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All Laws Exist in a Fiction

What if I told you, you did not live in a Country, nor do you have a true name, a true birth date and you
did not have to file taxes or follow any laws? As many of you reach out for the” this is crazy delete key”,
stop for a moment and examine the facts rather than going along with your spoon fed fictional beliefs.

Countries are creations of fiction and if you look at

the definitions of you Country/State/Province/City
etc. you will find in usually Constitution or the
Interpretations act that they are not defined as
being on the earth or rather they are simply
corporations. In fact Canada for example Canada is
not defined where it s at all, look at the
interpretations act section 35(1), "Canada", for
greater certainty, includes the internal waters of
Canada and the territorial sea of Canada;

Umm, for greater certainty, where is Canada? Is it on the physical earth? Oh here it is, a Corporation
listed on the Security Exchange Commission!

Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. The game is simply this; you perjure
yourself when you say your name is whatever and thus loose all credibility and become a debtor in their
system. No one can prove that their name is their true name. There is a legal maxim in that if you take
a benefit from law, then all the laws apply too you. Because a Name is a fiction, all law resides inside a
fictional world of names of PERSONS, Cities and things. Are you a thing? Those that make use of a Claim
of Right, Notary’s, Bonds etc. or any source of law are saying that the law applies to them and thus are
drawn into the fictional “World” game. God did not create any laws only LORD God did and LORD God is
not God.

So how do you get out of this mess? Well Moses also wrote the Torah, which contains Genesis 1. Torah
means the Law. Because all Judges and politicians end their Oaths with, “So help me God”, they are
confessing to be God. All your life you were told that you had to worship God and that you would be
judged by God etc. In fact if you look at Genesis 1:26-28 you will discover that God put himself into all of
creation as he was present in the same image you and everyone was created. God did create things and
living things as well, but he did not enslave them or separate us from them. We are all one. We are all
God. This is the simple lesson that they are trying to teach you. In Genesis 1:26-28 God gave us
dominion over all the earth and over all living things upon the earth. Dominion means to rule. Simply
put, you rule by dominion from God or you are a slave, there is no compromise and no mercy.
The Queen has no authority to enforce or adjudicate law
on the earth, no one does. This is why everything they do
is based in the “world” and makes use of “PERSONS”. If
you do not know the truth of who you are, they make you
into a debtor slave. This is their Achilles’ Heal as it were.
Simply put, no one can prove that they have authority over
anyone else as no one can prove that they have authority
from God, who is put himself into our image of all of
creation. It would mean going to every form of life in the
universe and asking permission to enslave you. You do not
have the authority to give your authority away as you
would have to do the same. The Universe is infinite, btw.

Canada lost all executive power when Queen Victoria died in 1901 as section 2 of the BNA Act was
removed in 1893, which extended the BNA Act to the Queen’s heirs and successors. Since section 9 of
the BNA Act states that all executive power is vested in the Queen, all Sovereignty we gave to the
Queen, reverted back to the PERSONS of the Colony of Canada. Two days after Queen Victoria died, the
Bankers in the City of London claimed salvage rights to the Colony of Canada. The UK Parliament sat on
their hands and did nothing. Today the QUEEN is merely a corporation owned by the Bankers and the
Actress in fiction has nothing to do with the PERSONS on the land referred to as Canada. This is why
everything that they do is based on getting you to contract with them, as a person.

As for the USA, you will notice that the word People as in, “We the People...” in all law dictionaries does
not describe People as being human beings or men and women created by God. Why? Well simply put
the USA is doing the same thing. The Constitution was signed by the Founding Fathers, not you! Thus
the Constitution only applies to those who signed it. They need to contract with your PERSON to get
you into their game. There game is simply to test you to see if you know who you are, if you don’t they
enslave you. Of course they never tell you who you are; you have to read Genesis 1 and 2 to figure it

In case you want to take this all to Court, you will note that they alter the address of the Court Building,
thus adjudicating all the laws outside of the Jurisdiction of the Country, Province or States as well. Look
up the Address for the Supreme Court of Canada; they left Canada out of the address.

Origins of Admiralty Law

In truth we have callings, not names. A name is an attribute of a person and not an attribute of divine
creations we call men and women. The imaginary world we Re taught wrongly that we live in works on
the principle of slavery and piracy. Admiralty law comes from the fact that our bodies are vessels for
our souls on a ship called a planet floating in space. We are conceived in water and born of a birth canal
in water. Upon our Birth/Berth our ship/body/vessel is named and then we are delivered. To deliver is to
transfer title too something, that would be the Government, which is in truth a corporation owned by
the Bankers.

Thus we as vessels are brought under Admiralty law, where

the game is rigged from the beginning to enslave all those
within it and destroy all those outside of it. The only problem
with all this is that the source of all life does not come from
the vessels; it comes from God and guess who you are? God of
course. They need permission from God to Judge you. To
them Law is contract and if you submit too them without
questioning there authority over you, you are entering into a
tacit agreement with the Court. You agree that you are a
living thing and thus their property. Much of this started up
during the time of Rome, but I am sure it dates further back,
perhaps Babylon if researched.

How Can I be God?

More precisely how could you not be? To take the bible as a reference in Genesis 1:26-28 man was
created in our image, that image also contained God. Thus when it says after our likeness there are
many different species of man, we simply call them men and women. God is that stillness of life giving
loving force that flows through us all. Some attempt to cut themselves off from this awareness and
believe me much of the way society is structured is designed to cut you off from this knowing you are
God. They want you to be a helpless thing that they can own and control, it is not much more
complicated than that. LORD God in Exodus 15:3 is defined as a man of war, not God, not that infinite
love filled with life. Thus much of the Bible after Genesis 1 is about LORD God and Laws on how to live
your life. We don’t need laws we just need to know love. That is all that is required for living here on
earth. So by cutting off our connection with infinite love and instilling a commercial based system of
laws that pits us against one another for resources, we are constantly struggling to make enough to
survive while the few are hoarding mass resources for themselves and barely lift a finger to do anything
to sustain them selves.

If we are ever going to change this situation we must first destroy their illusion of power over us. There
are two simultaneous realities happening one based on the inverse of God and Creation and loving and
joyful set lives. Because we move up in frequency, much of our past has been based on Tribal life,
where human sacrifice, wars and spiritual warfare were common. The ruling elite have set things up as
to prevent us from breaking free of this model of low frequency existence. However that is changing
and more and more of us are becoming aware of the system and how it works. In part darkness is the
mirror of light and exists because we live in a duality. Thus the characteristics of light and dark although
divided are not separate from us as we are One, part of the whole.

Darkness is all about illusion and fear, while light is all about truth and love, thus life giving energy. We
make use of illusion and fiction, but we are to balance it with the truth that it is fiction and we are all
one, thus love one another. The Ruling elite have done a great job of cutting us off from realizing that
the fiction is just that, fiction. We are not bound to contracts or laws because they exist in fiction; we do
what we do to help one another and out of simple love for all that exist, which is part of us.

So what could you do to extract yourself from charges from a Police Officer for example? Well because
everything operates in Admiralty, you have only one option, ask questions. You ask questions that
destroy their illusion of power over you. Here is an example session:

Is this a court house? How’s that exactly, you just throw a sign on the front door and it makes it
so? Isn't that hearsay? Are we not on the planet called earth? Did you not swear your oath to
God and does it not say in the King James Bible that God gave men and women dominion over
all the earth and over every living thing upon the earth? Do you have a higher authority than
God, if so, could you now provide absolute proof of that? It is obvious that you are a living
thing because you are not calling yourself a man or woman created by God, thus according to
God I have dominion over you all. Thus through my dominion I order you to withdraw the
charges concerning JOE SMITH as the paper work appears to me to be on the earth and thus I
hold dominion over the paperwork as well.

It is sad that the Bible does not come out and say outright that we are God or explain it in a way that
explains the vessel and how it works and thus the Cargo, us being God. We are experiencing what we
are experiencing because of programming and memories. This is why our DNA stores memories from
our ancestors forward and Television is a great tool of programming us all, so switch it off and start
feeling connected to all that exists. Thus we only operate on a small fraction of what we are capable,
until we clear the memories and programming. To clear memories and programming you might like to
try an ancient method called Ho'oponopono.

You Tube: Dr Hew Len 1 of 9, ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Healing Technique

So you want out? Well read my book, The Extortion System of the Ruling Elite:

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