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Hey everyone!

Welcome to our final week of the SEPEP season for volleyball. This week you will all need to
be at the gym for 10.15am to set up as our first game will be starting at 10.30am.

Our schedule for tutorial 1 and 2 is as follows;

10.15am Arrive and set up
10.20am Announce teams and rules
10.30am First match begins
11.15am Last game ends
11.20am Awards

We have decided on having 3 teams per tutorial and only using two courts to completely
avoid the lump on the third court. This means that there will be a duty team on each court.
When your team is a duty team we will need;
- 1x scorer/timer
- 1x umpire
- 1x photographer
- 1x lines person

- We will be using the full court which is the blue lines
- Net height will be set at the men’s height
- If the ball hits the beam it is a point to the other team
- Once the whistle is blown to end the game, the final point will be played out
- Cooperative serve to start the game
- Minimum of 2 touches per side, with a maximum of 3

Committee positions for both tutorials are;

Tutorial 1
Committee position Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
Sports board Emm David Kate Crudeli
Selection Ashleigh Bowe Mahri Wilson Asad Hosseini
Fixtures Joseph Saraco Jesse Hickman Alice Chessell
Records Mat Taylor-Hawkins Taleah Hemmett Brooke Woodhams
Publicity/Festivities Jade Llanos Amelia Sherry Katelyn Catelano
Tutorial 2
Committee position Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
Sports board Cameron Williams Jayde Hope Blyth
Selection Dylan Watson Georgia Guida
Fixtures Angelo Fuda Zak Mola
Records Lucy Houghton Sadie Yoxall
Publicity Emily Nybo Angela Calasse
Festivities Sam Wood Nicholas Ashford


Selection – Asad, Asha, Mhari, Dylan, Georgia

- Team 1: Emm, Kate, Asad, Taleah
- Team 2: Jade, Milly, Brooke, Katelyn, Mat
- Team 3: Joey, Asha, Mhari, Jesse, Alice
- Team 4: Sadie, Cam, Jayde, Nick
- Team 5: Emily, Sam, Dylan, Georgia
- Team 6: Angelo, Angelo, Lucy, Zak

Records – Brooke, Mat, Taleah, Sadie, Lucy

- Sadie is in charge of results so please see her after each round and she will enter the
scores and have a live ladder going for winning team and tutorial.
- Points scored against other tutorials are the only points that will be recorded. This
means that games played against your own tutorial are dead rubbers.

Fixtures – Joseph, Jesse, Alice, Angelo, Zak

- Fixtures are to be printed and stuck up on the whiteboard for easy reference
throughout the whole tutorial. If you are on duty team for that round please see
where you are playing next and the team you are versing so we can have smooth
and efficient transitions after each match.

Festivities – Jade, Milly, Katelyn, Emily, Angelo, Sam, Nick

- The theme is black and blue
- Awards will be presented at the end of the tutorial
- Our end of season event will be at the Orient

Emm, Kate, Jayde and Cameron

Sports Board

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