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Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (NOC16 - ME05)

Assignment - 8 : Solutions
Manjul Sharma & Aswathy Nair K.
Department of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Madras
April 5, 2016

(Note : The solutions discussed below are just one of the ways of solving the problem. Your method is right
as long as the final answers match!!)

1) Air at Mach number 1.8, static pressure of 0.8 bar and static temperature of 373 K passes through a
normal shock wave. Determine its density after the shock.

Answer : (p) ρy = 1.76 kg/m3

Given : Mx = 1.8; Px = 0.8 bar; Tx = 373 K

To find : ρy

From Normal Shock Tables for γ = 1.4, corresponding to Mx = 1.8,

Py Ty
= 3.613 & = 1.532
Px Tx

⇒ Py = 2.8904 bar & Ty = 571.436 K

⇒ ρy = = 1.76 kg/m3

2) A normal shock occurs in the diverging section of a C-D nozzle. The throat area is one-third of the
exit area and the static pressure at the exit is 0.4 times the stagnation pressure at the entry. The flow is
throughout isentropic except across the shock. Determine the area of cross-section of the nozzle (in terms
of throat area) where the normal shock occurs.

Answer : (t) 2.84 times the throat area

Given : = 3; Pe = 0.4P0i
To find : Ax

Since the flow is isentropic everywhere except at the shock,

P01 = P0x ; P0y = P02 ; A1 ∗ = At = Ax ∗ ; Ay ∗ = A2 ∗

Ae A2
= = 3
At At

P01 A1 ∗ = P02 A2 ∗
A1 ∗ P02
⇒ ∗ =
A2 P01

A2 A2 A2 ∗ A2 A2 ∗ A2 P02
= × = × = ×
At A2 ∗ At A2 ∗ A1 ∗ A2 ∗ P01
A2 P02
⇒ × = 3
A2 ∗ P01

But, P2 = 0.4P01 ⇒ P01 =
A2 P2
⇒ × = 3 × 0.4 = 1.2
A2 ∗ P02

A2 P2
From Isentropic tables, corresponding to × = 1.2,
A2 ∗ P02
M2 = 0.472 & = 0.859
⇒ = 0.859
P02 0.4
⇒ = = 0.466
P01 0.859

From Normal Shock tables, for = 0.466,
Mx = 2.58

From Isentropic tables, for Mx = 2.58,
= 2.842
Ax ∗

⇒ Ax = 2.842At

3) A C-D nozzle is supplied air kept in a reservoir at pressure 500 kPa. The throat area is 8 cm2 and exit
area is 30 cm2 . A normal shock stands at a section where the area is 10 cm2 . Assuming flow to be isentropic
everywhere except at the shock, find the static pressure at the exit.

Answer : (g) Pe = 428 kPa

Given : P0 = 500 kPa; At = 8 cm2 ; As = 10 cm2 ; Ae = 30 cm2

To find : Pe

Shock inside C-D nozzle ⇒ flow is choked at throat

⇒ Mt = 1
⇒ At = Ax ∗ = A1 ∗ = 8 cm2

Assuming shock is a very thin region, As = Ax = Ay = 10 cm2

Ax 10
∴ ∗ = = 1.25
Ax 8
From Isentropic tables, for = 1.25,
Ax ∗
Mx = 1.6

Since flow is isentropic, P0 = P01 = P0x = 500 kPa From Isentropic Tables, for Mx = 1.6,
= 0.235
⇒ Px = 117.5 kP a

From Normal Shocks tables, for Mx = 1.6,

My = 0.668

= 2.820 ⇒ Py = 331.35 kP a
= 0.895 ⇒ P0y = 447.5 kP a

P0x Ax ∗ = P0y Ay ∗
P0x ∗
∴ Ay ∗ = Ax ≈ 11.98 cm2
⇒ Ae ∗ = Ay ∗ = 11.98 cm2

Ae 30
= ≈ 2.505
Ae ∗ 11.98

From Isentropic tables, for = 2.505,
Ae ∗
Me = 0.233 & = 0.956

⇒ Pe ≈ 428 kP a

4) Find the entropy change across the normal shock for an incoming flow of air with Mach number 2.5.

Answer : (c) ∆s = 1327.22 J/kg K

Given : Mx = 2.5

To find : ∆s

From Normal Shocks Tables, corresponding to Mx = 2.5,

Ty Py
= 2.138 & = 7.125
Tx Px
Ty Py
∴ ∆s = CP ln − R ln
Tx Px

⇒ ∆s = 1327.22 J/kgK

5) A pitot-static probe is used for measurement in a supersonic flow in a wind tunnel. If the readings of the
probe are 600 kPa and 420 kPa, determine the static pressure of the supersonic flow in the wind tunnel.

Answer : (k) Px = 192.3 kPa

Given : P0y = 600 kPa; Py = 420 kPa

To find : Px
= 0.7
From Isentropic tables, corresponding to = 0.7,
My = 0.73

From Normal Shocks Tables, corresponding to My = 0.73,

Mx = 1.42 & = 3.12

⇒ Px = 192.3 kP a

6) Air from a reservoir at 20‰ and 500 kPa flows through a duct and forms a normal shock downstream of
a throat of area 10 cm2 . By an odd coincidence it is found that the stagnation pressure downstream of this

shock exactly equals to the throat pressure. What is the area where shock stands?

Answer : (e) As = 24.7 cm2

Given : T0 = 293 K; P0 = 500 kPa; At = 10 cm2 ; P0y = Pt

To find : As

Shock inside C-D nozzle ⇒ flow is choked at throat

⇒ Mt = 1
⇒ At = Ax ∗ = A1 ∗ = 10 cm2

Since flow is isentropic everywhere except at the shock,

P01 = P0x ; P0y = P02 ; A1 ∗ = At = Ax ∗ ; Ay ∗ = A2 ∗

Assuming shock is a very thin region, As = Ax = Ay

From Isentropic tables, corresponding to Mt = 1,

= 0.528

⇒ Pt = 264 kP a

P02 P0y Pt
∴ = = = 0.528
P01 P0x P0x

From Normal Shock tables, corresponding to = 0.528,
Mx = 2.42

From Isentropic tables, for Mx = 2.42,

= 2.448
Ax ∗

⇒ Ax = 2.448 × Ax ∗ = 2.448 × At ≈ 24.7 cm2

7) A C-D nozzle, discharging a jet of air into the atmosphere (1.01325 bar, 300 K), has a ratio of exit area
to throat area equal to 2.5. What should be the reservoir pressure to drive this nozzle if a normal shock
stands at an area ratio (area where shock stands to the throat area) of 2 in the divergent section?

Answer : (z) P0 = 161 kPa

Ae As
Given : P02 = 1.01325 bar; T02 = 300 K; = 2.5; = 2.0
At At
To find : P01

Since flow is isentropic everywhere except at the shock,

P01 = P0x ; P0y = P02 ; A1 ∗ = At = Ax ∗ ; Ay ∗ = A2 ∗

As Ax
∴ = = 2
At Ax ∗
From Isentropic tables, corresponding to = 2,
Ax ∗
Mx = 2.2

From Normal Shocks tables, for Mx = 2.2,

My = 0.547 & = 6.716

⇒ Px = = 15.087 kP a
From Isentropic tables, for Mx = 2.2,
= 0.0935

⇒ P0x = ≈ 161 kP a

8) A large tank with compressed air is attached to a C-D nozzle at pressure 4 bar and temperature of 35 .
The nozzle throat area is 3 cm2 and the exit area is 9 cm2 . A shock occurs at a location where the cross
section area is 6 cm2 . Calculate the back pressure and temperature of the flow.

Answer : (m) Pb = 2.34 bar & Tb = 300 K

Given : P01 = 4 bar; T01 = 308 K; At = 3 cm2 ; A2 = 9 cm2 ; As = 6 cm2

To find : Pb , Tb

Shock inside C-D nozzle ⇒ flow is choked at throat

⇒ Mt = 1
⇒ At = Ax ∗ = A1 ∗ = 3 cm2

Since flow is isentropic everywhere except at the shock,

P01 = P0x ; P0y = P02 ; A1 ∗ = At = Ax ∗ ; Ay ∗ = A2 ∗

Assuming shock is a very thin region, As = Ax = Ay = 6 cm2

As Ax 6
∴ = = = 2
At Ax ∗ 3
From Isentropic tables, corresponding to = 2,
Ax ∗
Mx = 2.2

From Normal Shocks tables, for Mx = 2.2,
My = 0.547 & = 0.628

⇒ P0y = P0x × 0.628 = 2.512 bar

P0x Ax ∗ = P0y Ay ∗
P0x ∗
∴ Ay ∗ = Ax ≈ 4.777 cm2

A2 9
= ≈ 1.884
A2 ∗ 4.777

From Isentropic tables, corresponding to = 1.884,
A2 ∗
P2 T2
M2 = 0.3274 ; = 0.92825 ; = 0.97825
P02 T02

⇒ P2 ≈ 2.34 bar & T2 ≈ 300 K

9) For the previous problem find the critical values of back pressure Pcr1 and Pcr3 respectively as defined in
the class.

Answer : (w) 3.97 bar, 1.67 bar

Given : P01 = 4 bar; T01 = 308 K; At = 3 cm2 ; A2 = 9 cm2 ; As = 6 cm2

To find : Pcr1 , Pcr3

Shock inside C-D nozzle ⇒ flow is choked at throat

⇒ Mt = 1
⇒ At = Ax ∗ = A1 ∗ = 3 cm2

A2 A2 9
= = = 3
At A2 ∗ 3

From Isentropic tables, corresponding to = 3,
A2 ∗
M2,cr1 = 0.1975 & M2,cr3 = 2.64

P2,cr1 P2,cr3
= 0.9735 & = 0.0471
P02,cr1 P02,cr3

⇒ P2,cr1 ≈ 3.9 bar & P2,cr3 ≈ 1.67 bar


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