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The 7S model is better known as MC KINSEY 7S, this is because the two persons developed the

book called "in search of excellence" (1992)

Robert-Waterman published their 7S model in their article "structure is not organization" (1990)
and in their books "the art of Japanese management" (1981).

In MC KINSEY 7S model, seven elements are distinguished as hard S's and soft S's.

The hard clements are feasible and casy to identify. They can be found in strategy statements,
corporate plans and organizational chart and do other documentation.

Those four soft S's however are hardly feasible. They are difficult to describe since capability,
values and elements of corporate culture are continuously developing and changing.

They are highly determined by the people at work in the organization. Therefore it is more
difficult to plan or to influence the characteristics of the soft elements. Although the soft factors
are below the surface, they have the great impact on the hard structures, strategies and systems of


STRATEGY: actions, a company plans in response to or anticipation of changes in its external


STRUCTURE: Basis for specialization and co-ordination influenced primarily by strategy and
by organization size and diversity.

SYSTEMS: Formal and informal procedures that support both the strategy and structure.


STYLE/CULTURES: The culture of the organization, consisting of two components.
Organization culture-the dominants values and beliefs and norms, which developed over time
and became relatively enduring, features of organization life.

Management Style- more a matter of what managers do than what they say: how do company
managers spend their time, what are they focusing their attention on.

STAFF: People or human resource management- processes used to develop managers,

specialization processes, ways of shaping basic values for management, ways of introducing
young recruits to the company, ways of helping to manage the careers of employees.

SKILLS: the distinctive competences what the company does best, ways of expanding or shifting

SHARED VALUE: guiding concepts, fundamental ideas around which the business is built must
be simple, usually at abstract level, having great meaning inside the organization even though
outsiders may not see or understand them.


Pricing strategy

The strategy of Price Adjustment is one of the most widely used market penetration tactics. A
market penetration example could be lowering the price of a product or service with the aim
of increasing sales is a price adjustment tactic. Furthermore, the alteration (increase or
decrease) in the price of a product after analyzing the competitors’ products is also a scenario
of price adjustment. But, in the real sense, this marketing strategy should be used very
judiciously as overdoing it can lead to adverse results. Like, increasing your price
consistently may make the customers believe that you are a company of high-profit motive.
Decreasing the price too often would make them to believe that your products are of sub standard

The term structure in 7s framework model refers to the organizational structure of the company.
The designs of the organizational structure is critical task to the management of an organization,
it is the skeleton of the whole organization. Organization structure refers to relatively more
durable Organizational arrangements and relationship.

It prescribes the formal relationship among various positions and activities. Arrangement about
reporting how an organizational member is to communicate with other members, the various
activities performed by members is all the part of organizational structure.
Organizational structure performs four major functions:

 It reduces internal uncertainty arising out of variable unpredictable, random human behavior
within the organization through control mechanism.
 It reduces external uncertainty through forecasting, research and planning in the
 It undertakes a wide variety of activities through devices such as departmentation,
specialization and division of labor and delegation of authority.
 It enables the organization to keep its activities coordinated and to have a focus in the midst
of diversity in the pursuit of its objectives.

The term systems in the 7s framework refers to all the rules, regulation, procedures and process
both formal and informal, that complement the organization structure to work successfully.
System and process of controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to
make sure that enterprise objective and the plans devised to attach them are being accomplished.
Modern food enterprises, which is systematic in doing its day-to-day work and any work for that
matter is done in a systematic manner.
They use Biometric System for recording of attendance.
Purchase System- They follow quotation system for purchasing raw materials.


Waterman etal consider ‘skills’ as one of the most crucial attributes or capabilities of an
organization. Organizations have strengths in number of areas but their key strength dominant
skills are few. These are developed over a period of time and are as result of the interaction of
number trips performing certain tasks. MFEL is the company well known for its quality
In MFEL the skill of the staff is mainly classified as technical and Non-Technical. The training is
given by considering this. Each classification of skill is further divided into skilled, semi-skilled
and unskilled staff for the purpose of training objective.
The classification of skills helps to plan the training requirement of the organization and what
type of training to be given.
Staffing is the process of acquiring human resource for the organization and assuring that they
have the potential to contribute for the achievements of the organization’s goals.
There 260 employees working in the modern food enterprises Bangalore
There are 40 members staff in the middlle level management
Permanent employees working in the plant are 25 employees
They hire contract basis on this basis
There are four contractors
Gurunidhi enterprises-50 employees
Phenix -40 employees
Srinivas enterprise- 45 employees
Geeta enterprise-55 employees
Classification of staff:
Technical staff:
Technical staff comprised of the engineers, diploma holders, etc are directly involved in
production. Maintenance of machines, operating of machines, repairing of machines are look
forward by the technical staff to carry non-technical work.
Non-technical staff:
The main objectives of non-technical staff is to carry the business of management. Post
graduates, graduates and highly qualified peoples constitute non-technical staff. The main
function of non-technical staff is to maintain paper works, computer works, planning, decision-
making, etc., the non-technical staff indirectly involved in production process
Duties and responsibilities of the technical and non-technical staff are as follows:

 To conserve and safeguard the company premises.

 To respect the right of peers, Sub-ordinates, superiors, etc.,
 To maintain discipline in the working hours and at work place.
 To follow the rules and regulations setup by the company.
 To contribute for the well-being and growth of the company.
 To enrich the knowledge about the job.
We will be honest and authentic with each other, our partners, and our consumers in everything
we say and do.
We will be successful, when we make others, whom we work with, successful.
We will pursue excellence in everything that we do, never settling for status quo or good enough.
We will be accountable for our actions, and our business, taking responsibility for our outcomes.

The style of an organization, according to Mc Framework refers to the “Reporting Relationship”
Between the superiors and subordinates. It also conveys the flow of communication between
Democratic/Participative not Authoritative:
Modern foods work force is participative by nature. Each employee, worker are contributing
themselves at their level best towards the companies’ policies, procedures, programs and
growth. In every perspective the company considered all employees, workers in decision making
planning and the company respects the suggestions, opinions, ideas of its human resources.
Employees can be participative in plans but cannot change any acts made by the co-operative

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