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Research Article: Open Access

International Journal of
VIBGYOR Metallurgy and Metal Physics

Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement

via Shot Peening; Analytical, Modeling and
Experimental Approaches
ISSN: 2631-5076

Y Prawoto1*, PG Mazein1, AV Kosterin1 and Z Ahmad2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Ural State University, Russia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

This paper discusses about the surface engineering improvement by means of shot peening.
Shot peening improves the surface engineering quality by eliminating the tool marks, such as
machining, grinding, stamping and other surface defects. Most importantly, the improvements
of shot peening are produced by combination of compressive stress and cold work. Compres-
sive stresses are beneficial in increasing resistances to fatigue failures, while the cold work
effects of shot peening treatments can increase the surface hardness. It employs a steel shot
media running at high speed to smash the material’s surfaces systematically, which results in a
compressed and condensed surface. Several factors influence the effectiveness of shot peen-
ing. They are namely shot nature, shot size, shot hardness, Almen intensity, shot angle and
coverage. The focus of this research is finding the influence of the shot size. The approaches
used are analytical, computational, and experimental studies. The center of the study is the
influence of shot size in the generation of the compressive residual stress. Through analytical,
computational and experimental approaches, it is confirmed that the shot size has influence
on the depth of the peak residual stress rather than the surface residual stress. This research
reaffirms the qualitative understanding with quantitative and comprehensive approaches that
can also be used for further in depth research in surface engineering improvement especially
via shot peening.
Shot peening, Shot size, Residual stress, Surface engineering, Cold work

Introduction ing resistances to fatigue failures and corrosion

fatigue, while the cold work effects of shot peen-
Shot peening has been used for decades as a
ing treatments can increase the surface hardness
measure to overcome surface engineering prob-
of many materials [1]. It is believed to be the most
lems in various industries. Its improvements are
economical and effective method of producing and
produced mainly by combinations of compressive
making surface residual compressive stresses to in-
residual stress and cold work. Compressive resid-
crease the product life of treated metal parts. The
ual stresses are known to be beneficial in increas-
increased strength of treated parts allows for light-

*Corresponding author: Y Prawoto, Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Ural State

University, 76, Lenin prospect, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
Accepted: June 24, 2019; Published: June 26, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Prawoto Y, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033
Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 2 of 16 •

er-weight parts that exhibit high wear and fatigue AШ - Elastic energy of a ball;
K - Correction factor, taking into account the
The process can be defined as work hardening influence of the roughness of the hydrodynamic
to the surface of components by propelling streams film formed at the moment of impact.
of spherical shots to the surface. The surface layer
of material yields plastically to generate residual Equation (1) is the starting point for the forma-
compressive stress. Among the practitioners, it has tion of boundary conditions for the contact prob-
been known well that many parameters influence lem with an inhomogeneous half-space. In order to
the efficiency of shot peening process. These are calculate the work AΠ , it is necessary to find the
the peening coverage, saturation, shot material, stress distribution in the half-space. To do this, we
shot size, speed, and peening time [2]. solve a system of differential equations describing
the elastoplastic behavior of the material. Taking
In this research, the focus is on the effect of the into account the axial symmetry, the set of equa-
shot size. This topic is chosen due to the reason that tions is most conveniently written in the cylindrical
fundamental understanding on this influence is low. coordinate system (r,θ,Z), where r - radius, Z - axis,
For very long time, this subject has been regarded directed along the axis of symmetry, θ - polar angle.
as a “black engineering” which the perceived of
benefit using larger size is real but the reasons of It is assumed that the mass forces are absent
those benefits were not disseminated by those after collision, so the equations of equilibrium are
who understand. In a way this paper is promoting as follows:
to the academics for the science of shot peening, dσ r dτ rz σ -σ
+ + r θ = 0 (2a)
instead of keeping the “black art of shot peening” dr dZ r
in the industry. This attempt is also on the line with dσ Z dτ zr τ
the policy among the shot peeners [3] from long + + zr = 0 (2b)
dZ dr r
time ago.
In what follows, the following notations are
Analytical Solution used:
The starting point for the construction of the σ r , σ Z - Radial and axial stresses;
shot peening model is the solution of the problem
for a single impact of a ball on a half-space [4]. The
ε r , ε Z - Radial and axial deformations;
initial data for the models are: u, ω - Radial and axial movements;
V - Speed of flying shot balls; τ zr = τ - Tangential stresses;
R - Radius of shot balls; γ Zr = γ - Shear strain;
ρ - Density of the shot ball material; θ - Bulk deformation.
E - Elastic modulus; For the convenience of solving the equation (2a,
2b), they are transformed into:
µ - Poisson's ratio;
σ u = Gu (ε u ) - Material hardening curve. d (σ r r ) d (rτ rz )
+ + σθ =
0 ; (3a)
dr dZ
A ball flying at a speed V hits the surface, contact
forces develop in the contact zone, and the kinetic d (σ Z r ) d (τ zr r )
+ = 0 (3b)
energy of the ball begins to be transformed into dZ dr
the elastic energy of the ball/half space and plastic This is done to make it easier to approximate
deformation of the material to be shot peened. the system being solved on the Z axis. Indeed, the
After the velocity of the ball becomes zero, the system (3a,3b) can be correctly solved only under
following condition is achieved: the condition that:
mv 2 lim rσ r
= 0,
= lim rσ Z 0 (4)
= K ( AΠ + AШ) (1)
r →0 r →0
These limiting relations are also established when
finite-difference formulas are realized. To solve
AΠ - Is half-space energy; the problem, the finite volume of the half-space

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 3 of 16 •

Figure 1: Diagram of contact area.

in the form of a cylinder of radius R and height H the equations of the theory of small elastoplastic
are selected. On the upper base of the cylinder, the deformations and the method of elastic solutions,
boundary conditions are given in the displacements which, after some transformations, can be written
(Figure 1), which are: a) Within the contact area u in the form of Hooke's law:
= u0, ω = ω0 , where (u0, ω0 ) is the introduction of 1
ε r = * σ r - V * (σ θ + σ r )  ; (6a)
an indenter into a half-space at specified distanc- E
es from the Z axis; b) Outside the contact area it is 1
free, that is, at the corresponding nodes the system ε z = * σ θ - V * (σ r + σ z )  ; (6b)
(Equation 4) is solved.
In addition, in connection with the lack of fric- εθ = 0, γ = * τ , (6c)
tion, the tangential stresses on the surface are zero
τ = 0 . On the lateral face of the cylinder r = R and
on the lower base Z = H the boundary conditions σu
are given in the stresses, which are calculated from εu σu
E* = ; σ* = ; (7a)
the formulas of the theory of elasticity, namely, on 3 − 2V uσ 3ε u
1 + .
the lateral surface: 3E ε u
σr σ
= r
( R, Z ); τ τ yΠp ( R, Z ) (5a) 1 1- 2V σ u   1- 2V σ u 
V* =  - .  / 1 + .  , (7b)
at the bottom: 2 3E ε u   3E ε u 
=τr τ=
r ( r , H ); σ z σ zyΠp (r , H ), (5b) Here σ u - Stress intensity;
Where σ ryΠp , σ zyΠp ,τ yΠp are calculated from the εu - Strain intensity.
formulas for solving the problem of indentation by Then the solution of the problem in the theory
a spherical indenter into an elastic half-space. In of plasticity is reduced into solving a problem of the
this case, the dimensions of the cylinder must be contact theory of elasticity with variable elasticity
chosen so that the area of plastic deformation is parameters, determined by the formula described
inside the cylinder. On the axis of symmetry r = 0 as in Equations (6) and (7), and the relationship be-
boundary values we take the following conditions: tween the elasticity parameters:
ur = 0, since on the axis of symmetry the radial
displacement is zero; τ zr = 0 similarly, by virtue of σ*
= E * / 2(1 + V * ) (8)
symmetry. The solution of contact tasks is organized as
To describe the plasticity processes, we use follows:

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 4 of 16 •

-The initial introduction of the ball into the half- by a given amount with the required accuracy. As
space is specified and, with the given boundary the main criterion in the program, the condition,
conditions, the method of variable elasticity pa- σ n* - σ n*−1 < ε , which means virtually invariance
rameters determines the stresses and deforma- of the elastic parameters, thus process converges.
tions in the material; the energy of the deformed The impact of a ball on a surface is a complex
half-space is then determined from the formulas: process, for the description of which it is neces-
A = ∫0
2π ∫ rWdrdz ,
(9) sary to use the equations of thermoelasticity, plas-
Where W - Energy density. ticity, impact theory, hydrodynamics. In addition,
the presence of a complex surface profile, which
= Wo + WΦ , (10) is formed due to roughness, makes this task diffi-
Where Wo - Bulk deformation energy; and cult to resolve. At the same time, as the analysis
has shown, it is possible to identify the determin-
WΦ - Forming energy; ing equations on which the behavior of the model
1- 2V * depends and discard the remaining nonessential
* ( r
σ + σ Z + σ θ ) ;
= (11) bonds. Since the speed of flying ball in the process
ε of hydrobasting is not high, then we neglect the dy-
WΦ = ∫σ 0 u ε u dε u (12) namic effects, and assume that the shock is quasi-
static. It is quasistatic if:
The verification of the fulfillment of the condi-
tion is by taking into account the assumption that • The deformations are considered to be
the ball is perfectly rigid and AШ = 0. If the condi- concentrated in the vicinity of the contact area
tion does not hold, then we continue to insert the and are determined by the static theory, the wave
ball into the half-space, until the condition is met. motion in the bodies is neglected;
The method of variable elasticity parameters is • Each body moves at any time with the
as follows. In the first approximation, solve the usu- velocity of its center of mass. The quasistatic
al problem of the theory of elasticity, when the vari- conditions remain valid also in the case of plastic
able elasticity parameters are constant E* = E, V* = deformations, since the presence of plastic flow
V since the system becomes ordinary Hooke's law. reduces the intensity of the contact pressure and,
At the first stage, we use the analytical formulas. consequently, the energy going to the elastic wave
From the obtained value, we find the deformations motion. In the shot peening, the impact speed
ε (1) (1) (1) is known to be up to 70 m/s, it is possible to use
z , ε r , εθ and the stresses σ z , σ r , σ θ . According
(1) (1) (1)

to the last values, at each point we determine the the relations for inelastic contact stresses under
stress intensity σ u(1) and the strain intensity ε u(1) . static conditions with the yield stress is replaced
From the deformation curve we find the stress in- by a dynamic yield strength. For this reason, we
tensity σ u , which corresponds to the calculated neglect the influence of thermal stresses, since
value ε u(1) , then we set σ 1* = σ u(1) / 3ε u(1) , and find even assuming that the entire energy of the ball
the modules E1* И V1* , according to Equations (7a, is spent on heating, it still does not suffice to
7b). exert a significant influence on the distribution of
residual stresses. In practice, we assume that the
In the second step we solve the problem of surface is perfectly smooth, and the expenditure
the theory of elasticity with the obtained elastic- of energy expended on the deformation of the
ity parameters, we determine in the second ap- scallops will be taken into account in formula (3a,
proximation the displacement u(2) and ω(2), then 3b) by introducing corresponding corrections in the
ε (2) (2) (2)
Z , ε r , εθ И σ Z(2) , σ r(2) , σ θ(2) , from them we find coefficient K.
the intensities σ u(2) , ε u(2) at each point of space, Meanwhile, it is known from experiments and
we calculate σ u(2) by the deformation curve, we numerical calculations that the stress intensity is
assume σ 2* = σ u(2) / 3ε u(2) etc. maximal on the axis of symmetry of the imprint
and gradually decreases, tending to zero with
The calculations are continued until the obtained increasing distance from the axis of symmetry of
results of the approximation calculations are the print. With this in mind, for stress intensity, we
different from the results (n - 1) of approximations can write the expression of:

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 5 of 16 •

σ u = β ( Z ) . e-εr (13) σ u = β ( Z ) 1 - εr 2  (18)
Applying similar arguments for residual stresses Using the expression in Equation (18) we find
and taking into account that they essentially the current radius of the hardening area:
depend on the yield strength of the material, we
σ T = β ( Z ) 1 - εl 2  , (19)
obtain the expression:
σ rOCT
= θ r ( Z )(1 − µr r 2 ) / krσ T ; (14a) 1 σT
l 2 = (1 - ) (20)
θ θ ( Z )(1 − µθ r ) / kθ σ T ,
(14b) ε β (Z )
Where σ T - Yield strength; Now, taking into account Equation (18), we
kr and kθ - Co-efficients of sensitivity of residual
l 1 εl 2 (21)
stresses to the yield strength of the material. F (Z , l ) = ∫ αβ ( Z )r (1 − εr 2 )dr = αβ ( Z ) l 2 ( - ),
0 2 4
The functions β ( Z ), θ r ( Z ), θ θ ( Z ) are arbitrary, While taking into account Equation (19):
but based on physical meaning it is necessary to
demand that: 1  σ T  σT 
F ( Z , l ) = αβ ( Z ) 1 − 1 +  (22)
lim β ( Z ) = 0; (15a) 4ε  β ( Z )  β ( Z ) 
r →∞

lim θ r ( Z ) = 0; (15b) Further, we take the integrals for Fr and Fθ

r →∞
lim θ θ ( Z ) = 0 (15c) Fr = 2π ∫ rθ r ( Z )(1 − µr r 2 ) / kr σ T ( Z )dr (23)
r →∞

Figure 2 schematically shows the distribution of Obviously, in order to take this integral, it is
intensity of load and residual stresses in the area of necessary to specify the limits of integration. The
prints, which are calculated from formulas (13) and radius of integration R will be found from the
(14). These formulas reflect the qualitative picture expression:
of the distribution of residual stresses. θ r ( Z )(1 − µr r 2 ) / kr σ T = 0, (24)
We expand the function (13) into the Taylor Hence:
1 1
  R = (25)
σ u = β ( Z ) 1 + ∑ (−1) 2 ε n r 2 n  (16) µr
 n! 
Integrating (23) while taking into account (25),
If the yield stress is subject to the condition
we obtain:
σ T ≤ σ umax , (17) θ r (Z )
Fr ( Z , l ) = (26)
Then in Equation (16) we can drop all terms 4 µr kr σ T ( Z )
except the first with a small error, as a result we Obviously, by carrying out similar actions for Fθ
obtain: we obtain:

Figure 2: Stress distribution in the reference area.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 6 of 16 •

θ θ (Z ) For simplicity, suppose that the material is ideally

Fθ ( Z , l ) = (27) hardened, then α = 1 and (37) is transformed as
4 µθ kθ σ T ( Z )
We now substitute the obtained expression in
dy k
Equations (22), (26), (27) into Equation (3). + = 0 (38)
dt 4 β ( Z )ε
dσ ( z , t )  σ σ 
− (1 − T ))  ; (28a)
Σ 2
1 1
= 2π q αβ ( Z ) (1 − 2 T
Integrating (38), we obtain the expression:
dt  4ε β ( Z ) 2ε β ( Z ) 
y = -( + c1 ) (39)
dσ XΣ OCT 2q  θ r ( Z ) θ θ (Z )  4 β ( Z )ε
=  +  (28b)
dt π  4 µr kr σ T 4 µθ kθ σ T  Then (31) takes the following form:
We now consider in more detail the first differ- σ T = β (Z ) - (40)
ential equation, since it does not depend on σ (ΣZ OCT
,t ) , + c1
then it can be solved separately. For the convenience 4 β ( Z )ε
of the solution, we introduce the following coeffi- The constant c1 is found from the boundary
cients: condition:
k (r − α ) k α k β (Z ) (29)
t = 0
k = 2π q; a = ;b = ;c = σT = σ TИCX ; (41a)
4εβ ( Z ) 2ε 4ε
Then the first Equation (28) is transformed as 1
σ (Z , t ) = β (Z ) - ; (41b)
follows: T c1
d σ T ( z, l ) Hence c1 is found:
= aσ T2 ( z , t ) - bσ T ( z , t ) + c (30) 1
dt c1 = (42)
We shall seek a solution of (30) in the form of: −σ TИCX
+ β (Z )
1 Substituting (42) into (41), we obtain:
σ=T y1 + (31)
y′ 1
σ T = β (Z ) - (43)
Where y1 - Particular solution. kt 1
We assume that y1 is a certain value that does 4 β ( Z )ε β ( Z ) − σ TИCX
not depend on the parameter t. Study the solution obtained by us. If the
y1 = Y (32) hardening time increases, then: σ T ( Z , t ) → β ( Z )
in the limit:
Then substituting Equation (32) into Equation
(31) we obtain: lim σ T ( Z , t ) = β ( Z ) (44)
t →∞

aY 2 + bY + c =0 (33) Now consider the relationship between resid-

Solving this equation for Y we obtain two roots: ual stresses and deflection of control plates ∆f .
β (Z ) For simplicity, we take in (30) that
= Y1,2 (1 ± 1 - a (2 - a ) (34) =
2 - a µ r µ=θ , kr kθ , then we obtain:
Now (30) it can be reduced to a linear differential
equation: d σ XΣ OCT ( Z , t ) 2q  θ r ( Z ) − θθ ( Z ) 
=   (45)
dy dt π  4 µ k σ T ( Z , t ) 
+ (2aY - b) y = - a (35)
We substitute into the equation (45):
Substituting here (34) and taking into account 2q θ r ( Z ) − θθ ( Z )
d = ( ), (46)
(28), (29), we obtain the equation: π 4µ k
dy k k (r − a ) Then the equation takes the form:
+ ( A0 - 1) y + = 0, (36)
dt 2ε 4 β ( Z )ε d σ XΣ OCT ( Z , t )  d 
Where =   (47)
dt  σ T (Z , t ) 
A0= 1 ± 1 - a (2 - a ) (37) Equation (40) is reduced to the form:

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 7 of 16 •

Figure 3: Dependence of residual stresses on hardening time.

k β ( Z )( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX )t + 4 β ( Z )εσ TИCX now to equate to (50).

σT = (48)  at fb − ag 
kt ( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX ) + 4 β ( Z )ε σ XΣOCT =+
d (ln( ft + g ) - ln g )  (53)
f f 
Taking into account (48), the equation (47) is
becomes: The analysis shows that the calculated curve can
be divided into 3 phases:
d σ XΣOCT ( Z , t ) d [kt ( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX ) + 4 β ( Z )ε]
= (49) I. Fast initial growth phase;
dt kt ( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX ) + 4 β ( Z )σ TИCX ε
II. Transitional period;
We make the substitution in the Equation (49):
III. Saturation phase.
a = k ( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX ); b = 4 β ( Z )ε; (50a)
Since the solution of the adaptability equations
f = k ( β ( Z ) . ( β ( Z ) − σ TИCX ); g = 4 β ( Z )σ TИCX ε; (50b) at each i-th step of the integration requires the
solution of the one-shot problem, it is most ad-
d σ XΣOCT at + b vantageous to apply the interactive solution meth-
= d (50c)
dt ft + g ods, since the resolution of the equations at each
We shall carry out a qualitative analysis of new step begins with the previous solution, which
Equation (50). At the initial time, the increment of increases the computational speed. In particu-
residual stresses should be maximal, since there is lar, here we have chosen a two-layer integration
no hardening, in the future it should decrease to a scheme for solving the problem. The main decision
certain limit, which can be easily found from the points listed below.
relation in Equation (50) (Figure 3). 1) Based on the preset depth of ball penetra-
dσ ( Z , t ) a tion, determine the contact radius:
lim = d (51)
t →∞ dt f B = RШ . De , (54)
The presence of this limit is easily explained by
the existence of a maximum hardening limit: Where RШ- Ball radius;
σ T < σ Tmax , 0 < t < ∞ (52) De - Depth of implementation.
This limit exists in many materials and is 2) Determine the number of nodes N1 in the
explained by its physical properties. We integrate contact area and check whether it falls into the

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 8 of 16 •

required range, if not, the calculation is terminated.  1 − 2v  

( ) − 1  ; (58b)

This is done to ensure that the number of grid σ θ r ≤ b= K  1 − r 2 + 2  1 − r 2 2

 3r  
nodes does not exceed the specified range, and, on
the other hand, that the accuracy of the solution is
r ≤ b= K 1 − r ; (58c)
σθ r > b
= -σ r , σZ r > b
= 0 (58d)
3) Determine the coordinates of the grid
nodes X (1), Y (1). 6) Find the boundary conditions on the lateral
4) Determine the force of the ball pressing:
8σ 0 BDe FGb (b, Z ) = σ ryΠp (b, Z ); (59a)
P = (55)
3(1- v)′ Fτ b (b, Z ) = τ yΠp
(b, Z ); (59b)
Where σ 0 - Initial shear modulus. FGN (r , H ) = σ yΠp
r (r , H ); (59c)
By the given force P and the radius of the print Fτ N (r , H ) = τ yΠp
(r , H ), (59d)
B determine the elastic stresses according to:
Where b , H - Height and width of the calculation
σ yΠp
r = σ yΠp
r (r , Z ); σ yΠp
Z = σ yΠp
Z (r , Z ); σ θ
= σ θ (r , Z ); (56)
5) On the basis of (55) find the boundary 7) On the basis of (58), find the elastic dis-
conditions: placements at the nodes.
On the axis r = 0 we obtain: 8) To solve the interatomic problem, take the

σ r = σ θ = K (1 + V )(1 − Zarctg - ) ; (57a)
1 1  calculated elastic stresses as initial conditions, in
 Z 2(1 + Z 2 )  addition, assume at the boundary that the bound-
1 ary conditions correspond to the conditions found
=σZ K
= ;τ 0 (57b) from the elastic solution (58) and (59).
1 + Z2
On the surface Z = 0 we have τ = 0 Determine the intensity of stresses taking into
 1 − 2v   account the residual stresses σ XOCT :
2 (
1 − r 2 ) 2 − 1  ; (58a)
σ r r ≤ b= K  1 − r 2 + 1
 3r   σu = (σ r + σ XOCT - σ Z ) 2 + (σ θ + σ XOCT - σ Z ) 2 + 6τ 2 (60)

Figure 4: Diagram of the method of variable elasticity parameters.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 | • Page 9 of 16 •

To calculate the stress state in the plastic region, The derivatives in (66) are found by three points:
we use the variable elasticity method. According 1
to this, the shear modulus σ and Poisson's ratio
y′ ( x1 )= ( − y3 + 4 y2 − 3 y1 ) ; (67a)
V at each point of the area are calculated (Figure 1
4). By σ * and V * their values depending on the y′ (=xi ) ( yi +1 − yi −1 ) , 1 < i < n; (67b)
value σ u are indicated. σ and V are the values
from the previous iteration. Find the intensity of y′ ( xn )= ( 3 yn − 4 yn−1 + yn−2 ) , (67c)
the deformations by the formula: H
σ 1 1 − 2V  Here yi = y ( xi ), H - Double grid spacing.
εu = u  +  (61)
3 σ E  Substituting the expression (67) into the equilib-
Further, we find the intensity along the defor- rium equation (66) and representing it as the prod-
mation curve: uct of matrices (65), we define the matrix A.
σ u * = an + bn ε u , (62) b) To solve the equation (65), we use the
three-layer iterative method. According to this
Where n - Number of the segment of the broken method, it is necessary to calculate the remainder
line, which approximates the curve, the deforma- by the formula:
tion. After this, we determine the new value of the
shear modulus by the formula. rk = AYk - F (68)
1 Calculate the vector column. Ark for this we
σ* = (63)
3ε u 1- 2v use the equations (65) and (66), but instead of
+ displacement we substitute the remainder.
σ u* E
9) Find the deformations from the displace- Calculate the coefficients A, Е, F and if K > 1 ,
ments, then calculate the stresses at the nodes then calculate the coefficients B, C, D:
from the obtained elastic deformations and the= re- A (=Ark , rk ); B ( Ark , rk −1 ); (69a)
calculated elastic modulus.
= C (rk , rk - rk −=1 ); D (rk −1 , rk − rk −1 ); (69b)
σ r = λθ + 2σ ε r ; (64a)
= E ( A=rk , Ark ); F rk , rk ); Fst
(= (rk −1 , rk −1 ) (69c)
σ θ = λθ + 2σ εθ ; (64b)
c) Calculate the new vector of the solution Y at
σ Z = λθ + 2σ ε Z ; (64c) the -th integration by the formulas:
10) To determine the displacements at the grid Y (1) = Y (0) - τ . r0 , ΠpИ k = 1 (70a)
nodes, it is necessary to compile a system of linear
equations with fixed elastic parameters: Y ( k + 1) = Y ( k - 1) + α (Y ( k ) - Y ( k - 1) ) - ατ rk , ΠpИ k ≥ 2, (70b)

AY = F , (65) Where
= αk = ; α1 1;
( A − B ) B − DE (71a)
Where Y - Array of radial and axial displacements;
(C − D) E − ( A − B )

F - Boundary conditions, which are determined

= ;τ = +
B ( A − B) , k ≥ 2 (71b)
from the equations (59) k
E Eα k E
a) In order to find the matrix A, it is necessary Since the contact task is being solved, it is
to express the equilibrium equations in the form necessary to fix the movement of the nodes in the
of a displacement function. Substituting (64) into contact area. In order for their values to remain
the equilibrium equations, we obtain a system of unchanged in the iteration process, the discrepancy
second-order differential equations: in these nodes is forcibly equated to zero, which
∆ 2u +
d  du
dw  Fx
0; (66a)
leads to automatic fixation of displacements in
  + =
1 − 2V dx  dx dy dz  µ these nodes.
1 d  du dV dw  Fy (66b) The iterative process proceeds until the residual
∆ 2V + .  + +  + =0;
1 − 2V dy  dx dy dz  µ is sufficiently small, namely:
1 d  du dV dw  Fz F
∆2w + .  + +  + =0 (66c) - 1 < ε, (72a)
1 − 2V dz  dx dy dz  µ Fst

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 10 of 16 •

Where ε - Relative accuracy. step 17, otherwise go to the next step.

Calculate the new elastic modulus from formulas Define a new depth of the introduction of balls
(61), (62), (63). Find the change in the elastic into a half-space, while:
modulus at the (k + 1) iteration. h= h + ∆h, if ∋ < Ao ; (74a)
Further we check the condition: ∆E < ∆Eg , h= h - ∆h, if ∋ > Ao , (74b)
where ∆E - Maximum increment of the shear Where h - Penetration depth of the ball;
modulus; ∆Eg - Maximum increment error.
∆h - Increment of penetration depth.
If the condition is not fulfilled, go to (10) and re-
peat the calculation again, otherwise go to the next To achieve the convergence, the step is
step. This cycle limits the solution of the elastoplas- calculated using the following the formula:
tic problem for a given depth of ball penetration. if ∋ (h + ∆h) > Ao and ∋ (h) < Ao , then
Calculate the energy ∋ of the half-space; ∆h =∆h (75)
∋= ∫V
(∋o + ∋Φ )dxdydz; (73a)
After recalculating the depth of implementation,
1 − 2V * go to step 1 of the algorithm.
=∋o *
(σ r + σ θ + σ z ) 2 ; (73b)
6E 11) Calculate the residual stresses by the for-
σ ε mula:
∋Φ = u u , (73c)
2 σ ijOCT = σ ijH - σ ijy ∏ p , (76)
Where ∋o - Bulk strain energy;
Where σ ijH - Load stresses;
∋Φ - Forming energy.
σ ijy ∏ p - Stresses, discharges, obtained from the
Check whether the kinetic energy of the ball Ao elastic solution.
is equal to the energy of the half-space. If not, go to
The solutions obtained from the algorithm are

Figure 5: Results of calculation of stresses for a single print.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 11 of 16 •

based on the fact that at a sufficiently large distance el the impacting ball and the impacted surfaces,
from the contact zone the elastoplastic solution respectively. The material properties included for
converges to the elastic solution. This assumption the impacted surface are the yield stress of 1433
allows to limit the calculated area to a cylinder of MPa with a plastic hardening behavior. For the im-
the radius B and the height H , and at the nodes pacting ball, a very high value of stiffness has been
located on the outer boundary of the cylinder, the assigned to represent high rigidity of the structure
displacements obtained from the elastic solution. when contacting with other surfaces. The finite el-
Figure 5 shows the distribution of stresses with ement discretization of the shot peening simula-
K ΠpoΠ = 1, the ball radius RШ = 1, 25 mm. The tion is depicted in Figure 6. Shot peening loading
figure shows the example of the residual stress was simulated by defining an impact velocity of 90
distribution with a dummy mechanical property m/s to the impacting balls over a three repeated
of the steel materials. For our experiment, the
comparable stress would be the right bottom stress
Finite Element Modeling
All computer modeling in the present study was
conducted using the nonlinear finite element (FE) V = 90 m/s
code LS-DYNA 971. A model of the workpiece sur-
faces was developed using a constant stress sol-
id element formulation which suitably model the
impacted surface response of the workpiece. The
impacting balls of two different sizes namely 0.8
mm and 1.3 mm were also modelled using solid
elements with reduced integration techniques in
combination with hourglass control. In a way it is
similar to that of Purohit’s [5] with multiple shot
balls. The workpiece is modelled with four geomet-
rical parts with same nodes between the internal
surfaces. The model was discretised using solid el-
ement with two mesh sizes to capture better sim-
ulation results. Stiffness-based hourglass control
was employed to avoid spurious zero energy defor-
mation modes and the use of reduced integration
was to avoid volumetric locking. The elastic and Figure 6: Finite element model of shot peening sim-
elasto-plastic material models were used to mod- ulation under several impact sequences.

Impact point x y
1 0 0
2 D/2 0 D x
3 D 0
4 0 D/2
5 D/2 D/2
6 D D/2
7 0 D Point 5
8 D/2 D
9 D D

Figure 7: Schematic diagram of the impacting points and sequence on the workpiece model.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 12 of 16 •

impact loading. Figure 7 shows the schematic dia- piece stress after impact. The impacting ball was
gram of the impacting points and sequence on the constrained to translate vertically only along the z
workpiece model. The evaluation of residual stress axis, and the bottom and edges nodes of the work-
and impacting depth was carried out underneath of piece surfaces were fully constrained as shown in
Point 5. The simulation was done in two separate Figure 7. A reliable contact modeling for the inter-
phases namely explicit and implicit simulations. Ex- action between the impacting ball and workpiece is
plicate simulation was employed to simulate the paramount and needs to be accurately established.
impact loading on the workpiece. From this simu- Automatic surface to surface contact was defined
lation, impact analysis may be carried out resulting for the contact interfaces of the impacting ball with
in obtaining the initial stress field in the workpiece. the workpiece in order to avoid any penetration
Subsequently, the output obtained from explicit occurred. The friction coefficients associated with
simulation was employed to simulate implicit sim- contact between the balls and workpiece were de-
ulation. Thereafter, the residual stress in material fined as 0.3 and 0.2 for the static and dynamic re-
can be obtained from the implicit analysis on work spectively.
Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 8: Residual stress computed with finite element model with the ball diameter of 0.8 mm.
Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 9: Residual stress computed with finite element model with the ball diameter of 1.3 mm.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 13 of 16 •

Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the result of the FE of the shot peening was approximately 98%. This
models. One can see that as the number of the is to mimic what is usually called saturated shot
pass increases, the maximum compressive residual peening. Beyond this coverage, more shot peening
stress also increases. At the same time, the depth amount that is put into the system will not affect
of the peak also increases as the size of the ball the residual stress significantly. The samples were
increases. These were in agreement with both our than profiled with an x-ray diffraction device. Fig-
analysis and experiment. ure 10 and Figure 11 show the results. The 0.8 mm
ball produces slightly less than 300 MPa at the sur-
face, while the 1.3 mm ball produces more than
The experiment was done by shot peening on 500 MPa. The peak for the shot ball size of 0.8 mm
two different plates, namely plate A and plate B. produces 0.1 mm maximum depth of compressive
On the plate A, shot ball size was 0.8 mm and on residual stress, while the 1.3 mm ball produces
plate B, the shot ball size 1.3 mm. The experiment peak at 0.19 mm. This trend is similar with both the
was performed with the same machine with the analytical and finite element results as well as the
parameters to match the analysis. The coverage finding of other researchers [6].
Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 10: Results of experiment using 0.8 mm shot size.

Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 11: Results of experiment using 1.3 mm shot size.

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 14 of 16 •

Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 12: Comparison of FE modeling and experiment for shot ball size of 0.8 mm.
Residual Stress [MPa]

Depth [mm]

Figure 13: Comparison of FE modeling and experiment for shot ball size of 1.3 mm.

Discussions urated residual stress at the surface is usually pre-

dicted as:
Figure 12 and Figure 13 are the direct compar-
ison between the simulation and the experiment. Ah (76)
Surface σ RS [MPa] = - 276 + 7.1 γ R − 0.59σ pre − 451
One can see that while the direct comparison do At the surface, where Ah is the arc height
not match in detail, but they are at the right ten- and R is the radius of shot, while γ R is the retain
dency. The disagreement between the analysis, austenite. For the peak, usually it becomes
finite element model and the experiment was ex-
Ah (77)
pected from the beginning. The computation lim- Max. σ RS [MPa] = -172 + 7.1 γ R − 0.54σ pre − 882
itation was also prevented us to do until saturation,
The unit is in MPa. The above empirical equations
in our case, 3 passes. However, since this is our first
are quite famous in the industrial world although it
attempt to academically materialize the concept of
is lack of scientific basis. Based on Equations (76)
the shot peening in calculation such discrepancy is
and (77), and our measurement that arc-height are
highly anticipated. Other researchers also pursue
0.54 and 0.28 respectively, our prediction of sur-
similarly [2,7-9]. Among the practitioners, the sat-

Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033
Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 15 of 16 •

(a) 1 pass (b) 2 passes (c) 4 passes

(d) 8 passes (e) 16 passes (f) 32 passes

Figure 14: Shot peening coverage at different shot peening passes.

face residual stress would be -530 MPa and -512 stress. This conclusion is nothing new among the
MPa respectively. The peak residual stress would practitioners. However, this research proved that
be 917 MPa and 906 MPa. Again, direct comparison academically this field has so much promise and
of the prediction using these empirical equations potential to develop further. It would be an inter-
with experiment and with computational results esting topics to incorporate the chaos theory, since
are still difficult. We can only say that the trend is while the number of individual impacts is linearly
similar. proportional to shot flow, exposure area, and expo-
Figure 14 shows the coverages at different sure time, the shot peening coverage is not linearly
passes. It shows clearly that our first attempt in proportional because of the random nature of the
this computation is still an early stage and can be process.
modified into broader area and more variation of Acknowledgment
the coverage.
Part of the work was performed during the first
In the fatigue based industrial application, it is author’s stay as a visiting professor at the South
very critical that a product has both sufficient sur- Ural State University, Russia. The financial support
face residual stress and depth of peak to prolong and contribution from the International office of
the fatigue life. This trend explain why some prod- South Ural State University is highly appreciated.
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Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
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Prawoto et al. Int J Metall Met Phys 2019, 4:033 ISSN: 2631-5076 |• Page 16 of 16 •

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Citation: Prawoto Y, Mazein PG, Kosterin AV, Ahmad Z (2019) Effect of Shot Size in Surface Improvement via Shot Peening; Analytical,
Modeling and Experimental Approaches. Int J Metall Met Phys 4:033

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