – (vAx’)2 + (vBx’)2 = 5.12 (2)
(v Ax ' )1 − (v Bx ' )1 3.2 m/s − (−9.6 m/s)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously for (vAx’)2 and (vBx’)2 yields
(vAx’)2 = 0.545 m/s P
(vBx’)2 = 5.665 m/s P
The momentum of each ball is conserved in the y’-direction (plane of contact), since no external
impulse acts in this direction. We have
+N m A (v Ay ) 1 = m A (v Ay ) 2 ; (vAy’)1 = (vAy’)2 = 2.4 m/s N
+N m B (v By ) 1 = m B (v By ) 2 ; (vBy’)1 = (vBy’)2 = –7.2 m/s = 7.2 m/s O

The magnitudes and angles (with respect to the x-axis) of the velocities of balls just after impact are
v A 2 = (v Ax ' ) 22 + (v Ay ' ) 22 = 2.46 m/s Ans.
2.46 m/s
(v Ay ' ) 2
θ A2 = tan −1 − α = 77.2º – 36.87º = 40.3º Ans.
A 40.3 (v Ax ' ) 2

B 88.7 o v B 2 = (v Bx ' ) 22 + (v By ' ) 22 = 9.16 m/s Ans.

lin (v By ' ) 2
f im θ B 2 = tan −1 + α = 51.8º + 36.87º = 88.7º Ans.
ct (v Bx ' ) 2
9.16 m/s x'

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 4 of 6

6. First, we identify the line of impact and the plane of contact, β
then established x and y axes. The geometry at impact indicates A
that the x axis makes an angle β with the horizontal, as shown in rA -rB
the figure, where B
r −r 18"−8" of im
β = sin −1 ( A B ) = sin −1 ( ) = 22.62° rA +rB
pact x
rA + rB 18"+8"

Just before impact Just after impact

y y
13 ft/s
(v Ay )2

(v Ax )2 (vBy )2

B 26 ft/s B (vBx )2
o f im β line
o f im
pact pact x

Resolving each of the initial velocities into x and y components, we have

(v Ax )1 = 13 sinβ = 5 ft/s (v Ay )1 = −13 cosβ = −12 ft/s
(v Bx )1 = −26 cosβ = −24 ft/s (v By )1 = −26 sinβ = −10 ft/s
The four unknown velocity components after collision are assumed to act in the positive directions
shown in figure. Applying the conservation of momentum to the system along the line of impact, x-axis,
we have
+P m A (v Ax )1 + mB (v Bx )1 = m A (v Ax ) 2 + mB (v Bx ) 2 ;
32 ft/s 2
[8 lb (5 ft/s) + 2 lb (−24 ft/s)] = 32 ft/s
[8 lb (v Ax ) 2 + 2 lb (vBx ) 2 ]
2 or 4 (v Ax ) 2 + (v Bx ) 2 = −4 (1)
The coefficient of restitution yields
(v ) − (v Ax ) 2 (v Bx ) 2 − (v Ax ) 2
+P e = Bx 2 ; 0.5 = or (v Bx ) 2 – (v Ax ) 2 = 14.5 (2)
(v Ax )1 − (v Bx )1 5 ft/s − (−24 ft/s)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously yields
(v Ax ) 2 = −3.7 ft/s or 3.7 ft/s M
(v Bx ) 2 = 10.8 ft/s P
The momentum of each of the disk is conserved in the y-direction (plane of contact). Therefore,
+N m A (v Ay )1 = m A (v Ay ) 2 ; (v Ay )1 = (v Ay ) 2 = −12 ft/s = 12 m/s O
+N mB (v By )1 = mB (v By ) 2 ; (v By )1 = (v By ) 2 = −10 ft/s = 10 ft/s O

The velocities and their angles with respect to the horizontal are then

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 5 of 6

v A 2 = (v Ax ) 22 + (v Ay ) 22
= (−3.7) 2 + (−12) 2 = 12.56 ft/s Ans.
(v Ay ) 2
θ A 2 = tan −1 − β = 72.86º − 22.62º = 50.24º Ans.
β A (v Ax ) 2
65.42 o
50.24 o β v B 2 = (v Bx ) 22 + (v By ) 22
of im
12.56 ft/s pact x = 10.8 2 + (−10) 2 = 14.72 ft/s Ans.
14.72 ft/s
(v By ) 2
θ B 2 = tan −1 + β = 42.80º + 22.62º = 65.42º Ans.
(v Bx ) 2

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 6 of 6

AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 8 <SOLUTIONS>
1. The disk is subjected to rotation about a fixed axis passing through ω α
point O. Thus, point A on the disk has motion about a circular path, the
velocity of this point has the tangential component, and the acceleration of
this point has both tangential and normal components. As shown on the O
kinematic diagram, we have y
rOA = ( ) + r = 1.0308r = 0.165 m, β = tan
r 2
−1 r
4 r ) = 14.04° rOA
v A = rOA ω = 0.165 m (2 rad/s) = 0.333 m/s Ans. A
φv = β = 14.04º w.r.t horizontal Ans. 4
or v A = 0.333(− cos14.04° iˆ − sin 14.04° ˆj ) = −0.323 iˆ − 0.082 ˆj m/s Ans. ω α
(a A ) t = rOA α = 0.165 m (3 rad/s ) = 0.495 m/s
2 2

(a A ) n = rOA ω 2 = 0.165 m (2 rad/s)2 = 0.660 m/s2 O

( a A )n
a A = ( a A ) t2 + (a A ) 2n = 0.825 m/s2 Ans. (aA )t

φa = β + tan −1 (a n at ) = 67.17º w.r.t horizontal Ans. vA A

or a A = 0.825(cos 67.17° iˆ + sin 67.17° ˆj ) = 0.320 iˆ + 0.760 ˆj m/s2 Ans.

2. The pulley is subjected to rotation about a fixed axis passing through its center point O. Since the
belts are wrapped around the pulley and move tangent to it, respectively, the angular velocity of the
pulley can be determined.
v A = r ω , 1.5 m/s = (0.075 m) ω , ω = 20 rad/s 3
The belt has the same tangential component of acceleration D
as it passes over the pulley. Thus,
(a D ) t = rDO α = a B = 45 m/s2, α = 112.5 rad/s2 4 mm
800 O
The acceleration of point C has both tangential and mm 0 vA
36 m
normal components. The normal component is C m aC A
(aC ) t = rCO α = 0.36 m (112.5 rad/s2) = 40.5 m/s2 mm

(aC ) n = rOC ω 2 = 0.36 m (20 rad/s)2 = 144 m/s2

aC = (aC ) t2 + (aC ) 2n = 150 m/s2 Ans.

3. The cable is wrapped around the drum, therefore, point P has the same tangential component of
acceleration as mass M. Thus

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 1 of 2

(aP ) t = r1 α drum = a = 6 m/s2, αdrum = 10 rad/s2 4 α drum

The tangential component of acceleration of point Q is r1

(aQ ) t = r2 α drum = 0.45 m (10 rad/s2) = 4.5 m/s2 ↓ r

Since the tangential component of acceleration of the contacting
point Q on the circumference of the drum is the same as on the
on the circumference of the pinion, we have
r α pinion = 4.5 m/s2 ↓, αpinion = 30 rad/s2 3 Ans.
M a = 6 m/s 2

4. The disk A has a counterclockwise angular acceleration αA = 47 rad/s2. Therefore, the tangential
component of acceleration of point P on the rim of disk A is

Q rB P

(a P , t ) A = α A rA = 47 rad/s 2 (0.203 m) = 9.541 m/s 2 ↓

Since disks do not slip relative to each other, the tangential component of acceleration of point P on the
rim of disk B must be (a P , t ) B = (a P , t ) A . Hence,
(aP , t ) B (a P , t ) A 9.541 m/s 2
(a P , t ) B = α B rB , α B = = = = 89.168 rad/s 2 3 Ans.
rB rB 0.107 m
Disks B and C rotate together as a single unit, i.e., αB = αC. The tangential component of
acceleration of point Q on the rim of disk C is, therefore,
(aQ , t ) C = α C rC = 89.168 rad/s 2 (0.165 m) = 14.713 m/s 2 ↑
In the similar manner, (aQ , t ) C = (aQ , t ) D . We obtain
( aQ , t ) D ( aQ , t ) C 14.713 m/s 2
(aQ , t ) D = α D rD , α D = = = = 105.091 rad/s 2 4 Ans.
rD rD 0.140 m

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 2 of 2

AM316 Engineering Dynamics Dr. Tzong-Ying Hao
Homework # 9 <SOLUTIONS>
1. Velocity Equation. Since the motion of points A and B
are known, this motion causes the link to rotate clockwise, B
r ω
that is, by the right-hand rule the angular velocity ω is
directed inward, perpendicular to the plane of motion. 24 "
vB = 12 ft/sec
r r vA = 10 ft/sec
Knowing the magnitude and direction of both v A and v B , r B/A y
it is possible to apply the velocity equation 30 o
r r r r r r x
v B = v A + v B A = v A + ω × rB A to points A and B in order to A
solve for the unknown ω. Since rB A is needed, it is also
shown in the figure. Note here the x-axis is directed along
the direction of link AB in order to simplify the analysis.
<Vector Algebraic Approach> For convenience, the x-y coordinate system will be established so
that the x-axis is oriented along AB, as shown. Expressing each of the vectors in terms of their iˆ , ĵ , k̂
components, we have
r r r r r r
v B = v A + v B A = v A + ω × rB A

12 (cos β iˆ − sin β ˆj ) = 10(cos30° iˆ + sin 30° ˆj ) + [(−ω kˆ) × (2 iˆ)] ft/s

12 (cos β iˆ − sin β ˆj ) = 10(cos 30° iˆ + sin 30° ˆj ) + [−2ω ˆj ] ft/s
Equating the iˆ and ĵ components gives
iˆ -term: 12 cos β = 10 cos 30° , β = 43.8º
ĵ -term: − 12 sin β = 10 sin 30° − 2ω , ω = 6.653 rad/s Ans.
<Scalar-Geometric Approach> From the geometry
of the vector triangle, constructed based on the relative- B
r r r β
velocity relation vB = v A + vB A , the magnitude of vB A can ω

be obtained. Thus vB = 12 ft/sec

vA = 10 ft/sec
r B/A
30 o vB/A
vA 60 o
vB/A A

v B = 12 ft/s v A = 10 ft/s vB / A
= =
sin 60° sin φ sin(180° − 60° − φ )
φ = 46.2º, vB A = 13.306 ft/s
v B A = rB Aω , ω = 6.653 rad/s Ans.

2. Velocity Equation. Applying velocity equations to points A and O, B and O, and A and B,
respectively, we have
r r r
v A = vO + v A / O (1)

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 1 of 5

r r r
v B = vO + vB / O (2)
r r r r r r
v A = vB + v A / B or v A / B = v A − v B (3)
Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) into Eq. (3) we have
r r r r r r r r r
v A / B = v A − v B = (vO + v A / O ) − (vO + v B / O ) = v A / O − v B / O (4)
Since the disk rolls without slipping with a clockwise angular velocity, the center O has a velocity of
vO = 0.3 m(4 rad/s) = 1.2 m/s →
The relative velocities of A w.r.t O and B w.r.t O, respectively, are
vA/O = 0.3 m(4 rad/s) = 1.2 m/s →
vB/O = 0.3 m(4 rad/s) = 1.2 m/s ↓
Substituting these data in vector form into Eq. (4) we have
r r r
v A / B = v A / O − v B / O = 1.2 iˆ + 1.2 ˆj m/s Ans.
The velocity of P can be determined as follows:
r r r
v P = vO + v P / O = 1.2 iˆ + (0.2 m)(4 rad/s) ˆj = 1.2 iˆ + 0.8 ˆj m/s Ans.

3. The crank AB rotates clockwise about a fixed axis, which passes through A, and so the velocity of B
r r
vB = ω AB rB / A = 6 rad/s (0.4 m) = 2.4 m/s N ( vB ⊥ rB / A )
As B moves to the right, it causes C to move toward the right. Since the gear rack C vC
is fixed, at the given instant the instantaneous velocity of P, which contacts the gear
r r r 0.1 m
rack, is zero. Therefore, C and O move horizontally to the right ( vC = vC / P ⊥ rC / P O
r r r r r
and vO = vO / P ⊥ rO / P ). Furthermore, the velocities vC and vO are parallel, so that 0.1 m
r r
by the proportionality of the right triangles vO = 12 vC . P

Applying velocity equations to points B and C of link BC, we have

r r r
vC = v B + vC B
r r r r
Since vC / B ⊥ rC / B , the magnitudes and directions of vC and vC B can be obtained vB
v C/B
from the geometry of the vector triangle. The law of sines gives 30 o
vC B vC v = 2.4 m/s
= = B
sin 30° sin 60° sin 90°
sin 60° sin 30°
vC = 2.4 m/s = 2.078 m/s and vC B = 2.4 m/s = 1.2 m/s
sin 90° sin 90°
vC / B 1.2 m/s
ω BC = = = 2 rad/s 4
rC / B 0.6 m
vO = 12 vC = 1.039 m/s → Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 2 of 5

4. From geometry, we have B

AC = 38 mm − OA cos θ = 38 − 20 cos 20° = 19.206 mm

⎛ 19.206 ⎞
β = cos −1 ⎜ ⎟ = 76.109°
⎝ 80 ⎠

80 m
As B moves downward, it causes A to move toward the lower right. Crank
OA is pinned at O, therefore, the velocity of point A is perpendicular to OA .
Consequently, crank OA must rotate in the clockwise direction. 20 mm β
r B/P O
B P θ
38 mm
m vB
80 m

r A/P

β - 20 o
70 o 70 o
ω OA 20 o

The intersection of the two perpendiculars to the velocities from A and B locates the instantaneous
center P for bar AB. From the diagram shown, the law of sines gives
80 mm rA / P rB / P
= = ; rA / P = 227.06 mm, rB / P = 194.16 mm
sin20° sin 103.891° sin 56.109°
Since vB = vB / P = rB / Pω AB , the angular velocity of bar AB is
ω AB = vB rB / P = (15 m/s) / 0.194 m = 77.254 rad/s
Hence, the velocity of A of bar AB is
v A = v A / P = rA / Pω AB = 0.227 m (77.254 rad/s) = 17.537 m/s
Therefore, the angular velocity of crank OA is
ωOA = v A rOA = (17.537 m/s) / 0.02 m = 876.8 rad/s 3 Ans.

5. The instantaneous center of zero velocity of crank OA is vA = vA/O

point O. Therefore, vA
8 rad/s
v A = v A / O = rA / Oω AO = 0.06 m (8 rad/s) = 0.48 m/s A
P rA/P
For the link AB, the directions of the velocities of A and r G/P 0.06 m
B are known. The intersection of the two perpendiculars to rB/P ω AB
the velocities from A and B locates the instantaneous center 60°
P for link AB. From the diagram shown, we have vB 0.180 m
rA / P = 0.18 sin60º = 0.156 m

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rG / P = 0.18/2 = 0.09 m
Since v A = v A / P = rA / Pω AB , the angular velocity of link AB is
ω AB = v A rA / P = (0.48 m/s) / 0.156 m = 3.08 rad/s
Hence, the velocity of G of link AB is
vG = vG / P = rG / Pω AB = 0.09 m (3.08 rad/s) = 0.277 m/s Ans.

6. Angle φ can be obtained from the geometry of the triangles B

shown. 600 mm 300 mm
(600 mm) sin θ − 150 mm = (300 mm) sin φ
θ C 150 mm
⎡ (600 mm) sin θ − 150 mm ⎤
φ = sin ⎢ −1
⎥⎦ = 30º
⎣ 300 mm
By inspection, the velocity of point B is defined by the rotation of v B = v B/A
crank AB about its fixed axis. Therefore,
v B = vB / A = rB / Aω AB = 0.6 m (5rad/s) = 3 m/s B
600 mm
ω AB = 5 rad/s
For the link BC, point C is restricted to move along the guided slot, A
so that the velocity of point C must be directed horizontally. As B
moves upward to the left, it causes C to move toward the left. The
intersection of the two perpendiculars to the velocities from B and C
locates the instantaneous center P for link BC. From the diagram
shown, the law of sines gives vB
rB P 300 mm
rC P rB/P
= = , rB P = rC P = 300 mm
sin 60° sin 60° sin 60° B
Therefore, φ
sin 60° C
vB = 3.6 m/s = 6.235 m/s
sin 30°
Since vB = vB / P = rB / Pω BC , the angular velocity of link BC is
vB = vB P3 m/s
ω BC = = = 10 rad/s 3 Ans.
rB P 0.3 m
Hence, the velocity of C of link BC is
vC = vC / P = rC / Pω BC = 0.3 m (10 rad/s) = 3 m/s Ans.

7. The crank AB rotates counterclockwise about a fixed axis passing through A, and so the velocity of B
v B = v B / A = ω AB rB / A = 7.5 rad/s (0.2 m) = 1.5 m/s ↑
As B moves upward, it causes D to move toward the upper right, and E to move toward the upper left.

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Since the directions of the velocities of B and D are known, then
the location of the instantaneous center of zero velocity C1 for the rod vD
BD is at the intersection of the lines extended from these points, ω BD
r r 0.5 m
perpendicular to v B and v D . The magnitudes of rB / C 1 and rD / C 1 can
r D/C
be obtained from the geometry of the triangle ∆BDC1. Hence,

30° 60°
rB / C 1 = 0.5 m cos 30° = 0.577 m B
r B/C 1

rD / C 1 = rB / C 1 sin 30° = (0.5 m) tan 30° = 0.289 m

vB = 1.5 m/s
The rotational sense of ω BD must be the same as the rotation caused
r r
by v B and v D about the C1, which is clockwise. Therefore,
v 1.5 m/s
ω BD = B = = 2.600 rad/s 3 Ans.
rB / C 1 0.577 m
v D = ω BD rD / C 1 = 2.600 rad/s (0.289 m) = 0.751 m/s N Ans.
Similarly, the directions of the velocities of B and E are v B = 1.5 m/s
known, therefore the location of the instantaneous center of zero
velocity for the rod BE is at the intersection of the lines extended C2
r r B r B/C
from these points, perpendicular to v B and v E . The magnitudes

ω BE 60° 30°

of rB / C 2 and rE / C 2 can be obtained from the geometry of the 30° r E/C

triangle ∆BEC2. Hence, 0.4 m 2

rB / C 2 = 0.4 m sin 30° = 0.8 m

rE / C 2 = rB / C 2 cos 30° = 0.693 m vE
r r r
The rotational sense of ω BE must be the same as the rotation caused by v B and v E about the C2, which
is clockwise. Therefore,
vB 1.5 m/s
ω BE = = = 1.875 rad/s 3 Ans.
rB / C 2 0.8 m
v E = ω BE rE / C 2 = 1.875 rad/s (0.693 m) = 1.299 m/s M Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao Page 5 of 5

California State University, Northridge
AM316 Engineering Dynamics (Class# 15232) Spring 2014


Last, First
Midterm #1
This test is CLOSED BOOK. One-page equation sheet is allowed (must turn it in with the test).

Score: (1) Total

1. At time t = 0 a small ball is kicked from point A with a velocity of 200 ft/s at the 60º angle.
Neglect atmospheric resistance and determine the two times t1 and t2 when the velocity of the ball
makes an angle of 45º with the horizontal. (30 points)

<Solution> The initial velocity of the ball at A is v0 . y

Hence, its x and y components are
45 o
v0 x = v0 cos 60° = 100 ft/s v0 = 200 ft/s 45 o
v0 y = v0 sin 60° = 173.2 ft/s
60 o
For the projectile motion the horizontal component of x
velocity remains constant. Therefore, we have
+→ v x = v0 x ; v x = v1x = v2 x = 100 ft/s
As indicated in the figure shown, at the time t1 , v1x = v1 cos 45° and v1 y = v1 sin 45° . This leads
to v1x = v1 y . Hence,
+↑ v y = v0 y − gt
100 ft/s = 173.2 ft/s − (32.2 ft/s 2 ) t 1
t 1 = 2.273 s Ans.
Similarly, at the time t 2 , v 2 x = v2 cos 45° and v2 y = −v2 sin 45° . This leads to v2 x = −v2 y . Hence,
+↑ v y = v0 y − gt
− 100 ft/s = 173.2 ft/s − (32.2 ft/s 2 ) t 2
t 2 = 8.484 s Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao – Midterm #1 <Solutions> / Page 1 of 3 –

California State University, Northridge
AM316 Engineering Dynamics (Class# 15232) Spring 2014

Score: (2)

2. The speed of a truck increases uniformly with time from 50 km/h at A to 100 km/h at B during
10 seconds. The radius of curvature of the road at A is 40 m. If the magnitude of the total
acceleration of the truck is the same at B as at A, determine the total acceleration of the truck at
points A and B. Also, calculate the radius of curvature of the road at B. Note that the truck is
considered a particle and the center of mass of the truck is 2 m above the road. (35 points)

<Solution> Coordinate System. The particle travels along a curved path involving the radius of
curvature of the path. Therefore, the normal-tangent coordinates are a suitable choice. The origin of the
n and t axes is coincident with the particle (truck) and moves with the particle. The t axis is in the
direction of motion, and the positive n axis is directed toward the center of curvature.
Acceleration. The magnitude of acceleration can be related to its components using a = a 2n + a 2t .
Since the car has a speed of 50 km/h at A and is increasing uniformly to 100 km/h at B, we have
km 1000 m 1 h km 1000 m 1 h
v = v0 + a c t ; 100 ( ) = 50 ( ) + a c (10 s)
h 1 km 3600 s h 1 km 3600 s
ac = a At = a B t = 1.389 m/s2
At A, the normal component acceleration is obtained as follows:
v A2 (13.889 m/s) 2
a An = = = 4.593 m/s2
ρA (40 + 2 m)
Therefore, the magnitude of the total acceleration is
a A = a 2A n + a A2 t = 4.798 m/s2 Ans.
At B, since the magnitude of the total acceleration is the same at B as at A, we have
a B = a A = 4.798 m/s2, a Bn = a An = 4.593 m/s2
Therefore, the radius of curvature of the road at B is solved as:
v B2 (27.778 m/s) 2
aB n = = = 4.593 m/s2
( ρ B − 2 m) ( ρ B − 2 m)
ρ B − 2 m = 168 m, ρ B = 170 m Ans.

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao – Midterm #1 <Solutions> / Page 2 of 3 –

California State University, Northridge
AM316 Engineering Dynamics (Class# 15232) Spring 2014

Score: (3)

3. As shown in the figure, the end of the hydraulic piston is connected to a pin A while the pin A is
constrained to slide along the rotating slotted arm. At the instant when θ = 60º, the hydraulic
piston gives pin A a velocity v = 3 ft/s (in the direction shown) and is slowing down at the rate of
1.5 ft/s2. For this same instant, determine the values for r& , &r& , θ& and θ&& . (35 points)

<Solution> Coordinate System. Even though the pin A
slides along the rotating slotted arm, it is constrained to θ
travel along a horizontal straight-line path with the head
of the hydraulic piston. In order to obtain the values of
r& , &r& , θ& and θ&& , the polar coordinates are a suitable
choice. As indicated in the figure on the right, the origin 6"
r θ
is established at the fixed point O, and the position vector
r is directed toward the pin A. The rotational coordinate O
θ is measured from a fixed horizontal reference line to
the position vector.

To find the necessary time derivatives it is first necessary to establish r.

r = (6 in.) / sin 60° = 6.928 in. = 0.577 ft
Velocity and Acceleration. From the figure, the velocity and
acceleration of the pin A have components r
vr = −3sin30º = −1.500 ft/s θ
30 o 60 o
vθ = 3cos30º = 2.598 ft/s
v = 3 ft/s A a = 1.5 ft/s 2
ar = 1.5cos60º = 0.750 ft/s2
aθ = −1.5sin60º = −1.299 ft/s2
Since v = r& and v = rθ& , we get
r θ

r& = vr = −1.50 ft/s Ans.

vθ 2.598 ft/s
θ& = = = 4.50 rad/s Ans.
r 0.577 ft
Furthermore, a = &r& − rθ& 2 and a = rθ&& + 2r&θ& , we have
r θ

&r& = ar + rθ& 2 = 0.75 + 0.577(4.5) 2 = 12.434 ft/s2 Ans.

aθ − 2r&θ& − 1.299 − 2(−1.5)(4.5)
θ&& = = = 21.146 rad/s2 Ans.
r 0.577

© 2014 by Tzong-Ying Hao – Midterm #1 <Solutions> / Page 3 of 3 –

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