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procesos de rehabilitación; y la segunda relacionada con funcionamiento escolar, ocasionando un bajo

la participación de la población en actividades rendimiento.
ocupacionales significativas en el marco del bienestar y Palabras clave: Trastornos del aprendizaje,
la salud. Educación, Trastornos de la
Palabras clave: Atención primaria, Terapia comunicación,Trastornos del lenguaje, Trastornos
ocupacional, Colombia del habla, Tamizaje masivo

Perfil de las dificultades en el aprendizaje escolar. Prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares

María Cristina Otoya, Andrea Aguilar. Universidad del en estudiantes de música. Sonia Osorio Toro,
Valle. Cali, Colombia. Introducción: En el Plan Karolina Lozano Patiño, Karen Reina Ocampo, Luz
Decenal de Educación 2004 -2014 propuesto por la Karime Gómez. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.
Secretaria de Educación Municipal de Cali, se afirma Introducción: Los Trastornos temporomandibulares
que la situación educativa local se ve caracterizada por el (TTM) son un grupo de patologías que afectan a la
déficit de cupos escolares en los grados destinados a la articulación temporomandibular (ATM), la
primera infancia (Transición), los elevados índices de musculatura masticatoria, en la interpretación musical
deserción, y la deficiente calidad educativa. Objetivos: se realizan movimientos repetitivos o posiciones
Describir las características del desempeño escolar de forzadas de la mandíbula que pueden desencadenar
los alumnos vinculados al Programa Itinerante en el TTM. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de TTM en
periodo 2012-2013. Describir el perfil de una población de estudiantes de Música en una
funcionamiento de las actividades del aprendizaje institución universitaria de Cali. Materiales y
escolar. Caracterizar las limitaciones y potencialidades Metodología: Se empleó el cuestionario y examen
en las actividades de lectura y producción de textos clínico “Criterios diagnósticos para la investigación de
escritos. Caracterizar los factores contextuales presentes los Trastornos Temporomandibulares” (CDI/TTM). Se
en estas sedes educativas. Población: Escolares de realizaron pruebas interevaluadores para medir el nivel
ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre los 7 y 12 de concordancia de los evaluadores con el experto, se
años matriculados entre los grados primero y quinto de empleó el coeficiente de correlación de concordancia
primaria, quienes fueron referidos por los maestros. de Lin (CCC), teniendo como resultado un grado de
Métodos: La técnica de investigación es la revisión de concordancia sustancial. Resultados: Se evaluaron 81
fuentes secundarias (bases de datos) producidas en el (n=81) estudiantes, 79% de sexo masculino y 21% de
periodo junio 2012 – junio 2013. Estas recogen los sexo femenino, con edad promedio de 26,3 ± 8,1 años,
resultados del proceso de tamizaje realizado a los los síntomas más frecuentes fueron acufenos con el
alumnos, a través de diferentes técnicas, de las 71,60%, click en la ATM 49,38%, dolor orofacial
habilidades del lenguaje, la lectura y la escritura. El 45,68% y bruxismo con el 35,80%; siendo uno de las
análisis se hizo con base a la analogía del semáforo. más representativos en los estudiantes que utilizan
Resultados: El perfil de funcionamiento en las instrumentos de viento. El signo articular más
actividades escolar que se encontró, muestra que el nivel frecuente fue apertura con desviación 30.86%, sonidos
alcanzado en todas las pruebas, por los escolares articulares en ATM derecha 20,99%. Mayor
referidos, es menor al esperado para su edad y su prevalencia de sintomatología en estudiantes de
escolaridad. Las pruebas con mayor porcentaje de decimo semestre. Conclusión: la prevalencia de signos
escolares con rendimientos debajo del promedio, y síntomas de TTM es muy frecuente, es de vital
deficientes y muy deficientes son analogías, vocabulario importancia realizar la detección temprana de TTM
oral, cierre morfosintáctico, enunciados sintácticos, para evitar alteraciones que impidan continuar con su
eliminación de sonidos, pares mínimos, secuencias de ejercicio profesional.
enunciados y vocabulario escrito. En el dictado se Palabras clave: Desórdenes temporomandibular,
presentó mayores dificultades en el uso de la conciencia Estudiantes de música
fonologica, lo que compromete a su vez la comprensión
lectora. Conclusiones: Dado que el lenguaje y las Diagnóstico diferencial y seguimiento audiológico
actividades de lectura y escritura impregnan el de otosclerosis en infantes en Cali: series de caso.
aprendizaje escolar desde los primeros años, las Luz Helena Serrano Giraldo, Lilian Marcela Virgen
limitaciones en estas actividades disminuye el Jiménez, Ángela Marcela Castillo Chávez. Objetivo:
Describir los procesos de diagnóstico, seguimiento

164 Revista Gastrohnup Año 2013 Volumen 15 Número 3: 155-170 (julio-diciembre)

XV Symposium of Research. Faculty of Health. Univalle 2013

activation and joint mobility ranges of the knees and hips recognized the importance of sequential knowledge
during walking. The information provided by the and accepted changes to their practices change from
sensors is shown graphically on a monitor to provide negotiated strategies that promoted the execution of
feedback in real time to health personnel and patients. self-care activities in children.
Also, databases can be created for storage of patient Key words: Habits, Routines, Activities of daily
records obtained from each intervention and to better living
account for their progress over time. Conclusions: The
tool was designed to permit communication between Occupational therapy actions in primary health
man and machine during gait practice, capturing care. Jaime Eduardo Sabogal Toro, Anthony Garcés
valuable information to support and enhance the Hurtado, Melania Satizabal Reyes. Universidad del
rehabilitation processes that currently exist. Continued Valle. Cali, Colombia. Introduction: Act 1438 of 2011
work is needed on its development and implementation in Colombia does not make Occupational Therapy
that seeks to convert it into a mechanism for participation explicit in basic health care teams. This
programming and control of the exoskeleton. research sought to construct an approach for
Key words: Exoskeleton, User interface, Biofeedback, positioning the Occupational Therapist as an actor in
Rehabilitation, Gait primary health care (PHC) in Colombia through
consideration of their role in health promotion, disease
Knowledge and practice of self-care activities for prevention, interdisciplinary work, the formation of
structuring habits and routines. Lina Marcela Mesa- networks and the social partition related to
León, Natalia Palacios-Mazabel, María Helena Rubio- occupational performance. Objective: To identify the
Grillo. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. actions and describe the principles that provide
Introduction: The acquisition of habits and self-care guidance for including the Occupational Therapist in
pres-school activity routines are prerequisite for PHC in Colombia. Methodology: The study had a
performing school activities. Educational personnel qualitative, comprehensive-historical design with an
with comprehensive training manage tools for ethnographic methodology. Semi-structured
developing pre-school skills. However, there is no interviews were conducted with academic program
evidence that they deal with the knowledge, and specific directors for Occupational Therapy at Colombian
practices and procedural skills for sequencing self-care universities, along with interviews of Occupational
that will facilitate the independent execution and Therapists with expertise in public health, and through
structuring of habits and routines. Objective: The a review of the literature. Results: The Occupational
objective was to contribute to changing the practices of Therapist is trained to analyze the interactions between
teachers with knowledge and strategies for independent persons and communities at individual, family, social
execution, and for structuring habits and routines in self- and cultural levels in looking to provide conceptual,
care activities. Methodology: This was action philosophical and epistemological elements for
participation research. Procedural skills were identified understanding performance and occupation in the
in the self-care activities of children by means of current Colombian social, political, economic, cultural
standardized observation. By non-participant contexts related to PHC. Conclusions: The
observations and through focus groups we learned of conceptualization we have of PHC is heterogeneous.
teacher perceptions concerning the knowledge, daily Currently there are two strategic approaches (selective
practices, and methods for teaching and structuring self- and broad) that imply that in describing and proposing
care habits and routines for preschoolers. Specific concrete actions, there are two perspectives on the
strategies for sequential stimulation were negotiated. interventions to consider: the first related to illness and
During data collection, a quantitative and qualitative disability with rehabilitative processes, and the second
analysis was conducted. Results: A total of 24 children related to public participation in meaningful
between 2 and 3 years of age participated along with 4 occupational activities within the framework of health
teachers from the Kindergarten attached to a university and welfare.
in the city of Cali from August through June of 2012-13. Key words: Primary Health Care, Occupational
Procedural skills shown for executing were at risk. Therapy, Colombia
Teacher perception about theoretical knowledge was
basic, unknown was sequencing and strategies for Profile of school learning difficulties. Maria
improving their practices. Conclusion: Teachers Cristina Otoya, Andrea Aguilar. Universidad del Valle.

Revista Gastrohnup Año 2013 Volumen 15 Número 3: 171-187 (julio-diciembre) 179


Cali, Colombia. Introduction: In the Ten-Year jaw positioning that can trigger TMD. Objective: To
Educational Plan (2004 -2014) proposed by the determine the prevalence of TMD in a population of
Municipal Education Secretary in Cali, it is stated that music students at a university in Cali. Methods &
the local educational situation is characterized by a materials: A questionnaire and clinical examination
deficit in authorized school placements for the early were used with the "Diagnostic Criteria for Research on
childhood grades (transition), high dropout rates, and a Temporomandibular Disorders" (DCR/TMD). Inter-
poor quality of education. Objectives: The objectives rater reliability tests were used to measure the level of
were to describe the characteristics of school agreement between the evaluators with those of an
performance by students connected to the Itinerant expert. Lin´s correlation coefficient for agreement
Program for 2012-2013; to describe the functional (LCC) was used with results showing a substantial
profile of school learning activities; to characterize the degree of agreement. Results: Eighty-one (81)
strengths and weaknesses of reading activities and the students were evaluated: 79% were male and 21% were
production of written texts; and to characterize the female. The average age was 26.3 ± 8.1 years; the most
contextual factors present at these educational sites. frequent symptoms were tinnitus with 71.60%, click in
Population: Students of both sexes between 7 and 12 the TMJ occurred among 49.38%; 45.68% had
years of age enrolled in the first through fifth grades, and orofacial pain and 35.80% had bruxism, which was one
were referred by teachers. Methods: The research of the most common conditions found among students
method was to review secondary sources (databases) using wind instruments. The most frequent sign was a
produced during the period of June 2012 to June 2013. joint opening with a deviation (30.86%), and joint
These contain the results of the screening process carried sounds in the right TMJ (20.99%). There was a greater
out with students obtained through different techniques, prevalence of symptoms in tenth semester students.
from language, reading and writing skills. The analysis Conclusion: The prevalence of signs and symptoms of
was based on the stoplight analogy. Results: The TMD was very common and it is of vital importance
performance profile for school activities was found that that early detection of TMD occurs to avoid disruptions
showed that the level reached on all tests by the referred that impede continuation with professional practice.
school-aged children was less than expected for their age Key words: Temporomandibular joint disorders, TMJ
and level of schooling. The tests with the highest disorders in musicians
percentage of school-aged students with below average
performance at poor and very poor levels were Differential diagnosis and audiological monitoring
analogies, oral vocabulary, morphosyntactic closure, of otosclerosis in Cali infants: case series. Luz
syntactic statements, eliminating sounds, minimal Helena Serrano Giraldo, Lilian Marcela Virgen
pairings, sequencing of statements and written Jiménez, Angela Marcela Castillo Chávez.
vocabulary. In the presentations there was greater Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. Objective: The
difficulty found in the use of phonics, which in turn objective was to describe the diagnostic processes and
compromised reading comprehension. Conclusions: the medical and audiological monitoring in time series
Since language and reading and writing activities case studies and their contribution to the differential
permeate school learning from the early years, the diagnosis of otosclerosis in children as they relate to
limitations in these activities decreases school other middle ear pathologies. Method: The research
functioning and result in poor performance. was framed as a type of descriptive study based on the
Key words: Learning disorders, Education, methodology of time series case studies. Primary
Communication disorders, Language disorders, informational sources were used with interviews of
Speech disorders, Mass screening caregivers and specialists, as well as through secondary
sources by reviewing medical records. Persons under
The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in fifteen years of age who had a diagnosis of otosclerosis
music students. Sonia Osorio Toro, Karolina Lozano were included for persons from the city of Santiago de
Patiño, Karen Reina Ocampo, Luz Karime Gomez. Cali, Colombia. Results: Two cases of otosclerosis
Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. Introduction: are presented in subjects less than fifteen years of age
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) are a group of for whom the processes audiological evaluation,
conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint diagnosis, treatment and follow-up by an ear, nose and
(TMJ), and masticator muscles. In musical performance throat physician (ENT) were described. Both cases had
repetitive motions are carried out along with awkward similar characteristics from audiological clinical trials

180 Revista Gastrohnup Año 2013 Volumen 15 Número 3: 171-187 (julio-diciembre)

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