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Paper of Discrete Mathematics


“Implementation of Graph Coloring in Mapping Districts in

Kediri Regency”

Lecture : Faiz Ahyaningsih, M.Si

Arranged by :

Meidy Adelina Lumban Toruan ( 4163312017)


Praise my gratitude to God Almighty because of his grace and gift the author
can complete the task of reviewing the journal on time. On this occasion the author will
review a journal entitled "Implementation of graph coloring in the mapping of sub-
districts in Kediri Regency".

Previously, the author would like to express his gratitude for his help, advice
and his support. The color of his writings can complete this great task of discrete

In this paper there are still a lot of flaws and mistakes. Therefore, the writer
receives criticism and suggestions from colleagues and lecturers. Hopefully this paper
can be useful and can be accepted by readers

Medan, September 27th 2019



Preface………............................................................................................................ i
Table of Content......................................................................................................... ii
Summary of Journal.................................................................................................... 1
A. Journal of Identity.......................................................................................... 1
B. Purpose........................................................................................................... 1
C. Literature Review…....................................................................................... 2
D. Research Method........................................................................................... 3
E. Result and Discussion.................................................................................... 4
F. Conclusion and Sugesstion............................................................................. 5
Discussion.................................................................................................................... 7
A. Strength Jounal............................................................................................... 7
B. Weakness Jounal............................................................................................ 7
Conclusion and Sugesstion ........................................................................................ 8


A. Journal Identity

Title of Journal : Implementasi Graph Coloring Dalam Pemetaan Kecamatan di

Kabupaten Kediri
Type Journal : Jurnal SIMETRIS
Volume and Pages : vol 7 dan 737 s/d 742
Author : Risky Aswi Ramadhani
Publisher : ISSN : 2252-4983
Year Pubish : 2016
Sub Materi Matematika Diskrit yang Dipelajari : Graf

B. Purpose

In Kediri district there are 26 sub-districts. The sub-districts are interconnected. In

this connection, it will affect the development of the sub-district. Disasters that have a
strategic position that is easily accessible from other districts will experience very rapid
developments in other words, the district has more degrees. while areas that are difficult
to access have fewer degrees. By utilizing the method of graph coloring the number of
vertices and edges the Kediri district government can find out the position of each
district easily and know the strategic strategies for each district. After searching for the
most degrees, the Kediri district government can carry out development in the district.
By carrying out development in sub-districts that have the most degrees (strategic), the
development of economic, health and education centers will be carried out in these sub-
districts which will affect the surrounding sub-districts, in addition sub-districts that
have many degrees are very easily accessed by surrounding sub-districts.

C. Literature Review
Graph coloring is a graph that is useful as a boundary of a line or area, with graph
coloring can recognize the boundaries of the area or line and each other graph must
have a different color with the other side

D. Research Method

The research method is the sequence of research, the following is a research method
flowchart that will be used. This research was conducted to look for degrees between
districts in Kediri district. For more details, please see the flowchart below.
Flowchart above Explains how the steps of the research carried out in this study
there are 7 steps, namely :
1. Problem identification: the problem found in this study is how to determine

the most strategic sub-districts in Kediri district.

2. Literature Study: Search for sources of reference both from journals, and

books related to graph coloring.

3. Data collection: Border data for each sub-district will be recorded.

4. Subdistrict data in Kediri Regency is the process of input to nodexl.

5. Cleaning data: when data collection usually occurs double data input, so that

the results are accurate then it needs to be checked and done cleaning.

6. Making graphs from the sub-districts in Kediri regency which are


7. Conclusions are drawn so that the results of this study can be used as a basis

for the development of sub-districts in Kediri district

E. Result and Discussion

Community needs for the determination or search for the location of a building
or place with the correlation that exists between a place with another place and with
technological advances, especially in visualization. So now people tend to understand
or know a location based on what they have predicted or what was seen before.
Therefore, an interesting and easy-to-understand map presentation is needed by
containing cartographic rules on each building object that tends to be preferred
compared to nominal category distinctions, especially for ordinary people in reading
information on the map. This research will discuss how to make graph coloring from a
map, the map used is the map of Kediri district. Graph coloring is used to see the
boundaries between maps that are connected to each other. Here is a map of the Kediri

Informally, a graph is a collection of objects called vertices (vertices or nodes) that are
connected by edges or arcs. Usually the graph is described as a collection of points
(symbolizing vertices) connected by lines (symbolizing sides) or arching lines
(symbolizing arcs). One side can connect a node with the same node. This side is called

the loop. Mathematically, graph G is defined as a set of pairs (V, E), which in this case,
V is a non-empty set of vertices (vertices or nodes). And E is a set of edges (edges or
arcs) that connect a pair of vertices. Edges described how each district in Kediri district
was connected.

Figure 5. Edges Ngadiluwih District and Kras District

3.1 Degree

Each sub-district in Kediri Regency has a central, sub-district with the most
degrees is considered the most strategic sub-district, degree is the number of links that
connect one node to another node. Central is where the sub-district can be connected
with many surrounding sub-districts.

Figure 6. Wates District Degree

3.2 Graph Coloring

Graph Coloring is the color rendering of vertex graphs where two adjacent vertices
must not have the same color. Additionally Graph coloring is a solution for solving
problems related to links between nodes. Chromatic numbers of G = K (G) are the
minimum number of colors required. The algorithm that can be used to get chromatic
numbers from a graph is the Welch-Powell algorithm. The steps are :
1. Sort vertices based on their degree. From large to small.
2. Color.

In this research, Graph Coloring will be used to determine the location of the
connected sub-districts. Subdistricts that have many networks that have many
degrees are the ones that have the most strategic location, the ones that have the
most strategic location will be built and become economic centers for several sub-
districts around it.

Figure 7. Graph Coloring of Kediri Regency

F. Conclusion and Sugesstion

From the results of research in the form of grap coloring (graph coloring) on the
map of Kediri Regency, several conclusions can be obtained as follows:
1) The number of vertices (Districts) contained in the Kediri Regency map is 26.
2) Pare Subdistrict has the most edge, which is 7 edge.

By using graph coloring, the development of the Sub-district will be easier because
the relevant parties know the most strategic sub-districts. The most strategic sub-
district is the one with the most edges.


A. Journal Strengths

1. The research method used by the journal is the literature study method in the book and also
by collecting data obtained from the Kediri district government which makes this journal
accurate and accurate. And also the author makes a flowchart that makes the reader feel
clear about the method presented Therefore this journal has a strong power because the
author already has real data contained in the book and there is also data from the local
government so it is usual to ensure that the data used is correct and the exact one is real.
2. In the research methodology presents a flowchart and explains each step in detail so that it
makes it easier for readers to know the purpose of the research method used.

B. Weakness Journal

1. The data used is uncertain because surely every year it will change every year so the data
used will definitely change and tends to be not fixed
2. There is a writing error in writing edge and degree in the introduction "The city that has the
biggest edgge is a strategic sub-district". "Subdistricts that have competing degrre become
many central districts."

Conclusion and Sugesstion

The conclusion is that this journal is very suitable to be used in determining strategic
areas specifically in Kediri district and making the people in the city know which areas are
strategic areas.
It is recommended to the author to make the latest graphs because the growth of a city
will be different and will continue to develop. Making the latest graph will provide new
knowledge to the public about the area of Kediri.

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