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Time: 15 seconds Good morning everybody today we're talking

about stress management the presentation
was in charge of Maria Fernanda Mora and
who speak Tatiana Rincon
Time: 2 seconds ¿What is stress work?
Time: 6 seconds As follows my partner Maria Fernanda will be
opener this item.
Time: 1 minute and 22 seconds Hello, everyone, Work stress is a phenomenon
increasingly common, which is increasing in
our society, mainly because the types of work
have been changing in recent decades. It
affects the physical and psychological welfare
worker and can impair the organizational

Currently, the relevance of information on

production processes, tasks that require
mental effort traditionally required only
brawn. Moreover, the pace of work has been
increasing, because with fewer workers have
to be achieved better results. But not always
the answers to meet the demands have a
negative character, as they often are needed
to face difficult situations and survival.

Time: 32 seconds
we need to bear in mind that:
The stress is caused for excess work, family
problems, personal imbalances and angers or
crappy situations in lifes people. The different
situations at the workplace. that affect the
level of stress are :

1. Work context. "The working conditions

are not the same for a person to
another, and with this we mean the
working environment in which we live,
and factors beyond our control but
which have a direct impact on the way
we work and face the work.
Time: 1 minute and 42 seconds
Also: 2. How to tackle the job. "Unlike the
previous point, it no longer has to do with the
workplace, but with the way in which
everyone assumes their work.

3. Disorganization. "Disorganization at work

can be an important trigger stress. Not
knowing optimize time during the workday
and therefore taking work home generates a
very heavy psychological pressure for the
person, with implications negative
consequences not only for itself but also for
their families.

Time: 1 minute Common Sources of Work Stress:

Certain factors tend to go hand-in-hand with work-
related stress. Some common workplace stressors

 Low salaries.
 Excessive work loads.
 Few opportunities for growth or
 Work that isn't engaging or challenging.
 Lack of social support.
 Not having enough control over job-related
 Conflicting demands or unclear
performance expectations.

Time: 24 seconds I turn now to, symptoms, diseases and some

tips to management of stress work
Time: 1 minute Some symptoms to detect the strees are:

 Feeling anxious, irritable, or

 Apathy, loss of interest in work
 Problems sleeping
 Fatigue
 Trouble concentrating
 Muscle tensión headaches
 Stomach problems
 Social with drawal
 Using alcohol or drugs to cope
Time: 30 seconds Somes the diseases that can arise are:
That work place stress can lead to an increase
in rates of heart disease, flu virus, metabolic
syndrome and high blood pressure, Weight
gain, Back, neck and shoulder pain, Sleep
dysfunction, Depression, Heart disease.

Time: 1 minute and 30 seconds The tips that we can consider to the
management of stress work are:

1. Take A Deep Breath: If you’re feeling

overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense
meeting and need to clear your head, a few
minutes of deep breathing will restore
balance, simply inhale for five seconds, hold
and exhale in equal counts through the nose.

2. Eliminate Interruptions: While you may not

have control over the interrupters, you can
control your response. Emails, phone calls,
instant messages and sudden, You can also
train those around you by answering email
during certain windows, setting up office hours
to talk in person or closing the door when you
need to focus.

3. Schedule Your Day For Energy And Focus:

Advises scheduling breaks throughout the day
to walk, stretch at your desk or do a breathing
exercise. We have intense concentration for
about 90
Time: 1 minute and 1 seconds 4. Eat Right And Sleep Well: Eating badly will
stress your system, and when you’re not
sleeping well, you’re not getting the
rejuvenating effects. It suggested eating hours
and sleep at least 8 hours for the body to
recover totally.

5. Prioritize Your Priorities: With competing

deadlines and fast-changing priorities, it’s
critical to define what’s truly important and
why. It’s important to understand your role in
the organization, the company’s strategic
priorities, and your personal goals and
strengths. Focusing on those projects that will
have the most impact and are best aligned
with your goals.

Time: 2 seconds Thank you for your attention, I hope that it has
done of help.

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