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Focus: Grammar/ Punctuation/ Descriptive writing/ literary devices/ vocabularies and


I- GRAMMAR and Punctuation SECTION

Direction: Choose the correct answer by encircling the right answer.

A. Punctuation: The following sentences either have existing or require

additional commas somewhere in their structures. Choose the option that best
reflects proper comma usage in each sentence.

1. For the Thanksgiving reunion, relatives were sitting in the dining room,
on the porch, and in the carport.

a. Thanksgiving, reunion
b. were, sitting
c. porch and
d. No error
2. Lydia seems to be a kind, considerate girl.

a. seems, to
b. considerate, girl
c. kind considerate
d. No error

3. This fishing pole Nathan, has seen better days.

a. pole, Nathan,
b. has, seen
c. Nathan
d. No error

4. My cousin has moved to 56 Central Street Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882.

a. has moved,
b. Central Street,
c. 56, Central
d. No error

5. The badger, a shy animal sometimes makes friends with a coyote.

a. sometimes, makes
b. friends, with
c. a shy animal,
d. No error
6. After the death of Blackbeard, the famous pirate, piracy disappeared from
the coast of the American colonies.

a. the famous pirate

b. after the death,
c. coast, of
d. No error

7. “Silent Night” was written by two men from the village of Oberndorf Austria.

a. men, from
b. “Silent Night,”
c. Oberndorf, Austria
d. No error

8. On November 19, 1929 Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew the Floyd Bennett to the
base of the Queen Maud Mountains.

a. base, of
b. the, Queen
c. 1929,
d. No error

9. Oh I forgot to bring the cookies.

a. Oh,
b. I, forgot
c. to, bring
d. No error

10. “The boy in the kayak,” whispered Sue “is the new football captain.”

a. boy, in the
b. new, football
c. whispered Sue,
d. No error

2. Grammar: (adverbial phrase/ Verbs of perception adjectival endings)

1. We went shopping and __________ we went to a café and had a cup of

a. After b. afterwards c. then

2. Anna plays tennis every_______.

a. Days b. week c. Sundays

3. Derek always goes skate boarding ___ Saturdays.

a. Every b. on c. each

4. Which sentence is correct?

a. Tom soon is going home. c. I visited yesterday my grandmother

b. We’re having a party tomorrow
5. Which sentence Is NOT correct?

a. I’d like to work overseas. C. It’s lovely weather. Let’s go outside.

b. We inside went because it was cold
6. Can you see the baby ______ on all fours?

a. To crawl b. crawling c. crawl d. I don’t know

7. You shouldn’t laugh when you see people _____ banana skins.
a. Slip b. to slip c. slipped d. I don’t know

8. Have you heard __________?

a. The door bang c. bang the door d. to bang the door
b. d. I don’t know

9. We have bought a marble table. It’s nice but it _______ cold.

a. Feels like b. feels c. look d. I don’t know

10. Did you see _________?

a. My sister to go out c. go out my sister c. my sister go out

b. I don’t know

3. Adjectival Endings
Direction: Complete the grid by filling out the adjectival ending of each adjective.



Direction: Read the passage and Identify the different literary devices by filling
out the grid. (10 points)

I remember staring at the old man, then at my hands, then at Canada. The shoreline
was dense with brush and timber. I could see tiny red berries on the bushes. I could
see a squirrel up on one of the birch trees, a big crow looking at me from a boulder
along the river. That close - twenty yards - and I could see the delicate latticework of
the leaves, the texture of the soil, the browned needles beneath the pines, the
configurations of geology and human history. Twenty yards. I could’ve done it. I
could’ve jumped and started swimming for my life. Inside me, in my chest, I felt a
terrible squeezing pressure. Even now, as I write this, I can still feel that tightness.
And I want you to feel it - the wind coming off the river, the waves, the silence, the
wooded frontier. You’re at the bow of the boat on the Rainy River. You’re twenty-one
years old, you’re scared, and there’s a hard squeezing pressure in your chest. What
would you do? (O’Brien 56).


[Imagery, Symbolism, Simile,
Personification, Senses etc.]

II- Reading Comprehension

Direction: Read the text and choose the correct answer to the following

1. Which medicine relieves pain from toothaches?

a. Aspirin b. Acetaminophen c. Both medicines d. Neither medicine

2. Which medicine should not be used by children recovering from chicken pox or
flu-like symptoms?

a. Aspirin b. Acetaminophen c. Both medicines d. Neither medicine

3. Which medicine comes in gelcaps?

a. Aspirin b. Acetaminophen c. Both medicines d. Neither medicine

4. Which medicine comes in a 400 mg single dose?

a. Aspirin b. Acetaminophen c. Both medicines d. Neither medicine

5.Which medicine may cause stomach bleeding if taken with alcohol?

a. Aspirin b. Acetaminophen c. Both medicines d. Neither medicine

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