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Public Declaration Against the State of Exception and State Violence in Chile

National and International Network of Academics and Researchers in Biopolitics, Social Sciences
and Humanities.

As a National and International Network of Academics and Researchers in Biopolitics, Social

Sciences and Humanities, we express our deep rejection of the way in which the current Government of
Chile has responded to the social unrest and protests that began on Monday, October 14, 2019.
Government has decided to declare the state of emergency and the sending of military men to the streets,
citing as a reason, the situation of chaos in which the main urban centers of the country are located.
However, police and military actions have been selectively aimed at criminalizing and repressing social
protest, confusing and misinforming public opinion through official media. Having these facts in view, the
current Government of Chile has done nothing but apply a security strategy that urges the population to
legitimize and request the state of exception, so as to quell the legitimate demands of a society that is saying
enough to abuse and the systematic legitimization of inequality, leading them to privilege, instead, personal
and community security problems.

The protests began by the resistance actions of secondary students in the face of a rise in the price
of public transport. Progressively, other actors and actresses have joined, making visible a set of demands
that put at the center of the protests, the cost of living and the set of neoliberal policies that have failed to
guarantee basic social rights to the population, such as health, education, housing and pensions. In this
sense, we understand that the current state of mobilization and social conflict in Chile is due to social,
cultural, political, legal and economic aspects, which constitute a regime of abuse, corruption and injustice,
perpetuated for more than 46 years, since the last military dictatorship and consolidated during the
governments of the Concertación.

The Government of Chile, on the other hand, has focused on suppressing the protest and has been
unable to solve all these problems, an issue that today is expressed as confrontation and conflict, and that
already adds a hundred dead and injured people. What began as a punctual and specific claim, in a few days
has been revealed as a symptom of the state of injustices and abuses of a development model that fails to
solve the deep problems of inequality and exclusion that Chilean society is going through.

Faced with this disturbing and unacceptable situation, we immediately demand:

1. Cessation of the state of exception and curfew, which has brought us back to a civil-military dictatorship,
putting our precarious democracy seriously at risk. Immediate removal of the military from the streets is
required. We find it disturbing that, despite the experience of serious human rights violations committed in
dictatorship, similar institutional experiences are being reissued today, which do not offer the minimum
guarantees of respect, due process and fair treatment to the citizens of Chile. As the days progress, the
repression intensifies and today we have military officers whose procedures are hooded, civil and armed
police, without identification, detaining people in non-institutional cars, as well as completely
disproportionate violence against a citizen who protest with slogans and banners.

2. We propose to all the social, political and institutional forces of the country, to move towards a process
of dismissal of the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, along with his entire cabinet, in the face of
his inability to resolve the conflict, and propose effective solutions that contribute decisively to improve the
living conditions of all and all citizens of Chile. Its complete absence of criteria is leading the country to a
situation of unmanageable conflict.
3. Creation of an Independent Commission to investigate violations of fundamental rights that occurred
during the state of exception. To date, we already have missing persons and multiple reports of torture and
ill-treatment by the police and the army.

4. Move towards the constitution of a “new social agreement” that can only be a Constituent Assembly,
where it is the popular will that decides the destinies of the country. The current Political Constitution of
the Republic, is an illegitimate instrument, created in dictatorship, which today bases inequality, the state
of exception and repression towards those who dare to defend their rights delivered to the market and
converted into consumption capacity.

5. It is necessary to strengthen all social and civil society organizations, as well as all forms of articulation of
the academic, artistic and intellectual world, with the struggles that stand today in the name of the cost of
life and democracy. Only effective organization and systematic action will allow an end to the state of
emergency, state violence and project citizens' demands towards horizons that guarantee their rights.

6. Finally, we make an energetic call to the citizens, and their cultural and political organs, to assume a
vigilant alert posture against the destinies of the state of permanent exception in the country. In this sense,
our call is to defend social and political democracy against the obvious threat of an authoritarian assault in
the country.

Chile, October, 24, 2019

1. Eduardo Peñafiel Lancellotti, Universidad de Chile
2. Cristóbal Durán Rojas, Investigador Independiente, Chile
3. Miguel Valderrama, Investigador Independiente, Chile
4. José Miguel Garay Rivera, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
5. Daniel Miño, UMCE, Chile
6. Caterine Galaz Valderrama, Universidad de Chile, Chile
7. Raúl Acevedo, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
8. Daniel Santibáñez Guerrero, Universidad de Chile, Chile
9. Jonathan Duarte Reyes, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
10. Gloria González, Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile
11. Rodrigo Karmy Bolton, Universidad de Chile, Chile
12. Cristian Ricardo Ojeda Rodríguez, Investigador Independiente
13. Mariana Mora Bayo, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, México
14. Jazmin Lizarraga, Universidad Autónoma de México, México
15. Débora Fernández, UMCE y CERES - ONG (Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Social), Chile
16. Diego Carvajal, Universidad Católica, Chile
17. Juan Pablo Sánchez Sepúlveda, Universidad de Chile, Chile
18. Mauricio Amar, Universidad de Chile, Chile
19. Dênis Lopes de Matos, Universidad de Chile, Chile
20. Beatriz Podestá, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina
21. Francisco Javier Cortázar, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
22. Antonio Fuentes Díaz, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Alfonso Vélez Pliego, México
23. Edgardo Íñiguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
24. Rogelio Luna Zamora, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
25. Lucía Mantilla, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
26. Flavio Meléndez Zermeño, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
27. Rocío Moreno Badajoz, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
28. Luis Eduardo Rivero Borrell Zermeño, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, México
29. Rocío Moreno Badajoz, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
30. Mariana Valdebenito, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
31. Kimberley Pérez Lutz, Investigador Independiente
32. Alina Peña Igüarán, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, México
33. Luciano Sáez Fuentealba, Investigador Independiente
34. Iván Torres Apablaza, Universidad de Chile, Chile
35. Jorge Vélez Vega, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México
36. Débora Grandón Valenzuela, Investigadora Independiente
37. Anahí Gabriela González, Université París 8, Argentina
38. Flor Angélica Hermida Miralrio, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
39. Rodolfo Morrison, Universidad de Chile, Chile
40. Pedro E. Moscoso-Flores, Investigador Independiente
41. Gabriel Abarca Brown, King's College London, UK
42. Jason Torres, Investigador Independiente
43. Hernán Orozco, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile
44. Javiera Rojas Rivera, Investigadora Independiente
45. Cláudia Linhares Sanz, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
46. Davi Maranhão De Conti, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil
47. Rodrigo Valenzuela, Colectivo PreTexto, Argentina
48. Ammann Ana Beatriz, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
49. Francisca Garat Pey, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
50. Luca De Vittorio, Universidad de Chile, Chile
51. Ricardo Baquero, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
52. Miguel Vicuña Navarro, Investigador Independiente
53. Renzo Filinich Orozco, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
54. Benjamin Varas, Investigador Independiente
55. Rodrigo Andrés Azócar González, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
56. Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
57. María Fernanda Varela Valdés, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
58. Camilo Manzo, Universidad de Chile, Chile
59. Diego Rivera López, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
60. María D. Torres A., Doctorante en Ciencias Sociales en Estudios territoriales, Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile
61. Mónica Palacios, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
62. Andrés Zamorano, Universiodad Arcis/ Universidad de Chile, Chile
63. Juan Gonzalez Lopez, Universidad de Chile, Chile
64. Fernanda Bywaters, Investigadora Independiente
65. Jorge Olivares-Rocuant, Universidad de Chile, Chile
66. Jorge Gutiérrez Pizarro, Investigador Independiente
67. Valeria Vargas Nocetti, Investigador Independiente
68. Marcela Apablaza Santis, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
69. Tomas Peters, ICEI - Universidad de Chile, Chile
70. Ramiro Paz Martínez, Institución Educativa Oficial Agustín Nieto Caballero, Colombia
71. Silvia Grinberg, Universidad Nacional de an Martín, Argentina
72. Constanza Gálvez, Investigadora Independiente
73. Martin Díaz, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
74. Andrés Fuentes, Universidad de Chile, Chile
75. Jesús Vidal, Centro de Investigación en Psicología Clínica y Psicoterapia, Chile
76. Marcos Nalli, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
77. Sônia Camargo, Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado do Paraná, Brasil
78. Javier Molina Johannes, Investigador Independiente
79. Denise Portinari, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
80. Santiago Arcila Rodríguez, Investigador Independiente
81. Simone Wolfgang, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
82. Yolanda Gloria Gamboa Muñoz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
83. Alexandre Bonetti Lima, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
84. Gabriela Meneghelli, Investigadora Independiente
85. Diana Espejel, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México
86. Karina Escudero Espejel, Investigadora Independiente
87. Cristian Ricardo Ojeda Rodríguez, Doctorante en Ciencias Humanas Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
88. Mirla Utreras, Socióloga
89. Gabriel Vilarinho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
90. María José Poblete, Universidad de Chile, Chile
91. Lupicinio Íñiguez-Rueda, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, España
92. David Sebastian Contreras Islas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México
93. Sferco Senda, Conicet, Argentina
94. Jorge Rafael Renard, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
95. Martha Lievano Franco, Investigadora Independiente
96. Guiomar Rovira, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México
97. Olga Quintero, Investigadora Independiente
98. Tatiane de Andrade, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
99. Marx José Gómez Liendo, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Venezuela
100. Sonia Serrano Rivera, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
101. Francisco Álvarez Jiménez, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, hile
102. Tomás Baquero, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
103. Alejandra Torres, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
104. Juan Zamorano, Investigadora Independiente
105. Eleonora Corace, Università degli studi di Messina, Italia
106. Mayra Terrones Medina, Docente
107. Eleonora Corace, Università Degli Studi Di Messina, italia
108. Jenny Cubells Serra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
109. Juan Muñoz Justicia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
110. Matilde Orlando, Università Degli Studi Di Messina, Italia
111. Hugo Ortega Gómez, Investigador Independiente
112. Joan Pujol Tarrés, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
113. Guilherme Altmayer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro, Brasil
114. Andrea Calsamiglia, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, España
115. Soledad Martinez Labrin, Universidad del Bío -Bio, Chile
116. Márcia Rosane Junges, Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brasil
117. Alejandro Zaballos, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España
118. Delio Atuesta-García, Investigador Consultor Independiente
119. Penélope Peralta Furet, Espacio Seguro: Centro de apoyo LGBTI+ y Género, Chile
120. Andrea Potestà, Investigador Independiente
121. Juan Alegria Licuime, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile
122. Mauro Benente, Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz, Argentina
123. Orazio Irrera, Université Paris 8 - Collège international de philosophie, Francia
124. Jonnefer Francisco Barbosa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Chile
125. Mariana Gálvez Ramírez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
126. Haroldo de Resende, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brasil
127. Peter Pal Pelbart, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de São Paulo, Brasil
128. Alessandro Francisco, Centro Universitário Assunção, Brasil
129. Rosimeri de Oliveira Dias, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
130. Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Investigador Independiente
131. Iván Dalmau, Universidad Nacional de San Martín - CONICET, Argentina
132. Raúl Villarroel, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, Chile
133. Laura Llevadot, Universidad de Barcelona, España
134. Juan Pablo Arancibia Carrizo, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
135. Adán Salinas Araya, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
136. José Ignacio Scasserra, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
137. Claudia Calquin, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
138. Miguel Ángel Carrasco García, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
139. Maurizio Lazzarato, Investigador Independiente, Italia
140. Hugo Sir, Universidad de Chile, Universidad Paris 8, Colectivo Vitrina Dystópica, Chile
141. Iván Pincheira, Universidad de Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
142. Leandro Dri Manfiolete Troncoso, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
143. Andrea Fagioli, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
144. Rosana Velasquez, Investigadora Independiente
145. Cristina López, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
146. Susana Murillo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
147. Sebastian de la Fuente Espinoza, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
148. Makarena Arancibia, Investigadora Independiente
149. María Emilia Tijoux Merino, Académica Universidad de Chile, Chile
150. César Candiotto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brasil
151. Luciana Alvarez, Investigadora Independiente
152. Darwin Rodríguez Suazo, Al Aire Libro Editorial, Chile
153. Rodrigo Castro Orellana, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
154. Carolina Rojas Flores, Doctoranda, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
155. Carolina Vega Ramírez, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
156. Gabriela Seghezzo, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani UBA CONICET, Argentina
157. Morgana Domênica Hattge, Universidade do Vale do Taquari, Brasil
158. Adrian Cangi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
159. Jean Tible, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
160. Javier Alvarez Reyes, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
161. Cynthia Vergara, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
162. Jordan Martínez, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile
163. Giulia De Luca, Periodista, Italia
164. Fredi Everardo Correa Romero, Universidad La Salle Bajio, México
165. Cristina Oyarzo Varela, Universidad de Santiago, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
166. Luis Felix Blengino, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
167. Pamela Gutiérrez Monclus, Universidad de Chile, Chile
168. Pablo Martín Méndez, Universidad Nacional de La Plata - CONICET, Argentina
169. Marcelo Lara, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
170. José Alberto Romaña Díaz, Doctorante Universidad del Valle de Taquari, Brasil
171. Nicolás Fuster Sánchez, Investigador Independiente
172. Nicolás Gayol, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
173. María Cecilia Tosoni, Facultad de Educación Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
174. Daniel Osorio Tamayo, Universidad del Rosario, Argentina
175. Fabiána Bertolissio, Docente, Argentina
176. Ramón Beviglia, Investigadora Independiente
177. Cecilia Fideleff, Investigadora Independiente
178. Pilar Albertín Carbó, Universidad de Girona, España
179. Paula Villa, Investigadora Independiente
180. Violeta Purán Rosas, Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Chile, Chile
181. María del Carmen Calgaro, Docente, Argentina
182. Carla Oliver, Investigadora Independiente
183. Edgar Giovani Rodriguez Cuberos, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Colombia
184. Dias, Luciano, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
185. Maria Florencia Lombardo, Investigadora Independiente
186. Marcelo Raffin, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET, Argentina
187. Anahi Espindola Perez, Benemertita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
188. Alejandra Sabogal Rengifo, Investigadora Independiente
189. Alejandro Kaufman, Investigador Independiente, Argentina
190. Creston Davis, The Global Center for Advanced Studies, EE.UU
191. Heinrich Hort, Investigador Independiente
192. Stefan Winter, Investigador Independiente
193. Sebastian Derien, Investigador Independiente
194. Diego Buttigliero, Universidad de Estudios Extranjeros de Beijing, China
195. Alejandra Bettaglio, Investigadora Independiente
196. Pedro Figueroa Rodríguez, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
197. Rodrigo Navarrete Saavedra, Instituto de Psicología, Universidad Austral de Chile
198. Francisco Alberto Ruay Sáez, Universidad de Chile, Chile
199. Mikki Schindler, Investigador Independiente
200. Pastor Cea, Universidad de Aysen, Chile
201. Monica Stival, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
202. Paulina Mendoza, Universidad de Guanajuato, Brasil
203. Pablo Miguez, Universidad Nacional de San artín, Argentina
204. Ali Mohi, Investigador Independiente, Italia
205. Carolina Franch Maggiolo, Académica Universidad de Chile, Chile
206. Miquel Domènech, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
207. María Fernanda de la Torre Robles, Investigadora Independiente
208. Andrea Martín Muñoz de Cote, Universidad de Guanajuato, México
209. Roberto López Andaur, Investigador Independiente
210. Adriana Espindola Correa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
211. Juan Manuel Gasca, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
212. Joel Feliu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
213. Andrea Cavalletti, Investigador Independiente
214. Preston Price, Global Center for Advanced Studies, EE.UU
215. Francisco González Castro, Global Center for Advenced Studies, EE.UU
216. Donatella Di Cesare, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia
217. Omar Heffes, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
218. Alexandre Ficagna, Univerdade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
219. Luz María Muñoz de Cote, Investigadora Independiente
220. Marco Díaz Marsá, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
221. Giuseppe Buondonno, Investigador Independiente, Italia
222. Andrea Rapini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italia
223. Alberto Toscano, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
224. Fabio Raimondi, Investigador Independiente, Italia
225. Miguel Angel Sahagún Padilla, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México
226. Luz M. Martínez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España
227. Liliana Ferraru, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
228. Alessandro Soares da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
229. Benjamín Varas, Investigador Independiente
230. Guadalupe Meza Lavaniegos, Mitoteros de Guanajuato, México
231. Camila Contreras, Universidad Austral de Chile, ChileGu
232. Elizabeth Virginia García Flores, Investigadora Independiente
233. Germán Ulises Bula Caraballo, Investigador Independiente
234. Robinson Torres Salinas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
235. Abel Rubén Hernández, Universidad de Guanajuato, México

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