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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Compostela Valley

Second Grading Examination

Grade 9 – Science

NAME ___________________________GRADE/SECTION______________SCORE______________

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the left side of the item number.
____1. The particles responsible for the emission of light when certain metallic elements are subjected to
heat are the ______________.
a.protons b. neutrons c.electrons d.positrons
____2. When an electron absorbs energy , it will jump to a higher energy level and is in the___________.
a stable state b. expanded state c.grounded state d.excited state
____3. Based on spectral analysis, Niels Bohr proposed that electrons have__________energies.
a.definite b.negative charge c.quantized d.indiscreet
____4. The atomic emission spectrum is considered as the _____________s of an element?
a.protons energy c.number of neutrons
b.fingerprint d.light absorb by the atoms
____5.In filling up of electrons in the available orbitals in the successive sublevels of an atom, it should
be filled up singly first before pairing takes place . This is _____________.
a.Pauli’s Exclusion Principle c.Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
b.Schrodinger’s Quantized Energy d.Hunds Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
____6.The maximum number of electrons that can occupy the orbitals in the s and p sublevels in the 3rd
main energy level of an atom are____________.
a.2 e-s b.8 e-s c.18 e-s d.32 e-s
____7. The probability of finding the exact location of the electron at any given instant and how it
moves inside the atom is not possible. This idea was presented by ___________.
a. Werner Karl Heisenberg b.Erwin Schrodinger
b. Eugene Goldstein d.Niels Bohr
____8.As the number of main energy level increases, the number of sublevels and atomic orbitals also
increases. Since energy levels are not equally space on higher levels, there is possibility of ____
a.swelling of the atom c. compression of main energy levels
b.overlapping of atomic orbitals d.decline of orbitals and sublevels of energy
____9. Which of the following is the electronic configuration of an atom in the excited state?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 4s1 c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
2 2 6 2 6 2 5
b. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d d. 1s2 2s2 3p6 3d10 4s2
____10.An element has a schematic diagram of O 2e-) 8e-)8e-)5e-) . What is its position in the
periodic table?
a.Group VA and Period 4 c.Group IIA and period 5
b. Group IIIA and Period 7 d, Group IVA and Period 3
____11.Rutherford’s team observed in their experiment that many alpha particles passed through the thin
gold foil unobstructed. They concluded that an atom ________________.
a. is a spherical body c have many electrons outside the nucleus
b. is mostly empty space d. has a large nucleus with protons inside
____12.Potassium in period 4 is more metallic than Lithium in period 2 since it ______________.
a, easily gains electrons c. readily lose electrons much smaller in size d. has greater number of protons
____13.After chemical bonding ,the participating atoms should be isoelectronic with the stable electron
configuration f the ________________.
a.Chalcogens b.Transition Metals c.Halogens d. Noble gases
____14.Non-metals have greater tendency to attract electrons than metals because of their ___________.
a.low electron affinity c.high electronegativity
b.low ionization energy d.high metallic property
____15.When the shared electrons between two non-metal atoms is coming from either one of them
only ,the chemical bond is called __________.
a.Coordinate Covalent Bond b.Metallic Bond c.Covalent Bond d.Ionic Bond
____16.The presence of non-bonding electrons around the central atom of a molecule creates repulsion
towards the bonding electrons resulting to unsymmetrical distribution of electrical charges
around the molecular structure. The molecule will become _______________.
a.partially positive b.polar c.partially negative d.non-polar
____17.The thermal conductor in a metallic solid are the __________________.
a. delocalized valence electrons
b. positively charged metal atoms.
c. localized valence electrons and the protons
d. Free valence electrons and the positive kernels
____18. Which of the following is the shape of the p orbitals?
a. Dumbbell b.Spherical c. Clover d.Triangular
____19.Ionic compounds like table salt can conduct electricity in liquid solution because it
__________.. gives off cations when dispersed in solution c. dissolves completely in the solution
b.releases anions in the liquid solution d. deionized into cations and anions in solution
____20. When non-metals become anions , they will have ________________
a.excess protons after losing electrons. c. same electrons after accepting protons
b. more electrons after gaining electrons .d.less electrons after donating electrons
____21.Which of the following statements explains why metals are malleable?
a. The free valence electrons reflect the light making it lustrous and malleable
b. The metal nuclei are close together and have definite positions within the metallic solid.
c. The positive kernels slide over one another while held together by the free valence electrons.
d. The localized moving electrons will enable the positive nuclei to slide over one another.
____22. Diatomic molecules of like atoms will always form __________________.
a.non-polar molecule b.polar molecule c.dipole molecule d. slightly polar molecule
____23.For an electrically neutral atom with an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2, which statement
a.The number of protons is 12. c.The atom is in the excited state.
b.The 1s and the 2s orbitals are filled up . d.The atom is in the ground state.
Given the electronegativity value of the following elements:(for #24-#25)
Rb= 0.8 Al= 1.5 F= 4.0 Si =1.8
____24. Which pair will have non-polar covalent bond?
a. Al-Si b.Rb-F c.Rb-Al d.Si-F
____25.Which pair will undergo ionic bonding?
a. Si-Si b. Al-F c. Rb-Si d. F-F
____26. How is the bond in H2S diffferent from CaCl2?
a.The bond in H2S is ionic while the bond in CaCl2 is covalent.
b.The bond in H2S is metallic while the bond in CaCl2 is ionic.
c. The bond in H2S is covalent while the bond in CaCl2 is ionic.
d, There is no significant bond difference between the two compounds.
____27. An unknown solid undergoing chemical analysis was observed to have the following
properties: conducts electricity when in solution but not in solid phase, has high melting point
and soluble in water. The sample is __________________solid.
a.metallic b.polar covalent c.ionic d.non polar covalent
____28. Which of the following sets has covalent bond, metallic bond and ionic bond in this order?
a. Nichrome wire, sugar, table salt c. Potasiumbromide,candle wax, silver earrings
b. Water, gold bar, Magnesium oxide d. Gasoline, Vetsin, Aluminum wares
____29.The maximum number of covalent bonds a carbon atom can have is ______________.
a.4 bonds b. 3 bonds c. 2 bonds d. 1 bond
____30.When calcium carbide”kalburo” reacts with moisture in the air, one of its product
which has the ability to ripen fruits same as Ethene is ____________
a.pentane b. butene c.acetylene d. propyne
____31. What is the common use of acetone?
a.fuel gas b.disinfectant c.nail polish remover d.preserve cadavers
____32. Which of the following is the main component of liquor and other alcoholic drinks?
a. Methyl alcohol b. ethyl alcohol c. isopropyl alcohol d.butyl alcohol
____33. What carboxylic acid compound is found in ant bites and bee sting?
a. Butyric acid b. Lactic acid c. Acetic acid d.Formic acid
____34.What organic compound is used by embalmers in treating and preserving human cadavers?
a. Acetic acid b. Formaldehyde c. Acetone d. Isopropyl alcohol
____35.. Which of the following is an aldehyde?
____36. What type of hydrocarbon is CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3?
a. Alkyn b.Alcohol c.Alkane d.Alkene
____37. Which of the following alkane has the highest boiling point?
a.octane b.heptane c.hexane d.pentane
____38. Which of the following is a ketone?
____39.. The property of the lubricating oil that makes it a good lubricant and helps prevents corrosion
of metals is its high__________________.
a. volatility b. flammability c.viscosity d.toxicity
____40.Smoking is strictly prohibited in or near refueling stations because gasoline and diesel
a. will easily sublime and leaks out of the tank. c.are highly volatile and combustible
b. are foul smelling and bad to our health d. will readily flow out from the storage tank
____41. There are many carbon compounds because carbon atoms have four valence electrons and _____
a. is able to form four covalent bonds with atoms of other elements and with other carbon atoms.
b can make many different molecular patterns exclusively with other carbon atoms.
b. have the abilities to form four covalent bonds in straight long chained structures only.
c. are produced by plants and animals and can also be artificially prepared.
____42. Generally, a black solid carbon will form when a material containing organic compound is
burned. Which of the following sets of materials contains purely organic compound?
a. Sugar, cassava starch, wood c. table salt, vetsin , camote
b. Jelly ace, stones, plastic cups d. cloth, paper, cement
____43. A ketone can be differentiated from other substituted hydrocarbons by the presence of _______
of the carbon chain.
a. carbonyl group between two carbon atoms c. hydroxyl group at the end
b. oxygen bonded to an inner carbon d. carbonyl group at the end
____44.Which of the following statements BEST describes organic compounds?
a. Organic compounds are of living origin .
b.Organic compounds contains primarily carbon atoms.
a. Organic compounds are made up mainly of carbon and hydrogen.
b. Organic compounds are chemical combinations of non-metals.
____45.Which of the following is represented by a molecule?
a. Ionic compound b. Covalent compound c.Metallic compound d.Complex compound
____46. An electrostatic force of attraction will exist between a pair of unlike_____________.
a. atoms b. molecules c. ions d.moles
____47. One mole of any substance contains______________particles.
a. 8.23 X 10 23 c. 4.51 X 10 23
b. 6.02 X 10 23 d. 2.06 X 10 23
____48. One mole of any element has a mass equal to its ______________.
a. formula mass b. molar mass c. molecular mass d.atomic mass
____49.The percentage composition of the compound tells you the percentage of the __________made
up by each element in a compound.
a. volume b. mole c.mass d. particles
____50. Which of the following expressions will convert 72 g of H2O with a molar mass of 18g to
number of molecules?
a. 72g x 1mole /18g x 6.02 X 10 23 molecules / 1 mole
b. 18g x 1 mole / 72g x 1 mole / 6.02 x 10 23 molecules
c. 72 g x 6.02 x 10 23 molecules / 1 mole x 18 g / 1 mole
d. 18 g x 72 g / 1mole x 1 mole / 6.02 x 10 23 molecules
____51 Why is mole concept important?
a. It is useful in counting the number of too small particles by weighing.
b. It give us an easy way to express small number of particles.
c. It can be applied to quantify big pieces of matter.
d. All of the above
____52. A 180g Soap ( Sodium stearate) is 22 % NaOH.. How many grams NaOH is in the soap?
a. 8.18 g b.21.9 g 3. 39.6g d. 50.7g
____53. Which of the following statement about mole concept is TRUE?
a. The same kind of materials will have the same number of particles but different mass.
b. The same kind of materials having the same mass have the same number of particles.
c. Different kinds of materials having the same number of particles have the same mass.
d. Different kinds of materials have different number of particles and have the same mass.
____54 .Propyl butanoate ( C3H7COOC3H7 ) is an organic substance where its smell can be use to
control or eradicate harmful insects population by attracting them to enter a trap . What is the
molar mass of propyl butanoate? C=12 H=1 O=16
a. 97.5 g/mole b.130.0 g/mole c. 159.3 g/mole d. 148.2 g/mole
____55. Sodium nitrate (NaNO3 ) commonly called “salitre” is a component of fertilizers, explosives and
solid rocket propellants. It is also used as food preservative. How many moles NaNO3 is found
in a kilo of meat that contains 12g salitre? Na = 23 N= 14 O=16
a.0,14 moles b.0.29 mole c. 0.45 moles d.0.58 moles
____56.What must be the mass of CaCO3 if it contains 15.05 x 10 formula units CaCO3?
C=12 Ca=40 O = 16
a. 100g b.150g c. 200g d.250g
____57. Methane (CH 4) with a molar mass of 16 g/mole is one of the greenhouse gases. If 88 g of
methane is released in the atmosphere , how many molecules of methane goes into the air?
a. 12.08 x 10 23 molecules methane c. 33.11 x 10 23 molecules methane
b. 24.16 x 10 23 molecules methane d. 42.14 x 10 23 molecules methane
____58.Paraffin ( C22H46 )is a wax used in candle making. Calculate for the mass of the paraffin if a
candle wax consumed 3.01 x 10 23 molecules of paraffin.
a. 155g b. 204 g c. 310 g d. 432g
____59.Fructose ( C6H12O6 ) is a six carbon sugar which is also known as fruit sugar.How many percent
carbon is present in fructose?
a. 25 % C b. 31% C c.40% C d. 58% C
____60.The fuel value of the hydrogen-containing fuels depends on the mass percentage of hydrogen
(H). Which of the following compounds has the highest fuel value?
a. Methane (CH4) c. ethane (C2H6)
b. Propane C3H8 ) d. butane (C4H10) .

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