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Tree hollow

This is the kind of environment they usually are

found living in. It is small, dark at night but still
allows for them to get air and sunlight.
Tree branch
So they like tree hollows, what about a tree
- Nowhere for them to hide, like to be huddled in
where they are safe from predators, not dark
during the day
Dog kennel
Is it small, dark and quiet?
Small – depending on the dog size
Dark – at night it would be, might be a bit darker
towards to roof of the dog kennel
Quiet – probably
Inside a roof
They like living inside house roofs, but is that
where we want them? Nope.
Small – some areas can be
Dark – very
Quiet – well no one else lives up there!
Bat box
Small, dark and quiet
Yes, yes and yes! Sounds like a winner
Looks pretty good so far,
let’s look at it more.
- Play videos and talk about how the bats enter from
the bottom of the box and grab onto a perch like part
where they hang from.
- They like to be huddled together to keep warm and to
be out of sight from predators like feral cats.
- Why the box might be black, absorbing heat to keep
them warm.
Let’s design our own.
1. What are the key aspects we need to include?
- Small
- Dark
- Quiet
2. What will we make it from?
- They like untreated wood, so recycled wood is perfect
3. How will we build it? What needs to be done first?
- The steps that they will need to take to build it. Do they build it or design it first.
4. How big will it be?
- Microbats are tiny so we don’t want a massive box. No bigger than 30cm x 30cm
5. Where will we put it?
- Want it away from predators so we want it to be hanging not on the ground.
Here’s an example
Have a completed bat box so students can hold
it and physically look how it should be.

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