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Date/Time: Friday, March 02, 2018 (09:30-10:30)

Grade and Section: Grade 7 Kindness, Loyalty, Justice, Majesty, Integrity

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different
phenomena that occur in the atmosphere.
B. Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to analyse the locations of the
Philippines to relation to climate, weather and seasons.
C. Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
 Identify and Describe the features of the layers of the atmosphere

A. Topic: Solar Energy and the Atmosphere
Subtopic: Layers of the Atmosphere
B. Reference: Science Teacher Guide:
Science Learner Guide:
C. Materials: Visual Aids, pictures, short play, power point presentation,
D. Values Integration: Teamwork/ Unity, Happiness, Awareness
E. Teaching Strategy: Constructivism using Activity Based, Collaborative Approach
using Jigsaw Method.

III. Teacher/Learners Activity


I. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer

“Let us Start our Lesson for today with a prayer’’

A. Greeting/ Classroom Management/

Checking of Attendance

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Ma’am!

“Kindly arrange your chairs properly and check if there are (The students will properly arrange their
any pieces of trash around you. Please properly dispose it seats and dispose any pieces of trash they
inside the trash can to maintain classroom cleanliness.” may find).

I’d like to know how many absentees we have today?

“That’s good to know, class! Keep it up!” We’re glad to say that there are no
absentees in our class today.”
B. Energizer
“May I invite you all to stand once again for an energizer
dance just to pump up the good vibes in our classroom.
Let’s go!” (The students will participate in the
(The teacher will present a dance video with easy steps). energizer dance).
“Are you now energized by doing the dance in the video,
“Yes, we are, Ma’am!”

C. Review
“In our previous meeting we discussed about Energy
Resources, Again Class what are the different Source of
Energy? The different Sources of Energy are: Solar
Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric
“Very Good! Now Let us focus on the solar Energy. Do you Energy, Wind Energy and Biomass.
still remember What is Solar Energy?
Solar energy is the energy derived from the
II. Lesson Proper sun through the form of solar radiation.

A. Motivation

This morning we are going to play ``4 pics and 1 word. I

will be flashing 4 pictures below. These pictures are
scrambled letter which you will arrange in order to form 1
word that represent the picture. You will be given the
State board to write your answer. The first group to raise
the correct answer earn points. The group with the most
number of points win the game. Please remember that
any unnecessary noise is demerit to your points.

Am I clear? Are you ready?

What are the words that you guess from the pictures? Yes Ma`am

Introduction/ Presentation: Atmosphere, temperature, height, solar,

Have you imagined yourself skinless?
How do we look life if we don’t have a skin?
What do you think is the role of the skin? No ma`am

Correct! The role of the skin is to protect our

internal organs from harmful factors.
Now try to imagine the Earth without an atmosphere.
What do you think will happen to planet Earth?
Very good!
No one will survive because of the intense
Today we are going to explore our atmosphere heat.
We will get to know each layer.
Are you ready to explore and travel?

So class if you are ready fasten your seatbelt, open your Yes We are ready! Always ready
mind, eyes and ears to capture, focus to learn and enjoy
the trip.

But wait, I have question to all of you again what should a

good student do during the activities and discussion
A good student listen, take notes,
Can I expect that from you? participate and behave well in the class.

Class I have here the objectives that you should be able to Yes Ma`am
attain in our lessons.

B. Activity

Today we will have our group activity. Each group will

present different practices related to the topic.
Group 1- Sun Group
Group 2- Satellite Group
Group 3- Earth Group
Group 4- Rain Group

You`ll be given 5-7 minutes for your presentation. So class

here are the rubrics on how I am going to grade your

Delivery The The The
presentation presentation presentation
wasn’t well- was good and was well-
executed the topic was executed and
well- the topic was
explained. explained
Accuracy The students The students The students
needed much asked some finished the
help from the help from the task without
teacher teacher any help
from the
Timeliness Students did Students Students
not finish the finished the finished the
task on time task just in task before
time the time limit
Group Most group Only some of All group
Dynamics members did the group members
not members worked well
participate worked together

Is there any questions? Any clarification? No Ma`am

If none, let`s get started

Group 1: Sun Group

Instruction: By using a pie graph, answer the guided
question by creating a lively jingle. Discuss the gas
composition of the Earth`s atmosphere.

Guided Question:
1. How much of the gas are present in the
2. What are the 2 most abundant gases in the
3. Why do you think these gases are important to

Group 2: Satellite Group

Group 3: Earth Group

Instruction: graph the estimated temperatures of each
layers of the atmosphere and discuss the temperature
variations. Present it to the class through News Reporting/
News Casting

Guided Questions:
1. What is the estimate temperature of each layer?
2. What is the relationship between altitude and
temperature in each layer?
Group 4: Rain Group

Time`s up! Please tuck your works on the board. Now The student will tuck their works
lets us see your output and present it on class.

Atmosphere is an important part of what makes Earth

liveable. It contains gases that are essential to life.

What are the main components of our atmosphere?  Nitrogen and oxygen are the main
components of our atmosphere.
Together they are comprised 99%
of our atmosphere.

Our atmosphere is divided into how many layers and what  We have 5 main layers of the
are these layers? atmosphere namely from top to
bottom: Exosphere, thermosphere,
mesosphere, Stratosphere and
What are the common Scence we usually observed in
each layers.

What do you think is the basis for the divisions of our  Due to the Temperature Ma`am

In what layer of the atmosphere does the temperature  In the Troposphere, thermosphere
increases with heights? and Exosphere.

What do you think the relationship of altitude and

temperature between each layers


Can you generalize the higher the layer of the 

atmosphere (that is close to the sun), the hotter the
temperature? Why or why not?


Group Activity:
Label the layers of the atmosphere and identify the
things that commonly found in each layers. Distinguish
the distances from the Earth`s Surface.

Since you already know what the concept of this
lesson, I want to assure if all of you understand what we
tackled about earlier? Prepare ¼ sheet of paper I’ll give
you a short quiz.


1). What layer of the atmosphere where humans live and

weather activity also occur in this layers?
a. Stratosphere
b. Thermosphere
c. Troposphere

2). The layer of the atmosphere where meteors and rock

fragments melt.
a. Mesosphere
b. Thermosphere
c. Exosphere

3). What layers of the atmosphere where temperature is

increasing with heights?

a. Troposphere/Mesosphere
b. Thermosphere/Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere/exosphere

4). Which of the following is seen in the Thermosphere?

a. Airplane
b. Aurora
c. Ozone layer

5). A change that is believed to be permanently changing

The Earth Atmosphere?

a. Global Warming

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