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M.A. Soliman
Department of Chemical Engineering
King Saud University


In this paper a review of the problems of water quality and

quantity management that can be formulated as linear programs is


Several optimization techniques have been used in optimiz-

ing water resources systems. Linear, non-linear and dynamic
programming are considered by many workers in the field. It will
be very advantageous if it is possible to formulate the problem
as a linear progi-amming one to avoid the large storage require-
ments of dynamic programming and large computing time and ungua-
ranteed convergence to the global optimum of nan-linear program-
ming. For this reason we will try to present some problems in
water resources management that can be formulated as linear pro-
grams. In particular two main issues will be discussed, water
quality and water quantity management. More details can be found
in references [1-6] and the literature mentioned there.


Water quality can be enhanced directly by control of the

water resource and indirectly through control of land use. One
method for the direct control is through the allocation of the
assimilative capaL`ity for oxygen demanding wastes. In such a
case it is required to minimize the waste treatment costs Z given
z = Ej C] Xi

where Cj is the cost of removing waste and Xj the amount of

waste to be removed in pounds of BOD. The following water
quality constraints Should not be violated

a Ri] X] 2 Si

where R±j is the unit change of water quality at point i in water

body resulting from.a unit change in the waste discharge at
source i. S± is the minimum required improvement in quality at
point i in water body of dissolved oxygen (DO) ppm.

The non-negat.ivity constraint requiring that no industry

reduce its treatment level sould be satisf led


In addition, there is an upper limit Bj of removal of the waste

at source j in pounds of BOD such that

x] S 8]

We may divide industries into zones and may ask industries

in zone k to reduce the same percentage of waste uk from the
effluent. This leads to the followng equations:

Xj = Bj(uk-Ej) ifuk2Ej

xj = 0 if u,c< Ej

where Ej is the proportion of waste currently removed, Bj the

total loading of waste produced ,at j.

This is a parametric,programming problem in which it is

desired to determine the percentage of treatment required uk
which minimizes the cost function and satisfies tne water quality
constraint .

Example: Consider one reach with three discharges each dis-

charges 1,000 pounds of BOD. The desired improvement in DO is
i ppm. The cost of treatment Cj is related to the present level
of treatment.

Additional data for the example can be found in the follow-

ing table

Discharger Ri]

1 0 . 004

3 0.0020

Now it is required to determine the level of treatment u which

would result in a minimum cost. Thus the example becomes:

Minimize Z= 70 Xi +60 X2 +90X3

subject to
0.0040 Xi + 0.0055 X2 + 0.0020 X3 2 1

1000 (u -0.6)
1000 (u -0.5)
1000 (u -0.8)

Xil X2J X3 i. 0

Xit X2t X3 $ 1000

The solution for this example is u = 0.6474 indicating that the

first and second dischargershould consider increasing their level
of treatment.

Three points should be made before going to the next appli-

First, the assumption of linear cost is not always valid.
In fact, the cost of primary treatment increases with the level
of treatment in a less than unity power law form. rhis region
extends up to about 35% level of treatment. The secondary treat-

a -i 8 1

ment cost relation is almost linear and extends up to a level

of treatment of 85S. For tertiary treatment the cost increases
very fast as the level of treatment increases.

Secondly, other direct methods available for water quality

management include dilution of polluted waters by low f low aug~
mentation,reairect`ion of wastes to less polluted streams and
artificial aeration of water streams.

Thirdly, the decision of how much improvement is desired

for a given Stream can be made using the streeter and phelps
equation which determines the dissolved oxygen deficit at any
point in a stream.


i) Water Distribution Network

In this case, we would like to minimize the cost of water
distribution .
£ ci] xii

where C±j is the cost of water for the demand area j from source
i and X±j is the amount of water transferred. The following
constraints have to be satisfied;

i)I xij = Di
This constraint requires that the demand area j
receives the amount of water Dj it requires

2)I xij a si

Here S± is the maximum amount of water source i c:an


3) The third constraint requires that the capacity o£

water pipe Tij from source i to demand j is not


xijs Tij

4) Finally the non-negat.ivity cc>nstraint should be


xij 2 0 ,

E-: Now let us consider the following network consisting

of two sources and three demand areas

I.`ig. i : Water Distribution Network for the Example

The following data are given:

Cl1 = 175 S/m9 , Tll = 10 mgd

C12 = 250 S/mg ' T12 = 5 mgd

C13 = 300 S/m9 , Ti3 = 5 mgd

c2l = 270 S/mg , T21 = 10 mgd

c22 = 200 S,/mg , T22 = 15

C23 = 350 S/mg , T23 = 5 mgd



D2 = 10


Sl = 14

S2 = 15

The solution is
xll = 8 X2l = 0

X12 = 0 ' X22 = 10

X13 = 5 X23 = 1

In this example, we notice that demand area 3 does not

have any nearby water source.

ii) ES±S±±Loir gap?sity Qptiqu_izat_ion_

Def ine a decision parameter X such that

X = s -p

where s is the storage at the end of the previous period

and p is the release requirement at the present period.
The following constraints have to be satisfied:

i) Xo 2 Xi + r± + V±

This constraint requires that the storage capacity be

greater than the decision parameter X± at pc3riod i
plus ri thc» flow that should be exceeded a specified
percentage of time (say 10%), plus the flood storage
V± required at the end of the i±± peric)d.

2) aXo i Xi+Si

This constraint requires that the minimum storage of

the reservoir (a Xo) (where a is a certain fraction
of the total capacity) be less than the decision para-

meter Xf plus S± the flow that can be expected to fall

below a certain percentage of the time (say 10%} .

3) aoxo :; Xi+q|

xi-i + si-1 2 Xi + qi

These constraints, require that the release should

exceed a minimum q± every period of time i. Here
ao Xo is the initial storage capacity.

4) aoxo S Xi+f[

xi-1+ ri-i € Xi + fi

These constraints require that the release should not

exceed a certain maximum f±.

ExaIT` )I.i:

The following data are given and it is desired to

minimize the reservoir capacity Xo

Parameter Wet Season PEi Season

ri 60

10 10
6 4
4 4
fi 60

0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4

The solution is
xo = 80 I xl=10' x2=12


i. N. Buras, ..Scientific Allocation of Water Reservoirs",

American Elsevier, N.Y.1971.

2. W.A. Hall and J.A. Dracup, ''Water Resources System Engineer-

ing", MCGraw Hill, N.Y.1970.

3. M.R. Greenberg, '.Applied Linear Programming for the Socio-

economic and Environmental Sciences", Academic Press, N.Y.,
1978 .

4. A.K. Biswas, "Systems Approach to Water Managerr`ent", MCGraw

Hill, N.Y„ 1976.

5. G.C. Vanst.eenkiste, "System Simulation in Water Reservoirs",


6. D.P. Loucks, J.R. Stedinger and D.A. Haith, .'Water Resources

Systems Planning and Analysis", Prentice Hall, Inc., Engle-
wood Cliffs, N.Y.,1981.

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