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124 More Solt Working Card Tricks ea che deck into ewo heaps, dealing from left co ight as before ‘Turn your head aside and say, "Tf your cad was acl ora he place the letchand packet oa my hand. Otherwise place the ight hand packer on my hand.” ‘Aer the spectator places the proper packet om your hand, have him place the remaining packer on top of all. Square the deck and place i facedown in ont ofthe spectator. Keep your hend turned Bide "want you to deal onthe table + umber of cards equal to the value of your card. IF you thought of the six of diamonds, for ‘rample, you would del vx and ‘Alte dhe spectator hes dele che proper number of cards, one 34 time ino a packer, have him pace the dale packet on fp of the eck and band you the deck behind your back Tat was your cicd?” you ask. The spectator names his card Immediately you proce the card from bad your back. Ie is doae simply. I de above iscactone were eartiod out corey, the chosen card will be on top ofthe dec. Remove i and bring it 83, RITUAL OF THE KINGS, Somecimes x simple but ofa cick will be remembered Jong sfeer more complex mysteries ae forgorten, This s+ sangeet, in which the spectator himself locates any card be himself games Since thee i bie of ritual involved, che eck gains in dramatic ‘cts if performed lace a ight ina dimly Iie ror. “To prepare, have 20 indiferent cards on top of the deck, shen the four jacks, then the four kings, then dhe four queens asd finally the balance ofthe deck Hand the specator 3 pve of paper and « pencil, Ask him to think of any cad i che deck. Then hve him joe dowa the name of this card on dhe paper. Befoe he wrises anything, explain that you se going to eaice a sieul once associated with royley and SW ‘arried out with picture cards "When che sperator write 4 card, make sure you see what itis. Alter he bas done so, ell him 0 erumple the paper and drop ito 4 glass Then place the deck in one of him. Tell im to cut the ‘eck at about the ener and complee the cut. The have him place the card fhe cut co (the top ead of the deck) face down on he abe ‘Then have him cut the deck agin and complete the ct Thought Card Mothods 125 ‘Take the deck fom him. Due to the stack in the cence, the spectator must have cut to either a king, « queen ot jack, Spread the deck, loeee your stack and find ont which card he cook. Most often, ihe cat the deck a or ear the cent to pick «car be will hve choten a king. Assume this iste case hee Sey, “Remember, Defoe we began I said Iwas going ro enact actual with the kings. Lee's use ce four kings.” Actually you spoke of "royalty" and "pic= rave caes," bu the spectators wll think you di sey kings. ‘Remove che chree kings sill n the deck plus the specaors chosen cad. Mix these four cards, glance a chem, rearrange chem fie, then place the spectators card second frm the mop of the pack Diop he supposed king packet on top ofthe card thatthe spe ator placed on the tble earlier. Place the set of che deck aside. ‘Then pickup the packer and hold ie fae down in she let hand ‘Sey, "Here is the rita.” Deal the top card posiion 1 in Figure. 78. Place che next card under the packet and deal the next, ‘ard co position 2. Puc the next cad under the packet and ded the text car eo posiion 3. Put che nee card under ce packet and dea the sew cop card to postion 4 Place the remaining cad in poicion yin the lou. ram Exchange cards 1 and 2, thea exchange cards 3 and 4, an if ie marcered tothe ootcome. The situation sow isa showa la Figure 79. Turn up each ofthe cads in positions 1, 2, 3, 4, showing the four king. 126 More Sell-Working Card Tricks ou0 a7 Say, "Recall eet you cut the deck randomly and eemoved aca Te could have been any card. Wouldnt i be interesting if the card you removed fom the deck turned out t0 be the seme 15 he car You wrote cn che piece of sper? ‘Pause and then turn up te ca in dhe center of the layout. Its indeed the very ard decided on by the spectator before the erick began! 24 DUO SPELL By means ofthe rematksble principe proposed by Pas Swinfor, cach of tv specacrs locates «card mentally choren by the odbee Ie is worthwhile noting tae ac no time dots che magician know richer ofthe thought cars. In tems of thought-card mechods thus ceprsens che opothoois of clever thinking Begin by sacking, 16 cars on tp of the deck in the following onder from the cop down: WQ-5.¥2-A)-A8.@ K-03. JB 10 VARGA I-05-68-45. When realy to begin the seutine, cat these 16 cand aff the cop. Place the op eight exes in front af the specaror onthe right. Place the borom eight ext it font ofthe spectator on che lf aa the lee packee wieh ue faces cowaed the spectator and ak him to think of sca. He can think of ay card excep che cop ot trttom card because, you explain, "This i 0 remove any suspicion tha Tighe hive you thik ofan obvious catd.” Close the fr and hold the packer face down i the lee hand oll ehe sume procedate with che spectator 0 the sight, using Thought-Card Methods 127, che other eightcard packe, After fe ha thoughe of «card, dap ‘is packer on top of che other packet "You a nom going fo perform an action known a «revere fro Beginning with the cop card, jog every other card down. This means that you will downjog the fst card, the third card, the Bh, the ‘seventh, and eo.on, When you have done this, serp out che down ipgd card and fan them before ech spectator. Ask each pesson if be ates is cand Tf boch speceares answer the same (both say yes ot both sty 00) pac thie packot om fp of the oeherpackee. IF one speceaor says Yes End the other says no, ple this packer wade the other packet ‘xpain that ie takes ewo ot deee mental impressions before 2 clear mencal picture emerges. Repeat the even faro described Shove, Remove the dowajogged packer aod show ie boc specta- tors. As befor, if both answer the same, pur this pecker c top of the other, Ice spectators newer difereely, pur this packer under the eter. Rept the above procedure one mor cme. Perform the reverse foro, then erp out the downjogged packet and show it co both persons, If they both see thee ced, par ehe packer on tp of the fale packet, Oxherwise putt below the other packee "You are now ready co conchae the elect. Downjog every other card, beginning wieh dhe cop card. Seip out she downjogged packet fe hand i the spect onthe lef. Give she remaining eight Cards othe spectator onthe Fight “Auk each person to sell his eae mentally, cransfesingacad for cach leer ftom top #9 boetom. On te las leer, they pce the Card on the table. Each spectator incindes she word “of” ta che Spelling, Tins ifone spectator though ofthe 2, he would spell TWOOFHEARTS, ach spectator now names bis card. Turnover both ofthe tle ‘ans. show thar each spectazoe located the ale person's cad! Te ia seunnig conelsion

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