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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

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Timing is everything: A technology transition framework for regulatory and T

market readiness levels

Peter H. Kobos , Leonard A. Malczynski, La Tonya N. Walker, David J. Borns, Geoffrey T. Klise
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA


Keywords: Meeting technology-based policy goals without sufficient lead time may present several technology, regulatory
Technology adoption and market-based challenges due to the speed of technological adoption in existing and emerging markets.
Technological progress Installing incremental amounts of technologies, e.g., cleaner fossil, renewable or transformative energy tech-
Regulatory feedback nologies throughout the coming decades, may prove to be a more attainable goal than a radical and immediate
Market adoption
change the year before a policy goal is set to be in place. This notion of steady installation growth over acute
Market diffusion
installations of technology to meet policy goals is the core topic of discussion for this research. This research
operationalizes this notion by developing the theoretical underpinnings of regulatory and market acceptance
delays by building upon the common Technology Readiness Level (TRL) framework and offers two new addi-
tions to the research community. The Regulatory Readiness Level (RRL) and Market Readiness Level (MRL)
frameworks were developed. These components, collectively called the Technology, Regulatory and Market
(TRM) readiness level framework allow one to build new constraints into existing Integrated Assessment Models
(IAMs). A system dynamics model was developed to illustrate the TRM framework. The framework helps identify
the factors, and specifically the rate at which we must support technology development, necessary to meet our
desired technical and policy goals in the coming decades.

1. Introduction and market factors required to reach a meaningful market penetration

level and within a given timeframe. With this level, the technology's
Market penetration modeling for new technologies can be a chal- attributes, such as lower CO2 emissions can then be applied to energy
lenge in the face of changing or uncertain parameters. Including reg- security and CO2 management goals in the coming decades.
ulatory barriers in an engineering-regulatory-market framework may A system dynamics model was developed to illustrate the TRM
offer a unique and insightful approach to account for several of these framework using a stylized example. This example builds upon the
uncertainties, yet finding the appropriate balance of variables to in- theoretical, literature-based components first described in Sections 2, 3
clude for any given technology can prove challenging. Without the and 4 of this paper for the technology readiness, regulatory readiness
proper market or regulatory signals, the time required for a new energy and market readiness levels, respectively. The paper then proceeds into
(or other general) technology to reach the market and make an impact section 5 to combine these levels of the TRM framework into one
can extend far beyond initial estimates. Where this becomes a challenge system dynamics model. Sections 6 and 7 then describe the implications
is how to address these time delays for energy technology market pe- and potential further applications of the TRM framework.
netration scenarios in the decades to come.
To adequately quantify and develop a method to incorporate time 1.1. Assessing technology transitions
delays due the integration of technology development, regulatory bar-
riers and market adoption, the Technology, Regulatory and Market The TRM framework brings a new capability to Integrated
readiness level framework (TRM) describes the technology, regulatory Assessment Models (IAMs) because it explicitly includes both

Abbreviations: CAFE, Corporate Average Fuel Economy; CCS, CO2 capture and storage; CLD, causal loop diagram; CO2, carbon dioxide; DoD, Department of Defense;
IAM, Integrated Assessment Model; MRL, Market Readiness Level; NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NIMBY, not in my backyard; NOx, nitrous
oxides; TRL, Technology Readiness Level; TRM, Technology, Regulatory and Market readiness level framework; RD&D, research, development and demonstration; R
&D, research and development; RRL, Regulatory Readiness Level; SD, system dynamics; SOx, sulfur oxides; U.S., United States; USD, United States Dollars

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.H. Kobos).
Received 13 October 2014; Received in revised form 2 June 2018; Accepted 20 July 2018
Available online 19 August 2018
0040-1625/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

regulatory and market constraints when assessing technology devel- scenarios lies in the rate of capital turnover, the stage of the techno-
opment and rates of market penetration. Previous techniques that use logy's development level (TRL), current and projected costs, and the
an ‘S-shaped’ curve to represent technology transitions and market regulatory support and market demand to accept these technologies
adoption over time often include technology adoption across the ac- (Herzog, 2011; Kobos et al., 2011; Roach et al., 2014; Rubin, 2012;
celeration, valley of death, and possibly takeoff phases (Frankl, 2012; Rubin et al., 2007, 2012).
Sood et al., 2012; Weyant, 2011).1 The TRM framework adds to this The classic drivers of innovation may include several ‘technology-
body of work by explicitly modeling the factors required before tech- push’ and ‘demand-pull’ instruments including R&D investments and
nologies may enter the market as well as those during the early stages of meeting regulatory obligations, respectively that apply to both sta-
market adoption (Kobos et al., 2003, 2006, 2013). The technical ap- tionary and transportation energy systems (Cheah and Heywood, 2011;
proach develops in three distinct stages by addressing technological, Kobos et al., 2006; Mafakheri and Nasiri, 2014; Taylor et al., 2005). In
regulatory and market factors built upon the research progress frame- the United States, changes in the last several years to the Corporate
work of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) method. Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) vehicle fuel standard is an illustrative
Additionally, the Regulatory Readiness Level (RRL) and Market example of the regulatory framework helping technology meet policy
Readiness Level (MRL) for existing and new electricity technologies (fuel economy) goals. The technology, engineering and timing strate-
build upon the TRL method. Are CO2 capture and storage (CCS) tech- gies, arguably, were ready or just about ready to deploy across the
nologies technically mature enough to deploy to the field? This is a TRL vehicle fleet (Cheah and Heywood, 2011).
question. The RRL will address questions such as; Do the current elec- Similarly, electricity sector technologies in the U.S. work within the
tricity markets provide a favorable environment to adopt new tech- constraints of the regulatory guidance of the day. Without favorable
nologies on existing plants such as CCS on fossil fuel plants, or develop regulatory integration factors, new stationary energy technologies such
new ones (e.g., install large numbers of natural gas-fired turbines)? If as enhanced installations of coal-fired power plants with CO2 man-
not, where on the RRL spectrum is the set of regulations, and how long agement or other environmentally-focused technologies may never
might it take to change the regulations to allow the market to adopt reach their full market potential due to recent large-scale, low cost
new electricity technologies? The MRL addresses questions such as; domestic supplies of natural gas available in the U.S. Technologies may
Does the manufacturing base for power plant technologies exist to take years or decades to reach the installations necessary to meet policy
support several orders of magnitude of growth over the next couple of goals even without these drivers (such as reduced mercury emissions
decades? criteria for coal-fired power plants, limited licensing for new nuclear
Finally, synthesizing all of these efforts within a system dynamics power plants in the face of increasing retirements, and potential CO2
framework allows the analysis to illustrate the TRM framework. The management goals). The sooner they are being installed, the sooner
integration of time delays, TRLs and systems insight modeling provides these installation goals can be met. Therefore, the timing is everything
a unique platform unexplored in the current research community. This for technology transitions in the marketplace.
approach builds on existing techniques because (1) classic optimization It is important to incorporate the necessary granularity and tech-
or general equilibrium models may benefit from this type of flexible nology-specific detail required to evaluate the scale-up potential for
methodology and application to integrate TRLs and (2) adopting TRLs electricity generation and infrastructure technologies when analyzing
for technology is not new, but utilizing the TRM framework to explore how a technology moves from one TRL level to the next. The technol-
regulatory and manufacturing constraints is a completely new concept. ogies may take from several years (natural gas) to several decades
This concept will help identify the value of timeliness and inter- (nuclear) to build enough installations to meet their installed GWh or
connectedness when modeling them in an IAM in the face of upcoming reduced CO2 emissions goals. For example, Freeman and Bhown (2011)
technical and policy goals (Joffe-Walt, 2008; Joskow, 2010; Komiyama determined most post-combustion CO2 technologies (on coal plants)
and Fujii, 2014; Stern, 2007; USCCSP, 2007; USEPA, 2013; Wicke et al., were in the TRL spectrum of 1–7 so they are not ready for full system
2009). operations and/or ready for commercial application at large magni-
tudes. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 2011) estimates it
takes four years to construct a new coal-based power plant, one to three
1.2. Applying technology transition methods in energy systems analysis years for renewables, seven years for a new nuclear power plant, and up
to three years for natural gas power plants. Herzog (2011) highlights
To provide additional context, many energy supply and demand how forecasting the cost for the ‘first of a kind’ new technology or that
forecasting models exist today, and some of them to try to incorporate same technology several decades into the future (the ‘Nth of a kind’)
the limitations and subsequent time delays for regulatory and market can prove to be challenging. Additionally, uncertainty within the leg-
forces present when modeling technology manufacturing and adoption islation and the potential for regulation is driving great uncertainty as
(Andersen and Andersen, 2014; Brown and Chandler, 2008; Colladay, to which fossil fuel-based technology may develop the fastest (e.g.,
1987; EMF, 2011; Iyer et al., 2015; Roberts, 1964). lower initial cost vs. increased efficiency) (Figueroa et al., 2008;
More recently, much has been written on the topics of lowering the McJeon et al., 2011).
CO2 profile for global energy supplies. Increasing the share of natural
gas fuels, installing CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technologies on coal- 1.3. Replacement and turnover time
fired power plants, and increasing the share of nuclear and biofuel-
based power have all been suggested as potential methods to reduce Technology transitions take time; up to 50+ years for a full re-
CO2 emissions (USCCSP, 2007). Coal-based fuels represent the majority placement of an energy technology when transitioning from, for ex-
share of CO2 emissions from the electricity sectors at both the global ample, wood to coal, from coal to petroleum, from petroleum to natural
level (72%) and in the United States (79%) (IEA, 2012). This represents gas and nuclear, from natural gas to large-scale renewables (EPRI,
a large opportunity to decrease CO2 emissions through fuel switching 2011; Grubler, 1998; Grubler et al., 1999; Nakata et al., 2011;
combined with CCS. The challenge with these types of forecasting Nakicenovic, 1997). The current capability development effort is a new
research frontier because it will incorporate time delays, technology
Interested readers may find mathematical formulations and applications for readiness and non-technical barriers such as the integration with ex-
‘S-shaped’ curves that describe the common logistic curve, Bass Diffusion isting regulations and market-related infrastructure. Prioritizing energy
Model, and the Gompertz curve to name a few throughout the salient literature technology deployment goals according to a tiered structure gives the
(Islam and Meade, 1997; Kobos et al., 2003; Maier, 1998; Martino, 2003; Meade interested systems analysis modeler the ability to compare market dif-
and Islam, 2006, 2015; Sood et al., 2012). fusion across technologies within a given market using both traditional

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Table 1
Technology Readiness Levels summary by NASA.
(Adapted from Mankins, 1995)
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Description

TRL 1 Basic principles observed and reported

TRL 2 Technology concept and/or application formulated
TRL 3 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept
TRL 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment
TRL 5 Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment
TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (ground or space)
TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in a space environment
TRL 8 Actual system completed and “flight qualified” through test and demonstration (ground or space)
TRL 9 Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations

metrics (e.g., $/MWh, tonnes/CO2 emissions, market share) with non- technology's access to the regulatory process, security of regulatory
traditional ones (e.g., political capital and social acceptability as they support (e.g., political capital), the effectiveness of that regulatory
relate to time delays for deployment). support to deliver meaningful legislation to support the technology
(e.g., writing supporting legislation), the idea of ‘do no harm’ by in-
2. Developing a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) troducing the technology in terms of environmental, cost or security,
and finally the ability to pass legislation (or reduce resistance). These
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), factors represent the core factors underlying the Regulatory Readiness
Department of Defense (DoD) and many other interested agencies and Level (RRL).
institutes use a metric known as the Technology Readiness Level (TRL). It is important to also note that not all technologies can or will
They use this metric to assess the maturity of a technology within the follow this pathway towards larger market adoption. Technologies that
research spectrum from the conceptual stage to being application- require high amounts of upfront capital (financial, human, physical,
ready. NASA largely pioneered the concept of quantifying the maturity etc.) and game-changing, fundamental RD&D for invention to produce
‘stage’ of a technology to assess how ready any new technology (or the first item may take many more years to climb the initial technology
systems) may be for field deployment (Clay et al., 2007; Colladay, readiness levels than a less capital-intensive innovation (e.g., developing
1987; Mankins, 1995; Mitchell, 2007; Mitchell and Bailey, 2006). hardware vs. software-based systems) (Chang, 2010; Mutula and van
Table 1 introduces one of the earlier versions of the TRL. Brakel, 2006; Westjohn et al., 2009).
Much of the technological innovation literature points towards re- Without the regulatory push, many technologies may not be
search, development and demonstration (RD&D) (or research and de- adopted in the marketplace due to higher costs relative to not adopting
velopment (R&D)) funds as the driving force behind the innovation those technologies. The Sulfur Oxide (SOx) and Nitrous Oxide (NOx) air
engine.2 Several approaches model the direct, or often indirect (e.g., regulations of the 1970s and 1980s, for example, progressed largely in
through another sector of the economy or result of feed in tariffs or parallel to the technology development such that by the time the SOx
similar mechanisms) influences of energy technology RD&D (del Rio and NOx scrubber technology was ready to deploy to the marketplace
and Bleda, 2012; Kobos et al., 2006; Sagar and van der Zwaan, 2006; (e.g., existing coal-fired power plants) the regulations were starting to
Taylor et al., 2005). enforce the change to lower emissions (Rubin, 2012; Rubin et al., 2012;
Without funding, having a meaningful impact for change (e.g., to Taylor et al., 2005). Thus, the regulations helped the technology find a
reduce CO2 emissions) in the scientific and subsequent public com- secure market, and the technology helped the regulations meet its
munity may be difficult. Therefore, RD&D funding will be used as the policy goals – to reduce certain types of pollution.
underlying driving force to move a technology from one TRL level to These lessons can also be extended to potential CO2 management
the next. It is important to note that moving from one TRL level to the policies on existing fossil fuel-based power plants. A substantial chal-
next may not require a constant set of criteria. For example, in a hy- lenge to developing a meaningful regulatory readiness level is to ac-
pothetical case, moving from a TRL of 1 to 2 may require $10 million count for the uncertainty associated with CO2 management policies
and 2 years, but moving from a TRL of 2 to 3 may require $20 million throughout countries and regions looking to plan, manage, and ulti-
and 3 years and so on. The specific funding level and timeline required mately reduce their CO2 emissions (Markusson and Haszeldine, 2009).
to progress between the levels within the TRL framework should be The central point here is to highlight how energy technology spillover
technology-specific and adjustable according to the cost, time and and adoption are often strongly guided by the substantial oversight and
performance-related criteria. regulation pertaining to the application of the technology (Cowan and
Daim, 2011). It is for this very reason that in addition to technology
3. Developing a Regulatory Readiness Level (RRL) readiness levels, there is a need to develop a regulatory readiness level
to help quantify these factors.
A technology with the highest TRL level possible may still not be
able to enter the market without regulatory support. This is due to the
3.1. Access to and understanding of the regulatory process
The authors acknowledge the difference between research, development Throughout the last several decades in many developed countries of
and demonstration (RD&D) and research and development (R&D) in the lit- the world, the focus of energy technology policy changed from energy
erature, and in applied areas. For the sake of the TRL and related modeling
access, to affordable energy, to low SOx and NOx emissions, to the post-
discussed in this analysis, they will be considered to be interchangeable since
Kyoto Protocol negotiations transition with a focus on lowering CO2
development and demonstration could be considered similar in spirit up to a
point as they relate to the goal and terminal TRL level of 9 representing a emissions. These transitions were either led by, or followed, salient
successful and operational technology. Additionally, much of the innovation- energy regulations or interests to institute the change. During the
related literature used the term R&D until approximately the 1990s when RD&D transition periods just before, and after these policy goals changed
became a more descriptive term applied in the similar literature (Kobos et al., (mandatory or voluntary), a large degree of regulatory uncertainty tried
2006). to focus on the ‘best’ manner to approach, address directly, or address

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

after the fact from the perspectives of the technology adopters or sup- Reducing the cost of energy systems can present an undesirable
pliers. A key challenge is to understand ‘the rules of the game’ such that effect. When the cost of energy (and other types of resources) decreases,
the formal and informal institutions with a society and its respective there may be a trend to use more energy due to its then lower cost. This
market conditions are well understood to the point of reducing these type of ‘rebound effect’, also known as the Jevons paradox, can mitigate
uncertainties (Mitchell and Woodman, 2010; Negro et al., 2012; energy policies seeking to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel consumption or
Rehman et al., 2012). increase efficiency (Bertoldi et al., 2013; Jevons, 1866; Stepp et al.,
2009). This, along with a potential mismatch between the challenges
3.2. Security of policy certainty associated with adopting a policy and its perceived effectiveness pre-
sents a policy dilemma when looking to convince others to adopt ef-
Uncertainty in the future greenhouse gas management policy may fective policy tools (Wiener and Koontz, 2012). This discussion leads
lead to a ‘risk premium’ in the electricity markets. This premium may into the notion that policies should, at the very least, strive to ‘do no
increase electricity prices for coal and natural gas-based power systems harm’.
on the order of 5–35% (or more) in the face of potential CO2 capture
and storage (CCS) policies (Blyth et al., 2007). Similarly, a risk pre- 3.4. Do no harm
mium may be demanded of the consumers in an effort to pass through
the cost of supply or smart grid or other new technology's return on Developing a successful energy technology policy must account for
investment in the face of additional regulatory uncertainty (Agrell the appropriate incentives and recognize measures of success. For ex-
et al., 2013; Jamasb and Pollitt, 2008). The degree to which the pre- ample, some energy policies focus on increasing the efficiency levels of
mium passes to potential consumers is, however, highly dependent the technologies (e.g., end use technologies by the consumer). The in-
upon country-specific innovation systems. That is, in some countries the itial effect of this type of policy is to reduce the energy used by the
premium is absorbed via governmental-support for high-risk, high-re- consumer. However, the Jevons Paradox may occur where more end
ward energy systems, whereas in other countries this may not be the uses, including additional driving with a more efficient vehicle or using
case (Vasudeva, 2009). more electricity across more end use technologies, has the net effect of
increasing energy consumption (Bertoldi et al., 2013). Modifying the
3.3. Policy effectiveness incentive structure to both increase the efficiency of the technologies,
while also suggesting to the consumers to modify their behavior such as
To determine how effective a policy may be before implementing it driving less or using less electricity overall may be achieved by using
can prove challenging. While the desired effect of a policy may be borne additional policy mechanisms. These mechanisms may include feed-in
out in time, there can be substantial unintended consequences or ele- tariffs that are directly tied to the amount of electricity (or energy)
ments contributing to the ineffectiveness of the policy in the years generated rather than the end use technology itself (Bertoldi et al.,
following implementation. 2013). By not accounting for the Jevons Paradox, some energy policies'
The ability of ‘market pull’-type of policies, such as production tax goals to reduce energy use could increase it over time.
credits (PTCs) strive to increase demand in the marketplace for new Policies focusing on RD&D, climate change mitigation and market
technologies and provide incentives for users to adopt them. These price management are areas where targeting the ‘optimal’ policy fra-
policies are often compared to ‘technology push’ policies such as gov- mework may not be attainable, thereby leaving many interested parties
ernmental or private RD&D funding to ultimately provide the supply of worse off than before the policy took affect (de Bruin and Dellink,
technology to the marketplace. Policies that may be considered ‘tech- 2011). This may be due to a focus on reducing the shorter-term costs of
nology-push’ include government demonstration grants, public RD&D, electricity via deregulation, for example, rather than investing in new,
grants, investment subsidies, private RD&D, tax breaks for en- more efficient technologies with more appropriate metrics (e.g., do-
trepreneurs or investors, incubators, government investment in private mestic, scale-appropriate and/or renewable sources of energy in the
venture capital, soft measures of support and government venture ca- longer term) seen by a reduction in RD&D spending or an incorrect
pital funds (Burer and Wustenhagen, 2009). Policies that may be con- measurement of the research's impact metrics (Dooley, 1998; Kostoff
sidered ‘market-pull’ include feed-in tariffs, reduction of fossil-fuel and Geisler, 2007). Similarly, rate structure policies in the electricity
subsidies, technology performance standards, residential and commer- sector provide a rich area to illustrate price-cap, feed-in tariff, the ef-
cial tax credits, renewable fuel standards, CO2 trading, public pro- fects of deregulation within the U.S. electricity sector, and perfor-
curement, production tax credit, CO2 tax, renewable portfolio stan- mance-based regulation among many as to the desired versus observed
dards, renewable certificate trading and clean development (or forecasted) unintended consequences (Seeto et al., 2001).
mechanisms (Burer and Wustenhagen, 2009). These types of policies An effect (or possibly cause in some cases) of these counter-
strive to move the technology past the ‘valley of death’ where tech- productive results in one policy goal may be due to successes in another
nologies may not progress successfully from the laboratory to the area. The lack of overarching policy goal integration between atmo-
marketplace (Burer and Wustenhagen, 2009; Grubb, 2004; Weyant, spheric emissions, water, land use, and other resources may contribute
2011). to policies failing to meet their goals, or achieving a lower possible
The effectiveness of a policy to support a given technology can be success level than otherwise they might have (Delshad et al., 2010;
very region specific. For example, renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) Murray, 2013). Balancing these systems within a comprehensive (or
in states across the U.S. may be very successful due to a supportive more easily integrated) suite of policy tools may help meet several
legislative and economic climate (e.g., Texas deployed 915 megawatts desired goals.
(MW) of wind in 2001 alone, doubling the projected RPS for that year) The often cited ‘not in my backyard’ or ‘NIMBY’ influence towards
or challenged due to less favorable installation conditions (Carley, citing new energy technologies (e.g., wind) may help or hurt the de-
2009). The success of the RPS may be determined based on whether the ployment levels for the technology. A key challenge is to address ‘lock-
region has an investor-owned or public utility (Delmas and Montes- in’ not only from the technological perspective, but the ways of thinking
Sancho, 2011) or in other instances, if a favorable regulatory environ- towards accepting new or innovative technologies (Wolsink, 2012).
ment or ‘innovation system’ exists (Jacobsson and Bergek, 2011). In
these instances, the installed megawatts or power produced per policy 3.5. Political (& social) acceptability
is a key metric of success. In other instances, the cost of the policy
instrument relative to the return on the energy project's lifetime impact A necessary factor to include in most energy development projects is
may be the key metric of success (Lund, 2007). the social and therefore political acceptability of the project.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Externalities, cost overruns and unforeseen intergenerational effects are 4.2. Security of financial capital
not typically included in the overall system's costs for energy-related
projects (Carrera and Mack, 2010). One key finding focused on how As energy, and most other technologies mature through the TRL
most experts found smaller-scale technologies such as photovoltaics and spectrum, it is paramount that demonstration cases prove their viability
fuel cells to be viewed more positively due to their smaller ecological and showcase their expected performance to attract the attention of
and societal footprint and compatibility with current infrastructure those institutions that finance and regulate power plants (Rubin, 2012;
relative to larger-scale systems such as nuclear and coal power. Rubin et al., 2012). Similarly, larger policy-driven approaches also re-
Through cases such as these, as well as other energy projects that quire energy technologies to pass a set of performance criteria to attract
may meet resistance from local or regional populations, it may follow and retain industrial partners working within a regulatory framework
that the political opposition (actors in the local or regional government) to support new and innovative energy technologies. For example, po-
would in many instances also reflect this resistance (choice) of the licies in select European countries may become valuable by reducing
people. the administrative process to install new wind technologies. Alter-
natively, in the U.S., similarly attractive policy measures may focus on
4. Developing a Market Readiness Level (MRL) improving the regulations for grid access and on the income per kWh
based on total production (Alic et al., 2003). RD&D funding, market
A key challenge for any new technology to achieve substantial diffusion and institutional learning however are all required in differing
market share is to secure timely and sizable market adoption. After a amounts within select market environments given regional and
technology moves through the TRL levels of 1–9, and successfully re- country-specific requirements (Luthi and Prassler, 2011; Nemet, 2012;
ceives the regulatory permissions to enter the application space, the Winskel et al., 2014). Additionally, policies and regulations that en-
ability of the market to receive this technology hinges on its value, hance or curtail the ability to finance or outright purchase installations
utility relative to other technologies, and lessons from market actor of photovoltaics, for example, will drive the scale at which these
behavioral characteristics. The value can come in a variety of forms. technologies may be installed (Klise et al., 2013).
The value of any product can, arguably, be transferred to the customer
or entity that receives the technology. This can be in the form of higher 4.3. Manufacturability & market cost competitive
performance, lower resource use, or lower costs. The challenge when
moving from an ‘early adopter’ phase to a larger level of market pe- The ability of the existing industry to manufacture a technology will
netration is to settle several characteristics of the technology and the affect how quickly the industry's supply chain can meet potential de-
market in which it is to compete Jeffrey et al. (2013). mand. Without sufficient manufacturing capability in the face of strong
Similar studies investigated the correlations between the life-cycle demand, a shortage may develop that could drive prices up in the
for a material and how energy technologies utilize specific materials as marketplace. However, if an industry (or single firm) can increase
they transition between the key stages of market diffusion (Connelly production within a timeframe commensurate with the growth in
and Sekhar, 2012). Additional characteristics include the ability to in- market demand then the technology may be able to meet demand. This
tegrate or challenge market behavioral characteristics such as lock-in, may then secure a more positive influence on the technology's inertia
innovation surprises, address other multi-actor (agent) network inter- from the consumer's perspective to address their given quantity de-
actions at the individual and organizational levels and bounded ra- manded at a point in time. For example, meeting manufacturability
tionality in the face of making technology adoption decisions deadlines for select defense systems may take precedence over low costs
(Cunningham and van der Lei, 2009; Ford and Sterman, 1998; Gazheli in the short run (GAO, 2002). In the long run, the ability of a firm or
et al., 2015; Geels, 2002; Gsottbauer and van den Bergh, 2011; Potts industry to increase manufacturing capacity to a level required to meet
et al., 2008; Rochecouste et al., 2015; Sierzchula et al., 2014; Winkler market demand will help stabilize the technology's cost envelope and
et al., 2015). offer a competitive advantage in the marketplace relative to competing
technologies offering the same (or similar) service. To this end, new or
4.1. Access to market base competing energy technologies have a higher likelihood of adoption if
they have a cost (or other value (e.g., a security or sustainability pre-
In order for a technology to be successful in a given market setting, mium)) to those technologies currently in the marketplace.
the technology must have access to the market base and its respective
applications. There are instances, however, that must be acknowledged 4.4. Consumer utility
where visionary businesses develop, in some respects, their own mar-
kets through superior utility to actors in the marketplace. A good dis- Understanding the most valuable timeline for the technology
cussion on the limits of theories and additional factors to consider in adopters is the key component to its value or utility. The consumer may
modeling market diffusion can be found in Sarin and Mohr (2008). The like to understand how this new technology or innovation will reduce
research presented here focuses on energy technologies that often must costs or increase their overall welfare. The standard expected utility
compete in century-old markets that while evolving, may have more model specifies a discount rate to account for various actors' time
constraints on the speed of market diffusion in many instances. For preferences that ultimately affect whether to invest in each service,
example, relatively expensive and capital-intensive electricity technol- activity or action in the present or future (Frederick et al., 2002). Re-
ogies that reduce CO2 emissions such as coal-fired power plants with cent research highlights a few challenges to the notion of a single (or
CO2 capture and storage, new photovoltaic installations in areas fully informed) discount rate by actors within market systems, and
without the supporting industry and infrastructure, and ultra- thereby challenge the notion of adopting new technologies based on
supercritical coal technologies may produce less environmental emis- standard market theory. Gowdy et al. (2013), for example, offer several
sions, but may be unattainable to regions with limited funds to support insights into differences across decisions that have a long-term time
existing or new energy infrastructure. horizon involved such as climate change, biodiversity preservation, and
The market's rules also may inhibit or promote access to broader choice of energy technologies such as select nuclear power.
technologies. In the U.S. natural gas industry, a substantial shift to- The purpose of the TRM framework is to highlight the tiered nature
wards more open market access occurred in the 1980s (De Vany and of technology adoption such that technology, regulatory and market
Walls, 1994). Additionally, technological lock-in due to large infra- readiness levels that require assumptions about exogenous parameters
structure requirements may also inhibit new technology from entering to drive the technology throughout these tiers. This, by implication,
the marketplace (van der Vooren et al., 2012). includes the debate on whether to include a specific discount rate in the

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Technology Readiness Level (1-9) Regulatory Readiness Level (1-5) Market Readiness (1-5) Level
‘Can we build it?’ ‘Can we accept it?’ ‘Will they adopt it?’
Fig. 1. Technical Readiness Level (TRL), Market Readiness Level (MRL) and Regulatory Readiness Level (RRL).

threshold ratio for

progress for a specific
money invested +
in R&D

R&D activities for ratio of actual to expectd
development of a progress for a specific
technology technology
+ -

+ progress on TRL for a

specific technology expected progress for a
specific technology
(appraisal optimism)

Fig. 2. Technical Readiness Level (TRL) causal loop diagram illustrating the core driving force (USD invested in R&D).

market adopter's time preference (e.g., value the good, service or action 5. Combining technology, regulatory and market readiness levels
now or in the long-term future) and by assuming a given rate, this
implies the time preference and utility model chosen that underpins the To illustrate the new TRM framework a model framework was de-
latter components of the market readiness level (e.g., invest in manu- veloped using system dynamics (SD).3 By developing causal loop dia-
facturing the technology now, in the future or never). While the full grams, along with a technology-agnostic working model, the frame-
extent of the debate is beyond the scope of this work, it is truly im- work presents the relative strength of select drivers underlying the
portant to highlight when using the TRM framework in combination
with standard (or alternative) utility theory whether to include a dis-
count rate, understand what that implies for the market adopter's time 3
The model framework developed in such a manner that it can be used in
preference, and whether such a rate is inclusive enough for the utility other modeling efforts where appropriate such as those described in Pickard
preferences across generations. et al., 2009; Malczynski, 2011; Kobos et al., 2003, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2014.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

development of
regulations for a
+ technology

regulatory support progress on RRL
of a technology for a technology
- +

ratio in expected -
progress on RRL for a
technology + expected progress on RRL
threshold ratio for RRL for a technology (appraisal
progress for a specific optimism)

Fig. 3. Regulatory Readiness Level (RRL) causal loop diagram illustrating the core driving force (traction unit).

proposed TRM framework. Using the system dynamics platform, among Fig. 1 illustrates the underlying theoretical framework presented in
others, allows future modelers the ability to adopt the core components Eq. (1) of the new TRM framework using the familiar pyramid design of
and overarching theoretical framework into their technology analyses. the TRL framework. The technology readiness level, for example, is
The core components can then be integrated into other Integrated As- based on standard methods utilized in the research community to assess
sessment Models (IAMs) regardless of the technology under con- the maturity of a given technology. The regulatory and market readi-
sideration, and to fully account for dynamic time delays seen in the ness levels adopt this format to help quantify the factors that influence
development, regulation and market adoption of new technologies. whether or not a given technology, even at the highest and most mature
Each of the three readiness levels (technology, regulatory and stage of the TRL, will have the political (regulatory) capital and ap-
market) has their own specific metrics to measure progress. First, the propriate market acceptance criteria available to become a commercial
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) uses funding levels to drive progress and/or widely applicable success.
from lower to higher levels of the TRL. Conceptually, this represents
funding that helps a technology progress from the idea stage all the way
to an operational example. Second, the Regulatory Readiness Level 5.1. Readiness level modeling description
(RRL) uses a political traction unit to drive the technology from the
lowest levels of regulatory acceptance (e.g., at the beginning stages in Moving the TRM framework from the theoretical to operational
the regulatory process overseeing the application or working para- stage in a SD model, the framework development begins with a causal
meters of the technology). This is a transparent method to try and loop diagram (CLD) to set the direction of the influential drivers for
quantify the time delays that may be present in the regulatory process each readiness level. Similar approaches have been used for technology
as applied to the technology's application. Third, the Market Readiness adoption and policy analysis by Stepp et al. (2009) and Kumar et al.
Level (MRL) uses investment units to quantify the ability of an industry (2010). The TRM framework uses a standard logistic growth curve or ‘S-
to scale up production and maintain profitability to meet market de- shaped’ curve as one of the bases of the underlying driving equations.
mand. However, the parameters dictating the amplitude, duration and initial
More formally, the readiness levels are represented for the tech- starting value are all derived from the endogenously-driven readiness
nology, regulatory and market via the relationship, level. Each level within the readiness levels (TRL, RRL, MRL) represents
a type of stock account. To move from one level to the next, a core
l, n driver for each readiness level must flow into these stocks. The flow for
ρi = ∬ (αi,j − βi,j ) dt the TRL, RRL and MRL is USD per year, political traction units per year,
1, 1 (1) and market units per year, respectively.
where ρi is the readiness level type i where i = TRL, RRL, MRL, αi,j is the The TRM framework differs from the Bass Diffusion Model, for
rate of increase for i where j represents the readiness level type-specific context to other classic growth model formulations, by using the re-
driving units for the TRL, RRL and MRL of United States Dollars (USD) duction to the logistic equation when the coefficient of innovation
per year, political traction unit per year, and investment unit per year, parameter p is zero.4 The TRM framework contributes a set of guiding
respectively. Additionally, βi,j represents the rate of decrease for i given parameters to the underlying logistic equation through the three
j, l represents the number of levels, and n represents the number of readiness levels in the numerator of the logistic growth curve.
technologies in the TRM framework at any given time. The latter Eq. (2) illustrates the base logistic modifiers as well as the readiness
variable n allows one to compare numerous technologies to one another level maximum (Mi).
at the same time within the TRM framework. This allows for a side-by-
side comparison of technologies vying for a similar market space, which 4 f (t )
The Bass Diffusion Model: 1 − F (t ) = p + qF (t ) Where p represents the
ones may achieve market acceptance before the others, or by a given coefficient of innovation, q the coefficient of imitation, F(t) the probability of
time that the technology may address the aspects of a policy goal (e.g., adoption by time t, and f(t) the probability density function (Bass, 1969; Kijek
to have technology be ‘market ready’ by a given year). and Kijek, 2010).

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

threshold ratio for MRL

progress for a specific
technology incentives

marketing activities for + +
development of a potential demand
technology in industry
gap in target to
potential industry target policy
- demand + demand

progress on MRL
for a technology
ratio of actual to expected
progress on potential industry -
demand for a technology
expected progress for obtaining
+ industry demand for a
technology (appraisal optimism)

Fig. 4. Market Readiness Level (MRL) causal loop diagram illustrating the core driving force (investment unit).

resource limit for

development securing efforts toward
money invested marketing activities for
regulatory support of a
in R&D technology development of a
+ technology

+ - -
resources remaining for - gap in readiness
technology development level
- +
+ + +
technology progress
towards required
rediness level actual readiness
+ level achieved

+ desired
readiness level

Fig. 5. Applying the TRM combined analytical framework.

Ti,0 Mi
Ti = ⎧ ρi t = 1, if ρi t − 1 = 0 and γi, j, t > γi, j ⎫
Ti,0 + (Mi − Ti,0 ) e−ri ti (2) ρi =
⎨ ρi t = 0, if ρi t − 1 ≠ 0 and γi, j, t > γi, j ⎬ (3)
⎩ ⎭
where Tt is the amount of time at time t, T0is the initial amount (time at
where ρi represents the current readiness level, ρi,t represents the cur-
zero) and r is the rate of growth when T is very small compared to M. In
rent readiness level at a given time t in the analysis' run, γi,j represents
the base case, M = (9, 5, 5), r = 0.2. It is also important to note that the
the driving unit threshold for each readiness level i using the driving
TRL, RRL and MRL develop in series such that a technology must
unit j, and γi,j,t represents the current driving unit at time t.
progress through each readiness level (technology, regulatory and
The ratio of actual readiness level achieved to the ‘appraisal opti-
market) to achieve full market penetration in the base case.
mism’5 (expected) level is represented via the relationship,
The readiness level threshold and increase for a technology to
achieve within the TRL, RRL and MRL CLDs shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4
are represented via the relationship,

Term ‘appraisal optimism’ adapted from Jeffrey et al., 2013.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Fig. 6. Illustrating the TRM base case.

Note: readiness level spectra across the top, key dates and duration in the embedded tables, cumulative stocks of the key drivers for each readiness level below that,
and finally the annual amount of additional driving flows per readiness level at the bottom relative to the appraisal optimism level (e.g., desired level) of progress
across time.

ATi, n, t technology to move from one level to the next.6 As the technology's TRL
AOi, n, t (4) increases from, 1 to 2 for example, if it meets the ‘ratio of actual to
expected progress for a specific technology’ which should decrease as
where ATi, n, t represents the actual level of the technology within the
the technology's research and is deemed to be making progress relative
TRL, RRL or MRL, AOi, n, t represents the appraisal optimism level or
to what was expected (e.g., enough breakthroughs to increase perfor-
expected level the technology should achieve within the TRL, RRL or
mance, decrease cost, etc.) then this is a reinforcing loop fed by the
MRL. Similarly, the decision to stop technology development within the
‘expected progress for a specific technology (appraisal optimism)’. An
TRM framework is driven by the relationship as,
increase in this ratio, representing good technological progress, leads to
⎧ 1, if
ATi, n, t
< desired ratioi, n, t ⎫ potentially more funding by securing additional ‘money invested in R&
AOi, n, t
stop technology development = D’ if the progress exceeds the threshold given by investors to support
⎨ 0, if ATi, n, t
≥ desired rat ioi, n, t ⎬ the R&D effort via the ‘threshold ratio for progress for a specific tech-
⎩ AOi, n, t
⎭ (5)
nology’. Ultimately, this positive feedback loop provides an increasing
Fig. 2 illustrates the CLD for the TRL. (or stable) funding source to raise the TRL from 1 to the terminal level
The TRL CLD begins with TRL level 1, the earliest stage of a tech-
nology's development. As resources such as R&D and time are devoted
to the technology (R&D activities for development of a technology) an 6
Note in each of the CLDs, that when an increase in a given variable leads to
increase in this variable will increase the progress on TRL for a specific an increase in the subsequent variable, this is denoted by a plus (+) sign.
Similarly, if an increase in a given variable leads to a decrease in the subsequent
variable, this is denoted by a minus (−) sign.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

The CLD for the MRL, shown in Fig. 4, differs slightly from the TRL
and RRL. The MRL includes an additional feedback loop to include the
potential for demand in the industry to be influenced by the desire
(driven also by market incentives such as profits or regulatory decree)
of the technology consumers to see a sufficient supply in the market to
meet their demand.
Fig. 5 provides a system boundary causal loop diagram for the TRM
framework. It illustrates the dynamic loops that describe the process
where by completing a final product corresponds to achieving the
terminal readiness levels. This is achieved by meeting the ‘desired
readiness level’ in each of the readiness levels. A key component and
constraint of the CLD is the ‘resource limit for technology development’
that incorporates the drivers for each of the three readiness levels, as
well as the notion of implied time limit to achieve an ultimate ‘desired
readiness level’. The resource limit is often correlated to the difficulty of
achieving each of the readiness levels. For example, introducing a ret-
rofit technology within the existing energy infrastructure such as CCS or
more natural gas-based systems may be easier than introducing entirely
new power systems at scales unseen in the existing infrastructure. The
degree of difficulty could be embedded within the existing regulations,
standards or perceptions of the technologies by regulators. Ultimately,
these factors are trying to minimize the ‘gap in readiness level’ reflected
by the difference between the ‘actual readiness level achieved’ across
the three readiness levels and the ‘desired readiness level’.

5.2. Applying the TRM framework

A system dynamics model was developed in Powersim Studio® to

illustrate the TRM framework. Employing an illustrative, hypothetical
technology, the model develops the Technology Readiness Level,
Regulatory Readiness Level, and Market Readiness Level based on
parameter inputs including funding ($US), political units, and market
units as the drivers, respectively. Fig. 6 illustrates the base case of the
TRM model.
This case develops a hypothetical technology that receives R&D
investments over time to achieve a TRL level of 9 within 9.5 years. The
Fig. 7. Demonstrating a 2 year versus a 10 year investor's preference for desired ‘TRL Progress’ graph within Fig. 6 illustrates the flow of support over
TRL progress, resulting in stopped funding, research and TRL progress due to time. The ‘R&D Investments’ represents the stock (cumulative level) of
actual technical progress underperforming desired technical progress. funding. The ‘appraisal optimism’ within the ‘TRL Progress’ graph il-
lustrates that given the base case assumption (technical progress out-
grows the appraisal optimism within the designated period of time) the
technology continues to receive funding and eventually achieves a TRL
of 9 (in operational use). Conversely, if sufficient progress is not made of 9. Similarly, the regulatory support for the technology receives po-
on the technology's R&D from the perspective of the investors this cycle litical units as the driving force to achieve ‘traction’ in the regulatory
becomes a negative feedback loop and the technology's funding is ter- process, and the market readiness level achieves a high enough MRL by
minated. Without additional funding, the technology's TRL level stops the desired period of time to continue market investment driven by
progressing up the spectrum. demand. Under the base case setting, the TRM model framework runs
Fig. 3 illustrates the RRL CLD and its components. The RRL CLD uses each of the three readiness levels in series as illustrated in Fig. 6 by the
political traction units. These units are user defined, to represent the sequential dates of completion dates aligning with the start dates.
political support necessary to allow a technology to enter the market- Fig. 7 illustrates a more restrictive set of conditions under which the
place. Examples in the electricity sector might include certification of TRL is expected to perform faster due to an Investor's assessment sce-
the power generating technology's engineering, power purchase nario. This simulates a more demanding investor that begins evaluating
agreement regulations already in place, environmental impact studies the progress of the research after the first two years. The investor also
or considerations, and many similar constraints. Increases in the U.S. in expects progress to be more expeditious in the initial years of the
shale gas production over the last several years represent a good ex- project as shown by using the Appraisal Optimism inflection point at a
ample to illustrate the regulatory hurdles that exist in some states (e.g., more aggressive level of 2 years after research begins rather than 10.
New York State's ban on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas) as com- The project therefore fails under these more demanding conditions, and
pared to regulations that are more favorable to the technology (e.g., ends once the R&D of the TRL is in the third tier representing, ‘Research
Pennsylvania allows the use of these technologies) (Richardson et al., and Development Initiated’ just beyond the basic principles and tech-
2013). Similarly, the rapid growth in the photovoltaics market in the nology concept stages 1 and 2, respectively.
U.S. has been due to a number of factors, including a favorable reg- Similarly, regulatory and market readiness level parameters can be
ulatory environment employing tax credits and subsidies (Klise et al., adjusted to reflect new developments in the progress of a technology
2013). For perspective, from 2000 to 2013, the total installations of PV from the laboratory to the applied marketplace. Within the levels of the
megawatts (MW) in the U.S. grew from 4 to 4751 MW due to these TRL, RRL and MRL framework, there may be more or different inter-
regulatory factors, as well as a steep decline in system prices due to a pretations as to the correct labels and conditions necessary to move a
robust global supply (Kann et al., 2014). given technology across these readiness levels.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Fig. 8. Accelerated political support scenario, reduces completion of RRL spectrum from 6.75 to 1.25 years.

Fig. 8 illustrates an accelerated timeline for moving a technology 6. Discussion

through the RRL spectrum. This was done by boosting political support
from 10 political units per year to 50 thereby reducing the time it takes Balancing technological, economic and energy demand growth in
for a technology to progress through the RRLs from 7 to 1.5 years. the coming decades will depend greatly on the policy goals under de-
This represents a scenario where the technology has achieved a TRL velopment, or set to take effect. Demand side management (e.g., tech-
of 9, and has broad and rapid support/navigation of the regulatory nology efficiency and consumer behavior), early adopter credits, fi-
process to reach its intended market. nancial underwriting and similar catalytic measures may help with both
Fig. 9 illustrates a scenario for the MRL representing a market ‘technology pull’ and ‘demand push’ strategies to introduce and in-
adoption goal-oriented target date. This allows one to back calculate crease the share of less resource-intensive electricity generating tech-
the required annual investment units to achieve a MRL of 5 where the nologies. Examples in the energy sector were discussed to highlight
market adoption has been deemed successful. Under this aggressive tradeoffs in technology development and the speed of getting to market
market adoption scenario, up to 40 investment units per year are re- through the technical, regulatory and market rate limiting steps. Some
quired to meet the actual completion date of 2025 rather than 2030. of these examples include renewable energy sources and others such as
This represents completing the MRL spectrum in only 1.25 years rather natural gas turbines that may help alleviate demand pressures on
than 5 years. electricity supplies in the face of limited fuels (e.g., low-sulfur and other
This represents a case where a technology has regulatory support coal technologies, constraints on nuclear fuel in the short run, regional
and a viable product to sell in the market. For a multitude of reasons, constraints on natural gas supplies) given SOx, NOx, CO2 management
perhaps maintaining a first mover advantage over an incoming com- and energy security goals (Banales-Lopez and Norberg-Bohm, 2002). It
petitor to the same market, a company may choose to set very ag- is essential to recognize that newer energy technologies may have
gressive market penetration goals from their perspective to capture the vastly different energy service characteristics that reflect ‘value’ to the
majority of the consumer's market adoption. Table 2 gives an overview consumer. Trading one energy insecurity for another and increasing
of the assumptions underlying the scenarios presented in Figs. 6–9. costs (and likely price) could, in some instances, make renewables for
example, a less attractive, secure or economically-efficient solutions to

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Fig. 9. Market Readiness Level growth required to meet earlier market adoption goal by 2027 rather than 2030 is 40 versus 10 investment units per year.

improving upon the cleanliness of other fuels and power options that perspectives similar in spirit to the more commonly used technology
provide energy services from one perspective. Alternatively, renewable readiness levels. The appealing aspect of this TRL, RRL and MRL fra-
energy can include additional ‘value’ such as sustainability, lower mework and subsequent illustrative TRM model framework is its wide
emissions potential and fuel diversity that traditional levelized cost of applicability to not only energy systems as they relate to a transitioning
energy metrics may not account for, highlighting the need to consider energy portfolio in the electricity sector, but to many types of tech-
these types of values. nologies in other sectors and applications. The research community that
One of the most important factors affecting energy transition fore- develops the IAMs and other forecasting efforts may benefit from this
casting is the timeline of interest. Changes over the short term approach. The key benefits include integrating how ‘timing is every-
(< 10 years) may be politically-tractable in some situations, whereas thing’ as to whether a technology will be ready for the marketplace in
the technical or ramp-up capability of an industry during this timeline time to meet an overarching policy goal (e.g., technology involving CO2
may be challenging. Over the medium term (10–30 years), many and other greenhouse gas emissions management must be ready and
changes can and have been implemented when faced with a substantial deployed in a timely manner if certain levels of atmospheric greenhouse
environmental and technical challenge (e.g., chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gases will stabilize by a policy's target date). The TRM framework has
limitations; mitigation of acid rain constituents from the power sector). been developed and operationalized using a system dynamics model.
Over the long term (> 30–50+ years), much of the world's current Future research could apply it to specific energy technologies as one
infrastructure, the state of and distribution of resources, and societal area that may benefit from the insights provided by the technology,
preferences may change so much that forecasts once deemed plausible regulatory and market readiness level time delays seen across the
become less relevant. technological forecasting literature. The implications of the re-
presentative scenarios shown here include how to target the appro-
7. Concluding modeling implications priate level of R&D (or RD&D), develop the support required to address
the regulatory process governing the technology moving into the
This analysis presents a framework to quantify the time delays ex- market, and engage the desired market adoption factors required to
plicitly due to regulatory readiness level and market readiness level achieve the desired level of market penetration.

P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

Table 2
TRL base case, investor assessment, accelerated regulatory readiness support and accelerated market adoption scenario parameters.
Parameter TRL parameter RRL parameter MRL parameter Description
value value value

Start date for technology development 1/1/2010 1/1/2010 1/1/2010 Start date for TRL
Annual driver dedicated (million $US, 10 10 (50b) 10 (40c) Constant annual funding for each TRL1–TRL9, political units (public
political units, market units) favor) for RRL1–RRL5, market units (annual demand) for
Annual driver reductions/decay 0 50% over 4 years 0 Million USD/year (TRL)
Political units/year (RRL)
Investment unit/year (MRL)
Appraisal optimism Yes Yes Yes Use appraisal optimism within the formulas, or maintain no
expectations on the speed progress through the readiness levels
Stop ratio threshold for each readiness TRL1 (0.3), RRL1 (0.1), MRL1 (0.1), Ratio of actual performance/desired performance
level TRL2 (0.3), RRL2 (0.2), MRL2 (0.2),
TRL3 (0.4), RRL3 (0.3), MRL3 (0.3),
TRL4 (0.8), RRL4 (0.4), MRL4 (0.4),
TRL5 (0.8), RRL5 (0.5) MRL5 (0.5)
TRL6 (0.8),
TRL7 (0.8),
TRL8 (0.8),
TRL9 (0.8)
Year of Logistic ‘S-curve’ inflection point 2020 2020 2020 Year of Inflection point
Logistic ‘S-curve’ initiation value & slope 2.0, 0.2 2.0, 0.2 2.0, 0.2 Logistic tail (lower number is a faster start, faster (higher) slope)
Initiation to Investor Assessing TRL ratio 2.25 (2.0a) 2.25 2.25 Years

Investor Assessment Scenario, demanding faster TRL progress in time beginning at year 2 rather than 2.25.
Accelerated regulatory readiness support (broader public favor) for the technology rises from 10 to 50 political units/year.
Accelerated market adoption scenario, requires investment units per year to rise from 10 to 40 to meet a more aggressive completion date for the MRL from the
year 2030 to 2027.

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P.H. Kobos et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 137 (2018) 211–225

countries. Res. Policy 38, 1248–1259. Leonard A. Malczynski was a systems analyst (retired) in the Policy and Decision
Westjohn, S.A., Arnold, M.J., Magnusson, P., Zdravkovic, S., Zhou, J.X., 2009. Technology Analytics Department at Sandia National Laboratories. His work generally addressed the
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Weyant, J.P., 2011. Accelerating the development and diffusion of new energy technol- civilian nuclear fuel cycle, and transportation energy systems. He holds a B.S.F. in
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Wicke, B., et al., 2009. Macroeconomic impacts of bioenergy production on surplus University, an M.B.A. and an M.S. in Economic Theory from the University of New
agricultural land: a case study Argentina. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 13 (9), Mexico.
Wiener, J.G., Koontz, T.M., 2012. Extent and types of small-scale wind policies in the U.S. La Tonya N. Walker is a Systems Research Analyst in the Energy Water Systems
states: adoption and effectiveness. Energy Policy 46, 15–24. Integration department at Sandia National Laboratories. Her work focuses on infra-
Winkler, J., Kuklinski, C.P.J.-W., Moser, R., 2015. Decision making in emerging markets: structure analysis, natural gas systems, hydropower and technology adoption forecasting
the Delphi approach's contribution to coping with uncertainty and equivocality. J. using tools including system dynamics and optimization. She holds a B.S. in Civil
Bus. Res. 68, 1118–1126. Engineering from Prairie View A&M University and a M.S. degree in Civil Engineering
Winskel, M., Markusson, N., Jeffrey, H., Candelise, C., Dutton, G., Howarth, P., Jablonski, from Purdue University.
S., Kalyvas, C., Ward, D., 2014. Learning pathways for energy supply technologies:
bridging between innovation studies and learning rates. Technol. Forecast. Soc. David J. Borns was the manager (retired) of the Geotechnology and Engineering
Chang. 81, 96–114. Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He began his
Wolsink, M., 2012. Undesired reinforcement of harmful ‘self-evident truths’ concerning career at Sandia in 1981. He holds an AB from Dartmouth College in Earth Science, a
the implementation of wind power. Energy Policy 48, 83–87. M.Sc. in geology from University of Otago, New Zealand, and a Ph.D. in Earth and
Planetary Science from the University of Washington.
Peter H. Kobos is the Manager of the Water Power Technologies department at Sandia
National Laboratories. His past work included modeling technology costs, market diffu- Geoffrey T. Klise is the Manager of the Wind Energy department at Sandia National
sion and interactions in addressing CO2 sequestration systems, energy and water systems, Laboratories. His past work included being the Solar PV Market Transformation Team
renewable and transportation energy systems, hydrogen storage and country-specific Lead, both overseeing and completing technical work in a portfolio of projects that use
integrated assessment modeling. He holds a B.S. in Biology from Hobart College and M.S. engineering approaches to reduce the soft costs of solar PV, in coordination with the
and Ph.D. degrees in Economics and Ecological Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic SunShot Initiative. Mr. Klise has a B.S. in Environmental and Engineering Geology from
Institute, respectively. Western Washington University, and a Master of Water Resources from the University of
New Mexico.


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