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Things you must Know:

 There are TWENTY(20) questions.
 Answers to questions no. 1 to 10 should be in 150 words.
 Answer to questions no. 11 to 20 should be in 250 words.

Eleven (11) plus questions were directly or indirectly were asked from APTI PLUS MAINS
mock test series 2019.

Q1. Highlight the Central Asian and Greco Bactrian elements in the Gandhara art. (10 marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Art & Culture
Sub – topic: Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature
andArchitecture from ancient to modern times.
Source:Fine Arts NCERT, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge-2019 of Apti

APTI PLUS Inputs: The question was a very direct and to-the point question. Apart from
enumerating the Central Asian and Greco Bactrian elements, students could have attempted to
draw a rough picture of Buddha and highlight the features therein.

Similar question asked in APTI PLUS MAINS MOCK TEST SERIES _ 2019
17. Indian culture got a fresh impetus from Buddhism in the intellectual, literary, artistic
and architectural sphere. Comment. (15 Marks)

Q2. The 1857 uprising was the culmination of the recurrent, big and small local rebellions
that had occurred in the preceding hundred years of British rule. Elucidate. (10 Marks)

Level of Question:Medium
Topic of the Syllabus:Modern History
Sub – topic: The Freedom Struggle - its various stages and
importantcontributors/contributions from different parts of the country.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence, Bipan Chandra, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer
Writing Challenge-2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was a very easy question for those who had studied from the book
India’s Struggle for Independence where the tribal and peasant movements have been
discussed in detail.


2. The early peasant and tribal uprisings in colonial India cannot strictly be called
nationalist movements. Do you agree? (10 Marks)

Q3. Examine the linkages between the nineteenth century’s ‘Indian Renaissance’ and the
emergence of national identity. (10 Marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Modern History
Sub – topic: Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the
present- significant events, personalities, issues.
Source: Modern History NCERT & India’s Struggle for Independence, Apti Plus Study
Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This question was very open ended and needed the students to be sure
about the content they wanted to include since it is only a 10 marker and there is too much
content to be written in just about 150 words.

Similar question asked in APTI PLUS MAINS MOCK TEST SERIES _ 2019
12. “The socio-religious movements provided the firm foundation for staging anti-
ideological and anti-hegemonic struggle against the Britishers.” Examine. (15 Marks)

Q4. Assess the impact of global warming on the coral life system with examples.(10 Marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical
features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such
Source: Newspaper Articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of
Apti Plus, Mind Map of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was a purely factual question and one could have easily scored well in
this type of question. Since the question specifically asks about examples, they need to be
included from various regions such as Great Barrier Reef, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean as well
as Pacific Ocean.
Q5. Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in
maintaining coastal ecology. (10 Marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical
features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such
Source: Newspaper Articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of
Apti Plus, Mind Map of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was another easy and straight forward question which forms part of
static portion of the syllabus. One’s answer could be made to stand out by including examples
from various regions and covering multiple dimensions.

Q6. Can the strategy of regional resource-based manufacturing help in promoting

employment in India? (10 Marks)

Level of Question:Moderate.
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector
industries invarious parts of the world (including India).
Source: Newspaper Articles, Geography NCERT(12), Apti Plus Study Material, Mind Map of
Apti Plus.


This is a very mainstream suggestion which is often discussed by policymakers and is in news
on an on and off basis. However, this question required an analytical approach and multiple
examples needed to be included.

Q7. Discuss the factors for localisation of agro-based food processing industries of North-
West India. (10 Marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector
industries invarious parts of the world (including India).
Source: Newspaper Articles, Geography NCERT(12), Apti Plus Study Material, Daily Editorial
Analysis of Apti Plus, Mind Map of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was a very easy question. All students must have had concrete points
to write in this answer.

Similar question asked in APTI PLUS MAINS MOCK TEST SERIES _ 2019
Q14. Define agricultural intensity and bring out its regional distribution in India.(10 marks,
150 words)

Q8. What makes the Indian society unique in sustaining its culture? Discuss. (10 marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics.
Sub – topic: Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.
Source: Sociology NCERT, Indian Society NCERT, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing
Challenge – 2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This question has been taken directly from the NCERT books. Students from
all backgrounds must have been able to write a good answer on this. To write a comprehensive
answer on this question, students should have taken a multi-dimensional approach.

Q9. “Empowering women is the key to control population growth.” Discuss. (10 marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics
Sub – topic: Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues,
Source: Yojana articles, Newspaper Articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing
Challenge – 2019 of Apti Plus, Daily Editorial Analysis by Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: Such questions need to be approached as if one is writing a mini essay on
this topic. The answer should have good flow and analysis of various dimensions. This is
another question which could have been very scoring.

Similar question asked in APTI PLUS MAINS MOCK TEST SERIES _ 2019
Q.8 “Urbanization in India has been a double-edged sword for women.” Discuss. (15 marks,
250 words)

Q10. What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism? (10 marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics.
Sub – topic: Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India, Social empowerment,
communalism, regionalism & secularism.
Source: Newspaper Articles, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This question was quite unexpected and tricky. However, one needed to be
cautious and not get caught in the controversy. One needed to write a balanced answer and
maintain the line of thought that secularism is itself a common cultural practice of all sections
of society and mutual tolerance which is a facet of Indian secularism allows all cultural
practices to flourish.
Q13) What is the idea of "Secularism"? Do you think Indian model of secularism is ideal in its
space and time? Is there any need to widen its scope? (15 marks, 250 words)

Q11.Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the
Gandhian phase. Elaborate. (15 marks)

Level of Question:Medium
Topic of the Syllabus:Modern History
Sub – topic: The Freedom Struggle - its various stages and
importantcontributors/contributions from different parts of the country.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence, Bipan Chandra, Modern History NCERT, Answer
Writing Challenge -2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was again a very direct question and the more the number of voices
you would include, the higher the marks you would get. It must also be kept in mind that
examples should be given from all sections of the society and various regions of India.

Q12. Assess the role of British imperial power in complicating the process of transfer of
power during the 1940s. (15 marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Modern History & Post Independence History
Sub – topic:Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country, Post-
independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
Source: Politics in India since Independence NCERT, India since Independence book, Answer
Writing Challenge -2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: It was a moderately difficult question because most students don’t
prepare this topic in great detail. However, it could have been very scoring for those
students who knew the exact turn of events at the time of independence.

Q13. Explain how the foundations of the modern world were laid by the American and
French Revolutions. (15 marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:World History
Sub – topic: History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial
revolution, world wars, etc.
Source: World History NCERT, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge-2019 of
Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: Students were lucky this year that there was only one question on World
History this year and that too was such a direct question. There was potential to score very
high in this question if the relevant content was included in the answer.
Q.17 “The American War of Independence established a Constitution that had revolutionary
ideas, but if failed to solve a fundamental problem that led to the American Civil War.” What
revolutionary ideas were contained in the American Constitution? What were the reasons
behind the American Civil War? (15 marks, 250 words)
Q.19 “The impact of the French Revolution was confined to Europe, but that of the Russian
Revolution was global.” Comment. (15 marks, 250 words)

Q14. What is water stress? How and why does it differ regionally in India? (15 marks)

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical
features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such
Source: Physical geography NCERT, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge-2019
of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This question required the students to look at the topic holistically. Since
this question has been asked in GS-I paper, more focus needs to be given to explaining the
geographical reasons behind such a water stress being more in certain areas and lesser in
other areas.

Q15. How can the mountain ecosystem be restored from the negative impact of
development initiatives and tourism? (15 Marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical
features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such
Source: Newspaper Articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of
Apti Plus, Mind Map of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This is another easy question. Recently, Himachal Pradesh and specially the
Kullu Manali region was very much in news and thus this example and related issues could
have been discussed in detail in the answer.

Q16. How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic
development in India? (15 marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics
Sub – topic: Poverty and Hunger, developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and
their remedies.
Source: Newspaper articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Mind Map of Apti Plus, Daily Editorial
News Analysis.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This kind of question has been previously asked by UPSC and thus similar
themes must have been practised numerous times by students. Here again, a multi-
dimensional approach is very important.

Q17.How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and
coastal environment? Give suitable examples. (15 marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Geography
Sub – topic: Salient features of world’s physical geography.
Source: Newspaper Articles, Geography NCERT(11), Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing
Challenge-2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This was a very straightforward and easy question. Students should have
attempted this well with multiple examples and one or two diagrams to try to maximise their
score in this question.

Q18. Do we have cultural pockets of small India all over the nation? Elaborate with
examples. (15 marks)

Level of Question: Difficult

Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics
Sub – topic: Poverty and Hunger, developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and
their remedies.
Source: Newspaper articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of
Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: No one could have prepared for this topic from before on. All students
needed to apply their minds in the exam hall. It was important to understand the true demand
of the question. One interpretation could be that we have pockets of small India in almost all
metropolitan cities where people from different parts of India have brought their own cultures
and formed a small India.


Q.15 With the rapid socio-economic changes and urbanization in recent years, the valuable
cultures and traditions of the minorities in India are under severe threat and in some cases face
extinction. In light of the above statement discuss the steps taken by government of India to
reverse the above mentioned trend. (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Q19. What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space? (15

Level of Question:Moderate
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics.
Sub – topic: Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues,
poverty and hunger.
Source: Newspaper Articles, Yojana Articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing
Challenge – 2019 of Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This question is a very good analytical question and by this UPSC is trying to
evaluate the aspirant’s skills of application. If one focuses on the words ‘Continued challenges’,
‘time and space’, the student will realise that this question required a thorough understanding
of the topic, not just of the past and present but also of the future.


Q.7 Sexual harassment in workplaces is being recognised – but much more must need to
be done. Suggest measures to be undertaken for building a healthy work culture. (10
marks, 150 words)
Q.8 “Urbanization in India has been a double-edged sword for women.” Discuss. (10 marks, 150

Q20. Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss.(15 Marks)

Level of Question:Easy
Topic of the Syllabus:Society related topics
Sub – topic: Effects of globalization on Indian society
Source: Newspaper articles, Apti Plus Study Material, Answer Writing Challenge – 2019 of
Apti Plus.

APTI PLUS Inputs: This is a very recurrent theme in newspapers and current affairs magazines.
Also, since this topic has been directly picked out from the syllabus of GS-I, almost all students
must be having good content on this topic.

Similar question asked in APTI PLUS MAINS MOCK TEST SERIES _ 2019
Q.19 Globalization has led to an increased level of interconnectedness among the people of the
world and affected their lives, work and families. Critically examine the impact of globalization on
vulnerable groups. (15 marks, 250 words)


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