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She was born on the 15th of February 1940, and the 9th of the 10 siblings.

According to her, she

witnessed how all the things she knew before changed. She even remember the time when the
prizes of the goods were low and how crazy was it for her to imagine how the thing’s prizes inflated
so fast. This piece of paper that you are about to read right now, will not revolve around the story of
the present time; for this story will tell you about the ways of living our subject had lived into when
she was just a teenager.

Bernarda Galas was considered as one of the most beautiful girl in her barangay; also the same
barangay that I am living in right now by the way. Upon her time she said, every young people
possessed the kind of attitude that our present generation completely lacked. Although they don’t
achieve such high levels of education, their parents never missed every single opportunity to teach
them the proper ways of life and how one citizen must behave in a community. She recalled;

In my times, the gentleman and the ladies were all well

mannered and soft spoken;

unlike now as I have observed, young people

are quit obnoxious and rude

she then added that almost all of them knows how to tend the fields and livestock. She also recalled
how the ladies in her time will never gone out of their houses with their thighs exposed for everyone
to see;

Whenever I dresses for the day,

you will in no chance at all;

will see me running around with my thighs

exposed, even when around my brothers

It’s just simply isn’t done!

The ways of life they had before will for sure marvel the minds of the present young generations.
Their outlooks before were more of preserving the “must to be preserved territories of the human
consciousness”. Their appearance in public was more likely to be seen as a citizen with a good
etiquette and conduct. Their ancestors had a stiff principles regarding the way a person must act.

On the other hand, it’s not all about the manners but also their responsibilities inside the home was
well projected.

The household chores then was done mainly by

everybody in the house

If you are lazy, then expect some wonderful punishment hahaha

She recalled how lovely was the morning dew that always met her every time she woke up early in
the morning to prepare the breakfast that her father which was a fisherman, needed to start the
day. By the time the clock strikes five, she had already done preparing the breakfast for the rest of
the family. Women were not the only ones cleaning the house, but men as well. She also stated that;

men were seen before as a more stronger individual;

so we let them do, the more heavy tasks ...

not because they are men but of course physically,

we cannot do the heavy things even if we wanted too.

she then added;

In fact we see them all as the future breadwinner of their future family;

but of course, time has changed so much and so were the people’s point of views;

But nevertheless, subconsciously

we still see men now the same as how we’ve seen them before.

Sundays was more like of a priority for the young people before. They were involved in every church
activities and participated in processions of festivities. They participated the rosaries of the six. And
kept it in their hearts the teachings of Christ and bring it everywhere they go.

You cannot hear someone running away

from the church because he/she just feels like it;

only if you had a high fever, you’ll

be excused

When it comes to courting, their is a visible rise of rules restrictions. And to think of the early 60s
there is no way that you can just drag a lady and make out. There has to be a sort of diplomacy; she

Although it seems cliché to say that our generation today, is much better than before, I conclude
that it has something to do with our technology and the more expanded rights we have right now.
Things before were seen as difficult due to the complex ways of life that are limited from the means
of advance technology.
Every generation always looked back in the past and love to compare and contrast how the people
from the past lived. We as human beings are aware that change is constant and evolution is
unstoppable but through it all we develop every time we moved on as we always looked back into
our history and customs. Religion, etiquette, ethics and cultures has been around since the
beginning of time and we hope that as time flew by these conducs and good conducts will not fade

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