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Australian Journal
of Chemistry
Volume 50, 1997
© CSIRO Australia 1997

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for CSIRO Australia and
the Australian Academy of Science
Aust. J. Chem., 1997, 50, 189–192 .

Dimethyl Cubane-1,4-dicarboxylate:
A Practical Laboratory Scale Synthesis

Marianne Bliese A and John Tsanaktsidis A,B

Division of Chemicals and Polymers, CSIRO,
Private Bag 10, Clayton South MDC, Vic. 3169.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Complete experimental details for the preparation of dimethyl cubane-1,4-dicarboxylate (1) in multigram
quantities, from cyclopentanone (2), in an overall yield of c. 23% are presented.

Introduction Background Material

The fascination with cubane chemistry has continued The first successful synthesis of the cubane nucleus
unabated ever since the maiden construction of the was described by Eaton and Cole1 in 1964 in the guise
cubane nucleus by Eaton and Cole some 30 years ago.1 of the 1,4-dicarboxylic acid (3), and characterized as
Since then, an impressive array of knowledge and under- the dimethyl ester (1), in five steps starting from
standing leading to the preparation of many different cyclopent-2-enone (4) in an overall yield of c. 12%
cubane derivatives has been amassed.2,3 Indeed, recent (Scheme 1). Specifically, sequential treatment of (4)
reports have highlighted the potential of cubane com- with N -bromosuccinimide in refluxing CCl4 , followed
pounds as pharmaceuticals, novel polymeric materials, by molecular bromine in a mixture of pentane and
explosives and fuels.4 From a preparative point of view, CH2 Cl2 , produced a mixture of tribromides (5), which
however, the seminal development in the evolution of upon exposure to diethylamine in ether furnished the
cubane chemistry was the direct functionalization of the dicyclopentadienone (6) in an overall yield of c. 40%
cubane nucleus through ortho-metallation and subse- from (4). Ultraviolet irradiation of (6) in methanolic
quent elaboration of the derived metallocubane.5 Since HCl afforded the cage dione (7) after deketalization
then, Eaton6 and others7 have successfully employed
this technique, in its various modifications, to prepare O O O
an impressive range polysubstituted cubanes otherwise
(a) (b) Br
unaccessible. Furthermore, we have recently described
a general strategy that provides access to monoalky-
lated cubanes through the use of functionalized cubane
(4) Br Br Br
precursors.8 Despite these important developments,
routine access to multigram quantities of the versatile (c)
dimethyl cubane-1,4-dicarboxylate (1) (see below) is
problematic.∗ Indeed, Eaton3,9 has commented recently O
that the Chapman-modified sequence has ‘evolved into O
a simple five-step process providing 1 in about 25% (e) (d)
overall’; however, the details of this process are not
available in the literature. Herein, we disclose complete
experimental details for the preparation of (1), from O
commercially available cyclopentanone (2) in multigram (1) X = Me O Br
quantities, through a streamlined synthetic route which (3) X = H (7) (6)

involves the isolation and purification of only three

Scheme 1. (a) N -Bromosuccinimide, CCl4 , azobisisobutyroni-
of the seven intermediates on route to (1) and which trile, ∆. (b) Br2 , pentane/CH2 Cl2 , 0–10◦ C. (c) Et2 NH, ether,
incorporates several improvements over the published −20◦ C. (d ) (i) hν, methanol, HCl; (ii) H2 O, ∆. (e) (i) 50%
procedures. aq. KOH, ∆; (ii) aq. HCl.

Although (3) is now commercially available (Aldrich), its prohibitive cost is likely to impede further exploration.

Manuscript received 7 February 1997 10.1071/CH97021 0004-9425/97/030189$05.00

190 M. Bliese and J. Tsanaktsidis

and dehydration. It is worth noting, however, that the Results and Discussion
entity undergoing photocyclization is not the dione (6) In the present work (Scheme 3), the ketal (8) was pre-
itself, but either its hemiketal and/or its dimethyl ketal. pared through condensation of (2) with ethane-1,2-diol
Exposure of (7) to boiling 50% aqueous KOH produced in the presence of a sulfonic acid resin which was found
the diacid (3) through two consecutive Favorskii ring to be a superior catalyst to p-toluenesulfonic acid.10
contractions. Treatment of (8) with bromine in 1,4-dioxan produced
A significant improvement to the original protocol the corresponding tribromide (9) which was immedi-
of Eaton and Cole was introduced by Chapman and ately exposed to excess NaOH, in boiling methanol
coworkers10 in 1970 (Scheme 2). Starting with the (or ethanol) thus producing the bisethylene ketal (10),
cheaper and more accessible cyclopentanone (2), these in c. 60% overall yield from (8), after trituration with
workers developed a more convenient approach to the hot ethanol. The residue obtained upon evaporation of
key dicyclopentadienone intermediate (6). Protection these mother liquors contained the isomeric bisethylene
of (2) with ethane-1,2-diol furnished the ethylene ketal ketal (11), which could be isolated in pure form upon
(8), which upon treatment with 3 equiv. of molecular recrystallization from methanol in yields up to 10%.12
bromine in dry 1,4-dioxan produced the tribromide Exposure of (10) to concentrated H2 SO4 led to the
(9). Exposure of (9) to NaOMe in methanol afforded production of the dione (6) in high yield (c. 90%)
the bisketal dimer (10), the bisethylene ketal of (6). after recrystallization thereby establishing a new route
Selective deprotection of the less strained ketal in (10) to this key intermediate. It is important to note
with concentrated HCl in tetrahydrofuran at room that this double deketalization is quite temperature-
temperature delivered the monoketal (12), which upon sensitive, with optimum conversions requiring reaction
irradiation in deoxygenated benzene with a Hanovia temperatures between 20 and 25◦ C. Irradiation of (6) at
450 W medium-pressure mercury lamp afforded the room temperature in methanol containing concentrated
cage ketal (13). Further deprotection with concen- HCl with a 450 W Hanovia medium-pressure mercury
trated H2 SO4 delivered the cage dione (7) which was lamp through Pyrex produced the cage dione (7) as a
collapsed to the diacid (3) in the normal way. It should mixture of hemiketals and ketals. Hydrolysis of this
be mentioned, however, that Chapman and workers mixture with hot (acidic) water, followed by treatment
experienced considerable difficulty with the conversion with refluxing aqueous NaOH for 4 h furnished the
of (7) into (3) and were not able to reproduce the yields diacid (3) as a tan solid. Careful investigation of this
reported by Eaton and Cole.1 A subsequent report by latter process showed that the highest yields of (3)
Luh and Stock11 provided full experimental detail for were obtained when 12 ml of 25% aqueous NaOH per
the preparation of (3), and its dimethyl ester (1), by gram of (6) were employed. Indeed, more concen-
the Eaton and Cole protocol and suggested that the trated conditions [<12 ml of 25% aq. NaOH/g of (6)]
difficulties encountered by Chapman and coworkers resulted in considerably lower yields of (3), whereas
were a result of the workup procedure and not the lower concentrations [>12 ml of 25% aq. NaOH/g of
ring-contraction process itself. (6)] offered no additional benefit. Additionally, it was
found that acidification of the strongly basic Favorskii
O solution was more conveniently effected by adding the
O O O O chilled basic solution to a freshly prepared mixture
Br Br
(a) (b)

Br (a) (b) (c) (d)

(2) (8) (10) (6) (1)
(2) (8) (9)
(c) Scheme 3. (a) Ethane-1,2-diol, benzene, Dowex 50W-
X8 (H) cation exchange resin, ∆. (b) (i) 3 equiv. Br2 ,
O 1,4-dioxan, room temperature; (ii) NaOH, methanol, ∆.
O O O O (c) Conc. H2 SO4 , 20–25◦ C. (d ) (i) hν, methanol, conc.
HCl, room temperature; (ii) H2 O, ∆; (iii) 25% aq. NaOH,
(e) (d) ∆; (iv) methanol, Dowex 50W-X8 (H) cation exchange
resin, ∆.
(13) (12) O Br O Br

(7) (3)
Scheme 2. (a) Ethane-1,2-diol, benzene, TsOH, ∆. (b) 3 equiv.
Br2 , 1,4-dioxan, room temperature. (c) NaOMe, methanol, O
∆. (d ) Conc. HCl, tetrahydrofuran, room temperature. (e) O Br
hν, benzene, room temperature. (f ) Conc. H2 SO4 , room
temperature. (g) 50% aq. KOH, ∆. (11)
Dimethyl Cubane-1,4-dicarboxylate 191

of concentrated HCl and ice chips. Purification of washed thoroughly with water (1 litre), triturated with boiling
crude (3) was best accomplished by esterification with ethanol (c. 500 ml), then cooled (−10◦ C) and filtered, thus
affording the bisketal (10) (152 · 6 g, 60%) as a colourless solid,
methanol followed by sublimation and recrystallization m.p. 174–176◦ C (lit.10 172–174◦ C). 1 H n.m.r. δ 2 · 69–2 · 76, m,
of the corresponding dimethyl ester (1). This final 1H; 3 · 02–3 · 13, m, 1H; 3 · 46–3 · 55, m, 1H; 3 · 83–4 · 30, m, 8H,
sequence, (6) through (1), proceeds in an overall yield ketal protons; 5 · 84, d, J 6 · 5 Hz, 1H; 6 · 07, d, J 2 · 3 Hz, 1H;
between 42 and 47%. 6 · 19, dd, J 6 · 5, 3 · 5 Hz, 1H.
In summary, we have detailed an operationally sim- endo-2,4-Dibromodicyclopentadiene-1,8-dione∗ (6)
ple protocol for the preparation of (1) in multigram
The bisketal (10) (100 g, 246 mmol) was added in portions
quantities from (2) in an overall yield of c. 23%. The over 20 min to 98% H2 SO4 (300 ml) with stirring at between
key innovations of this study are (i) the double dekatal- 20 and 25◦ C. After 30 h the resulting solution was poured
ization of the bisethylene ketal (10) with concentrated into an ice-water slurry (1 · 5 litres). The resulting precipitate
H2 SO4 and (ii) the optimized conversion of dione (6) was collected by vacuum filtration, washed with ice-cold water
into (1), through a four-step sequence without the (250 ml), then dried. Recrystallization (EtOAc/hexanes; two
crops) furnished the dione (6) (71 · 9 g, 92%) as colourless solid,
need for purification of intermediate substrates. m.p. 156–157◦ C (lit.10 155–155 · 5◦ C). 1 H n.m.r. δ 3 · 15–3 · 25,
m, 1H; 3 · 48–3 · 63, m, 2H; 6 · 24–6 · 36, m, 2H; 7 · 67, d, J 2 · 9
Experimental Hz, 1H.
Melting points were determined on a Gallenkamp apparatus
and are uncorrected. 1 H n.m.r. spectra were recorded on a Dimethyl Cubane-1,4-dicarboxylate (1)
Bruker AC200 spectrometer operating at 200 · 132 MHz. 1 H A solution of the dione (6) (50 g, 157 mmol) in methanol
chemical shifts (δ) are relative to tetramethylsilane as internal (1 · 5 l) containing concentrated HCl (10 ml) was deoxygenated
standard. Gas chromatographic analyses were performed with by bubbling N2 through the solution for 30 min, then irradiated
a Hewlett Packard 5890A gas chromatograph and an HP-17 at room temperature with a 450 W Hanovia mercury lamp in
(10 m by 0 · 53 mm by 2 · 0 µm) column. Commercial reagents a water-cooled Pyrex immersion well apparatus. The reaction,
were purified according to standard procedures.13 1,4-Dioxan which was sensitive to the lamp’s output, was monitored by
was distilled from potassium benzophenone ketyl immediately 1
H n.m.r. When the reaction was complete, the methanol was
prior to use. removed by rotary evaporation under reduced pressure. The
resulting acid-contaminated orange residue was then dissolved
Cyclopentanone Ethylene Ketal (8) in water (600 ml), and heated under reflux for 1 h and cooled
A mixture of cyclopentanone (2) (250 ml, 237 · 8 g, 3 mol), to ambient temperature. Solid NaOH (150 g) was then added
ethane-1,2-diol (200 ml, 222 · 6 g, 3 · 59 mol), Dowex 50W-X8 and the resultant solution heated under reflux for 4 h. The
(H) cation exchange resin (3 g) and benzene (500 ml) was resulting black solution was cooled in an ice bath and then
heated under reflux with concomitant azeotropic removal of added slowly with stirring to a mixture of concentrated HCl
water over 30 h. The resulting clear yellow solution was cooled (330 ml) and ice chips (1 · 2 kg) so that the temperature of the
to room temperature, filtered and washed successively with solution did not exceed c. 5◦ C. The resulting precipitate was
portions of 4% aqueous NaOH (250 ml) and brine (500 ml), collected by vacuum filtration, and the crude diacid (3) washed
then dried (MgSO4 ) and concentrated by distillation through with a small volume of ice-cold water and dried in a vacuum
a Vigreux column (35 cm). Simple distillation of the residue oven at 60◦ C. The combined filtrates were saturated with NaCl,
(59–63◦ C/23 mmHg) (lit.14 57◦ C/18 mmHg) delivered the title and extracted with 1 : 1 EtOAc/tetrahydrofuran (3×150 ml).
ketal (8) (326 · 2 g, 90%) as a colourless liquid which was shown These extracts were dried (MgSO4 ) and concentrated under
to be 99 · 2% pure by gas chromatographic analysis. 1 H n.m.r. reduced pressure and then by azeotropic evaporation with
δ 1 · 58–1 · 81, m, 8H, ring protons; 3 · 87, s, 4H, ketal protons. toluene to remove the last traces of acetic acid. Trituration of
the resulting residue with Et2 O produced a further quantity
of crude (3). The combined material (24 · 5 g) was suspended
endo-2,4-Dibromodicyclopentadiene-1,8-dione ∗ Bisethylene in dry methanol (600 ml), and heated under reflux for 24 h,
Ketal (10) under N2 , in the presence of prewashed (dry methanol) Dowex
Molecular bromine (200 ml, 620 g, 3 · 88 mol) was added 50W-X8 (H) cation exchange resin (3 g). The hot reaction
dropwise (c. 1 h) to a stirred solution of cyclopentanone ethylene mixture was filtered, then concentrated by rotary evaporation
ketal (8) (160 g, 1 · 25 mol) in dry 1,4-dioxan (1 litre), under under reduced pressure. The crude diester (1) (25· 3 g) was
nitrogen and with protection from light, so that the temperature sublimed (100–120◦ C/0 · 01 mmHg), and the colourless subli-
of the reaction mixture was maintained between 10 and 20◦ C. mate recrystallized (methanol, two crops) furnishing the diester
The resultant red solution was stirred at room temperature for (1) (16 · 35 g, 47 · 3%) as a colourless solid, m.p. 161–162◦ C
a further 2 days with a slow stream of dry nitrogen passing over (lit.11 161–162◦ C). 1 H n.m.r. δ 3 · 7, s, 6H; 4 · 24, s, 6H, ring
the solution, and then poured into saturated aqueous NaHCO3 protons.
(6 litres) and treated with sufficient Na2 S2 O5 to discharge the
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192 M. Bliese and J. Tsanaktsidis

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