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ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template #2

Teacher Intern: Hanna Gibson Date: 10/3/2019 Mentor Teacher: Sue King
Grade Level: 2nd Grade Subject/ Topic: Social Studies: Why do people live in communities?
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 45 minutes
Main Focus/Essential Questions: Why do people live in communities? How are communities and families alike and

Brief Context: Lesson 3 of Unit 1: What is a community?

Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
 1st Grade Social Studies Focus: Families
 What is a family?
 How do families meet basic human needs?

Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments

The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. Identify and describe what basic needs are met 1. Completion of and details of Communities Give Us
by a community. chart.

2. Compare communities and families and what 2. Completion of Venn Diagram Activity.
they provide their members.

Standards Addressed:
 1 – C5.0.1 Describe some responsibilities people have at home and at school (e.g., taking care of oneself, respect
for the rights of others, following rules, getting along with others).
 2 – C1.0.1 Explain why people form governments.
 1 – E1.0.2 Describe ways in which families consume goods and services.
 2 – E1.0.3 Describe how businesses in the local community meet economic wants of consumers

Instructional Resources and Materials:

 Yesterday’s 4 Part Family Chart (1 per student and 1 for teacher)
 4 Part Community Chart (1 per student and 1 for teacher)
 Venn Diagram Paper (1 per student and 1 for teacher)
 Document Camera
 Pencils

Consideration of Learners:
 Engagement: Students connect via participation in turn & talk, independent work, personal connections
 Location: Seating options during independent work time
 Representation: Charts displayed and discussed in written and verbal form.
 Expression: Students choose whether or not they share with the big group, students choose to write or draw or
both on chart.

Individual Accommodations:
Alex- movement around the classroom as needed, may choose to sit at seat during carpet time
Travis- may choose to sit at seat during carpet time


Building respectful relationships:
 Sharing with partners and as a class
 Teacher conferencing during independent work time
Organizational routines:
 “Class, class?”
 Preparation of materials ahead of time
 Flexible seating options for independent work time
Specifying & reinforcing productive behavior:
 “Student is doing a great job of….” Specific praise
 Thanking students for volunteering to share.
 Expectations made clear at the beginning of the lesson
 Reminder of expectations to deter unproductive behavior

DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION- [Content Management]

 Students stay in desks.
 Teacher displays Family Chart from Mondayz and reviews what families give us.
o What else do we need to be happy? Call on volunteers.
 Water, love, fun, activities
 Introduce definition of community: A place where many families live. Communities can meet our needs.
 Teaching Point: Today we are going to look at why people live in communities. We are going to look at what
communities provide for their members and how communities are a little bit like big spread out families.

 Paper-passers hand out Community charts.
 Display Community Four Part Chart section by section and discuss, filling it out as a group as we go.
 Communities Provide…
o Food- Farmers grow it, we buy it at stores or at restaurants (name some examples)
o Clothing- People make it, we can buy it at stores here in Hudsonville or at the mall
o Shelter- We all live somewhere. What kinds of places do people live in our community?
o Fun- Communities provide places for activities. What can we do for fun here?
 Students work in Rug Clubs on Venn Diagram comparing Families and Communities.
o Go over structure of Venn Diagram
o Remind students to use their charts and experiences to help them.
 Ask volunteers to share their ideas with the class.
 Turn in papers to the yellow tub. Stand by your seat to be dismissed for lunch.


Reflection after teaching the lesson:

Evidence of professionalism:

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